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Escorting kids and having them feel safe walking to the play area and back. The stuff we do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep the city clean, helping the residents. You can see the community ambassadors. I used to be on the streets. I didnt think i could become a community ambassador. It was too far out there for me to grab, you know. Doing this job makes me feel good. Because i came from where a lot of them are, homeless and on the street, i feel like i can give them hope because i was once there. I am not afraid to tell them i used to be here. I used to be like this, you know. I have compassion for people that are on the streets like the homeless and people that are caught up with their addiction because now, i feel like i can give them hope. It reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now. The goal is simple. Its to raise womens voices. Learn a little bit about what you should be thinking about in the future. We had own over 300 over 300 people who signed up for the oneonone counseling today. I think in the world of leading, people sometimes discount the ability to lead quietly and effectively. The Assessors Office is a big one. There are 58 counties in the state of california and every single county has one elected assessor in the county. Our job is to look at property taxes and make sure that we are fairly taxing every single property in San Francisco. One of the big things that we do is as a result of our work, we bring in a lot of revenue, about 2. 6 billion worth of revenue to the city. Often, people will say, what do you do with that money, and i like to share what we do with property taxes. For every dollar we collect in property taxes, about 68 cents of it goes to support public sstss, our police officers, our Fire Departments, our streets, our cleaning that happens in the city. But i think what most people dont know is 34 cents of the dollar goes to public education. So it goes to the state of california and in turn gets allocated back to our local school districts. So this is an incredibly important part of what we do in this office. Its an interesting place to be, i have to say. My colleagues across the state have been wonderful and have been very welcoming and share their knowledge with me. In my daytoday life, i dont think about that role, being the only Asian American assessor in the state, i just focus on being the best i can be, representing my city very well, representing the county of San Francisco well. By being the only Asian American assessor, i think you have a job to try to lift up and bring as many people on board, as well. I hope by doing the best that you can as an individual, people will start to see that your assessor is your elected leaders, the people that are making important decisions can look like you, can be like you, can be from your background. I grew up with a family where most of my relatives, my aunties, my uncles, my parents, were immigrants to the united states. When my parents first came here, they came without any relatives or friends in the united states. They had very little money, and they didnt know how to speak english very well. They came to a place that was completely foreign, a place where they had absolutely nobody here to help them, and i cant imagine what that must have been like, how brave it was for them to take that step because they were doing this in order to create an opportunity for their family. So my parents had odd jobs, my dad worked in the kitchens, my mom worked as a seamstress sewing. As we grew up, we eventually had a small business. I very much grew up in a family of immigrants, where we helped to translate. We went to the restaurant every weekend helping out, rolling egg rolls, eating egg rolls, and doing whatever we need to do to help the family out. It really was an experience growing up that helped me be the person that i am and viewing Public Service the way that i do. One of the events that really stuck with me when i was growing up was actually the rodney king riots. We lived in Southern California at the time, and my parents had a restaurant in inglewood, california. I can remember smelling smoke, seeing ashes where we lived. It was incredibly scary because we didnt know if we were going to lose that restaurant, if it was going to be burned down, if it was going to be damaged, and it was our entire livelihood. And i remember there were a lot of conversations at that time around what it was that government to do to create more opportunities or help people be more successful, and that stuck with me. It stuck with me because i remain believe government has a role, government has a responsibility to change the outcomes for communities, to create opportunities, to help people go to school, to help people open businesses and be successful. Make sure to be safe, and of course to have fun. And then, i think as you continue to serve in government, you realize that those convictions and the persons that you are really help to inform you, and so long as you go back to your core, and you remember why youre doing what youre doing, you know, i think you cant go wrong. Its funny, because, you know, i never had thought i would do this. I became a supervisor first for the city under very unusual circumstances, and i can remember one day, im shopping with friends and really not having a care in the world about politics or running for office or being in a public position, and the next day, im sworn in and serving on the board of supervisors. For many of us who are going through our Public Service, its very interesting, i think, what people view as a leader. Sometimes people say, well, maybe the person who is most outspoken, the person who yells the loudest or who speaks the loudest is going to be the best leader. And i think how i was raised, i like to listen first, and i like to try to figure outweighs to work with out ways to work with people to get things done. I hope that time goes on, you can see that you can have all sorts of different leaders whether at the top of City Government or leading organizations or leading