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The residents in particular are so high up that they are way above any of the entertainment noise. I guess the last thing i will say the Transit Center district plan envisioned the transformation to a 24 hour neighborhood with fantastic opportunities for a full range of uses including entertainment, and we think in this spirit the project with approximately 220 new hotel rooms and 190 new dwelling units in the neighborhood is going to be a real benefit, a real boone to the surrounding places of entertainment. We are thankful they are there and i hope they are going to be equally thank full we will be there. Thanks. I will turn it over to hks to walk you there the design in a little more detail. Good evening. My name is sheabon. Could you move the microphone up. Thank you. Maybe i can hold it for a few minutes here. A couple items about the architectural description. 62 story 800foot tire targeting lead gold rating. It is the first seven stories are public amenities shared including public space and passthrough to the new terminal with the sky bridge at level 7. 108 feet up is the first level of the hotel rooms which spans 10 additional floors and office and mechanical spaces. At 460 feet begins the residential portion of the project. This tower has been designed with a High Performance facade to meet the demandses of weather, climate and noise levels. The system will have class panels, aluminum fins and terracotta that will comprise the skin of the building. In San Francisco the code requires stc rating of 32 which will be met by the components of glazing and Everything Else in the curtain wall. As you will hear in a few minutes here salter has assessed the site and stated the required ratings are adequate to meet the goal of your commission. I am happy to answer any questions. Anything on noise and sound i would gladly turn over to my associate from salter. Are there plans for a restaurant or bar or anything else that might be a place of entertainment in the venue . I will let tj speak to that. The programming for the retail. This will certainly be smaller bars and restaurants inside the hotel. I think the only place where there could potentially be a venue of the type you are getting at would be on thena one ground level. We are a long ways from figures out what will be from. They are small. There certainly wont be a Live Music Venue or nightclub, there may be a smaller bar cafe type uses at that level. It is unlikely there would be any significantly sized places of entertainment. We are happy to see new entertainment and new development. It can make a difference in terms not just impact on places of entertainment outside the proposed development but new ones inside. Thank you. Anything else . I am eric murray with saulters office. Thunder was slightly stolen. We did measurements in early november, friday november 3rd. We had had identified temple, harlot and kate obriens and south side. Temple is the main ple being right next door. We used that to sort of drive our analysis. With that this project was different. When we come to you we have done the environmental noise study and are looking for locations where it needs increased. We havent done the code environmental noise. We are doing this first. As stated largely because the hotel is relatively far above temple and the residents are further above. St c3 2 is the highest hating we need. It is likely this regoing to end up we are going to end up with 32 by itself. The end result with the road studies we might end up with higher ratings to provide more noise reduction for the clubs. You have a fair amount of traffic noise as well . That is what is going to drive the code required windows to be higher than required for the clubs. You have the buses, too, on this side. What is the actual rooms start . What floor . 108 feet level eight or so, i think. It is seven levels of common spaces. The hotel starts at eight. I see that there is a retail next to 540 howard which is good providing it is similar to use like a restaurant or bar. Is there any plans to if it is not a restaurant or bar and some kind of store or i dont know i guess in the future they would have to at least notify the people there could be a little bit of base feeling at night or do you think that is not a problem in that retail space . I will defer to somebody else. I assume the retail and clubs hours wont overlap so much. I am not sure which retail space . 540 howard. There is a retail space next to the lobby. There is a lobby facing howard. That is inside the lobby probably like a, you know, starbucks or some comparable coffee it looks like an entrance on Howard Street. Is there an entrance on Howard Street . If you know that, you know, temple is right in front of that right now. You would have to make arrangements they dont block your retail space. I am concern about that. If it is a bar or restaurant it is cool, it doesnt matter. I think again none of the programs is set in stone for the retail. The intent is some kind of more like a hotel lobby cafe type use. Probably by the time people are lining up to get in temple that will be there. People make money when people are waiting in line. I am just saying in the future think about that wall that connects the two. Anything else i dont see a problem with residents complaining. Again, my think about outside lighting. Make sure the whole street is lit. You have to deal with the entry. The line is going in front of your space and then im sure they are going to complain. They might like it or hate it, i dont know it is a good point and something we will talk to the neighbors next door about. As far as lighting, we havent finalized the lighting plan, just for hotel and resident security, we will have a pretty robust lighting plan at the sidewalk. It is dark right now. There is nothing. There is nothing there right now. It is a staging site, construction site. When this project is built and the projects across the street at 555 howard which is also a Hotel Residential complex, it will completely change the character of the