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Russia, albeit slowly, but still i would like to say, its true, is restoring production. For example, last year the Federal Center for Animal Health developed 13 new vaccines, and the two largest vaccine manufacturers are going to launch 150 new veterinary drugs on the market in the next 2 years. Now we propose to move to geneva, which is often called the capital of the world. The city has become home to more than forty International Organizations, including. Un headquarters. Formula of power met with its leaders in the Historical Building of the Palais Des Nations. Well tell you what the conversation was about right now. Switzerland, geneva, this city is often called the capital of the world. Geneva is international, home to Many International organizations that work to build a safer, more prosperous, just world. Today, when. The variety of challenges is simply overwhelming, when hot spots arise in various regions of the earth, the need for dialogue, the search for mutually Acceptable Solutions are more important than ever, for more than 100 years, the venue for the Largest International events, the location of the largest International Organizations is geneva, the second largest city in switzerland. More than 40 major International Organizations operate in geneva today. 183 Permanent Missions of countries that are members of the United Nations. Almost 800 nongovernmental International Organizations operate in geneva. It is here in geneva that the european headquarters. Lets just say how these International Organizations interact, what is the role of your office in these communications. The uniqueness of geneva is that here, well, firstly, on the one hand, there is a very large family of the United Nations organization, here our secretariat is located, our office, this is after the office in new york, this is the Largest Office of the United Nations organization in world, here. There are many parts of the secretariat that represent different areas of the secretariats work, for example the office, the office. High commissioner for human rights, office of the high commissioner for refugees and so on. The reality is that the situation in the world, unfortunately, leads to the constant emergence of new refugees, so to speak, displaced persons. And we deal with the problems of people who are forced to give up everything, leave everything, their home, relatives, work, their school, friends, and wander to different places. The office of the un high commissioner for refugees helps refugees and internally displaced persons get a roof over their heads, a warm meal, clear hope for a better and safer future. Today, 17,324 unhcr staff work in 135 countries in hot spots around the world. In lebanon, south sudan, chad, congo, iraq, afghanistan, kenya. Geneva almost at the beginning, from the beginning of the 20th century, became the center of multilateral cooperation, even before the organization of the United Nations. Our Office Opened here in 1946. And, since there is such a large concentration of International Organizations here, both within the un system and outside. Its naturally very high here level of diplomatic representation. Every year, the Palais Des Nations in geneva hosts more than 10 thousand meetings, symposiums, round tables, conferences; in just one year , the Palais Des Nations is visited by more than 100,000 visitors. The palace of the nation is a Historical Building, it was built in the thirties of the last century in oriad park. Today the structures of the agency of the European Branch of the un are located here. There is a Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation in geneva. It is headed by gennady gatilov, not only the head of the european representation of the Russian Federation to the un, but also the permanent representative of russia. Mandates, expert mandates that require expert study by the participation of relevant experts, not even politicians, but representatives of various relevant departments and organizations. Therefore, our task here, as a representative office, is to coordinate this work and determine those areas that are the highest priority. International labor organization, ilo the world center for the protection of workers rights. The First International labor conference took place in 1919. It accepted six conventions, the first of which established an eighthour working day and a fortyeight hour working week. In 1946 , the ilo became the first Specialized Agency associated with the un. According to our estimates, there are currently about 176 million Unemployed People in the world. And, of course, the very first victims are young people. If you are under 25, your chances of becoming unemployed are two to three times higher than for older workers. The un has drawn up the 2030 agenda. One of its goals, namely goal number eight, is to promote complete and productive employment. We always adhere to innovative approaches in science and technology. You know, we started with the telegraph, then there was radio, telephone, wireless communications, then satellite communications, television, the internet, social networks, and so on. The relay of television and the internet continues, we always trending, we strive to create a wide range of People United by technology, why do i intend to do this . because i am convinced that it is necessary to create not just modern technology, but the technology of tomorrow, this is very important. The itu motto is true to the idea of ​​connecting the world. The development of standards is what makes it possible for the whole world to be connected, in which the leading role belongs to the telecommunications union. With the help of ict tools, people stay connected even at home, staying in their hometowns. They can continue to work fruitfully with colleagues, friends, likeminded people; they understand that life goes on. The agenda at the un nation palace is varied. Sustainable development issues, Environmental Protection , poverty, refugees, Disaster Relief disasters, gender equality, social development, health, hunger. Do such priorities of the United Nations, as the largest authority between the organizations, seem to you now the most important for trying to solve these problems . Now there are a huge number of challenges, most of these challenges are global in nature, take armed conflicts, take Climate Change, take the growth of economic and social inequality, not a single country. The world cannot find answers to