teams, that there are really different kinds of leadership styles that we should really foster because it makes us stronger as organizations. Take advantage of all the wonderful information that you have here, at the vendor booth, at our seminars and also the oneonone counseling. I wouldnt be where i was if i didnt have very strong people who believed in me. And even at times when i didnt believe in my own abilities or my own skills, i had a lot of people who trusted and believed i either had the passion or skills to accomplish and do what i did. If there was one thing that i can tell young women, girls, who are thinking about and dreaming about the things they want to be, whether its being a doctor or being in politics, running an organization, being in business, whatever it is, i think its really to just trust yourself and believe that who you are is enough, that you are enough to make it work and to make things successful. Once i got the hang of it a little bit, you know, like the first time, i never left the court. I just fell in love with it and any opportunity i had to get out there, you know, they didnt have to ask twice. You can always find me on the court. [ ] we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. They provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. Behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a National Paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. It is great to have this opportunity here in San Francisco. We are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. Now that that is happening, you know, i im looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs that these people are here for everyone. I think it is important for people with disabilities, as well as ablebodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. People can come and check out this chairs and use them. But then also friday evening, from 6 00 p. M. Until 8 00 p. M. , it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. We offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. Good morning, everyone. You guys should be excited. Good morning. Thank you. I serve as the director of public works in the city and county of San Francisco. On behalf of public works, we are very excited because we are going to be a tenant in this new building 49 south vanness. How about a big hand for that. [applause. ] i am also excited to be here to celebrate a Major Construction milestone. Today is very, very exciting not just for public works but for the other nine city departments that will be relocated into this stateofthearts building upon its completion. At the end of our ceremony, we will raise the final steel beam into place to complete the structural framing of this new 430,000 square foot building. 430,000 square foot building. How about a big hand for that. [applause. ] it will house approximately 1800cit1800city staff to movet summer. This gives us a good reason to celebrate. I want to thank all of those forgetting us here today. Thank you builders, the prime contractors. Lets give them a big hand. The Development Firm and the architects worked on many projects. Lets give them a big hand. Public works takes great pride in the Public Private partnerships such as this one as they help bring the citys vision for a modern advanced San Francisco to life. I also want to give a special shout out to the project management team. Lets give them a big hand. [cheers and applause. ] all of this work would not happen, however, without the leadership from our elected officials who allow for Capital Infrastructure projects to be approved and implemented. With that said i have the pleasure of introducing our mayor london breed to say a few words about this project. Welcome, mayor breed. Thank you. You know, as someone who grew up in the city and someone who has had to get permits and get permits specifically for festivals and community events, it was often times frustrating works through did bureaucracy. One minute it is the Planning Department in this building then to city hall, then down the street somewhere that you couldnt find, and the fact is this building what is so amazing. We are bringing 10 city agencies together in one building with a central permitting system that would make it easier to do construction projects, would make it easier for entertainment, easier for events and all of the things we do in San Francisco that make San Francisco such a great city. It is about making bureaucracy more efficient. That is what this building is about. I know people dont get excited around efficiency, but i do. Because i know you all remember when it was taking us 18 months to build one accessory dwelling unit and putting out an executive directive to bring in the Fire Department and planning and Building Department to Work Together. We completely reduced the time. Now it takes up to six months. Streamlining the process is critical to building more housing and making sure the festivals and events and nightlife that we are so excited to have in our city continues without delay because San Francisco as we know is a special place, but we only work when we work more efficiently together. I am excited, and i know those over 1800 employees are excited to have new bathrooms and shower and places to park bicycles and the other great things we are adding to new buildings. I want to thank everyone who is building this place and the work you are doing to get this building built on time and hopefully on budget. You know that is important to us. More importantly, how this is going to be one of the projects that really changes how we do business in San Francisco. No longer will you have people going on line to those different places where they complain about the process and what they have to do to get a permit. What i want to see them going on line to say is, wow, the city makes it easier. They have a new permitting process to get permit online and it doesnt take that long. That is what this place is about. I want to thank all of you for being here today. I also would like to acknowledge which i think is absolutely incredible that we will have an on site child care at this location as well so that families who work for our city in those various departments have a place to take their children. This budget that i Just Announced last week also including 7. 