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Permanent members of the sovbiz. The combined group of troops solves the problem in accordance with the special military plan operations. Vladimir putin visited the headquarters of the armed forces in rostovondon, where he was informed about the progress of the northern military district. The president spoke with the chief of the general staff, as well as with other representatives of the Senior Leadership of the ministry of defense. The head of state arrived to the military late in the evening the day before, returning from perm. Comrade, the group of troops decides to set the plan of operations accordingly. Fsb officers stopped the activities of more than 40 clandestine weapons workshops, carried out special operations in thirtyeight russian regions, the center reported this Public Relations security services, during the searches over. 350 weapons were seized, including grenade launchers. The gunsmiths restored the combat properties of civilian weapons, modernized them and produced ammunition, after which they sold them in underground activities; 119 people were identified. The jerusalem patriarchate dealt a blow to the Greek Orthodox church of st. Porphyry in gazia; hundreds of people took refuge in the oldest functioning temple. According to various sources , they died as a result of the impact. From two to eight people there are wounded, but the number of victims may increase many times after the rubble is cleared. Meanwhile , the un secretary general, antonio guteres, arrived in egyptian eleres today; he headed to the border checkpoint, from where they plan to deliver humanitarian aid to the enclave. Our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, has all the details. The situation is still extremely tense in the gas sector. Air strikes on residential areas, on hospitals, on schools, that s what actually happened last night, well, its not subject to logic, israeli aviation hit an orthodox church, the greek patriarchate, at least 40 people were killed. On thursday evening, occupying warplanes bombed the church of st. Porphyry in the alzaitoun area in the south of the gaza strip. As a result , there were deaths and dozens of people were injured of varying degrees of severity. The temple itself was also seriously damaged, and the building next to it was destroyed. There is still no light, no water, no medicine, no food. Israel is blocking all humanitarian aid deliveries. Majority hospitals are in complete darkness, doctors have to perform operations in the light of mobile phone lights, the red crescent stated that during israeli attacks on the gaza strip, not only civilians are killed, but also people who perform their professional duties, that is, doctors, died during the aggression at least 44 coppersmiths. Israeli aggression against medical personnel led to the death of 44 hospital employees. And wounding seventy more. Attack on ambulances resulted in destruction 23 units of special transport. As a result of the bombing of the medical infrastructure, 19 institutions were completely or partially destroyed. Destroyed, including the international ophthalmological hospital, which turned into ruins, since Utility Services in the gas sector do not work, it is clear for what reason, then a huge amount of garbage accumulates in cities, and garbage near hospitals is completely unacceptable, the ethidemiological situation according to doctors becomes more and more complex, further development of the situation such a scenario can lead to very serious consequences. Due to the fact that the fighting in gaza has become more intense, special teams do not have time to remove garbage and clear away rubble in public places, in particular near hospitals and schools. Unsanitary conditions cause many diseases and also lead to environmental pollution. We call on International Organizations to live up to their responsibilities to support utilities and provide them with full protection so they can do their jobs. Star world football. The egyptian Football Player could not stay away, he expressed his opinion that it was necessary to do it as soon as possible. Its not always easy to talk in moments like this, there was too much violence, too much broken hearts and cruelty. Watching the escalation in recent weeks is unbearable, all lives are sacred and must be protected , massacres must stop, families are being torn apart, what is now clear is that humanitarian aid in gaza must be allowed immediately, people are there in terrible conditions, what happened in the hospital is horrifying, the population of gazan urgently needs food, water and medicine, i call on World Leaders to unite to prevent further massacre of innocent souls, humanity must triumph, well, protests continue throughout the arab world, everywhere , people come out in support of the palestinian people, everyone who takes to the streets unanimously says that what israel is doing now. This is genocide, nothing less, protests took place in sanaa, this is syria, many thousands of people marched there rally, and today, by the way, is friday, a day off in the arab world, a very large protest is expected here in beirut, stanislav bernwalt, andrey potap, lead beirut, lebanon. The Israeli Military arrested one of the founders of the hamas movement, hassan youssef, cnn reports, this night otsahal hit more than a hundred military targets. The targets were weapons depots, underground tunnels, command centers, and israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that in the near future the country would deal a powerful blow to its enemies, a report from our special correspondent in the region, alexey konopko. In the last half a day, there have been as many statements and evidence that a ground operation in gaza could begin as soon as there was, probably, in the entire last 2 