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Good afternoon, everyone. A call to order of the meeting of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission for today, tuesday, december 12. Madame secretary, roll, please . [roll call] and we have a quorum. So, before we get started, today is actually a very sad day for the city and county of San Francisco and in honor of our late mayor, ed lee, id like to ask everyone to stand if we can observe a moment of silence in his honor. Thank you. Before we enter Public Comment, i wanted to send my condolences to many of you, especially harlan, i know you were close with mayor lee. If there is any day to wish for fake news, this was it. I think were all very stunned. So, i want to announce closed session items 25 to 31 will not be heard today. As were going to approve the minutes of november 14. Can i have a motion to approve those minutes . So vote. Second. Any discussion . Any Public Comment related to the minutes of november 14 . All in favor, do approve . Aye. Opposed . Ok. Approved. Id like to call forward Public Comment and i have two gentlemen here. First is peter jakemier for Public Comment. Good afternoon. First im really sorry about mayor lees untimely death. A real tragedy for the city. In reading the sfpucs week in review that ended on december 1, a couple of things jumped out at me. First was conditions at the reservoir. There were two significant storms this season. Approximately 32,000 acre feet of water available to the city. 4 of our annual average accumulation. So, that would mean the average annual accumulation is 815,000acre feet. Ill come back to that. Second was an item economic value of water in u. S. Metropolitan areas. And this is a study done by the Bay Area Council Economic Institute. And this is the analysis builds on the Bay Area Council Economic Institute report. The impacts have reduced the bay area water supply prepared in response to the Water Quality control plan. I looked that up and awas kind of shocked by the poor analysis that says the Bay Area Council Economic Institute looked at the impacts of 30, 40 and 50 unimpaired flow requirement on the river would have on bay area water users under the 175 million gallon per day scenario. The draft s. E. D. Could lead to water supply shortfalls during dry years. Regional Water Supplies would be reduced to as low as 67 million gallons for day from 175 million gallons per day during dry year such as 1991, 1992. Im assuming they misquoted the sfpuc. Seasonerly you want to look into that. May made the same mistake that the bradle group has done, which is based rationing on demand versus supply. For example, if you make 265 a day and you only spend 175 a day, you put 90 in the bank. If you get a pay cut of 90 a day, that comes from your 265, not from your 175. So back to the sfpuc water available. It was 815,000 acre feet per year. 175 million gallons per day is the equivalent of 196,000 acre feet. 67 million gallons per day is the equivalent of 75,000 acre feet. So, the 67m. G. D. Figure they used, in storage, in the sfpuc has enough water in storage to last 16 years at 67 m. G. D. So that is a hard core design drought that theyre apparently planning for and in the march report they basically said the method used to estimate impact was [bell ringing] 2014 report which we commented on and found a lot of reports aen are disappointed that that didnt get changed. Thank you. Thank you. Next item, mr. Dave warner. Good afternoon. I came up here on cal train and we stopped between station for a minute at 12 00 noon to pay our respects to mayor lee. So im dave warner. Im concerned about the delta bay ecosystem. One of the many great things ed lee was known for was unification. What a great quality that is and dont we wish we had more of that in washington. So, one place where San Francisco has a lot of unification is in environmental issues. And 70 of San Franciscoians voted to protect themselvess to protect the bay dell tafm im sure you heard of this before. But it is an astounding number. Three out of four people voted if favor of taxing themselves for environmental issues. My point is, then you know the sfpuc opposes the state water boards plan. And you know the sfpuc has taken a minority view amongst scientists that the ecosystem can be protected by nonflow measures. And you know the sfpuc has been posing what i would say a false tradeoff thats either the water or the economy thats at stake. And to me there are many, many more options than that. So, my point is a request is id really ask you to ask the hard questions of your staff. Dont accept either or answers. Have rigorous debate that you fully understand the implication and judge whether or not it reflects the will of the people and it is also important to ask what is the will of the people . Sure they want water, but that answer is probably too simple. I go to my conclusion, which is my understanding is that for having a water supply, we are second to none and that is a really nice accomplish. Ment. But that is maybe only half the job. When 85 of our water comes from severely damaged ecosystem. So, that is the reasons that they ask these hard questions in our meeting of the will of the people. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any other members of the public who wish to comment on items not on todays agenda . Ok. Next item, please. Item five is communications. Sorry. Communications. Communications . Yes. So you or me i dont have any questions. Any comments . No. Ok. Any Public Comment on communications . All right. Next agenda item. Item six is other commission business. Commissioners . Ok. Is there any Public Comment . All right then. Item seven is report of the general manager. All right. Thank you. Yeah, commissioners. This has definitely been a hard day for me. Ive been friends personal friends with the mayor ed lee for over 20 years. I worked with him when he was h. R. C. Director. I worked with him when he was the city purchaser. I worked for him when he was the director of public works and i worked with him when he was city administrator. He is very collateralize to the family. In fact, he was a groomsman in my wedding and so when i received the call, i was definitely in disbelief. I arrived shortly after his passing at the hospital and, you know, i helped the family out as best i could. And naomi is, you know, working with the family to figure out what their wishes are. It has been a rough year for me we some other folks passing away, including my mom in february. Needless to say i cant wait until this year is over. [chuckling] but other than that, lets talk about government and the government must continue and so the one thing i want to first topic is clean power s. F. , barbara hill. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners. I have quick updates on three clean power s. F. Topics, enrollment and service, contracting for our growth, and our legislative and regulatory activities. Our enrollment continues to go smoothly. We have successfully we are a successfully serving about 80,000 Customer Service sites today. Our opt out percentage is 3. 2 , so super low and our upgrade rate continues to exceed our optout ray. Its 4 for our customers now. That is a snapshot on who were serving today. Looking ahead are our next small enrollment will be january 2018. Were notifying customers now. Less than 1 of those customers who are receiving notice now have decided to opt out. We have 120 customers on the wait list now for our next enrollment in the spring. 56 of those customers are asking for super green service. So, if you are listening and want to enroll, go to cleanpowersf. Org enroll to be included in our next enrollment. In terms of our growth plans, we are contracting both for supply and for the bank credit facility. For suspect mraou, were testifily negotiating our final contracts with the short listed counterparties. Those contracts are for both new and existing Renewable Power and the energy to firm and shape it. And for our bank credit facility, the finance team is working to finalize the contract terms with j. P. Morgan for our bank credit facility. We will bring recommendations to the commission on both of those contracting efforts for a vote early in the new year. On legislative activities, consistent with your vote on november 14, i believe it was, an ordinance was introduced at the board requesting the board of supervisors provide a limited, delegated authority to the p. U. C. To enter into supply contracts to support completion of our program. The delegated authority would include annual expenditure limits and conditions that the Commission Imposed on the general manager. The item is scheduled to be heard this week tomorrow, i believe at a special meeting of the budget and finance committee so well be presenting there in support of that item. And regulatory activities. I just wanted to mention that our annual usual adjust tonight the exit fee, the pcia, will be delayed this year so there wont be a new pcia on january 1. It will be delayed for at least 30 days. The california Public Utilities commission has not provided a proposed decision on that. In time for it to be implemented january 1. So, we expect there will be a proposed decision issued soon. And that there would be a new pcia some time probably in january. So that was kind of an interesting wrinkle to the pcua issues. With that, im happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. May i ask a question . What was the reason for the postponement for pcia . So, we havent we were keeping an eye out for the proposed decision and none has been issued. We havent heard i havent heard an explanation. Pg e sent a letter to the commission saying since we havent heard anything, we wont be proposing new rates for the first of the year. And so we are assuming everything is delayed. The california p. U. C. Will have their last Commission Meeting on this year of december 14. Any action would require a proposed decision to be published for comment, has to stay in the Public Domain for 30 days and cant be acted on in that period. So we know were at least 30 days away from any action. