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In parallel with this, another remarkable the trip of the first lady, mrs. Zelskaya, to the cortie boutique, where she had a fight with the saleswoman, she was even fired, and the saleswoman , go ahead and post on the internet a check for the purchase of jewelry worth 1,100,000, about a week ago the wife of the president of ukraine came to the boutique, elena zelskaya , it was during their visit to new york, she seemed upset, no, not just upset, she was beside herself, honestly, she was my first vip client. I tried to give her a little tour, but she was nt interested. When i brought her some our work, she just started screaming in my face. Who told you that i need your opinion . I thought that i needed to find a different approach to her, but she simply asked to call the manager. I dont know what she told him, but the next day i was fired. What the hell is this . I have a copy of her check, i made it when i was packing my things, from it. So i will show everyone her true colors, she spends large millions in carter, while her country is at war, and well this put it all together, this is unreal, this is impossible, wake up, brothers, wake up, i am ill tell you honestly, i cant imagine it, i just cant imagine it. How can all this be put together in one head, just take an ordinary person , put it all together, and so that he suddenly understands that this is happening to him, specifically to him, that he is not allowed to bury his relatives in his own land, it is he who is considered cheap cannon fodder, it is his first lady of his country who can afford to spend more than a Million Dollars on decoration at this very time. At the same time, while her husband is running around the world with outstretched hand, at the same time, precisely at the same time in the israelipalestinian conflict, today hamas openly thanks ukraine for the weapons it supplied. How does it all connect . Lets imagine, but if during wartime the wife of the Supreme Commander in chief can spend a Million Dollars on decoration. Why cant it be that israel transfers to ukraine 3000 shells of 155 mm caliber, these shells, he sends them to ukraine with the permission of jerusalem, and why cant we allow that, having appeared in ukraine, i dont think for long, these the shells were sent to the palestinians to kill the israelis, why cant that be the case in this world that is absolutely devoid of any human sympathy or conscience. Why . And then thats it. And dissatisfaction with the funerals of soldiers, the opportunity to pay a million for trinkets to receive shells from one side, and transfer them for money to those at war with the other side, why not, everything is possible, read dostoevsky, remember, if there is no god, then what kind of captain am i after that . . Is this why john kirby is crying about israel . Nevertheless, the Opposing Side is preparing new active offensive operations, we see this, we know, and we also react accordingly, and what is happening now throughout the contact is called active defense, our troops are improving their position by almost throughout this entire space, over a fairly large space, these are. Sophisticated, more insidious, more cunning ways in order to weaken our country, listen to what doctor of military sciences, military expert, konstantin says sevkov. The west is now looking at other directions, the first direction that the west is considering is inciting an ethnoreligious conflict on russian territory. Today, the internet is full of messages about the events that are taking place in russia , in particular they are related to conflicts between migrants, especially from the countries of central asia and the russian population, a significant part of these messages are inspired by the tspso, but the intent is obviously to inflame this conflict, that is, this is definitely done they managed to successfully pull off an attempt to incite an orthodoxmuslim conflict, to repeat the option that was made in chechnya, i want to say right away, we must clearly understand that those people who are doing this have nothing to do with islam, to be honest, at all i was very interested in this idea, and i turned to the chairman of the Investigative Committee , Alexander Ivanovich bostrykin, with a request to explain what the general situation with migration is in our country today. This is what we got. In the investigative authorities in 2022 three times more criminal cases committed by migrants have been initiated than in 2021. The number of serious crimes increased by 37 . From 11. 000 to 15. 000. Cases of murder and bodily harm resulting in death increased fivefold. In 2023. The same thing in january july 2023, compared to the same period last year , the number of serious crimes increased by 40 , from 1871 to 2,626, the number of crimes against sexual integrity increased by 22 from 285 to 340. From two to nine increased crimes extremist orientation from 14 to 25 of a terrorist nature. It seems to me that this is exactly what military expert konstantin sevkov is talking about. It is precisely this danger, precisely for those tasks that sevkov is talking about, that this is the building material. And most importantly, we ourselves help this happen. Listen, i never tire of being amazed by the capital, our urals , yekaterinburg, not only did anus appear in the Shopping Center there, and you can tell children to show what diseases exist in the rectum, but people gather there build a Medical Center specifically for tajiks. The consul general of tajikistan in yekaterinburg, zafar saidzoda, said this. Listen carefully, a Medical Center in yekaterinburg for citizens of tajik nationality, well, i dont know, well, can someone tell me . Explain whether it is possible, lets say in tajikistan in some big city such as yekaterinburg, to build a Medical Center for russians, oh well there, is it possible here for us to build a Medical Center for russians, thats how they will react to this, the russians, by the way , no, at on one condition, i would agree that. Ideally the soviet union would collapse, only even for a place that will always remind me of this, i think that setting up a Medical Center for tajiks in the Yeltsin Center would be completely fair. Listen, migration programs in the Russian Federation were carried out by International Organizations the world bank, foreign governments and ngos. We go to the website of the international organization, migration and see four programs starting in 2007. Facilitating safe skilled migration along the corridor central asia. Federation 2021, Regional Program in the field of migration, 20142015, Regional Program in the field of Labor Migration in central asia and russia, 20102013, project on Labor Migration in central asia 20072009, despite the fact that among donors. Programs, there are foreign organizations banned in russia, such as the us agency for international development, usiid and others, from countries that are currently providing assistance to ukraine, it is very amazing, we are not even trying to defend ourselves, we are not even trying to defend ourselves at all to convince our position, some kind, we seem to be apologizing all the time, recently a scandal broke out, it turns out that on the digital emblem of russia on the kremlin website, the crosses have disappeared, well, well, how is this even possible, because the designers, messrs. Sergei shapira