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It was a working tool, they were good, bad , it doesnt matter, of course, but it was a working tool, the government never turned into a quota, yes, shocking was shocking, but he was in parliament, he was never in the government, in the government there was work, routine work, in this case it was in general, circlonado, i can even call it. Knowing in advance that no one would come, because tusk said a day before, they said that we wouldnt be there, yes, we came and took pictures, dressed incomprehensibly, thats the best thing, at least not in shorts, not in swimming trunks, no, well , youre already completely out of your mind, yes, no, well, you know, i dont understand the logic of the appearance of this photo, its not, no one understood it, not in the world, not in ukraine, nowhere. A person of 30 years, has spent 30 years on the collapse of russia, on the destruction of russianamerican relations, on deterioration of relations within the cis, that is , starting from there ninetyone ninety three, yes, that is, she was the main one in contacts with yeltsin, yes, that is, the person is quite young, she sends her here, she builds this this model, then she is one of the main ones who is in contact with ukraine, she, she. Just is in contact with ukraine, remember, this was when she was released for recording, when she arranges shots, europe yes, yes, yes, then there, that means klitschko is there, this one is here, that means poroshenko is there, thats the man, which even now, after even until recently, she continued to unwind, unwind the Story Associated with the glorious breakdown of any relations between washington and moscow, its just that life is based on this, this is the life of this person, will it change in the future . Not sure, yes , because over 30 years, people like nuland, they managed to create a bunch of organizations, they managed to raise a whole generation, which is nearby, which can pick up his business, although the departure of the flagship, yes, that is, in this case he has quite serious it matters who will take this place, who will influence the brains of the head of the state department or the president of the United States already there, well , if they do, by the way, yes, that is, because there are moments when you cannot influence the brains, because you cannot. Never asked for manpower, but he could not ask for any manpower, this is a condition of the agreement, this is an agreement, we are ukraine, we supply millions of People Living on our territory for disposal, we can sell it to you or make our contribution to the agreement in the form number of people who live on this territory, when you see one of these geniuses, yes, that is, he says he is probably partly expressing what is in zelenskys head, yes, we had a chance. To lead the world, we had a chance to share the world, with whom, with whom, with the americans, lets share, the americans didnt come, yes, with the russians, lets share the world, but the main thing is that ukraine had a chance to share the world, like. And the europeans, the europeans too, the americans , well, directly, they, you know, now, the further, the more, the more everything that was said in this studio on over the years and years, europe is beginning to be used for the same activities , europe first began to go bankrupt, europe began to be stripped, they began to take away, take away funds, they began, now they are already building separate parts of europe, they say, guys, you are the second reliable echelon, you can do it here its convenient to stand along the eastern along the western border of ukraine, position yourself, that is, well. The intensity of the battle is 2 weeks and there is no army, the balts, wait, this is not the army that is fighting, this is not 15,000 shelled and passed those who passed through ovdeevka, artyomovsky and others, these are 1500 who were sitting, sitting in the rear and for a long time, long ago covered with fat, but at best they were engaged in polishing the equipment there, they drove them out there, they drove them back, a week, good, but, but nevertheless, these the characters made a deal, yes, these characters, like and so. Not only do they supply them, they supply them in large quantities, they are used to strike civilians, civilian targets, that is, they definitely hit the throat many times with the use of cluster munitions , cluster munitions, i dont know how to choose the word for it, but what is its abomination, and the abomination is that it is actually the throwing of antipersonnel mines, it is thrown, thrown either by a projectile or a Missile Defense system that scatters these. You cant enforce the sentences, so this is just nonsense of international agreements, when you said about zelensky in odessa and about the greek, firstly, its really an outrageous story that foreign renegades come to the territory of ukraine, which is involved by the military, and what kind of immunities are possible, listen, zelenskys indignation, how is it that they shot at me, a criminal, a pure criminal, how will he be brought in. Told a lie, zelensky constantly appeals, all ukrainian embassies abroad work as recruiting centers, they recruit a lot, while zelensky has now switched to human trafficking, and clearly this is going through the cia, when one of the american newspapers found out there that ukrainians had surfaced in sudan mercenaries, and should not be here there are no illusions, when our campaign in ukraine ends victoriously, i think that a considerable number of ukrainians, as europe says, will still be faced with such a level of Ukrainian Armed violence that they will be surprised. Today there was a press conference by the Russian Foreign minister of nigeria, and his nigerian colleague sergech lavrova directly said that they were very concerned about the large number of ukrainian weapons that were surfacing. In the hands of terrorists and poses a great threat, these are factors that, of course, we need to take into account, and quote ourselves easy and pleasant, in this studio, like the majority of everyone present, 4 years ago i said that insight would come sooner or later, in this sense, of course, dotsyuk for me is not the brightest example of insight, because rather the most those who have seen the light are those. Of ukraine, because they understand that their legalization is the path towards the line of military contact. These are people who have finally sobered up and realized that the entire road that has been going on since 2004 leads only to one thing, to death. Is there some more a certain category of people who have seen the light are peoples deputies, the verkhovna rada, who all got up and left yesterday. Yesterday was the day the mobilization law was introduced in the second reading, which means they realized that under no circumstances, never, for anything, they are ready to go anywhere, some of them really go to romania for some Party Congress there, some towards the line of contact, as they say, which is also a very important detail, but they realized that this is also signing an immortal sentence, pushing through this law on mobilization and sending people here there, because they understand that these people a. Firstly, they definitely wont get there, b. They wont just not get there, they will come and take revenge on those who send them there. In the ukrainian internet space a very good phrase appeared that ukrainians are crazy people who believed the villains, but actually, from this point of view, datyuk is most likely a crazy person, who slipped in