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Are and doing what you are doing and particularly want to thank vice chair davis for the work she does with you and bringing you to the Human Rights Commission. So, tonight we are finished. Once again, thank you to all the nominees you do amazing work and sorry we couldnt have everyone in here tonight and highlight that but thank you to the award ease and look forward to assist you in the work you do and bring your ideas to the Human Rights Commission about how to be involved in the work of the community and come to the commission so you can hear about the work we are doing with the Mayors Office and board of supervisors and City Government to identify implicit bias and Structural Racism and bias and end it. So, on that note, we are adjourned. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Heat waves. Massive heat waves. Tick. Severe droughts. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Devastating. Devastating hurricanes. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick tick tick tick tick tick our future. Tick tick is up. To you. Tick. Go to fightglobalwarming. Com while theres still time. We are celebrating the glorious grand opening of the chinese rec center. 1951, 60 years ago our first kids began to play in the chinese wrecks center rec center. I was 10 years old at the time. I spent just about my whole life here. I came here to learn dancing. By we came we had a good time. Made a lot of friends here. Crisises part of the 2008 clean Neighborhood Park fund, and this is so important to our families. For many people who live in chinatown, this is their backyard. This is where many people come to congregate, and we are so happy to be able to deliver this project on time and under budget. A reason we all agreed to name this memorex center is because it is part of the history of i hear to name this rec center is because it is part of the history of San Francisco. They took off from Logan Airport and the call of duty was to alert American Airlines that her plane was hijacked, and she stayed on the phone prior to the crash into the no. 9 world trade center. I would like to claim today the center and the naming of ait. [applause] kmer i actually challenged me to a little bit of a ping pong the mayor actually challenge me to a little bit of a ping pong so i accept your challenge. It is an amazing spot. It is a state of the art center. Is beautiful. Quarksrights i would like to come here and join them clapping. good afternoon, everyone good morning; right . Good morning, everyone laughter thanks everybody for coming out it is not everyday that we get to no matter a new muni line let along a rail line on which the historic streetcars will be operating we couldnt be more excited to be out here we have a lot of folks without whom we wounded be here so a special day for muni and special day in the history of transit a great day for the city ill start by saying a lot of people have to work hard for a long time to make Something Like that happen but at the top of the lard is the mayor from the time he took office and really the decades in the city supporting infrastructure in supporting good Capital Planning the kinds of things to have p in place to get to a point like this the mayor is a supporter and couple of years ago we convened a task force that land to a 500 million bond that was approved last year this week he signed the city budget among many others great things that is bring to the city included service increase which the t line is a part this is the kind of leadership we need to bring the kind of Transit Service to the city to have it grow in the future please carry on conversations out in the hallway. Please join me in welcoming our mayor, mayor ed lee clapping . Good morning as well thanks east side for our leadership if i can thank you you and the commissioners of the sf Transportation Agency and our county Transportation Authority working together with the city and the board of supervisors and really glad to be here today with supervisor christensen Supervisor Scott Wiener and supervisor jane kim joining us were dedicated to improving expanding our Public Transportation it the best example i god got to ride on the newest edition to the streetcars and ike thank you, again rick from the historic streetcars history he provided that connection we were talking about dolores park all the mayors if feinstein on to that have really led the effort i know that from me, me to art to senator feinstein so many people wanted to link the entire embarcadero well, this morning im here to dispel rumors the e line is to be the ed line it is the embarcadero and f is not the fine line but all the alphabet but there are names here i want to say i know senator wanted to be here and representatives from feinstein and boshgs that have begun fantastic not so many other things that helped our city to be successful i wanted to ride that with senator feinstein i know this is in her heart to get this done shes a great leader in the past and the cable cars and all alternative things that hopefully rick will have a chance to talk about the history this is a remarkable day to exemplify an additional 10 percent of services means in one part weve got extensions of line and in other be neighborhoods of the city but for this embarcadero to have this e line go all the way if at t park to Fishermans Wharf and have an open air approach to it and then have muni drivers like robert parks and others working for muni since 1997 i think enjoying every year to serve the popping public a whole system mr. Their pcos or Police Department or management or commissioners working with the federal commissioners and board of supervisors and state and local agencies working to improve thats why we have confidence that our muni can have a one billion dollars operation that really cares about getting people around this desire city we can manage and certainly manage all the things to get people around the visitors and people working here friends and families safely and efficiently through the rest of the city this is one of the most enjoyable rides both cars are historic that car comes from england i wont mess with all the details but ill say that we say an uncovered vehicle that has a lot of history to it riding along the embarcadero it is fun it is exhilarating and another kind of cable car experience in San Francisco and i love the history of the city ill work and continue to work to make sure those things can happen and that services will increase that we reduce congestion and work hard on that by the way, make sure that vision zero is all part of everything we do this 500 million bond our public passed were working very hard attorney general make sure those vision zero projects are done and i know that muni is in the lead and other agencies public works and everyone else has to work with high levels but lets celebrate this new service and line lets link to the history of the car and the fun but all the appreciation that i have thought marries and the leaders and confirmations before us and the supervisors all working together to make sure that is part of the great Public Transportation system we want to have in our great city making history and celebrating that past but moving forward as the coincide phrase from muni it is all about forward muni how we serve more of the public the pride in the system for everybody works with each other congratulations sfmta and congratulations county transportation thank you everybody for being here hope you get a ride on this as much as you can thank you clapping. thank you, mr. Mayor certainly we wouldnt be here without our leadership the leadership at city hall extends