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In the city of sovetsky, here it was packaged in bags, then loaded into cars and delivered to the krasnoznamensky district, where the neman flows. Smugglers bought Raw Materials from illegal miners; they ply the baltic sea every day. Together with the police go out on a raid in search of amber poachers. Now we can see two boats, right now we are heading towards them, most likely they are illegally mining amber. This man is wearing a big hat. Wearing a bathing suit, he was most likely engaged in illegal fishing, but managed to unhook the ropes from the boat that held the pipes for soil erosion. The catcher introduced himself with the unusual name koroles and said that he was just fishing. We didnt see any fishing gear in his boat, but we did notice an oxygen tank for a diver, binoculars, to monitor the situation, a green enema, it is needed to wash the amber mined from the garden, as well as a highspeed japanese motor costing hundreds of thousands of rubles. How much does your motor cost . No idea, the purchase of serious and expensive equipment is carried out by wealthy leaders of amber groups, ordinary citizens work for them, the socalled fishcars monitor the situation, they bring divers to the beach in old suvs, such cars can freely drive through sand dunes, the car is completely beaten up, old, for amber seekers it is important that it can travel anywhere, here there is a trailer, they put. A boat on it, now it is not there, in all likelihood it is already plowing the expanses of the baltic sea somewhere. Police regularly seize the main weapon of amber poachers highspeed boats. Amber seekers use a boat motor as a water cannon, remove the propeller, install a nozzle like this, then attach a fire hose to it in order to further erode the soil under water in this way, they say that they are all divers, well we understand perfectly well that. They are engaged in illegal activities. Illegal stone is sold on the black market. In svetlogorsk there are also underground workshops where stolen amber located in garages is processed. A kilogram is estimated at 50. 00 rubles on average. Almost all russian reserves of sunstone are concentrated in the kaliningrad region. The criminal business has gradually evolved. Previously, black moles mined by digging pits. But after the change of governor and heads of Law Enforcement agencies , the moles were struck. Amber miners they were in a hurry, they threw their things right in these boats, so all this is lying here, and it is clear that this is absolutely an instrument for committing a crime. Once upon a time, members of amber groups fought among themselves over the redistribution of spheres of influence, made threats, and burned competitors cars. Thanks to the wellcoordinated work of the police, the number of such crimes has decreased significantly. Decriminalization of the amber sphere is under the personal control of the head of the Regional Department of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander sukrutenko. The fight against these crimes and offenses is a priority today. In 2023, more than 5 tons of raw amber were seized from illegal trafficking; 2020 was a record year. For the second year , more than 15 tons of sunstone were seized; money received from illegal trafficking is usually legalized by smugglers, for example, former deputy zaitsev, about whom we told you about the country at the beginning. Coincidentally owns companies producing amber jewelry, we went to one of zaitsevs stores, the employees seem to adhere to rules, and the boss either does well or nothing. Not exactly in the best interests of the company. The criminal case of Sergei Zaitsev apparently hit the companys interests hard. For air smuggling of a valuable mineral, the former deputy and his probable accomplices could face up to 12 years in prison. This is the payback for those obsessed with amber fever. Lead the duty unit from the kaliningrad region. Today the details of the case of two highranking officials became known. Police officers arrested this week in moscow. Colonels Alexander Karasev and raphael kargizyan was accused of murder. According to investigators, they committed the crime in 2009, when they served together in the Police Department in the omsk region. Both took turns heading the Economic Security department and subsequently karasev and karagizyan ended up in moscow at the academy of the ministry of internal affairs. According to news agencies, police dealt with the general director of an omsk construction company. The officers allegedly owed him 6 million rubles. Decided. The case is being led by the Central Office of the Investigative Committee of russia. About other notable legal events of the past week in brief overview. Andrey romanov. On monday , the first trial in russia against rufer, the organizer of illegal excursions on city rooftops, began in st. Petersburg. Investigators believe that the accused Konstantin Boyko and his accomplices pocketed more than 20 million rubles daily, putting them in danger. The lives of hundreds of people, despite such serious possible consequences, the maximum that the defendant now faces is a fine of up to half a million rubles. During the meeting, boyko admitted his guilt and promised to legally register entrepreneurial activity. On tuesday in kazan, police began an investigation after a mass fight among teenagers in the food court of a local Shopping Center. The young people first sorted things out with words, but soon fists were used. A seventeenyearold girl fell under the hot hand of the aggressors. She received a strong blow to the head, fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Visitors to the Shopping Center say that young people often clash there. This time the argument started over a glass of soda. On wednesday , a prince on white was taken into custody in the kemerovo region mare. The tipsy gentleman decided to hit the heart of his chosen one and came to her on horseback. It