neighborhood and it will be much more activity and much more streetlights and just people. It almost looks like hong kong with the bring and everything going across. Okay. Thanks. Thanks for coming in. Taking over the Historic Building you have this great opportunity to use the most latest technology and material. Are there such a thing as more materials are more soundproof that you are going to utilize for this construction . The facade of the building . The Building Materials in general noise from outside to inside. You have the wall and th and the windows. The windows are the weak link. If we have st c3 2 windows and wall that is 45. You can throw the design at the wall. Noise will come in the window i wonder if the new technology now is more resistant to noise that you are using. Not that im aware of maybe he has more information. At ground level it is a glass facade. Above the first couple levels where the structure, the Main Building structure begins, it is actually not just entirely Glass Building like a lot of the newer high rise buildings in San Francisco. There is actually some, you know, sollied opaque building solid opaque building wall. To erics point that helps a little bit. Beyond the sound rating will be driven primarily by code and by the proximity to the terminal which you have pointed out is unusually noisy use. When you did the sound test were you able to go to 800 feet . We were not, no. The way we did it in the way the analysis is done for the reports we get the worst case from the club would be straight off the roof to the proposed new facade. From there the club to stay within the ordinance is 8decibels dba. We take that and drop off the noise with distance as it goes up the building. Plus or minus 10 fight from temple. The hotel rooms were 70 to 80 feet above that. You get a good noise dropoff. When you go to the residential level there is more of a dropoff. Any other questions from the commissioners . Any Public Comment . Any discussion, motions . I am happy to make a motion. I move to approve the standard planning with the standard set of recommendations is there a second . I will second it. Commissioner lee. roll call congratulations. Next up is item number nine. Review and possible action to change the conditions on the place of Entertainment Permit for permit no. 953 for hugh at 447 broadway. At the request of the permittee. This is an item commissioners that was before us previously. We placed conditions and they are coming back to ask us to modify those. I know you know the background. They did come to our hearing. Then we went to board of appeals, and at that time they upheld our decision and they have been operating under midnight cutoff for entertainment since july and, you know, it was within their purview to request to come to hearing prior to the six month mark we set for them. I sent this request officially in writing to president tan who approved they could come to hearing earlier. You will see the request here in the email in regard to tonights hearing from robert bloom, who is here representing the owner from hugh. You will see in the file an enforcement timeline so you can get a good gauge of what he has observed and received in terms of complaints since july 27th of this year up until current. You know any supporting documentation comes after that. Finally you will see in the file submission from officer math m. He provided me what you are looking at there with the cad reports. He can speak in more depth to you this evening on what you are taking a look at there. This afternoon i received a note from sonny in the back of your file. Finally i wanted to say that i will take the fall here. I wasnt very great at communicating about this hearing to top of broadway so i apologize for that. I do see they are here this evening an and will likely spean Public Comment. I am robert bloom, attorney for mr. Montoya and his wife karen king, his partner, and for the club itself. Are we okay . Yes, thank you. Please start over. I am robert bloom. I am an attorney for mr. Montoya and miss king and his partner and the club itself hue. Thank you for hearing us and indulging what i hope is my temporary incapacity. Pipe surgery and spine surgery. I am in a necktie. Let me just begin by saying that the midnight limitation is in place for six months. So far as i can understand both from mr. Montoya and miss king and from what i have seen from officer mathias submission and my discussions with miss wyland my clients are in full compliance with the midnight condition is the limitation that has been in place since jun june 6th. There is more to say but i will leave that for your questions if you have any or to respond to the officer if he offers something, but several things have happened. As i say he is in full compliance with the midnight limitation. He has also been put in place i think it was called a noise limiter that even if the dj decide to crank up the music there is an upper limit on the voluming. There has been also he has put in place, mr. Montoya, staggered closing provision. He has also stepped down the music and also adjusted the lighting so the exit and as you know there are about 10 club on the block, probably the busiest entertainment block in the city. Mr. Montoya has done everything he can to manage this in a busy over worked entertainment area. Previous captains there have been four captains prior to 2014. There have been no reports or warnings or citations, and he is as described by a number of Police Officers cooperative, friendly, easy to get along with, and he is doing his best to operate this club in a way that serves the community and serves the interests of the broadway community. Let me just leave it at that for the moment. I would be happy to entertain any questions. Mr. Montoya is here to answer questions. Commissioner lee. Mr. Bloom, the reason why, you know pretty much this whole situation is noise. There has been a number of complaints especially in the alley, and i think and since i have been a commissioner the atmosphere before has a history of cooperation and it was working with the