these challenges in isolation; naturally, global solutions, when we talk about global solutions, they can only be achieved on the basis of multilateral cooperation. That is why the role of the United Nations, in my opinion, is now more important than ever. In search of a better life, millions of people in the world are on the move, moving to other areas. Other countries, to avoid hunger, poverty, to find work, to put children on their feet, migrants, those who have been torn away from their homes and familiar environment. The International Organization for migration, iom, supports migrants in around the world, develops effective responses to changing migration dynamics, and provides key recommendations on migration policy and practice. I would like to emphasize my deep belief that migration can have a positive effect, provided that it is safe, legitimate and orderly. Naturally, we must fight illegal migration through forced labor and human trafficking. This is the most serious attack on the rights of migrants. But of course, our society will become more diverse in the future. V culturally, ethnically, religiously. And we will need to learn to live together. But besides this, there are many other International Organizations here, the same world trade organization, or lets say, across the road there is a red cross, or very close to here 2 or 3 km cern, the same all organization, the world intellectual property organization, that is, a lot. Things regarding standards, everyday things, decisions are made right here in geneva. World intellectual property organization, voice, one of the oldest specialized agencies of the un system. The goal of the organization is to create a balanced and effective intellectual property system that creates conditions for innovation and creativity for the benefit of everyone. We provide a range of services to Member States of the world intellectual property organization, for example, if you need international protection, this is one of the services you will receive from us. We register trademarks, designs, and also work in the field of Creative Industries music, literature, cinema, broadcasts, audiovisual works. For all these types of creative activities, we provide copyright protection services. Vois has several databases and provides information on intellectual Property Protection worldwide. 73. 400 are stored here. Yes, of course, there is growing tension in the world, we see this, on the one hand, the demand for intellectual property is as high as ever, and it continues to grow, however, when it comes to establishing rules, and we need new rules in some areas. Because technology is changing very quickly, we see that it is quite difficult for the International Community to agree on almost any issue, there is no common view even on the simplest things, and this is a real drama for the world, because this leads to disputes in the field of legislative regulation. Get vaccinated, get an education, give children the opportunity to grow up healthy, feed those people who do not have, we cant even imagine that up to a billion people in the world need Food Assistance that provides. Fao today includes more than 11 thousand experts from 130 countries, there are 11 thousand of us, and we Work Together to achieve a common goal. Climate change on our planet, global warming, poses a serious threat to Food Security today; it leads to an increase in the number of natural disasters. Experts warn. The World Meteorological organization, wmo, the oldest un organization, has been monitoring climate for 150 years. Today her observations are more important than ever. Yes, it is quite obvious that climate issues are issues of survival on our planet; they cannot be solved in a single state. The good news is that we now have more technology to mitigate Climate Change than we did 10 years ago. And today our plans to make energy, transport and a number of other sectors more environmentally friendly look more realistic. We meteorologists are, in a way, members of one family scattered around the world. We have the same mentality regarding weather observations and services and provision. A unified approach that does not know state borders. The number of natural disasters in the world has doubled since 2000, according to a report by the un office for disaster risk reduction. In total , 4,200 Million People were affected by natural disasters. Economic losses from disasters reached 3 trillion. The goal of the International Civil Defense Organization moga is to promote the development of National Structures that, in the event of natural or manmade disasters, designed to protect the civilian population, ensure the safety of property and the environment. Operationally, mogu has transitioned from Disaster Relief. We absolutely have gender equality at almost all levels of management , the most important thing, and this is really the merit of our secretary general, the current one, we now have deputy secretaries general at the level of the head of the organization, at the level of residents, coordinators, special representatives and so on, there is a 50 50 parity, therefore, from a gender equality perspective, we are a shining example, calm and stable, all the most important things in life are in our hands, to fulfill a childhood dream, to gain, but. Knowledge, to feel inspired, to build a career, to realize what we have planned, to create a family, to repeat life, to convey traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, it is in our hands to choose our future and the future of everything. Together, we are strong, we vote for russia. Hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. Powerful explosions occurred this morning and at night in ukraine. Messages came from several regions of the country at once. According to local publications , three series of strikes have occurred in the khmelnitsky region in recent hours. Explosions were also heard in the kiev region in the part of zaporozhye controlled by the kiev regime. An air raid alert was announced in twelve regions. Viewers of the ukrainian direct tv channel suddenly learned the truth , right from their tv screens they were told how things really are on the front line, and they were also told what awaits the residents of the country in the future if the criminal kiev regime will remain in power and continue fighting. Running lines with this information appeared live, to convey to the ukrainians the point of view of difference

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