is noteworthy that the ladys apartment is located on the fifth floor, along with the beauty, which is the name of the animal that came. Take the elevator, the young lady appreciated the surprise, but the horse was very frightened by the unusual performance, the neighbors heard the noise and informed the police, the creative admirer was given a day of administrative arrest for petty hooliganism. On thursday it became known that the Sverdlovsk Regional Court released from under house arrest of former District Police officer yuri zolotko. He was accused of abuse of power and was fired from the authorities after he reported the inaction of his superiors. Previously convicted repeat offenders began to give testimony, and after a few years they suddenly remembered that zolotko had caused them physical pain. Previously, in one of the cases, the District Court sentenced the former District Police officer to correctional labor, but this decision was overturned. On friday , an investigation into the emergency at spartakis began in sochi. Young skiers were seriously injured during ten kilometer race. The race took place in bad weather conditions, a heavy snow storm covered the region, despite this. The judges did not cancel the womens start; the loose track turned out to be too difficult; the athletes were unable to overcome the downhill course; according to various sources, a total of 18 girls were injured, many with broken arms and bruises. Investigators and the Prosecutors Office are looking into the circumstances of the incident. Andrey romanov, lead the duty department. The scandal in a beauty salon near moscow reached the Investigative Committee of russia. The head of the department instructed to report on the progress investigations. The employees of the establishment complained about the hidden one. A camera that was installed in one of the treatment rooms. The piquancy of the situation is that this was, attention, an office for appealing the bikini zone. The equipment secretly filmed all the clients without clothes, here are supposedly shots from that same salon. The comment is unnecessary. It is curious that the equipment was disguised as a tracking sensor for at least a year; neither the employees, nor especially the visitors , had any idea why exactly this sensor was monitoring. Angry clients contacted police, Law Enforcement officers have already conducted a search. In the salon, according to information agents , there were more than 50 records in the archive. Yes, the terrible power of beauty increasingly frightens rather than attracts, but why history . About unsuccessful cosmetic procedures do not stop women in pursuit of the ideal, our correspondent alina skachkova conducted journalistic experiments and found out that cynical representatives of the beauty business do not even spare children, and it is not easy to prove the doctors guilt. Special report from our program. Cosmetologist from rostovondon, Olga Chernyshova carefully touches her own face. I couldnt, i had to go to clinics, but unfortunately, everyone abandoned me. The victim contacted the police. Olga is a doctor by training, she is sure there is a medical error. A criminal case has been initiated on the basis of a crime of causing grievous bodily harm through negligence. There is a criminal case, but there are no accused in it, despite the fact that three investigators have already been replaced. Doctor avanes cherkizov in the status of a witness. Olga fears that he will get away completely unscathed. Water, behind the status of the status of the surgeon. Uncle, they say, is perhaps the richest deputy of the regional legislative assembly, having such an uncle as vladimir cherkezov, the former minister of agriculture, and the richest man in the rostov region, who was included more than once in the forbes list, he can call someone, someone press. We contacted the doctor to find out his position regarding the former patient, but the conversation did not go well. Im going to deal with this crap. Im not going to at this time. Available to our program turned out to be a video recording made by one of the potential patients. He came for a consultation about possible cosmetic surgery. While smoking an e cigarette, the doctor also spoke about the criminal case against his relatives. I really have a very cool uncle, but he has nothing to do with my career. But she has an uncle who messes with all sorts of vintage scum. And so they decided to serve me for money, for me, an honest person. Doctor cherkizov is trying to explain himself, he says that chernyshova had unsuccessful operations before him, and after complications, he helped the former patient get an appointment with the capitals luminaries of maxillofacial surgery, but no one could correct the mistake. This is where it hurts a lot, how to deal with beauties in the minefield of cosmetology, even if experienced lawyers admit that it is not easy to prove medical error in such cases, beauty masters are sometimes hired illegally and take cash for their services, trouble will happen. And prove that i was actually at the reception. Vladivostok resident anastasia kosenchuk came to the salon for firm buttocks and came out with a purulent inflammation of the fifth point, is now trying to hold doctors accountable. I had an abscess afterwards, that is, it all leaked out, as it turned out that it was lowquality hyaluronic acid in general, it is not certified in any way. The cosmetology market has recently been flooded with gray, highquality products that are difficult and expensive to transport. A few years ago in kirov, fsb officers covered a whole one. A warehouse with fake botox, essentially an organic poison, it was supplied on an industrial scale by three friends, selisi, who work as a directorate of the fsb, selisi, the socalled gang of three blondes killed dozens of women who, instead of beauty, received scars and swelling. The highprofile story reached the court, but in the end the case was closed, the