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S welcome. Madame clerk, please call the roll. The clerk breakthrough the clerk [calling roll] the clerk madame president , have you a quorum. Please join us in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] thank you, madame clerk are there any communication. The clerk none to report. Supervisor is there a motion to approve the october 24 Board Meeting. Not changes moved by supervisor yee and ronan and theyll be passed after Public Comment. Madame clerk lets go to the first item. The clerk the appearance by the honorable mayor and the mayor may address the board up to five minutes. Thank you. Welcome mr. Mayor. Have you the floor. Good afternoon, supervisors. Glad to be here for the question time. I hope that all you had a wonderful thanksgiving. As we know the holidays bring out the best of people but with the spirit of giving theres hard times and the wintertime are the hardest for the individuals living on the streets. Theres no simple answer to solving homelessness but we must continue to help every person in need for recovery and wellness. I set a goal for moving 1,000 people off the streets and indoors this winter. To do that, we need to build new emergency Navigation Centers. Places to provide immediate respite for residents experiencing homelessness. To move forward we need to act now which is why im asking members of the board of supervisors to approve a resolution to declare a shelter in San Francisco to construct emergency Navigation Centers. Were exploring potential sites across the city and i want to thank you each member of the board for your help on the matter and for identifying Affordable Housing locations across San Francisco. I know well be successful in establishing the centers in quick order but to move 1,000 people off the streets we need to do more. We need to work with our partners and faith community. Thats why were so grateful the San Francisco Interfaith Council has begun their winter shelter program. Well also need to maximize our citys resources such as our medical respite beds, our Supportive Housing units, our sites dedicated to those with behavioral challenges and when appropriate our home ward bound campaign. To meet our Ambitious Goals we need the close coordination of many city agencies. We are placing greater emphasis on interagency collaboration and part of the efforts including new unified command structure were piloting in the civic center area. Were already seeing the positive results from that endeavor and since we launched it we made 885 referrals directing individuals to Substance Abuse and Sobering Centers and shelter and health care facilities. We are taking the Lessons Learned from the pilot and expanding it to four key areas experiencing high levels of homelessness in our city the Embarcadero Plaza and the market and show place square. Well address the challenging playing our streets and well continue to do so in a compassionate manner but we must also use common sense. We cant allow people to live in unsanitary encampments. Theyre unsafe for the community. In the past year weve cleared the encampments more than twothirds were moved indoors to safe and secure places. Homelessness is a complex issue driven by many different factors we will not some of it overnight but well use every option to ensure theres fewer people on the streets when winter comes to a close. So many have helped on homelessness efforts and i want to thank them for their support. Supervisors, each one of you have given your ideas of where Navigation Centers can be had in your districts, in particular supervisor kim and ronen and our director of the department of homelessness and support of housing, thank you for you and your efforts and your staffs efforts. Our public works director and his team and all of our nonprofit contractors and most important the people of San Francisco. Thank you again for your help and leadership on the issue. Supervisor thank you mr. Mayor for being here today. Madame clerk, lets get to our Consent Agenda items one through four. The clerk considered to be routine if a member objects an item can be removed and considered separately. [taking roll]. The clerk there are 11 ayes. Theyre adopted unanimously. Read five through seven. The clerk authorizing the settlements in superior court for kevin smith filed in 2016 and involved alleged personal injury on a city street. Item six is a settlement for a lawsuit of t mobile west for filed september 9, 2015 include utility users tax refund and item seven is the lawsuit by at t corp filed october 26, 2016 involving a breach of contract claim arise from a dispute of a design of a medical grade device. Supervisor without objection the items are adopted unanimously. Lets skip over eight and nine and go to ten. The clerk it was referred without recommendation from the finance committee a resolution to authorize the issuance of a revenue bond in aggregate presence principle amount for the acquisition, development for a mixed income multiHousing Project on mission street. Supervisor colleagues, can we take this item, same call. Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, call items 11 and 15 together. The clerk they comprise the ports ifd and irfd for the city of San Francisco to form three project areas into the port of San Franciscos infrastructure financing district or the ifd. Item 12 the intention to issue bonds not to exceed 274 million for subproject g2 and subproject area g3 and sub project g4 and item 13 is the resolution of intention to establish the infrastructure and revitalization district and an resolution to prepare an infrastructure financing plan for the irfd number two or the infrastructure and revitalization financing district and item 15 is the resolution of intention to issue bonds to the infrastructure and revitalization financing district two. Supervisor supervisor colin. Theres still remaining technical elements were working on. Id like to request we continue items 11 and 15 to the next Board Meeting december 5. Supervisor cohen has made a motion seconded by supervisor pec peskin. Madame clerk the next item. The clerk the contract between the Municipal Agency for the services through june 30, 2018 at no cost. Supervisor without objection the resolution is adopted. Call items 17 and 19 together. The clerk theyre three resolutions to declare the intent of the city to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness by the housing and Community Development to submit applications to the Debt Limit Allocation Committee to permit the issuance of mortgage Revenue Bonds for item 17 in aggregate principle amount for the candle stick point north subsection a for item 18 the Revenue Bonds in aggregate amount for subsection a and for item 19 multihousing Revenue Bonds not to exceed 51 million for the purpose for financing of the construction of the 119multiunit Housing Project known as 1153rd street. Supervisor the items are adopted. Call items 20 and 21 together. The clerk to establish area one and subproject areas 1 through 13 in district number 2 and to call a public hearing on january 23, 2018 and determining other matters in connection therewith. And resolution of intention to issue bonds for the project area for this City Infrastructure financing district number 2. Supervisor colleagues, can we take the items, same call . Without objection the objections are adopted unanimously. Next item. The clerk an ordinance to amend the housing codes to require automatic sprinklers in nonresidential areas after 2018 and make the appropriate findings. Supervisor supervisor peskin. I want to thank the members of the land use transportation commit and fellows tang on the effort and close a loophole that should have been closed years ago wherein nonresidential parts does not require sprinkler systems. We lost a number of hotels to fire in the district i represent in chinatown at 801 pacific avenue there was a fire that started in the basement and 19 individuals were displaced. Thats been the face in the mission and tenderloin and other parts where sr hotels exist and i thank you for your support and want to thank my staff for working on this the last many months. Supervisor can we take the item, without objection the item passes on first reading. The clerk the planning code designates 3721 folsom street as a landmark. Supervisor supervisor ronen. I want to express my excitement for the designation and thank supervisor peskin for sponsoring the item. They recommended the landmark resignation in 2017 and i want to thank the land use and trust commit for giving a positive recommendation. Surprisingly, district 9 doesnt have many landmark buildings already. Just 12 landmarks of which 3 are residences. The classical movie and the blue collar cottage on vernal hills and the gardens of the portola root to retain the Cultural Assets of the neighborhoods. Im pleased it was initiated by the original owners. For those who pass through the mission regularly always stood out with the distinctive and elaborate styles. In the five years since they purchased the building it has even been further transformed and restored to its original beauty. One of the fun facts i learn through the landmarking process is its being recognized as a significant part of the late 1800s of the development of a street car suburb launching it back then as a transit rich neighborhood it remains nearly 150 years later. My congratulations and sincere appreciation to shawn lundy and may he continue to live in and enjoy the home for years to come and many thanks to the Planning Department for their work to recognize, preserve San Francisco rich history. Supervisor can we take the item same house and call. Without objection it passes on first reading. The clerk requiring parties to pay a refundable deposit to establish the waiver and renewal of requests for findings. It passes unanimously on the first reading. Madame clerk, lets go back to items number eight and nine. Can you call those together and i just want to let the members know we have commendation and special orders so the item will be interrupted several times today because i do know well be dealing with this item for some time. There will not be Public Comment on items eight and nine. With that madame clerk please call item eight and nine and at 2 30 well interrupt. The clerk item eight is an ordinance to amend the planning code to regulate cannabis land uses and allow dispensaries in Zoning Districts and establish a land use process for the conversion of dispensaries to retail establishments to establish location and operating conditions and repeal ordinance number 18617 to create a limit of three medicinal dispensaries in any combination in the Outer Mission and street neighborhood commercial district and threat superceded planning codes provision. Item nine is to amend the business and tax regulations, health and police codes to comprehensively regulate commercial activities relating to the cultivation and