7 million to digital the city permitter and create an electronic review process. San francisco is the technicaltal of the world but our city is a little behind schedule. We have to make the right investments to get to a better place. This is making bureaucracy more efficient. I want to thank all of you who have played a Critical Role in doing that. Probably the only member of the board of supervisors who cares about efficiency the way that i do is my former colleague on the board who is supervisor for district 6. I want to ask supervisor aaron peskin to say a few brief words. Supervisor peskin thank you, mayor breed. I am the supervisor representing the Northeast Corner of the city, but i share with mayor breed the desire to have a one stopper hitting shop for everything in San Francisco, and this floor print of almost an acre, 40,000 square feet, is precisely the right way to do it whether it is integrating planning and building and health and fire. This is going to be a huge step forward for the city and county of San Francisco. Thank you to related, thank you to public works. I cannot wait for it to be finished. [applause. ] it is not easy to get projects done in our city. The person who is a leader to make sure we put forward the responsible policies and budgeting practices to allow an opportunity like this and recognizing we need to make the city more efficient and provide facilities that are safe and Energy Efficient is really the leader, one of the leaders of the city, our city administrator, naomi kelly. Good morning. I have to say i am so honored to be here today. I want to thank mayor breed, supervisor peskin. They were with us in the beginning. We had to go to them to help with financing. Part of that was selling off three city buildings to get into this one beautiful building that will have a one stopper mitt center. Part permit center. Why they supported us to open a restaurant you need 20 permits from 13 different city locations all over the city, not just one spot. If we get a one stopper mitt ste permitting that is how we kick started this. I promised we are not just about brick and mortar colocation. We need to streamline that process to make the permitting process more customer friendly through digital. I want to thank the mayor and board through funding those opportunities. In this building is the department of public works, building inspections, city planning, environmental services. In the one stopper mitter shop in addition to those major departments it will include the Fire Department, public utilities, office of small business, Entertainment Commission and we are looking at other satellite departments to touch the building in here, m. T. A. , office of cannabis, disability. Police, board of appeals and tax collector. That is all important. As the mayor talked about a. D. U. Pilot and trying to streamline that process, let me drilling down what our team is looking at. As we currently before if you were an a. D. U. Permit resident you needed five different departments, answer 516 questions and navigate multiple applications and forms, as we looked at that we want to unduplicate questions we are asking over and over. We needed 289 questions. We could stop asking the same question 227 times. That is what we are looking for. One clap is good government. That is the bureaucracy mayor breed and supervisor peskin wanted eliminated. Then we will make it digital. I am excited to be here today. Thank you tom, john, stephanie and all of those and ken leading this out of my office and Melissa White house. You have all been fabulous to make sure we are not thinking about this as brick and mortar but streamlining the process. Thank you. Next up our partner in the begins, matt woody is instrumental to make sure he works with us every step of the way. He works on many projects. This is one that is near and dear to my house. Up next matt woody from related california. [applause. ] thank you, mayor breed, city administrator kelly, director, i am matt woody. We are overseeing the development of this unusual project. In the city like San Francisco that is so land constrained, it is rare to find a 2. 5acre site, much less acquire it in the heart of the city close to Public Transportation and codevelop it. That is the reason we are here to celebrate. I would like to recognize the vision and leadership of our former mayor ed lee. Many years ago as city administrator mayor lee began creating the one stopper mitt center to simplify the process. This including the food truck to a project like this, everything you need approval for in San Francisco. This is less than a year away from realizing his vision. Later on, as mayor, he was instrumental in acquiring this site from Goodwill Industries in 2014. This is the type of thing we look to do. It is something we are going to be proud of it a year from now when it opens. I would like to recognize the people you have heard about from the supervisor and mayor. Chief among them is john updike, josh keene, john ram, jeff jocelyne and dan snider from planning. Edgar lopez at public works and Charles Sullivan from the City Attorneys Office who work with us to get us to this point. Related has been partnering with the city and working in San Francisco for over 30 years on large projects of this type. Innovative Public Private partnership is the type of challenge world class developments we work to do. 49 south vanness fillings the need to consolidate the city to one place as you have heard. By designing abconstructing both buildings at the same time we had the unique opportunity to plan and consider the needs for both buildings. I would like to kill out som and their team who work with us and the city to get these two buildings less than 200 feet apart to look as compatible as we can agree they do. The results of 1. 