to the second floor the board of supervisors has continued to provide the policy and funding leadership to support things like bringing the e like to fruition but the mayor made reference this is a longstanding demand for the people that ring the bell for the embarcadero for this kind of services this provides the connectivity from the caltrans to the ball park all the way up to pier 39 and Fishermans Wharf and the northern part of the bayer the supervisors that represent the policies are are here and instead voices for better transportation in San Francisco and better Transportation Service i was called into a meeting three or four years and the institutional leaders from the corridor demand or expressing the demand for this kind of services and the grassroots leadership that manifest in the supervisors it represents that is part of why were here first representing the northern half of the e line i want to bring up someone before they got into office was an advocate for the transportation for the northeast part of the San Francisco shes been in office and focused among things on transportation issues and saving transportation so ms. Marcason district 3 Julie Christensen clapping good morning my first thanks are to rick and bruce and the leaders and the volunteers of the Market Street railroad i was out the advocacy it is a 20year project so congratulation to the Market Street rail way determined effort to make that happen im perspective to mayor ed lee and the volkswagen of leaders for Dianne Feinstein for supporting this crazy idea and tilly chang and others that made that happen i this is a great thing for the city this is going to be a lot fun riding along the waterfront i want to focus an district 3 my district includes some of the density neighborhood in the United States we have a typography a roll call top great most of my constituents dont own cars were trying to improve the Public Transportation for district 3 im thrilled that soon our district will have the first subway in San Francisco and the first Rapid Transit in San Francisco and im delighted to welcome the e line as charming and fun for my constituents this is Serious Business not only do we have those are o those dense neighborhood but welcomes tens of thousands of shoppers to union square tourist that are visiting Fishermans Wharf and chinatown and other places in the district they need to get around and this transportation on the east side is virtually important not only to get people back and forth but to make sure our city runs smoothly were excited about f this edition in service ive been quoting from of the follower leader of bothering talk the market is a great city not one poor can bribe but when rich people takes massive transit that puts on and on us on that thank you. Thank you supervisor christensen and representing the southern end of the e line is supervisor jane kim thats been as most folks know one the leading voices that was behind vision zero to San Francisco and vision zero being our goal to eliminate traffic faults by 2024 but representing the folks that have among the lottery levels of car ownership and transit ridership the highest but a voice to improve leadership to pushing up to engage the east side of her district and to think extend and approve Transit District for the east side including the. Rightone lynn line please join me in welcoming jane kim. Thank you. I was going to that supervisor christensen and i have some things in common absorbing 60 percent of the Residential Construction in San Francisco taking place be here for years your residents have been asking for more Public Transit lines to make sure we have to the infrastructure to make sure our neighborhood is connected to others i want to recognize our residents that have for years been advocating the chair bruce he couldnt be here he he is going to jury duty heart broken and coauthored from the cracking and dr. Many me me for the foundation that push for the e line to make sure it happened and it makes me proud were delivering on that today director reiskin not often you have a new line our district has two the 55 which is connecting the Mission Neighborhood and bart to mission bay along with the ucsf Medical Campus and the average Office Building and the e line it connects Fishermans Wharf to the bart and caltrain station transit is critically important as we grow we know that everyone cant continue to drive we have to make our streets safer for pedestrians and bicyclists but make sure we have option for the residents not only to get to the do you only core but were also crisscrossing and connecting neighborhoods this is a huge effort and it is nice to not just talk about is it or promise it but say were going to be openly it today congratulations to the Market Street roadway and sfmta and the Mayors Office and great to have a line it connects into districts thank you supervisor christensen. Thank you, supervisor kim as many of you know the board of supervisors also sits as the trpgs Transportation Authority the coming Transportation Authority and i wanted to acknowledge the executive director tilly chang and the da is currently chaired if i supervisor wiener it sits on the metropolitan adrenalin Transportation Commission a strong voice for the transportation particularly looking at San Franciscos needs but locally has been one of the stropth voices for transportation for the advocacy in 2011 for the streets respond up until last year supporting both the geobut bringing prop b that increased the general fund that goes to muni wouldnt have been there without his leadership been a strong supporter of systems constructive critic i rides it everyday and like us he experiences both the exchanges but seize the opportunities please join me in welcoming from district 8 supervisor and chairman of the Transportation Authority scott wiener. clapping. thank you, ed and my district is not including the e like line but the end of the f line one integrated system for the streetcars sometimes in San Francisco we have this tension between the citys past and historic where we are moving into the future the e line really in my mind is a Perfect Blend of the fast and the future it is wonderful to be able to preserve and use those wonderful historic streetcars i want to give all the creditor it in the word to the Market Street railway and others for saving those streetcars and saving this system along with the cable cars to make sure as the city changes and grows we dont just jet son some of the treasurers we have as a city but this line is not just about cherishing the past it is b also about moving us to the future as a city we good and talking about the impacts on housing and the costs of housing but the congestion in the city and the wear and tear and strain on our Public Transportation system as we good by 10 thousand people a year weve not been focusing on enough were growing in this part of town and need to have more and more more and more parts of city that are connected by transit and particularly the Mission Bay Area supervisor kim has mentioned is an area that is supervisor breed and didnt have nearly enough transit the fact we have those tracks in the ground and vehicles and have this line and were not making the best was was a shame to activate this entire ear and utility those vehicles to connect noib to the northern neighborhoods is just tremendous it is only the beginning i know we have more and more transcript h transit systems and the voters have been clearing about the sfaiks to eveningly passing the muni bond last year and passing unanimously the voters get it and city hall gets it were going to keep doing this i want to note our county Transportation Authority was