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Hospitals, schools, kindergartens, the whole of big russia is here, the restoration process is underway, we have fairs every saturday, everything we eat ourselves is sold at the fair, more people have returned to the city, of course, sales have become better, there are a lot of people, visitors there are a lot of builders, and restaurants are opening, this is relevant, business is returning here, there is a lot. Who already wanted to work here and spend their money. The great orient exhibition opens at the museum of the international nomismatic club. The exhibition is dedicated to the history, culture and art of central asia over two millennia. Visitors will be able to see the gold money of chengiz khan and tamerlane and artifacts from ancient palaces. Thanks to the interactive zone. Children can collect a map of ancient states, get acquainted with the goods of the great silk road, find out what board games were invented in the east. We managed to collect almost 300 unique objects, culture and art of central asia in one exhibition. This is already our third project with the largest government museums. I am sure that the exhibition will become the largest event for nomismatists. And researchers, as well as for everyone who is interested in the history of the formation of modern civilization and the connection between east and west. Russia will firmly and consistently defend the truth about the great patriotic war and resist any attempts to revise its contribution to the victory, as stated in Vladimir Putins greeting to the participants of the International Forum without a statute of limitations. It opened today in the kaliningrad region. Key goal of the project. Him in the modern world. For that, so that this practice of nazi crimes does not happen again, it is necessary, first of all , to tell the Younger Generation about what happened, it is necessary to document all this, give it an assessment, including a legal assessment and the decisions of the judiciary in a number of regions, already with the prospect of bringing this to the international level, in order to officially recognize all these atrocities of genocide against the civilian population of the peoples of the soviet union. Russias Manufacturing Industry this year should grow by at least 7 , which for this necessary was discussed at a meeting between Vladimir Putin and deputy Prime Minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov. Dmitry morocco has details. Russian Enterprises Need to be provided with modern domestic machines. This is the main thing. For the development of the countrys Manufacturing Industry. The topic was discussed during the meeting of the president with deputy Prime Minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov. In the first half of the year, the industry has already shown a Remarkable Growth of 6. 2 . And by the end of the year it is expected to reach seven. The accumulated volume of loans to enterprises this year has become record 15 rub. This became a significant basis for increasing production volumes. I discuss the results of the industrys work for the first. Recorded an increase in Industrial Production by such a decent, decent amount of 6. 2 . How are things now . We see. A continuation of the positive dynamics, and according to the forecasts of the ministry of economic development, by the end of the year the Manufacturing Industry should show growth of about 7 , in fact, according to this result, as you have already said, it means 6. 2 . Another important indicator is the index of Business Activity of manufacturing industries, by the end of september 54 it was a record value since the seventeenth year, this indicates that production utilization is growing, but in order to fully satisfy the demands of the Manufacturing Industry, it is necessary to restore the domestic machine tool industry; the government recently adopted an updated federal project for its development, the emphasis in it is placed not only on traditional means of production, but on the most modern ones, in particular robotics, if talking about the future, then the main emphasis in the updated federal project is not only on traditional metalworking metalcutting machines, but the main emphasis is on modern equipment for Additive Technologies and robotics, a special word of gratitude to you, you gave instructions to Stateowned Enterprises with state participation , increase. The percentage of use of robotic products, this is exactly what a modern enterprise does today, increases labor productivity. The machine tool Construction Industry will receive unprecedented funding; 300 billion rubles are expected to be allocated for it by 2030, of which 138 billion will be spent in the next 3 years, we have formed a budget, this. The volume for this industry is 300 billion rubles until the thirtieth year per threecell, this already costs 138 billion rubles in the budget, but the total volume of the federal project is more than 500 billion rubles, with regional and nonbudgetary investments. In scale, the task is comparable to a pharmaceutical development project; today this industry demonstrates a confident position. Now the representative of russia is speaking on the Un Security Council broadcast. Dear minister, we thank the secretary general, as well as the special coordinator for the middle east peace process, thor venisland and lyn hastings, for the detailed information about the state of affairs in the middle east region. We believe it is important to note that during this difficult time, the secretary general went to the region in order to personally make efforts to resolve and provide a humanitarian response to what is happening. Unfortunately, todays debate is not taking place only on un day, but against the backdrop of an unprecedented outbreak of violence in the palestinianisraeli conflict zone, which caused a catastrophic increase. As a result of the armed confrontation that began on october 7 of this year, according to the latest data, thousands of israelis and palestinians were killed. About 18,000 