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Service after the games but adjusted for night giants games people should be able to get through the subway. What was that made. Before the august 11th game and i went to the game on saturday night so we dont need to talk about saturday night but Going Forward after the giants games Subway Service through the tunnel and a reasonable time after that. Thats correct. I wanted to chime in on the e line i tried it out last weekend i i want to give a shout out to the folks that were volunteering from the railway they the a great job of cleaning the confusion as people got off of caltrain and not sure to go to old train cars i want to give a shout out. Director ramos. I had the privilege of riding my bicycle on Market Street what a difference and how much more feasible and comfortable i would encourage everybody who is thinking about it give it a shot but encourage people im sure this will happy a much more Pleasant Place with all the good weather and the people bicycling by and walking on 80 that street ill looking forward to the place making it happen and work with merchants and cult organizations to capitalize on a much more pleasant so thank you to the staff and again, thank you director heinecke with your mouth full for all youve leadership on that so thank you to everyone. Anyone. One person wanted to address the items presented by director reiskin david pilpal. Good afternoon. Good afternoon on the Market Street closure since last week i dont believe i testified on that item before you in june my i dont have a opinion on whether it make sense during the day certainly congestion during the day but Market Street and other places around the city gives us an opportunity to look at the hours of 8 00 p. M. When interests not a congestion issue and some of the traffic restrictions need not exist ensue arguably 9 in the morning or 2 in the afternoon but not early in the morning im not on Market Street im not aware of cars interfering with Transit Service or creating impede to look at when we place the restriction not 24 7 but daytime oriented that effects which the people and the pedestrians are auto. Anyone else wants to trees an interest. The Advisory Committee i dont believe o i dont see mr. Weaver routine a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items first 3 speakers will be let me turn off the calling names . Good afternoon. Good afternoon, everyone. Directors mark with the teamsters 665 im the secretary treasurer i want to calling your attention to the legislation that was passed by the board of supervisors some medias ago calling for labor harmony in the buses theyre occupied by pilot shuttle project buses it come through specifically were here to talk about one company that certainly warranties warrants a look by the agency and they continue to utilize those bus stops balance our transportation has been found by the nationals labor relation board to be fine with the folks and indeed in the coming days we believe there will be an announcement by the nationals Relations Board by an injunction a violation of the act that is so rare to have that kind of injunction the reason the kind of behavior are towards the workers during the drive that part of the actuation is not effecting the agency but the workers about not surround their rights to protect their jobs in the workplace that there spill over into the bus stops it started on valencia and will continue in order to avoid the disruption that will otherwise cause the law boyd people getting to and from the bus stepping stops but implement that by the board. More names please. calling names . Good afternoon, everyone. Mr. Kelly. Good afternoon, everyone im tracey kelly a driver for compass transportation and a member of the teamsters im a resident of San Francisco and we just ratified our contract with compass transportation on august 1st still looking for support from the companies we work for include apple and ebay, paypal and yahoo and every note 3 of the companies came on board to support the contracts we fully believe that the contract is representative of what it takes to live in the bay area it goes from wages to help welfare and holiday pay and sick pay for all the drivers every one of our drivers are hard workers we commute thousands of people every single day and it is not your typical delivery were not delivering boxes but people their mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters and we do it on a very safe basis every single day we want to make sure that Going Forward just as mark mentioned every company that is working in the city of San Francisco is complying with the labor harmony law thank thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . And then richard. Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon decorations im doug block with Teamsters Joint Council 7 over 10 thousand members in San Francisco and as many of you may know to weve been successful in indicates poly people into the middleclass there the organizing the union were not here to ask the sfmta to organize us your job to protect the 8 hundred thousand muni riders that ride youre busy everyday and unfortunately as mark mentioned i have literature were in a fight with the National Labor relations has come down hard and spilling over into the bus so that in 24th and valencia we met with the board of supervisors of months ago we said this day may come and the board of supervisors did pass a resolution asking you to take some action to make sure that this situation never happens and unfortunately, it has and it didnt look like it will go away were certainly not going aware were here to urge you to act on their resolution were here as anal i didnt have yours in support of Shuttle Pilot Program we need this from you and be here with you to the end thank you. Ill leave this for you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon mr. Commissioner berkebile i didnt. Good