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioners, any other questionss . Any Public Comment on this item . Next item, please. Next item is a quarterly audit and performance review. Nancy hall. Good afternoon, president and commissioners. My name is nancy hall, dpty chief interim deputy chief chief financial officer. Im here to the review report for fiscal year 1718. It highlights all oversight projects at the p. U. C. And provides a yeartoday summary, sixmonth outlook and update of open audits and recommendations. The agency finished First Quarter with 28 projects in total. Of this figure, five were completed and 17 were in progress. Six financial audits began in q1 and they include the annual audit Financial Statements, the comprehensive annual Financial Report and the popular annual Financial Report. In this same quarter, five were completed, listed here by report issue and state. These include the Community Benefits 1b evaluation framework and the annual inventory count for prior fiscal year 1617 for waste water and power and also a compliance monitoring audit by the western electricity coordinating council. The audit highlights for this quarter is the and physical inventory counts performed by Financial Services who over sees the inventory audits of the main warehouses located in mulbray, moccasin, the southeast Treatment Plant and for awsf. A full count is conducted for each enterprise one every three years. For this count, h we adjust for any unidentified exceptions. The recommendations by the audit firm mglop, recommended that the sfpuc conduct accuracy and policy awareness counts to revise fuel inventory procedures for a morse reliable system of reporting, to establish policy to document causes of variances over a certain threshhold and then to also create a tracking list for items that are temporarily relocated. Management did concur with all recommendations, partially or fully. In quarter two, ending december 31 this year, well expect to complete the financial audits previously mentioned in this presentation. And as well as complete performance audits, inclusive of a state grant audit for prop 84 for ground water storage and recovery and our department is also participating in two citywide audits for citywide payroll and another one for citywide fleet management. Upcoming audits include the p. G. Interconnection cost review performed internally at the sfpuc. At our last discussion t commission requested more detailed reporting that would provide more information regarding open audits and recommendations. As a start, we included an expanded summary of all audits within the quarterly audit report and that is also here for you. The staff will continue to improve this reporting and by quarter two next quarter, we hope to report extended audits. We currently have 72 open audit recommendations, of which a majority are from the waste water divisional ordinance from the previous quarter and confidential audits as well. The p. U. C. Last quarter close 10ed audit recommendations from the go solar s. F. Audit. These included modifications of System Access rights, update of the admin code as well as clarifying eligibility requirements and updating policies and procedures for the handbook. This concludes my friendsing. Our staff will continue to keep the board updated on the progress of our annual audit. Im happy to answer any questions. Commissioners . Thank you. Thank you. Any Public Comment on this item . Ok. The next item is a quarterly budget status report. Eric. Air uk sandler, c. F. O. Of the p. U. C. Im here to present the quarterly budget report for the First Quarter ending 93017. I think the good news is that things look a whole lot better than they did a year ago. Waste water and revenues are higher, power revenues are slightly lower than budget and clean power is is pretty much straight on, spot on in the budget. Weve seen increased revenues. Revenues above budget for the most part expenses below budget so were in a much better shape than we were last year when we were chasing water sales and all of our Financial Results meet the policy results that the commission has identified. Well go through a quick review of each of the enterprises. Weve seen water revenues up about 24 million. We sold about 182 m. G. D. , million gallons of water a day, 11 million above the budget. Most of those increased sales are on the wholesale side of the ledger. So, the 21. 7 million that you see here goes to the benefit of the wholesale customers and is rebated over time. On the uses side, weve been quite spot on on the water side so we expect to spend all of our budget. On the waste water side, things are also were benefiting from increased bill volumes for waste water sales as a result of higher retail water sales. That is generating about 10. 5 million in revenue above budget. We build about 49. 7 m. G. D. And that was about 1. 2 m. G. D. Above budget. Were seeing a significant reduction in uses and the largest share has to do with Lower Debt Service than budgeted. That is a timinging usual yule myhrer prayerly. Issue primarily. The 16. 9 million in the planned reserve, that was intended to be deposited to reserves and so that shows up as a loer than budgeted use and then we have about 3 million in vacancy savings. On the power side, we see slightly reduced revenue. I have a typo here. Im sorry. 