people were injured, including 19 russian citizens. I wont repeat the statistics; today we heard the most current data from. In the gaza strip exceeded all conceivable limits, colleagues, violence and murder to which israeli civilians were subjected 7 october has no justification, we offer deep and sincere condolences to the families of the deceased victims, the unacceptable taking of hostages who should be. Released, however, this, unfortunately, is not an isolated episode, this is a terrible action, the tragic events that followed it in the region were the result of many years washingtons destructive role and line of sabotaging the resolution of fundamental issues of this longstanding conflict, the desire to replace conscientious participation in the middle east settlement with palliative ones. Which, as life has shown, do not meet the tasks of establishing peace and stability in the middle east region. They also said unilateral steps taken by west jerusalem for many years in violation of Security Council decisions, including the settlement takeover of palestinian territories, as well as undermining the status of jerusalems shrines. Watch our presentations on the topic of middle east regulation. Watch our presentation on middle east regulation. We, along with many, have already we have been warned for several years that the situation is heating up and threatens to explode. And this explosion occurred, as the Current Crisis has clearly proven, without a fair settlement of the palestinianisraeli conflict, in accordance with the resolutions. Russias position remains principled and consistent. It is necessary to establish a sustainable negotiation process on the approved un platform, which should result in the creation of a sovereign palestinian state within the borders of 1967. Otherwise, similar relapses cannot be avoided. However, now before us all the more immediate challenge is to stop the violence and ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza Civilians facing indiscriminate israeli attacks and flagrant violations of International Humanitarian law. To this end, on october 16 , we initiated a draft resolution of the Un Security Council with demands and implementation of urgent measures designed to stop the violence, immediately release the hostages, prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza and prevent the conflict from spreading to the region. Coauthors of the Russian Initiative became about thirty countries, including 17 states of the arab world. Unfortunately, due to the negative. Washingtons position on the russian and later on the brazilian draft resolution, the council once again failed to realize its main statutory purpose to maintain International Peace and security. The result is obvious, a continued escalation accompanied by an increase in civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. After our project was not accepted, there was a terrible blow to sir. At the alyakhli hospital in gaza. Mr. Chairman, during the councils work on the draft resolutions on gas , a common denominator became apparent that could become the basis for the muchneeded collective position of the Un Security Council on what is happening around the gas sector. This is a set of humanitarian requirements for the parties to conflicts, the fulfillment of which by interested un agencies and other humanitarian workers on the ground. We are convinced that the key among them is the demand for an immediate ceasefire. Its not inclusion in the councils product would be a step in a fundamentally different direction and could be interpreted as the councils support for israels plans to conduct a ground operation in gaza. We consider such a scenario unacceptable, and in this conviction we rely on positions not only of arab and islamic ones. States, but also the bulk of the countries of the global south as a whole. We understand the emotional state of the people of israel, who are experiencing anger and indignation due to anger, rage, and indignation due to the death of so many of their compatriots. However, history the middle east is an unmistakable indication that violence breeds. A possible forceful action by israel in gaza, carried out by the methods that we now see with gross violations of International Humanitarian law, massive deaths of civilians, risks provoking a larger conflict that could cover the entire region and even go beyond its borders, this, as we would like to believe, not interested. Any of the members of the Security Council, but the latest steps of our american colleagues make us doubt this. Submitted to brazil a humanitarian draft resolution that was gaining the necessary support. The us delegation is trying to push through a new project, full of politicized, inappropriate and extremely dubious provisions. So that it would be easier for us allies in the Security Council to swallow the bitter pill and vote for what the americans proposed. Its haphazard. Israel could follow the course of its ground operation, and they tried to make sure that nothing in the project prevented western jerusalem from carrying it out. Colleagues, we are deeply convinced that the main signal that the whole world is now waiting for from the Security Council is the demand for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire by the warring parties. And this is precisely what is missing in the american project. Therefore, we do not see the point in it and cannot and will not support it. We hope that the majority of our colleagues on the Security Council will do the same. And so that the Security Council can still realize its purpose. We have prepared an alternative draft resolution based on a proven humanitarian language and has absorbed important elements from american, brazilian and the first. Russian project, frankly speaking, we see no reason why the members of sabbez cannot give it, will not be able to give it the green light, unless a ceasefire and stopping this new round of violence is not included in their plan at all, we ask the brazilian chairmanship to put our the draft will be voted on immediately after the United