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In fact some are already on the street. And heres probably the most interesting aspect, the Public Utilities Commission Charges 0. 33 Gross Revenue tax on companies that operate in california and we have estimated that based on Public Comments by the cos of the companies, theyre probably making upwards of 10 million just from San Francisco trips alone. And thats pretty interesting. The San Francisco Airport Charges a 3. 80 trip fee and our document identifies how much money they made last year, about 30 million. Relative to the point, the puc considers that to be highly classified information and wont tell you how much money they have and how much they are spending it on. I was just about to say that. Were unaware of how the money is spent. It goes into a fund and we ask them how its spent and didnt get a clearance. It is just the height of lunacy that a Public Agency will not give this information to the public. It boggles the mind. You dont have to respond to it. Its just obscene. Im happy to take any other questions you have at this point. If anyone from the puc is watching, the fact that the Public Information is not available to local governments, public, people of the state of california is mind boggling. Chair, i think that concludes the presentation but were happy to take other comments and questions and tend to agree as staff, we want to continue pursuing that line of questioning ideally with the help of state deligation. I think whether its the ta through our council or as the board of supervisors, that we should initiate litigation against the california Public Utilities commission for sunshine at a minimum. Are there questions or comments from members of the commission . Commissioner fewer. Commissioner ronen. I just want to say i completely agree with you chair peskin. Commissioner fewer. I just want to note in the report on page 7, just the impact it has on the San Francisco Police Department. They recorded 2,656 in the neighborhoods of which 1,723 violations were made by tnc drivers, approximately 65 . The majority of the violations were from tnc drivers traveling in a transit only lane. 1,044 out of 1,715 violations. Talk about congestion and why do we have the transit only lanes when theyre flooded by tnc. The impact on the Police Department is tremendous. I say any way we can to recover some revenue from them because this doesnt only have an impact on our streets and i think that wear and tear on the streets and our Police Department. Thank you commissioner. Any other comments from commissioners . And colleagues, if we could actually have its interesting to me if you look back to item number 10, the polling data, and the service intermediary tax. Particularly to the sector, there is a profound nexus and it is time for uber and lyft to start paying their fair share for the congestion that theyre causing and quite frankly for adding to the inequities happening in public transportation. Are there members of the public who would like to comment on item 11 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I want to thank mr. Logan and ta staff for continuing the deep dive into tncs. We have still yet to figure out a regulatory framework, mostly because were preempted by the cupc. I want to continue the effort and work and figure out how to at the local or state level start to get our hands around the regulatory framework. With that, next item, please. Item 12 adopt the 2017 annual report. This is an action item. Mrs. Chang. Thank you. Im pleased to present the annual report. This is always a pleasure to put together and ill try to present this looking forward and ahead to the work well continue to do in 2018. On the first page, all of our statutory roles and ill talk about the plan fund and deliver categories of the work that we do. Planning was a big emphasis last year with the adoption of bay area. Its important for the transportation and housing and land used to be integrated. I appreciate the work of our commissioners, commissioner kim in that. Closely related to that, long range plan, setting up the regional priorities and Funding Priorities from all of our major infrastructure needs, including in plan bay area. That was a big win and thank the staff for that, led by our chief deputy. Four agencies working together, jeff hobson working with Planning Department mta and Mayors Office setting the next 50 year vision for the city and through the coming year well update plans for transit and freeways. Many of you are involved and have given us strong guidance on both aspects and eventually will be informing the countywide long range plan. Mta took similar approvals for approving the project and await the federal approval of the federal rod, environmental work at the federal level. First phase improvements are underway. We helped mt a to prepare for the construction phase. They established citizen and Business Advisory committees and of course have initially encountered some delays partially able to recover those related to the utility work. Geneva brt continues to advance in the planning stage, very important as well. On the freeway side, we presented to this body recently with your guidance and outreach continues there working closely with cal trans and our partners to the south. And we hope to bring more studies forward to you in this coming year. Moving to late night transportation, this was work that started a couple years ago, together with the office of economic work force and development, responding to them, commissioner wieners request and effectively implemented with Late Night Services connecting daily city and the mission. Another Regional Initiative we partnered with them on was a capacity transit core capacity study that looked at the bay bridge corridor, short and longterm minimums for the corridor. Its a complex corridor but we know bart for example carry twice as many. We need to work on aspects of that. Treasure island, this had multiple facets and continue to work on the transit plan, the bus and ferry services. I appreciate chair kims leadership there and we worked on affordability in terms of the guidance of the board. Had great outreach and initiated some agreements with ac transit and other partners, eric, thanking him for his teams work on the Treasure Island area and