1 million decrease is lower than budget is a result of reduced power sales. Not water salesen. And were seeing about 2 million in salary savings on the uses side as well as we dont anticipate having to dip into the contingency for power purchases. On clean power, the revenues are at budget. Were sell wag we expected to. On the uses, side, we have about 1 million in salary savings from vacancies and the 5. 6 million use here is a deposit to reserves that was planned. You can see theyre meeting the various objectives for debt service coverage. Im happy to answer any questions. Commissioners . Anything . Thank you. Just a comment. The fact that were selling more water than we planned to kind of gives us a windfall of r f gnu and we talked before about one of the possible uses of that is to fund any conservation programs that were not able to qualify under prior structures. And as we get into the next budget cycle, i will be looking to make sure that we do two things. One is assess what our consumptions are and that they are appropriately reflective of ongoing conservation efforts number one. And then number two, to look at any unfunded but otherwise worthwhile con sr. Vacation efforts to see if we can get some of that work done. Thank you. Thank you. Any Public Comments on this item . Ok. All right. Next item is hetch hetchy water capital and power improvement program. Commissioners, thank you for the opportunity to present to you First Quarter report for fiscal years 1718 for the hetch hetchy Capital Improvement program. If you please go to the slides. So, actually, before i get into the highlights, let me address the variances and the report. Quickly. The Pipeline System has a 1 million variance due to a bid being received higher than the engineers estimate some time ago. As previously reported. And a 20month variance due to the need to finalize our assessment work prior to going into the design and planning phase of the project. The other powerhouse project is overbudget by 2 million because we added the governors home and combined that project with Oil Containment systems. And the warnerville substation project had a delay and notice to proceed for construction for the design build contract. The madison penstock has a 4 1 2month delay due to scheduled constraints for outage that is needed for that project. And the microwave system project for communications has an 11month delay due to performance issues that have since been resolved and we were able to close that out recently. And the mountain tunnel interim repairs inspection, inspection and repairs project, we added nine months so we could do phase two for the additional month that were planning for next fall. So, with that, id like to just hit some of the other highlights of program this last quarter. The cherry dam outlet works is ongoing. Notices to proceed was the issue of big valley he can tick for the kirkwood penstock, short rusk reduction measures. Theres a designbuild contract built for warnerville substation and the lower cherry aqueduct emergency Rehabilitation Project design was finalized in the quarter, although were still working out the rightofway with the bureau of Land Management. Although i think were getting closer and looking forward to geting that resolved so we can move forward with that project. And weve also initiated the condition assessments at oshaughnessy and cherry dam spillways. We received letters of directives from the California Division of safety at dams to do these assessments so were moving forward with those expeditiously. Id like the brief you on a few current project issues. This is cherry reservoir recently. You can see it has been lowered and as has been reported in previous reports, we had to lower the reservoir because of the valve one of the cone valves failing and the upstream butter fly valve failing meant that in order to do work on the valves downstream of the reservoir, we had to lower the reservoir so we could isolate the valves and do the work inside the tunnel beneath the dam. So, what you see there is the bypass system that has been installed by the contractor. There is a pipeline that goes over the top of the dam. Were pumping five cubic feet per second downstream to the creeks to maintain stream flows. And so this is what the intake in the reservoir looks like. Normally the water level is up at the tree line there and weve isolated the gates to do work in the tunnel safely and so an the downstream end, this is what it looks like. Those are two 66inch diameter we call hollow jet valves. Today theyre called fixed con valves. Were replacing those. That was the original project. You can see where the stream bypass is coming into the creek so we can maintain flow to the creek. Upstream of those two valves in the pipeline are two Butterfly Valves that were discovered to have issues. So this last summer we asked for your for mission to go forward to fix those valves as well with. Since that time theres been additional challenges and additional corrosion and cracks and so forth that need to be addressed. Were currently evaluating those and will come back in january with our assessment so we can go forward with that work. The kirkwood penstock shortterm Risk Reduction contract has been awarded and so the scope of this project, again, is to essentially monitor the penstock thats had significant Foundation Movement on the slope since the project was installed. This is phase one. We expect