States draft, unless of course the american colleagues. Prefer to withdraw their text and we are opening it for cosponsorship of members, we really count on your support , which would allow the Security Council to give the necessary signal and prevent further growth, thank you, this was a broadcast from the Un Security Council, a representative of russia spoke, the final of the allrussian it olympiad was held in moscow, the prize of 3 million rubles was competed not only by experienced specialists in the field of information technology, but also by schoolchildren and students. Margarita semenyuk spoke with the new generation of programmers. Out of 8,000 participants olympiads, it was these 200 schoolchildren, students and professionals who made it to the final stage of the competition. The programmers were divided into two groups senior and junior. The essence of the final test is to solve six problems in 4 hours. Ivan safonov was one of the first to cope. At the olympiad itself, it is not the maximum time that is assessed, that is, not the last time when you finished everything, but the total time, so you passed the first task at some time, passed the second task at some time, and these times add up. The case is standard, create a unique program as possible faster, for a mistake the participant receives a 20minute penalty. For example, it was necessary to write a program that would compose the best verse from the proposed words. This problem is solved using graphs, here. You need to count which lines have the best rhyme with each other. The olympiad is a social lift for the most talented specialists in the field of it technologies; for participants it is an opportunity to meet the heads of leading companies. The new generation of programmers is the future of the it market. A good place to communicate with programmers, others, and representatives of the company can probably be found both as future colleagues and employers. Now specialists are in demand. Virtualization in the field of cybersecurity, including the protection of personal data, since the course is digitalization, the task of programmers is to create a user friendly it infrastructure, is business ready to hire them . Yes, very ready, we realized this during the interview today, but what do they expect from them . The ability to solve algorithmic problems, the ability to work over long distances, because in order to to win today you had to prepare for a very long time, but in my opinion it was necessary, well, at least a thousand such competitions. Sitting at home at the computer, but getting through it is a lot of work. The largest it programming olympiad was held at the mts life hall. The idea of ​​largescale allrussian competitions arose in the spring; in the summer, the participants went through two correspondence stages and the best met here. It is very important now to invest a lot of effort in working with talented people, with talented youth, with it specialists, with specialists in working with big data, because there really arent enough such specialists to meet all the companys needs. And we all need it. Mts has launched several educational courses at the countrys leading universities. Almost 30 of the best graduates became part of the mts team. Another course of import substitution, domestic creation. 90 of the technological landscape is written somewhere, this is a selfwritten landscape, that is, only a small part of the landscape is based on foreign vendor solutions, from which we are actively we migrate, but there is a solution, we replace them. The final test of the it olympiad , which lasted 4 hours, has ended. Now the participants are waiting for the results and distribution of prizes, but in the meantime , it Technology Specialists are conducting their master classes for them. The main task is digitalization and import substitution. It is these specialists who create domestic programs and applications. The winner among specialists was dmitry voronkov, among school students, the leader was ivan safonov. Marargata semenyuk, andrey ganykin, semyon shabchenko, vesti. Humanity is heading towards world war iii due to us policy, this opinion was expressed by american entrepreneur elon musk. Varvarevskaya has details. This Online Panel Discussion on the military confrontation in the gas sector has already been viewed by 14 million users. A sharp headline about what the war between israel and hamas is leading to, and whether it can lead to the third world war and no less sharp statements by its participants. So, billionaire and spacex founder elon musk said live that a series of stupid western decisions politicians, the businessman also paid attention to the situation in ukraine, saying that the United States is obliged not only to find a way for a peaceful settlement, but also to restore normal relations with russia, because the current policy of the states only provokes an alliance of moscow with beijing and tehran, which, according to musk, could lead to a situation where the very existence of civilization will be at stake. The fact that humanity, actively driven by washington , is inevitably moving towards new wars. Without hesitation, say american senators, so in a new interview, republican Linsey Graham openly announced plans for congress to push through an initiative to start hostilities in iran. If hezbollah, which is irans proxy, launches a massive attack against israel, i will view this as an existential threat to iran and will promote a resolution in the us senate that would allow the use of military force in conjunction with israeli units to. Get iran out of the oil business. Iran, if you escalate this conflict, we will come for you. Extremely bold the republicans statement was discussed by former foxnews host Tucker Carlson with former adviser to the head of the pentagon, douglas mcgregor. The retired colonel had no doubt that the us military plans, alas, extend far beyond the limits of common sense. Yes, i think that is true, and that we are heading directly towards armageddon. There is no benefit for us, and there will be no benefit for