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Today. We also paid a lot of attention to the geopolitical situation in the region, expressed satisfaction with the processes of normalization of relations between azerbaijan and armenia, between azerbaijan and iran, between armenia and turkey, by the way, on all these issues russia actively supports the normalization processes and will continue to do so, and of course couldnt help but talk about palestine. We have very close positions. Russia does not accept any manifestations of terrorism, any manifestations of violence in violation of International Humanitarian law, including indiscriminate use of force, and of course, we proceed from the fact that it is necessary to prevent people from being taken hostage, to prevent blockades of Populated Areas , the civilian population, all this is well known, we shared our assessments of how this topic is being considered in the un Security Council, we received the support of our partners in the 3 3 format, well, in conclusion, thats all this will also be reflected in the final statement that will be presented by the Islamic Republic of iran, everyone agreed that the door for georgia remains open in our format 3. We understand the reasons why the georgian leadership has so far refrained from joining this six, and we appreciate that the georgian leadership proceeds from the possibility of doing this in the future, as we understand, under all circumstances, the current authorities in tbilis, as they have proven more than once, proceed primarily in all their actions from fundamental national. Interests, and this gives reason to believe that a fullfledged 3. 3 format can work in the near future, the question, please, is this an initiative of baku and ankara, what can you say about yerevans attitude towards this format, do baku and yerevan perceive it as a fullfledged platform for settlement in the sphere azerbaijani conflict, well, yerevan has a positive attitude towards this format, since yerevan participates in this format, as for the attitude of this format to what is happening between armenia and azerbaijan, but the conflict has been largely resolved, both sides agreed that karabakh belongs to azerbaijan, and this was the main unresolved problem; now , of course, there remain practical steps to fully normalize relations, first of all, preparations for the preparation of a peace treaty and delimitation of borders, the establishment of transport and economic ties without any or an obstacle, as all this was agreed upon at the meetings of the president s of russia, azerbaijan and armenia, these aspects are not directly present. Armenianazerbaijani relations in the 3 3 format are not discussed, as i already said, for this there are other channels that were agreed upon between the parties, and russia plays a coordinating role in relation to all these processes, but in itself a platform, where an additional platform, in addition to the commonwealth of independent states and other formats where azerbaijan and armenia are present, is in itself. A platform that is dedicated to the development of positive trends, creating conditions for the Sustainable Development of the entire region, it , of course, objectively helps to resolve remaining issues in relations between. Azerbaijan and armenia, russia 24, yours the idea about the delimitation of borders, the russian world has repeatedly called for the start of this process between armenia and azerbaijan, and after news appeared that nagornokarabakh would be like a republic, irivan declared its readiness for its part to begin this process, now they have been created for your view of the conditions in order to move towards a peace treaty between bakuyu and yerevan, what may happen . As for delimitation, this was the subject of a separate agreement between moscow, baku and yerevan; they, the armenians and azerbaijanis agreed to create a commission on delimitation, in the work of which, with their consent, the russian side will participate as a consultant, and unfortunately, this commission did not meet for quite a long period. Although there have been attempts over the last year, they continue , to penetrate into the delimitation process on the part of, first of all, the european union, well, to a certain extent, the United States, but above all from the european union, we are not against any contacts that both armenians and azerbaijanis will find it useful, but all experts know very well that everything necessary in order to discuss and agree on the delimitation, including, first of all, the maps that remained from soviet times , is only in the russian federation, the partners understand this, we are not trying to make a big problem out of this, let them try their luck in brussels, if that is, they have a desire, but we are always ready to really help, to begin practical delimitation. Yes , thank you very much, together, of course, in the spotlight, now many statements are being made, including from the usa, in particular Anthony Clinton said that the United States is ready to act if the conflict escalates due to some third forces of proiranian, proiranian supporters. Another loud statement , words that it will not be possible to return to the previously existing mechanism, to the status quo, between israel and gaza, some new mechanism is needed, what the hell is he telling me . Do you agree with this and what kind of formula is this for the future, what might it look like . As for Antony Blinkens forecasts regarding the intervention of third forces in this conflict, well, the United States has already are among the leaders, and those who are already intervening, this is sending two Aircraft Carrier groups, several thousand combat soldiers, as i understand it, with all the necessary weapons, including heavy weapons, to the conflict zone, and the more such proactive steps there are, from the , by and large, of any