cb d and with the previous captains and there was a lot every train from of the retrain from tickets and they promised to do a lot of things for broadway. It got to us finally at a point where there is always talk but no action. What i understand is the situation i have been in the situation in my previous business before. I know what the impact is. At the same time, and i think you heard how much we put an emphasis on sound and neighbors. That is always my issue at my previous business. I have a person in the alley right next to my previous business, and to have a relationship is one thing. To have action. What i see here is, i see your request and i see Everything Else. I dont see any sound study. Other than a limiter, i havent seen an outside consultant to till us where the leaks are coming from. Let me finish. If you want us to change our position, i would like to see data. There is no data here. Second thing is again we have to hear from the there are neighbors here or problems. It is a busy street. The board of appeals supported our findings and lowered the ambient level. Inspector burke can address that. He went out and gave a new sound test. We have that here as part of the new permit they sign on board and have been in compliance with. Let me just go over the data. The only data are the complaints from the diamonds. Obviously, we like to hear from more than one person. At the same time we know how people are intimidated to make complaints. We have to kind of weigh things out here. What i am lacking is data. It would be great if he had a sound study done. Why are we still getting complaints . Limitters work good but they can be adjusted. Our inspector is not going to stay all night to monitor the sound. The thing is once things are fixed and correct. It doesnt matter if they have a limit or not. That is my opinion. At this point and i think i had this discussion with bennett before. I would like to see some sound data that things are actually where are the leaks coming from . Why are we still getting complaints . From what i understand inspector burke there are six or seven condos in the area, one of which is occupied by the diamonds. It seems to me from what i read and the officers submission the only people to complain in those six or seven condo owners are the diamonds. As i understand and i have nothing against the diamonds they are entitled to peace and peacefulness. When they moved in there, they did not have any children. Now they have children. What may have been or was not an issue before may be an issue for them. Each time they complain as i understand it inspector burke has gone out and done an exercise of his expertise and found that hugh has been in compliance. On one occasion the club next door the name which escapes me had an open door. It might well have been the sound was coming from that facility rather than hue. Again, i dont in any way mean to minimize or downgrade the rights of the Diamond Family to live in peace and quiet, but i think inspector burke, as i understand has been at this quite some time and knows what he is doing. I know you have heard from him and he is obviously available here. It might be helpful to hear from him. I would like bennett todres the question that you raise about what if anything has been done . I know there is baffling and sound work on the doorway area. Let him address that. We probably have heard this many times. Bennett has been here. There is never anything in writing. I hear. We hear what he says has been done, and again that is fine. If he has done it, great. It seems to come back to us. If we had something in writing saying these things have been done and mitigated, it would actually make me feel better because we do have to report to the public, you know, and he has been cooperative and he is a great, he talks to the cb d and everybody goes along. It is going on so long. After the last renovation they did some work. We are still getting complaints. I am saying this is my opinion that i like to have data rather than what he is telling us. It is recorded, but anyway that is where i am at on that. Lets hear from mr. Montoya. We have been operating our business for overcoming up to a decade now. We have done numerous sound improvements. Also when i was in front of you guys back in july or june, i believe, we had that is when i reported four different sound consultants come out and that they went to the alley of the area where the most of the complaints were coming from from the diamonds. They were all kind of surprised about the noise levels. They did make recommendations of what can be done. Since then over the 10 years we have done so many sound improvements and the renovation you brought up commissioner lee to the alley and the newest renovation, double sheetrock and the most recent one since last time i appeared in front of you guys was that our raptors on the ceiling we added soundproofing material there as well. The things on holdup right now are outside material that needs to get approved by the landlord and the property management. We are still waiting for that approval. When that is approved we get that up as well. I would like to mention as well that i do communicate with the 20 plus units that are above us directly in our building, and with no complaints coming from them. Those are directly in our same building. To go along with that as well that i have always been in compliance and i understand the limiters can be adjusted. We dont adjust our limitters. Those are set. Entertainment commission by numerous inspectors over the 10 years have come out and found us to be in compliance. I think inspector burkes report shows that two times there was a complaint he went out the same night and found us to be in compliance to the levels set by Entertainment Commission or by the board of appeals we abide by all of those. We are still in compliance with that. As far as any other questions as far as i would like to add that we have been keeping track of our data as far as the venues usually not open all of the time on broadway especially two right next to us and one across the