europe, the world and specifically the middle east from such actions. Just take the economic side. This will involve the entire region in the war, and in our case, takrof in economics and look at the military side. Iran has missiles that can hit at a distance of 1,200 miles with high accuracy. They are equipped with warheads that can cause enormous damage, destroying entire neighborhoods in cities such as viv and. Increasingly, western political scientists, military observers and journalists , not without regret, state that us policy is pushing the planet by leaps and bounds into the hell of world war iii. However, the person whose decisions lead to the aggravation of the situation does not seem to be at all frightened by this prospect. Bidens next vacation in light of the difficult geopolitical situation in the world caused a flurry of indignation among American Voters. Rapper 50, commenting on the photo of the owner of the white house, sleeping. On the beach, could not resist being caustic, advising the president to wake up faster, but even while awake, biden is finding it increasingly difficult to fulfill his duties. I dont represent myself, mark does it, i forgot, mark, i went straight to the podium, im sorry. How adequate is it for a person who is unable to remember even a basic protocol and is literally lost . In three pines trust the management of a nuclear power. In a year, American Voters will decide; until then, the world, apparently, can only hope for the best. Varvarevskaya, matvey popov, news. But now about the weather, moscow authorities are asking motorists to refrain from traveling in private vehicles in the evening if they have not had time to change summer tires to winter ones, weather forecasters are warning about the possibility of icy conditions. Previously, such warnings were distributed in the regions of the volga region, the urals and the urals. More about this lets talk to tatyana bilova, shes live. Tanya, greetings, where will the most difficult situation be . The hololid zone will be quite extensive; the largest layer is predicted to be on. May appear in the southern urals. In the first half of the day the weather changed rapidly in the middle volga, in nizhnekamsk, this is in tatarstan, in the morning it was 7. Rain and fog worsened visibility to 300 m. Flowing at zero temperatures, nothing can be seen for 15 km due to heavy snowfall, in ufa, on the contrary, it was a splash of heat, the thermometers were almost 9, on the streets there were rivers of rain water. In the morning on in many regions of siberia the temperature was slightly below freezing and ice became the main weather problem there. Roads. Covered with an ice crust, in the altai territory and ugra, the lens of video recorders captured moments when drivers could not cope with control of the highway and flew into the ditch. Judging by the comments under these videos on social networks, the cars could be on summer tires. Trucks and road trains are especially vulnerable in such conditions. Today, video of the accident with their participation comes from different regions. But novosibirsk area in the ditch there were three trucks at once. A similar accident occurred in kuzbass in the perm territory from the side of a thunderstorm car, the highway was temporarily blocked, one of the places where winter had already won, the mountainous regions of khakassia, no ice, the roads were covered with snow, children were making their way to school through snowdrifts. Today, during the day, the zone of cyclone residues stretched from the banks of the yenesey to the upper reaches of the dnieper, with snowfall along the northern moscowekaterinburg line. But now the initiative in the atmosphere is being taken over by an anticyclone due to active cooling air, partly cloudy at night. Frosts are predicted over a large area, which means that all the fallen moisture will freeze. Precipitation in the solid phase at night is expected only in the komi republic in the middle urals. Its still rainy in chelyabinsk, about plus 5. In the coming hours, warming will reach its peak, then the temperature will begin to drop rapidly. The rain will begin to turn into sleet. By 5 00 am, up to 9 mm of precipitation will fall. And all this moisture will freeze. At dawn , the thermometers will drop to minus one. On a layer of ice up to 6 mm thick may appear. In moscow , light mixed precipitation is possible in some places until the end of the day. In the evening the temperature will drop. As a result , it will freeze to 13 at night. By region up to 05. A small layer of ice will appear somewhere on the roads and sidewalks. The capitals Municipal Services have declared their readiness to deal with icy conditions. In the regions of siberia , the treatment of highways with antiicing reagents has already begun. These personnel from the krasnoyarsk Road Department sprinkled sand in the tomsk region. Hot time not only for utilities, but ear mounting. In the regions of the urals and siberia there are huge queues of people wanting to change the shoes of their cars, everything is scheduled for several days in advance. By the way, as reported by the fso, this week, in accordance with weather conditions, the tires on the cars of the russian president are being changed. Those who have not yet bothered to solve the seasonal problem, do not delay, the time has really come. Russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. We are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. Discover the achievements of our country. Come to the russia forum exhibition. This is a big information evening, thats what well talk about in the next hour. Masters of combat improvisation, the iron guys of the Russian Special forces. They win, even if there are five times more enemies, a real story from the front line and from deep in the ukrainian rear. Ukrainians who lost an arm or a leg in battle risk returning to the front again. Barely people they are being discharged from hospitals, as they are trying to encourage them to harm the armed forces of ukraine

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