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Item 5 directors that please be advised the closed session will not happen today and unfinished business. Director heinecke and i attended wanted 25th selection of ada of the lifeguard last week several hundred people were there the highlight for me and perhaps perhaps for director heinecke the group of young people we extended the free muni to they performed. Wow. They ada is important because they got up and sank and it was really weve seen a wide variety of people with disabilities in support. It was a great event and tom nolan it is important to see the people having access to muni to have a full life in San Francisco were doing good work and nice to hear it is having a positive back it was a lovely celebration and an award to the arena. On to the next month in celebration were seeing issues like the elevators and escalators and all that makes sure it is in fully compliance director. I saw a timely news article i wanted to make sure that everyone is aware supervisor christensen from district 3 talking about the stockton tunnel and better bike and pedestrian assess in that tunnel and asking for the help of agencies to move forward and i was so excited to have a supervisor coming to us with that type of bike and pedestrian request was really exciting ill be interested to seeing that tunnel issue it is such a fabulous link if chinatown to the union square and beyond and if i walk there it a couple of weeks ago it was innovate pleasant it is nice to improve that. Item 7 director report. Good afternoon director reiskin good afternoon members of the board and staff and members of the public i want to ask our chief Financial Officer and staff to come forward to recognize one of her great employees. Good afternoon directors it was a significant pleasure i want to give that award theyve been here 3 years in the 3 years managed the conflict projects what did lead in wireless agreement that came with the Wireless Companies implementing took a lot of initiative and happy to move the zoning plan forward being the facilities and the tension and similar key to moving moving that forward and working on the ensues to relocation 3 shops on marin and shes managing the rfp project 4 offstreet parking so the city is involved in a bunch of prongs so thank you for the work and your professionalism and your district r triblth and your respondedness to our needs thank you. clapping. thanks director. On behalf of the whole broshgdz for a well done job thank you. Do you care to say anything no . Ill try to change that i have a lot of things to cover i want to youve hired heard about the investments in improve the muni serve from our director in terms of the things in terms of Service Improvements nerngz in terms of the street improvements to reduce the delays in muni what we talked about a little bit late in our capital plan the Infrastructure Improvements that are equally as important in improving muni service particular the Subway Service to that end a couple of projects in the capitalized budget in the last 92 few years our replacement of our radio and our im pleased so say were heed to Start Construction thats the good news the challenges to work on sunday in the subway we need to expand the amount of time that is available we have a short window between 2 and 4 in the morning when the subway is not running with you do our routine maintenance to replace the emergency system extensively system and the radio system both of which are decades old and need of replacement so in order to do so starting at the end of this month and running through the end of the year we will be closing down the subway early in the evenings not not evenings with you crossing from 10 00 p. M. To the start of service so closing a few hours earliest than normal and have bus shuttles that will run 2w7b embarcadero and the circle from 9 30 p. M. To 1 30 a. M. That is the regular Night Time Service will take over a little bit of drurpgs in the service and make time for us to provide long time benefits for the liability and safety of the system we have been doing outreach went out and talked to the nominations and made adjustment because the feedback from the folks and working with everyone from the office of civil engagement and the Mayors Office on disability and have ambassadors out there youll be seeing a lot more public communication about this so youll not catch anyone unaware it is great were moving this project forward despite the fact there is a little bit of impact so youll be seeing more on that by the way wanted to let you know about that more immediately this coming weekend the presidio packing project is shut down ideally drive into the city if Golden Gate Bridge will not have the eastward opposite of ted downtown the drive will be closed only coming down 19th street and weve been working closely with the parties to try to minimize the disruption and pretty good information phenomenon this packing at 511 which we encourage people to pay heed to there is impacts to muni on 19 avenue will be 3w5u7d backed up so we will have heavy details and do our bench warrant to mitigate weve routing people off of 19 avenue but not good options well be working with officers and the cultivates and encourage everyone to plan ahead for that moving on to vision zero we at our request were providing periodic updates on this progress and although it is not a great year to be honest in terms of the number of People Killed on the streets a lot of the work too high committed to do is still progressing youll see some of them on the calendar today but particular focused on implementing some quick and effective miles an hour we can do their temporary we can know will have an impact on safety some highlights in february 2013 we adapted vision zero at 2 hundred and 50 intersections citywide as a of mid june weve made significant headway on the network this is 12 percent of the intersection that are rob for 17 percent of collisions and more than a hundred intersections with the red zone curbs it is we call day lighting once the measures are the safeties zones competing with bulb outs cross the city improved walks nearly hundred intersections and updated 34 intersections as i said youll see others on the calendar but wanted to a quick check in and on track to make sure that we get those 24 more significant projects down more or less by the end of the year were making Good Progress on vision zero and continue to keep you up to date and continuing to develop the website www. Org Pay Attention to that. A couple of other quick things one an excited collaboration working with sf beautiful and sf dont you have was coming out of the effort to save cable cars were partnering with muni that will transform 50 muni buses into moving park galleries the purpose to support the local artist to can i imagine the public to make a better experience force the riders weve had through sf beautiful more than a hundred artists apply and 10 finalist were chosen and the public will ultimately help select the 5 artists who is going work will be open is buses there is public online voting that will be open until july 17th assessable sfmta. Org and the artists will be awards fund through communicated challenge grants that beautiful successfully apply and receive with our support up on the buses this fall so great way to make sure there are good things happening on our buses as he role through town a great collaboration and Partnership One quick note owns this coming monday, i will be joining with the great general manager of department of transportation selena to post a daylong workshop focused often safety and delivery in the cities cross California Well be meeting are state transportation leader from secretaries from other major cities that we are facing the same challenges and opportunities we have here in San Francisco senator Jerald Steinberg will be helping and it is an exist opportunity to be able to Work Together with city and partner with the city not just asking so for more money but really figure out how to work with us in advancing the goals around safety so wed like to excited ill let you know how that goes and then finally a remember to everyone thursday at noon at union square the 52 understanding cable car arranging competition for anyone that hadnt begun the year bra we had a lot of fun well have some of the best bell ringers i want went to the preliminaries it is great consolidation and June Whitaker will be defending his title there was a lot of steep consolidation secluding u including someone that is a 3 time winner and looking for one more victory noon another union square on thursday be there and that concludes my report. Say one thing