afternoon, members can i get an overhead here. Okay. As old im peter a taxi driver ive been approved it buy a medallion at 250 as outlined in our editorial because of the Transportation Network companies have sucked profits out of our industry the price of a medallion has fallen like a stone yet the price is the same i ask you to lower the price it creates an opportunity for sellers and buyers and the sfmta itself according to section 1116 e of the Motor Vehicles for hire regulations the director of transportations job to adjust the medallion transfer price in response to marketed conditions mr. Reiskin i ask you reduce the price of transferred medallions will you do that. This is your time to tell you. You guys dont respond im here to get a response as to whether or not this is happening. This is not a dialogue for the public were paying attention to what youre saying and i think it would be are not only for the director of transportation to respond i suggest a price of between hundred and 25 thousand and one hundred 50,000 i ask the discounted medallions be made available so people that have been approved to buy one at 2 hundred and thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names good afternoon richard Property Owner and tax pair i correspond with the staff of the intersection of bryant im sure it gets insane on a game day in four years ive seen somebody directing traffic mike maybe two or three times and in the last few months motorcycle officers cit folks and some dpw people Milling Around the intersection if i dont make it threw the j is the visually impossible due to people doing wacky things theyll extending send you a ticket for one and 6 im trying not to gridlock and so forth so if someone can be doctor on a game day i wonder sometimes the income or the safety because without directing traffic and citing people will not cure the problem second subject you may recall me being here about 24th street mr. Robins caused signs to be put up there not to have their trailers there overnight right now there are 15 trailers there two or three weeks always, always there there was not one parking space on 24th street but im informed t p d does not go out after midnight so theres a solution to be that that would be great. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon. Hi good afternoon. Im eli the manager of parking wear here to ask the mta to stop citing for a number of reasons we want our members in San Francisco many of them dont have the cars to get the opportunity to bike electronically from their bikes it acts as a compliment to muni their electronic Motor Vehicles their devices and not Motor Vehicles under the code the mta didnt issue the tickets currently so the mta we think shouldnt be issuing those 0 motorized bikes we august and will submit followup. Commentary the vehicle code didnt treat them the same as vehicles or Motor Vehicles the california case law states those are not motorized vehicles and in case law this should be address while the mta cited a list of nonMotor Vehicles this is no a list exhale but a ding importance within 0 motorized vehicles and all the vehicles we agree to disagree but we should be on the same page of not pushing people by denying them the right to take a one way trip home and their neighbors our pilot yes. Looks like there are a whole love people you indicate how many are in support. Yeah. Okay. Very good. Thank you very much. Michael, andy, calling names . Good afternoon. Michael keith i founded square feet and ask you not to impose parking limits on scoots one of the things that makes scoot different from the transportation that egging energized in San Francisco is that we always follow the rules weve actually made up rules for the riders because we want to show the mta that we were serious not only about making transportation better for them but Everything Else in the city the best example our motorized bikes use the bike lanes and park on the street but we tell the riders not to do that out of respect for the community and percent the second point we dont allow our members to pick up and drop off scoots in our areas even though as nonMotor Vehicles theyre not subject to the restrictions our riders dont understand why they cant take a shared small all electronic vehicle home at night we have imposed that a 4 thousand person, 50 thousand Pilot Project where we demonstrated through a substantial amount of data that we know how to run on street electronic Vehicle Sharing Program with Great Success scoot is not uber were not google buses were impact face green quick and most importantly affordable we want to ask mta to stop impede listing our riders and hold off on citing the motorists until a proper form has been revised thank you clapping. calling names. good afternoon hello, im sandy. Could you give us our last name. As a transportation fan ive seen first hand the effects in taiwan of the obscurities i was excited to see here in San Francisco and to boot their all electronic i mostly want to say im so proud to see it here and hope you continue to support scoot and any other electronic transportation system. Thank you. clapping. calling names . Good afternoon. Hi john cab driver for all from a taxi driver seems like a terrific success so that said i came here to talk about the medallions and to mexico the 834 medallions the plan to cancel the programs i told the cab drivers with the medallions id come down here on their behalf their concerned in the city decided it wants to cancel the s Medallion Program i wrote the original proposal by the way, that if you wouldnt take those medallions away from the completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. To the cab drivers that have been driving for decades not in the Health Condition to drive fulltime but drive part time and if the city decided to stop the medallions dont yank it from them but let them write out the possession of those medallions and gradually instead of