administered through the statistics as invested 19 million in historic strrts that is a team effort so congratulations to everyone and particularly congratulations to the residents and everyone else who will by the people from this service thank you clapping. thank you supervisor wiener and the rest of the board of supervisors it really is a team effort we couldnt have done it without you a little bit closer to the ground in order to make the streetcars available and in order to be able to find the the resources to be able to expand the services to open the line there are a lot of tough decisions in terms of the overall mta budget in terms of of the execution of our strategy plans theyre made by the board of directors were governed by a 7 member board the folks that are appointed empty the mayor serve would the compensation but weve been very lucky over at least certainly from my tenure in having great leadership with the board of directors it is with great pleasure i welcome up the chair and vice chair please join me in welcoming tom nolan and concerning. Thank you, mr. Mayor the board of supervisors is happy to be here on behavior the board of directors were numerously proud 7 thousand people move around the city that is a wonderful thing i want to mention two people one is not here i never think of historic vengeance without thinking of cam beach who died several years ago and also i wanted to say ed reiskin were so fortunate to have a man of his dedication and lots of great things are happening thank you vice chair. clapping. year and a half i think the chairman said it all i will echo nothing in the city happens by the result of one persons actions or organizations this one example i look forward to riding the e line it was some of the most fun ive had in San Francisco thank you clapping. thank you. The Political Leadership behind muni and behind the e line expands far and wide the mayor made reference to senator boxers and senator feinstein was one the chief architect and part of what makes that possible were joined could i by formerly supervisor and board president supervisor david chiu staff and justin a muni alumni want to acknowledge him and Assembly Member the support we get increasing a recent hundred and 40 million cap trade is how were continuing to grow service in San Francisco weve heard from a lot of the folks in government but without question next to Dianne Feinstein there was no person who is as both peppering and professionally responsible for us being here today than rick this is a passion of his both in his professional time and a lot on his own times over decades that is part why were here today please join me in welcoming the president of the Market Street Railway Association rick clapping. well, we know this is a team sport in fact, San Francisco is a team sport and i could spend all day talking about everyone that is involved in the activity its all true you dont do anything alone in this city and the listener of the mayor and ed reiskin and tom nolan and Cheryl Brinkman and sfmta are important for the betterment of the Transportation System i want to acknowledge the Market Street raul railway past and present your surrounded by them those folks have given thousands and thousands of hours of volunteer time over decades to help make what you see here happen if you sit in this spotlight thirty years ago we have had been directly under a double freeway the entire waterfront you know had trithsz away from its mairment history but didnt know what that was going to be a few people had the vision to see a worldclass waterfront i want to acknowledge one in particular he cant be here he passed away one year and one day ago doug right that served mayor feinstein and served mayor agnos as the deputy mayor for transformation tra transportation that is part of douglas lying lillian widow i hope youll give her a round of applause also anothers important few minutes is me, me the president of the delance project she got those tracks put in to connect the f line up there what the n and t line to the south the e line couldnt have taken place if it wouldnt have gotten done she lobbied city hall she cant be here but id like a hand for me, me delanys street is a gift to our city the original vision so for the e line that mayor feinstein and doug started was to go to Fishermans Wharf and continue to for the mason the e line has been a tragedy dream for a looked at and connected the parkland and provides walking and bicycle successful assess and serve the Nonprofits Organization that were at for the mason the past director of mason alex it is here a Guiding Light in retrofits this idea along with the Fishermans Wharf organization theyre the who helped to get the National Park to do an Environmental Impact report not paid for by the city by the feds with help from then speaker peelings office were ready to engineer and fund that as soon as we get through the remaining hurdle to senator feinstein has pledged her hope we hope the city family makes that a reality the effort mason makes that longer and astrologer when she was mayor Dianne Feinstein support made the first streetcar possible in the 1980s i was in her office as a wet behind the easier volunteer and said is this not a mayor we can do this. She would ill do it but i dont want to see new junk she had high standards he knew that every Street Corner had to be beautiful and reflected well, in the city she loved to see the original muni streetcars in fact the one that the mayor piloted for the mayors coincidental they still run and she loved the streetcars from around the world and a can new from back in the 1980s and she loved to drive that car and she actually grove it several times well, today besides openly the e line were to double our procure mark Street Railway has been from england we depended upon r donated it from muni we started the First Official run with passengers and has its original sign reading the Pleasure Beach we dont have a Pleasure Beach but have a promenade and it is embarcadero so muni shop workers and ill shout out to lee and mike ellis and the other carl johnson retarded if muni did a great job restoring this car clapping. we cant do this without our city workers ballot wouldnt have sailed our way excepts for two generous by michael thorstein who under wrote the costs of the car michael put your hand up please clapping. and to get it here we got a lot of help from ed ford explicit represented by cassandra clapping i bet you didnt know that fedex ships streetcars ear thankful to both of them and everyone associated with the boat and the e line thank you all so have much clapping. thanks rick and finally as i said before there was a Strong Community demand for the advocacy to get service on to the embarcadero so i want to invite up a couple of Community Leaders one from the north side and south side starting with john a Third Generation Fishermans Wharf guy and the president of the festers benefits district please join me in welcoming in welcoming john clapping. thank you, ed also like to thank ed and supervisor christensen formally assemblyman david chiu and denying for helping to make it possible the Fishermans Wharf association is happy for the e line service to begin my family has been a part of the Fishermans Wharf for a a long time and watched the waterfront transform back then the embarcadero was beginning its transition to the incredible use any questions of the uses today back then the what if was an island between the maritime and the embarcadero and fort massachusetts so that to the west west people like to use the cable cars but the locals used their cars today, the wharf is more important than ever we weve got the moratorium and the