manufacture, distribution and delivery of medicinal and adult use cannabis. Supervisor okay. Colleagues, i know many of have you comments and amendments and i will start with supervisor cohen. Thank you, its a hot topic. I want to recognize my Outstanding Team that stands with me particularly brittany who has been instrumental in helping lead and guide the information. I want to recognize sophia kitler and yo chan working on this literally the past six months in moving the conversation forward. Colleagues, today im introducing the regulations for the cannabis business and go down the list. Have you before you the information and my aides went through your offices to walk you through. The first is the finding section. I made addition adding statistics from the office of cannabis equity report. I want to recognize cheryl davis and her team for the incredible work in filling in the pages of the report with statistics as well as relevant data. Section 1604a i added strengthening language describing the objective of the equity program. I feel theres always a conversation and fierce justification needs to be made why we need the equity program. Section 1604 subsection b in boy. I moved the residency requirement in having to live in a certain census track to the selective criteria section so its just moved in the body of the location of the legislation but it still exists. Section 1604 subsection b, 4b. I expand the length of time for consideration for ones conviction history. This is originally from 2009 up to the year 2016 after extensive conversation and an extensive review of the data in both the office of cannabis equity report and the center on juvenile and criminal justice report which found in 2016 and americans in San Francisco experienced drug arrest rates ten time higher than san franciscans of any other race and 2. 4 times higher than African Americans in california and its time we looked at the impact on targeted communities. Ive limited conviction crimes to cannabis only. Section 1604b, 4d explain the length of time for consideration of a family members conviction history but again limited the crime to only cannabis. Intersection 04 subsection 4e i explained and expanded the length of time for adding excuse me, adding the length of time for attending Public Schools to include the year of 2016. Subsection b4f expands the length of time to 2016 for living in a specific census track, subsection c, lowers the local requirement from 50 to 30 force equity incubator workforce in consultation with the team in laurell from the Mayors Office of Workforce Development and the incubator workforce must meet three of the selective criteria found intersection. Section 1604c4a, equity incubators must submit a plan. Adds the provision of Security Services to be included within the physical space. Section 1609 it makes it a requirement anyone submitting for a cannabis please give supervisor a copy. Supervisor apologies we do not have copy. Thank you, very much. Supervisor supervisor cohen the comments are lengthy. The copies not colored will be difficult to follow. Until each member of the board has a copy the amendment my suggestion we hold off. Ill push back a little bit because i walked the color copies prior to the meeting and sent a summary page as well and i think its important to read the amendment to the records for the folks that do not have a copy that are curious to know what the amendments are. Supervisor so, supervisor yee you dont have a copy of the amendment thank you, supervisor ronen for sharing your copy. May i continue . Thank you. Section 1609 makes the requirement that anyone applying requires a description of how theyll support the establishment and the growth of the equity program. Section 1637, for the department of Public Health campaign ive added language to focus the campaign on youth and also to make it so this campaign will begin in 60 days of a start date of the ordinance. This particular amendment was made at the behest of several educators concerned we werent spending enough time and energy educating young people on the effects of cannabis on their developing brains. Section 10. 100162, changes the fund to be a quote, Community Reinvestment fund, with monies going to entities and organizations working to address the failed war on drugs once the funding has been appropriated. I changed section 3322, subsection d to say compliance is the Effective Date of the particular ordinance. Subsection 332d subsection 5 makes it so existing mcds looking to convert adultuse cannabis must have 30 of the workforce comply within 120 days. And section 3322d6 says existing mcds must complete and submit a plan before they consent to dault use and the existing mcds must make a good faith effort to comply with the equity plan before the director extends authorization to sell adult use. The final three amendments can be found intersection 1609, 1615 and 1633. Existing mcds must submit a progress process. If theres not a good faith effort to comply with the plan the office of cannabis director may deny their permanent adult use permit for equity incubators that select to submit plan and failed to submit the plan it can be sporuspended or revoked at t description at the director of cannabis. We all know the war on drugs had a disastrous effect on citizens in San Francisco. The proposal we have before us the cannabis equity plan proposal was created to provide assistance to communities harmed by the war on drugs. Its designed to ensure the full and