state, the higher the risk, the higher the danger that the conflict will escalate, we are convinced that the first and absolutely essential step should be a ceasefire, resolution of humanitarian issues, assistance, a mechanism that must consider the situation in a broader context, in the context that we have been talking about for decades in the organization of nations, that the entire international community, and this still remains a fact, has confirmed and continues to confirm its commitment to the twostate principle, the so called to a state solution to the problem, when two states, palestine and israel, two fullfledged sovereign states, will live side by side in good neighborliness, peace and security, among themselves and with all other neighbors. How are you you know, this plan, which is enshrined in a number of decisions of the un Security Council, it is also enshrined in the Arab Peace Initiative , which was launched by saudi arabia in 2002, which was approved by all muslims, and was welcomed by other members of the international community, this plan was embodied, in agreements that the corresponding direct negotiations will be coordinated by four players russia, the usa, the un and the european union, the socalled quartet of international mediators. For many years, the United States essentially blocked work of this mechanism, they met and did not in any way try to find the steps that would make it possible to implement the decision of the Security Council regarding the borders of the future palestinian state. Its capital, solving refugee problems, water supply, all this is described in the un Security Council resolution, in the last couple of years, the United States simply stopped the work of this quartet, now, no other authority exists that would be acceptable to everyone, so if Anthony Blinkin , some bright ideas have arisen in this regard, we about them, we dont know about them, im convinced that alone. The potential of the countries in the region, and the european union, probably, and the United States, its also difficult to do without them, but we need to act collectively, and not unilaterally. Russian and israeli politicians say that russia could become a mediator in negotiations between israel and palestine, the palestinian side, does russia plan to launch a Peace Initiative in the near future, if so, then what are the basic principles for this initiative, but i i just answered that its onesided Mediation Services are unlikely to help here, russia was part of the mediation mechanism in the form of a quartet of international mediators, russia is still ready to help in every possible way, stop the bloodshed and move on to discussing a longterm solution based on a un Security Council resolution, and here we have, well, really we have normal relations with israel, with palestine, we have always, president putin invariably emphasized in his International Speeches dedicated to the middle east, our special commitment to ensuring security. Israel, there are one and a half, sometimes 2 million of our citizens, we see in what geopolitical conditions this country is developing, and of course, we understand that it needs peace, but its neighbors also need peace, this includes syria, this includes lebanon, this includes the palestinians, who for more than 75 years have not been allowed to create their own state, as. All progressive humanity swore allegiance back in the late forties of the last century, so we will, you know, here recently, our turkish colleagues put forward the idea that countries that have influence on the parties to the conflict would identify some kind of guarantors, and these guarantors could somehow unite and agree on certain recommendations to the parties, i today asked my colleague, the ministers of the department, hakan fedan, to the idea has been fleshed out, well see, but in any case, the movement of thought is correct in the direction of collective action. And the final question, the Television Company tvich, at what stage are the preparations for a new comprehensive strategic relationship between russia and iran, and can middle eastern aggravation will affect the timing of signing and maintenance. Well, the preparation of a big new big agreement is at an advanced stage, i would say 85 percent has already been agreed upon, there remain some specific issues on which there is an active negotiation process, well, i wont engage in terms of deadlines, for us, for us, it was not the artificial deadlines that were always more important, but the result, in this case, i dont see any direct impact, in any way. Shape of what is happening between the palestinians and the israelis, to our negotiation process Islamic Republic of iran. Today, by the way, at a meeting with the president of iran, mr. Reisi, we confirmed our commitment to the speedy completion of work on this new document. Thanks a lot. This was a broadcast from iran, where Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov today took part in negotiations in format 3. 3 on the south. Caucasus. The murder of political scientist daria dugina was organized by the Security Service of ukraine. The american newspaper Washington Post reported this, citing its sources. There the scheme for preparing the crime is described in detail. The material was studied by our correspondent denis alekseev. He joins in with the facts. Denis, hello, what did the Washington Post journalists find out . Yes, welcome, tens of millions of dollars in a little less than 10 years, all for one purpose to transform. Ukraine into a powerful ally against moscow. This is a quote from a recent Washington Post story. Journalists of the american publication, in an article entitled ukrainian Intelligence Services, closely associated with the cia war against russia, reveal details participation of american intelligence in the affairs of the sbu, but how secret is it if everything is on the surface, in the