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Presentation. Thank you. Can i have a motion . Motion to approve action items 1803 through 1811. Second. Just 1810, i think thats a typo yeah, thats oh, 10, im sorry. All in favor . Commissioners, michael terrio, San Francisco construction trades. I want to go back to your awards to your staff and talk about how your [ inaudible ] 14 or 15 years ago, but i guess im a lot grayer, too. The valedictory tone in that would carryover to this particular item. For those of us in the Building Trades who had a long devotion to San Francisco in the port, its not just the work that this particular project brings, but the fact that it brings shall didthat it helps make the port viable in the longterm. It helps sustain the port and the city of San Francisco. Thats the kind of thing thats exciting to us. We look forward to working on this, to contributing to the port on a continuing basis, and i will get out of the way so you can vote on eight items. Thank you. Corrine wood . Good afternoon, commissioners. Corrine woods. Ive worked on this project since kimberly has. Its wonderful to get to this point, and i think the Community Feels strongly that weve always had partnership, not only with the port but with the giants to get things done. I think the communication has been excellent, and were really looking forward to continuing that communication as it gets into implementation. Mtas got some great ideas. The communitys actually on the ground, and we want very much to be engaged as the project moves forward. I worked on mission bay for 20 years, and a lot of the lessons we learned there, we have offered to the giants dont do this. We can do a better job, and i think we will do a better job, and im looking forward to it. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, executive director forbes, president brandon, and commissioners. My name is bruce agget, im speaking on the elements in item 11. Im involved in the Community Serving on the board, and as a transportation rep of the south bay lincoln neighborhood association. However, my Public Comment today is as it was several months back, being provided specifically as a native san franciscan and a nine year reside residence of mission bay. Over the past six years, ive had the opportunity along with my neighbors to be involved in the planning process for the Mission Rock Development. This included providing feedback on a variety of public documents and at Numerous Community outreach meetings and public workshops. In addition, those Community Leaders who were involved in the planning process of mission bay from the beginning as corrine said were also involved in the process. Together, we shared or insights and provided input on the project which will help transform this part of the eastern waterfront into a vibrant and complete community, good for us as neighbors, a community and our city. As i mentioned, this community and greater stakeholderen gaugement helped shape the project we see today, striking a delicate balance on the amounts of parks, waterfront access, neighborhood serving seafood restaurant, and office space. Im not an expert in the financial aspects of this development, but this project brought together an amazing and Diverse Group of stakeholders and experts to find optimal mix of land uses while providing some flexiblity to ensure success and delivery of the project. I continue to be impressed with the thoughtfulness and expertise of the giants Development Team and their close coordination with city agencies. Just recently as our last mission bay ballpark Transportation Coordinating Committee meeting, they walked us through the Mission Rocks contributions to the southern bay front transportation framework, including site design, Transportation Demand management, mitigations and fees, and it was very well done. With this said, today, we have a parking lot along this section of the waterfront. Peace approve the elements outlined in this item today, allowing the Mission Rock Development to move forward. Thank you. Thank you. Chad houston. Good afternoon. My names chad houston. Im with local 261, which is general laborers. We have about 8,000 members in our local union. Of those 8,000, a lot are native san franciscans. A large majority or a large portion are native san franciscans. I can speak to two things on this project. Thats one, the workforce development. We work with city build, we partnered on a number of projects, but really, it allows for both soft skills and hard skills for people who are in San Francisco to stay in San Francisco, and also, the affordablity of this project. A lot of our workers cant continue to live here, and having affordablity for a wide range is really important to our union because it really allows people who are actually working in the dwindling working class to continue to be in San Francisco, so we are in support of the project and have a Good Relationship with the giants. Thank you. Thank you. Chris tipman. Good afternoon, commissioners. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. My name is chris kelton. My wife and i have lived in south beach until 1989 and until recently had a Small Business on townsend street for 24plus years. I came here today to voice support for the giants mission rock project. 