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Cancer the whole world decided to help him to act out his wish so i know that was a great day and a good day we were active it was unbelievable crowds and now this documentary will be presented well also be there because we were anticipating large crowds that concludes my report. Questions for the chief. I saw a little bit of it the chief will be a movie star. One hopes i have a day job. laughter . Other questions for the chief chief i have a question you might not have it wherewith he are year to date homicides and shootings. Were about we have one suspicious death but i believe at 24 year to date and we are in and around ten percent of a hundred shootings that is half of what we were in 2007 and 8 and in terms of you might not have this compared to last year were we around 24. Last year if you remember the alltime record we were at 9 last year which was unprecedent pretty much in history recordkeeping were average for the last 5 years. Got it. Okay. About half the 5 years before that. Okay. Inspector please calm i call the next line item directors report with right activities. Good evening director hicks. Good evening commissioner president loftus and chief suhr and members of the public i will update you on occ activities since ive recorded to you two weeks ago attorneys staffed the table at the june 13th celebration and the deputy City Attorney eir and i conducted the oversight to a delegation of 25 officials from india at berkley with power and politics on june 15th panelists participated in the International Association of chiefs of police webinar a collaborative approach to have a parent arrest policy chief suhr organized the webinar and in addition other presenter were mel burping at the scene and two youth i continue to attend biweekly meeting for the embarrassment working groups and manny and i meet with the Bar Association task force on criminal just the task force force to make assurance with the criminal Justice System treats all People Fairly it began in april and will continue for 12 months ive provided you with the article on civilian oversight as builders for trauma of arrested parents with their children that is the Summer Edition of make hold review it is washington d. C. s dot n Call Presentation at the mayors disability meeting at this time the office of citizen complaints the presentation was an overview of the occ and the role we play in making recommendations to enhance community recommends ms. Mar i cant think talked about the crisis cit model for the Police Departments response to Mental Health crisis calls as chief suhr mentioned we have been in the budget process over the past two weeks ive appeared twice before the board of supervisors Budget Finance Committee and theyve recommended the 4. 25 new positions and again i thank you for the opportunity to thank mayor ed lee as well as the board of supervisors so the budget will be introduced to the full board july 14th the first vote will be july 21st and the second vote jill 28 i appeared before the board of Supervisors Public Safety Committee on social justice of the San Francisco Police Department and i reiterated the following 4 points sfpd should strive so for a difference racially in Sexual Orientation and also that the department should conduct explicit bias training for all members additional training supervisors how to detect sub ordinances and finally this should include Community Folks and the third about body cameras that was made by the Police Department and deputy chief ali and commander morriser and presented their up to date on body cameras and finally i discussed the needed budget for the office of complaints and the last point under Donna Salazar the occ mediated 7 cases 5 in june 27 cases compared to thirty as of june 30th, 2014 and as june 30th 20145 complaints were mediated that concludes my report. Thank you director hicks any questions for director hicks colleagues . Director hicks i want to make a contempt our advocacy so for the budget was skill if you have this year i think this is significant i know there were last minute questions from the corral and i think the Bar Association has been helpful in that group one other do outs i serve on the criminal Justice Task Force what can we do to insure the health of the department it staffed were almost there i want to note the excellence of our advocacy and thank you very much commissioner president loftus inspection. 3 c Commission Reports Commission President s report. Report outs together colleagues. Well, so i will acknowledge what i think needs to be said tonight arrest chief suhr ive had been here almost every wednesday for the last 3 years and watched i handle some vexing issues with the vexing issues what ill say if asked youre an extraordinary leader that doesnt make excuses youve learned from you and have tremendous respect you have not minimized results but a lot of folks make excuses and blame it on Something Else but you dont do that and theres a lot of work for us to do and youll see the first id be remissed having watching you deal with your earned my respect and admiration and thats it anyone else. Ill followup chief ive served under 3 chiefs all terrific leaders. Youre not a man of excuses the man has a strong support of this commissioner and probably the entire commission you dont put the blame where it belongs on people that have said or written about you have the support of community when it was unanimous for the community you should be our chief and you maintain that support anything to be said differently or comments by people in Political Office were wrong this Commission Works with you every night we know how you handle things i saw the tears in our eyes when the officers were indicted indicted when you saw the class worked with integrity thats all youve done a lot of things people talked about recently didnt happen on your watch you are a professional and not said that. Something came out on fathers day and i know it made an impact on our fathers day youre a great dad and leader youre a strong part of the community and Something Else was said about the good ole boy networked i of us taught never to categorize to profile people theres a mention of schools in there didnt i did not go to either schools but interestingly i guess the negative thing that counts ill i have to tell you it not something came to my attention a lot of the officers well zealot with in serious issues dont come from that network outside the city not born and raised in this gridlock diverse city by somewhere else chief you have my support. Anything further okay inspector next line item. Line item 3d commissioner announcements and scheduled of items identified for the future Commission Meeting action. So colleagues, we have a few things in the hoper were rescheduling in july but anything weve not discussed this needs to be scheduled okay inspector please call the next line item. Public comment closed session including Public Comment on vote whether to hold item 6 in closed session we did not so let me back up we should have Public Comment for line items it through 3. Thats me. Any Public Comment on items 3 abc are d . Ms. Davis are you coming up all right. Welcome ms. Davis. I did hello, everyone i did want to make Public Comment just on the commissioners report and wanted to tiein and say hello chief suhr. Thank you for your hard work and working with the community and taking the lashing and the beatings that are often