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Friendly countries in terms of training highclass specialists in sports medicine. And in conclusion, vladim vladimirovich, i would like to support oleg vasilievich, who raised the question of the need to create a full production cycle for Sports Nutrition on the territory of the russian federation, and how understanding the importance of Sports Nutrition, it is fully effective on the one hand, safe on the other hand, and fmba is ready to take responsibility for controlling the quality and substances of domestic and finished products at all stages of production, thank you very much, ok, ok, thank you for your offer, please, dear vich, i would like to thank you for your great attention to the development of sports, especially hockey, you know that i always raised the issue of the construction of hockey stadiums, we lagged behind canada, america, then thats when i became president of the Hockey Federation in 2006, we had only 145 rinks, and now there are 800, and this is thanks to your support, our government, the ministry of sports and on behalf of the hockey players i would like to thank you again, i think that we will continue this program , why, because it is in these stadiums that we educate future champions and patriots of our country, this is very. Important, because all the stadiums , they wont let me lie, are completely packed to capacity, and many thanks to the regions, the governors who understand , love hockey, and new stadiums are built every year, i have one more proposal, well, russia is a sports power, sport plays an Important Role in the life of our country, i would like to ask you to suggest that federal channels pay more attention in news programs, sports news, results matches, competitions held, now we hold a lot of tournaments with friendly countries, we have something to be proud of. Yes, we have a tv match, and thank you very much for it, but there are more fans already who they definitely love sports and watch this program, and we want to reach all russians so that they know that we love sports, we are developing sports, we are proud of our sports, and for a minute on the news channels, it would be great for people to know what we are doing in sportte, thank you, uhhuh, that means, eh, thank you for saying about this, and for what you are doing, of course, of course, we have a lot of facilities for hockey, now in st. Petersburg, in my opinion , the biggest, the biggest , how much, 2. 0, the largest in europe, the largest in europe, means an object for practicing and holding hockey competitions with sheiba. The largest in europe, i am sure that it will be filled taking into account the growing interest in hockey, but you, together with specialists from the ministry of sports , need, i have already spoken about this many times, we need to understand what we should do with these deals from hockey, which, children from sports schools are taken away and dragged abroad, it is clear that we have a free country, it is clear that each person makes his own choice, and we should not interfere with this, but it is also clear. That this business, and business is not always regulated, so to speak, and not always noble, which is why i have already said many times, little is being done in this regard, i also want to ask the ministry of sports to return to this issue, well, with the federation too, then theres a lot of dependence there, theres a lot of money floating around, the damage were causing is obvious, that is, legal. There must be certain frameworks and guarantees both for the state and for the participants in all this activity, as for attention from the media, yes. Of course, we are with the channels well also talk to those who work on the internet, well, this also applies to the relevant sports, you need to actively promote your product, actively promote it and do it in a modern, beautiful, creative way, look, the ministry of sports, but now it gives information, yes, the increase in the number of people involved in sports, in the twentysecond, sixteenth, to the twentysecond year, figure skating, the increase in those involved is 350 , 350, but it is clear that this is a favorite sport in our country, traditionally, but besides everything else, they they know how to promote themselves, show off beautifully, show off, so it looks good. Cycling 132 plus, chess 63, business aerobics 60, samba 50, rhythmic gymnastics 48, which means Power Lifting 42, alpine skiing, after all, a rather expensive sport, the increase in the number of people involved is 41 , well, decent. Swimming 40, badminton 38, table tennis, igor evrgenovich, a pitiful 5 , although a tennis table can be placed in almost, if not not every apartment, then on every landing, this needs to be done actively, and the result will be 100 , i agree with you, so please, please, thank you, vladimirovich, i wanted to say, vladimir, this is what you said, nonbudgetary funding for sports, regarding bookmakers, in the twentieth year there was zero sports, there was none at all, after your support and decision, by order, we introduced a bill amendment on a single regulator, in the twenty first year sport received 10 billion from bookmakers, in the twentysecond year sport received 13. 8 billion from bookmakers, and when these statistics were initially given, uh, for an amendment to add, there were various critics and said that the bookmakers turnover there is about 700 billion, when we connected to the software, it turned out to be 1 trillion 100 billion, so 20. 17 billion is already visible in the quarter, 17 billion will be received, because every quarter 4, the Sports Federation receives 4. 5 billion directly, and also, on your instructions , they increased from 1. 