accused ladies were very lucky, the article on the illegal import of drugs was partially decriminalized, no one was ever punished for their disfigured faces. Gray salons with selftaught craftsmen are appearing. So mushrooms quickly open and also quickly close after customer complaints, there is no strict supervision over them, and you can only train as a deputy cosmetologist think about it, in one day, here are several offers on the internet, they even promise to issue a certificate, but the fact that there is no medical education, you can take these courses, well, as an exception, we teach, we dont require confirmation, but how will you work , its up to you to decide what they use. Cynical representatives of the beauty business profit from the terrible power of beauty from womens complexes, they do not spare even children, for example, in this capital salon, judging by the angry reviews on the internet, they are ready to touch up the faces of even schoolgirls, we decided check and came here with a request to enlarge the lips of a tenthgrader, and you just make her 16, the girls here are just 16, its normal , yes, but i dont have 13, i m not proud of it, but its better so that there are no complexes , owner of the lolita treatment room. I didnt even ask the teenager for a passport and took the drug out of the regular refrigerator , it was stored next to the food, we stopped the experiment as soon as the craftswoman grabbed the syringe, how many children have you done lips already, no, i dont. Fix ugly childrens lips, right , no no, we dont deal with lips like this , of course, in the battle for beauty, people have been breaking spears since ancient times, in africa women stretched their necks with rings, in china they bandaged their feet, reducing the size of their legs, doctors shrug their shoulders. The harsh beauty business is deliberately built so that the ideal of beauty can be chased, but never caught up with. The famous metropolitan sculptor ekaterina koval complains that. After cosmetologists , its not even interesting to sculpt one face, it turns out that in the modern world a womans only goal is this like it, it turns out that she cant do anything else, or what . Anna andreevna akhmatova, she has a stunning nose with a hump , that is, any girl would probably cry, maybe she, by the way, also cried over her nose in her youth, but later she showed it as a personal individuality, in other words, learning to love yourself as you are. As you are, is it cheaper and safer . Olga chernyshova from rostov clearly understood this from her own sad experience. The investigation has dragged on, the statute of limitations for the article under which a criminal case has been initiated. If the former beauty cannot be returned, then at least justice, olga hopes, should be restored. Alena skachkov, vitaly melkov and dmitry vishkevich. Lead the duty department. Linden for your beloved or the reverse country of International Womens day. Edgy aftertaste, almost like you. Famous fairy tale the carriage becomes a pumpkin, the horses turn into mice, and the coachman into a fat rat, its all about counterfeit gifts. Of course, we dont look a gift horse in the mouth, but we tried based on our legal reports compiled an antirating of gifts, which most often turn out to be fakes. So, counterfeit flowers come first; not only do they wither quickly, but they can also. Cause allergies. Experts found a harmful insect in this bouquet of mimos. Thrips. The gift turned out to be soso. Sucking microorganisms are dangerous not only for plants, but also for people. Trying to juice plants. And can transmit viral diseases. In second place in the antirating of fake gifts in perfumery. As a rule, the aromas of Famous Brands only on the labels outside. Inside there is an odorous mixture of alcohol, dyes and preservatives, as a result of which lovely ladies have tears, runny nose and itching. There may be attacks of migraine, headache, and also severe allergic reactions up to the occurrence of anaphylactic shock and, so to speak, death. Bronze in our antirating is given to jewelry, unfortunately, not even bronze, but metal, plastic and. Other pseudovaluable, pseudo expensive. Diamonds are a girls best friend, and sometimes they turn out to be props make stone from bottle glass , they even proved to me, that is, that you couldnt give it to me, i say, well, i dont know, costume jewelry, i say, you have. This gold collection from istanbul got into the mineral waters illegally, rings, earrings, bracelets, chains, all fake, and this is footage of a special operation by employees of the fsb department of the kostroma region. A local resident tried to illegally sell precious metal worth 2 million rubles. If you say that it is too late to give fur coats in the spring, women will not agree, many would not mind getting an arctic fox, beaver or ermine, fur, and often sad laughter from its acquisition in the fourth position of our postholiday antirating. On march 8 , i bought a fur coat for my wife, it turned out to be koshatina, the woman who received a gift from you. She wont say come on, take this fake for yourself, because this isnt a real fur coat or a car or something, in my opinion, its actually best to give a woman money, because a woman always knows better what to buy for her. Well you cant argue with the last argument, but if the gift has already turned into a nightmare and you realize that you have handed over a counterfeit product, experts advise contacting rospotrebnadzor, the Prosecutors Office and Law Enforcement agencies. If a lowquality product caused harm. A deadly fire in the capital s flower warehouse, the fire spread 2,500 km, a fire at a flower warehouse in moscow occurred on november 20 , 2022, the flames instantly. Engulfed the ancient hangar, i heard calls for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out, the temperature was very high, everything thats there everything was inside, everything was destroyed by fire, seven people were