weeks, the outline of israel in gaza, the first one the day before. In the evening, the minister of defense izrai yovland spoke, taking responsibility for the hamas attack , for the fact that he was missed, he promised his soldiers a combat mission abroad, get ready and be ready, the corresponding order will come, thank you very much, guys, we trust you, good luck and we will meet again, i promise you this, whoever now sees gaza from afar will see it from the inside, immediately after that a video appeared Benjamin Netanyahus visit to the soldiers of the 131st battalion of the golani brigade, there he also encouraged his soldiers, the day before another the meeting of the Israeli Military cabinet, this time in an expanded format , lasted for 6 hours and ended after midnight, and at about the same time the commander of the Southern Group of israeli forces, that is, the one that stands on the borders of the gaza strip, inspected his units. We will defeat the militants on their own territory, it will not be easy, it will take a lot of time, the best officers and soldiers of our army are all here, you are the best representative of our troops, i sincerely believe in you, i believe in your strength, courage and professionalism, which will lead us to victory, meanwhile, the israeli leadership is asking residents of all areas adjacent to the gaza strip to turn off their video cameras, fearing, as they say, hacking from hamas, in addition, the government. Has agreed to allocate money for placement residents of the city of ashkelon in hotels in other regions of the country and an estimated 24,000 people will need to be evacuated. However, as the government adds, the operational situation does not require the immediate and complete evacuation of the entire city of ashkilon. It is difficult to say to what extent this statement, to what extent these plans correspond to what was originally planned. The fact is that today the bloomberg newspaper writes about being under pressure. The usa and israel may change their plans for the further course of the fighting; according to the publication, a coordinated strike was initially planned from land, air and sea, well, now it may not be. Meanwhile, the United States itself has already delivered the First Military aid to israel by plane c17, several Armored Vehicles have arrived here to replace those damaged in battles with hamas, and they also promise to return here in the near future at least two iron dome air defense crews, which were purchased in israel and are now stationed in guam and washington. In an interview with the american media, the israeli minister of economy said that all preparations, if we talk about preparations. Only about the actions of the army itself, that is the military will decide. The army was given the green light to enter the gas sector as soon as the military was ready. The Israeli Government made a decision and gave the army the green light, but the army itself is constantly reporting on new attacks on the gaza strip and its victories over the leaders. Their administration, now takal said that they managed to destroy the head of the National Security service, alexey konovko, konstantin piunov, leading israel, kings lunch at burger king. 24 months installment plan with halva. Buy any products from partners, or pay off your debts. Installment plan for 24 months purchases and refinancing credit cards in installments pay less oil sloboda 1090 help will tell you a fair price for a variety of cars your neighbor or boss or lev yurich or ours im rich that is, we check the author out of curiosity. Reinforced concrete, clearly, we check the work plans and mark them, choose a job with confidence, avito. Find out your Credit Rating for free on the website sravni. 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Our commander is always on the side of the fighters, and he acts as a referee in a duel, they always find out the truth, seek this truth, so i have already come to this point, today i became a cossack and part of this big family. The former head of the Cybersecurity Department of one of the Ukrainian Border detachments has returned to lugansk. For a long time , Ruslan Syrovoy secretly helped the Russian Special services, thanks. His work was a success gain access to many closed databases, after returning he spoke in detail about corruption on the Ukrainian Border. Ibragim sugapov talked with a former border guard. There are a lot of people, a lot of young people, a lot of children, everyone is walking, yes. After 8 years, Ruslan Syrovoy is again on the streets of his native lugansk. The captain guarded the border of ukraine, and more than once witnessed the corruption schemes of the local border service. Being. Border guards, captain sirovoy helped our special services, engaged in subversive activities and supplied the russians military secret information. Now his mission has been successfully completed, he talks about smuggling. Tons of drugs and cigarettes go to romania and hungary, humanitarian aid worth millions of rubles passes through the Ukrainian Border every day, thermal imagers, copters, bulletproof vests and cars, where this military aid is provided after crossing the border checkpoint is unknown, this summer there was a scandal, people disappeared in the lviv region 14 tons of humanitarian aid, lets take, for example, the same deputy of the city of khust, shimonya vladimir yanovich, yes, who deals not only with people, but also with cigarettes, drugs, from his earnings, in any case, he brings it to the leadership of the border service, it is beneficial for such deputiesbusinessmen and mobilization in ukraine, in the assaults near artyomovsk or work for. Ukrainians dont want to die, without waiting for a summons, they are trying to leave the country, for this there are several established routes with fixed