Those involved in terrorist crimes, at the site of the clash, special forces and terrorists were found and weapons and ammunition and ieds, and the Information Center of the National Antiterrorism Committee reports as a result of the mnak operational headquarters in the republic of ingushetia during the counterterrorist operation , six militants were neutralized, and previously blocked by fsb special forces in a highrise apartment. Highrise buildings, and the identities of the bandits have been previously established; according to available data, they are adherents of the International Terrorist organization isis and were involved in a number of terroristrelated crimes, including an attack on a Traffic Police post and the murder of three Police Officers in march 2023. The identities of the bandits have been previously established. According to available data, they were adherents of the International Terrorist organization isis and were involved. To a number of terrorist crimes, including an attack on a Traffic Police post and the murder of three Police Officers in march 2023. Three of them, including the gang leader, were on the federal wanted list. There were no casualties among Law Enforcement officers or civilian casualties. During the inspection of the clash site , automatic weapons, ammunition, grenades and an improvised explosive device were discovered. Now how they got there is how they got to karabulak and all the details of their activities continue to be clarified, operatives are working on the spot, and we are monitoring the course of events. Yes, bulat, thank you, our correspondent, bulat shakeyev, was in direct contact with the studio from ingushetia. In kazan, at the international multisport tournament, the games of the future are today. Stas radikultsev, he is in direct contact with the scene. Stas, hello, how are the competitions going . Yes, even, greetings, well, now the light laser music show is literally ending, which accompanies absolutely every start at the games of the future, its really brightly emotional, very. Beautiful and innovative, in football combined football, now literally in a few moments the match will begin, for third place the russian team phoenix, which includes a World Champion in beach soccer, there are two exfootball players of the russian premier league, alexander shishukov and roman shishkin, and today the team from mexico is opposing them. Mexicans, by the way, also took part in digital hockey, although the compositions are different, but. Football and hockey, in general, team sports, are probably one of the most understandable for spectators at the games of the future, there is an endtoend score, that is , what has been played in cyberspace is transferred to a real football field, well and here in kazan expo the city of games of the future continues to operate, the opportunity is available for spectators to play, look a little into the future in creativity, everything related to innovation, technology, not only their. Games, but science, and simply interesting activities human, all this is available here, but we also talked with visitors to the city of igor of the future, of course, the results will already be summed up, but it is known that more than 100 people, 1000 people visited the games of the future, but this information was a few days ago, i think the numbers , well, if it doesnt double , then it will definitely be 50 percent more, well, in general , these are the emotions with which. The audience, some are getting acquainted, some are already saying goodbye to the games of the future, the impression, of course, is that everything is very cool, everything is very good. Accordingly, here you can have fun at basketball, here i was, the stands were full , the hall was just participating in competitions, in general, to be honest, a very right thing, especially for young people who are hooked on consoles, for the first time it was very interesting, of course, very interesting, so the child was also interested, we just arrived and looked at it, its interesting that we havent looked at everything yet. Head of games of the future, igor stolerov, lets take a look. This impulse of inclusion is embedded in the very dna of the tournament, the game of the future and the figital movement itself. In fact, if you look at it more philosophically and more sensibly highlevel with highlevel parasigma, just figgital, when you have a seamless transition from one reality to another, from physical reality to esports reality, and for people with disabilities. Health opportunities this is exactly the environment in which they will feel comfortable. On the final day of competition at the games of the future, awards are played out in four disciplines, well, at 16 00 moscow time there is a grand show, the closing ceremony of the first games of the future in the history of mankind, we watch the broadcast on the russia tv channel at 16 00 moscow time, be sure to turn it on, it will be very, very interesting. Daria. We will follow the closing ceremony, the results of 10 days of colorful and hightech competitions in kazan, summed up by our correspondent stas radikultsev. The president ial Personnel Program time of heroes aroused great interest, literally from the first hours of its launch. In the first 24 hours alone , more than 14,000 applications were submitted for the project. Let me remind you that the program was created for participants and veterans of special operations. Of them numbers will produce highly qualified leaders. For work in stateowned companies and departments, implements the program on the basis of the senizh workshop with the support of the Higher School of public administration. It plans to accept applications until april 8; all conditions can be found on the website, the address of which is now on the screen. The scandal surrounding the published conversations of the German Military about strikes against russia is acquiring new details. The German Ministry of defense confirmed to journalists that there were negotiations between bundeswehr officers i quote . Captured in the backlash sector and the audio recording is real. The fact that scholz allowed this to happen only shows that his government, quote, has gotten into trouble. This was stated by military journalist florian slade. The bundeschancellor simply sat in a puddle. All this exposes the German Bundeswehr to its partners as an army that is unable to keep secrets. There are questions about why such dangerous political topics are being discussed. The intercepted conversation could create tension between berlin and nato, the wall street journal notes, as the German Military admits that in ukraine us and british soldiers have been fighting for a long time. The nato structure is completely rotten, the alliance is lying to the world, the leader of the french patriots party, florian philippa, wrote this on social networks. Nato has been at war with russia for a long time, everyone is told