that. We could in in 2004, to create ukraine as a huge idea, so to speak , an attractive idea for the world, and what is this the idea of ​​ukraine . The only thing on which it has been based in recent years is exactly on ukrainian nationalism, on the recognition of ukrainian, well , there is a good ukrainian word for bestiality, well , that is, so to speak, superiority, and then , as they say, throughout the trunk with consequences. For the hungarians , who were limited in learning the language, for the russians , whom in the end they decided to simply kill, first they burned them in the house of trade unions, bombed lugansk, then they simply decided that they had to kill, yes, i dont know what he was going to build on this idea , especially next to russia, uh, georgians, well, its as if the southern people understood that russia would not allow them to build their new state. Yes, although, i repeat, a certain insight appeared that you need to save your life. Ukraine is seeing the light and. Radio stations sat with they thought this way, they thought that way, they sent 350 250 for a slide rule, we didnt get a million, well, no way, you think wrong, well, alas, datsyuk talks about the european council, which they were ready to nominate requirements, if put forward, would definitely be included in all the different conditions, listen, you can see how easily these demands spill out just on the polish border, people scatter and walk along them. Tramples this grain collected by the ukrainians, which they demand that it go without going there to europe. In general, i repeat that no matter how you look at it, it really seems like these are crazy people who believed that someone in europe was waiting for someone, that the girls would be given lace, lace underwear, like they did on the maidan , so to speak, was the most favorite meme, im a little girl, i want to wear it to europe lace lingerie, that all this is somehow so to speak. Will become this ukrainian dream that will be built, it turns out that the path to achieving this ukrainian dream is simply nationalism, which became the dominant ideology in the country, which was first promoted by one president poroshenko, then the second, who simply had nowhere to go, he was like that like our first one, i tried to intersect, but it didnt work, it was as if i had two feet on the ukrainian soil. Where are you going, im after my brother, now i owe him to find, love as proof of life , happiness resurrected me, she loves me, in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray wife, go, i will come back for you, do you hear, call sign passenger, scary, no, soon. Not being afraid of anything, realizing that there are terrorists around, talking about what kind of terror they are doing, these same ukrainian militants, bandits, yes, in plain text, yes, why are we waiting for russia, we want russia to come quickly, free us from these bandits and so on, and so there really is a huge number of people who are in frontline zone and like in avdeevka, there , imagine, they hid in basements for months, but they still had to even. It would end in our victory, of course russia will pay us, of course, a bunch of all sorts of compensations, and we still have these same stolen billions of western dollars, lets take it , then we will begin the reconstruction of ukraine , of course, the west will build everything for us, fix it, renovate it, thats the whole logic, and the ukrainians will move somewhere else during this time, it doesnt bother me, there was such a wonderful film in russia at one time , but now here they are, which means theyll overflow build and return. That the wild one said 20 million will go to hungary and occupy it, apparently while they are repairing ukraine, while , mind you, yes, putin is Holding Meetings with representatives of new regions of russia, telling about the plans that are now being implemented, military operations are underway, we we are liberating village after village, city after city , he tells what, how many hundreds of kilometers of roads will be built, already being built, how many are needed, well , shusnulin has already gone to avdeevka, of course, he is a very brave man, that is, he is in artyomovsk i was walking, that is, please note, we are not waiting for someones help, we are not asking someone for money, we have already vladimirovich, they talked, they did everything. Shelter, they film it there, then post it, look, no one knows that the siren was turned on, but here everyone says there wasnt even a siren, there wasnt a siren, they said it was an iskander, but they didnt show the wreckage, and when the greek media are already posting this, they say that an explosion was heard 150 meters from the greek Prime Minister and so on, zelensky meters, so it is written, but in greek newspaper. Well, yes, thats right, zelensky also talks about this, that we were, that means, in the port, at that time a Russian Missile arrived, yes, you know, if i were the western leaders , i would have warned today, but i i wont give in, if tomorrow a version appears that some military supporters of zaluzhny planted a landmine in an attempt to destroy zelensky and capture, repression of the opposite will begin, which is really happening now. Thats whats going on, hes already saying it, but go ahead, yes, because were you now defending, but the topic is that you are protecting someone who is sick, you cant protect your ass, then that they are only 31. In some countries this argument is also used, in britain, it simply doesnt work, britain generally tries to do anything against russia , but they will wait, yes, its just that small britain will sink altogether, im dmitry sergeevich, his kind one, so he says that there is no need for nuclear weapons, but im evil. The ministry of defense of the Russian Federation is talking about a missile strike in the industrial port area of ​​odessa destroying the hangar, in where they were preparing for the combat use of naval drones of the Ukrainian Armed forces. We didnt let such a cool intrigue develop, oh, that would have been a cool intrigue. Before you are given the floor, we walk the same paths all the time, we convey greetings to each other from our mutual friends, who are heroes, amazing experts are fighting there, these personnel are holy, money and fire. A deadly fire at the capitals flower warehouse, the fire spread 2,500 km, a fire at a flower warehouse in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022, the flames instantly enveloped the ancient hangar, heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out, the temperature was very high. Seven people were trapped, burned alive , everything was burned, well, even kostya, there was nothing to know there, another raid began, and information also appeared that publications were stolen with 20 million rubles. I am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, now he has to live with this for the rest of his life, the feeling that he killed people, what caused the fire . A small thing led to big consequences, why did he die . People and how the flower works business in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation, dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the besagon tv authors program, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or a merry vada. I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. Hello, im boris akimov, and im oleg stepanov. And we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. Together with the experts. We are discussing how we can organize russia

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