5 to 2 , from january, from january there will already be more than 20 billion in deductions. I would like it all when the bill was made, it was made as a single gambling regulator, so that all gambling games are included there, that is, they relate to lotteries , and lotteries, casinos, all kinds of games and also internet games, today bookmaking activities, it seems to have already been proven by the software. And it works effectively and brought to transparency, today its not even 15 trillion already, at the end of 23 it is already clear that this is the effectiveness of the program, which closes the com zone so that money is not withdrawn, today already in the 23rd year at the end of the year 2 trillion bookmaker turnover will be closed, that is, every times the already closed zone com increases by 90 , but we still need to work, unfortunately there is an online casino, which today more than 200 billion are withdrawn through the zone com, as they worked, they continue to work, this is sitting in moscow and children play, adults all play, that is, no, there is no regulator, and i would like it to be the same, to have a regulator in the system, so that we can block all this, and thus the volume will increase in the bookkeeping of the lottery and also. Also the internet games, today internet games there is no regulator, today four american companies, one canadian, are engaged in internet games , we dont have our own yet, about 5 billion, approximately the turnover of dollars, which is transferred abroad through the zone com, and it is also proposed to include internet games in a single regulator, so that we can block those games that can enter the territory of russia, so that everything is in zones, all software and servers should be on the territory of the russian federation, this will give an increase in employees, uh, work will increase, that is, the family, of the it cluster, and the market will also become transparent, but the most interesting thing is, all these internet games, take there, for example, shooting games, there is something else, they all promote such values ​​very uh, antistate, uh, everything is russian, everything is bad there, for example, there are games where, uh, you shoot there, if you kill a russian there, you get points, that is, this also works on the internet, so we recently discussed it with Dmitry Nikolaevich i just dont want to voice these games, and i would like these three points be included in a single regulator and it will be able to fully, effectively block the entire zone com, and any system that may be on the territory of the russian federation, so that our citizens can play. There must be clear conditions, everything must be in the white zone, connection to the program, and also the server , software, the office must be located on the territory of the russian federation, thank you, pavel aleksandrovich, what is the problem, why not do this, really the server must be with you, we love both canada and the usa, but making money on us, especially in such a negative. The keys for why we are allowing this, as for establishing control, here we are ready to Work Together to present a proposal, because of course we are interested in having all this under control, both financial flows and content, that regarding the lottery, there is a subtlety associated with the fact that if you dont, wait a second, work it out, yes , you need to do it, dont work it out, do it, and you need to include it in a single regulator, what s stopping you, you have some, like something, what do you think is preventing this from being done, or what, tell me, right now, vladivich, accepted, agreed, please , please, further, you are talking about the lottery for lotteries, yes, for lotteries, there is a subtlety there, it is connected with the fact that our income from lotteries goes to the federal budget, and of course, we take them into account when planning our expenses for sports, now it is about 3 billion rubles. They are administered by the federal tax service, and when we plan sports expenses, federal budget expenses, too, accordingly these we are adjusting allocations, for example, now, when forming the budget for the next three years, we have provided an additional more than 2 billion rubles compared to the law , primarily for Holding International events, so of course, we have taken this money into account and do we need to withdraw it from the federal budget to a single regulator . , to work here, you know, maybe you dont need to withdraw money, you just need to give money there. This is what we do, to support a healthy lifestyle, first of all, and therefore sports, of course, physical education sports, and how much do you send there from lotteries as a percentage, so if we take everything received from the lottery as 100 , how much do you send to sports, we now have 3 billion rubles a year. Expenses, does not want to answer, federal budget expenses for next year are 67, but from lotteries we get three, no, federal budget expenses are less, next year maybe, i dont know, now 40, in my opinion, 67, 67, about 60, 539 60 federal budget, thats right. Well, okay, i understand that we never have enough money, thats, thats understandable, thats always the case, exactly years, and such not so much, always, its always the same thing, this is understandable, its a matter of priorities, what the state considers important and what is secondary, we always say that the health of the nation, and this is directly related, is directly dependent on activities physical education and sports are a priority, of course. So, look, and the deduction for, this does not mean, it needs to be removed from the regulation by the ministry of finance, just the deduction from lotteries, of course, should be in a larger volume. Please take a look and let us include this in the draft, in the draft solution today we will take into account, yes, umar, vladimir, uh, from