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Economically possible and economically. And even political achievements in this area are based on. Thank you. Thank you all very much. Patriarch kiril commented on the ukrainian bill banning religious organizations that are associated with russia. The Verkhovna Rada has already approved it in the first reading. The head of the Russian Orthodox church today spoke to participants in the International Festival of orthodox media of the faith of the word. And called this one the document is an attempt to quarrel the peoples of historical russia. We will show the full version of patriarch kirills speech after a short advertisement. Pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. Pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. Pentalgin, we can do without more pain. On avito tires from 3,200 rubles. And new. 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In an era when human societies have received informational names and, in fact , the role of information is so great that little can compare with it in terms of influence on history, and those people who work in the field of information, of course, bear a huge responsibility, both for the present and for the future, which is why they are aware of the importance, including the information work that. Is taking place in the bowels of our church, which is converted, once again ill say, both inside and out outside, these people, of course, need, through mutual communication, cooperation , for everyone to acquire some new competencies, a new look at problems, broaden their horizons, and thereby increase the level of information work, we live in times when information has truly become a daily human need, but at the same time it has also become a powerful weapon that can have a destructive effect on millions of people, and we know how it really works and how it is, im not afraid to use it this word, how it contributes to the degradation of human relationships. Well, for us, orthodox christians, who work in the field of information, this may be the most important word for which we will be held accountable at the last judgment, and it will be that word that we do not just pronounce, but which we multiply, which we extend to very many, at the same time, i believe that for our contemporaries who. Do not adhere to religious beliefs and those, i would add, who live, as it were, not according to their conscience, and one thing is sometimes connected with the other, and sometimes not connected, those who live peacefully in the elements, the media is, of course, a powerful ammunition that some use to achieve their goals, ammunition, because with a word you can kill a person, with a word you can achieve something that cannot be achieved by any weapon, and we know how over the course of a century, it was primarily words and propaganda that caused enormous damage, including to our historical fatherland; the revolutionaries were not so strong, from a Military Point of view, from an organizational point of view, from a financial point of view, but decisive. The role is that was destroyed the political system , which had been built over centuries by the best representatives of the country, was destroyed, largely due to the word propaganda at that time, which was hostile towards russia, towards the church and towards the historical way of our life. Indeed, for our contemporaries who do not adhere to this. Religious beliefs, and those who, as they say, do not live according to their conscience, but according to the elements of this world , the media i repeat this again, is a powerful ammunition that can, well, in some cases should, as people believe, be used for to achieve their goals, in the field of regulation of other types of weapons of mass destruction, for example, nuclear, there are international treaties, while chemical and bacteriological ones are generally prohibited. But in the information sphere there are no restrictive frameworks. It is not prohibited to spread any lies against the enemy. The main thing is that it be effective, in other words, deadly. And this is the sad reality of our time, a time of hightech civilization that ensures the production of information in almost unlimited volumes. And in conditions of the military conflict that we are all witnessing. The number of words striking the hearts of people exceeds, figuratively speaking, the number of bullets from shells striking both those on the battlefield and those far from this field, and veterans inflicted by lies and hatred sometimes heal much longer than their bodily wounds , subsequently, such injuries are much more severe. Today, new technologies are actively developing, such as, for example, Artificial Intelligence, which make it possible to produce information without taking into account person, without his participation. Obviously, it sows discord a lot. Easier than creating peace, Artificial Intelligence cannot write war and peace, it will not soon be able to produce a huge number of provocative and deceitful texts, but already now this trend is growing literally every day, and indeed people today seem to be pitted against each other, against friend, conflicts are provoked and deepened. Precisely with the active participation of the media. Think about the fact that the untwisted flywheel of hatred is very difficult to stop. At one time, i had the opportunity to witness similar events. The world was brought to the brink of complete destruction before