equal access to opportunities and process we presume will be create the cannabis industry. Its a new era of legalization and we want all to thrive and proper regardless of the systematic injustices through the drug war and im here to answer any questions you have. Thank you for your consideration. Supervisor thank you, supervisor colin and well have copies so each member of the board will have copies while we do commendation. Its now 2 30 and we have two, 2 30 commendations. Well start with supervisor kim. Thank you president breed. Its my honor to bring up ken r r r revio and i know there were a limited amount of individuals. They may be outside. Maybe we should go supervisor we have an overflow room. Room 263. I want to let the individuals in the overflow room or those being honored. Supervisor ronen is honoring sandy coates. If you and your guest can come to the front doors and the Sheriff Deputies will allow you in. We apologize for the delay in getting you in. Welcome to the board chambers. Thank you so much for being here today. I am here to honor the longtime executive director of the Community Services ken regio. For those that dont know its our citys largest provider of homeless. They shelter 1,500 individuals who would otherwise be and the streets every night and the services encompasses services serving 7,000 individuals homeless or low income, men, women and children. The Program Includes Supportive Housing, Shelter Services for seniors, people with disabilities, Vocational Training to prevent homelessness. We know homeless has always in San Francisco been a top issue so many of our residents are concerned about or perturbed about. I often say a way to end it is by supporting organizations that do the groundwork and trying to address the issue on a daily basis. Ken, you have been the longtime leader of this organization and were certainly sad to see you retire but want to honor you for your years of service both to the cause and organization. I want to take an opportunity because your entire familys here to thank the family for what you do every day. The work is incredibly difficult. Its hard, its training. Its draining. You need support and services for the work you do every day on the ground. I want to thank you for dedicating your career and work for tackling a difficult issue. No one wants to see anyone unhoused in San Francisco. You rent two chapters in the district i represent, sanctuary and nextdoor shelter. Many have heard me tell the story so i wont go into it but on my first night as acting mayor, i actually stayed at nextdoor shelter to understand the experience of what it was like to go through the reservation system and stay in one of our shelters and experience what unfortunately many san franciscans experience. They also run an amazing employment Vocational Program one part of our Chefs Program to prepare many residents to go into the culinary and Restaurant Industry and i see a lot of supportive finger waves. It provides the food for many of the dinners i attend and has been hired to many of our Small Businesses in our district particularly in the market. I thought i would share the final story which is they run a Senior Center and supportive Affordable Housing in our district and i attend a lot of residents meetings attending hoa meetings, tenant meetings, i try to make sure i go to every building i can and i have never, ever attended a resident meeting where i came and i asked if there were any concerns or issues they wanted the supervisor to work on and every resident in the room said they were extremely happy in the housing they lived in and they had not a single complaint for the supervisor to work on. I cant tell you how amazing that is for any nonprofit to achieve. It was so beautiful that you have truly built a community for a Supportive Community they live in. And ken, to come back to you, you have been a champion in the fight against homelessness in San Francisco over 20 years. You have pioneered a center at mission with then former supervisor duffy and coordinated entry to housing. Previous to being at the Community Services he was the executive director at st. Vincent depaul from 1980 to 1986 and also served as the executive director of Catholic Charities of the east bay following that. You then moved on to become the director of services and resources for the diocese of oakland and then finally in 2002 came on to serve as the district districter director of these service and you have taught Homeless Individuals culinary skills to find jobs. The program has a 75 success rate of getting participants employed after training. An outstanding figure. This year when a man attacked by a subway worker killed by police, ken was the first to advocate for more Mental Health services and said while shelters see 350 people a year for Mental Health issues its not nearly enough and we need more shelters, more small shelters with more staff. I did want to mention a quote when asked if he ever gets discouraged fighting a seemingly endless battle he said we dont look at ending homelessness in the bing big picture but ending homelessness in the lives of individuals. I cant tell you how beautiful that is because your organization does end homelessness for individuals and as the problem continues to vex politicians and government officials we cant lose sight of the fact on a weekly basis theres people who exit homelessness into stable housing and loving communities. Every individual youve helped to do that is a success story. Ken, i wanted to thank you and commend you so much for your decades of service to the city to do incredibly hard and difficult work i know you dont do it for the money. 