text, at least, everything was sorted out, except that the source was not named . Since 2015, officials say, the cia has spent tens of millions of dollars to transform ukraine s sovietera services into powerful allies in the fight against moscow, providing. Ukraine with advanced surveillance systems, training recruits at ukrainian facilities, and United States, built new headquarters for Ukrainian Military Intelligence Units and exchanged intelligence. Part of this war was the murder of daria dugina in august last year. The article also reveals new details of the preparation of the crime, the target of which was initially daris father, philosopher alexander dugin. According to the publication, the components of the bomb are for tera. Managed to get them across the border by hiding them in a cat cage in a cluttered car. Welltrained sbu officers from elite groups, formed, trained, had a hand in the operation equipped by the american intelligence agency. This is also a quote. The least visible piece of luggage, the cat cage, was part of an elaborate murderous plot. Ukrainian operatives installed a secret compartment in a pet carrier. And used it to hide bomb components, according to Security Officials familiar with the operation. And what is also important, the authors of the article emphasize, not a single major operation of the Ukrainian Special services takes place without the permission of zelsky. But the american edition everything is being given out too much, i must say, that the Us Intelligence services have repeatedly condemned the lethality of the sbu operation. Washington even expressed concern, albeit after the fact, when everything had already happened. But they are still not ready to take responsibility for the entire bloody component of kievs actions. The United States , in its usual manner, fights through proxies, because a direct clash with russia is too serious. That is why the United States has not yet officially entered ukraine, although we know that there are quite a lot of countries of the collective west there, using supplies its mercenaries and instructors with weapons. That is, they do not want to enter into a direct clash with russia, well, were not all here , although the list is extensive, the rhetoric of the americans does not change, for example , the New York Times article from october last year shifted the blame for the murder of daria dugina entirely onto ukraine , officials even quote they reprimanded ukrainian officials, only after that so much more happened, the Washington Post listed part the attack in august 2022 is part a raging shadow war in which ukrainian Intelligence Services also twice bombed a bridge, flew drones into the roof of the kremlin and blew holes in the hulls of russian warships in the black sea. And also dozens of murders of representatives of local authorities in new regions of russia, the former commander of a submarine in krasnodar, while jogging, Vladlin Tatarsky in st. Petersburg. But overseas, showing your noninvolvement in crimes, they seem to hint that you work dirty, we didnt teach that, that is, a stage has begun in relations between kiev and Washington Mutual reproaches, its probably all due to the desire to systematically merge ukraine, were not one thing, its a completely different matter , you work poorly, we cant work with you like that , we work better, more subtly, we taught you that way, but you work like butchers, and they, in turn, say that no, you are bad and give us money, teach us equipment, Intelligence Data and so on, we are talking about claims, this did not happen before the failure of the counteroffensive, but what is most interesting is that the cia, although they deny a lot , but now they continue. To work in kiev, and what is important, continues to present a huge array of Intelligence Data; large parliamentary hearings dedicated to Small Business were held in the state duma; dmitry morocco followed the discussions. The last three years have been the most difficult for small mediumsized businesses, this is due to external restrictions with a compression of consumer demand in the country and a shortage of labor resources. Nevertheless, smes remain one of the pillars of russian growth. Economy, now about 30 million citizens are already employed in the sector, what measures have made it possible to support the industry, i spoke about this today in my speech here in the state duma , the first. In just the period from 20 to 22 years , about 250,000 entrepreneurs received assistance through all programs of Financial Support for Small Businesses, with a total amount of almost 4. 5 trillion rubles, thats more third of the total sme Loan Portfolio in the country excluding trade, construction and real estate transactions. An important condition for a Healthy Business climate in the country is, of course, the administrative burden, and today here in the state duma was told that in recent years the number of inspections for businesses has actually decreased significantly, inspections have now gone more to the system of the ministry of internal affairs, it is important that our colleagues from the ministry of internal affairs, for their part, also begin to work effectively, like the prosecutor generals office, prosecutors of the constituent entities, take care of crime , maintain public safety, and as for business, let us calmly work what the president says, carry out his instructions and control these areas, thanks to all support measures, the sector smes have indeed been showing growth lately, and an exhibition in the state duma was dedicated to these achievements; it was about the fact that the number of small Mediumsized Enterprises is actually increasing year by year, and the contribution that they can make to the countrys gdp this year is now estimates. In recent years, small mediumsized businesses, despite pandemic restrictions and unprecedented external sanctions