that there will be work done to arrest that movement in the future and right now were just monitoring. The warnerville substation rehabilitation designbuild contract has been awarded and weve actually issued a notice to proceed to the contractor. And so that is a rehabilitation of transformers and other Electrical Equipment at the site. I emergencied the aqueduct Rehabilitation Project. This project consists of improvements such as emergency debris removal and tunnel cleaning so that we can monitor so that we can continue to have this facility available in the event of an emergency diversion. And so were doing that work there. Again, the n. T. P. Has been delayed because we need the rightofway issues resolved with the bureau of Land Management before we go forward. The building is really taking shame and it will be a good facility for our shops up at moccasin. And id just like to end by mentioning that there are a number of projects that i mentioned at the beginning that are forecasted above the current approved budget. We intend to rebaseline in march of next year after we bring you the Capital Budget for approval. So, we expect that well be able to fund those projects with both past approvals as well as future approvals and revisions to the approved baseline will be reflected in the next quarterly report. Thank you. Commissioners, any questions . Comments . Any general Public Comment . Thank you. So the next item is Sewer System Improvement Program. Karen cubic. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im the director of waste water capital. I have two brief reports today. The first is to highlight the red dots and the waste water capital quarterly report. That have shown up since the last quarter. And the second will be to run through the highlights of the ssfap. Last quarter, i told you that the power feed and primary switch gear upgrades were delayed approximately two years. And this iss so we can align with the power enterprise bay corridor transmission and distribution projects. And that will provide us at the plant with redundant power to southeast from petrero substation. That is approximately 14. 5 million increase. North shore wet weather pump station has been delayed six months for refinement to the scope and that will result in a Cost Reduction of approximately 15 million. Central bay assessment improvement project, were delaying six months to complete addition geo tech work for the tunnel. We did have unforeseen Electrical Work and code khaungs and that was a project that has been awarded for construction thats an impact of 8. 3 million. And five months. Also some change on some of our flooding projects. We have a sixmonth increase due to engineering efforts to complete the engineering report. Cayuga avenue storm weather detention has been extended due to extended coordination with cal trans. If we can bring the slides up. Thank you. Here we are. Phase one of the program. These are all the projects that have been scoped based on the approved levels of service representing the 2. 9 billion that were starting with. And we are currently under way with projects in construction. Expenditures of just under half a billion. Still most of our body of work is in design and that will change as we start to get into 2018. Because headworks will be going into construction as well as bio [inaudible]. This is a closeupup of our rendering of the future digesters that well be having. And our team is conducting a Design Review and received approval and can see that its both going to be stateoftheart as well aesthetically beautiful and we spend time with the team and how this will be with the neighborhood. You will see us short lu as we move forward a Construction Management for this project because we will be starting construction next summer. Karen, if its its really hard to see on here what these things look like. If you can give us some information about the design that is being pursueded here, i would appreciate that. Maybe what we can do through the general manager is submit the package of renderings to the commissioners . Yeah. We can actually provide in communications for the next Commission Meeting, the actual sketches and maybe more information about it. But it is . Ing that i think the executive team and myself spend a lot of time to make sure that we had something that the community could be really proud of. Great. Id love to see that. Slide back up, please. Thank you. Construction on the headworks will begin in january, which is fantastic. We received notice to proceed on several of the scope one services. Those were n. T. P. d in november. And this is a high level schedule of the other Major Projects that are in the ssip and where they were at the end of the quarter. Blue represents the bid and award. Plan rather. Bid and award, design, environmental. Green is construction and gray is the close out. And i want to highlight a few of the ones that are in construction. On this side, with have our pry pair and secondary clarifiers. Were finishing up work on the last clarifier and beginning training of staff. Were at 90 complete with that contract. Our disinfection project upgrades are continuinging that construction and were at 70 and just completed the external water