that this is not so, the politician said. And now the program parliamentary hour will continue broadcasting on our channel. On the air. Russia and saudi arabia are at a new level of development, parliaments support. We need to do Everything Possible on our part to ensure that we contribute to the development of the relationship. Trade turnover of our country with states of the Arabian Peninsula has grown significantly. Our correspondent, alexander laktionov, will talk about relations with the kingdom. Farmers from all over the country are in moscow discussing industry problems with politicians. It drops significantly. Profitability, and today the decision is in the state duma, what experts are betting on, Yana Dobrovolskaya found out, since 2000, the production of milk and meat in small farms has increased significantly, about this and more, see our program. Vladimir putin addressed a message to the federal assembly. The president announced a plan of specific actions for the next 6 years. This program. Development of a strong and sovereign country. The state duma will, as a matter of priority, formulate a legislative framework for resolving the issues raised. The head of state paid special attention to the topics of security and defense of russia, and spoke about largescale investments in the social sphere and the economy. My colleague alexander shavirin will tell you more about the announced plans. 2 hours and 6 minutes. The longest president ial message and one of the most significant , according to experts. Head of state. Set tasks for all branches of power for the years ahead. For the second year in a row , the president s address is held in gostiny dvor and again in an expanded format. In addition to state duma deputies, senators, heads of regions and federal departments, in the hall today are volunteers, participants in a special military operation. Vladimir putin addresses the federal assembly for the nineteenth time. Sergei pritula, while still a child in krasnodar, dreamed of a military jacket. He trained to enter school and become a real defender of his homeland. During battles. In the lpr after the arrival of an antitank missile, an officer lost his arm from the front and returned to the rear. Now sergei tells children in schools what a special military operation, patriotism and courage are; he knows the meaning of these words firsthand. I am a professional military man, i was brought up in this field of activity, namely the defense of the homeland, with only one goal, to defend the homeland, i got there. There was no point in not going to the front. No, and the fact that. The same thing happened to me, there is no doubt in terms of regret, some kind of resentment, that something it didnt work out that way. Support for the soldiers of the north military district participants is the main topic today, it is with this that the president begins his message, i thank everyone who is now fighting for the interests of the fatherland, who is going through the crucible of military trials, risking their lives every day, all the people bow to. Your exploits mourns the dead, and russia will always remember its fallen heroes. A minute of silence is announced. Thank you. Vladimir putin notes that the word elite today has discredited itself by those who, without any merit to society, consider themselves a special caste with rights and privileges. The president is talking about those who lined their pockets in the nineties by taking advantage of the economic processes in the country. They are definitely not the elite, i repeat, the genuine, real elite are everyone who serves russia, workers and warriors, reliable, proven, proven by their actions, worthy people. The president announces the launch of the hero time Personnel Program. For special operations veterans. In addition, they will be able to receive Higher Education and civil rights as a priority. Specialty at leading universities in the country. A new training program, literally starting in march of this month, for participants in a special military operation, this is absolutely correct, because it is there that the real elite, not those who betrayed, who left and scold their homeland, but those who, with arms in hand, protect the future of all humanity. Our soldier officers. Are supported by the whole country, says the president , from Government Agencies to volunteers and concerned citizens, deputies also contribute to this, guarantees for volunteers, consolidation of veteran status, responsibility for. Discrediting the army by prioritizing the admission of children to schools and kindergartens, a small part of the laws already adopted. Defending russia is a priority for all duma factions. In order to win, we now need to unite as much as possible, show political will and free ukraine from nazism, bendarychny and fascism, thereby ensuring a future for our children, the issues of security and protection of sovereignty are relevant today, and we understand what it is and. With what we face, what dangerous enemy stands against us, thats all the west, the collective west led by america, well, we have resources, we have people, we have our great russian people, not only with laws do deputies support fighters, parliamentarians send humanitarian convoys on an ongoing basis, according to the decision of Vyacheslav Volodin, a Rehabilitation Program was organized for children who had to witness the cruelty of kiev, this help is felt especially sensitively in. Of course, the whole country helps the border regions, here , including legislators, make a great contribution, because deputies of the state dumas not only from the kursk region, but also from other regions help their guys who in our region ensure the protection of the state border, the president thanked the parliamentary factions for rallying around National Interests and noted that the countrys political system is one of the pillars of its sovereignty. The deputies themselves note an unprecedented level of consolidation. The president outlined an action plan for the next 6 years, his agenda is about a lot of things, yes, and of course, everyone hears their own, what they understand, what he cares, but at the same time, its probably now clear how much russia we are all united. Speaking about social policy, the head of state announced the launch of new national projects. Long and active life, russian youth, personnel, data economy and family, central topic. A large family with many children should become the norm, the philosophy of social life, the guideline of the entire state strategy, said vladimir putin. The isaev family from zelenograd has five children, three girls and two boys. Mom venus on Maternity Leave takes care of two kids while dad works. Even help will be needed, this is the decision of the president , the Family Mortgage Program is valid until july of this year, i propose to extend it until 2030, maintaining the main basic parameters, paying special attention to families with