about safety as you know im one of the San Franciscos representatives to the caltrain joint powers board we talk about sherry belmount and most are suicides there is a difficult problem so much the train system is open but palo alto is working us many have occurred in palo alto and working with the suicide experts and things like that it is a very, very difficult if someone wants to jump in front of a train it is a 70 mile runway we recent occurrences available so were going to working e work hard and 14 the first half of the year and a lot of young people students from Palo Alto High School so thats what were trying to do directors anything else members of the public . Good afternoon david pilpal give me i was going to commit general Public Comment but the twin tunnel that was Public Outreach i made requests for information at this time im still waiting to hear back from staffer the capitalized construction starch David Greenway and others my understanding was the twin peaks intentionally project discount precedes through construction until the sunset tunnel was done and i asked at a recent braid meeting the Quarterly Construction report you used to get you didnt get a response im wondering and requesting that report e. R. Some update on Capital Projects particularly those that impact the Transit Service from the twin peaks tunnel were r work is going to starts at the end of this month i dont believe there is any outreach to the public to inform them of the schedule the impacts the bus institutions plan etc. Im interested in that and request whatever information guests to that end and with doyle drive. Is there a summary routine to get to 19 avenue and presidio to the marina thanks anyone else seeing none ms. Bloomer. Moving on to item 8 the Advisory Committee report directors mr. Weaver is not here in report and item 9 Public Comment consent calendar be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items well start with Herbert Wiener and david youve said everything david followed by jim. Herbert wiener only one minute oh thank you okay Herbert Wiener now, did you tell the disabled when they were celebrating the ada that the mta expects them to walk a quarter of a mile to bus walking is good for you i wonder in the church didnt say that to the moormz before their dedicate mark the other response the paratransit will be a substitute for walking a Long Distance but the present arrangement is imperfect good people take the bus to where we want to go if you have to call a day in advance to arrange for paratransit to go a quarter of a mile youll have to call several timesal month by taking the bus before this is wasteful and not everyone will qualify for paratransit this has to be addressed and this is not sufficiently addressed the medical professionals have in the been addressed and this is catastrophic relatives and i wonder if this is for a latitude under 5id all i have to say it people walking a quarter of a mile is muni backwards. Jim and the last people turned in a speaking under Public Comment. Good afternoon. Directors thank you i need to have someone rep taxi drivers but first of all i want to thank the tuesday for the waiving of several fees that were waived recently it is need but were in dire stratsz im coming to ask for anything else to be waved but the one thing im asking you is things continue to be difficult for the taxi industry the industries tree. Drivers income is down thirty or 40 percent and the biggest problem is that youre aware of the tmcs on the street my reason to come before you im not disappointed in our perp but in the city in general theyve not step forward that is our city and weve got tax regulations for a lot of reasons how many taxis some the streets 9 hundred taxis and the drivers have to be vetted and go through those things and the states regulating that we dont video power that theyre coming to our city with 10 or 20 thousand vehicles here in the streets without sufficient insurance and causing pollution ton thursday or friday nights and all i here r hear it the puc and the state when are were going to stand up and fight say hey regulations are regulations and this is our city were concerned about what was happening ive not heard it thank you for being reactive but proactive is good thank you seeing none. The commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests we received a request from the public for safe of 10. 6 and 3 unless the members of the board wish to have an item sound proof. Most to approve. All in favor, say i. I. 10. 3. Various parking garage modifications public speaker david pilpal. Good afternoon i want to express opposition to this proposal that a a xhelgd intersection 3 removals 23 Parking Spaces it is a lack of parking in this area thanks. Members of the board. Motion to approve. Second. There is a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor, say i. I. Emphasizing. 10. 6 authorizing the director to authorize the contract for the unity plaza in the amount of of 2. 48 million for 2 hundred plus calendar day any request from the member of the public. David pilpal i have a question im not familiar with the opportunity plaza and not sure where the location i wasnt getting the ball park calendar can someone explain where this location is i dont want this to be a sunset issue. The plaza is immediately east of the new Housing Development on ocean avenue that is west of the used to be sale on loop so when with we redesigned the bus turn around the terminal the 49 we basically slung our footprint for the Housing Department for the Mayors Office of housing and space between the new Housing Development and the new bus terminal that through a fairly Expensive Community process working with the Mayors Office of housing culminated in the design for this plaza and it was part of the Overall Exchange of land and reconfiguration of that space. I speciality the extended explanation in the future when you have a project that isnt of commonly known location if you could for example include ocean avenue that would have been descriptive. Motion studio approve. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Ms. Bloomer. All right. Moving on to the regular calendar item 11 various parking modifications on the 19 avenue transit cord i will not read all through laughter . Unless you all vote. So we have a staff presentation. Yep. Good afternoon mr. Kennedy. Good work directors so im Shawn Kennedy the muni mta Program Manager and excited to be talking about 19 avenue i think this project highlights really the interaction between vision zero and muni elements and created a visual for 19 avenue and highlights some of the cooperation highlights with not only other city agencies but the state agency 19th avenue is owned by the state so real quickly moving forward for the members of the public that might not knows muni forward is the name of the program that sfmta is undertaking to advance the to major transportation goals of the city both for Public Safety and improving the muni reliability on the transit corridors so their funded o those two why a project on 19 avenue 3 conditions that we noted and want to address first Pedestrian Safety this segment of 19 avenue went to you Lincoln South of the Golden Gate Bridge and 4 hundred collisions on that 3 mile 53 were pedestrian collisions and out of 54 there were 6 fatalities so 6 pedestrians in 5 years along the 3 mile corridors obviously that a high injury corridor so Pedestrian Safety is one of our top thank you for having me wellness we wanted to address and second the transit reliability im sure youre aware of as i mentioned this is a state road heavy volume 70 thousand cars a day traffic up and down that street 3 lanes in each direction a lane can take a thousand cars in the peak directions that means out of town basically in the p. M. There are 3 thousand cars going down 19 avenue at the capacity of the road and that results in congested conditions of rolling slows down and unite not notice the slows down stuck in the slows down and that over the course effects the transit reliability in addition to that congested delay the transit vehicles currently under the 28 r make a lot of stops the 28 local stewardships r stops 22 times in each direction about this dlokz it is essentially stopping 24 times and stopping a lot for the stops as well the second congestion has reliability issues around the 850s on the on time performance that is well below the system average it is 8 to 10 percent below the system on time average and, of course, the buses the 28 operates all throughout the day and the 28 right direction operates at two periods in the morning from 7 to 9 and in the afternoon from two to four basically a