proofing. North point outfall system rehab. The contractor is continuing with removal of sediment, interior cleaning and apoxy lining and this is a picture of our senior environmental engineer and she is standing in the freshly lined outfall. This is kind of cool. It is a at 60 completion. Client construction on our Green Infrastructure. Chinatown is progressing. It has been a very challenging project. Many things were exposed during excavation of that project. Were looking now at a completion in march. We will be sealing it all back up so it is in tack for chinese new year. So, february will be good and safe and then well look to wrap that up in march. The wiggle demolition has commenced. If youve been down on heat street, that is starting to look really nice with the repaving. That project is at 60 completion. Visitation valley, that is a project with rec park. That is moving along really well. The contractor just installed rebar and forms and we have our first rain garden put together. That project is at 49 and the team is hope with how that is running. This is just another shot of our holloway project. In august, we had the ribbon cutting. There we also had mission valencia. We ran into some unusual things that had to be remediated there because we had neighbors putting grease into the green as sort of a cleaning area for restaurants. We had educational seriess with folks and now thats been cleaned up and mitigated. Anyway, these were meant to be a learning experience and were definitely learning quite a bit. I had the privilege of being a tech woman mentor for two young entrepreneurs that came in from the state department. Time flew by. We showed them all of our facilities and a shoutout to commissioner quong who got them a behind the scenes tour of the academy of sciences where they were just elated. They add a chance to sit down with our brightest folk and got an hour with our general manager and now they have returned to their respective countries, palestine and sighier ra leone. So that was a nice experience for all of us. Cheer achievements, were working on priorization. Well be back to you a lot next year as we look at launching some of the phase two work. We completed our sixth year of the city works internship and that was the final presentation. And here we are with the jobs report. Were continuing to workforce with our economic program. Our prime contracts through s. F. Residents have worked 34 of all the hours and were exceeding the requirements at this time. This will be challenging as we have bigger jobs going out. That equates to San Francisco residents earning a combined 7. 6 million in wages and benefits. Were doing better with entrylevel opportunity and providinging a pathway to careers. Unions and Community Service providers have helped us to freezing rain and place internships on qualified projects. So far 68 hours have been worked by San Francisco residents as compared to the 50 requirement. Let me stop you there real quick. In the Public Sector, are we having any conversations internally about development of Career Pathways for those Public Sector positions in your agency in your area . Not so much, no. So, in a Public Sector what were refering to mainly is private. As far as the Public Sector, i think we have been in conversation on the preapprenticeship programs and weve been working with massoud. Other than that, i know and i know your vision of having training pardon me . Its your vision. A shared vision. Shared vision, yeah. That we actually train folks that can work with the city or in the private and give them the tools and ability to work on both. As we move thank you. As we move toward budgeting, well want to see what that looks like in terms of appropriate supervision and deliberately small organizational charts because if you dont have the spot, it is just a policy statement and i think were past that. But that is why i raised it because it is probably not going to flush it out now. But shortly, i would imagine. One of the things that i want to finalize and i know that staff has been some of the key staff have been having some family issues, but i wanted to finalize the workforce policy. And that kind of sets the framework how we want to their apprenticeship and preapprenticeship programs and weve been working citywide on the preapprenticeship program and with your leadership and the p. U. C. Behind it. So i think we can make a headway and so the plan is that the budget will reflect the policy that were proposing to go out once we kind of finalize it. Thank you. If i could get the slides up a few more. Were continuing our outreach and shiftinging from program to projects because now construction is coming. Its imminent. We want to make sure that the public is ready. Were attending Community Meetings in the bayside, also on the westside. We had a very successful bunch of media mentions and a shoutout definitely to our Communications Group because theres some really nice stories. We are continuing these outreach efforts to make sure that our neighbors know what will be coming. We had a very interesting day last week when we had a second grace class come out for a tour and it was 27 second graders and weve been working with them the last month because