lotteries today, firstly, they are not 3 billion , there are two, this year they actually want to show one thing, we just figured it out, studied everything, and this in general, pennies for sports, this, well, it could be up to 10 billion from lotteries. Ok, please, pa aleksandrovich, work with your colleagues on this matter, okay, we have a justification, thank you, so please, now just a second, aleksanrovna, please, deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, first of all, allow me express your admiration for your ability to work and your attention to sports to the athlete. And to the coaches, all those involved in sports, given your incredible busyness, you find time to lead these meetings and work very carefully to ensure that sports are at the level at which it has always been and will be in our country. Thanks to your direct support, the issue has already been resolved, thank god, about the legislation of sports and education, their harmonization, from september 1 this law came into force, coaches again became only by those who serve the population, but also by trainers and teachers , yes, i remember, it was your proposal, you ordered it twice, finally all your instructions have been fulfilled, thank you, i convey to you words of gratitude from colleagues from the regions, everyone present here knows you as a leader, who are distinguished by a very careful attitude towards personnel, and under your chairmanship, a month ago , an extended meeting of the presidium of the state council was held, at which the issue of developing the labor market was considered, risks were discussed in detail, with which we will encounter in the very near future in terms of Training Specialists for various fields, i was recently in sochi, where our leading athletes study, namely leadership, leadership. Federations, various organizations, and this is a huge help, in order to strengthen the personnel potential of physical culture, i propose to take a detailed set of measures and ensure its implementation from the municipal to the federal level, it is necessary to create conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists, including in promising areas, about who spoke today about esports, to provide measures support, to form a reserve, as i already said, of management personnel, i want to express, express my opinion that in the conditions of external sanction pressure, and the categorical humiliation of our country in various international federations, it is necessary create new organizations, will not be federations and will not be part of international federations, but will be independent organizations that can invite such organizations to participate in competitions with friendly countries, as a league of sports societies, an association of clubs, we have already created this in rhythmic gymnastics, this is a huge support for our Young Athletes, whom the kremlin just spoke about, we now have 2000 already selected children participating in clubs, a huge number of children participate in International Competitions international program, but we also have competitions that we do according to the allrussian program, because according to the international federation, they cut off our head, pulled up our tail, it turned out to be something in between, we dont want to stop, rhythmic gymnastics, for example, rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that was born, a sport that was born in the soviet union in russia and we should be legislators, not performers, we have recently been made one, many are already ready to raise their hands, we have we are also looking for new forms, you are right, we are already finding new forms , these are competitions and various, as i said, two types of programs, we now have concerts that we coincide with dates such as defender of the fatherland day. Victory day, mothers day, childrens day, these are patriotic concerts, very ones that lift the spirit of our athletes and spectators, at which children and families of our soldiers are present, at which lowincome and large families are present, who could not be at these concerts, and these concerts are held with live music. Our stars perform with a lively voice, we invite athletes from other sports, and this is a wonderful unification of Adult Children under the russian anthem, when a small child of 6 years old sings the anthem speaks the words correctly, and his, and this girls nails are painted in the color of the russian flag, this says a lot, so when our competitions take place at the same time as the world cups and so on, and we have no time to celebrate, as they say , on the lavas or, on the contrary, to get off them forever, we have endless competitions for both adults and children, for example, in yekaterinburg we will have the final of the russian cup in december, where 806 regions will participate, not counting foreigners, thats all our regions. Showed up and we invited them, and we understand, according to statistics, we checked that the largest number of children and adults are now involved in rhythmic gymnastics, which is probably why i think that each of our republics, russian, each region, having a flag having an anthem, this is a huge number that is not even present at the world cup, this is all a very strong region. Who put on all types of programs, programs of their athletes, uh, i think that those regions that we now have promising, i was recently in the far east in the primorsky territory, i think that these are now by far the most promising regions in our country, where there are all conditions and all conditions should be created for all sports, because our closest friendly countries are there, who can come without problems, and we must master it there, there is a magnificent climate, 365 days a year of sun, and i think that