devastating them financially. Next speaker, please. calling names . Good afternoon. Hi, im argue speaking on behalf of the obscurities for the enforcements of parking restrictions guarantee i dont ride scoot received a deceasing degree in san diego with engineering and cofounder the stature in San Francisco it is map and heres the mathematics their 5 times the vision of cars and murder 5 times cleaner every motorcycle you see on the roads if you see a second riders their as efficient as a muni bus they release parking and i encourage you were leaving all those restrictions but especially for scoot the electronic obscurities are assessable in the gasoline counterpart as a resident of the alamo scare this will negatively impact not only me but many of the people in my community thank you. clapping. calling names . Good afternoon. Good afternoon im a native and counter residents of San Francisco working part times jobs and id like to voice my general supports with limit time and money psychiatrist has come to the rescue it is my solution to part for a limited amount of time to move my car it is my solution to the longer percent scoot takes me the thirds of a time from buses not to mention being packed on a crowded bus my solution to the route of taking a cscoot is 2 and not to mentin i cant say bike to work at a Job Interview and show up sweaty change has effects as a contingency we need to evaluate scoot provides a alternative i hope youll support them clapping. thank you. calling names . Good afternoon good afternoon, everyone im also a native and current residents of San Francisco im a student myself i can tell you the great things about scoot as everyone has but specifically for the proposal and permitting i think the important thing to note here that specifically in regards to 2 hour parking and requiring prims that scoot uses space that currently not utilized all so i think the intended purpose of keeping neighborhood and areas congestion free is not better served by not allowing scoots to park in those spaces they took place space not used by cars anyways so it didnt make sense that the goal of creating less traffic not to allow scoots to park in those places it encourages less car use and also very cheap and inefficient i currently am not working im a student myself as the previous speaker mentioned it is clear up so regular people that does have large income can access those vehicles especially, when muni is not available i use muni all the time but late at night and other times it didnt make sense so it scoot makes sense for everyone that lives here clapping. . calling names glen eagle good afternoon. Hi, im here to give feedback from a taxi driver and actually happen to work all 3 days friday saturday and sunday ive seen the reports Stanley Robert the first night i have to reports on saturday, i saw a fight between my passenger i pulled up in the bus stop ill allowed to do a taxi driver and the parking control officers surround my vehicle for a 288 ticket the passenger tried to board and a white parking control officer almost slammed the door on his hand now the passenger and the parking control officer had to step aside when the Police Officers came in i wasnt sure in any passenger was going to get arrested i many to make my that he had passenger walk a block why is it we embrace technology and people are not using technology and did understand access to the Technology Inside so i think the problem i wanted to bring up i want to say people have such a misunderstanding of the taxis that is so much more technology a fixed gps and video cameras and marked license plates so i hope the parking control officer staff will understand our regulatory fees finance their salaries thank you very much. Thank you very much calling names. mr. Weaning. Herbert wiener with the implementation of muni forward the muni bus line will no longer ron run to San Francisco General Hospital instead of people on their way to San Francisco general will have to transfer to the bus line this transfer will not be difficult and sufficient to transfer to buses whats not stayed this run is frequently kroutdz with standing room and the buses are not consistent in schedule can you imagine a pregnant woman so who or a critically wounded individual for the record to stand in such a situation can you imagine a long wait for the bus those realties were never addressed by the muni forward and are being presented by this board in the board approves this change and some medical vent happens assaults that will have blood on its hands and facing a potential lawsuit this is for the record in light of the legal procedures thank you. calling names . David pilpal were like a law firm dipped again, i wanted to express a concern of route changes implemented are part of the pe p or muni forward theres still maps throughout the system that does reflect the route changes i dont have a specific list in staff would review the maps and signage throughout the system and insure their up to date and some of the vehicle arrive pretext at the caltrain station inform m t c but mta has a rule and the van ness station explicit reflect the stop moves so the 47 is not showing up at caltrain and the van ness station it is not showing up im not sure who is point person on staff but if someone can let me know ill walk you through but it should reflect the current route information that should be fixed thank you and. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Bartow calling names . Good afternoon director reiskin and others im here on a serious issue the appearance that taxicabs are not welcome to serve the public many instance we talk about the protecting the value of the medallion in order for the drivers to generate enough money to pay the loans the credits union ought to know about this and a witness to at all the instances where staff has refused to work with the industry to make taxicabs available case in the an article the out lands festival and last week over as the pier 70 were cabs were shoed away by the police the tint may not be by the staff had a wonderful conversation thank you for hiring kate director reiskin but shes not getting the cooperation from some members of her staff that are making it difficult they eliminate the cabstand in front of of a popular gay bar would you tell us talking to anyone and creating cabstands by outlined land and advertising it to the cab industry but eliminating them for reasons that does make sense i ask you to today to please tell the staff to shop o stop hiring comba stop ss officers to tell people to go away when they need taxicab it will come out financing in the end when the losses start happening when people are losing money thank you for your time. calling names . Good afternoon. Thank you tom. 1929 the Stock Exchange crash it new york city millions of people took their cars to the streets and started providing Taxicab Service a lot of the violence and dangers to the public in 1935 somethings call the act it establishes the medallion system basically is limited the number of vehicles so people could make a living and set the rates of the fairs what has happens 80 years ago later weve recreated the conditions not we but the tmcs and you see that many mexico city and other places puc is established this educate of transportation claiming it not taxi but an urban limited number of vehicles that are allowed nonetheless the language in the legislation had to be a car that was an individuals car taking the vehicles off the road, however, now outfits youll see on craigslist now uber entered into the act i came here today it ask you ms. Moorely i, i answer by tom and the Silicon Valley but do what you can to make the industry survive ill point out you sell medallions it is in your best interests to protect us i think the Cab Companies my gets a cease and desist thank you. Next speaker, please calling names . Is he here in. Mary maguire and others calling names and can you wait to even though the time. Good morning, everyone. Im mary maguire a notice that was posted at the cabs company about the tear taxi stands why bother if were not allowed to serve the percent this is happening at the ball park at all special events the food fair last weekend said move on move on i go to work and move on i feel last week, a criminal the tmc are there they get not i didnt at the mccartney concert staff said i tried to work something out but always, always the seam story barry and i met with the staff 6 weeks ago and said we have to have something arranged for outdoor outside lands and the parks we got nothing and baseball season why it is almost over and maybe after is 89 thinkinging whats so hard of giving us the space between townsend and get in there and serve the public the bicyclists are getting everybody but were getting nothing from you people would like to take a cab one woman said there would be great if there was a cab stand with cabs what a novel idea in my can be that ed lees drought owns lyft im starting to believe it thank you. Next speaker, please calling names . Good afternoon mr. Lee. Good afternoon the board please i just want to remind you that this scooter it is not about the public please dont confuse those people coming theyre young and not for apologizing or the old people not for women or the public once scooter they make money it is all about money those folks pay 2 and pretty good on the streets but the thing theyre not public you cant open a green light to them special permit no charge in the not right and sells john mentioned the s medallion this is a the power you can take it back this is the time to take it back this was designed four or five years you have to do the rights policy and take it back and the third one i just forgot but the problem yet is focus on your main policy yes, they said oh, were clean and electronic i killed the scooter but look at the policy of the public how much mobility if they hit someone who is responsible they want everybody from everything from you like a tmc they win all the office they get in and talk inside the meeting not us were cab driver he remember about the 701 said by the bargain medallion you said apply this is how it should be the price thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Any of those folks here. None of those people are here okay. Good afternoon, sir. Good afternoon. Im jeff a scooter customer and expanding the citys innovation round and creating a high density is critical the fact my commute from noah valley on a mass transit is one hour is not acceptable on a scooter it is 20 minutes and my body only rests i like bike riding but some days scoot the one way Rider Services just as mini interfaces you sit at a bus stop now i know when a bus is coming an amazing innovation support scooter to keep the Service Going you. clapping. calling names . Are any of those people here. Read them again. calling names . Good afternoon. Hi, im kilogram and just to disagree with the others man, im unfortunately into may moses o 40s and by far not the oldest on scootsers so especially not just for the young people are i think a lot of the great things have been said ill not go into all of them the thing i love about San Francisco in general about what you do San Francisco is striving to be a great green city the evolution of the biking ive lived ear 25 years i see so many more beehives where your pro there is Nothing Better than seeing people energies i a lot of that about scoot i was stopped at a traffic light additional i was surround by 3 cars that of electric were sitting thereing over o over i live the marathons there is silence a beautiful thing and love to see more of that if nothing else promote the green aspects of the transportation in the city by helping scoot and square feeters thank you. clapping. calling names . Are those folks here. Any of those people . No good afternoon. Good afternoon. My name is erica move forward