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On their education and Research Program i believe well have the power points given to the commission it shows that very high percentages of trainees that went through the ucsf Educational Program actually intrerdz services into the under served population therefore fulfilling that mission at ucsf general noble in the trained positions but have those available for our underserved population so well be getting those slides to everyone we also then reviewed the Transition Program it has been laid out in very greater detail for projecting that aside from the Ribbon Cutting that is designated for december that following that we would continue to be and thats assuming the pods allows us to proceed to be able to stock our building we would then be undergoing a department of Public Health inspection from the state for licensing and following that which would have approved our policies and procedures to gun to orient people to our hospital projecting a may date at this point for occupancy patients but that a plan will be continued to be monitored by the joint conference over the next several months department of water power what the timeline we followed through with the building itself and presentations in a know fashion to be maids to the commission to broncos you up to date on where we are aside from that in closed session the Committee Also approved the credentials report and i think if there are any questions ill be happy to answer any questions not hearing any questions any further joint conference report. No Public Comment. Item 13 is the Committee Agenda setting. Okay. So in Agenda Setting we will remembered i that we have our Planning Program which will take up the. October 6th. Where is going to be. At dwooi van ness and in the Public Health department division. Well be going to it during our planning commission. Please be prepared for that beginning at 2 oclock i think it is. Yes. Do we have any further unanimous. Item 14 which is adjournment. Okay commissioners, do we accept the motion for adjournment. I move we adjourn. Okay there being no objections well, no i all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . This meeting is adjourned the aging and Adult Service commission, could we have the roll call. President james. Present. Commissioner seriina. Here. Loo. Here. Commissioner sims. Here. And note that executive director anne hinton is present. Thank you, could we have approval of the august 5, 2015 agenda . So moved. Second. Been moved and second that we approve the agenda for august 5, 2015. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . Ayes have it, so the motion is carried. Could we have approval of the august 5 Consent Agenda. Could i have a motion to approve . So moved. Second. Moved and seconded that we approve the Consent Agenda for august 5, 2015. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed . Ayes have it and so the motion is carried. I need a motion to approve the june 24, 2015 meeting minutes, any corrections . Motion to approve. Second. Its been moved and second that we approve the minutes of june 24, 2015. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposes . Ayes have it and so the motion is carried. Item 5, general Public Comment. We have three in the general Public Comment any general Public Comment at this time . Hearing none, we will move the agenda. We have the employee of the month, and recognize lisa leui. From the office of adult protective services. Come forth. [applause] so sorry, so lisa, you are being honored today from your colleagues in adult protective services. But the truth is that i had the privilege of working with lisa on the fifth floor sharing space with adriana, and making sure that the folks that came through the door were welcomed. But in addition to this, this is what i remember, lisa would come to me and she would say, is there anything i can do for you. Are you sure there isnt something i can do for you. You know, i actually like the fax machine because i can make it work. And i would head to the fax and no, i can do that for you. It was extended yourself to me, who is busy but not as busy as some other people in this room. To make sure that i had the tools and the things that i needed to make that particular day to go as well as it could go. In addition to that, and i think what everyone knows and it was written by the aps staff as well, you always have a great smile on your face. We always have a team shirt, i dont know, who are those teams . I dont know if i recognize this one today. But always keeping us on our toes what is going on, what is important in the world. Making the office and the people around her, providing support and just sharing, i think, your wonderful personality with us, which i think is pretty terrific. I want to thank you, and the folks from the Adult Services want to thank you. I suspect that if anyone that walked through on the fifth floor, would want to thank you as well. Here we go. There you go, unless the flowers are me, i am thinking they are for her, and you all should bring those flowers up here now. [applause] a fifth floor colleague. And they will get a picture; right . [applause] at this time we will have the directors report. Good morning. Is this on . Its on okay. All right. So you know it feels like its a long time since we have been together. And since i last saw you, i got an invitation from the white house to go to the white house conference on aging. So my report today is going to be about the conference itself. First of all, i want to say it was, bridgette can attest to this, one Late Afternoon an invitation from the white house, and i had no sense this would happen. It was a welcome surprise and i was totally excited about this opportunity. As you know, i am on the all aaa directors in the state of california are on the California Association of aging board as directors. That makes us members. So i was voted through an election process to represent california as one of two Board Members on the national board. So every region, there is 12 regions, has four. So we have one from hawaii, and one from arizona, and two from california, being the bigger state. For a number of years i was the alternate, and recently became the board took the board seat. So what had happened the staff for nfra was asked for the names of people of potential invitees, and gave the president and two of the Vice President s names, and i am one of the Vice President s, and that is how, they took all three of them, thank you very much. It was somewhat difficult because the conference was right in the middle of the National Association conference which is held in philadelphia. So but, thats when the president was available. So thats what we did. So we were, a number of staff and myself were in philadelphia for the conference, where we did win an award. And i think at our next meeting we will talk about that. And staff did several presentations. And in the middle of that i got on a train and went to d. C. , and spent a night and the next day at the white house. This white house conference would have been the sixth. The first one was back i think in 61 or so. They havent been exactly every 10 years but the last three have been 10year difference in time. And all the previous ones have been, and i think i mentioned this to you before, have all been delegates elected from their various states. And anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 delegates would come to washington, d. C. , they didnt meet at the white house, too small for that. But they would come and be there for a couple of days debating potential policies that they wanted congress and the president to pick up and move forward with. Its also how a number of things have become part of the old americans act. Though they dont have funding, but found their way into the act. Through the white house conferences over the years, different concerns brought up and found their way into the document. So this year, in the past the way this always worked. The congress allocated dollars to the white house to put this event on. This year the congress didnt do that. And so the white house was faced with whatever budget they could come up with themselves. At that point aarp stepped in to work with the white house on some financial support. And it was determined than instead of bringing many, many people to so instead of bringing many people to washington, d. C. , they would have five regional forums throughout the country. And then they would invite people from surrounding states to attend those. So the folks in california were invited to one in arizona, for example. Those were very well attended. I k

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