bases for our athletes should be built there, as if in an intensive mode, on lake baikal, these are all energetic places, altai, these are all those places that give life, that give. Strength and energy, its not without reason that our great artist, nikolai roerrikh, said that gorny altai is the second shambhala, therefore, i think, all those governors and leaders of our government who they are now creating all the conditions for playing sports; it is in these regions, in siberia, the urals, that we already have many gyms, many sports. And it is also very important that your instructions, thank god, are being carried out to develop clusters within walking distance, we have talked about this at many our advice, now it is very important within walking distance, for families to be together, for fathers and children to play sports together , there are such districts, there are such clusters where we analyzed, there are the least. Divorces, because children and parents are together , and if we create such oases for families, for ours, i think that we will definitely fulfill your instructions, so that by the thirtieth year we will have 70 involved in sports, and definitely, thats how you said, that we should be right in yards should be these little gyms are places where people can go out both in winter and in summer, work out with a child, and themselves, well, in the summer these are jogging, for example, some paths in the winter are ski slopes, we, if you allow, will talk about the Olympic Games, something, maybe, about the Olympic Games , yes, of course, of course, anything, we are all very worried that we are the Olympic Games, we hear one thing all the time lower, squat even lower. In what sense . The fact that we are always bent over, then this, then we do one thing wrong, then our athletes are dressed in white uniform, subguides, i surrender like a white flag, without death, without our fans, well , there were no fans in japan, there was a pandemic, and now how can we go without fans . You cant go to mix zones. You cant communicate with journalists, how can that be . And the mayor of paris even said that we should compete in the refugee team . I think, at least for my colleagues and our children, they will not go to these Olympic Games in this status, its a shame, we are used to chanting our anthem, when the fans sing our anthem, raise our flags, a sea of ​​russian flags, the most popular song is always at the championship. Like the world this is the anthem of russia and now to come without all this and be in such a state, i think that this is beneath the dignity of such a great country as russia, thank you for your attention, yeah, i would like to say right away that i think that Irina Aleksandrovna is right, new organizational and legal forms in the field of sports, of course, are in high demand today, because these forums. These are all sorts of leagues, associations, associations of clubs, and so on and so forth, they will certainly undermine the existing system of monopoly of the International Bureaucracy on on International Sports on International Communication in the field of sports, they will not be able to oppose anything to this broad public sports movement, because it is not. It will be possible to block everything, they have created a monopoly, then in the field , therefore, of sports medicine, then in the field of organizing various levels of competitions, and if we follow the broad path of democratizing sports contacts, then no one will be able to oppose anything to this, because the desire of people to communicate, especially to communicate in such a noble form , in such a noble way. In the form of an activity like sport, it will be impossible to put up barriers that prohibit this communication, it will simply be impossible by definition, so we need to go along the path of this democratization, without abandoning, of course, and without driving into a dead end the traditional forms of organizing sports, which means that we will support them, of course, but the more widely and democratically sports are organized in russia, the better and more interesting it will be he will for everyone, because what is happening in modern International Sports organizations are signs of degeneration, uh, it is very commercialized, which means it depends on business, on business depends on the authorities at various levels, on the political structures of various parties, this is a sign degeneration, sports and sports movements were not created in order to participate in some political troubles, in order to unite people, if we follow this logic, then now it is necessary to exclude almost half of the arab countries from sports movements, israel must be excluded, which means it is still unclear who is there and what is doing, and restrictions in the form of sports, judging by what has happened recently, may follow unnoticed, we will not follow this path, but in order to. To leave sport as an instrument of International Communication between people, it is necessary to democratize it, thats why the path needs to be followed, in this sense, i absolutely agree. So, please, vladimir, respect vladimich, 2 years ago, at the same Sports Council you supported the proposal of the olympic winter Association Sports and to organize the allrussian sports games among youth in olympic. Winter sports at olympic heritage sites, and on february 7 next year, despite all the challenges and problems in sochi, the opening of the allrussian childrens sports games will take place at the rozahutor complex. More than 3,000 Young Athletes from all over the country, winners of regional competitions, will take part in it. For the first time, measures of motivation and support will be applied to both the regions of the country and themselves

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