The upcoming president ial elections in russia are exacerbating the hysteria of the west, the European Parliament hypocritically declare that they will not follow them and comment on the electoral process, although stoltenberg is right there. Part of the west has come to terms with the fact that it was not possible to achieve a violent change of government in russia. American analysts recognize the consolidation of society around the president and predict that whoever leads russia in the future will be putins heir. The bet that it would be possible to divide the elites also did not work. Europe is not calms down at the same time. The Baltic States have found a bold solution. Prime minister of latvia. Latvian accent, although i dont really know the latvian accent, i confuse them a little. You are a catfish all the time. A few days ago, the pope called on the president of ukraine to raise the flag of peace and come to an agreement with putin. Is it possible . Dad climbed into the garden, which no one invited him to. I believe that now is not the time to call on ukraine to surrender. On the contrary, now is the time to continue helping kiev. Yes, and betray him to this disgusting scum in human form rbarelku anathemi, well, well, imagine , now dad, they dont know how to do that, well, dad, now he goes out onto the balcony of the vatican, its different there volodya, there, of course, but i think its the holy inquisition. It used to be a louse, but now it will be, that is, well, just think about it, but it was invented by an idiot, purely, i dont know how they do it in spanish, in italian, it would be simple, but the idiot patentatata, that is, well you really are an absolute idiot, well, the main thing is that you found an image that when he comes he will explain what, when he said that he was blooming the garden is the eec, and the vaticanto is not part of the eu, so they say, who called you to the garden dan brown. The vatican jungle, yes, yes, no, dan brown and the author from bareles gardens are amazing , they want us to talk to these people in all seriousness, who dont even have their own lives, come to think of it, macron is holding a press conference, explaining something. Then about france and ukraine, where is france, where is ukraine, donc ca nest pas une fiction et ca nest pas loin de nous, ce qui sest passe donc. Toutes ces options sont possibles, le seul qui aura la responsabilite, cest le regime du cremelin, ce ne sera pas nous, jamais nous ne menerons doffensive, jamais nous ne prendrons linitiative, nous ne sommes pas dans lescalade. Nous, nous ne sommes pas en guerre contre la russie, simplement, il faut etre clair, nous ne devons pas laisser la russie gagner. His country is on fire, no, for some reason he needs to make sure that few people are dying, today the ministry of defense gave a breakdown of how many foreign mercenaries died, and there are numbers there that show that its a joke ran out. The poles have a thousand, well , thats a joke, the poles have 14. To st. Petersburg, and, by the way, from st. Petersburg to moscow too, that is, it goes from there to there, we wont stop it, its in between, its no longer interesting, well, at a meeting with members of the government we also talked about the economy, Economic Growth in january was 4. 6 of gdp growth, while last year we had 3. 6, overall a very satisfactory, good figure. German tanks with crosses on russian soil this is not participation in the war, or what . Understandable, understandable. Stoltenberg today, of course let it slip, he immediately said that it turns out that attacks on our ships are their victory, that the missiles provided the allies with ponata, but in my opinion, based on this, there should not be a single nato adversary anywhere in the world who is not will receive the most modern and most necessary for. They calmly showed two products at once that develop crazy speed, but i really liked stoltenberg, who said , its clear how much money it cost, ill have to damn it or stoltn for him to say, the russians of course have a dagger , hypersound, but they petrify them they shoot down, well, this is a wellknown cartoon of them, that supposedly they have more than one photograph, our specialists immediately feel joy and laughter, that is, we bring laughter and joy to people. Maybe you can show us how we shot it down , i dont know about petra, but we destroyed a Storage Facility designed to withstand a nuclear weapon, if thats what they mean, thats what stopped the dagger, and that didnt stop it either, but here these tales are connected with the fact that we slammed yet another patriot and it became clear that, to put it politely, the machine of course its good, but its overrated and more than one , its good if you dont know that there are ours, that our s400, of course, well thats. I wont take away mikhail mikhailovichs clave on this , he understands like god, so they wont be into it climb, and of course, our friend trump continues to burn our candidate biden. Our country has never been in such a situation as it is now, putin, as you know, talks about nuclear weapons, he has nuclear weapons, and we have a man who cannot speak, he cannot negotiate, he does not know, he is alive whether he, one day he gives a speech , the next he shouts at everyone like crazy, but everyone says oh, he did it, you know, he did it, he succeeded, but he could barely finish his speech, even that exhausted him , and you are wondering what is going on, this is a very dangerous time for our country, they see how bad and pathetic biden has been, he is the worst president in the history of our country, he is corrupt, he is incompetent , he has used the Justice System as a weapon, to pursue your political opponent, which no one has done before, he is the worst president we have ever had, he is not respected at all, and of course. Its a pity we dont have a supporter of aslins laughter kamala haris today, the dean is busy today, otherwise andrey would , he likes everything when we show kamala, here is kamala especially for him and a difficult epiphany, if the former president is reelected, he openly stated that he intends to use the department