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Neighborhood serving local retail, pedestrianfriendly streetscapes, a sixstory mural on the north side, and a design that conveys a sense of place. I think we went to the wrong presentation. [laughter] that is okay. I am not doing the central soma open space. [laughter] my Community Engagement began in 2015 with neighborhood walks, beer with a developer, smart go smart go dinner salons, and design meetings. Then i produced the faces of divisadero videos promoting the merchants, a retail workshop, it Community Yoga program and art trail, and 18 yearolds working with local artists and supervisor Browns Office. I also organized the stem program with drones for youth with the Human Rights Commission , the museum of future sports and seven c. B. O. , and all i had, over 1,000 meetings. I tried to meet everybody, and unfortunately, all but a few refused. It was a great experience. We have been endorsed by the associations of divisive darrow of divisadero merchants, lower haight neighbors, the improvement association, and over 120 neighbors and merchants , which i guess with marys update, it is now up to 140. The reason this matters is emily lund, who manages the San Francisco prostatic shop that has been on divisadero since 1953, she shared with me her commute here from sacramento, leaving home at 4 00 a. M. , returning at 9 00 p. M. , which took her five years until she could find an apartment here in the city, and if you remember, just one thing about my remarks, it is this. We just need housing. I am going to have will duncan share share our proposed design, and ill be happy to take questions afterwards. Thank you very much. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is will duncan. The project before you is the results of many meetings and feedback from stakeholders, community leaders, analysis of the area, as well as info from planning staff. All of this dialogue was critical to crafting a project that we are proud of, and we think will serve the neighborhood well. The tran to transform the site from this to this, we have widened the sidewalks for the use of extended bulb outs, we have eliminated five of the six curb cuts currently on the project, maintaining only one to access our parking, trash, and loading, which is completely enclosed within the building. That driveway is flush with the sidewalk, which will offer an unimpeded experience to pedestrians. You will see outside of the residential lobby on oak street, a passenger loading zone. The uses have been ordered based on their compatibility. Were we are putting all the commercial uses, flexible format retail, on divisadero street, and concentrating the residential uses on oak street, which include the lobby, amenities, a couple of ground floor at grade units. In addition to the oak street being the primary access point for residents, we are providing a secondary access point on the Northern Boundary Property Line for residents who that will take them and provide them with good access to their bike storage, including family bikes, and and it is courted coordinated with the building elevator. On the rear poppy tee line, were providing access. There is additional open space provided on the second floor. The mapping for the project has been designed to maintain light and air for the midblock open space. You come into the site at three stories and ultimately down to one story. We are maintaining rooftop terrace at the far corner of divisadero and oak. There will be a 65foot art wall as you will see as you approach the project, walking south on divisadero, as well as retail which will stitch together the blocks to the north and south of the site. The architecture of the side addresses three things. The divisadero, the oak condition, and the nexus for these conditions where they emerge. The architecture is while modern , is referential to 1920s architecture with a clear base, middle top, vertical base structures, punch windows. As we transition around to the oak street architecture, the project stepped down to a lower residential scale, with threestory bays that reflect materiality and scale of the residential neighborhood. Both of these things come together to create a diana dynamic corner with opening bays , would you like me to go on or stop . Can you finish in a minute or less . Sure. Thanks. These create undulating bays on the corner, creating contrast and interest, and bringing a new expression to the neighborhood. That concludes our presentation. We are open for comments. Thank you very much. Thank you. With that, we will take Public Comment on this item. I have quite a few speaker cards please come on up when i call your name. We will have two minutes for Public Comment for each person because we have so many folks here. [calling names] come on up please. Dont be shy. Thank you. I wasnt called, but i have to go back for a meeting. My name is gisele, i am a Small Business owner on divisadero street. Im also the president of the Divisadero Merchants Association i am in favor of this project because i believe that San Francisco needs housing. I also like that these units are not condos. And i appreciate theres 20 Affordable Housing available. The developer, david, has been talking to the community for years. He has been seeking our input and feedback and incorporating our wishes into the plan. He has also been contributing directly to the community, with art trail San Francisco, which has put a lot more public art in the neighborhood, and we really appreciate that. The Divisadero Merchants Association also likes that the retail spaces are geared toward Small Businesses, and also, we think that this project will connect the divisadero corridor between oak and page, which will have the merchants on the south side of divisive darrow of divisadero get all the foot traffic. