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The water work is done first with the were trying to meet their schedules and miss an opportunity we tried a number of outreach methods along 19 and directed people went day to day for peoples in the eir you didnt go and lincoln area and contacted 11 schools working with the supervisors wanted to make sure that we talked with each the schools in the surrounding areas and held public hearing as well as Public Meeting and did a survey an electronic and paper survey we hadnt out an updated email to get feedback to what they thought about the proposals and for the most part positive one change ill talk about in a minute related to the rapid stops but the for the most part for the major pedestrian improvements todays legislation speaking of pedestrian improvements and total of 49 pedestrian boards along this corridor essentially each intersection is slated as proposed for pedestrian bulb so if youre driving up 19 and south of 19 their Whitney Corner across if each other and the wrap around bulbs on the side streets and the transit reliability the number of transit bulbs to escape us from getting stuck in the traffic and improving safety at those locations and stops the local bus stops 22 times and proposing to consolidate 8 of those 14 stops moving the stop spaces from one block standard to almost not 2 like 1. 8 but essentially a two block stretch and then the priority that is not actually in days legislative packet i want to highlight weve made the updates and the signals if 19 to have the t s p and finishing over the next several months outfitting the buses that are within the next few months to implement t s p on this corridor that compliments the Capital Improvements were making and the last thing i want to note the crowded buses that work is not for today for legislation but were going to be increasing the 28 frequency and more importantly is changing the stand of the 28 r it runs from two to four and 9 in the mongers we want that to be an Allday Service from 7 00 a. M. To 7 00 p. M. And doubling the capacity on 19 avenue during the morning rush duo to after the p. M. Rush so were exciting this should reduce the crowding on the per bus basis just real quick a little diaphragm to show what i meant when i tried to describe the bulbs this is a whereabout around pedestrian bulb on the side street and ones that dont have the pedestrian stop there will be a pedestrian bulb on 19 as well as a wrapping wrap around for the side street so benefits of those preservations greatly improving the pedestrian side those xaldz projects should really have an effect how people feel on 19 and how safe on 19 and really dovetails with the pedestrian improvements we have implemented on 19 avenue for example weve implemented l ti or pedestrian sgralz toing a great improvement to the head start and also no right turn on 5 intersections along the corridor and then weve made the intersection at tara value and 19 no less than 24 hours a day but weve recently made that an allday restriction it is existing it helps Pedestrian Safety and is it also helps muni more will not be stuck behind a left turn delay and transit travel time 20 percent reduction in travel time what were assuming a little bit heavier for labor today for the projects around the local we think about a 5 minute time savings for the locals and one and a half minute savings for the rapid and then crowded buses ive talked about this next steps we objective will be moving into detail design and then construction is a Long Construction period because puc is doing sewer and water work and work that dpw does the curb and changes the bulbs and things like that and finally caltrain in the summer of 2018 i did want to note one additional thing were looking a potential stop location on the rapid bus outside of the rapid core the merced for the Association Ask that we consider a stop that will serve their neighborhood thats the area is it borders brother hundred way and allen the southern tip of the neighborhood and theyre asking you to look at a stop at 28 right direction at that location other than it the outreach, of course especially around the construction and as you can see a rather Long Construction period will be a continual process of talking with people about where were at so with that were glad to take questions. Thank you, mr. Kennedy. Yeah. This is incredible im so excited to see those improvements im still a regular passenger on the 28 and used to be a whole lot more than but my niece is on it i commend the staff and all the gachlts to get us where we are i couldnt be more exciting me the crazy anything about 19 avenue i lived on it for a few years and this fairly how horrible that is the only the one consolation it is supposed to be a freeway there were signs of an elevated freeway in the past and thanks to the efforts of our predecessors they stopped that from becoming a freeway and now it would be a whole lot worse laughter . With that said the only comments ill offer is thinking about future efforts for outreach to more deliberately that talking about this to the university there are enough students getting in and out that bus to merit a target outreach those students are there another night those bus stops are bleak it is scary an 19 avenue and holloway we need real love there, there is a transit shuttle that is back and forth o on San Francisco State University and duplicates the routes and making sure youre having the service would be i would look leveraging that in terms of the timing wise and ive often been frustrated by the idea that you know the shuttle at 28 left at the same time and pulled up at the same time and better planning in that respect and lastly one of the things i take the 28 well, not all of us can afford a taxicab and this is the way we get to the airport we took the 28 to bart and get to the airport as a such in the middle of the day we have suitcases on the 28 more so then a lot of the other links i eight hundred have encouraged more communication with the airport itself maybe at least or bart in talking