school trip bus makes 7 stops along the segment and 28 right direction are accredited with the told her of even during the we understand very, very crowded buses going going up and down 28 avenue so after we developed our original proposal that were addressing those 3 issues with the Environmental Review in march of 2014 we started a number of outreach methods to continue to move towards the implementation of the projects the major driver was the cultivates their repaving 19 avenue and right now the schedule is the summer ever 2018 all the work has to be done before they repave obviously the curb work and any of the underground work walk sewers and the water work is done first with the were trying to meet their schedules and miss an opportunity we tried a number of outreach methods along 19 and directed people went day to day for peoples in the eir you didnt go and lincoln area and contacted 11 schools working with the supervisors wanted to make sure that we talked with each the schools in the surrounding areas and held public hearing as well as Public Meeting and did a survey an electronic and paper survey we hadnt out an updated email to get feedback to what they thought about the proposals and for the most part positive one change ill talk about in a minute related to the rapid stops but the for the most part for the major pedestrian improvements todays legislation speaking of pedestrian improvements and total of 49 pedestrian boards along this corridor essentially each intersection is slated as proposed for pedestrian bulb so if youre driving up 19 and south of 19 their Whitney Corner across if each other and the wrap around bulbs on the side streets and the transit reliability the number of transit bulbs to escape us from getting stuck in the traffic and improving safety at those locations and stops the local bus stops 22 times and proposing to consolidate 8 of those 14 stops moving the stop spaces from one block standard to almost not 2 like 1. 8 but essentially a two block stretch and then the priority that is not actually in days legislative packet i want to highlight weve made the updates and the signals if 19 to have the t s p and finishing over the next several months outfitting the buses that are within the next few months to implement t s p on this corridor that compliments the Capital Improvements were making and the last thing i want to note the crowded buses that work is not for today for legislation but were going to be increasing the 28 frequency and more importantly is changing the stand of the 28 r it runs from two to four and 9 in the mongers we want that to be an Allday Service from 7 00 a. M. To 7 00 p. M. And doubling the capacity on 19 avenue during the morning rush duo to after the p. M. Rush so were exciting this should reduce the crowding on the per bus basis just real quick a little diaphragm to show what i meant when i tried to describe the bulbs this is a whereabout around pedestrian bulb on the side street and ones that dont have the pedestrian stop there will be a pedestrian bulb on 19 as well as a wrapping wrap around for the side street so benefits of those preservations greatly improving the pedestrian side those xaldz projects should really have an effect how people feel on 19 and how safe on 19 and really dovetails with the pedestrian improvements we have implemented on 19 avenue for example weve implemented l ti or pedestrian sgralz toing a great improvement to the head start and also no right turn on 5 intersections along the corridor and then weve made the intersection at tara value and 19 no less than 24 hours a day but weve recently made that an allday restriction it is existing it helps Pedestrian Safety and is it also helps muni more will not be stuck behind a left turn delay and transit travel time 20 percent reduction in travel time what were assuming a little bit heavier for labor today for the projects around the local we think about a 5 minute time savings for the locals and one and a half minute savings for the rapid and then crowded buses ive talked about this next steps we objective will be moving into detail design and then construction is a Long Construction period because puc is doing sewer and water work and work that dpw does the curb and changes the bulbs and things like that and finally caltrain in the summer of 2018 i did want to note one additional thing were looking a potential stop location on the rapid bus outside of the rapid core the merced for the Association Ask that we consider a stop that will serve their neighborhood thats the area is it borders brother hundred way and allen the southern tip of the neighborhood and theyre asking you to look at a stop at 28 right direction at that location other than it the outreach, of course especially around the construction and as you can see a rather Long Construction period will be a continual process of talking with people about where were at so with that were glad to take questions. Thank you, mr. Kennedy. Yeah. This is incredible im so excited to see those improvements im still a regular passenger on the 28 and used to be a whole lot more than but my niece is on it i commend the staff and all the gachlts to get us where we are i couldnt be more exciting me the crazy anything about 19 avenue i lived on it for a few years and this fairly how horrible that is the only the one consolation it is supposed to be a freeway there were signs of an elevated freeway in the past and thanks to the efforts of our predecessors they stopped that from becoming a freeway and now it would be a whole lot worse laughter . With that said the only comments ill offer is thinking about future efforts for outreach to more deliberately that talking about this to the university there are enough students getting in and out that bus to merit a target outreach those students are there another night those bus stops are bleak it is scary an 19 avenue and holloway we need real love there, there is a transit shuttle that is back and forth o on San Francisco State University and duplicates the routes and making sure youre having the service would be i would look leveraging that in terms of the timing wise and ive often been frustrated by the idea that you know the shuttle at 28 left at the same time and pulled up at the same time and better planning in that respect and lastly one of the things i take the 28 well, not all of us can afford a taxicab and this is the way we get to the airport we took the 28 to bart and get to the airport as a such in the middle of the day we have suitcases on the 28 more so then a lot of the other links i eight hundred have encouraged more communication with the airport itself maybe at least or bart in talking about how do we maximize or i should say optimized our service other than i think this is a fantastic im excited about extending the hours of 28 right direction i feel like a Lottery Winner when i see one this is a painfully through slow route i opt to drive especially, if im going out of the city across the bridge because the transit is so slow and the connections between golden gate transit are limited i hope in the future we continue to leverage those linkages between golden gate transit and the University Students but on the whole this is fantastic and congratulations for your hard work. Director ramos. Thank you. Ive learned a lot listening to our comments and i see it is important if we want people to use it and the coordination between bart station and suitcases and things like that that are critical ii put my support behind that. No, i wanted to time warp in 2018. laughter . But thank you. Thank you, mr. Kennedy this project as director ramos said i ride the 28 on the weekend the biscuit problem the bus pulls into a stop and cant get back into traffic were solving this by having the bus bulb out what is the impact is going to be for the car traffic not to pull up behind the bus and not block the street is this a quick learning curve. Yes. Essentially the bus the back sticks out only a 7 and a half foot parking lane so of it pulls in imperfect it will not be out of the way of traffic the traffic coats by and makes it hard for the bus to you pull out but people wait across the intersection i dont think that will be a steep problem. Great i think the 20 percent reduction in travel time i see where we are inadequate that hell stop that problem the bus having to sit there and wait for the traffic to yield it will be a fantastic project. Thank you. We have one person that has asked to speak on this david pilpal. David pilpal again i also rise to oppose this project i think one block stopping on 19 avenue is useful i hope were not considering goes 2 blocks on sunset or 46 avenue or 71 slash 7 or is 766 