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Is located along the borders, administrative boundaries of the former donetsk region, respectively, the sanitary zone should be located along the territory, at least dnepropetrovsk region, but again taking into account taking into account the weapons that the enemy will have at that time, taking into account the range, and we see various kinds of discussions or statements from the western. All legal procedures are taking place , meaning for the production all the necessary documents so that the award procedure can be launched, but on a practical level, and the medals are already being produced, all those who actually had a direct connection to the liberation will be awarded. Should remain without a welldeserved reward. Denis vladimirovich, a question about avdeevka itself, is there any progress regarding mine clearance, the supply of water, electricity, and humanitarian aid . In avdeevka, the situation began to unfold according to the scenario that had already been worked out for us, interaction and work to provide assistance to the liberated settlement, now we can say that the process of mine clearance is underway. The engineering troops have become very actively involved, and here we see that it has already been neutralized quite a large number ammunition, and mines, and this, of course , allows us to engage in another type of activity, and those departments that are responsible for restoring electricity, are responsible for restoring gas supply, are responsible for restoring water supply, this is exactly what they are working on now. Already partially supplied, but for it is important for us that everyone is provided, citizens are also provided with generators, fuel for these generators, and hygiene items, they are also provided with medical care, these processes have already begun, it is important for us now to carry out, ill tell you, a medical examination of the population who is in vdeevka, and of course, processes are underway. Your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so hes a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, we have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to go to moscow, write down the missing anonymity, no, that wont do, i came for him, i have to find him, hope markina, youre really on it. And we are the creators of the russia 2062 headquarters project free thought. Together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. See you in the future. In the belgorod region, the consequences of shelling by the Ukrainian Armed forces are being eliminated; the day before, ukrainian troops attacked the region several times, and the village of oktyabrsky was hit by drones. Eight people did not receive it, and now our correspondent igor pikhanov is in direct contact from there. Igor, hello, what is known about the condition of the victims and what are the overall consequences of the terrorist attack by the armed forces of ukraine. Hello vera, lets start with the fact that today, about an hour ago, ukrainian militants again fired at belgorod, hitting the residential sector. This time a multiple launch rocket system was also used. Now we are in the private sector of a settlement, shells exploded next to residential buildings, next to cars, there is damage, let me show you the crater now, it is about 3 m deep, its diameter is probably about ten, this is a huge crater, this the place where the projectile hit, part of which this projectile hit uh, in a swampy area and thus this projectile. Entered deep into the ground and thus extinguished the blast wave and the earth protected people from deadly fragments, residential buildings are located behind those bushes, this is probably just to seal up their windows, remove the windows, they are trying now people are in shock, they are trying to seal the openings with plastic film in order to somehow retain heat in residential buildings, its still the same on the street, despite the fact that this is the Southern Region of russia, despite the fact that here. Its still cold here, too ukrainian militants nearby a part of a shell or perhaps a fragment hit a public transport stop, there was a bus driving there after the alarm signal, it was completely packed with people, it was the morning rush hour, and the driver heard the alarm signal, stopped in time, took people out into the street, asked them to go into a concrete shelter and at that moment right here. This bus was hit by a huge fragment, fortunately none of the people were injured, now the Operational Services are working at all such points, finding out if there are victims, they are also finding out if after this explosion, the dangerous parts of these shells did not explode, lets give the floor to a local resident, an eyewitness to this incident, there were no fragments, its obvious that they arrived. Here in front of the building, from there fragments or a shock wave came here, well, in principle, everyone was intact at the stops, no one was hurt. The night before, ukrainian militants also shelled the border area, the village of oktyabrsky came under attack, eight people were wounded there, judging by the video that was distributed by eyewitnesses on social networks, ukrainian militants used against civilians. Additional supplies, repairs are also underway on electrical networks, governor vyacheslav glodkov previously reported in his telegram channel that the power supply was damaged in 13 settlements, there was also a kamikaze drone strike, the village of bagun, a town, a car was damaged there, repair and restoration work is going on everywhere, lets give the floor to the head of the region, vyacheslav golotkov, Power Engineers are trying to restore power supply, i hope that the work will be completed, but there is still time to complete these there is enough work to be done. Igor, thank you, our correspondent rikhanov was in direct communication from the belgogorod region. 