to San Francisco from new york and the transportation methods between the two city and counties cities are different the one thing i love about San Francisco is the scooters the issue that i ran into when i first started to take the any Public Comment . Not as convenient and it takes sometimes a very long time to go from one part of the city to another this changed which i started scooting i would say one of the best methods of transportation in the city it is convenient and can park mr. Vice president anywhere and want to continue to work almost anywhere and it is also not expensive which is a big deal for us that knows this city is comprehensive o expensive more than new york so i hope our voices are as loud as they can be clapping. and calling names . Good afternoon. Ill briefly top our times im one of the older members 50 years and getting into credulous so muni has made me late many times when i signed up for scoot im early to classes square feet as saved me i appreciate square feet if it wasnt for them ill be on the bus now thank you for your time. clapping. is mr. Baine here. Okay joshua the last people that turned in speaker cards from general Public Comment. Joshua from the commission on the environment im here on the subject of Sustainable Transportation i came by here we had a Commission Meeting and talking about the shuttle policy we want egypts how the program is going as you recall about a year ago we Roanoke County the program and said it has Good Environmental benefits and want to make sure their realized and was mentioned by 50 workers and folks if the teamsters we want to say the sustainable working conditions for people driving the shuttle we want to see that codified at the board of supervisors i think if we had the capacity to do thing like that for the cards Union Members well be doing things like that it was exciting to see and less excited to hear a degree of lack of harmony from the Environment Department reached it out 0 director reiskin but want to come in person and have a invitation for people and staff to come to the policy meeting on monday, september 1, 46 at 5 oclock in room 421 were going to analyze were excited to hear the progress both the environmental and sustainable working conditions we for some of us we think the solution to look at the types of programs and collective bargaining if you have folks driving and not supporting the wages and benefits this is not sustainable and green we love the work with our department and see you folks on monday the 15. Alex troy the last person to turn in a speaker card. Good afternoon. I use scoot for the longest time if have a car and i got on the service and it is on demand poem hire me to do odd jobs around the city for a while i had to rely on muni it made it challenging to get to difference jobs and limited the tasks to get done in one day as soon as scoot came along it was 1, 2, 3 or tasks to three or four and allowed me to get to different areas that muni if get there in certain neighbors and things like that that is another huge thing in the on demand economy like having scoot makes a difference and like you were saying coming back to the richmond area be able to drop the scoot off and not worry about it in two different areas to catch a bus home it definitely was a dream come try when scoot showed up so i notice a lot of people just in the bay area alone is 9 hundred active passengers and i know the Service Makes a big difference. clapping . No one else cares to address the board Public Comment is closed. Director reiskin we cant say discuss the substance not on the agenda im wondering if you could take another look at this policy and take another look and bring it back to the board. Ill be happy to as we indicated in a letter to you and the folks we got probably 4 hundred email messages if people in support of our changing our rules what we indicates were studying as many of you may know our old residential parking process and program and guidelines and rules enormous in terms of who is eligible and not this is one of the issues that is part of the study we were planning to come back already we can if scoot as additional robust review with the transportation vehicle code and happy to report back if we find anything as a result. Any time when it happens. I think it was in our letter victoria. The memo indicated theyll be coming back to the board in september and there with a different policy. Next year in 2016. Is something happen in november. Well update you on the initial vksdz with respect to the program and come back in 2016 related to many issues. Thats an agendized item on the calendar members thank you and appreciate our testimony. Move on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar please be advised 10. 3 and 5 have been severed and oh, 10. 6 as well now. So the remaining items to be agenda is there a motion to approve. Motion to approve. Second. Any further decision. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it, it is unanimous. Berry toronto. Yes. Regarding the i s of all the items there are lots of items one item a red flag our coming down past the scare to make a lefthand turn on to kearny street the problem there are dangers youre not addressing every day dealing with tour buses doubleparked in the right lane you let them sit there double parks for hours in the evenings i want to know why youve considered this more of a danger than the other hazards at the intersection the to blocks south of there so on kearny street then also, if you look at no resisting on red as pass over why is this difference than others why not a 7 00 a. M. To 7 00 p. M. Restricts like the other no turn on red restrictions why is this difference im saying maybe a safety issue but so many other problems with those particular blocks that the agency is not dealing with thank you for your time. Mbes. Motion to all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . 10. 3 please. Yes back on the agenda 10. 