street we have noticed a trend of when there are complaints that those venues are open when they usually arent open and also in one of the inspector burkes report it also mentions that one of them was open when the complaint came in, and the alley door was open. Not only is the alley both of our responsibilities and everyone on broadway. It is also a street. We cant really control as much as what our neighbors do. We can control what we can do. We are working as much as we can to soundproof the venue and follow afternoon be in complains with what is told to us. I wish you would ow you wouls great. I wish you would transcript it and put it in writing so we see what have you done . You know, so we can actually, you know, see if that is enough, you know, you had four consultants. I am sure they wrote a memo or something they say these things should be did you at at least you should follow them. That would be nice to see a memo like that and that you addressed it. I am saying, you know what i beach . We are at this point we need data. You cant blame us for wanting data to make a decision. I believe those memos were in the last packet when i came in front of you guys in july the i voices and memos what they recommended. We are hiring someone you know, jordan pauly working with the data you are talking about as far as the decibel reader to store the data for our readings. I would like to see a memo from a certified sound person. It doesnt have to be a sound study per se but a memo of items that. I mean inspector, pauly is great and i have been with him. I trust his opinion. At the same time a certified sound person to make that memo or paragraph, i would be happy to have that. Not to get in open consultation. I am a sound expert. As long as i can present data cocomplaint i dont think that should be a issue. I am the commissioner. All of the documents before us have the certified sound company to do this for a living. I am sure you do this for a living, i dont know that this is per se how much you do, but we all know the other sound studies are did you in a process in done in a process in writing. That is what we need to see. I want to i hear you saying you are looking for information in writing. In terms of the Commission Decision this evening we need to make a decision on the information in front of us as well as the information presented to us. I appreciate your desire for information in writing. We need to make a decision based on what we have. I cant make a decision without data. That is all i can say. With that in mind, i know that there are we have inspector burke who has some data to present to us as well as officer mathias from centrale station. Central station. Lets hear from them. If we have more questions we canlis sin. Lets present what they have. Inspector burke. I am not sure i have a presentation for you. The data speaks for itself. I will go into detail on the inspections on site. I will give you any opinions that you might need from me about my interpretation of the situation. Any questions about his report . The only report we have are the 311 complaints, correct . How many times have you been out there on 311, routine inspections going out to broadway . The updated sound test occurred. Then one inspection on september 24th, one on octobe october 21st. You have been going out once a month. What time . The inspections that i went out on september 24 and octobe october 21st. I would have to check records. All within an hour of midnight from 11 00 to 1 00. Have you been there at 1 00 . Yes i had never found them to be hosting entertainment past the. They had music on . Correct there are some of these 311s at 1 50. I know 311 complaints go in by telephone. Inspector burke cant just drive out and check it. We have to go by when he is available to go there. You have been out there i have not found them to be hosting it past midnight and not out of compliance with the updated sound test after the period of appeals. They are at ambient levels that the board of appeals set . Are we going based on that . Board of appeals asked shawn to do a new sound reading based on ambience. Shawn went out there and set a new level we added that to the new permit level. He is operating within that. And to specify they are essentially operating within the sound new sound limit set until midnight with entertainment to midnight. Correct. So the new sound limit doesnt have a time specification, just the entertainment or not entertainment. Got it, yes. What do you attribute this complaint from the residents if they are in compliance. What do you think is happening that the neighbors are complaining . To speak generally, i think compliance with code or compliance with a particular sound level of ambient doesnt always equate to the elimination of a complaint or problem as perceived by a neighbor. It could be true they are in compliance but the neighbors are still hearing something . That is possible. Thank you. Other questions, commissioners . Officer mathias duff do you have comments to add . Hello. Steve mathias from central station. I am not sure what you want from me. I dont think we want to rehash all of the old stuff the commission heard this. They have ruled on it, that was upheld by the board of appeals. The reason that we are here is because of mismanagement of the club. You saw that and put those recommendations in. The club was out of control. Mismanagement club had assaults, fighting in the streets, patrons involved in shootings outside the club and patrons brandishing weapons inside the club. Looking at what our interventions, mr. Bloom was talking about the cordial relationship that we had with mr. Mondayia, absolutely. I will completely agree we have met on the at least a dozen occasions. It is always cordial. But we dont get anything in return as far as improvement. I have an email here after one of the meetings. Mr. Montoya was there and steve bunkhouser was there. Cb d was there, captain who is now commander. What i did after the meeting i went over the Different Things we were talking about. Thank you for coming to discuss the latest