and artyom geller, the authors of the updated digital coat of arms of the Russian Federation, they wrote that it is supposedly a matter of Technical Details in the microscopic size of the picture, in pixels, and so on and so forth. They called us, the indignant ones, sick fanatics, well, well, i have other words no, this is an accident, arbitrariness, no , it turns out that this is a systematic extrusion of crosses from our symbolism, this is a systematic thing, in the novgorod region residents vote for the emblem of the region, the monument to the millennium of russia. But in the final version, the organizers remove christian symbols and crosses from it, that is, in the version for which the residents of novgorod voted, they were there, then disappeared, this competition was organized by the Public Chamber of the novgorod region, and the technical organizer, the center for the development of the urban environment in novgorod region, and then unexpectedly, people noticed that the advertisement for the moscow seasons depicted st. Basils cathedral, without christ. Okay, fanatics, religious ones, these christians, orthodox christians, we went through all this, i heard all this, but this is not even a matter of religious selfawareness, its about copyright, who dares to violate copyright . Sotchevo from pskov, postnik yakovlev, who . This temple has been standing for 462 years, built by decree of ivan the terrible in honor of the annexation of the kazan khanate. Who has the right to touch this . Who is eligible improvise on this . And who . Besides, whats wrong with that . If you see a buddhist symbol on the coat of arms, in chechnya there is an islamic symbol. This is the strength of the country, this is respect for each other, but there are more important tasks here, its not just about offending the master , eradicating, washing away, carefully forgetting what needs to be forgotten in order to achieve the goals that sevkov talks about, and we carefully, very consistently follow the enlightened europe, which cancels the Christmas Holiday so as not to offend migrants, remember how annalena berbak bashfully took off her cross in the hall where the meeting was taking place, why . Just in case, again dignity, if there is no god, everything is permitted. On october 7 of this year, you all know perfectly well, a bloody war began in the middle east between palestine and israel. They kill people, steal people. Tortured, mocked, overcrowded hospitals, people are buried with bulldozers, corpses are mocked, numbers are written on the back, as if reminding the recent past, people are left without water, without food, without medicine, moreover, they even produce videos telling about fresh, flowing gurgling water, thereby causing even greater torment, those who are thirsty, the most cruel things are heard on the air, either from the minister of defense of one of the countries, or from the leaders of another country, pakistan is a nuclear power, these atomic bombs are not kept for show, these atomic bombs are kept to protect muslims and pakistan. End the occupation or we will wipe israel off the face of the earth . Nazis, hamas are isis. In some cases, even worse than isis. And just as the world united to defeat the nazis, just as the world united to defeat the nazis, the world must unite with israel to defeat hamas. Israel is a cancer that, with gods help, will definitely be destroyed at the hands of the palestinians, the Resistance Forces throughout the region. We are fighting a religious war and i am on israels side do whatever it takes to defend yourself , level this place, i ordered a complete siege of the gaza strip, there will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed, we we fight human animals and act accordingly. The world has split, thousands of demonstrations in london, in defense palestinians in paris, exactly the same demonstrations in defense of the israelis, do not collide, they are separated by the police, they are arrested, the world is full of anger, hatred , injustice, fear, despair, a sense of hopelessness, i am not going to analyze what is happening, it is not my business, i do not an expert in this, but there are things that i feel, i feel this as a person who lives in a country that has experienced the worst world war to date, our great patriotic war, in this war 27 Million People of my compatriots died, no another country in the world that has even come a little closer to the experience that our peoples have gone through, which is why there is this feeling of fear, wariness, genetic knowledge, even if you have not seen the war. It lives in you, this feeling is fed with mothers milk, i want you to watch one video, it was made by time magazine, according to research by scientists and so on, do not Pay Attention to what countries they talk about, china, russia, america , it doesnt matter now, and what matters is only the attempt to realize the originality and irrevocability, which will be impossible to correct, if you dont think about it now, then later there will be no one. Just think about it , what will happen if a fullscale Nuclear War Breaks out between russia and the united states. When one side of the conflict launches nuclear missiles, the other will strike back before they even hit their targets. An american submarine will fire Ballistic Missiles from western norway, they will reach russia approximately. 10 minutes, and russian missiles from Northern Canada will strike the united states, after a few minutes. The very first blows highprecision electromagnetic pulses will Fry Electronics and energy systems. The impulse will be tens of thousands per meter. The next strikes will hit command and control posts and underground missile silos. Groundbased intercontinental Ballistic Missiles will arrive in half an hour, with targets. There will be megacities, each blow will create a fireball, like the solar crust, a mushroomshaped radioactive cloud will appear behind it, these strong explosions will incinerate people around, everything will be engulfed in flames. The expansion of the fireball will cause a blast wave that will damage the building, destroying the nearest one. Britain and france have Nuclear Arsenals and are obligated under article 5 of the nato charter to defend the united states. Thats why russia is striking at them. Firestorms consume many cities. Black Carbon Emissions from nuclear firestorms lead to nuclear earth. The atomic bomb in hirashima caused such a nuclear storm. But todays bomb is much more dangerous. A metropolis like moscow, which has 50 times more inhabitants than hirashima, can produce much more smoke, and the firestorm will send a plume of black smoke into the atmosphere. And this. Will be far above any clouds that might wash it away. Meanwhile, the land is engulfed in freezing cold, even in summer. According to a recent scientific study, over 5 billion people could die from hunger, including approximately 99 of the population of the united states, europe, russia and china. Obviously, we dont know how many people will survive a nuclear winter, but if it is even remotely so, its so terrible. As scientists think, there are no winners in it, only losers, but we cannot lose, therefore, the russians will never allow such a war, but now i want to invite you, as agreed, to raise a glass, before the mischman krivorochka comes, for victory. 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