trapped, burned alive, everything was burned, well, even the bones, there was nothing to know there, another raid begins, and information also appeared that this publication was stolen with 20 million rubles, i am the director, this my company, this is my responsibility, he. He now has to live with this for the rest of his life, with the feeling that he killed people. What caused the fire . A trifle led to serious consequences. Why did people die and how does the flower business work in russia . We took up this matter and conducted our investigation. Legendary actor alec bouldwin turned out to be innocent. A verdict has been handed down in the United States in the case of a highprofile murder on the set of the film rust. A scandalous story in which he found himself at the center. For negligent attempt to conceal evidence, a jury sentenced her to 18 months in prison. The Court Decision has already affected the american film industry. Correction by music, convicts from the mazhai womens colony in the Moscow Region attended the shamans concert. Such an unusual gift for 8th march artist Yaroslav Dronov presented it to the ladies who found themselves behind bars. This concert became a vivid example of the humanization of punishment, because even women who have entered the law have the right to a holiday. Convict ekaterina babushkina looks out the window in anticipation. In the mozhaisk womens colony, 100 km from moscow, International Womens day turned out to be unusual. The popular singer yaroslav drunov, known under the pseudonym sham, gives a Charity Concert in a closed special institution. Women are preparing to meet the artist. Ekaterina will get a cosmetic bag, a mirror, comb. She believes this holiday should be celebrated in a special way. A young woman, a seamstress by profession, came here 4 years ago for drug trafficking. A crime, i wasnt a mother yet, and probably didnt fully understand what i was doing, a child is now for me, this is the most important thing in my life, i no longer have the right to make a mistake, ekaterina babushkinas friend is also ekaterina, only makarova, also serving time for drugs, she dreams of a quick release, a meeting with her mother and a house by the sea, todays concert for both, as a reminder of the life left behind barbed wire, well , of course, we are already girls, of course. Decided to braids festively unusual well for you, well, heres your friend helping you and how why is it going ill say thank you and you re doing very well thank you very much a long time ago in general we were at concerts a long time ago five years ago so whats the first in 5 years the first in 10 summers and what kind of what things do you need . Well, the sensations are different, but of course the excitement comes first, and wash yourself, im looking forward to it, after beautifying, the two catherines are going to the club where there will be concert, the main thing is not to ruin your hair, yes, great, well, lets go, lets go, the women also came to the concert not emptyhanded, both are fond of creativity and expressed their gratitude to the singer on canvas, this is the gift the girls prepared for the shaman, they painted them themselves, its a surprise , the singer hasnt seen them yet, but she. Showed them in secret. There are no empty seats in the hall, 200 convicts came to listen to their favorite performer, those who had no penalties took the path of correction, and then a shaman appears on the stage. Hello, the singer brought to the colony not only their songs, but also a huge bouquet of tulips. On International Womens day , no woman was left behind. Another gift from the artist for the new song mom. The performer published it the day before on the internet. First performance live. Bomb, a good gift for the holiday, chic, in general this is not in our conditions, in our circumstances, you cant imagine a better one, yes, will you remember this for a long time on march 8th . Ekaterina babushkina and Ekaterina Makarova presented the artist with their gift, those same paintings, the surprise was a success, these paintings will be mine especially dear ones, thank you for your attention , to be honest, im somehow not even used to receiving gifts, and especially on march 8th, on the contrary, but i will consider that todays concert, todays holiday, which i hope was a success, was my gift to you , huge, thank you, thank you, thank you, i, to be honest, it wasnt enough for me, i would of course, uh, continue to sing. Girls and women will obviously remember this concert for a long time. And you, for the rest of my life. Women are serving their sentences for the first time in the mazhai colony those who have broken the law. There is a Childrens Home on the territory, there are babies born after their mothers heard the verdict. Convicts are engaged in creative work, work in clothing production, and produce special clothing. The administration of the special institution sincerely believes that many. Women will rethink their lives. This event is very important for educational work, as it gives our women the opportunity to prepare for further liberation and resocialization. After the concert, the convicted women dispersed into groups in honor of holiday they were released from work. Ekaterina babushkina will be released in just a few days. Her friend Ekaterina Makarova also hopes to go home this year. The shamans concert is a vivid example of the humanization of punishment that the president spoke about, because convicted women also have the right to a holiday, even behind barbed wire. Daniel sukhoru. And thats all for us, follow the legal news, even on weekends in telegram channels an honest detective will be on duty, the premiere awaits you, a new investigation of eduard petrov, flowers, money and fire. Stay on russia24. Flowers, money and fire, metropolitan researchers have found out all the details of the deadly fire at the flower base. Hello in the studio, this is

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