Companies that, despite the actual growth of business were forced to use tax optimization schemes. Whats important here . Such companies must, of course, abandon the artificial, essentially feigned fragmentation of the business, move to normal, civilized work in white. At the same time , i would like to emphasize that there will be no fines, i especially emphasize this, there will be no fines, sanctions, or recalculation of taxes for previous periods. This is the meaning of the amnesty. In addition, i instruct the government, starting next year , to provide a mechanism for not a sharp, but rather a gradual increase in the tax burden for companies that are switching from simplified taxation to a general taxation procedure. Next, we adopted a solution such as a temporary moratorium on inspections. This measure yourself completely justified. Production business management. In general, the tax regime for small mediumsized Manufacturing Enterprises should be relaxed. I ask governments to provide concrete proposals in this regard. We have talked about this many times. Please, the proposals are already ripe, in fact. I would especially like to note the work of small mediumsized businesses in rural areas in the agroindustrial complex. Now we not only fully provide ourselves with food. Russia is the leader in the global wheat market, we are entering among the top twenty food exporting countries. I thank agricultural workers, farmers, specialists involved in the investigation as a whole. Thank you for the impressive results. By 2030 , the volume of production of the russian agroindustrial complex should increase by no less than four. That Companies Receive quotas for the production of seafood, an obligation to purchase new russianmade fishing vessels, to renew the fleet, at the same time, this year the federal budget received significant money from the sale of quotas for seafood, about 200 billion rubles yes, anton germich is here, we agreed with him, they offer part of these funds. Targeted towards the social development of municipalities, which are the base of our fishing industry. Dear colleagues, in modern conditions , increasing the efficiency of all areas of Labor Productivity is inextricably linked with digitalization, with the use of Artificial Intelligence technologies, i have already mentioned this. Such Solutions Make it possible to create digital platforms that allow optimal interaction citizens, business and the state among themselves, so it is necessary to create a platform that will help citizens support and preserve. Throughout his life, use the potential of the entire healthcare system, for example, based on digital profile data, he will be able to receive a remote opinion from a specialist at a federal medical center, and a Family Doctor will be able to assess the holistic picture of a persons health, predict the occurrence of diseases, prevent complications, choose individual the most effective treatment tactics. Everything im talking about is not some kind of speculation about the distant future, such practices are already being implemented in the work of leading medical centers. The task, the task, is to distribute them throughout the country, to make them widespread and accessible. I believe that by 2030 it is necessary to create digital platforms in all key sectors of the economy and social sphere. These and other complex tasks. Will be resolved within the framework of the new National Project data economy, we will allocate at least 700 billion rubles for its implementation in the next 6 years. For the state such technologies and integrated platforms open up enormous opportunities for planning the Economic Development of individual industries, regions and cities, for effective. Management of our programs and National Projects, and most importantly, we will be able to continue to build the work of all levels of government around the interests of every person, every family, provide state and Municipal Services to citizens and businesses proactively, in a convenient format with the fastest possible results. By the way, russia is already one of the World Leaders in introduction of Public Services in electronic form. For many, including sovereignty in such revolutionary areas as generative Artificial Intelligence, large language models, their implementation promises a real breakthrough in the economy and social sphere, this should be a real breakthrough, for this we need to increase our computing resources, so in 2030, by in 2030, the total power of domestic supercomputers should be increased by at least 10 times, this is. An absolutely realistic task, in general, it is necessary to develop the entire infrastructure of the data economy, i ask the government to propose specific measures to support companies and startups that produce equipment for storing and processing data, and also create software; it is necessary that the growth rate of investments in domestic it solutions be at least twice as high as economic growth, conditions for the use of digital. Should be not only in megacities, but in small towns, in rural areas and remote areas, along federal and regional highways, local expensive to do this, within the next decade it is necessary to provide access to highspeed internet throughout almost the entire territory of russia. We will solve this problem, including through a multiple increase in our satellite constellation, and will direct it towards its development. Rub 116 billion dear colleagues, now i would like to dwell separately on issues of regional development. Whats on offer . First of all, it is necessary to reduce the debt burden of the constituent entities of the russian federation. I consider it necessary to write off 2 3 of the regions debt on budget loans. According to estimates, this will allow them to save about 200 billion rubles annually from 25 to 2028. Let me draw your attention to the fact that these saved funds should be, as they say, colored and targeted by the regions to support investment and infrastructure projects. Dear colleagues, i would like to draw your attention to this. And the regions note the high efficiency of such a mechanism, these loans are not written off, but this year the constituent entities of the federation will begin to repay these debts, i propose to invest the funds that are returned to the federal budget again in the development of the regions, direct them towards issuing new infrastructure budget loans, in general, starting from 2025. I also believe that regions need to be given greater opportunities to manage funds in order to achieve the goals of National Projects. There is potential for development, but we need to help open it, launch projects in the real sector of the economy, infrastructure, which will become drivers in these territories. Currently , 10 federal subjects with low budgetary resources are implementing individual socioEconomic Development programs, and i ask the government to extend these programs for another 6 years. And by 2030, all our regions should become economically more powerful. Selfsufficient, i repeat, this is a matter of justice, equal conditions for selfrealization of citizens and high standards of living throughout the country. Dear colleagues, as we see, there are big plans, expenses too, largescale investments are coming in the social sphere, demography, economics, science, and technology. The next step, i propose to define a list more than 200 large and small cities , for each of them its own master plan should be developed and implemented, in general , the Development Program should cover about 2. 