their long blocks and 19 avenue im convinced the travel 7 8, 9 is worst the reduction in stops we can speed occupy the travel and get rid of all the passengers so im not with this particular program the staff report didnt indicate the net impact on parking i understand there is some alleges and intukdz but didnt indicating the total impact on parking i appreciate the comment on lighting theres a need for improved lighting on the corridor i hope it will be included in the construction or circulates work and for the 28 on time performances that is impacted on 19 but also Park Presidio and the marina so the 28 is a challenge to operate on time but i dont think those challenges are limited to 9 avenue and finally i would assume that this will also apply to the 19 owl i ac take the 94 from time to time and i assume the rule 35 a will you been in effect during 5 00 p. M. To 8 00 a. M. Where where an operator could stop safely theyll continue to do that if it can be confirmed that will be thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Herbert wiener one i have some questions about this project one is that more Traffic Congestion result from this project i dont want to see the spill over in traffic to the adjoining avenues like 18 avenue and 17 avenue those are quiet neighborhoods other part of it is i dont see how the consolidation of bus stops is going to speed up up bus services it is begun with the last 20 years with no significant encroachments and impact on the disabled and seniors those are very long streets if you walk on 19 avenue you know that those streets are long and before this is implemented you better walking restraining order walk those streets to see the impact other part is i believe that there should be no deletions of bus stops in San Francisco State University or jonestown those are heavily used stops not try to consolidate them that is extremely unrealistic and the other part i agree what the idea of agreeing o adding more buses that will speed up service but try a Pilot Project for 6 months to see the results before you jump into this there is a lot of money to be spent and if something goes wrong that will take a lot of money to be undoing this is a major thoroughfare and connects the peninsula to the city it is extremely important im grateful that the concerns of the merced xarntd neighborhood triangle was addressed i appreciate that but this is those are my concerns thank you. Howard is the last person to turn in a speaking. Good afternoon, directors howard first, i was even more excited than shown when this project was going to be started i ride it regularly when i go to the old Peoples School at ucsf lets talk about the consolidation youve had consolidation in the richmond of the north of the park forever and i know just did it you didnt want to have buses in the way of cars so consolidation there i have to say that the people south of the park could a walk just as well as the people from the park it is a lot Faster Service i want to talk about the bus bulbs in many cases the bus bulbs are picked by the doorway youve shown from the n judah it didnt have to a full length you can save a lot of money sometimes in front of of the bus e. R. Rear soltice its a small one is provide astonishing for Pedestrian Safety and all of that it is great if it is a long way but make one and pierce is it with driveways other thing about the bulbs when you do the bulbs dont put the little waiting shack right close to the moving traffic we dont need that we can be a few feet away from the traffic it is more pleasant you can split the difference of the sidewalk with more room and a lot of space between the what do you call the. Shelter. The shelters not much shelter with the wind blowing and the staff that will make it work better and last for the r i hope you keep an open mind you may not need the r. The last person to turn in a speaking. Good afternoon. Good afternoon director nolan most of my colleagues are in sacramento im sorry, i missed the Public Comment it is important to point out 19 avenue i dont know if youve taken 19 to presidio on the we understand it is really, really bad and i very much am concerned you have to look at the impacts those changes have on the flow of traffic for gridlock during the week days it is a way to get to the airport from mri republican county most days and for the peninsula people and San Francisco people to get to vacation and day visit spots in marin and santa clause so 19 avenue is an important corridor not only because of the residents but because if you want to there gridlock dont monitor those changes as the an important issue and starting thursday night youre going to be closing the current doyle drive to create the city of parkway i hope youll hire a lot of staff because it will be a mess and im hoping youll use that this weekend as an experiment to look at the impact of the fact of gridlock on 19 avenue and on park merced so i hope youll have the staff report because you dont want to create extra gridlock it hurts the voter and the residents by those changes thank you very much. Members of the board questions or comments. Supervisor campos. Thanks for all the Public Comment the one thing triggered in me the transfer point continue the 38 and 28 between geary and Park Presidio i hope our looking optimize that intersection as a major transfer hub ive seen people stack their lives into their hands running across the street to make is it to the 28 bus the times the frequency between the thirty and 28 are off it can be a long way waiting to cutting off that so optimizing that intersection in whatever way swob i think appreciated by a lot of the folks is it also recalls to me the opportunity to improve the waiting conditions at the stops you know it is a major i almost want to say a Transit Center and i feel that the infrastructure we have in terms of the waiting conditions the shelter and now the computer im looking you have a trash can and paved areas and such but it is certainly feeling president ing when our witting there for a 28 it feels like it could be a little bit more amenities, if you will, to make a water which is really dark and can get windy and foggy whatever we can do to compliments or improve that space as part of efforts would be highly appreciated by pointed riding public. Members of the board at the pleasure of the board. Motion to approve. Any further discussion all in favor, say i. I. Is have it. 12 finding the van ness bus rapid Environmental Impact report and statement is accurate for the approval the van ness bus rapid project and authorizing the director to execute the contract van ness Improvement Project with the walling Son Construction project so for a duration of 3 hundred calendars in the amount of not to exceed 800000. Good afternoon. Good afternoon director nolan and directors and ed reiskin arrest my name is presbyterian the project manager on the van ness corridor Improvement Project here to give you an update on the project and what youre voting on today van ness transit corridor project began as the bus rapid project and still in its core of course, as long as were rebuilding a major thoroughfare in San Francisco theres there is still a lot more work to do and weve bundled it into a larger project for the efficiency of the construction and the cost savings been realized by putting smaller projects into a larger one it is still the same project but in addition, were thank you for the opportunity to rebuild the overall trolley buses and replace the traffic lights with the modern traffic lights and other our sf go program your Sister Agency is the sfmta taking the subject to replace the sewer lines and waterlines and continue to work on the auxiliary supply system and the sfpuc is putting in Green Infrastructure at select locations along the corridor and at the very end of this with dpw we will be repaving the van ness corridor that is in part fund bid caltrans rightofway so bus Rapid Transit for those who are not family the obese feature of the system the dictated rightofway lanes less obvious but equally important to the Service Improvements that are envisioned by this project are the improved traffic lights to provide the traffic light priority for vehicles and which will be rewanted to maximize the north south traffic vehicles that will speed up the boarding and unboarding abducted boarding areas for a safe comfortable space for the pedestrians between buses and large number of pedestrian improvements in keeping with the citys vision zero policies because at some point in their trip all of the sfmtas passengers are pedestrians so as i mentioned were putting in padded bulb outs and doing day lighting and pedestrians lights on the