about how do we maximize or i should say optimized our service other than i think this is a fantastic im excited about extending the hours of 28 right direction i feel like a Lottery Winner when i see one this is a painfully through slow route i opt to drive especially, if im going out of the city across the bridge because the transit is so slow and the connections between golden gate transit are limited i hope in the future we continue to leverage those linkages between golden gate transit and the University Students but on the whole this is fantastic and congratulations for your hard work. Director ramos. Thank you. Ive learned a lot listening to our comments and i see it is important if we want people to use it and the coordination between bart station and suitcases and things like that that are critical ii put my support behind that. No, i wanted to time warp in 2018. laughter . But thank you. Thank you, mr. Kennedy this project as director ramos said i ride the 28 on the weekend the biscuit problem the bus pulls into a stop and cant get back into traffic were solving this by having the bus bulb out what is the impact is going to be for the car traffic not to pull up behind the bus and not block the street is this a quick learning curve. Yes. Essentially the bus the back sticks out only a 7 and a half foot parking lane so of it pulls in imperfect it will not be out of the way of traffic the traffic coats by and makes it hard for the bus to you pull out but people wait across the intersection i dont think that will be a steep problem. Great i think the 20 percent reduction in travel time i see where we are inadequate that hell stop that problem the bus having to sit there and wait for the traffic to yield it will be a fantastic project. Thank you. We have one person that has asked to speak on this david pilpal. David pilpal again i also rise to oppose this project i think one block stopping on 19 avenue is useful i hope were not considering goes 2 blocks on sunset or 46 avenue or 71 slash 7 or is 766 their long blocks and 19 avenue im convinced the travel 7 8, 9 is worst the reduction in stops we can speed occupy the travel and get rid of all the passengers so im not with this particular program the staff report didnt indicate the net impact on parking i understand there is some alleges and intukdz but didnt indicating the total impact on parking i appreciate the comment on lighting theres a need for improved lighting on the corridor i hope it will be included in the construction or circulates work and for the 28 on time performances that is impacted on 19 but also Park Presidio and the marina so the 28 is a challenge to operate on time but i dont think those challenges are limited to 9 avenue and finally i would assume that this will also apply to the 19 owl i ac take the 94 from time to time and i assume the rule 35 a will you been in effect during 5 00 p. M. To 8 00 a. M. Where where an operator could stop safely theyll continue to do that if it can be confirmed that will be thank you. Next speaker, please. calling names . Herbert wiener one i have some questions about this project one is that more Traffic Congestion result from this project i dont want to see the spill over in traffic to the adjoining avenues like 18 avenue and 17 avenue those are quiet neighborhoods other part of it is i dont see how the consolidation of bus stops is going to speed up up bus services it is begun with the last 20 years with no significant encroachments and impact on the disabled and seniors those are very long streets if you walk on 19 avenue you know that those streets are long and before this is implemented you better walking restraining order walk those streets to see the impact other part is i believe that there should be no deletions of bus stops in San Francisco State University or jonestown those are heavily used stops not try to consolidate them that is extremely unrealistic and the other part i agree what the idea of agreeing o adding more buses that will speed up service but try a Pilot Project for 6 months to see the results before you jump into this there is a lot of money to be spent and if something goes wrong that will take a lot of money to be undoing this is a major thoroughfare and connects the peninsula to the city it is extremely important im grateful that the concerns of the merced xarntd neighborhood triangle was addressed i appreciate that but this is those are my concerns thank you. Howard is the last person to turn in a speaking. Good afternoon, directors howard first, i was even more excited than shown when this project was going to be started i ride it regularly when i go to the old Peoples School at ucsf lets talk about the consolidation youve had consolidation in the richmond of the north of the park forever and i know just did it you didnt want to have buses in the way of cars so consolidation there i have to say that the people south of the park could a walk just as well as the people from the park it is a lot Faster Service i want to talk about the bus bulbs in many cases the bus bulbs are picked by the doorway youve shown from the n judah it didnt have to a full length you can save a lot of money sometimes in front of of the bus e. R. Rear soltice its a small one is provide astonishing for Pedestrian Safety and all of that it is great if it is a long way but make one and pierce is it with driveways other thing about the bulbs when you do the bulbs dont put the little waiting shack right close to the moving traffic we dont need that we can be a few feet away from the traffic it is more pleasant you can split the difference of the sidewalk with more room and a lot of space between the what do you call the. Shelter. The shelters not much shelter with the wind blowing and the staff that will make it work better and last for the r i hope you keep an open mind you may not need the r. The last person to turn in a speaking. Good afternoon. Good afternoon director nolan most of my colleagues are in sacramento im sorry, i missed the Public Comment it is important to point out 19 avenue i dont know if youve taken 