20plus years ago i stood in front of this commission and voiced support for the visions the giants had of building a waterfront ballpark at 3rd and king, which would gri people together from all walks of life, the community, if you will. Throughout that, the giants work with everyone to build a mag a magnificent facility that everyone is proud of, and led to a transformation of an area that was until then a depressive urban blight. It became a desirable area to live and work. San francisco is a city known for diverse neighborhoods, each unique and full of life with a real sense of community. People flock to these neighborhoods in search of something novel and different, yet despite all that has developed, nine months out of the year, our area becomes a virtual ghost town. Mission bay and south baesh with are called ballpark neighborhoods. [ inaudible ] in fact, this project will draw people to our area seeking novelty and seeking Something Different Small Businesses. It will bring new friendships and relationships, core nor stone stone cornerstone of community, and perhaps you already know, the 40 Affordable Housing. With eight acres of open space it addresses a desperately needed facet of urban living. In short, this is a winwin for all. Finally, the numbers do not lie. San franciscans approved it, every single neighborhood in San Francisco approved it, and the neighborhoods that surround it gave it more than 80 approval. This is smart development. Those of us living in the area yearn for this and realize how important this is to our overall wellbeing. Thank you again, commissioners, for allowing me to speak. Thank you. May aguirre. Good afternoon, president Boston Marathon don, good afternoon commissioners, director forbes, and members of the public. My name is aguirr 1ed. The Parks Alliance is the largest Park Organization serving San Franciscos diverse parks and open spaces. We currently sponsor and support a network of over 200 groups, leveraging their ability to develop and maintain Creative Spaces to maintain in this city. The San Francisco Parks Alliance raises millions to sustain parks and open spaces. Today im here to in the Parks Alliance, we believe the creation of the. [ inaudible ] waterfront and ply an Important Role in planning equity around city spaces. Mission Rock Development plan with eight acres of new parks is a vital step in realizing this vision for San Francisco residents. For too long, the city southern eastern waterfront has been disconnected from the public that especially hurts some of the citys historically under served neighborhoods. The San Francisco giants are invested in this, and they have been responsive in addressing the citys needs for more active recreation opportunities. We are thrilled to see the San Francisco giants commitments to parks, especially prioritizing putting a new park as the first phase of their plan. The Parks Alliance is also particularly pleased with the considerations that have been made to address sea level rise. The creation of open waterfront and investment towards the usable methods of transportation such as bike connects and bike share stations. Although parks and recreations is our organizes priority, we want to applaud the Community Pledge to keeping 40 of the project Affordable Housing. We hope you would join us in supporting the Mission Rocks project as a whole. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Arnold townsend. Thank you, president brandon, commissioners. Arnold townsend. I just want to rise to support this development. Ive been involved with this several years now, and the development is just tremendous. It really should become the model for development in San Francisco. I even said to our late mayor that all things being equal, we should never accept anything less. If they can do it, other developers should be required to do it. In talks about this development, the affordablity. We talk about the affordablity, and we talk about Affordable Housing all the time in San Francisco, and my neighborhood, every time the term comes up, it prompts a question. The question is, affordable for whom, and that means it doesnt affect most of the people that i deal with, most of the folks who are challenged for housing in our church. This will meet their needs. Not only will it meet the needs of people who constantly fall through the cracks, but it will even offer opportunity to people who have been pushed out of the city to come back, and in some communities, that is a really big thing. We have watched in one, because of any real regional planning, we have watched people in this city i know people personally, and you probably do, too, who have moved from San Francisco to oakland to richmond to antioch, to pittsburg, to stockton, and brentwood and a bunch of other places that i had never even heard of 20 years ago, and now ive got friends living there and had to find out where they are just to visit. This is important, absolutely important work that is going on here, and im excited to be a part of it. Not only the planning for the development, but the approach. Im involved because the developers reached out to me and said we want to talk to you about it. I do not live contiguous to this ballpark in the ballpark neighborhood. Im in fillmore. They reached out to people all over the city. Including asking me to put together a meeting of a group of pastors so they could explain what theyre doing and what opportunity that would create for members of their chur church. So i am all over this project. I hope you are, too. You will probably never have a better designed and and a project that has taken into consideration the needs of more