issues at hue. We discussed the challenges that have returned. We agreed we do not want to go back to days of atmosphere. It is noise, littering, club patron behavior and keeping combatants separated. We came up with multiple ideas to remedy the problems. Steve discussed measures that we have taken that they have taken and will take regarding the noise problems. They involve keeping the doors closed. Improving the sound measures. They spoke about redoubling the efforts to clear litter each night to not detract from the neighborhood. We spoke about a better job of loiters at the club and keeping patrons out of the hiring. Increasing security staffing. He spoke about private events that would involve prepay entrance. We spoke about over serving and ball service. We talked at length regarding the service and lack of control regarding consumption. We recommended a host performing the pouring. We spoke about over serving in general. I pointed out the problems the result of over service. We talked about an id scanner before the problems starts. Not sending them in the street after they start the fight. We discussed the officer being assaulted last weekend and showed a short video regarding that. We talked about notifying the Police Department if there is a fight to get resources to the location. We talked about the club trying to calm down combatants with an offer of some water or asking what occurred. I believe if we can all move forward with the recommendations hue could be successful. Without all of us working together we all slide back to the old Club Atmosphere days. Here is to moving forward. We have met with mr. Montoya a dozen times. There was an email from the esare dent miss diamond resident miss diamond. Mr. Bloom was saying they moved there and recent lehad children. I want to point out they were there before he was there. They had the apartment before there was a club there. Mr. Diamond is trying to get here. I dont know if he will get here on time by the end of the meeting today. He is trying to come here as well because he found out about the Commission Hearing today. There is still no improvements. There are additional condition os club hue. I was astounded hue did not reign in the Bottle Service. After you change the conditions. We changed the hours and the noise. One of the things that i have gone over and over and over again is the Bottle Service. Mr. Bennett assured me we have monitors and hosts for this. Right before the board of appeals meeting there was an article in the San Francisco chronicle. One of the pictures is disturbing, not disturbing but it tells the problems we have seen. Under that it says parties with friends early saturday at hue lounge. This is part of the problem. We can say they have Bottle Service. This is the problem. It is over consumption. There is no control over that bottle. That bottle is still the property of hue. Somebody got Bottle Service. It is hues license and abc license. That is what we have. That is after standing in front of this commission, being told that, you know, we are concerned about all of thesish who issues before they go to the board of appeals this is what we have. These are my concerns. However your imposed conditions have helped. There are a few noise complaints you have been given copies to. There was an email the diamonds can appear and people from the community. I have seen a great reduction. Noise complaints. I havent seen a single incident in violence in the club or anything in the street. I think your intervention has greatly improved the Public Safety on broadway and with hugh. I have not seen the violence against the patrons or police. Police fire and ambulances were at the venue on a regular basis. This has changed. Thanks to making the changes. The first thing that the first time i have seen any sort of change actually happen before it was always really good conversations and stuff. We were back to the same old thing. Thank you. Any questions for the officer . May i respond . Yes. Then i want to open it up to Public Comment. Go ahead, please. Thank you, officer. With respect to officer matthias there have been abc proceedings. Just about a year ago in october last year the abc appeals board made some findings. Among the findings were, one, the club was not a disorderly house. That of the 52 alleged events alleged by the San Francisco Police Department, only four andahalf, less than 10 were found to be substantiated. Something going on there that we can talk about or not. But those are the findings of the abc appeals board. They also recommended no sanctions because of their findings. It is important to understand that prior to apappearance on the scene of captain now commander lazar there were four previous captains. No problems, no warning also, no citations. Things changed in may of 2014 when cap tip lazar captain lazar took command of the central station. We can get into that. I dont know that it is necessary to do it. I want the commission to be aware there was a drastic change. I will get into it. Captain lazar. If you think it is relevant to the topic of the place of Entertainment Permit, you are welcome. There are other proceedings not within our purview. Well, i want to try to limit myself and focus on what it is you are interested in. Captain lazar was heard to say mr. Montoya and a neutral cbc person that the hiphop music and i automatic using the words of captain lazar is bringing in a crowd we dont want. We know what that means. That is dog whistle. Things changed when captain lazar came on the scene. Mr. Montoya has substantiated by officer matthias easy to get along with. He made the efforts as mr. Pauly and mr. Montoya told you noise improvements have been made. I understand you want proof of that. That is quite reasonable. May i make a suggestion . The midnight limitation is devastating. May i request that the Commission Consider removing the limitation and getting a submission from us within two weeks or a period that you think is appropriate of whatever writings would satisfy your interest. We can do that. We will do that. I would urge that the