prices, the first option is through the official checkpoint, uh, the pricing policy is around 10,000, that is all the money goes to the management, the second option is through guides, these are people who illegally cross the border, the pricing policy is around 500 dollars, so the money is paid and that is , a group of people gathers, and, as it were, in groups, they are taken out into the territory of the european union. Before the start of the special operation, ruslan sirovoy lived on the territory of the lpr, controlled by ukraine, the atrocities of the nationalists took place before his eyes, the aidarovites tortured people who sympathized with them in the basements. Russia, his second child will soon be born, but for now he is waiting to receive passports of russian citizens, ibragim sugaipov, nikolay pyr, kiril genser, andrey ostashev, lead lugansk. The International Sports forum russia sports power continues, an extensive Business Program is planned today, will tell you more. Yes, vera, good afternoon, well, are they continuing their work in perm . The russia sports power forum, today is the second day, and the business agenda today in perm is super busy, perhaps, that the main event of today has already passed, it took place in the morning, it was a discussion at topic new formats of International Sports cooperation. This event was attended by the main leaders of russian sports, plus some foreign colleagues, in particular , the ministers of sports of uganda and benino were present at this discussion, they discussed a variety of new formats of that same Sports Communication in the new modern realities, discussed from holding friendly matches and simply exchange experience in personnel, before holding new sports competitions, which generally did not exist before. Right now, lets listen to the minister of sports russia oleg matyn, who in an interview with our channel shared his impressions of participating in the russia sports power forum. Today, a full life continues, at the forum, we see that there is great interest from the regions of the Russian Federation and a very wide range of issues that we are discussing, of course , today this is a very relevant area of ​​international cooperation, with the construction of new formats of our relations, new formats for holding events, round tables , which are devoted to a wide variety of issues. Well, so that our viewers understood to what extent a wide variety of issues are being discussed today on the sidelines of the russia sports power forum, i will add that the minister of sports himself, Oleg Matytsin , took part in a round table that was dedicated to the role of religion among athletes. In general, on the sidelines of the forum there is a lot of discussion about major sporting events that will take place on russian territory next year in the twentyfourth year, firstly, these are, of course, the games of the future, which will be held in kazan in early february, and in kazan in the twentieth competitions will be held in june, and games among athletes from the brix countries, and most importantly, a multisports event awaits us in september of the twentyfourth year, these are the socalled friendship games, they will be hosted by moscow and yekaterinburg, a few minutes ago we talked with the head of the organizing committee the friendship games Alexey Sorokin, aka let me remind you that he headed the organizing committee of the 2018 World Championships in russia, and Alexey Sorokin told us what to expect from this tournament, the friendship games are a competition of famous athletes, a competition of athletes who, who have a certain number of victories or outstanding participations in international competitions, that is, we want our. Athletes to compete with the best and for this we create a number of motivating facts for many of our athletes, this will be the culmination of their sports career in the twentyfourth year , we all understand that the nature of the game of the future and the game of friendship are different, and the games of friendship are competitions in the field of sports of the highest achievements, and also on the fields of furum. Today some specific figures were announced, for example, on at the round table, which was dedicated to the prospects of the russian olympic movement, it was announced that our athletes and coaches, due to nonparticipation in the usual International Sports competitions , did not receive 1 billion rubles this year. And the Russian Olympic Committee itself, for various reasons, the main one of which is not always certainty with sponsors, has temporarily suspended funding for some programs in the amount of 3. 5 billion rubles. Lets listen to the president. Okr stanisla poznyakov, he in particular spoke about those problems that were voiced. Today, by the way, on the International Agenda we again received, from the speeches of our colleagues, new arguments in favor of, so to speak, our eternal discussion with the international Olympic Committee on the legal application of the olympic charter to various states, we can talk about the figures that we received while talking with our allrussian sports federations, about the deficit, yes, we have it. Indeed, there are problems in sports, it is necessary to talk about this, but when we talk about problems, we certainly offer new, new solutions, new approaches. Business agenda of the forum russia sports power continues, thats all for now. Thank you, our correspondent Alexander Abramov was in direct contact with the peremis forum russia sports power. The authorities of the Moscow Region and the chinese city of chongtsen agreed on cooperation; the delegation of the russian region , led by governor andrei vorobyov, visited the largest city in the peoples republic of china in terms of population , 38 Million People live there; the parties agreed