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is kyle. I am a neighbor of the project. I live three blocks to the east of it. I support replacing the gas station with the proposed project with housing and 20 affordable, and with all those improvements. Lots of other people will go on at length about the merits of the projects, so i want to talk about equity. In 2015, this Commission Approved the five mean project, that was a census tract with a median Family Income of 45,000, at a 70 2 minority, primarily low income asians. In 2017, this Commission Approved the notorious historic laundromat project at 2018 mission street. This project is a census tract of a median family Family Income of 121,000 that is primarily nonhispanic, white. A lot of people talk about how it will cause gentrification, all this stuff. That is simply not true. If this project, if a project like this was good enough for those places, theyre good enough for this location, too. I hope you will not all for the fear mongering about gentrification that this project will cause, and approve it as is thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello, commissioners. David wu with affordable business. This project has consistently failed to meet the needs of the divisadero community. Community members have, for three years, demanded this project contain a much higher percentage of Affordable Housing then has been proposed. This demand is captured in the 2016 Divisadero Community Plan that is being passed right now which was created with the input of over 500 residents that occurred over several months, culminating in a detailed plan that includes a requirement for any development of ten units or more to contain 50 Affordable Housing. No references made to the Divisadero Community Plan during this planning process for this project. It shows that the Planning Department and the commission, in addition to the developer, do not take seriously the needs, desires, and demands of existing Community Members that make up the neighborhoods that are being planned in. This is at the same time that the city itself is undertaking the Interagency Community Stabilization Strategy aimed at preventing and mitigating displacement, and ensuring that Economic Growth offers benefits to existing communities. This process included Community Meetings across the entire city. I worked how our community are Community Members supposed to take this strategy seriously when exactly that contains the same goals that has already been created and exists, is now being ignored in this project . This Community Planning process itself was spurred by the topdown planning process of the original divisadero and c. T. Rezoning that was a complete giveaway to developers, leaving the community with no increase in Affordable Housing. This is planning on top of communities, not with them. It is only through Community Organizing organizing and pushback that any increase in affordability to this rezoning occur at all. We ask you to not continue planning on top of the community , and instead, plan with us. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is shayna. My family owns the metro hotel. We have been on divisadero for 35 years, and have seen the change in a much less livable community. My concerns about the proposed project there is an underground stream or stream that bottoms out to the site that is most likely toxic. Divisadero his is arctic just with traffic, writers, lack of zoning, loading zones were bars that restaurants and businesses. The new construction and toxic cleanup will make it worse or years. Most importantly, we need more Affordable Housing for people who actually live in the neighborhood and make an investment in its future. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. Isaac johnson. I live on 1040 oak street. I have tried to get in touch with these guys, the developers, since the beginning of the year. I have been stonewalled. We had two different times or we would have meetings, and the cancelled the meetings on me. This past monday, with mary woods, i was able to talk with david, the head developer here, and i had a chance to ask them some questions, which i have a copy here. I would like this added on record. I have a number of issues. None of them have been cleared up except for what they are saying, i dont believe a word they are saying. Number 1, the Historical Building being moved right next door to me, and the impact of redeveloping my property at some point. Also, the backyard, we have a retaining wall that is 4 feet tall. I havent heard from them at all what they want to do with that. I also want to talk they said nothing about how they will make this project green. They had no answer for me at all about making this project green. The meeting i feel very rushed. We had to use the office or Something Else at 4 30 p. M. , so we were rushing through my questions at the end. I need them to actually answer all this stuff in writing, you know, besides that, the loss of light in my building, the Foundation Problem that we will run into, and future i need to have these issues answered at some point, so i will ask for an extension of at least 30 days. Thirty days. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commission. My name is debra, i live at mcallister and baker. I am neutral on whether the building goes up or not, but i was at a meeting where the planners brought it to the community and i saw something that is potentially very dangerous. Does that show up . It is right at the corner of oh, and divisadero, and im sure all of you are familiar with the wall or wiggle, which is it takes thousands of bicycles. It starts on scott, right there. The planners have an exit for the bicycles over here on south street, and they want to the bicycles to take a left over here, a left on divisadero, and a left on oak, but, there is an in entrance to the parking garage, not that close, right in the middle of the block, so imagine i am not me. I imagine i am a millennial, i have to go work down on Market Street or south of market, i am late for an interview at 7 00 a. M. In the morning, and i am one of those 184 bicycle owners in the building. Do i go this way and this way and this way and that way . Or do i jet across the street, right as someone else is trying to make the light, and boom. Somebody dies right there. There are 184 bicycle spaces, and people work five days a week , and they are all going in and out. If they would move the entrance to the corner and put in one of those bicycle lights, then people would go out, get the light and go down oak, and onto this safely. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. I grew up in the bay area. I am in support of this project. I am a homeowner, im extremely lucky to be able to afford to live here. A lot of my friends and family cant and they have moved out. The reason i cant afford it is we havent been building enough housing. There have been exactly three things that have lowered rent prices in San Francisco. Earthquakes, recession, and building records amount of market rate housing from 2016 to 2018. Rents and evictions both dropped the flipside of this is every time we dont have one of those events, rents go up. I do not want rent to go up. We need to give built these units so that we can give newcomers a place to live that doesnt involve pushing people out of town. This is a rich area of the city. If we dont build housing, we will just push put more pressure on to the mission, more pressure on oakland, more pressure to the bayview and more pressure onto san bruno to make up for this shortcomings in rich areas. Finally i hope that we can shorten the timeline for approving new housing in San Francisco. It is extremely expensive to build here. Imagine process, the amount of negotiation required to get any projects done pushes up the cost of housing even further. The outreach for this project started in 2015 and Construction Costs were lower in 2015. If the developer was able to break ground in 2015, you could have gotten 25 . Thanks to negotiations, this is the best we can do now. We should build it now. We should not delay any further. We have seen the price of delay. I biked by an auto shop across the street from zeitgeist on valencia street. The shop was supposed to turn into housing. The Planning Commission ordered additional shadow studies, negotiated a height down and resulting in additional loss of units. Did not end up getting built. By the time they got permits, they could not make the math work on the project. It is still an auto shop today. I hope you will not delay this project and you can turn it into housing instead of a gas station thank you. Next speaker, please. I second what he said well done. I am born in born and raised in San Francisco. This is my second time having the privilege to speak in this room. I met david probably about a year ago and once he walked into my barbershop, and again, i live on peers. This project is right down the say bow down right down the street. We started conversation, and from that moment on, i felt like i met a friend for life. He has introduced me to so many people in my neighborhood that i am born and raised in, that i honestly say i have to take my hat off to him. Im glad he walked into my barbershop because i now have more friends in the neighborhood that i did not know, because all i do is rock from my house to the barbershop, and from barbershop to my house. I have never walked into the other businesses. But they didnt lie to me about the other businesses. I was blown away at how nice people were. From being somebody who was born and raised and seeing the neighborhood change, nobody would take the time to extend a hand and say, hey, i am such and such, blah blah blah. Long story short, i would like to say again, i did meet a friend for life. I am we much more happy or working in the neighborhood that i than i was before i met them. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Before you start speaking, i will call a few more speaker cards. [calling names] go ahead, sir. Good afternoon, commissioners i live on golden gate avenue near baker and lyon. I just realized today that i have been living in the d5 for almost three decades. I am approaching o. G. Status, i guess you could say in the neighborhood. I was one of the founding members of the neighborhood and merchants association, if you are familiar with that. We looking at this corner for so many years. Im on the board, i was on the board of the p. T. A. For new traditions elementary, im now on the board for roosevelt. I was on the board for the friends of urban forest, now on the board for San Francisco parks alliance. I say all that not to self aggrandize, but to say i care about the community. We need housing. It is time to just move on. Some people want a blue house, some people want a green house, the people wanting to sorry, 16 stories, some people ten affordability. It is just time to stop the bickering and move on, and i really, really respectfully but firmly ask you to approve this project and move on. We are living in housing, and drinking from water systems, and using wastewater systems that were built by our elders, our grandparents. We are just bickering. It is time to Start Building and do what is right. I think these folks have spent a lot of time, four years talking in the community and getting input, is it perfect, is it my dream building . No, it is not, but it will never be my dream building. I support this. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Hello, commissioners, i am a San Francisco native. I have been working on housing since 1987. Someday i will build the condominiums on alamo square on steiner street. I found out about this development when it was announced in davids presentation at the independent independent back in march, and so i have never seen anybody who is such an Incredible Community builder with sincere outreach. He offered to have an open house and beers with the developer, so the next night, i went to the madrone bar, and met david. That was the beginning of me meeting mike finch and others. Over 100 something market rate. That means by the next study, that its a breakeven for the neighborhood. Not a net gain many of we need to have more affordable units here. Affordable held real Public Meetings unlike the developers Public Meetings where you could not talk to anyone. You could only listen to the developer. We had over 500 members participate. I would like to ask that the Affordable Housing mix be better. Its not family housing. 18 studios, four onebe onebed. Its 18 studios, wow. So take into account that this is one of the two busiest streets in the western united states. You are asking people to walk across oak street to get to one of the bus lines that all of those bus lines as well as the 21 and the 24 are at capacity right now. Weve got to do better and we need more real Affordable Housing on the site than 20 . Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is renee. 25year resident of San Francisco and apparently a fear mongerrer. Monger. I also agree the first speaker and subsequent speaker basically made the point why we need actually way nowher more than 2f affordable units. If the Median Income is 20,000 in an area that used to be low income, black people and other people, then the gentrification has already begun and it advanced. The community has only asked for 50 affordable units. I feel its more than reasonable and yet theyre only offering 20 . We dont need anymore market rate so we certainly dont need 80 market rate. And theres issues with traffic. If you are going to bring in all of these wealthy people, they use t. N. C. S, they use all the delivery services. Way more than workingclass people are going to be using. So you really just are creating a traffic nightmare when you bring this in. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. Good afternoon. San francisco Land Use Coalition and i am echoing the same comments from the folks mentioned about the affordability. 20 is not even breaking even. You know that. Next study in 2007 says 25 for low income people for every 100 units that we make we need 25 units to make up for the demand that is generated for these hundred condo dwellers. 2017 next is study were talking about 37 if you include the middleincome people. For every 100 units built, we need between 32 to 37 units for low and middle income people to meet the demand consumerism demand that is generated by the condo dwellers. Not only consumerism but City Services so 20 is not enough. Are they kidding . Where is 20 going to go in this market in this situation with the affordability crisis that were facing. This is in the middle of an area that was mostly its going to be another 1535 hyde street. Please, do not approve this project unless they up the affordability percentage. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is Patrick Obrien and i own a business alongside with my parents. Were all natives san franciscans and we own lift gym in San Francisco we have six locations all very neighborhood oriented. We dont even have showers at five of the locations and people just walk to our location so were extremely neighborhood oriented and we offer a full service gym from the hours of 5 00 in the morning to 11 00 at night seven days a week. We have fitness classes as well as personal training. Were pretty busy from morning up to sun down. Through the night and weve been trying to get a space on divisadero for a long time, quite a few years. We feel its much needed. Ive been coming to a lot of Community Outreach talks and its just i would say everyone i talked to, not one person has had any objection having a Fitness Center and theres nothing besides a yoga place and a small personal training studio in that neighborhood. We would just love for this space to go down. I think david is an amazing guy and he has done a great job and the more spaces that are availables with such businesses is great. Thank you for your time and i hope that the project goes through. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon president melgar and commissioners. Dean preston. I live a few blocks from the site. I appreciate you considering this matter today. I want to just renew some of the issues i raised in my may 22nd letter to you and appreciate the continuance of a couple weeks. Very disappointed i dont think theres movement on the issues raised so we ask for the need for more afford able housing, greater transit, investments on this project as well as a commitment to union labor and i havent heard anything about any of those. They have been good about meeting with the community but not committing to anything at those meetings. And every step of this process is refused to add any additional Affordable Housing to this project and at every step of this process, he has claimed that one more or any additional affordability is going to break the back of the project. The sage thin same thing you hem the Property Owner on tyner styr street. When it was 12 they couldnt do anymore. When it was 13. 5 they couldnt do anymore. We the Community Organized against the give away to get a requirement of more. So now the law requires 20 . Now they can still do the project at 20 . Imagine that. One more unit at 13 and they were going to go broke and now they can do the project at 20. Lets get real. They can do 30 . They can do a third. They can do this project and the Community Demands that and its important the community has spoken through the divisadero plan and it has been ignored in this process as david woo pointed out by the developer and planning staff. I hope you wont ignore it but instead demand real affordability in this project rather than a project with 80 of the units totally unaffordable to most people who live in this neighborhood. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is auto pippenger. I work in district 5 and i care about it. I have a number of complaints about this process. The way the Community Input process has been handled. Theres only one fundamental truth here. The city knows its building more than enough market rate housing and not enough below market rate and Affordable Housing. Theres only so much available land in the city and this argument that theres not enough funding is beginning to wear thin. I do not understand the role of a City Government if its not to serve and protect the People Living and residing there. Theres been no resolution of a complaints which the hearings were extended from may 23rd to june 13th on. The input of the affordable divisadero has been ignored and there are meaningful complaints here and they must be addressed. Ill concede the remainder of my time but thank you for listening. Next speaker, please. My name is sarah. I am a neighbor at full ton and central. Walk on divisadero regularly and its somewhere i go all the time. Thank you so much for the opportunity to speak and share. The times i walked by the site and thought about how under utilized it is are many. Sometimes its daily. Its essentially pedestrian dead zone in the middle of what is otherwise a super vibrant neighborhood. The times i walked by the site and think about filling up the car that i dont have with gas or washing it are zero. I just dont see any down side to building this project and i think it nodes to move forward. Housing is urgently needed as many people have said. Three gas stations on the same block are not needed. I fully support this project and im excited to see it move forward. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is richard kay. Ive been in the neighborhood for 28 years. Im a in a testify San Francisco an. Im speaking in support of affordable divisadero. I stand with them to increase the percentage of affordability. That said, i would also like to mention a couple other points that have been overlooked. This development sits in the heart of a victoria yan neighborhood. Theres five landmark buildings, San Francisco landmark buildings within a block of this proposed structure. Theres perhaps no other cluster of landmarks in San Francisco like this one. They represent the pinnacle of victoria design. I do believe that 400 divisadero is way out of scale for the neighborhood. Theres only a hint of victoria victorian. I ask them to send the design back and include greater victorian elements and i ask the height limit at least be closer to the five landmark buildings within a block or so of the proposed development. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, my name is julian mackie. Im also chair of our lapped use subcommittee many of its made up of Community Members from diverse set of backgrounds both representativers, homeowners, those with families and those with cars and those who bike, et cetera. We ensure that we received a die set of voices and around the making sure the communitys voices were heard both with the design, the levels of inclusionary housing and some more of the engagement pieces of the project. Im happy to report that both the subcommittee and the board have voted to support the project. I commend david in the years of outreach he has done with our group and with the Community Speaking at general meetings and elsewhere. Weve asked that should the projectory main the project site be remain vacant but be used for neighborhood beautification that we remain engage in the process of finding Retail Locations that meet the needs of all Community Members and that should the project change hands or change ownership the same expectations around affordability and alternative transit use arapahoe land use are met by the future owners. We continue to work with supervisor Browns Office to make sure were meeting the needs of the community especially around Affordable Housing. We urge the commission to support this project. Thank you. Thank you, very much. Im going to call a few more speaker cards. Michael crows, emma stern, rachel fishman, hope williams, robert brookeman, richard kay and geo acosta. Good afternoon, commissioners, Charles Higgins i live at 850 baker street grew up in San Francisco. Weve lived in the neighborhood for almost 30 years. Im speaking on behalf of my family. We have been involved with this discussion of this project for three or four years now and feel that the project has been very, very well vetted with the neighbors. Were very strongly in support of the density of this project and the process that the developer has gone through to seek as much approval from the neighborhood as possible. Were aware that people are not always going to be happy with how it comes out but we think this developer has a particularly cooperative way of going about the project and were very much in support of it. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. My name is michael and im the owner of a bar and i also live there with my two daughters. One goes to Creative Arts and one goes tha to gala laio. I am in support of this building even though i will most likely not be able to continue to live and do business in my building by the time people move in. At the end of the day, we need to create housing. Is it perfect . No. Could it have more Affordable Housing . Its a private developer building it. If we want 100 Affordable Housing the city of San Francisco should find ways to do it. Like mcdonald. Can we get the d. M. V. Can the city put money into developing 100 Affordable Housing and take it out of the hands at the developer. When i heard about this project, we need housing. I thought it was too high but if you are going to get as many Affordable Housing union its into it you have to make compromises and as a city that supposedly knows how, we should be able to compromise, Work Together and to get what we need which is now housing. So yes i support this project. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is hope williams. I work in the but i live in sunset. I am in opposition to this. Because of the low rate of Affordable Housing that will be a part of it. I dont think its enough. I think it certainly fails to meet the neighborhood needs as articulated in the 2016 r 2016 affordable divisadero plan which calls for 54 affordability in new projects. I find it astounding that theres been enough push back and sf had to pass legislation that made it a requirement to ensure that there was 20 Affordable Housing with each new structure. Im just in complete opposition. I think that there should be more. I also wanted to go back to what saved had spoken to about his friend who traveled here from sacramento starting her commute at 4 00 a. M. In the morning and it took her five years to find housing in San Francisco. I think thats because she couldnt find Affordable Housing in the first place and i dont think that this project would have met that need and it took her five years of struggling to find it and i think this is just the complete end to what would work. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is emma sterns. I lived in the city my whole lyft life. I am here in opposition to the 400 divisadero project as proposed. This project failed to meet the needs of divisadero community. 20 affordability in new housing is not enough for 37 units of Affordable Housing out of 186 units. This project is seeking five conditional use approval yet contains no benefit, Community Members. The project fails to meet neighborhood needs as articulated in the 2016 Community Plan and created by over 500 Community Members which calls for 50 affordability project and the developers also consistently ignored community demand and claiming Community Engagement for this site. At the end of the day we node more Affordable Housing and i urge you to pleats not support this project until theres a higher percentage of Affordable Housing. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im rachel fishman. I lived in d5 for nine years. I am a mom of two very young children. Im here in support of 400 divisadero. In addition to the fact that we need more housing, our neighborhood is dirty. Trash everywhere and im on the board of asna and we discuss these things and i believe this development will 100 help start to clean up and create a Larger Community for us in our neighborhood and ultimately will make it safer for my children who are stepping on glass and concerned about prime. We are impressed. My husband and i. With david. He has taken the time to reach out to so many Community Members to get input and its 100 collaborative and we really appreciated that and finally, we node more housing. The more housing we have the more affordable this city becomes. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello everyone. My name is geo costa and i am in support of 400 divisadero. I lived in lower hate for nine years. I served on the Neighbors Association and i also organize the art walks on the lower merchant corridor. I believe the 400 will address a big issue which is helping connect the gap between divisadero and the lower hate core doers. While the huge gap that touches car wash while presents doesnt seem significant it does give the illusion the corridor on divisadero and at oak and divisadero and this effects merchants on divisadero leading up to hate street as well as folks in lower haide. Adding additional retail and affordable units within four middle income residents i think will help everyone and increase foot traffic in nearby neighborhoods. In addition, the 170 bike Parking Spaces and limit of. 5 parking spots per units will encourage units to take advantage of the wiggle, use muni and explore all of divisadero street and lower hate merchant corridor. The additional residents will have a more positive impact than negative. Lastly, david, the developer, i believe is truly gone out of his way to really meet and talk to everyone. I know not everyone is always able to make it out to all the meetings but frankly, he has been around too much. I find him to be adding a lot to the neighborhood and trying to help with the arts and he even helped out with the art walks. Even though it may not help to his end goal. I think that he will add personality to our neighborhood rather than takeaway from it. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, everybody. So my name is chris cook im a local artist. Im in support of this project. Ive been working with david and these guys doing some art stuff. Sf. Org and its an addition to the neighborhood. A beautiful project and beautiful building and im looking forward to seeing it built. Please approve this. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is chris davis. Im a pastor and division 5. I have seen firsthand the 400 divisadero team gather people to get feedback at our church on multiple occasions. The community has come into ask questions and some tough questions to give, tough feedback and so i really believe this this project and i think we need more housing. I believe in Affordable Housing and market rate housing i believe in both. I also understand this project cant do anything and so im in support of this project. I hope you pass it or push it forward. Thank you. Negligence speakernext speaker,. Corey smith. Im speak on behalf of the ashbury neighbors. Were the district 5emb group. We support avocados because we need more housing at all levels for affordable ability all over the city. I live in the upper haiti so this is one neighborhood away from me and its an awesome commercial corridor. Theres so much to do. And im pumped about how this is going to continue to improve the neighborhood. We have a Climate Crisis here on our planet and the only way that we are going to solve that and fight back and really improve the lives for future generations is by reducing carbon emissions. We can do that by replacing gas stations with homes for people. Speakers earlier talked about some of the bus lines that go through the neighborhood as on opposition point. Theres so many bus lines and train lines that go right through here its really well connected with the rest of the city and just makes sense. A number of folks said we want as much Affordable Housing as possible and its a absolute shared goal of everybody here. This project to be financed at 75 subsidized Affordable Housing everybody would be supportive of it but its a really sophisticated way of saying that we dont want any housing here. If its 100 affordable ok but we dont want any marketrate housing or any private development and what that in turn does is it turns our backs on people that want to call this place home. One out of every 100 applicants for subsidized Affordable Housing get lucky enough to win the lottery. If the only way you can live in the city is wing a lottery, were going to lose that soul and lows lose that future. 50 of zero housing is zero housing. So it might be good politics, it might play well with certain audiences, it is a position that at the end of the day results in pulling up the drawbridge in San Francisco and not welcoming folks and its not something i can support. Please approve the project today. Thank you. Thank you mr. Smith. Im going to call a few other speaker cards. Debra esther, coo dan fedderman. Go ahead. Good afternoon. First, i just have to to be in favor of Affordable Housing is not exclusive. It is in fact an attempt to be inclusive for all classes of people, all groups of people. So i am loraine. Im almost lifelong residents of the western edition and Affordable Housing advocate. This project, as you know, will have an enormous impact on the neighborhood. Its all in the dis representative sense with car traffic, additional demands on transit and other cities services. General congestion. I believe more housing is definitely needed. But what kind of housing. I do not believe we need a project with 80 which is massive amount of market rate housing. For all the advantages given to this developer already, greater being sought and profits in the future, the Community Needs and deserves more Affordable Housing than just bear minimum. We need much more. The greatest and most Important Community benefit, the developers should be offering, and commissioners should be requiring is more affordable units. Thats what will benefit the community and help compensate the city for all the extra infrastructure demands. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. Laura foot. I spent yesterday about two hours trying to help a friend navigate getting on a bunch of b. M. R. Lists in order to get into they have a disability so they need a new unit. They hed an a. D. A. Compliant uniunit and theyre in the midde income but market rate housing is expensive but there arent many b. M. R. Units and figuring out how to get into a home that they can get physically around. Theyre not many days when i get really depressed. That is a hard one to spend time with someone on craigslist and on the Mayors Office of housing welcomwebsite trying to figure t what the options are. We need projects like this. We need projects like this especially in highincome neighborhoods. We need to legalize building Affordable Housing everywhere. We dont have time. The four years this project has been debated and like the yoga walk, i dont know what that is but that sounds really nice and im glad they had a nice time with their Community Engagement process, my friend is not probably going to be able to stay in San Francisco. That is a process that you guys have made where we dont just approve housing and make these decisions at a higher level of government. We havent just decided to streamline and approve projects like this and four years is too long. Four years is too long. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker, please. My name is mark cornblat. Thank you for the opportunity to speak. Ive been a 30year resident of San Francisco. Many of them spent in d5 literally around the coshe cornm the development. Ive seen changes occur in the city and ive seen stagnation when it it comes to stage and quite frankly you are never going to be able to please everybody with every project. Theres such a wonderful Diverse Community here that theres no way you can please everyone. But that space at 400 divisadero has been pretty much an open wound in the neighborhood for as long as i can remember and it is time to make a change there and to create housing instead of this carbased gas station and car wash. The mix of affordable and market racing is an easy compromise when you consider the net benefits of the neighborhood of changing and getting rid of that car wash. Im the cofounder of a nonprofit dedicated to education, Stem Education for kids with technology. The museum of future sports and i originally met david when we were lackin looking for space ie city. David was tireless in helping us find and continues to help us find locations, make introductions for us to Community Benefit organizations and helping to introduce us to some of the communities around the city, not just in d5. He has been so tireless helping us that it didnt occur to me that he was actually the person spearheading this process. I think it just speaks to davids sincerity in working with the local communities, not just around this corridor where this project is going on but throughout the city. And that it speaks to his sincerity and trying to make San Francisco a better place for all and whatever way he can and i think this project speaks to that so i encourage everyone on the board to endorse this project. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is dan fedderman and im lucky enough to own a condo five blocks from 400 divisadero. Id like to work. I do not own a car. The city has declared theres a climate emergency. There are over 100,000 people who commute more than 90 minutes daily to get to work in the bay area. We need more people out of their cars and living closer to where they work. We cant solve our Climate Crisis without more homes. Replacing a gas station with homes is the best way to solve our Climate Crisis without displacing anybody. Folks commenting today say that building this housing will cause gentrification. The only people i know under 40 in this city who are planning on station for more than a couple more years have a seven figure net worth. If thats not gentrification i dont know what is. We need more homes and we need more homes today raising the affordability requirement means we will end up with zero Affordable Homes and zero market rate homes. We really node to do better than zero. Please approve this project as is and as soon as you can. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is brandon ream. I live in district 5. Ive been i live at belvedere and ive been there for a few years and ive been in district 5 for nine. I just wanted to voice my support for the proposed project. I think it hits a lot of markers for what a positive Infill Development should meet. I think after meeting with david and seeing him at many of the Community Meetings, i think he has a strong sense of community and place and how this development fits in functionally and contextually with the community and it will be a net benefit. Thats all i have, thank you. Thank you. Are there anymore speakers in the audience . Steve with defend Public Education and how many students and talking about needing young people. Students cant afford to live in san

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