street and significantly will improve the Pedestrian Safety and comfortable along van ness avenue project is occur estimated costs of 262 million bulk the projects money is coming from a combination of federal funds and prop k matching funds as well as contributions by developers along the corridors and sfmta bond money parallel projects are paid bye bye fta maintenance of what funds prop k matching funds and the sister agencies a number of local Funding Resources are paying for their portion of the work. As you can imagination a project of this size can go disruptive to a community were building in as a result weve had a great Deal Community outreach that is going on more a number of years the one thing to point out one thing thats 2409s pointed out we completed an Impact Survey sent out mailers to the 3r079s along the corridor and followed up with phone numbers to the properties in many cases visits by sfmta staff to survey the residents and Business Owners and the employees of those locations to how construction any impact them to get an idea of their trash picks up and theyre deliveries are made whether they prefer construction at night or day High Construction during a period of time and the lower construction are thank you great be period of time weve gotten feedback if 85 percent of the residents along the corridor we are crushing the data to get an idea how to best constrict our subsequence to maximize the speed up of construction and maximum misses the improvements to the corridor. The counter item before you today is to award the Preconstruction Services portion of our construction manager general contract essentially were bringing on a general contractor and 4 subcontractors to help us to fine finalize the construction plan for the projects this is an ultimate Delivery Program but we can get benefits having the contractor with us over the last several months of design as particular in reaching out to the community with our construction subsequently plan and the traditional process mta staff or consultants will pit together a subsequence that we will reach out to the community once the contractor is brought on board we have the obligation to use the carcinogen plan we be in agreement with the contractor and no significant variation between meeting up with the construction once we get into construction there are a number of advantages in having the contractor on board with us early well review the designs and ask questions up front before a final guarantee of price is reached so once again were 2, 3, 4 construction sidewalks with the contractor says this is completely unclear or unbelievable well work out those issues before we build the project so today, we brought forward the counter items the preconstruction items once the design is well into being finished well incorporate the comments and negotiate a guaranteed maximum price with the counter items to modify this and add into the Construction Services target is the end of this calendar year the late fall early winter of this year so we can begin and actually be in construction in early 2016 current construction schedule as a reach of politician near 2018 with Revenue Services in 2019 through i have hopes and expectations once we sit down with the contractor theyll point out things to shorten the schedule significantly and ill be happy to answer any questions. Cheryl brinkman. Good presentation im going to ask we can ride the completed project Preconstruction Services is this the first large project weve done this on or and this is the first of the sfmta dpw has dozen projects that work this way is that i have been building projects that is the First Horizon construction of the streets construction project but the city has issued this way. It seems like theyve seen improvements and benefits to doing this stwl. They have been significant benefits realize by dpw their strong proponents definitely the delivery approach should be considered on all projects and might be more fruitful real advantages. Thank you, no other questions. I mean, i think this is a great it is a model for fire chief projects and i commend you on the outreach and your finding in terms of construction you mentioned in the document the coordination with the contractor being on early youre able to kind of see how things will work down the line and maybe you can tells you about that in terms of theyre opening in 2019 are were going to be openly the same time as the hospitals. Were cooperating with the c pmc my understanding they will be doing what was referring to finishing work in 2018 are 2019 embroider walls and doors and things like that so we are expectation well be up and running about the same time or before the hospitals is open for service. Thats good news. Do you have a and i mean and so the contractor has been working with us. Weve been wrornd with c pmc we ran into a happy coincide theyre using some of the same Traffic Management consultants so weve been exchanging the data between the two projects in the freeway and once the contractor is fully on board for Preconstruction Services theyll team will be with us with the c pmc and the data they request from c are c pmc well work with them for example theyre giving us information and we help to monitor a lot of the impacts to the recent closings. Thats great, thank you again, i look forward to hearing the report on your findings and there will be constraint in what youre able to do but will be interesting to hear. Director rubke. Thank you for the good questions youve covered most of it i was wondering on the outreach the bullet point i dont have it in front of me can you talk about that. So we sat down with dpws ada corridor and representatives from the light house of the blind we are trying to find some outside the box or code book approaches to improving the corridor with those with visible disabilities weve got a way finding report it needs a few touches to finalize for example one of the issues that is recently cropped up ada codes that are in graft form were looking at the impact of would be to the project of trying to implement some of the codes and reaching out to other agencies in the state to see what their policies are one the thought things im interested in moving forward is something ive not seen here but apparently in europe some of the maps at the intersections of transit is it would be airline small and mounted above the puck push bottom on the traffic light there was a transit stop and which transit stop and which direction to walk if we can pull all this together we can add features. Great thank you very much for youre good work on that. Not too much to add here i think one the questions what are nose cones. Oh, the so youve got the pedestrian refuge of planning medium and the crosswalks and at the end of the crosswalks between the crosswalk and the traffic theres basically a thump nail of concrete to help to protect the pedestrians in that waiting area from cars that my veer towards the refuge oh okay. Maybe a graphic another some wanted it will be interesting to help us visible list this this is fantastic one time i talked about the way finding i appreciate one of the things i know theyre doing on the international boulevard in the east bay the paving not like the bumps we are seeing that are hard to be maneuvered but very slight differences in the texture of the paving theyre using they ed robert campus in berkley to make sure your excavating the idea theyre putting into place around the ashbury bart station to facilitate way findings for people. Thank you members of the public. Two members of the public Herbert Wiener and barry toronto. Thank you. Mr. Wiener. Herbert wiener. One of the concerns i have, of course, is the elimination of bus stops and what impact it is going to have on seniors and the disabled i understand the stops are geared towards the Service Agencies for the blinds and other agency along the corridor, however, not all seniors and disabilities avail themselves to those agencies what is a safety hazard and also, if you are consulting with the ada which is good and your xhulth with the agencies whats their response to this have they expressed concern and ifgd on this and another concern how is this going to impact the automobile traffic it is xhejdz on van ness boulevard i avoid it and definitely avoid that corridor on van ness avenue skoord those are some of the concerns i have i realize youre making it more aesthetic but going to create more of a problem i then should be a Pilot Project so you can see the results before you commit yourselves fully once it is capped in concrete like the bulb outs it will take a lot of work to undo it those are o those are my concerns thank you. Barry toronto