humanity came to the understanding that Nuclear Weapons must be limited. As a matter of fact, most of my life passed under the fear that at any moment the country could be involved in a nuclear conflict, now somehow the topic has been pushed aside, because Many International efforts have been made and bilateral and various treaties, in the fifties , in the sixties there was nothing like this, and we really lived on the brink of a hot war, i remember this atmosphere well, including the one that was in our country, and then the need to limit the use and testing of Nuclear Weapons, an International Consensus was reached on these topics, and indeed, countries and the leadership of these countries, primarily those that possessed Nuclear Weapons, found the strength to stop the very dangerous degradation of International Relations as possible. Conflicts, now we do not yet see those brought to a state of heightened combat readiness of Nuclear Missiles capable of destroying the worlds population, but the degree of hatred and mistrust has perhaps become greater than even at the time i am talking about, this is a very dangerous state, it was the result of a targeted information war with exploitation. Once again i want to say that all these nuclear arsenals, they have not disappeared anywhere, they are in a state of combat readiness, otherwise there would be no point in them, but they themselves will not be the trigger that can plunge humanity into a new nuclear war, this the trigger in the first place can, for sure, if god preserves Something Like this, it will come out, it will become, information , that very information field, in which orthodox representatives of the media also take part, on whom this is also entrusted Global Responsibility for peace, for security, for the establishment of good relations between countries and peoples, we observe with sadness how in many countries of the world, unfortunately, the child of our. Church becomes an object oppression and even bullying, for the fact that they are carriers of centuriesold russian culture, which is inseparable from the heritage of russian statehood. The socalled abolition of russian culture is shameless slander and unpunished destruction of the ukrainian Orthodox Church, this is the essence of a way to oppose and quarrel those who are related to the same. Spiritual and Cultural Heritage created by the peoples of historical russia. And one of the most obvious forms of such abolition is the destruction of monuments and even military burial grounds. A after all, respect for burial places is a cultural basis characteristic even of protocivilization. But this moral rubicon has now, alas, been passed. If the persecutors of the ukrainian Orthodox Church accuse it of. Does not want to renounce Russian Orthodoxy, which is connected with russia, with ukraine, with belarus, then we, living in our native country, are reproached for not speaking out against military action. The churchs prayers for peace, its compassion for all victims of war and regularly provided humanitarian assistance are not taken into account western media, which consider themselves spokesmen for public opinion. The church, nevertheless , tirelessly raises its voice for peace, but not for a proamerican or proeuropean world. She stands for a lasting, just world that, as far as possible, would preserve the values ​​that it represents. And above all , these are traditional values, faiths, families, which today are being suppressed, or even desecrated by part of the western political elite. By the way, we see that calls for peace from other religious communities, including including the Roman Catholic church, are also ignored by those who are interested in prolonging the conflict between russia and the countries that. Modern ukraine, but at the same time some representatives of the so called collective west accuse the russians of inciting war and aggression. It is with regret that we have to say that humanity seems unable to live without war. Such is the fallen nature of man, but we can and must minimize the humanitarian harm from military actions once these actions have begun, especially when it comes to. Peoples who emerged from a single baptismal font, united by a common history and culture, i mean the people of russia and ukraine. The special military operation and the public reaction to it brought to the fore many pressing issues, including the question of the moral transformation of russian society. We are no longer bound by those invented restrictions introduced from outside. With the help of which they tried to prohibit us from building a life based on traditional values. Our public space must be riddled from idols of consumption and human passions. Such moral categories as meaningful work, truth, justice, Honest Service to the fatherland should receive a new meaning. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also, says the lord. And our hearts and minds must be free from those frames in which those who propagated the values ​​of modern Consumer Society so persistently tried to enclose them, and courageous testimony about this freedom must become the main content of the educational works of the church in information space, as well as the creative participation of clergy and laity of our church in this important work. The Prophetic Ministry of the church in the information sphere should be a driving force for moral reforms, improvement of legislation and social mechanisms that contribute to the unity of our people, and the affirmation of genuine, and not imaginary, values ​​in their lives. We are all called to ensure that the norms of our faith become the norm of life, and that the right words do not diverge from our deeds. And this is one of the the main meanings of Christian Service in the information sphere. Sometimes it seems to us that it is impossible to stop the streams of hatred and malice that pour out from various sources of information in order to erase the common historical memory of the peoples of holy russia, but we believe that the word of truth, love and mercy, assisting god, helps stop the Conveyor Belt of lies. We believe and hope that through the zeal and good will of free people, including representatives of the media, the flame of hostility will be extinguished, and the lord, bowing his mercy will not send us all the much desired peace and prosperity. Thank you for attention. Thank you very much, your holiness, for your pastoral word. If possible, a few questions. Every day we. The possibilities for transmitting information develop , improve, and it would seem that a person has opportunities for selfimprovement, but we often see that these opportunities lead to the degradation and destruction of a persons personality. Here is a vivid example of this development of clip thinking , unfortunately, especially among young people, the decline reading needs. Serious Fiction Books of literature, that is, interest in literature is falling very strongly, thats what it seems to you, your holiness , is it possible to return interest, mass interest in literature, or a transition to new forms of information, it becomes like an inevitability, thank you, thank you, this a very serious, i would say philosophical question lets think about what fiction is . Fiction is that literature that creates an artistic quality in our minds image. When we read fiction, we become coauthors ; firstly, we interpret what we read in relation to our thoughts, to our understanding of life, agreeing with something. This, but most importantly, we ourselves create an artistic image in our minds, and what does this mean , we become heroes, and for us war and peace, yes, or dostoevskys idiot, any other work, this is not just a written text, but this is what is reflected in our consciousness, moreover, in the images that we created. In other words, fiction requires the participation of the reader; it is artistic precisely if and only if it is capable of creating an artistic image in the mind of the reader. Thats why fiction cannot be replaced by anything, neither by cinema, nor by watching television, because there others create the image, you consume a readymade image. You are not a coauthor, in this sense the intellectual load is not at all the same, here we are really coworkers, coauthors, cocreators. And so without this creative process, of course, colossal damage is caused to the general culture of people, our development is hampered, so the transition to these videos, the transition to a series already prepared by someone and in general a system prepared by someone, including, among other things, an image, they harm our creative activity, which means, im not afraid of this word, they contribute to the degradation of the individual and society, this is where the rejection of genuine fiction can lead us, let me emphasize again. In fiction there are two the author, the one who wrote and the one who reads, which is why it is necessary to maintain interest in fiction in every possible way. There is another danger, now, i dont know how it is in our country, but in the west it is very common to publish such, well , what is called adapted texts, in which a lot is preserved, the plot is preserved, this very thing itself. And a person seems to have read it and can even show off his knowledge somewhere, but yes it goes, i remember this, this is there, this, that, but a person who has become acquainted with the interpretation or an abridged edition of the literary text, never took part in the creation of the image, he ceased to be a coauthor, which means that this is a union, first of all , of the one who reads, which is why, to the best of my ability, in different audiences, i tried to talk about the need, firstly , uh, the teaching of literature in our schools is of a very high level, i remember how it largely depended on our teachers, when i was teaching this, when i was studying, whether the schoolchildrens interest in a particular work was awakened or not, but at that time, of course, it was very great influence of ideology teachers also provided assistance, maybe even regardless. They had to fulfill some kind of ideological order depending on their own desires , and this, of course, was detrimental to education, but nevertheless, i still remember with gratitude the years that are associated with studying in high school and how the teachers, despite the ideological framework, were able to convey to us the most important thing in the arts. And developed interest in the skills of reading such works, so i dont know to what extent i answered your question, but i am deeply convinced v that the very phenomenon of contact with fiction will cause enormous spiritual, intellectual, aesthetic damage to modern man. Pentalginel, it contains a special component for better penetration of pain and inflammation into the glasses. Pentalginel against pain transfer money quickly and conveniently, cool idea, but by whom . 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