3 million square folk and two magnificent buildings to bring 1800 City Employees and apartment complex is unique in San Francisco. This mixed use is proof of what San Francisco can accomplish when we Work Together with optimism. Thank you very much. Lets hear from the team on the ground getting this building done. Come on up. Thank you for introducing me. I am joe mckeown. I have the honor to stand up with this great group of speakers. I hope i can live up to their charm and wit. Welcome. This is a place of pride for all of the workers. This is our daily life and family. We are here to Work Together to build this great building for the city and county of San Francisco. We appreciate related california and the city and county of San Francisco to build this building that will live on for the next 100 years to serve the city and county of San Francisco. A special thanks to the teams that show up every day and work hard building this building. [applause. ] it is the Skilled Trades men and women behind me today that have worked over 260,000 hours on this building. They excavated 92,000 cubic yards ofvillsoil. Today will hang the last beam of 2200tons of 2300tons of structural iron. I am proud to represent this team and i would like to ask you to join me in a great round of applause for the men and women behind me who are the heart and soul of this project. Thank you. [applause. ] thank you. Now, mayor, we will go sign the beam and we can get our signatures and it makes the journey to the 16th floor to complete the structural work, and next summer this building will be occupied with the city agencies you heard and the one stop to get anything you want done in the city. Come in the door and someone will take care of you, right melissa . Thank you. Thank you. Still a lot of people wonder since the trees have a lot of issues, why did we plant them in the first place . Trees are widely planted in San Francisco. With good reason. They are workhorses when it comes to urban forestry. We have begun to see our ficustrees are too big and dangerous in San Francisco. We have a lot of tree failures with this species in particular. This is a perfect example of the challenges with the structure of the ficustrees. You can see four very large stems that are all coming from the same main truck. You can see the two branches attached to one another at a really sharp angle. In between you cant it is a lot of strong wood. They are attached so sharply together. This is a much weaker union of a branch than if you had a wide angel. This is what it looks like after the fi c. U. Resolution s limb. We see decline. You can see the patches where there arent any leaves at all. That is a sign the tree is in decline. The other big challenge is the root system of the tree are aggressive and can impact nearby utilities, and we can fix the sidewalk around the tree in many cases. We dont want to cuts the roots too severely because we can destabilize the tree. In a city like San Francisco our walks are not that wide. We have had to clear the branches away from the properties. Most of th the can canopy is one street side and that is heavyweight on those branches out over the street. That can be a factor in tree limb failures. A lot of people wonder since these trees have a lot of issues. Why did we plant them in the first place . They provided the city with benefits for decades. They are big and provide storage for carbon which is important to fight Climate Change and they provide shade and really i think many people think they are a beautiful asset. When we identify trees like this for removal and people protest our decision, we really understand where they are coming from. I got into this job because i love trees. It just breaks my heart to cut down trees, particularly if they are healthy and the issue is a structural flaw. I have also seen first hand what happens when we have failures. We have had a couple of injuries due to tree failures. That is something we cant live with either. It is a challenging situation. We hate to lose mature trees, but Public Safety has to always it is a ranger. It has the same responsibilities as a ranger, security of the watershed, assisting the public. Providing interpretation when necessarily and protecting water quality. I love to help people in many waves. Path has that experience and training. His professionalism is there when there is danger. We hope there isnt. I know accidents can happen. When they do, it is important to have someone like path like pat available. They were treating weeds using the utv. It is an off road vehicle seating two peak. They rolled the utv in a remote area. Pat was first on the scene. I was 100 relieved that pat was there to calm the situation down, to know what to do for the injuries we had and to make sure the right people were on the way. I think that in that moment, pat shined as he would in that type of situation. It is important for us. We are a small staff with a large area to patrol. If we dont have the support of the public we will not have their eyes on our watershed. We work closely with the neighboring organizations, whether they be east Bay Regional Parks or the garden club. We try to involve them in protecting the watershed. There is a lot of ways pat engages the community and stakeholders in every case. I would say pat does it in a professional and uplifting way because of his personality. It is a team effort. That is what i like best is that we have successfully created a team to work well together, play well together and they do a good job on the watershed. Pat the wore she of the worthy of the award. He cares about the community that engages the land and fellow employees. Pat is about the team. Always willing to lend a hand when somebody needs a hand. I have worked with him for three years and witnessed firsthand the benefits of the professionalism, commitment and passion. He is wore these of the golden pride award inmize mind. I am pat jones the watershed keeper for San Francisco water. President hirsch okay. Ter. Are we back on the back on the record . Clerk commissioner hirsch, we are back on the record and you still have a quorum. Item 8, discuss whether to discuss anything that happened in closed session. Motion

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