It is one of the most important weapons for land warfare in europe, perhaps the single most important weapon for land warfare in europe. The United States produces only a small part of what ukrainians need. If you combine part of what the United States needs, excuse me, that the United States provides along with what the europeans, other countries can provide, then we are very limited and do not know if we can help ukraine close the gap. Which she currently has with russia, not worry, the gap will only grow, only grow, dont even have any illusions, wentz recently published a very good article, by the way, that the problem here is not politics, not ideology, mathematics, hes just these other people he put the calculations in mathematical order, which means. He compared the population, demographics, weapons production, and so on, and came to one conclusion it is impossible, it is impossible to defeat russia, ukraine cannot, no matter what you give it, then she has and i do the same for the americans who they have long forgotten what the study of mathematics and exact sciences is, a very amazing article, but at the same time, you know, when i looked, well, that is, there are young senators there, of course. For this rare exception, yes, but when i watched the debate, which in our opinion, was going on there in the senate tonight, people came out even from the past, i dont know, millennia, you saw, you saw how they speak there , they bring some kind of posters with them, and they just take these posters, there was one, for example, who proved why this beneficial to america, i printed out a map from the Washington Post about which states. Military production will be increased with a pointer for now, i just took it from the washington newspaper, reprinted the map, and it stands, tells, that is, that is, you know, ninetyeighty year olds use some kind of antediluvian presentation methods to tell each other about what they, in general, read themselves, yes, well, of course, they read these articles and so on, but linsey graham, of course, is a champion in this plan, russof, he brought it. Quotes from putin and medvedev posted the most important quote, proving russias aggressive intentions, russias borders do not end anywhere, on this basis he built his speech, found evidence that ukraine would be absorbed without this very help, which means that if this help is not given in time, well, thats it , aid was announced, biden signed it, reported that it would move within the next few hours. Now lets track all these flows as carefully as possible, its clear that they will first go through trains, mostly these are artillery shells, i think that they come straight from european territory, they are not hidden in poland, but they are already loaded in poland, that is, they were only waiting for the goahead, so of course we must try to make a significant part of it, well, as much as possible a possible part could be destroyed on the way somewhere closer to the line. As a result of the expansion of the breakthrough near ocheretina, but what i mean is that in the end , in my opinion, charles hebdu best depicted this picture. I rarely quote this publication, of course, and its scanty in general quite enough, but you know, apparently they read all these stories about how depressed ukrainians are now, so they put a cartoon, its already too late for these 60 billion, he says, were already depressed anyway, well drink it all away , all these 65 billion, in the daily telegraph, retired colonel richard camp, a disgusting military. Analyst, but nevertheless he published an article that thats it, ukraine has six months left, no help for the six months that we had left, he wrote that russia will no longer save anything in october last year, now, well, he forgot, it seems, that is , nothing will save russia from the inevitable victory over ukraine after covid, their memory, you know, is very short, in general, it wasnt particularly good before, but you know, at the same time. When vasil says that debts will be written off, and this is a typical vasil, americans, unlike us, you know, somehow they rarely write off such things, very rarely, and in exceptional cases, they sometimes have these debts hanging over them. For centuries, decades, they use it like a noose on the throat, but how, and how do you imagine write it off, they wrote it off to the poles, well, just like we wrote it off, they wrote it off to the poles, russia wrote it off. Not to distribute there, why . Because, why did i mention Dragon Capital this is a soros structure the largest Investment Fund in ukraine, that is, in essence, things are going on, well, thanks to him, all kinds of ukrainian enterprises and lands are being bought up or selected for a long time now, for many years now, so what am i talking about , right there this specialist of this fund, its vicepresident , thanks the russian army for the deindustrialization of donbass. Yes, he says he says, very well, the russian army played the role of margaret thatcher, destroying, therefore, the industrial potential of donbass, thats it. The evening closed the mines in britain, and now, thanks to the war, we have closed this depressed region and thereby closed the economy. I wont talk now about the fact that the lions share of the enterprise was destroyed by the ukrainians themselves, who have been shelling the donbass enterprise for 10 years, but just think about how they hate this region, that is , how they really want it to be destroyed, this is the question of , first of all, who fired, and secondly, against this background, it is very noteworthy that. Look, this is a very healthy opinion, exemployee of the Intelligence Department of the french terrorist security department, jacques lucato, you need to read american geopoliticians, mackinder, s. Pickman, brzyzinski. It is obvious that the United States is deliberately restraining russia. And as for the war in ukraine, yes, in fact, the russian army invaded ukraine, this is clear. But she had good reasons for this. There are many experts who explain this. Read or listen, for example, jacque bo, he explains it very well. He wrote a book about the situation in ukraine, which explains very well that russia actually attacked because the Ukrainian Army was preparing to return to donbass. So everything is much more complicated than it seems. And when they say that russia invaded ukraine, this is a fact; it seized territory that does not belong to it. Thats true, but this territory. That elections to parliament, the european parliament, and barel still want to be in this european paradise and so on, which has long been has turned into