cruise ship and at t park just to name a few automobiles cant handle the demand we rely on the f line it is transforming travel we thank senator feinstein for her lunar new year. Thank you to her for connecting the designations and taking the pursue off the embarcadero and thank you to the sfmta for making that a reality and looking forward to the full 7 day service we urge the city and National Park service to move forward for fort mason our past leader was responsible for reviving the plan through the historic tunnel and saw the exhibitions were a natural fit with our restaurants and attractions we needed that extension soovrn and bend to having attractive streetcars to the Jerry Dell Square and the hiding and the muni pier and fort mason we hope youll all join in supporting it. Thank you. Thanks john and representing the southern end were pleased to be joined by katie the president of the rincon hill mission Bay Association shes been a unifying voice in government and other organizations to improve the quality of life many evenings down pier 40 where the group has its meetings and shes a great advocate and critic when need to be but a great partner in improving things in that part of town please join me in welcoming. Good morning neighbors i see a lot of the familiar faces im so excited to be here on behalf of the rincon Hill Association welcome to the e line finally weve been advocating for the e line for a number of years . A tree special day for us who live here thank you, mayor ed lee and director reiskin and rick and bruce of Market Street railway our eastern neighborhoods if youre not familiar going set were the most dynamic part of the city were adding residents and businesses every single day but the option in transportation have not kept pace were happy to have the e line but now now we need to look at the future and make sure that the e line gets extended to fort mason and the dog patch thank you. clapping well thank you. I want to close by anglo the many people within the sfmta who have been working not only to make this event and day happen but the e line up and happening john halley our transit dork and his staff lee and julie and others our communication director candice sue who is responsible and thank you to the riders that know how to use the e line and were joined by our rail director the difficult task of getting people from safety and a lot of folks working together to make that happen so thanks everybody 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow well start our weekend 10 00 a. M. To 7 00 p. M. If this point forward and next year extending 7 day service so well really excited to be at this milestone and thanks everyone to be coming out well cut a ribbon and Service Starts tomorrow morning thank you. Also want to acknowledge one last time our board chair bruce is serving the city on jury duty it is all for him he played a huge well role we all appreciate it. Hold this with one hand 1, 2, 3. All right. whistle blows thanks. I example the first thing to point out is the first word is camp tlargz to be bugs and dirt and so long as you can get past that part in place is pretty awesome. Youre going to get to our cabin and why is it so small well most of your time is spent outside. Programming was our first step we wanted to offer a program that is, you know makes people happy and leaves them with memories. Here and there. So more points. Ready 1, 2, 3. I think a big part is its coming from San Francisco it is real estate a kind of vibe people relate to each other and everyones living in the city and you can feel the breath of fetish air and the experience you get out here. I think it give us an opportunity to get away from technology you come out here and look at it here and not look at our iphones and you kind of lose users in the city and have a cup of coffee im corey a typical day increase no typical day. And just the first time being on the talent show and getting a huge applause and i never expected it is is r is a great experience im an executive chief here at kathy serve over one hundred meals a day for the camp mather folks. People love our meals and the idea they can pick up a meal and dont worry about shopping or doing dishes and enjoy and have a great time at camp mather grasping grab on. I like camp mather it is a lot of freedom and kids run around its great. They have all the things i dont have to do the kids get to do what they want to do and we basically focus on them thats our only job. I like camp mather because i can ride my bike. I love camp mather. The children are up here playing around and riding their booiths bicycles thats a great place to see what the word is like outside of the city. Ok, well remember last week when you hit vinny in the head with a shovel . [chuckling] i do not recall that. Of course not. Well, it was too graphic for the kids so im going to have to block you. You know, i got to make this up to you. This is vinnys watch. Parks and places of communicated and thanks to the mayor and the department of technology and supervisor farrell and google. We had a very very unique partnership that was able to bring wifi to our most heavily used parks and squares. Parks in particular are really important way of life and quality of life and so is connectivity. Bringing those two things together in a project like this is right on target with what San Francisco is and wants to be. Its all about breaking apart the divide. The people with expensive data plan can have access to information and economy. This is really breaking down the Digital Divide and giving people across the spectrum the opportunity to information and giving them mobility and freedom. Particularly by investing in connectivity in park spaces we are also ensuring the connection to Digital Inclusion opportunities and parks are designed for all neighborhoods. People are on the move. They are no longer chained to their desk tops at home. People can accomplish a lot and we prefer them being here an enjoying the outdoors and nature. Given all the mobile community and mobile information thats available. We thought it was important to make it for our parks acceptable for everyone and give everyone the opportunity to live and to work and be at the parks at the same time. Our full mission in life is to give them access to the internet, give them access to information. In San Francisco you dont have to be bottled up in an office. You can be around and enjoy your work anywhere. Its great for the local community here and it means a lot to me. In the park, you are people that can teach you about the trees in the park and you can go to parks and recreation. Org and having wifi in our parks makes it more accessible. If you want more information about how to enjoy wifi in San Franciscoparks, go to when you cast your vote in San Francisco, you may do it through city hall or vote by mail. Ever wonder when to cast your vote . How is your vote counted. Lets follow your ballot from the moment its officially certified by the department of elections. First well look at what happens to your vote at a polling place. When you cast your vote, your ballot is fed into a voting systems machine. It reads your ballot and the data is stored inside on the memory cart cartridge. It provides San Francisco with voting machines. High speed ballot scanners and software used to cast votes. When the memory is pulled from the memory. The cartridge is stored in a bag and sealed then a San Francisco parking officer takes official custody of the cartridge to deliver it to city hall. The custody of the actual completed ballot is transferred to the sheriff who takes it on Election Night. On Election Night. Pier 48 is a hub of activity. Sheriffs bringing