3 authorizes the director to have a contract for transit vehicles system and negotiated contract for the services to the highest proposal not to exceed for a 2 additional term. David pilpal i have concerns that the calendar item didnt indicate a cells only to go to the board of supervisors and the Public Outreach is thin this item was not presented to the cac with significant operating changes to the passengers im not sure the functionality but the current policy is that late at night transfers are cut for laid night and good for five or six in the morning transfers are only good for 90 minutes at all minds this is a change policy im not in favor of that night transfers are a good system and additional operating details by issuing the transfers the way it proposes rather than operators giving me to passengers im not sure with the new transfers look like and the materials will be made of where their environmental and consistent with the citys vinyl he im not sure who is handicapping this ill maybe get answers to questions and ill strongly encourage this to be brought to the cac before it is broths back to you for approval and mbes questions or comments. Motion to approve. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . 10. 5 the memorandum of understanding and the bay area to clarify the rules and responsibilities to for a newly contracting for the executive director and rise the Cost Allocation formula. Once again on this item it is the metropolitan Transportation Agency and i dont know how it happens here it is not clear when costs analysis was done to result an additional will 7 hundred plus a year the awe pensions were not done so you dont i cannot but the cac was bedandbreakfast on the future discussions like the next generation clipper i dont believe that restated agreement was brought to them and again there are impacts on the public i understand from reading the material that the chef Board Meeting are public and the director reiskin is the representative for that and i look forward to learning more about that to the extent this makes the system more rational i support that but if there were more examination and looking forward to talking about with the lady to see how this impacts. If you had not of taken this off the agendas but ill address the extra 2 Leonardo Da Vinci and 86,000 a year. The main difference i apologize we wrote the agency rather the compilation that us upsetting some people in terms of the call. Were fine thank you. What we found in terms of elevating the overhead cost structure first of all, it wasnt rational based on a number of cost drivers but we found there was a couple of agencies shouldering all the credit cards fees i think about half of our costs we pay or charged by mtc are a huge part of costs it was through collaborative meeting as among the agency lead by manifesting and bart deanna is spearheading this an agreement among the agencies this new Cost Allocation formulas first of all, allocated the costs what drives the costs but secondly, that importantly allocated credit card fees but a couple of agencies was appropriate that meant for many of us there would be a cost increase. Thank you for that i also support this the recommendation it is part of me thinking with the transportation and the board of directors and executive directors that hold on i think it is overkill but your understanding of this. Yeah. The cost is for a new agency not really a new agency weve discussed a Transbay Joint Powers Authority it wouldnt make sense were creating a board to join with mtc and oversee this fair Payment System that is overseen by mtc but not the operators kwhos customers rely on it. Move this item. Second. Any further discussion all in favor, say i. I. Is have it. Temple authorizing the director to have barhopping for the scrape improvements for a term of 2 hundred and 40 cleared up days and mr. Pill pal. Did i understand. The staff report didnt include a map ill requesting a map and plans id like to review those and it also in indicate who the project manager is i seem someone in vinces shop i have thirty no issues with the project i want to see what the construction is so im making that request. Members of the board. Mr. Chairman that concludes the consent calendar moving on to item 11 is adapting the ceqa vlgdz and approving the Second Street. Achieve the staff on behalf of tom maguire directors im very pleased that staff and the department of public works and mtas are here to bring in front of the you the Second Street project for your consideration as youll hear that is one of the most ambitious landscape projects as you recall this is part of the bicycle plan a number of years ago at the present time, the boards directed us to work with the communities to get a comprehensive plan im proud to say weve done that work and been working with the community and theyve let us know their mroould pleased with the outcome and thank them im joined by christen from the department of public works who is the public manager and ellen the project lead from sfavpt and the innovation and liveable streets with that, im going to turn it over to christina and ellen to presents the results. Good afternoon. Good afternoon directors. Katrina teen from department of public works the project manager. Microphone not that one that one. Okay. Sorry katrina teen a into department of public works im the streetscape manager i mean, ill begin the presentation and hand off to staff. This project is lead by the public works with support from the sfmta and the Planning Department heres a picture of the project location it is Second Street from market to king street about a milelong question worked closely with the community to develop several goals for the most part is improving the seated at the table using Second Street it is designed to improve walking and biking to improve those modes of transportation to reduce the number of drivers to as you Second Street to access bay bridge