securing funding for the next stage of infrastructure on the island as well. On the funding side, we continue to collect robust sales tax dollars around 100 million a year. We allocated 125 million in 2017 and managed a total of about a billion dollars under the Transportation Authority from props k through aa and other federal funds we manage as well. On average just want to emphasize each dollar does attract more than 47 dollars in other funding. I want to thank chair peskin for leading the Transportation Task force, work with mayor lee and the Mayors Office and sunny angulo and andres power and Controllers Office and our staff who did a lot of the work. Moving forward well keep our eye on the two measures that we discussed earlier, measure three and local potential revenue measure and continue to implement programs like the neighborhood improvement program. This would be the set of planning and capital activities that are led by supervisors and commissioners in each district. We completed a whole set of planning projects in district one, district 2, 5, 6, 7. Everything from improving connections to Golden Gate Park to western community plan. Crooked street plan, golden gate avenue, bike lanes and the Planning Departments work at balboa tdm. Continuing on the capital side, we advanced projects such as district four, the sky line intersection alternatives, the bike way in districts eight and nine and nine and 10 bay shore boulevard intersection approvements in district 10, work as well in district 10 on mobility management. We had a great outcome with the Grant Program thanks to commissioners tang and chair peskin, working with many of you on revising the safe routes to School Program and advancing funds for a host of other projects. Very much needed. Appreciate everyones work on that program at the end of last year. Prop aa, improve safety, resurfacing and transit. Last year projects opening at the beginning of 2017, hunters view is a great project, supporting that with better transit connections and theres a bus lay over area at the bart area that finished up in 2017 and prop aa saw 12 projects be completed. Very happy to see the progress and good use of the voter approved funds. Transit fund for clean air, 4 registry we collect from the air district and program about 800,000, 700,000 or so of these funds each year. We talked about that earlier today, bicycle program, taxi program, emergency ride home and a whole host of other projects looking for funding this year. On the delivery side, the big important focus was on vehicle. The bart vehicles but in terms of local sales tax we put funding toward the new lrvs for muni and saw the arrival of some of the vehicles in the fall and working together with the city, able to help commit hundreds of millions of dollars of sales tax funds for the really important vehicles that continue to be programmed and delivered over the next few years. We saw the opening of the vista point. I want to thank our deputy for Capital Projects for delivering this. He also succeeded in obtaining about 35 million for the south gate road realignment and will be under taking procurement for the west side retrofit later this year. Downtown extension, important focus for the city. The Transit Center is expected to reach potential completion by spring this year. Bus operations with muni five line has already started and commenced downtown. The downtown extension will be proceeding with federal approvals, were conducting a tunnel option study at the request of the chair and this body, doing appear review on ways to continue to avoid the cut and cover and peer review the design of the downtown connection. So with that, we hope to be ready and poised to expand to the downtown expansion. Continuing with our major priorities, central subway, that project continues to make progress. We know theres been delays, theres Good Progress particularly south of market or the three stations to the south. Chinatown station is working on the station construction. About 65 complete. We see good dbe participation and we hope to support the mta moving that project toward completion by december 2019. We want to see that delivered by 2019 with all parties working toward that goal. The prop k work for cal train together with the region helped to trans the train control. We had cal train folks here at the last meeting providing an update on their progress. Its moving along well. And positive train control, we hope will resolve its contractor dispute so they can deliver their project anticipated for 2018. Bike pedestrian, we saw vision zero meet several times and provide support and guidance to the Multi Agency Group working towards that. We are committed to drive that number of fatalities down to zero. Pedestrian improvements, mtas working with public works made tremendous progress with Traffic Signals and pedestrian facilities throughout the city and bicycle improvements throughout the city in expansion of the bike share was part of that. On transparency and accountability as usual we take it very serious and obtained a clean audit from the Transportation Authority. I want to thank the team for a fourth year in a row and we were able to sell first longterm bonds at a very good rate with ratings of aaa and a plus. It will help to accelerate improvements and delivery of Important Services such as the new muni vehicles and other fleet and facilities for mta. In terms of dbe and lbe participation and performance, we see strong participation. About 28 of dbes in our program and we continue to do outreach. Were preparing for another big outreach event next month and well have it on our web site and email list. Thank you all for your continued leadership and Citizens Advisory Committee that works very hard on behalf of the city. Thank you. Thank you ms. Chang and thank you for the very thorough report and to all of your staff for their work in 2017. Are there any questions or comments from commissioners . Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Is there any is there a motion to adopt the 2017 annual report made by commissioner tang and seconded by commissioner yee. We have a different house on that ask. Roll call. Item 12 commissioner breed, aye. Commissioner kim. Aye. Commissioner peskin. Aye. Commissioner ronen. Aye. Commissioner tang. Aye. Commissioner yee. Aye. We have first approval. With that, any new items colleagues . Yeah, that is adopted that is a one vote, just make it clear, the 2017 annual report is adopted. Any introduction of new items. Seeing none, any general Public Comment . Seeing none. We are adjourned. And stick around because we have the timma meeting right now. They tend to come up here and drive right up to the vehicle and in and out of their car and into the victims vehicle, i would say from 1015 seconds is all it takes to break into a car and theyre gone. Yeah, we get a lot of breakins in the area. We try to i just want to say goodbye. Thank you. Sometimes thats all it takes. I never leave anything in my car. We let them know theres been a lot of vehicle breakins in this area specifically, they target this area, rental cars or vehicles with visible items. This is just warning about vehicle breakins. Take a look at it. If we can get them to take it with them, take it out of the cars, it helps. Working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco General Hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco and chair of this committee and i want to acknowledge charles kreminek at sfgov tv for broadcasting our meeting and making sure theyre available to members of the public. Mr. Clerk, would you please call the roll . Item one, roll call. [roll call] we have quorum. Thank you very much. And may we take a motion to excuse commissioner cohen and commissioner fuhor. Mr. Clerk, can you please call the next item . Item two, chairs report. This is an information item. Thank you. And i do not have a report today. And may we take Public Comment on this item . Seeing no Public Comment, Public Comment is now closed. Item number two. Can we please call the next item. Item three, executive directors report. This is an information item. Chair kim, commissioners, im pleased to report on some recent developments at the policy level. Weve been track federal and state Autonomous Vehicle legislation with interest and with some concern in late last year of october. Sfmta director sent a letter for the deployment of driverless vehicles in california. We are appreciative of the incorporation of several of our prior comments but remain concerned about several aspects of the proposed regulation, including training requirements being inclusive as our interactions between pedestrians and bicycles with these new driverless vehicles, were concerned about the ability of local Law Enforcement and First Responders to have access to crash data as well as the potential to allow the vehicles in testing to offer commercial services for higher services. In addition, in november, the u. S. House of relatives and Senate Passed their respective bills on federal legislation governing development of Autonomous Vehicles. Were appreciative of the federal role in regulating the vehicles themselves. We are concerned, however, that the legislation in both houses, as drafted now, preempts state and local governments from legislating the performance of those vehicles. Which we believe has always been the per view of the states and the enforcement of the performance, local Law Enforcement would also be preempted. We continue to work with a coalition of state and jurisdiction and other stakeholders to try to move that in the right direction. We really appreciate senator feinstein and others who have raised this issue and put a hold on the legislation and proposing some amendments to deal with the preemption provisions. We continue to work with partners on various aspects of the funding plan. We also await the final approval of our federal grant, which will allow us to build the toll system as well as pilot Autonomous Vehicle shuttles on the islands. Over the recent holiday break, by the way, my family and i were able to ride one of these shuttles that is being offered and operating in las vegas. The vehicle did have an operator on board who was able to take over, if needed. But the half mile loop was very smooth. The ride was smooth and the vehicle did operate quite well. If needed, the pilot on board would be able to take over the service as i mentioned. Interestingly, we learned that the city of las vegas did not contribute to the operation. It has been privately sponsored by a. A. A. , but did put out did prepare some of the plans and install some equipment to support the pilot. Locally, weve been working on the transit pass and the Affordability Programme i mentioned earlier and friended these to the Transportation Research board annual conference in washington, d. C. There are many, many agencies and Companies Working on past solutions, and by now the technology is quite advanced so we want to continue to work to integrate transit, ferries, car share, bike share and toll roads and parking all into one Payment System using fast track and clipper, our regional pricing and Payment Systems. And really appreciate the abilities of m. T. C. And others to take a leadership role in those arenas. And finally on the island project infrastructure side, we mentioned that we were closing the on and off ramps on the westbound ramps and will initiate procurement of the east on the eastbound off ramp and south gate road relocation and west side bridges starting this fall. And the pier e2 has been in the news where cal trans is proposing to complete some to leave some of the piers in place and provide a nice, open space and pedestrian bridge with fishing and recreation opportunities so were working together with cal trans to develop that along with our partners, tida, Transportation Development authority as well. Thank you. Thank you so much, director chang. I did see that i did have remarks. But it is ok. At this time, we are going to take Public Comment on the directors report. See oh. Excuse me k. Yes. I would have gotten up on the first time. But this is my first time coming to the treasury what is it, the Treasure Island management. But i have a statement on support of what shes saying so you wont say im off the sci. Im here making a statement and im going to be making it throughout the campaign because all yall politricking and ives been politicking. But ive been around longer than all of yall. Other than peskin, whos been here longer. But before he was here, i was here. But not in the capacity i am now. Let me say i support that so we keep