pressure, have not shrunk or been afraid, on the contrary, they have shown growth, during this time the number of smes increased by more than 400,000 enterprises, the contribution to the countrys gross product of smallmedium businesses has fluctuated over the last 5 years at around a small percentage. This contribution can be significantly higher, which is what representatives of the Business Community propose to do for this. First of all , they say that it is necessary to guarantee the unchanged tax base, and also to more effectively regulate the use of socalled nontax payments. In turn , the government believes that it is no longer necessary to work on increasing the number of smes, on increasing their effectiveness. We also need to diversify. Small mediumsized businesses, now this is mainly trade, it is necessary to develop other industries, primarily production, of course, we need to stimulate our entrepreneurs, bring russian brands to the market, occupy those niches that have become vacant after the departure of foreign companies. Our enterprises occupy the vacated niches in the domestic market after the departure of western players and satisfy the actively growing domestic demand. Under these conditions, the president speaks of the need to support growing russian brands. With his participation , the First National competition was held, the task in this direction is to support new products, new solutions from russian entrepreneurs, such a task was set before the regional and federal authorities. All these proposals will be included in the new National Project to support small mediumsized businesses, which the government plans to prepare; these initiatives will be designed until 2030. Dmitry moroko, nikita korneev, artyom davydov, lead. Surgeons of the hospital named after vishnevsky was rescued by a twentyfiveyearold special operation participant; shell fragments hit the fighter in the head, chest, and his heart was hit. Igor pikhanov knows how the military personnel feel. In the Cardiology Department of the vishnevsky Central Military hospital , a special patient is being prepared for surgery. The soldier was transported from the front line with severe injuries. A twentyfiveyearold man was injured during artillery shelling. Shell fragments hit the head and chest. The cell, having damaged the heart and lungs, was helped to survive by professionalism the orderlies and colleagues who carried them from the battlefield provided first aid. When the patient was brought here, some of our specialists are working on the front line, they have already provided first surgical aid , the bleeding of the heart was stopped, the wounds were sutured and an operation was performed to remove fragments from the head, and the patient was brought to our evacuation system, to our medical institution. Last week, the young man was operated on at the Regional Hospital closest to the front line, his condition was stabilized, and then military transport aircraft delivered him to moscow. All this time the patient was unconscious, but came to his senses in the vishnevsky hospital. Doctors reported that the fragments would be removed in stages. First , they will free the heart from the damaging elements of the projectile, then remove the fragments from the head. In this case, several teams are working. Brigades. Perfusionists, a team of anesthesiologists and a team of cardiac surgeons, represented by three cardiac surgeons, who are now at the operating table. Operation. Complicated, in order to remove metal from the heart, you have to stop its work, during which while the patient is connected to life support systems, the team of doctors works in a wellcoordinated manner, every movement of the surgeon is verified. It took doctors just over 10 minutes to remove the fragment; doctors say that this is all possible thanks to professionalism, as well as modern equipment used in russian medicine; in our country, just over 150 such operations were performed on patients. Taken to the intensive care unit, doctors assess his condition as stable, the operation was successful if if you feel good, then next wednesday doctors will remove the fragments from your head, rehabilitation will take several months, the most difficult patients are taken to the National Medical Research Center for high medical technologies, the Central Military clinical hospital. Generally treats him normally as a human being, that is, the staff is wonderful, and this is another patient, yuri markov, a junior sergeant received multiple. A shrapnel remained in his chest, he says that he feels good, he is confident professionalism of doctors, says that he was wounded during the evacuation of a colleague, ukrainian militants fired mines at military doctors, they understand perfectly well that this is a stationary target that will have five people there, of course, for them this is easiest, that is, if it was moving just an ordinary group is borderless, scattered throughout the territory, that is, well, its hard for them, but here there are five people, they are going to one point, of course, the enemies are trying to hit there, unique operations in the zone are carried out regularly, military doctors have extensive Work Experience and unique medical equipment, this summer in lugansk military doctors operated on a soldier with an unexploded grenade lodged in his leg, rescued a soldier with a shrapnel in his chest, and each soldier undergoes medical training so that in case of failure. This is a big information evening, thats what well talk about in the next hour. They save lives by risking their own under targeted enemy fire. A feat every day, as a group of doctors with the call sign lakoza pulls out our three hundredths under a tick. Werewolves serving in the sssu. Instead of the banderrole, military equipment was delivered to the nova poshta terminal in kharkov. What

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