given in the community and still cowboy to work with the community i think that just to your consider we appreciate your dedicated to making an impact and not necessarily on just making a message that may not go anywhere i wanted to piggyback on what has been said and say i know that through the commission itself but with you youve been great trying to work on addressing not only the violence but pathway and ways to get people opportunities to be successful i do want to share i ran into some of the young noerp very excited about the slart salaries of Police Officers and they also enjoyed seeing the sessions so thank you alleyway all but thank you chief suhr for letting me work with you and develop the pathways and opportunities not in only the moment but really intentional what our future looks like for us and young people. Sure were so proud youre letting us be part of our work it is all you thanks. So this is Public Comment. It is regarding 3 abc and d. Abc and d on line item 3. Not any and all comments. Thats fine go ahead ms. Brown. inaudible . Because of old age or sickness it is quite another to experience the sudden death of a loved one gunshots. since 2004 San Francisco has experienced an unprecedented number of homicides sirens. 60 percent of the homicide victims are people of color their loved ones living in neighborhoods of scariest and negligent must deal with their personal tragedy while at the same time facing the crime and violence of the unsafe neighborhood their surrounded everyday sirens. you may get tired of me showing this video but im not tired i lost my baby and i will do this until i die and if i have to show other videos this is something my child is not here people may not like it but from the shoe was on the other foot youd be doing the same thing im doing i dont know what else to do. Thank you, ms. Brown. Is there any further comment on items 3 a through d hearing none Public Comment is closed. Line item 4 Public Comment for closed session including whether to hold item 6 in closed session. Is there any Public Comment on the items below including whether or not were going to hold item 6 in closed session . Hearing none Public Comment is closed. Scombishg but vote on whether or not to hold item 6 in closed session administered through 67. 10 action. Second. Madam president were back in open session we have quorum thank you inspection please call the next. Vote to elect whether or not to disclose any item in closed session San Francisco administrative code 67. 12 a action. Colleagues do i voluntary 0 motion not to disclose. Second, 2013 all in favor, say i. I. Inspector the next line item adjournment im invite inspector i called you inspector schakz to bring a motion to adjourn in honor of someone special. With you dont ordinarily do this we skrrm with a memory of a retired member of the Police Department but the retired martin who retired two years ago what makes him unique i retired after 45 years of services with the San Francisco Police Department ive been told inspector monroe is going to try to beat that record and marty is a native san franciscan and went to the unspoken schools in the articles but trained many of the new officers and new inspections i remember he came to this when with we retired he knew it was time when they said you worked with our father no inspector he was buried on friday the chief and i were present i want 0 adjourn for his many years of service. Do i have o a second. Opposed were adjourned in his honor. Good afternoon and welcome to the special megan of the noifgs this replaces the normal meeting which would have taken place on june 22nd, 2015, commissioner Vice President andrews commissioner hayon commissioner hur commissioner keane let the record reflect all commissioners are present and accounted for item two matters appearing and not appearing on the agenda . Good afternoon chair commissioner renne and members allison park mr. Shaw two conflict of interests ethics complaints against the retirement system member weekend paskin jordan were filed in april of 2014 some people think i authorized both containments not that smart didnt know anything about the retirement system until recently paskin jordan 340i789d on youtube by a video project ill give you the video number she aggregated funds with her firm to reach the 10 million threshold for investing in b gi as the i got complaints alleged about our aggregated fund this commission needs to ascertainment who else she agree gated funds with and whether she or her investment clients can go gaited funds with the citys Retirement System Fund paskin jordan claims as a registered investment advisorer shes not held to the same threshold as others investors, however several on the registered advisorers have seen her claim and said it is you think true you should seek legal advise about her claim i believe that deputy City Attorneys are misleading her paskinjordan land in San Francisco examiner shortly after fittings go right ahead restraining orders seize story put an edge or e end to the sleighs article reporting on her investment the sf e r F Investments you need to investigate this and move those name complaints forward the allegations are true she show you not be sitting at a fiduciary overseeing retirement funds. Any other Public Comment . Hi good evening my name is rebecca im the executive director the Municipal Executive Association i want to speak about the form 7 hundred junked i assume well speak flolts jaunld i want to thank the notification for agree talking it on it falls swairl into the allowing law of unat the end consequences and wanted to clearly say that m e a is the highest standards to the service to the public this is about process not sews and about changing the rules for 32 hundred people and making sure when we do that we do it thoughtful fully with sensitivity to their privacy and we do it in simple a way the rules radio clearly understood by a large group of people many of whom have not had the benefits of ethics training and frankly may or may not be proifl listed as potential filers i look forward to our discussion and really appreciate the patience to have the discussion in a way that moves your goal forward effectively thank you. Thank you any other public discussion there all right. Well turn to item number 3 which is a discussion regarding draft regulations for Electronic Filing and website posting of statements of economic Interest Form 7 hundred and i will ask the gentleman to sort of give us background and fill us in on what the issues with and what is the being proposed. Thank you commissioner renne jessie Deputy Director this is mentioned a discussion item for the staffs proposed changes to the form 7 hundred filing obligations for a number of City Employees probably numbering around 3 thousand to 32 hundred those are people to as designated employees preliminary hearings that have to file a form 7 hundred for Real Property interests income, investments and those currently are being filed with their departments those employees Vice President s so theyre filled with their department and kept 23 in a file there so earlier this year the commission that had put in the work plan to expand our Electronic Filing retirements that currently applied to members and boards and departments heads people fill electronically their statements are posted online with certain information redictated to expand to all filers within the city

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