the project includes sewer and waters rehabilitation and repaving each other the entire corridor. Heres photos of second student on the last north of harrison the streets are narrow and other than the europe right a picture if south of harrison the crosswalk is an uncontrolled walking across 5 lanes in the afternoon peek periods on the bottom right is a photo of a family biking to a game the proposed projects are to attract from a range of folks the project supports vision zero the city goal to eliminate serious injuries and dedication for the intersections are on the High Injury Network and the proposed will make major improvements that project is is out of a robust project and the design driven by the community that was determined by the Community Priorities and design the alternatives and get feedback the sfmta host an accessibility workshop for signs that has assess for everyone and the project incorporated the Design Project team conducted a door to door project including for homeowners successors and merchant groups thank you katrina teen a im elaine the sfmta lead on the project im excited to be here to share with you the details of the project one of the most comprehensive and multiply affiliated projects in the sustainable streets everyone with works or travels on Second Street will enjoy the benefits of a safer comfortable environment ive spent a lot of time on Second Street as ive cabin working on this project that is clear it has a lot of character and potential i think this project capitalize on that potential and creates a street that is truly vibrant in selma project besides widening the narrower sidewalks between townsend on Second Street that makes according the streets safer upgrading the crosswalks for all the alleys curb ramps will be ethic and lighting the intersections and alleys to help pedestrians and drivers to see each other better and that includes installing a new traffic signal and other signal at 80 ma and washington to highlight the crossings project includes dedicated lanes and most of the corridor will get curbside protected ways and this is similar to on the projects like polk street and a portion of Market Street in that that will be raised between midlevel and the sidewalk and controlled at major intersections with bicycle signals this is an overhead view how the bike fit into the configuration 1 traffic lane in each direction where the resistance and on the right see in Golden Gate Park and transit where the bike way goods behind next slide, please the project includes a variety of measures to keep muni flowing smoothly and for riders they include the islands and this is a picture of a very similar design San Francisco municipal Transportation Agency is originally implement at Church Street which is working well transit signal priority will be installed along Second Street and the bus signals will be adjusted in order to keep traffic moving and muni moving in a single through lane righthand turns will be allowed and lefthand turns will be restricted at all intersection between Mission Street and grant it street besides widening the students the project will help other improvements to make a realm a great place to be including the beverages and bike rakes and other things throughout the project the community has generally support Second Street a more complete street with better waking, biking and transit friendliness this requires and nevertheless, Second Street as a route to the freeway and reich interns from granting it street and the in northbound removing a dully lefthand turn at harrison and replacing it controlled by the signal those changes be a boon but require that many drivers that use Second Street needs to divert to parallel street. I was going to talk about parking staff is recommending that 2 3rds of on Street Parking be repurposed 10 percent of the 17 hundred Parking Spaces within one block of Second Street owe understand this is a concern a small amount of parking will be made up by creating new parking on a side street of brendon none and harrison on Second Street and side streets will be converted to loading and nonassessable zones process team has been working with the Transbay Joint Powers Authority and the projects will coordinate with them in the alleys east of Second Street weve worked hard with the storefront and companies to understand their needs when in their driving and parking in the area this proposal strikes a balance with the automobile those in the area achieving the other project with the implementation of this project sfmta will work with the Police Department to engage the public in education before moving on to targeted enforcement to make sure that all drivers understand the new streets and obey them. You want to talk about the project . The project as implemented the Environmental Impact the eir was served on theirs and after this hearing that will continue into detail design through the ends of 2015 they accepted the contradiction is in late 2016 and the construction will last 9 months to a year and be implemented neiman in the meantime we understand the need for black History Month and weve installed a safety zone to highlight that crossing and also upgraded all the stripped crosswalks an Second Street and continuing that work early in 2016 by installing traditional stripped bike lanes on the northern and southern ends of the Second Street and continue on the rest of the corridor id like to thank the community and everyone who participated in developing this project and thank you for your time katrina teen and i will be happy to answer any questions. Any members of the public wish to testify. Yes. 5 that calling names . The first 3. Good afternoon good afternoon tom nolan and Board Members im the new project manager of walk sf and on behalf of of the members allison park here to urge you to approve that the Second Street neighbors signed this petitions it hasma

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