of justice as a weapon against his enemies, she continues to laugh, all of us theyll put you in jail, she says. No one can guarantee the safety of American Nuclear installations now, except guys , and what, i think, sparta tag, they could easily cope with the task, also kamala haris, angelo davis, and in general everyone on the list, the main thing then is the fence, mesh netting and thorn, and so on. And they got confused, western politicians got confused, what they got confused about, i ll tell you this, they got confused in their hypocrisy, western politics it was embodied in institutions, in communications, anywhere, in International Treaties , by the way, there is absolute hypocrisy, but there was one nuance while the west was strong, this hypocrisy was perceived, well. In general , the system, well, everyone understands, well, that the west will deceive, everyone understands everywhere in developing countries , the majority, in any case , understood that the west would deceive, but it had to be done. And, in fact, one of the most prowestern countries in southeast asia, which directly said that the western policy towards the conflict in gaza is outright hypocrisy, in relation to netanyahu it is outright hypocrisy, here the world is starting to be, in my opinion , a straight scammer, even there is a very interesting quote, but once again you need to listen to it, but you need to understand that. A person who is generally associated with the western world, dare to point out i suddenly understood something to the representatives of the western world, whom no one elected at all , that is, they kicked dad out of heaven, and kicked him out of the garden, barel expelling dad from the garden, the worst thing is that barel didnt even understand, some. This is a scary story, yes, because people who have no correlation in their heads with their words with their deeds and other words, these are precisely the people who organize very big wars, unplanned wars, yes, where resources are calculated, where they say no, well, were not we are not here sweating, we have to stop here, but the people who act here. You cant even call it emotions, probably, on impulse, on courage, well , on the loss of some, i dont even know, some, some, some kind of stoppers, because thats how they lost all restrictions in what they say, so they begin to lose before our eyes any restrictions in what they do, and in general i will say this, i very. Carefully leafed through so far this means for today their reaction to the interview with vladim Vladimirovich Putin by the way, the preelection statement of vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, but in general they do not understand what is happening with us, they do not understand how we can think about the future of development, we must think from their point of view only about how we will be. Die, we are going to go to the coast of the caucasus , we are going to live, how we are going to really go to st. Petersburg in 2 15, how are we and we suddenly start thinking about how we are the urals and so on, how we are going to develop the country, this is what they they dont understand, but in reality, they now have such a very serious turning point and it is absolutely not a fact that they will come out of it with some new awareness. Because honestly, the whole problem is that i dont see a Single Person there with new, well, brain content, because well, we say there, Donald Fredovich trump is there, yes, he can do it reasonably. Western presses, they have the feeling that theyre just taking it, in the morning they received the temnik and with the same wording as political leaders, that they are transmitting newspapers, into such absolute stagnation, that is , there is no thought, so they cannot break out of that verbal husk that completely entwined them, there is such a confusion, a very unpleasant engineering barrier in which even a tank gets stuck, there is a feeling that they are mentally trapped in this sinkhole and they cant get out of it, they are now generally. Should not lead to an increase in the wellbeing of citizens, but it leads, it leads, they say, this is what happens, you will eat for us, and we can unanimously say, yeah , and we will eat for you too. 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I just didnt take it, you know, its like this, look how technology has arrived, yes there is a system, but many people work, yes, yes, yes, i i was driving, i didnt think about it, im following you , thank you, thank you to vladimir rudolfovich, its calmer, i didnt think about it, i just met there with friends, acquaintances, here with the Electoral Commission, they say, well, what do you want to see how all this happens here and not just watch, but how to take part in this operation, you can take part, but this is just yes, just my dream, it turns out, yes , it turns out, its possible, there is such a system, a mobile voter, here you can be in another region upon request from the Electoral Commission to do all this, well, everything is very fast, good, works well, so i just looked at all this, you know, as if i hadnt heard for 6 days, but theres no time to read, and i havent read practically anything, so i i realized that this is where people live. They work, they fight, they go to elections, without any of this at all, you know, if only he had said there, like at first he forbade himself to talk about it, then he said that no, we still dont recognize the elections, now if only i told these people there in the courtyards of donetsk, who vote that he doesnt recognize something there, but but in principle, the laughter would be just homeric laughter about this, so. Here i am, especially those who are from there, well, yes , yes, where the front has been for 10 years stood opposite this avdeevka, reinforced concrete, well, i drove there with them, its interesting, they advance 1015 kilometers, they advance not only the np, but also the command post, the advanced advance there, in avdeevka itself it was destroyed, of course the troops are somehow located, up to its funny, here are the different divisions

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