ballots lineup outside waiting to deliver inside the pier. Its a long night for these election employees. Staff unpack and sort all the ballot bags and account for all the rosters for those dropped off at polling places. The inside ballots are counted by a machine and there is still more to do with these ballots. Well get back to them a little later. Meanwhile at city hall, the department of elections sets up a one night only upLoading Center. Staff and City Employees ready to handle delivery and processing. On Election Night we set up the Loading Center here at city hall so we can process the votes as quickly and accurately as possible. First the election bag is placed on the reader to record it. Next the cartridges and transfer papers are checked by our staff. Then the cartridges with the votes for each precinct are fed into readers which are fed in the dominion software. These are results directly to the Department Computer for tabulating. Back at the polling place you might have cast your vote using the edge screen which is a screen touch system sch which allows others with disabilities to fill out an official blot. Its attached to the edge machine. I also need the edge printer. At the end of election day, a Deputy Sheriff takes custody of the sealed container from edge machine. You only have one edge printer, right . Yes. These deputies transfer the container a lot with the ballots to the warehouse on pier 48. The department of election staff opens the sealed container from every edge machine and reviews its printed record. Here at the department warehouse, teams of two people remove the record from each edge printer and check and double check to confirm whether or not those were cast. If votes are recorded on an edge printer, a team of two people remake the vote onto a blank paper ballot from that precinct. Then a different two people confirm the votes and correct any errors. All the edge printer records are are archived. They transport to city hall and then fed to the machine for counting. That way all the votes cast on the machine are included in the election. Voters are encouraged to vote at their assigned polling place. People who cast their vote at a voting place other than their polling place are called provisional voters. They are taken to city hall for verification by staff. Verification is to check to see if the voter is registered in San Francisco. If the voter is registered in San Francisco, their votes are counted for the correct contest they are into. More than 60 of San Francisco voters cast their votes by mail. Ballots cast by city hall are also by ballot. They are processed at the Distribution Center at the largest Mail Processing facility in San Francisco. So, its quite a large operation. About 1500 employees throughout 3 shifts. It runs 24 7. 365 days a year and today we have all the ballots for the city of San Francisco and today they will be processed for delivery. Today we have a truck that has already come in. We are expecting about 218,000 ballots to come on 15 trucks. So far we have received three of the trucks and you can see there is a lot of mail here. Right now we are getting raid to run the mail on digital bar code order. First we put it in carrier route sequence and walk sequence so its real efficiency for the ballots for our constituents. Voters registration are dropped off at the polling boxes and its transferred to a Deputy Sheriff who transfers them to pier 48. At the pier, ballots are collected. The number returned is noted and quickly transported by two Deputy Sheriffs and two Department Employees to city hall for processing. Before any counting of any vote by mail ballot can happen, the voters signatures must be verified. First the unopen vote by mail ballot uses a scanner that picks up the bar code signature and the bar code identifies the voter and precinct and that is sent electronically to the voter for verification. We have the signature on the Voter Registration file t voters name, precinct and signature is entered into the election Information Management system. Staff reviews the voter information and signature on file and visually compares the signature. Then we challenge the validity of the ballot. If the ballot is accepted, the voter is noted they have been accepted in the election. Then its send back electronically to the scanner. The envelopes are run through the scanner again to sort out any unverified ballots. On the second scanner pass, the ballots are also sorted by precinct. It makes extra effort to correct the system so the ballots can be verified and their votes count. Although accepted vote by mail ballot envelopes, used to be open by hand, they are now open by an extraction machine. It helps open the envelope on two sides and these on the machine you can pick up the ballot. Its probably twice as fast as a manual process. The ballots are then scanned by a dominion 400 c high speed scanner for each ballot card. At the same time employees check the dominion tally sheet and compare it to the printer. The scanner sometimes cant read a ballot due to damage or light marking by a voter. These are transferred by hand by a 2person team. These new ballots are returned to the scanner and the votes are added to the final tabulating. You can confirm your ballot was received and confirm your vote was counted at sf elections. Org. At the end of each day which transfers the data from the scanners onto this laptop and we tabulate the votes. On the server these votes are combined with the votes already transmitted with the cartridges. Once the data is loaded on this laptop, the server tabulates the votes and we generate a report and post it on our website. Along with the report, it also includes a precinct by precinct breakdown and posted by mail and a neighborhood turnout report. We are very proud of our data tool. It includes a lot of information about voter information with the voter district and party. We will continue improving. You would think thats the end of the story, but there is still more work out of pier 48 that needs to be done. California Election Code requires the manual tally of ballots in the precinct which is chosen by an elected official. For the 1 manual tally, the ballots selected are counted by hand at the department warehouse. Basically teams of four election match the ballots to the tally. There is a team for each ballot. Two people tally the vote that is called and the two people confirm the votes and finally they are compared and compared to the electronic vote. This 1 manual tally is the last step for declaring the final results of the election. So from your home or neighborhood polling place, to city hall, by memory cartridge, high speed scanner or even manually, your vote is tabulated and declared by the San Francisco department of elections. Hello, my name is jamie harper. In this episode, we are featuring the park locations in your very own backyard. This is your chance to find your heart in San Francisco with someone special. Golden gate parks largest body of water is this lake, a popular spot for strolling and paddling around in boats, which can be rented. Created in 1893, it was designed foreboding and for boating. It is named for the wild strawberries that once flores. A pleasant trail follows the perimeter past huntington falls, 110 foot waterfall. Two bridges connect the trail to the island. The climb to the hills summit, the highest point in Golden Gate Park at more than four hundred feet. You can get quinces of the western side of the city through glimpes of the western side of city through a thick trees. The lake is ada accessible. It has a peaceful atmosphere where you can enjoy a warm day. Walk along the lake and watched many ducks, and