0 settlements, including villages and towns, solutions to support the subjects of the federation in which today said, including infrastructure loans, i would like to appeal to the heads of regional. Attention to the needs of people, and i would especially like to mention municipal employees who work in close proximity to the combat zone, share with their fellow countrymen all the trials. The coauthors of plans for the development of cities and towns should be their residents, it is necessary to actively use mechanisms when citizens themselves determine which objects to use. To solve which problems should money be allocated first, i propose to increase cofinancing of such essentially public projects from the federal and regional budgets. We will also extend the allrussian competition for the best projects to create a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements until 2030. In russia as a whole, we will improve more than thirty in 6 years. To formulate an early , excuse me, longterm program for the preservation of russian Cultural Heritage sites, i hope, i expect that we will accept it for 20 years, we need to provide measures to support citizens, companies, public associations that are ready to invest their labor, time and money in the restoration of monuments. We will try such mechanisms this year in a Pilot Project of the Development Institute house of the russian federation, five regions will take part in it transbaikalia, novgorod, ryazan, smolensk and tver regions. And by 2030, by 2030 throughout the country , at least a thousand Cultural Heritage sites need to be put in order, given a second life, so that they serve people and decorate our cities and villages. We will definitely continue fundamental projects in the field of culture and preserve their finances. We will update the infrastructure of museums, theaters, libraries, clubs, art schools, and cinemas. Over 6 years, we will additionally allocate more than 100 billion rubles to educational, educational, historical and other popular creative projects in cinema, the internet, and social networks. I also suggest expand the program. A specialist who moves to work in a village or small town will be able to receive a onetime payment of 1 million rubles; in the far east, donbass and novarussia this amount will be twice as high, 2 million rubles. And one more additional decision that needs to be finalized and accepted. I ask the government to provide special conditions for family mortgages specifically for small towns, as well as for those regions. For residents of the far east and the arctic, donbass and novorussia. Loans on the same preferential terms in these regions will be able to receive participants and veterans of a special military operation. Separately, we support projects for the integrated development of areas for construction of residential areas with all the infrastructure in regions with a socioeconomic level that is not yet accessible, excuse me. In the next 6 years, it is important not to reduce this dynamics; i ask the government to prepare to launch a new program for the resettlement of emergency housing. As for housing and Communal Services systems, we will increase the pace of modernization of utility infrastructure. In total , until 2030 for these purposes. Rub, including private companies. We will continue the implementation of our clean water project. For many of our cities and rural settlements, this problem is extremely pressing. First of all , we are talking about a reliable supply of highquality drinking water. A separate topic is gasification. There are plans to ensure this is environmentally friendly. Fuel cities and regions of yakutia, buryatia, khabarovsk, primorsky, transbaikal territories, murmansk and amur regions, the jewish autonomous region, kareli, such a Large Russian city as krasnoyarsk, also with with the help of osp, we will gasify the kamchatka territory and some other areas, of course, of course, this will provide an opportunity to expand. Social Gasification Program , thanks to it, gas has already been supplied free of charge to the borders of 1,100 plots and applications continue to be accepted, while we help privileged categories of citizens, including the families of participants in a special military operation, with Gas Communications inside the plot, but what would i like to say separately now . within the boundaries of many settlements where a network has already been installed gas, it is in the interests of our citizens to expand the social Gasification Program and continue the network to the borders of the plots with the house of gardening associations. Residents of remote, northern and far eastern territories, where there will be no network gas in the coming years, will also receive support. Today they pay for their houses with coal or firewood, now with the help of a subsidy from the state, they will be able to purchase modern environmentally friendly equipment, and of domestic production. The most important people should receive support first families in need. For these purposes there is also an additional amount of about 32 billion rubles. Alfabank for business. Register for free and open a business account with free service. Alfabank is the best bank for business. Deposit, best interest in savings. This is an easy way to profitably invest money online, just one button the investment in your childs future has already been made, one button savings grow with the maximum rate, one button and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest with a maximum rate of up to 16 per annum in sberbank, collect from prime is more profitable, but you can do it with yota. 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