thank you eve had a curriculum of water and waste water and it was just a miracle that everyone kept their hard hat on. [laughter] because we really thought something would fall in. But a shoutout definitely to andy clark who also was running the plant that day. And sheena johnson. The level of questions was astounding. And they really did pick up a lot. They were asking about energy and water use and how long it took to load the biosalts trucks so it actually did sink in. So that was great. Some new ambassadors hopefully for the ssip. Thank you. Thank you. Commissioners, any questions . I have a question. So as i heard you correctly, as phase two and three begin to get more firmed up and rolled out, you will be coming back to us as we go and i assume that throughout our budget hearings as well, well be better understanding different components of that. And im assuming that specifically in the central bayside tun fell project, well haefr more about where that stands and sort of would love to get an update on that because i know that there has been some shift on size and cost. As weve gone along. But that is phase two, correct . Yeah. That is part of phase two. Remember, phase one was to do the initial planning which we have done. I think weve brought to you what is the, we felt, the appropriate size and that was based on high rate treatment if we wanted to move in that direction to reduce the amount of volume so we can treat more and that was really the indication of the size. And then, you know, as part of phase two, if we want to move into construction, we will come back to you to present what the budget is. I think one of challenges is that the actual location of some of the shafts for the tunnel, that is somethinging were trying to finalize before we move forward. Were planninging to come back and one of the things that we to do, based on the last conversation that we had, is really talk about what were trying to solve with the Sewer System Improvement Program. You know, its broken down into three components. One is the treatment. One collection. And one is program matic stuff. And i know that collection is where Green Infrastructure is, you know, the main force of Green Infrastructure. And some of that is not only in the Sewer System Improvement Program but is really in the whole waste water capital. So, one of things that we would like to do is just talk about the whole waste Water Capital Program because there is a lot of things that you may be interested if it is not in the sewer system but a 10year plan. That would be great. We just wanted the. When you focus on just the sewer system and improvement program, you miss all the other things that were working on that is probably equally important and kind of get a sent of how all that is tied in. That would be great and im hoping with the budget hearings, taken from a dollars and cents perspective, in addition to programatically to understand the Bigger Picture would be helpful. We have an opportunity. Were meeting with spur yeah, toper. Yeah. What well do is talk globally first because if you just focus on what is in the Sewer System Improvement Program and not look at the whole thing, you kind of miss all the things that were doing on Climate Change and so right. That sounds good. One other question, too. I have heard through some of these other conversations about Green Infrastructure, about the high cost can of the early implementation projects. Id like to get a better understanding. I heard it was three times as much as some g. I. Projects in other places. I dont really have an understanding of if thats true or not or what that means why. Im most interested in if thats really true, then it has been quite expensive. Why . And we dont have to answer that right now, but as part of these conversations and whether it is on the ssip or capital side as we move into more money talk in the new year to really understand what that is. Is it an efficiency issue, a charging issue, contracting issue or what . And just through the general manager, theres been a lot of Lessons Learned so we do a correspondence or follow up with a presentation and pull in sarah and our g. I. Team. That would be great. Thank you. Any Public Comment on this item . That actually concludes my report. Thank you. Thank you. Next item, please. Item eight is the annual financial audit report. Good afternoon gefrn, president and commissioners. Nancy hom. Im joined here today by my colleague lisa avis, managing director for kping who will later deliver the second portion of this presentation. Im pleased to report to the commission that the sfpuc issued its fiscal 20162017 audited Financial Statements on november 8, 2017. This is also the first year that the clean power s. F. Program reported its own set of Financial Statements as a subfund within the hetch hetchy enterprise. Kpmg note add clean audit with no material in the Financial Statements. In summary, the awe to objectives were to obtain reasonable assurance that the Financial Statements were free of material misstatement, but not to express opinion on the effectiveness of said internal control. They evaluated appropriateness of accounting policies and reasonableness of significant accounting estimates used as well