children under 6 years old, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same 6 . And even now. The president emphasized, to reach every person, to reach every family, this is a reflection of our approach, with which the president concluded his message today, we are working not for kilometers, not for tons, not for rubles, we work for the sake of people, it was decided to launch a Permanent Program for the overhaul of schools and kindergartens, open medical. Offices for students in every institution, increase payments for classroom management and educational work. This is what supports parenting advisors. In every school we have people who develop our movement of children of youth, the movement of the first, they essentially have a double burden. There is work at school, and also work outside the school grounds, and the president announced new additional payments, yes, in the 5,000 rub. Format. Monthly. Vladimir putin announced the launch of a new program for the resettlement of emergency housing. Allocation of additional funds for the renewal of public transport and the purchase of school buses in the regions. On behalf of the president , a zemstvo cultural Worker Program will also be developed. Economic success. Credit holidays for six months without deterioration of credit history. Another initiative of the head of state is the transition from a temporary moratorium on business inspections to a riskbased approach. Economic support will also be received regions, 2 3 of budget loans will be written off from them. By and large, in recent years , the issuance of budget loans and then the debt trap that followed as a result of such an action. A response to unfriendly countries, a response to washington and brussels, the president answered very clearly. Vyacheslav volodin emphasized that the state duma will, as a matter of priority, form a legislative framework for resolving issues identified by the head of state. It will be necessary to adopt a very large number of laws, not only amendments to the budget related to that additional money needs to be allocated to finance the social sphere. In the field of education, in the field of health care, support for families, youth, cities, settlements. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav volodin, crown prince, chairman of the council of ministers of the kingdom of saudi arabia, muhammad bin salman alsaud, met in aryad. Relations between countries are developing dynamically, and the dialogue between legislators is reaching a new level. Vyacheslav volodin discussed the prospects for cooperation with management. The Saudi Parliament that today connects russia with the largest rich state in the middle east, and what lies ahead . Report by my colleague alexander laktionov. Kingdom of saudi arabia, riyadh airport. The plane with the state duma delegation lands here around midnight. Despite the late hour , there was a large group of people greeting us at the gangway. This is not an ordinary event. This is the first visit to the kingdom at the level of the chairman of the state duma in 30 years. Saudi arabia is the largest, richest and most influential state in the middle east. Russias relations with the kingdom are developing thanks to the dialogue between the leaders of the two countries, noted Vyacheslav Volodin. The speaker of the state duma conveyed the words of greetings from the russian leader to the crown prince of saudi arabia, Mohammed Bin Salman alsaud. The building of the kingdoms Advisory Council becomes the central platform for interparliamentary dialogue. Where legislative decisions are made, the russian delegation is invited to the meeting room, colleagues from moscow, Saudi Parliamentarians, are greeted with applause. The speaker of the Advisory Council leaves the meeting for a while and hurries to a bilateral meeting with Vyacheslav Volodin and russian deputies. Relations between the two states are reaching a new level, and parliaments must support the course taken. We need to do Everything Possible on our part to ensure that we make a contribution. In the development of relations , we have done everything that depends on us to provide legislative support for decisions taken at the level of heads of state, the king of saudi arabia, the president of the russian federation, this is what we see as the purpose of our visit, so that we develop the parliamentary dimension. There is no need to say much about russia, she is known everywhere. With this phrase, the head of the Saudi Arabian parliament illustrates and emphasizes the role of our country on the world stage. This is a historic visit for our Advisory Board and for the kingdom of saudi arabia. We pay extremely important and serious attention to cooperation with the russian federation. We note the extremely positive dynamics in the development of relations between our countries, especially in light of the agreements that are being reached between the king of saudi arabia and the president of russia. Expand cooperation moscow and riyadh intend to do so in a variety of areas. So in december, during Vladimir Putins visit to the kingdom, the parties agreed to develop a partnership in the oil and gas industry. Russia and saudi arabia today provide a fifth of the Worlds Oil Production and are leaders in black gold reserves. And here the countries certainly have something to discuss. The issue of balancing the oil market, cost, is extremely important for both consumers and producers, because for consumers it is an alternative, what energy to use, which one is most effective to use. West to east, trade turnover of our country with the states of the Arabian Peninsula. Has grown significantly, including with saudi arabia. The most important area of ​​cooperation is agriculture. The basis of russian exports to the kingdom is the supply of our wheat. The kingdom today is one of the largest importers of russian agricultural products. The state could even become a kind of transshipment base for our goods. We are talking primarily about russian grains, which are valued both in countries the persian gulf and other countries. Saudi arabia could ensure the Transit Movement of our products. We can suggest doing this here. A good hub, they can receive not only for their country, but also through their country, other arab countries, which absolutely all have a need for our wheat in this regard, and not only wheat, now we have begun to supply corn and other crops here. Russian metal, machinery, equipment, transport are also areas of interest for saudi partners, as well as scientific and technical cooperation. Russian Higher School traditionally enjoys great prestige in the arab world, in addition , conducting promising joint Scientific Research and also developing alternative energy sources, because the Energy Transition that saudi arabia is carrying out within the framework of vision 2030 needs reliable partners who would have

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