people in this city no matter how long you end up staying on the commission, and i hope you all stay there a very long time. Thank you very much. Thank you. Is there any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners . Thank you. I will be short today. A little bit indisposed, but i wanted to come because this is a very significant day. Its historic. Ive been on this journey since 2011. Not as long as commissioner brandon, but its been amazing journey, i think, working with all the parties the giants, the port staff, the commission. We have worked very, very diligently, very hard on many, many issues, and in addition to what everybody has said in terms of all the speakers, i can assure you weve gone over this with a fine tooth comb to make sure it makes sense for all the stakeholders, economically, financially, and the community in terms of the benefits it provides, and all the things that we have talked about, Affordable Housing, etcetera. Im very proud to see this day come forward, and i think its really a day to recognize all the parties. Thank the staff, executive director forbes. We had another meeting before this to resolve the last remaining issues that we had. I think when you serve as a port commissioner, you always wonder what people will say 20 years from now in terms of what legacy you leave behind. There are many, many important things we worked on in this commission, some of them more shortterm, like americas cup, but what is lasting is a project like this which is for all the people in San Francisco, a project that has creating a new neighborhood which is so exciting. And so i just wanted to come, and im sorry if im coughing, but i just wanted to say its very important for me to be here today. And jack, sorry i couldnt talk to you yesterday. I hope you understand why. Thank you. Thank you. Want to thank really, its going to be the time for thank yous, as commissioner wu help pointed out, we spent a lot of time looking at this project. Some of us not quite the full 11 years, but it feels like it sometimes. I think this is an example of what happens when both you have a developer that wants to do things right, a developer that has a longterm commitment to the city like the giants and know that theyre going to be here and that this is their city, too. And as a result, reaching out to everyone in the community. Weve really heard how broad and deep the efforts went, and i think getting the input from members of the group of pastors that they reached out to, it was news to me, but it speaks volumes to the kind of outreach that was done across San Francisco to come up with a better project. And weve heard how its going to positively impact the people. And its no secret were losing a lot of people from San Francisco that can no longer afford to stay here, and this is an example of what can be done to try to keep people here and to work with people, create jobs for those that are here and as you said also, bring people back. This is really a thoughtful project. I was struck as i was reviewing the project before the meeting, the wonderful little details, too, and the things that people got right, from figuring out how to phase in the parks, and kr orrine, i want to thank you again for keeping that front and center. And also thank the giants for this work in recognizing that and the importance of the parks and the needs the community and having that open space and bringing that in the fashion, that it comes in earlier rather than later. Even though thats not necessarily the easiyes easiye eastiest thing to have done, it was the right thing to do. And port staff, i used to say port staff is the best in the city, and then, i stopped because i didnt want to poach. I guess i can go back to saying, this really is a fantastic place for people to work with just an Extraordinary Team at the port at every level. And i think given the fact weve got mike martin over here, thats another example of how its a nice place to be. But no, truly, thank you all for the hard work thats been done, and im going to quote jack yet when he called to see if i had any further questions. He said you know, people at the port are really pretty fabulous, but somebody whos sat on the other side of a negotiation table, to be able to say that is really quite a tribute to both sides. The negotiations were certainly not easy, but it resulted in such a solid project is a testament to all involved. And of course to have labor show up and talk about support for this project, and to have the support of labor in the project, again, on so many levels, this was as pointed out, how to do it right. Bringing everyone together is only going to make for a better project, and im really excited to see this move forward, and as commissioner wu helped point out, this is the kind of thing that we as commissioners hope that we get right so that 10, 20, 30 years from now, people say well, they did something decent at least. But this is really one of those projects that i think really will have a positive effect on the face of San Francisco and excited and honored to be a part of it and look forward to see what comes next. Thank you. Wow, jack. A wise man once ses its not the amount of breaths that you take, its the amount that takes your breath away. Its hard to take any eye off the titanic organization of the giants and how you guys are beyond a sports team. A cultural figure. Youve done something that has helped to transform this city, and i know mayor lee would