midnight limitation be removed as of this evening subject to whatever conditions you think would be appropriate. We have another applicant that had a sound problem similar to this, and we had to recondition the permit. We wouldnt let it go until they made the improvements. They came up with a lot of documentation from us and from the contractor on what was done. If we lifted it we would have problems with the prior applicant who had this problem as well. We are changing the bar here. I can assure you that at your request and your time limitation that you imposed we will have the documentation for you. It is immediate. Particularly in this Holiday Season with corporate bookings and the limitations on patronage, it would make a big difference. I get it. I am saying in all of this time you had to do it we are at the wee hour and you are asking for it. It goes back to credibility. This was from the board of appeals. You should have presented that to us tonight and that may be would change my mind. Mr. Montoya. To my knowledge we have never been out of compliance or have been written out to be out of compliance in now a decade. Unless there is something i am not aware of or i want to be able to what you guys tell me to follow as far as the sound and what i need to be at the i am doing that, i want to make sure that is what i am to be doing. If i need to be at a certain level, i need to be at that level. If there are complaints on noise and sound, i am in the level that you guys are telling me to be at, i just want to make sure as long as i am in that level that is what i am supposed to be at. Thank you. We have not found them to be out of compliance in the last four andahalf months with the new sound limit that inspector burke require. It is important to just look in your file and look at what the board of appeals did that night. One of those conditions is to inform neighbors of the sound plan. The other is the major one mr. Montoya wants to lift which makes a lot of sense he would want to lift that 12 00 a. M. Restriction. The other conditions that were added were to inform the neighbors of the sound plan and adding more employees to the Bottle Service area and the ability to review added conditions in six months or reaching out to our office to have that sooner. I wanted to note that. And have the neighbors then notified . We have notified the neighbors especially worked closely with the ones directly in our building how did you notify them verbally or send them a memo . We have called numerous times do you have anything in writing . Do you have any data, something i can read that you sent them . Hello, neighbors, i have done these things to my building . No, i dont have that. The only reason why we are waiting for the external soundproofing to be able to be approved. Thank you. I think we want to move into Public Comment and hearing from other members of the public who wish to make comments on this. Two minutes per person, please. Crystal will be tracking the time. I am the district manager. I will try to work within the two minutes. The documented i provided to the commission on june 6 and july 27. The summary document of email spanning over 15 months commissarses of the noise complaints, fights, intoxicated individuals. We spoke in february of to 16 about addressing the count complaints from the same neighbors diamond and in february 2016 he assured us he would jump on it. The conversation espicked up in september. It came to the culmination in the june 6th meeting. To this date we have not seen any plan. The cb d or mr. And mrs. Diamond have not had any correspondence from mr. Mom to mandayo since te july date. In the june 6th meeting there were several conditions that were upheld by the appeals hearing. First are limit the entertainment to 12 00 a. M. Daily. That is up up for reconsideration today. Mr. Mondayia and mr. Mathias validatessed there are no issues for the past six months or something must have changed in the last 60s months. I wonder what that is. Issue number two was not reaffirmed by the appeal hearing. We have seen no plans to the sound measures. Increase security and review added conditions in six months. It is four andahalf months to this date and we are still within the probationary period and we believe we should see the six months run out. Thank you. Next. Good evening i am a maybe of Bennett Montoya 443 broadway. He mentioned a couple things that bothered me. He said he contacted the neighbors. He never called me. He never emailed me. I have never received hello, hi, this is what we are doing and we want to be good neighbors. The second one is he is still waiting for his landlord. I know his landlord, frank. Waiting and communicating to the hard for ap to the land lord is not going to happen. He is waiting for approving for some proving. I am questionable or distraught about that. I am here to express my concerns. It is up to your commission what you need to do and thank you for your support. Next. Is there any other Public Comment . Yes former inspector now sound consultant. Couple issues. When dominic complained to the office i responded through email through the city servers he never responded to me. We found bennett to be in complains as far as sound regulations. The police had the opportunity to write citations out there. They didnt do that. When the hearing happened. Had information. I was getting ready to leave the commission. A lot of that investigation was put together without my input. I was the point man for at least a year andahalf up to that point. I dont know where the information come from to say they were out of compliance. They havent been out of compliance as far as the sound. I feel like it is a red herring to hit the sound issue. You can do improvements. When you are not out of compliance. In the interest of time i will give you an example. Washington square is quiet. I dealt with a venue. What i found in the residence sound level 30decibels. That was quiet. Venue was raising that seven or eight. Interior noise code sets the maximum exposure

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