that chunenqings teachers would come to the Moscow Region teach chinese to schoolchildren. Andrei vorabyov also discussed with the administration the development of the Automotive Industry in his region. We value china, with its leader and chairman, very much and believe that, for our part, we must support and contribute to these communications and interaction between our countries. We are very glad to see you in chongqing this march. The heads of our states reached an agreement to strengthen bilateral cooperation. Chongqing, in turn, also studies the opportunity to develop ties with russia, including in the fields of energy, trade and transport. Now we have more than twenty. Renewal of National Policy, chairman of the state Duma Committee on National Affairs gennady simegen presented the concept of National Policy of the Russian Federation. In our country, after the approval of the president ial strategy for state National Policy, the concept became the first document of this level in the last 10 years. Gennady simigin spoke about how the work on the concept went and what is most important about it. Today we presented the concept of russian National Policy, in it we present and propose specific steps in a number of areas, but first of all, this is updating and improving the Regulatory Framework , primarily the adoption of a new law on state National Policy, of course, these are fundamental measures to improve our planning, monitoring, in general, with the development of languages, culture, upbringing, education, and of course, radical, cardinal steps to change migration policy, what is today the most pressing issue, and much more. It is important for us that today, during the period of a special military operation, we must all be engaged in strengthening interethnic relations, no provocations from the west, no provocations from within russia, including attacks on us, on the people who are engaged today in a special military operation strengthening interethnic relations, these provocations should not go through, we are all fighting today for the unity of the multinational people of russia, i must say, we need to do everything to no one has led us astray from this path in any way, and we will never allow this to happen. Snowfalls are getting closer and closer to moscow, while at the same time forecasters warn of an increased fire danger in the regions of siberia due to the prolonged period of warm dry weather. Lets talk more about this with tatyana belova, tatyana, greetings, residents of the european part of russia, it is no longer worth waiting for the return of warmth, apparently, it is not worth it, the russian plain is plunging into a depression, rains are increasingly turning into snowfalls. The weather in st. Petersburg today changed from colodeiscopic frequency, it began to rain in the morning, and after dawn a real snowstorm raged in the north of the city. At the same time , isolated snowflakes fell in other areas. And this is what the Northern Capital looked like half an hour later. She looked out of the clouds. The bright sun gave residents hope for a fine day, but by this time the sky was again overcast with clouds, winter had come close to the capital region, the morning began with snow in tver, which is separated from moscow by less than 200 km, in the city the snow on the ground did not stay long, here in the tver region, in the city of ostashkov, a temporary snow cover 3 cm high has formed. In moscow, the thermometers are balancing between 4 and 5, the capital today is low cloudy, cold and rainy, humidity 94 , a weak east wind is blowing. At the same time, forest fires began to flare up in the south of siberia, against the backdrop of a protracted period of warm, dry weather. In the askisky district of khakassia, in the bai river tract , the second major fire in a week was recently extinguished. According to preliminary information, the forest caught fire due to careless handling fire. They extinguished the taiga in buryatia and transbaikalia in the tyumen region. Yesterday in siberia was remembered for a spate of temperature records. Some statistics were copied in the altai territory, khakassia, teve, tomsk, novosibirsk, and kimerovo regions. In emalia and the krasnoyarsk territory in biysk, the air warmed up to almost 200, even in the polar norilsk the Previous Daily maximum was exceeded by 2. Thermometers in the city showed 5. 7. By the way, in moscow at the height of the day it was only one and a half warmer. The record warming in the siberian regions is due to the cyclone, which at the beginning of the week there was a snow storm in the volga region. Western siberia is located in the warm sector of the vortex; it actively draws warm air from the south here. In the same time. The russian north found itself in the cold rear sector of the cyclone. A cold front is crossing the northern urals, and strong winds of snowfall remain there. Another zone of bad weather on the european territory of russia is associated with a warm front, which is moving through the Black Earth Region to the middle volga. The kurdish and voronezh regions will be at the center of the storm. Here is the amount of precipitation per day will exceed 20 mm. The rains will occur in the South Central region, here they will be less intense, but 510 will fall. Mm, a small portion of warmer air will come to the southern half of european russia along with the rains; in the south it will be warmer up to 20. In the lower reaches of the volga and don 1015. The center and west of the country will remain under the moderate influence of the outgoing cyclone, so it will be a cool october here. The maximum temperature is about 5. The positive anomaly in siberia is gradually decreasing. In moscow , the temperature in the afternoon will begin go down. And

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