the last person to submit a speaking on this matter. Mr. Toronto. I want to say as a car driver and cab driver eliminating most of the lots off van ness avenue will not only create a traffic mess on the vinny streets but a gridlock it on the perpendicular streets people trying to get to those other streets i use van ness avenue when golf street a mess and golf street is a mess going up the hill is gridlock and another streets to go to with van ness becoming gridlock after eliminating the left turns some people cant go out because people effectively dont get out of there by taking left turns on bush street today i made a left turn from grove to i am not from van ness to grove street to get the parking and if you eliminate those left turns is the reason i bring that up im seeing the Environmental Impact report it is not accurate im barely making minimum wage as a caregiver mile minimum wage has dropped thats on a good night thank god for pride sunday was the best sunday in 7 or 8 years the point im trying to make the gridlock by eliminating those left turns and i dont know if the eir addressed that very well and if i had a lawyer i would challenge that in Court Considering the data has changed over the last two years with the influx of tmcs from outlying barrier cities that help to treating create this gridlock make my warning and let me tell you i told you so later. Members of the board. Sienna motion from the board. Motioning move to approve all in favor, say i. I. Ms. Bloomer. Presentation and possible action regarding the f i Quality Group and directors this is the last item on your agenda today. All right tom nolan aim the chief informational officer this the the first time for the qualities review ill talk that and along with the standards in the charter there is a requirement from proposition e in 1999 the sfmta shall contract with a Transportation Office for a finest review this youll receive today serves two purposes to provide an analysis of progressing towards the achievement of the chart, and, secondly, a verification of the numbers this is the first review weve implemented since the 2013 to 2018 Strategy Plan in the past well have manually selected numbers with a new system one of the reasons we had a delay with the report we were transitioning to must metric and in addition it older the auto awkward reports im going to turn it over to my colleague had provided an audit and ill give a brief response with the recommendations that we largely concur and our director of transit will talk about the changes since the close of audit perp period that ended june 2013 and good afternoon. Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity to be here and report on the transportation quality review as travis mentioned that the the 7 bio annual review since 1999 that presentation covers two audit periods the 11 12 and 20132014 you implemented the trans and other implemented systems that made is it possible to change our audit procedures a bit for that reason the data well did you say covered july 1st, 2010 and ending june 2014 because audits are always done in retrospective weve not audits 2013 data but can talk about the trends in more recent times and continue to see significant improvements quality review as travis mentioned is an audit of munoz reporting methods weve seen significant changes and improvements since we began doing those audits in 2000 we also do think analysis of performance how well our doing against the goals and provide the recommendations to improve our methods of collecting data and on our performance itself theres been a number of important changes since the late quality review in the handing and reporting ever data theres now a dictated Performance Team at the sfmta that oversees the transit that is a tool that allows the the virtualtion analysis using this tool sfmta has revised their metric implementing the recommendations from previous audits we thong the state staffing in terms of performance we see a number of trend and i can indicate where your heading since the audit period there was a decline in the on time performance during the audit performance that fell short of goal since the end of the goal the audit trends have been improving it appears the 80 on time remains aloof there was a delivery target weve made short of prop e target but since the first time weve done those audits it exceeded the start in some months and the 2014 trespassed is positive bunch and gpa the frustration of all muni riders they come in bunch and remains constant and misses theyre targeted but has been improving consistently in r78 2015 muffin has seen an increase in crowding and ridership leveling off in 2015 but seen improvements in those crowding conditions small improvements but improvements and just to continue on this trend we noted a major drop in muni recommended crimes a drop of 40 percent during the audit period that was really unheard of due to a surgery e sunday morning of enrollment the trend of 2014 is not as positive but again, a 40 percent in drops essentially a leveling off in terms of john updyke injuries have declined since the audit period but collisions and falls only board muni vehicles increased at least in a small way and we are seeing an increase in with that injuries and injuries in passengers on board during the current period in terms of reliability the mean distance increased steady due to new fleet additions and to improved preventive maintenance the positive thing the area were focused on in previous audits and continuing to seeing previous improvements as maintenance improves. So in summary the general message of the document is overwhelmingly positive the mta has put together an intelligence tool and activity using the technology and visualization not only to analyze the data but to improve the operation and the agency which we find encouraging departments throughout the agency are making significant process particularly in safety and reliability it is important we focus on 3 key elements the first is insuring the mta continues to collect high quality data and the second viability and comprehensive ability of public data reporting so people understand the information youve collected and 3 to improve a communication and cooperation within the mta as the departments upgrade their systems thats been a pleasure working with staff and we look forward to the mrejs implemented thank you for your time. Thank you, ms. Fox. This is not our laptop one moment please laughter . Why dont i put it on the orderly oral overhead on the overhead were all set yeah. Thank you. Thanks for our patience travsz fox to speak to the recommendations that nelson presented to us general but in terms of metrics there were a number of recommendations ill highlight some of the key ones they made as was mentioned a goal in insuring that all agency data in a capable format weve achieved intelligence and data chair were bringing in clipper and automatic passenger data and for the log safeties among other areas were taking steps to make sure that the new systems touches our Management System when it goes live were done making made a lot of process and on our radar Going Forward and with the public documentation in the passive we are recorded our Service Standards on a quarterly basis sometimes thirty to 60 days now were able to have date in realtime format and provide a comprehensive report iuoe on how we do in the close of the most one thing in public documentation rolling out the rotting for our citizens and others people are that front yard in sfgovtv. Org this is ready to go when the discussions are implemented and we will met out there this is on interactive in terms of some of the specific medics there was a recommendation wards to looking at the San Francisco Police Department with the mileage in the current state well do this not on a monthly by the way basis but well add that in there as an annual metric another one that is worth highlighting is wards to Customer Satisfaction we several hundred people participating in the panel weve been working to identify ways to increase the participation of that group and are lieutenant additional ways in the recent panel to increase it 10 percent weve heading right direction with regards to bunches and gaps were looking at that and understand that those are as was discussed early as bonnie mentioned metrics that are important to all the passenger side passengers we want to make sure we have a good gage in terms of muni and others so were going to continue to report for the Rapid Network but for the mta. Org well provide visitors to look at the lines in terms of how it is doing and the same for the only time performances and the only time deparches and this is