as those presented in the statements. Notable highlights include, again, this is the first year for clean power s. F. To present their operating results separately and there were no material misstatements and no internal control deficiencies for the nineth con tive year. We think that all p. U. C. Staff that provided financial and operating information to auditors in a timely manner, especially the Financial Reporting and ledger team in finance and the entire clean power s. F. Team. We also thank kpmg for the courtesy of their audit team and timely completion. Add this time, id like to introduce lisa avis, managing director of kpmg who will deliver the presentation of the audit results. Welcome. Good afternoon, everyone. Again, lisa avis with kpmg. So you have our presentation here in front of you. So, when were here, that means another audit is done and in the books. We received full cooperation from p. U. C. Management and staff and because of that full cooperation, we were able to issue within the set time line. And as stated, we usual ewe add clean opinion on the Financial Statements which means that they are fairly present as of june 17, 2017. Ill go throughout the highlights of presentation. On slide two here, as ms. Homs stated, our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards and government auditing standards is to consider internal control. We do not do an audit over internal control. But in accordance with government auditing standards were required to consider it. Should something come to our attention, we are required to report it to you and nothing came to our attention that would merit that level of reporting. We design and implement our audit providers to gain reasonable assurance that the Financial Statements are free from material misstatement and also in accordance of government auditing standards we have to consider the entity of compliance with laws and regulations as it relates to these Financial Statements and we opine on the Financial Statements based on the results of our test work. We issued two reports over the Financial Statements and unmodified or clean opinion on the entities, water, waste water and hetch hetchy water and clean power. Not listed here but it is on the next slide. And we also issue a report on internal control. Its sort of like a negative assurance report in that nothing came to our attention that was a Material Weakness or significant deficiency in the design and control. And we are independent of not only p. U. C. , but the city as a whole as it relates to our professional standards. We reviewed p. U. C. s significant accounting policies. They are described in a footnote. Based on our analysis, not only are they in accordance with generally accepted accounting princele s, but they are consistent with industry practices and standards that weve seen in other utility entity tas we audit. The Financial Information was first available in may of 2016. And so this is the first year that weve had a full year of activity to report in the separate fund under hetch hetchy. There are some accounts that are a little more challenginging to audit during the audit. It is not like revenue or expenses where we can vouch information to thirdparty invoices. But there is accounts such as the damage and claims liability, workers comp, pension liabilities that require estimates in order to present them as of june 30. And so we used our actuaries and other audit procedures and came to the conclusion that the liabilities were fairly stated without management bias. We have to consider management override of controls. It is a risk of fraud and nothing came to our attention at p. U. C. This is a rebuttal risk that we have to consider under our governing body. Management is in a unique position because they have oversight over records and journal entries. We performed a number of procedures. Nothing to report and nothing came to our attention. As stated, there were no audit adjustments noted, no term weaknesses or significant deficiencies. We did not encounter any disagreements or difficultis with management. As i stated, we did receive full cooperation. There are new accounting principles and standards that come up every year and we had no concerns regarding the principles in the current year and to the best of our knowledge, management has not consulted and tried to obtain other opinions during the fiscal year. No significant matters were noted and no instances of noncompliance were noted as it relates to the Financial Statements. There were no major issues that were discussed with management prior to retaining us as auditors. At the end of our audit, we receive a representation letter from management that the letter outlines things that they take responsibility for, such as fair presentation, the Financial Statements, compliance with laws and regulations. So, we have that signed document within our file. And we also execute add letter with the Controllers Office as part of our audit engagement. With that, are there any questions . As it relates to the audit . [please stand by] of financial for those that have seen the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir its severe but it got worse t

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