swans, and seagulls. It is a tranquil spot to stroll, enjoy each others company, and sail away. Many couples come here to take a ride around the lake floating under the bridges, past the pavilion and waterfall. For a quiet getaway, it makes for a memorable and magical experience. Located on 19th avenue, this grove is the place to wear your hiking boots, bring your family and bring the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. It is a truly hidden gem in the city. The part is rich with eucalyptus trees. Long paths allow you to meander, perfect for dog walking in a wooded environment. I enjoy this base and the history behind it. The diversity that exists in such an urban city the concrete, the streets cars, we have this oasis of a natural environment. It reminds us of what San Francisco initially was. This is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. Transit is available to get you there easily. And the part is ada park is ada accessible. There is also a natural lake. This is your chance to stroll and let the kids run free. It also has many birds to watch. It is the place to find some solitude from the city and appreciate what you share with a wonderful breath of fresh air. , an experienced this park and enjoy the peoples, picnics, and sunshine. This is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved one hand in hand. Located in the middle of Pacific Heights on top of a hill, Lafayette Park offers a great square a of a peaceful beauty. Large trees border greenery. It features tables and benches, a playground restaurants, and tennis courts. There are plenty of areas for football, frisbee, and picnics. It is very much a couples part and there are a multitude of experiences you can have together. Bring your dog and watch the mean go with the community or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all of the park has to offer. Many couples find this is the Perfect Place to put down a blanket and soak up the sun. It is a majestic place you can share with someone you cherish. It is located along the 1 and 10 buses and is accessed from the 47 and 90 buses. It is ada accessible. For more information about reserving one of these locations, call 8315500. This number is best for special events weddings, picnics, and the county fair building. For any athletic fields and Neighborhood Parks, 8315510. You can also write us. Or walking in and say hello at old lock cabin, Golden Gate Park. And of course you can find more information and reach us at sfrecpark. Org. Issue. Homeless in San Francisco is a challenging issue that effects owner in the city in many different was as of the 2014 Homeless Census over 64 homeless in individual in the city to try to address the issue weve got a program for chronic homeless welcome to the Navigation Center. This Pilot Project is for People Living on the street what makes it different the Navigation Center is able to accommodate homeless encampments lowell u allowing people to keep their pets and bring their personal bloonlz. The full realization that people dont want to be homeless not refuse services but from the services dont meet them and not relevant theyre not going to be successful if you look at the budget losses weve got a community sacrifice important people to get food and laundry were standing next to the bathrooms it is designed to be a dynamic and brief residential experience where right of on this site city staff to connect you to homeless places to return to family dine is up for medical and all those things that are complicated for people. The other exciting thing city agencies come on site and provided the services for folks this is existed to see when the goal of streamlining a a whole processes of getting people on go gentle assistance into housing as much as possible. Way totally different you can come and agree as please and get Laundry Services and showers any time of the day and night its twentyfour hours a day whatever and twhefr its not like any other she recalls. They come and help people for what it is theyre required the issues they need and reach out and do what we can to say okay how can we accommodate you to get you set up and straight never in my mind imagined a program like this this place it different and a a lot a lot that better it works. The navigation is center is a collaboration of partnerships too city departments one is the Homeless Outreach team managed by the San Francisco distributing i look forward to the Navigation Center well have our agents go out and help and say dont go anymore over and over send our dayshift out theyve meet the population and hang out and hang in the encampment and transport people and be with them and make immediate impacts with me and my staff. Bringing our wloongz whatever you go presents a problem this place their help with the storage i dont have to worry about it staying here you know youre getting things done they need to get things down done to get off the street avenue of the hope alsoness is gone. They help you if youre hungry go eat if e you need to go places go. Theyre 4th district it awe auto. It was funded through a unanimous donation and of may 2015 an additional 3 million to help to continue the Program Beyond 18 months. You see people coming out theyre ready to being so the future homes you know how variable the Navigation Center is my message for the constituents yes something can be done do break chronic homelessness it is being done. This is a community that sets an example but i how to pick an area that was funky theyve seen were trying to do is help their neighbors theyve seen getting sicker and more frail and broken down on the streets and welcomed us thats a powerful Statement People are exist and president in theyre becoming to see the movement for folks and people on the streets are only survival modes where is there next meal and their itch more carefree. The staff here is interpretation the first day i have a appointment and everything was made all you do is go through them this makes a huge difference. To get settled in a helping hand to get on my feet take care of the issues i have and get out of bed and help. Even though the Navigation Center has been up in march 2014 the program is creating successful outreach for its clients. A month ago they came to me and asked me to go into a new program i moved into here and now 3 months later i have my own place it is mine i lock my door dont worry about my stuff it feels human again it looks at good and tastes good and it is good in my mouth pretty amazing. I am the executive chef ive been here as a chef at la concina since 2005 reason we do the festival and the reason we started to celebrate the spirit and talent and trivia and the hard work of the women in the la concina program if you walk up to my one on the block an owner operated routine i recipient its a theyre going to be doing the cooking from scratch where in the world can you find that im one of the owners we do rolls that are like suburbia that is crisp on the outside and this is rolled you up we dont this it has chinese sisterinlaw and a little bit of entertain sprouts and we love it here. There are 6 Grilled Cheese grilled to the crisp on the outside outstanding salsa and a lot of things to dip it knocks you out and its spicecy and delicious i was the first person that came here and we were not prepared for this every year were prepared everybody thinks what theyre doing and we can cookout of our home and so the festivals were part of the group we shove what we do and we w we tried to capture the spirit of xrifs. And there from there to sales and the hard part of the sales is 250 assess our market and creating a Market Opportunity giving limited risks and sales experience