a terrible jungle, well, its not ordinary biden who needs to somehow get reelected, so we need to maintain this situation until november, and bidens closest associates are talking about this, we have already repeated it, but for the ukrainians i want to repeat once again that it is not about saving ukraine , the same Boris Johnson openly says citizens of germany, so there are no restrictions in ukraine on citizens of germany and france, klychko says, yes, i have children, please, lets go ahead as mercenaries. But they take care of their children, so in this case, when this all came out in the form of a law on burial, the people understood that they urgently need to save themselves, these queues at the consulate immediately gave impetus to zelensky and this gang, guys, if they get it done in this month, and the law provides for a deferment of his legal authority, well we will enter into legal force for one month, they understood, in a month they will formalize everything, they put everything in queues, then for the first time. You have all gone through the procedures and are already waiting to receive the document, they come and say it wont happen, but this is generally a conflict, three options exists, the first option is, of course , to move to ukraine to die there, this is the only way, so to speak, the direction, no one wants, the second option is to find gray options, in europe this is there, you can buy passports there, and so on, and the third option it will be ask for political asylum in moldova, and moldova, wherever you are. Not just this one, i have a plant, but where to put them, there will be more of them, where we will put them in 100 correctional institutions in ukraine, there are about 80 thousand places, of which 45 to 50 are already filled, there are still free places left, yes, that is, we really need to create a concentration camp, maybe somewhere like once in chile there will be barbed wire in the stadiums and so on, where you will put them, people dont want to, but a trend has already emerged, i think its possible its stable to say when. Because heres an exception to the mobilization law, the amendment on demobilization is the coolest law that no one in the military liked, they only recruited 227 servants of the people 175, Everything Else must be collected at the expense of these like this say groups that they also want to take part in this government, but the americans have already sent markara there, she is on vacation at a short distance, so to speak, so that suddenly. Not only me, but when you talk about the fact that the ukrainians will give someone a bribe for. For someone to write off the states debts, are you serious, you said that about the ukrainians, well, theyll take it. People, they are saving ukrainian statehood, they absolutely dont care how much of the population remains there, or whether it will remain there at all or not, whether there will be ukrainians among them, its theirs doesnt care either, for them it is politically important in any form, within any borders, to preserve this statehood, this is their strategy for victory, they can sell it as a victory, so putin wanted to deprive ukraine of statehood, and we preserved it, no matter what the borders are , but we saved it, this is their way out of this from this situation. Well, thats how they see it, i, for example, i dont know what biden will come up with in a month and a half there, relatively speaking, to present his strategy for ending the ukrainian conflict, justifying allocation of the next financial tranche, so to speak, for ukraine. Well, i dont know, i think biden doesnt know either, well, to be honest, i dont know what he will come out with, because there is no strategy for victory, except that maybe he will identify as one of the goals of preserving the state without taking into account what what is there on the territory of this this. Neither a prosecutor, nor a policeman, nor a customs officer, nor an employee of the president ial apparatus, nor an official, nor a governor, you will not find anyone there, because these people who lived in ukraine, they did not feed from the state, this well, its like, they were an active part of Ukrainian Society that moved this economy somewhere forward, yes, well, relatively speaking, working there in small, mediumsized businesses and so on, they left. These are people who paid taxes on the territory of ukraine, did not steal from the budget, were not tied to the budget, but paid taxes to the budget. I want to ask a simple question who is more patriotic . Those who left ukraine, yes, well, whats their name back in the day, and they ve been going there for decades, like the people from zarabedka, yes, thats who, who are more patriots, the zarabed residents who left. Prosecutors and so on, these are the ones who stole this money from the budget, converted it into dollars and took it outside the country, well, tell me who is the patriot here, well, it seems to me, here, in my opinion, the answer is absolutely obvious, so i dont i condemn these people who left, they dont want to be involved in everything thats happening to the country, they definitely didnt see the future of ukraine like that, definitely not like that, and pay attention, here. From visafree to without a home, alone the step turned out to be, people were left without a home, without their property, families were torn apart, children there, grandchildren there, people havent seen each other for years, all this is the result of the policy that zelensky is pursuing, although in fact, im sure, the vast majority, well im 100 sure of this, they definitely didnt expect such a result from zelensky, well, thats definitely not why they went to the elections. So that he would create this kind of hell that he created for them, traces of battles in full view, and i didnt think twice, that is, i called, they told me to come, i arrived, i didnt even know where i was ill get in, a tor for salim at the reception, okay, well wait another 3 minutes, we wont get in like that, we wont get in, the main thing is not to hit our own people, thats it, then commander, i went to the front line, neither for money nor for coercion, but a man to accomplish a feat will not be. Now what was in our grandfathers is awakening in people, this is not a duty, it is a need and a right, the right to defend ones homeland. Yes, well, look, if you take how many people see the future of ukraine, well, here are simple statistics, even before the second maidan, before the thirteenth year, we were already sladimir nikolayevich was discussed when in ukraine

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