1kes you do it out of you do it out of love and he is tenacious and calls us every week to make sure were taking care of the most vulnerable in the budget every year and i want to thank you for doing the work and holding us accountable. Thank you, ken. [applause] supervisor supervisor ronen would like to say a few words. I just want to also give you my personal thank you. Its hard to follow that. That was so beautiful and perfectly said. I also want to take the opportunity to thank you for your close to eight years of work taking the issue head on and doing it the right way. I couldnt help but after hearing your beautiful tribute also recognize you for that. Ken, i just want to thank you you are one of the individuals and leaders in San Francisco that i have always looked at as a role model and as someone whos work ethic and tenaciousness and endurance in fighting each and every day for justice and equity and dignity for all people in the city is something that i respect with everything in me and i try to emulate. I just want you to know that i look at you that way. I know even though youre retiring that you wont be gone and that youll still be in the fight and in the struggle because i dont think you know ann other way. I also just wanted to echo supervisor kim and thank your team and the work is impossible without you and the work you do behind the scenes without getting recognized on a daily basis which is the most difficult work out there and the fact you do it with so much love and heart and with so little monetary recognition, i want to thank you for all that amazing work and know we see you and love you and appreciate you. Thank you so much. Supervisor we also have supervisor tang who would like to say a few words. Its a love fest. Some of you may not know hes a district 4 resident. Maybe when youre retired you can help us in the sunset so you cant retire yet. I had a chance to visit the facility as well and see it through your eyes and thank you to the people who work there. I know the chef program was mentioned. I got to eat lunch there one time and experience the food and the skills from the people who receiving much needed services and its an honor to have you as a resident. Im serious if you want to do something in district 4, lets talk. Supervisor finally, supervisor kim. The fun part of what we get to do i wont read all the whereass but the last three lines from the board of supervisors. Whereas ken is always present with calmness and kindness no matter the emergency, work load whereas he raised children who are giant fans the board of supervisors declared the day you retired ken reggio day in San Francisco, california. I want to thank you so much, supervisor kim. A real partner in the work with us. Supervisor ronen and supervisor tang and all of you. This is a great honor for me and im deeply appreciative and i appreciate the recognition very much but even more im grateful for the opportunity ive had these almost 16 years to work with each of you and your press saysers and mayor predecessors and mayor lee and the city departments and with jeff kasinski and Supportive Housing and homelessness, i think i got that backwards and the colleagues into the nonprofit community. We have a strong group of colleagues including not only our organizations but others doing terrific work focussed on make difference in the lives of people experiencing homelessness. Its easy sometimes to focus on whats not right and its not right for anybody to have to sleep on the street. It is right and we do that to provide shelters and food and Affordable Housing and rent subsidies and opportunities and physical and Mental Health services for the people most challenged and most vulnerable in our community. In absence, the initiatives we need at a federal level. Im grateful San Francisco continues to advance very substantial resources towards the provision of a robust safety net and help people end homelessness in their lives. I expect youll be called on to respond even more generously in the future. I want to acknowledge my colleagues from acs. Many of whom are here today. My former colleagues having retired two weeks ago, theyre still my colleagues. Acs is frontline in our support in staff and incredible leadership team, karen grenisen and our associate director these many year and many directors some of whom are with us today and the new executive director beth stokes. These are the folks whose commitment and talent will continue to provide service with nonprofit partners and with the city responding to the call of our brothers, sisters, neighbors with innovation, courage and compassion. Its truly been my honor to serve. Ill continue to see you and support you on the issues that are important in the community. I thank you for the honor and privilege of having served these many years with ecs in the community. Thank you. Supervisor supervisor kim, if you want to do it outside or stand in front of them and they can shoot it from that angle . The tree thing is going on out side. Outside. Thank you. Supervisor thank you again for being here and congratulations on your retirement. Okay. Now with that id like to recognize supervisor ronen for our next commendation. Is your honoree able to get into the chamber . I believe theyre coming in now. Supervisor great. While we wait id like to take this