to our guys andoff your Electronic Devices as they teend interfere with the equipment in the room and can we please rise for the pledge of allegiance . I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I would like tacall roll call. Thank you inspector. President loftus here. Vice president turman is excued. Commissioner marshall, here. Commissioner dajesus ask excused. Commissioner [inaudible] is in routeyou have a quorum also with us tonight is cheer of police cheer suhr and joyce hicks welcome to the august 5th Police Commission meeting. For those watching at home the view from up here is something, we vapacked house tonight. Beautiful faces that have been here for much of the summer. California Law Enforcement suffered a tairl loss last week at the hay word Police Department and ask my colleagues to adjourn the meeting in memory of [inaudible] please call the first line item. Item one, jenual Public Comment. The public is welcome to klaess the Commission Regarding itemsthality that are not on the agenda. Speakers shall address remarks as a whole and not individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. During Public Comment Neither Police or occ personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions but may provide a brief response. Commissioners and occ personnel should rerain from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during Public Comment. This is general Public Comment so anyone have Public Comment on anything that isnt on the agenda tonight . Good evening and welcome. [inaudible] we had to prepare video on how this can effect communities and the future leading to the hypothetical and potential [inaudible] [music] thank you. Thank you for that work. Welcome my name is diaunt a and from Community Engagement [inaudible] what we did this summer is work would the kids own Community Events and we took them to field trips and what we did this summer, we engaged with our community by making bumper stickers and pens and stickers and wewith hash tags and [inaudible] on them. We vaanimation video to show. We have a animation video to show. Community engagement team, our goal get people to [inaudible] youth live in differently. Fillmore, western addition, bay view, mission, tenderloin and all other San Francisco communities. Living in communities filled with vivns poverty discrimination low income families gentrification and differences. The question, how do too get people to view the communities differently . Step one, engage with community. Volunteer at Schools Community centers parks [inaudible] step 2, giver back financially physically and financially. [inaudible] step 3, [inaudible] through social Media Outlets using hash tags, twitter instugram, [inaudible] hash tag western addition, hash tag our community matters, hash tag be the change in your communityx hash tag fillmore. You can do this. [inaudible] visit www. [inaudible] for more information and follow on facebook. Magic zone. Thank you thank you is there any other general Public Comment on something not on the agenda tonight . Okay, call the next line item item fwopressionentation from 234 Community Safety inturns discussion. So, welcome, i see shareal davis quhing to the podium. This is a presentation from the Community Safety inturns who have been here for many of the meetings regarding the questions we ask them to think about and help thunk through on recommendation for rescrutment of communities of color and trust between all of San Franciscos communities and how to continue to talk about Law Enforcement in a way that all of the neighborhoods in the city see themselves in the department so we have some real extraordinary young people that give recommendation squz finds squgz talk 33 the process. I dont know if you want to say anything about this before they begin . I want them to get started. Before you have a couple folders which have in the pink folder there is a sheet like this which is a rough kraft draft of a report of the work that has been done, the young people and activities. All and all there 7 cohorts that work would the Community Safety this summer, 3 from hope sf and in partnership with theo miller and this was a internship about Skill Development and about really preparing people to think about going into project pull or future grads and creating this pipeline where we sometimes dont see young people from had communities most at risk if violence and poverty and crime. This is focused on how to build better relationshipwise the Police Department so i do want to thank president loftus and chief suhr for being willing to engage and move if t it forward and the partnership. We were just talking and this is by far the best summer we had with young people, this age and the work they put out is amazing and like anything that you would probably pay something to do so excited for that. I wanted to share stats with you. We did surveys in regards to how many of them would consider Law Enforcement as a career and we did that at the beginning we had about 66 percent of them said absolutely not and would never consider being in Law Enforcement and now we have 20 percent of them saying absolutely not so there was a shift and some have become recrurts. They are not thinking about it personally but recommendobe other people. We also had 100 percent say they now see Law Enforcement differently than when they first started the program and the other one i want ed to share is, did your opinions about Law Enforcement change and 89 percent said their perception and ideas about Law Enforcement changed so i think this is the beginning of having conversations how to have better partnership. They created amazing product squz the report givers a smap shot of what they worked on. I did want to invide theo miller up because he did a lot of recruitment. Thank you for this opportunity and you are in for a amazing surprise tonight thank you mrs. Davis im the director of hope sf which represents 4 neighbors, hunters view, potrero hill, sunny dale [inaudible] privilege tooz be here on behalf of the mayor. I love this young peep lt and want to thank you cheer suhr. We started this with the communities were experiencing too much violence and wanted the young people to be mart of the solution and wanted to think of career path ways for these brilliant young people t. Is my privilege to find 40 or so of the best and brightest people and without further ado ill bring up morken. We took a cohort model because young people learn well in teamsism we know the young men and women work well together but sometimes better separately. First Morgan Tucker who is the team lead for the females will come up. Thank you thank you theo. I will sometimes take pictures of you guy. Welcome morgan my name is morgan tuck er and fts the cohort lead for the female group of girl and throughout the summer we worked on a project to benefit the Community Relationship between theplice z people in the community so we came up with different ideas using social media like a app or instugram and face book to look and see what we can do to help bring more peep people in and would like to introduce my girls to come up. Thank you for coming, my name is [inaudible] this is my cohort that consists of melody, [inaudible] today we would like to talk about the recommendation my cohort and i came windup to help better the relationship between the community and San Francisco Police Department. We believe that in order to better this relationship we need to be able to share stories and get opinions that involve the events and actions in the community and i would like to have [inaudible] come up and explain how. Thank you. Welcome my name is aleana [inaudible] i created a app to for police to