that going. Yes, i am the creator of what yall looking at right here, tv channel. I dont want the credit because that aint nothing. Id rather have cash. I dont want no credit for it. Right now here im telling you. Everybody, all the policymakers, movers and shakers, politician and everybody from room 200 all the way down to the janitors room, yours truly ace on the case in your face and now in your place is returning back to city hall, yall. Back by popular demand. And im going to have this camera in my hand. So bottom line right now, what i want to say to all the politicians, movers and shakers, policymakers, that we as African American black negroes, however you want to call it, im on the campaign. Im on a mission and i dont need yo permission. Im coming back here with my tv show and im going to have a show where each one of you supervisors can participate in called the roundtake project. Roundtable project and that means all the supervisors will have a chance to talk more than with the fake news and alternative news is doing. My name is ace, and im on the case. But all ease i got 20 seconds. I know how to do this, yall. I aint knew to this. Ha ha. Im true to this. Black History Month next month, its the shortest year of the month. Im going to forecast all the blacks here at city hall, yall. My name is ace. Thats all. Thank you so much. Is there any other Public Comment on the directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Can we please call the next item . Item four. Approve the minutes of the december 12, 2017 meeting. This is an action item. Can we take a motion to approve the minutes . Is we can take a motion from commissioner p esskin and commissioner yee and we can do that without opposition. Public comment . Ok. Thank you. Can we take Public Comment on item number four . Seeing no Public Comment, Public Comment is now closed. We have a motion in the second and can we do that without opposition . Thank you t. Motion passes. Mr. Clerk, can you please call item number five . Item five, election of chair and vice chair for 2018. This is an action item. Thank you, commissioners. I see that commissioner peskin would like to make a nomination. Thank you, madame chair. I would, if you are willing, like to nominate you to continue as chair and nominate commissioner yee to serve as vice chair. Thank you, commissioner peskin. Im happy to accept. Commissioner peskin has nominated myself as chair and commissioner norman yee as vice chair. Is there a second to this motion . There is a second by commissioner ronan. Are there any further nominations . Seeing none, nominations are closed. And at this time, we will take Public Comment on this item. Seeing no members of the Public Commenting on this item, Public Comment is now closed. On the motion in favour of electing myself, commissioner kim for chair and commissioner norman yee has vice chair, can we take a roll on this motion . Yes. On the motion of appointing commissioner kim as chair and yee for vice chair. [roll call] proved. Thank you for your support of nominating and voting me in as chair of the Treasure Island mobility management agency. I look forward to serving with commissioner norman ye, e in 2018. Item seven, Public Comment. Thank you. Commissioners, any new items that you would like to propose or comment on. Seeing none, well open it up for Public Comments on both item six and general Public Comment item number seven. Any members of the public like to speak on either items . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Mr. Clerk, any other items before this body . No other items. Meeting is adjourned. Thank you, colleagues can. Well see you in a few hour not only did the total death on our streets from traffic collisions decrease dramatically in 2017, pedestrian deaths did as well. Since 2013, fewer pedestrians have been killed on our streets. This is really good news. You know, no one wants to see the accidents on the side of the road, no one wants to experience going to a crime scene on the road knowing your loved one has been hit by a car or sadly tragically killed. This is about bringing that number of 20 from 2017 down to zero. We dont want another death on our streets because of human error, because of anything that we can avoid. If we change our behavior, we change our roads and we do a better job here in the city and county of San Francisco. My ask of the public, number one be aware of your surrounding, be aware of the law, be aware of the street signals and crosswalks and try to work within the laws designed to keep you safe. Look at where we were and look at where we are. This vision will be a reality. We all have to remember that all of us, all of us every single day, no matter how you get to work, school, wherever you go, all of us are always pedestrians. This impacts all of us. School starts again on monday, so i hope as you are reporting today you will encourage people to slow down, to be mindful, to recognize that youre going to have more cars on the street on monday. Were going to have more kids on bikes, more kids walking. Please, be slow, be safe and be mindful. I just want to urge everyone at the sound of my voice to make some corrections. If you operate a motor vehicle, think about it, think about the person standing on the corner. Think about how fast youre driving. Think about the stop sign youre about to come to. Just think. And just doing so, youll help someone live another day. I guarantee that. I guarantee that. Shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local services we help San Francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the 49. My name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if San Francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we adjourned. Shop dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their shop dine in the 49 with within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local Services Within the neighborhood we help San Francisco remain unique successful and vibrant so where will you shop dine in the 49 my name is jim woods im the founder of Woods Beer Company and the proprietor of woods copy k open 2 henry adams what makes us unique is that were reintegrated brooeg the beer and serving that cross the table people are sitting next to the

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