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How has Infrastructure Development affected life on the peninsula . Vera, hello, the changes are colossal, we are essentially talking about a different economy and a new quality of life for people. Today, crimea and sevastopol celebrate decades as part of modern russia. On march 18 , 1914, an agreement was signed on the return of the peninsula to its historical homeland. The decision united the entire country and became a turning point both for the crimeans and sevastopol residents themselves, and for residents of other regions of russia. It was possible to realize one of the most ambitious plans to build a bridge across the kerch strait. The idea itself arose under nicholas ii, but then nothing came of it. The soviet government did not succeed either. And in may 2018 , the construction of the automobile part of the crimean bridge was completed. And in december 2019 railway. A longstanding problem has been resolved. With the advent of the bridge, crimea ceased to be cut off from the rest of the country and dependent on its then silent northern neighbor. Ukraine, in parallel on the peninsula, built a new fourlane highway tavrida, the former road from kerchevsimferopol over the years kievs economy fell into disrepair, as a result, the new route relieved congestion on the main highways and significantly speeded up movement throughout the region. Simferopol airport has changed beyond recognition. The old building of the fifties, more reminiscent of a cultural center, was replaced by a modern aerovocal complex with an area of ​​78. M, built. And in less than 2 years, literally in an open field. For obvious reasons, this airport, like some others in the south of the country, is now temporarily closed, but as soon as the reception of ships resumes, the flow of passengers will again will be at. Its peak, as it was in the first years of operation of the new terminal. If we speak in the dry language of numbers, then over 10 years crimeas gdp has grown by more than 4. 2 times. The Manufacturing Industry has increased by 2. 5 times, shipbuilding has increased almost six times, and the average wage has almost tripled. Such data was provided by senator from crimea olga kovitedi. The volume of investment in the crimean economy is colossal. Experts say there are no such changes on the peninsula. Never existed, the infrastructure was expanding, which literally survived a revolution, that is, crimea literally experienced an infrastructural revolution, because it, this infrastructure turned out to be at a qualitatively different level than it was during the period of postsoviet ukraine, so crimea now has great potential, besides, russia supported everything related to industry, shipbuilding, ship repair areas, ukraine did not need this industry, because as we know, the main idea. In general of ukraine is that the west is civilized, it will give everything, yes, impressive indicators have been achieved in many ways thanks to massive investments in infrastructure. From 15 to 23 , about 430 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the road transport network. During this time , almost 300 km of new roads were built, 4,000 were repaired. When i first came to crimea in the fifteenth. Year, the roads there were quite terrible and, moreover, in the city limits outside of it, now new sites are appearing, that is, from the point of view of the quality of life, a comfortable urban environment, as they say, everything is of course progressing forward, and this applies not only to the federal city of sevastopol, but also to villages there in the bakhchesarai region, anywhere. Gave impetus not only to the development of tourism, but to the entire production sector of crimea. First of all, this is the Food Industry and winemaking, which accounts for almost a third of the regional product, as well as the chemical industry, mining and mechanical engineering. Today, more than 2. 0 enterprises on the peninsula are engaged in production, which provides jobs for 100,000 people. Helped the development of industry solving Energy Supply issues; until the fourteenth year, crimea was considered to have an energy shortage. Wellfed, provided himself with only 15 of electricity. In the fall of 2015, ukraine staged an energy blockade. In response to this, an energy bridge was launched from the mainland from the krasnodar territory, and they began to build their own generating capacities on the peninsula. In 2019, tauride and baloklavskoe tes were launched. Maximum generation reached almost 3,000 mw, so today crimea and sevastopol provide not only themselves. Electricity is supplied to. Neighboring already russian, kherson and zaporozhye regions. Well, the main industry of crimea remains tourism. Positive changes in infrastructure cannot but attract travelers, even despite temporary difficulties with air travel. It is enough to look at yalta to see how yalta has changed since 1914. The city has turned from being empty, abandoned, so poor and touristy, into a thriving one. The city is straight. Is being transformed, transport is being transformed, roads are being built, crimea is developing, this is the development of crimea, economic its development is the result, of course, of a lot of work, possible only within russia. And the main recipients of all changes were and remain 2. 5 million citizens, residents of crimea and sevastopol. For their sake, roads are built, new enterprises are launched, and completely different opportunities open up. Today we have the crimean bridge, today we have the tavrida highway, today we have the simferopol airport, which is not yet working, today you dont have to stand in line to get into kindergarten, today we have super cool schools, teachers who are always were cool, today we have tavrida ark this is our youth space, today we have a revived arctek, today we have joy, we have freedom, we have the opportunity to create. The triumph of historical justice is also supported by practical observations of what happened and what has become of the peninsula over the past 10 years , in order to draw your own conclusions, just go and see, those who have seen know that crimea under ukraine and crimea together with russia are two different crimeas. You can check a car before purchasing using scanning vision, and who is not there, through the auto library according to twentyfive criteria. Its safer to buy from alito auto shop. Loan with cashback. 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