be very, very proud. Because one thing that i like about living in this city you go to other cities like l. A. , you hear the word me, myself, and i. But in San Francisco, you always hear two words, me and us. And to bring everybody together to do something and we dont put ourselves above any project, its amazing. And to deal with the issues towards homelessness, jobs, i mean, this sets San Francisco apart. Those coming behind us will one day look back and look at the recipe how the blueprint that the giants and how we in San Francisco, we might fight among ourselves, but we have a way of figuring out, and we have moved this project. You know what, jack . I dont care that it look 11 years. Really, seriously, you know . Anything thats worth having i just got through reading mandelas book, the long road to freedom if it would have taken you another five, it would have been well worth it. Going to erase that. But to the giants organization, to the port staff and to all our partners and to our community, the corrines of the world and everyone, and toby, we all pitched in to get this thing right. We were worried about all the issues, and i think that were there. And for me, i am more proud for commissioner brandon, who has been on this commission for 21 years, that as president , she really gets to see this come to fruition cause she was with you during all those days. So i couldnt be prouder to be up here with you with my fellow commissioners and hearing the public speak volumes. And recently, you werent here, jack, but we had a gentleman come in from pier 70, and my words was, if you want to do business in San Francisco, you need to go back to the giants, cause they know how to get it right, and you guys have a winning formula. And i will say this again the commitment that you have to this city, even when you guys are losing, your games are sold out. That means this community and the people in San Francisco believe, support, and stand behind the giants just as this commission do, and that speaks volumes. cause most people when youre winning, theyre with you. But when something happens, they go the other way. You know you have loyal fans in this city, and ill tell you something. You dont know, but generations to come, they will benefit from this vision, and mayor lees vision, and the best way to serve his memory and all those that have passed along the way, to make sure this project is done. Thank you. Thank you. Phil, carl a, adam, thank you for such a wonderful report. This is a historic day. I think i was here more than 11 years ago probably 12, 13 years ago when this idea first came to bear, and before we started the slanting process. Im just so happy today we are voting on this project. This is going to be a wonderful we are creating a new community. The giants always have just been great corporate neighbors and so easy to deal with and so easy to work with. We dont always agree at the time but we get there, just like today. And i think the only thing thats changed since november , at the presentation, is that the port is going to get more money. Yea. But i just want to thank everybody, the mission rock team and jack and our attorneys, all the city agencies that have touched this project throughout the 11 years. We couldnt have done it without you, and our Community Leaders led by corrine and toby and bruce who have been active since day one. I mean, all of us together, this is a historic day, so thank you very much for oh, yeah, labor. Of course labor was involved. Labor is involved and will continue to be involved throughout the project, yes. Yes. Thank everybody. Okay. Commissioners. Are we ready to vote . All in favor . Any opposed . Resolution 1803 through 1810 have been approved. [applause] clerk item 12, new business. I just have one thing for new business, and that is the southern bay front negotiation framework. I think this is a great document, and i think this is absolutely wonderful, and the fact that we have nine projects of of new opportunities in the southern waterfront. It takes me 45 minutes to an hour to get to work every day, so there are existing traffic problems that have to be addressed, and i totally appreciate that mission rock and forest city are going to contribute 90 million to this part of the waterfront. But i just need to know how it all works together and how were going to correct the transportation issues that are going to affect everybody in these areas. So if we could just have some same of presentation in the future on the southern bay strategy for the total southern bay front would be absolutely wonderful. Thank you. Anyone else . Director forbes, we talked about having a periodic financial review. Is that coming up on the calendar . Yes. Were moving into budget, which will be on in february , two meetings, and then, well have a financial review in march. Is that right, katey . Yes. Yes. Well put it on the forward calendar. Financial situations, its looking good, but i think we should celebrate that and understand the challenges. Okay. Thank you. Any other new business . I would like to no, no, go ahead. No, no, i dont have i just wanted to thank my felly commissioners who were coughing on either siwere fellow commissioners who were coughing on or the side of me on either side of me. So i would just like to thank my wonderful commissioners for joining me today. Can i have a motion to adjourn . Motion. All in favor . Meeting adjourned

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