19 to presidio on the we understand it is really, really bad and i very much am concerned you have to look at the impacts those changes have on the flow of traffic for gridlock during the week days it is a way to get to the airport from mri republican county most days and for the peninsula people and San Francisco people to get to vacation and day visit spots in marin and santa clause so 19 avenue is an important corridor not only because of the residents but because if you want to there gridlock dont monitor those changes as the an important issue and starting thursday night youre going to be closing the current doyle drive to create the city of parkway i hope youll hire a lot of staff because it will be a mess and im hoping youll use that this weekend as an experiment to look at the impact of the fact of gridlock on 19 avenue and on park merced so i hope youll have the staff report because you dont want to create extra gridlock it hurts the voter and the residents by those changes thank you very much. Members of the board questions or comments. Supervisor campos. Thanks for all the Public Comment the one thing triggered in me the transfer point continue the 38 and 28 between geary and Park Presidio i hope our looking optimize that intersection as a major transfer hub ive seen people stack their lives into their hands running across the street to make is it to the 28 bus the times the frequency between the thirty and 28 are off it can be a long way waiting to cutting off that so optimizing that intersection in whatever way swob i think appreciated by a lot of the folks is it also recalls to me the opportunity to improve the waiting conditions at the stops you know it is a major i almost want to say a Transit Center and i feel that the infrastructure we have in terms of the waiting conditions the shelter and now the computer im looking you have a trash can and paved areas and such but it is certainly feeling president ing when our witting there for a 28 it feels like it could be a little bit more amenities, if you will, to make a water which is really dark and can get windy and foggy whatever we can do to compliments or improve that space as part of efforts would be highly appreciated by pointed riding public. Members of the board at the pleasure of the board. Motion to approve. Any further discussion all in favor, say i. I. Is have it. 12 finding the van ness bus rapid Environmental Impact report and statement is accurate for the approval the van ness bus rapid project and authorizing the director to execute the contract van ness Improvement Project with the walling Son Construction project so for a duration of 3 hundred calendars in the amount of not to exceed 800000. Good afternoon. Good afternoon director nolan and directors and ed reiskin arrest my name is presbyterian the project manager on the van ness corridor Improvement Project here to give you an update on the project and what youre voting on today van ness transit corridor project began as the bus rapid project and still in its core of course, as long as were rebuilding a major thoroughfare in San Francisco theres there is still a lot more work to do and weve bundled it into a larger project for the efficiency of the construction and the cost savings been realized by putting smaller projects into a larger one it is still the same project but in addition, were thank you for the opportunity to rebuild the overall trolley buses and replace the traffic lights with the modern traffic lights and other our sf go program your Sister Agency is the sfmta taking the subject to replace the sewer lines and waterlines and continue to work on the auxiliary supply system and the sfpuc is putting in Green Infrastructure at select locations along the corridor and at the very end of this with dpw we will be repaving the van ness corridor that is in part fund bid caltrans rightofway so bus Rapid Transit for those who are not family the obese feature of the system the dictated rightofway lanes less obvious but equally important to the Service Improvements that are envisioned by this project are the improved traffic lights to provide the traffic light priority for vehicles and which will be rewanted to maximize the north south traffic vehicles that will speed up the boarding and unboarding abducted boarding areas for a safe comfortable space for the pedestrians between buses and large number of pedestrian improvements in keeping with the citys vision zero policies because at some point in their trip all of the sfmtas passengers are pedestrians so as i mentioned were putting in padded bulb outs and doing day lighting and pedestrians lights on the street and significantly will improve the Pedestrian Safety and comfortable along van ness avenue project is occur estimated costs of 262 million bulk the projects money is coming from a combination of federal funds and prop k matching funds as well as contributions by developers along the corridors and sfmta bond money parallel projects are paid bye bye fta maintenance of what funds prop k matching funds and the sister agencies a number of local Funding Resources are paying for their portion of the work. As you can imagination a project of this size can go disruptive to a community were building in as a result weve had a great Deal Community outreach that is going on more a number of years the one thing to point out one thing thats 2409s pointed out we completed an Impact Survey sent out mailers to the 3r079s along the corridor and followed up with phone numbers to the properties in many cases visits by sfmta staff to survey the residents and Business Owners and the employees of those locations to how construction any impact them to get an idea of their trash picks up and theyre deliveries are made whether they prefer construction at night or day High Construction during a period of time and the lower construction are thank you great be period of time weve gotten feedback if 85 percent of the residents along the corridor we are crushing the data to get an idea how to best constrict our

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