opportunity to welcome and recognize former supervisor quinten cop and current commissioner for the current ethics commission. I want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to come in. Colleagues, today i have the incredible honor to recognize a legend. Everyone can applaud now. Surrounded by dozens of incredible journalists and Community Leaders that she has trained and inspired. San sandy kloss is one of our greatest journalists and mentors weve seen in San Francisco and thats not an exaggeration and a media was forced to close this year after 20 years of service. After graduate from uc berkeley, sandy began her career in hong kong as the china editor of the far Eastern Economic review in the mid 1960s and covered the vietnam war as a young journalist. Upon her return to the u. S. She founded the flatland Community Newspaper and founded in 1970 by her late husband a great china scholar to get accurate news. Pacific news service went on to pioneer youth journalism and commission the countrys first major multilingual polls and win an academy award. Under her leadership Pacific News Service has become one of the most diverse sources in journalism and became a hub for a diverse array of journalist endeavors. I love the quote from an oped i think yesterday in the San Francisco chronicle by Russel Morris whos journalism career began in juvenile hall. The writes it was a home for journalists who would never have been brought into any other media organization. You can talk about diverse news rooms all you want but i sat in on an editorial meeting with a man with a tattoo on his neck who spent 20 years in pelican bay prison, a pregnant teenager, a homeless heroin addict and her dog and a former black panther and nun. Sandy has lifted up and helped writers and journalists and videographies including my own chief of staff. In 1992, she founded a collaboration of writers and young people published by Pacific News Service and cofounded road dogs, writings by Homeless Youth in San Francisco and Silicon Valley debug written by those written in the shadow of Silicon Valley and launched ethnic news organizations working to enhance information and editorial change. That same year she started a weekly writing journal by in carcerated youth that continues sto today and launched new American Media advocating for over 3,000 ethnic media and news outlets nationwide. Sandy, your list of achievements is breathtaking and unbelievable. Im in awe of what you have created and so grateful to you for the amount of love and attention and mentorship youve given to a generation of young people. And youve really paved the way for a future of generations to come. Its such an honor for me to even be standing with you and recognizing your accomplishments today. Thank you so much. Well, thank you for that. Listening to that almost made me weep but certainly makes me understand why my hair went white some years back. Look, im surrounded by wonderful colleagues. I want to thank everyone for coming and i want to pay contribute to you and to San Francisco for just two minutes. San francisco has always been the heart of new American Media. San francisco is the birth place of the vision ethnic media created for Work Together and creating an ethnic media exchange. San francisco was the first city to invite ethnic media into city halls press room, the year 2000. San francisco was the first city that ethnic media convened to celebrate each others accomplishments, journalistically and attract advertisers and combat stereotypes of each others communities and break taboos including samesex couples in ethnic communities and stereotypes of each other that honestly for ethnic media to own was really one of the most inspiring days ive spent. Cleaning out our office i found a photograph of the day we brought desks to city hall in the year 2000 to set up Media Presence in this case for the World Journal for the first time. Not everyone was happy about it so we called up to mayor Browns Office and mayor brown came downstairs and declared it ethnic media day and that resolved the issue. So ethnic media today, i have a modest proposal for the board of supervisors. You dedicate one day, maybe november 28, as ethnic media day to recognize the extraordinary courage it takes when youre not always from the mainstream culture, you may not know the languages, you may not know the protocols and yet these media are who engage you with their audiences and who bring those diverse audiences together through their own collaboration. Were you to recognize ethnic media day, whatever day but maybe today, in moving forward this would be a great legacy and one of which i know we would all be very proud. I want to introduce two ethnic media colleagues. George chen from the inquirer and theyre going to share a few thoughts on why that would be important. I can tell them i was going to make the proposal but truly perhaps about the history of nan. If could keep it very brief because we have a long meeting. It was a duel honoree if you can keep it very very brief. Thank you. Sure. On behalf of us, i would like to congratulate and extend my deep gratitude to the programs and campaigns working together since 1997. As one of the founding members of the California Media [indiscernible] our reporters have invaluable training under the Scholarship Program on immigration and award as been a prestigious honor. I always remember sandy asking us what do you think and w

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