part of our regular transit process in the agency another one i want to highest the mean distance between if you are were eager to have much more detailed reports over and over on the vehicle by vehicle basis and prep our Management Program in the next few years this is our opportunity to achieve the reporting improvements we look forward to having that and late last this which is a recommendation to the ridership data were including that for the average rubber tire entries within our report and do so when it becomes available in terms of the metric based on the methodology weve been working with a consultant to look at the positive contribution to the system with in terms of quantity first degree the reducing parking costs that will be recorded to the policy and Governance Committee and will be shared with the public not only with the impacts of details but how it is relating to San Francisco last but not least the recommendations for absents we do the reporting for transit operators but having this available for all Agency Employees the Performance Team is partnering with others with the task force and were looking forward to expanding those are metrics all in all were in concurrence with the recommendation by nelson i can answer any questions otherwise ill hand it over to john. Thank you, mr. Halley and back to the board thank you. Director and mr. Chairman good afternoon last week, we were scheduled to deliver what in transit refers to as runs from 8 thousand hundred was the skwermentd supposed to deliver we delivered 8 thesis in the 8 seven months and missed 13 do the math it is slightly over 99 percent point as some i want to walk you through the process and where were going i will tell you imperfect the services has gotten better and going to get better here is why first of all in april the first of 3 Service Increases why we were able to do that number one weve got sufficient resources and operators and vehicles, weve got a plan and the management wherewith all to deliver the service is the first group of groups we put into effective e effect in april continued to look at the progress a High Percentage of the riders hundred and 65 daily trips were moving forward in a time you went to look at the data wasnt that long ago we were talking about Cutting Service were moderating in that regard providing scheduled service at record levels ive highlighted that a copy of the goal the percentage of goal 98. 5, 74 routine for the delivery of the service so the service is getting out there the fleet renewal is not just about equipment it is as youve supported our efforts to increase both the bus and the rail fleet is in support of the maintenance part weve rebuilt our maintenance and instituted better procedures and as weve committed to you pubically and the board of supervisors for their support were following rigorous maintenance regimes were also Going Forward on leveraging the importance of this organization youve heard shawn talk about the improvements that are coming along on the key routine in a key corridor as youve seen there are one of the many tools sixth the priority and preemption and red latent prints were moving to help the Transit Service again, some of what you saw in underlying in the data some of the problems with butch bunching not putting up the service through the corporation and support of our Human Resources of our training folks now in a position were at full employment for our operators that is taken us awhile but were there and delivering the service were also doing it more efficiently a year ago on a typical day or typical week day 65 runs, if you will, at over time that number on a week day is generally between 15 and 20 and reduce we can do better in that regard were still using a minimum of part time operators we have room for improvement better management weve introduced with the help of our colleagues in other areas of the organization a attendance our sick leave is down and more people coming to work and reducing the over time and moving forward in that regard weve talked about the fleet the single biggest cause of delays is remaining. Before you leave that one i cant let this moment go by without jerry lee he is smiling i apologize so director lee thank you. Thank you mr. Chairman. On a couple of things ill call your attention on the fleet to the upper right hand box dollars 11 and half thousand miles between the new distance between failure or breakdown weve been previously around under 3 some of the older trolley fleets are under one thousand miles were moving outlining off steady and this trend gets better the same on the rail does what are we doing for new railcars the first one in november of 2016 but the performance is better trouble shooting and better recovery and operational check every night life to make sure that vehicles are ready to go out it is working bit by bit a focus on safety weve talked about our key goal this is one weve stepped up our efforts in the last months working with safety and the 248 we have a focus campaign on causes of collisions and we had 4 stratsz weeks after we went out and talked to operators and retrained them on deciding tract driving and working on back to backings basics thats a priority to move forward and thats the daily information weve dwon from 70 delays down to 56 thats once the details with getting shorter our system is unforgiving in a lot of ways you know the failed entries the rails into o glow the tunnel wooekd to have a better trouble shooting techniques and some of the Capital Investments and the radio system will help us again important to working with the barker folks to send out the best vehicles is the measurement youve expressed our concerns and everybody cares about it on time performancewemgs were tracking that separately in the morning and afternoon rush ours over 80 percent a couple of times and able to some of the Service Increases have helped us along those lines i think some of the work that needs to be done on the subway and schedules make a big difference in listing the overhead performance but seeing steadily improvements ive mentioned the ready improvements were tracking for the service increase as i mentioned the rapid routes cover a good subset of the city and give us a sense of where we need to make adjustments so again with our improved effort and focus on training and supervisors and hopefully, the technology will support that some of the other infrastructure upgrades youre aware of again with our help and support were moving forward and fellowship it is not as weve talked about before i think im confident that none the pieces are in place with our help and support well continue to move forward ill say on it is better and its going to get better were in a position for example, at the beginning of august well stwroo the e line it starts as well on a pilot basis for several months and again, were moving forward in a number of areas and looking to continue the progress weve made and accelerate it so you know perp weve tried to keep you informed and appreciate our support and tried to be clear in showing you what were able to do with the resources youvegiven. Wrap up and thats all. Ask a question that ive talked to travis about how often we see this report and when we can expect to see the next one. Right so most recent was the 20132014 bonnie mentioned a detail were obviously we had scheduling challenges but we will have the f example w 20152016 and hopefully at the same time well report back on the implementation of the recommendations here. Thank you thats my only question it was an interesting report i hope well continue to make the improvements and its a vast improvement over the olden days for the benefit of not just about me but for the entire agency the entire agency a great step forward. Thank you. I want to express my gratitude a pleasure to see you here working with us i couldnt be much more pleased with the this is a phenomenal result and say a lot about the dictation and the commitment that people in this agency have to Public Transportation and i think that it is also a testimony to what we can do when we get the Publics Trust and empower with the resources to be able to get the new vehicles to make those improvements and what have you im hoping there is a way director well communicate this to the public all the more because nothing says trust us than delivering on results like this id like to be able to talk about what else we can talk about to do whatever else we can to get for ridership they used to serve breakfast on trains back in the day bringing but im total joking laughter . But wouldnt it be wonderful but i do love the idea of really continuing to raise the bar in delivering quality transit