keep up with the people in the community by giving them a safe place to connect anonymously about issues we are facing in our communities. This app will hopefully improve connection between the police and communities they serve. The app also have a unspoken voices column for families who face tragdied and would like to address the problems; next i would like to bring up [inaudible] appleton to introduce the [inaudible] thank you aleana. Good afternoon. My name is mellied [inaudible] what i came up with is a instugram page for the sfpd to connect more with their communities. We thought as a group a way to connect to the communities is interact with them and we felt like an instugram page is a good way to interact with them by hosting commune tazty events and have them more often so if you want a sports day we recommend you can do them twice a month so the community can see you are consistent in what you doing and trying to create a bond. That is what the Instagram Page is about what is the name of the account . Sfpd gives back. I followed it i did want know it was yall. That is good, i was glad. There are great pictures on it. If you want the instagram ask me because i got it. Chief suhr will ask for that later. At first people were not following the Instagram Page until i fallowed a bunch of famous people and got more followers. I posted a picture of a police officer, part of the sfpd and already got a comment saying how they feel safe being here, but i dont comment back because im not a real officer, you know, but think it will be helpful. Got it, thanks melody. Good evening everyone, my name is [inaudible] for our third recommendation was a face book page. Face book is not only a place where people socialize with friends and families but it is great space to connect with officers in the community. It gives residence a chance to post special and positive moments they captured interacting with officers and it gives them a chance toface book is also a place where it helps bring awareness to current and future events which will not only help residence feel security, it will also give them a chance for interacting with the officers. It will give people a chance to be open minded by cooperating or working with or socializing with Police Officers in the community while also creating a chance of bonding. Already with the Facebook Page being like said red by over 100 people we have a feeling it will not only help change the perception of officers in the sfpd but officers all over the world. Lastly, the Facebook Page gives a opportunity for communities to voice their opinion on a broader level giving more details for feedback and other comments that they have with the work the sfpd is doing in their community. Thank you. Thank you. Hi. There is a skit to show how the app works qu how it can be used in different ways. This is called [inaudible] do you want to explain the moony thing . They had a accident and didnt know how to pronounce muni, so they said moony. When they hear moony they mean muni . Ya. Gregs a quite young man gets robbed on moony. [inaudible] the Police Capture the 3 teens but they are released the same week due to lack of witnesses. Greg requests a [inaudible] his friends tell him about a app he can use to give anonymous [inaudible] greg downlouds the app and once he sees how it is set up he tells the police what happened and he has proof from moony. Hi, my name is [inaudible] i also created a skit to show another way you can use the app. The video dont have sound so you have to read the words and watch closely. [music] [applause] welcome. Hello, my name is [inaudible] we ran around the community asking questions. The first question we asked is how do you feel about the connection between the community and Police Department. The answer i got back [inaudible] stay away from the police because they were the bad people but as i grew up i know they were not so bad. The second question we asked is what are your thoughts about sfpd in general and the answer i got backshe is also part of the sfpd. I love being a part of the sfpd, there are so many good things we can do like helping people. [inaudible] ability to make connections some people dont have. I like going to different communities, meeting and talking to new people and seeing what i can do for them. Thank you. Thank you. The next cohort coming up is the Recruitment Group and want to acknowledge [inaudible] worked a little with the groups oen their video and they will show a snippet and share the link later. [inaudible] do you want to come up . Hello everybody. This is a initiative to transformsorry. My name is Jerry Johnson and my group came with a short film sla and documentary. We realize if there isnt a grood relaceship between the recruiters and recruited the compan wont work. We found out interviewing a bunch of people throughout the communities and here are a couple of their opinions and after this well give our opinions on how you can better recruit people or help the recruitment process go more smoothly. [inaudible] [unable to hear video] do you feel like police protects you . I think that is their goal, but no. I think that was [inaudible] but in the different communities that really need people to actually be there for them they dont have that. [singing] i say yes and no because yes, you [inaudible] you might hate me because im black or something. [inaudible] i know that is not true for all. How have your experiences been with police . [inaudible] bad experiences with the police. Getting pulled over and not being explained what im pulled over for. [inaudible] i was in a Interrogation Room and that is it. [inaudible] what are wrour thoughts on diversity on the Police Department . [inaudible] being able to experience it and being a officer in that environment where [inaudible] i can talk to them better about it because i have seen it done. I want to see more African American people who came from [inaudible] change because they talk about the police and [inaudible] would you join the Police Department . [inaudible] i think about it sometimes. I sure would because the retirement is [inaudible] [laughing]. [inaudible] if that is what they want to do, let them do it. [inaudible] they never called me back so i gave up on that. What could we do to get people like you in the force . [inaudible] respond to something [inaudible] they can come out and impact day to day and you get to know them outside of just [inaudible] it creates a relationship beyond [inaudible]. We got to have a better relationship and have more programs going on. [inaudible] like boys and girls club in the ymca talking about the youth and let them know they are on their side and they can be trusted. More involve would the community. I feel [inaudible] they try to give Police Officers to come around and [inaudible] Community Involvement is a big thing. [inaudible] to the community and try to encourage people to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. Thanks for watching, hope you take this information into consideration to make Law Enforcement even more diverse. [applause] hello. Welcome my name is [inaudible] and my recommendation to help make people in the sf communities more safer is to have young youth and young teens between the grades of k12 go to Different Police stations arounds the city. At least one or two a month to get a feel of how the Police Community is. Thank you mob nob my name is [inaudible] and my recommendation is to have local Police Officers coach local teams to get more acquainted thanks my recommendation for the police to have better [inaudible] is for the police to go into the local Youth Centers or where

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