we all deserve and if were to get people out of cars this is what we need to be doing my deepest gratitude to you and the staff and thank the drivers and operators making a phenomenal infrastructure but if the operators are not delivering as well as they have consistently we wouldnt have the good work thank you for your presentation. Directors this is obviously great to know where we are and weve identified the improvements and looking forward to seeing the improvements and fascinating around the wage loss and the i think about the for a second it shouldnt be because you make a lot more money you can choose a faster way to get to work but in the buses theyre paid hourly and it is a lot of time they move and money. I wanted to add one thing first im not landmarking to director ramos madetoorder on the moon and they along with the folks along the entire organization really did all the auxiliary members of the board. Yes. Two members of the public first Herbert Wiener and followed by david pilpal. Mr. Wiener. Herbert wiener i dont disagree with the data that was presented this is in marked contrast w with cooking the books in the past board knows that the service time was fund and the grand jury sided but the control structure which has bearing on the data this is the structure behind the data and the statistics i think this should be addressed there are administrative improvements i think theyre in order and that bears on efficiency i have some suggestions for one thing i nodded a lot of the staff that reports doesnt stay for the whole meeting i think people that tdr are in high administrative distributions like for instance bunching it cuts across a lot of departments that was one thing and also what about union reps being here i think the union should be here at least the head of union so we have input into what is going on i think that another spat when i talk about the bart you can get feedback from someone that is engaged in a similar project thats another thing also i think that these things are important because bunching still remains i take the one california it is defective in service i waited up to 15 minutes for the bus you need to address this thank you. David pilpal hell be the last person to address you today. David pilpal again first to start off those convenes of the Service Standards and the quality review were important compose of proposition e im remembering back 16 years good and others that k4r5b9d on prop e those were important ability factors in propose e im pleased as director ramos said bonnie has more history on this since one person retired but travis has been leading the charge and the other support people hes referenced i agree with the recommendations that nelson made and the staff response i think it is important i understand there is a new chief Financial Officer the agency is recruiting that person needs to be involved in the systems and the tracking here although i understand that travis is still involved as the chief performance officer the data embedded here ive said before where interest recent a variance from the standard that should be explained in narrative and what steps staff is talking to improve that i didnt have a chance to look at the detailed reporting it is important to have that pubically assessable in particular the on time performance forevers that was an area only briefly touched on we need to get towards the 85 percent saying were hovering around is not enough enough im not sure the technology is best having the street supervision that knows the system is authorized to make the switch backs and other changes in the service is really critical to improving that on time performance i hope yourself youll focus on just a quick i didnt so all this is encouraging but the purred i think the ridership is 17 thousand a day when this goes up with well know that the people in San Francisco notice it is Getting Better and theyre getting out of their cars thats a role we want a little bit of effort in verifying those numbers to change the way it appears hey muni is up to 750 or 8 whatever bart has new highs whatever thanks. Ms. Bloomer. Mr. Chairman that is a report to are receive and with the cancelation of the closed session thats it for today. Thank youadjourned. Hello and welcome to this presentation. Im San Francisco purrs since that time weve helped people clean up their criminal records. We created this to help you understand how this worked. Well plan or explain all the steps. After watching this program youll know what to expect after completing the process. Hi there are im deputy and im part of the clean slate team. The first thing we will need to know whether your despicable to have our convictions dismissed cant be on parole or currently charged with a crime or serving a sentence and it must be from San Francisco. While your colleagues will get to know your circumstances there are 3 steps. Getting the clean slate process started it simple you can get them done in the same day. First fill out an application and they can be opinioned on sf defender. Org. Next youll obtain a copy of your rap sheet thats a rap sheet going 80 the hall of justice at 850 bryant street on the fourth floor. The bureau is open monday through friday from 8 to 5. Its located one block away from the Public Defenders Office youll need to bring our photo id. Finally, theres your our own your rap sheet to the front desk. Youll receive a letter from 2 to three weeks explaining the next steps. Lets review the 3 steps if that fillist the Police Stations and on your Police Station and 3 deliver our rap sheet and application 0. 40 to the defender. It can help with Financial Aid for colleagues. I want you to meet a client who did the Clean Slate Program he refunds a nonprofit literary series. Please meet joe. Peep at the Clean Slate Program worked with me today, i i am an author of 3 books a husband and a father would you recommend clean slight to another person i would definitely recommend that. So, now you have a better understanding of the gibt address benefits of the Clean Slate Program as well as highway to get started. Lets hear some common questions. Keep in mind those are general questions youll you may be seated with an attorney who be provide more information based on our circumstances just to be clear i dont have to tell my employers will my ejections. Yes. As well as convictions that have been dismissed. If someone runs a criminal background theyll see the charges but its dismissed. You will be able to legally tell your employers person never convicted i dont to tell anyone is there a way to rears them. Theres some cases you can. Maybe youre arrested because police thought you were someone else. Wound our arrest record is sealed you can say you were never if i wanted to clear my record if i was convicted of a felon. It is also known as a one letter officer the clean stating hit. May be able to get it raersz but if i went to prisoner you may quality for a correspondent certified document saying youre a lay abating citizen are. You had should be aware for some state jobs state agencies are allotted to consider our criminal history. Those jobs are private security jobs Health Care Workers and other careers involving the children the i can sick or elder. It will benefit you Human Resources heres some of the things clean slate cant do it doesnt prevent an old conviction to there the sense of a new criminal action. The court might connotes more sentences even if it been submit you cant own or polgs possess a firearm. If it bars you from carrying an firearm eclipsing our record wont change that. Submittal doesnt rove a sex ejection. If youre required to register as a sex offender that process will continue even if your record has been cleared, however, other forms of royalties maybe eligible. We look forward to helping you move forward with your life so, now you know a little bit more about the program we encourage you to apply go the sf purifying purifying. Org or stop by any place for our Clean Slate Program. Our team looks forward to serving thank you for coming to the talent dance performance and talent show. [ applause ] todays performance and talent show. Public recreation has every bit of the talent and every bit of the heart and soul of anything that any families are paying ten times for. You were awesome. City of San Francisco Historic Preservation commission. Good afternoon, welcome to the San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission Wednesday july 15, 2015. The commission does not tolerate any outbreaks at this time. I would like to take roll at this time. Commissioner president wolfram, hylan, johns, johnck, matsuda

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