, after talking with five leaders of the region, these were important timely conversations, i ll tell you the main thing now, without details, i got the impression that no one wants to continue development and conflict worsening situation. According to Vladimir Putin, the emergence of an independent palestinian state will create the conditions for lasting peace in the middle east. According to the president , contradictions remain, this does not mean that it is not required increasing the level of interaction does not mean that there is no need to achieve the unity of the Palestinian Community or society as a whole, of course, the palestinians should strive for this, but this is their business, we cannot lead this process here, we have always advocated the creation of an independent, sovereign palestinian state with from the capitals. In jerusalem in the east, but we have been talking about this for a long time, the International Community has been talking about this for a long time, will this Current Crisis contribute to solving this problem, but if it were so, this would be correct, because it would create the conditions for a possible future peace for a long historical perspective, because to replace political issues of a fundamental nature related to a certain. Fate of the palestinian people, to replace this with some kind of sevenminute economic handouts, like the United States tried to do this, it is completely impossible, and the Current Crisis shows this, it is necessary to solve fundamental problems of a political nature. Vladimir putin also commented on supplies to ukraine american missiles from tacoma, the fact that they were secretly brought to ukraine was confirmed by the american media. Official washington did not comment on the situation; Vladimir Putin is confident that these missiles will not be able to radically change the situation, and russia will be able to repel attacks. The supply of such weapons, according to the president , will only serve to prolong the conflict. Margarita semenyuk has all the details. The frantically requested tactical missiles were handed over to the attacks in ukraine secretly, for fear of what is called not being completed. Military experts compare missiles to a point u. Our air Defense Systems are quite capable of intercepting attacks. Russian president vladimir stated this. Of course, we will be able to repel these attacks, war is war, and of course, i said that it does not pose a threat, this goes without saying, but most importantly, it is fundamentally not able to change the situation at all, whether there is noncontact, all western equipment is in the zone svoa did not lead ukraine to the desired result. The biggest mistake, as stated by the Russian Ambassador in washington, anatoly antonov, in the telegram channel of the russian diplomatic mission, will provoke a complete rupture of bilateral relations. We have repeatedly warned the administration against rash steps and explained that the pumping up of weapons by the mikievo regime seriously undermines strategic and regional security. The United States continues to push for a direct clash between nato and russia. The us and nato are drawn into a war with russia. In ukraine, the tone is changing from modest gratitude for the help to zelsky and everything is not enough. This is another mistake on the part of the United States. And for several reasons at once, firstly, if they had not supplied weapons, they could in the future say, well, if we had put everything we could, then the situation would have changed, but this would have led to unnecessary casualties, we are so good, we didnt do this. But they did it, and there was no result. Atakam surfacetosurface Ballistic Missiles in their modern modification fly over 300 km; five of the eight modifications are produced. Ukraine received 20 old missiles. Sample at 165 km, wingspan is almost one and a half meters, weight is more than thousands of kilograms, radius of circular probable deviation from the target is 250 m. Atacoms are suitable under rszo hymers. The version of the atap missile sent to the ukrainians is, in small quantities, a Cluster Munition that releases 950 small bombs capable of causing damage over a wide area, officials said. Weapons of this type are prohibited by international agreements; the United States has not signed them. Any overseas support does not significantly affect the course of hostilities. The announced counteroffensive in the kherson direction did not create a sensation. There are no new positions, but losses among personnel everything is there. Margarita semenyuk evgeniya zimsova. News. Strong friendship despite pressure from washington with such formulations are published articles in the world media, which actively discuss Vladimir Putins visit to china and close cooperation between moscow and beijing. Maria lakner collected the brightest. And the reactions of western publications. Distortion of facts cannot spoil russianchinese relations. An article with this title is published by china daly. According to chinese journalists, the western press is deliberately trying to convince the world that moscow and beijing have created an alliance against democratic countries, and this is completely untrue. Neither beijing nor moscow bows to washingtons hegemony. On the contrary, both russia and china follow international law, respect the world order mainly. Based on the un charter, and also support multipolar global governance. The exclusively financial implications of the close friendship between moscow and beijing are emphasized by the european media. Bright illustration article in the czech publication hrodot. The author argues that the priority for the kremlin is to cooperate with china, allegedly an agreement on the construction of a new gas pipeline power of siberia 2. The spanish elpais views putins visit as a continuation of strengthening ties with china in the face of tough western sanctions. This thought sounds. European publications. By the way, the American Press recognizes the collapse of the wests attempts to distance sidzenpin and Vladimir Putin. This is noted , for example, by the wall street journal. The publication writes that trade ties between russia and china are only expanding. Washington post reporters believe that the russian leaders visit to china is nothing more than a friendship between two countries against the United States. The authors emphasize that moscow and beijing are actually challenging the world order in which, as they believe in america. 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And divide, divide the price into quarters , dont put it off right away, buy, divide, divide, divide, share from alfabank, pick up your purchase immediately for a quarter of the price, pay without overpayments in equal installments, choose stores on podeeli. Ru. Demonstrators in beirut tried to storm the us embassy again. Lebanese Police Use Tear gas against them. After hitting the hospital. Gaza, a wave of protests swept across the arab world, this day has been declared a day of rage, as arab countries express it, we will learn about this from evgeniy podubny, he is in direct contact with us, evgeniy, greetings again, tell me, what is the situation . Yes, tatyana, hello, well, just literally, a demonstration of protesters at the American Embassy was essentially completed by army units and police forces, lets tell you everything in order, today at 16 oclock to the American Embassy building protesters began to arrive, these are activists and representatives of virtually all lebanese faiths , and this is something that can be seen extremely rarely in beirut, when nearby hezbollah activists, phalangists, socialists, representatives of sunni groups, all of them arrived at the American Embassy in order to break through to the building , the entrance was hit by stones, a bottle, they flew into the complex of buildings of the american diplomatic mission, for about an hour, the protesters tried to break through to the building, but were stopped by a cordon of Lebanese Military Security Forces of course guard all diplomatic missions, after the police and army began using tear gas, and the protesters had to move away. From the fence that separates the territory of the American Embassy from a residential area in the north of beirut, after which army units were quickly deployed to the protest site , the number of tear gas grenades increased, the protesters were forced to retreat, in fact, today the protest at the American Embassy ended, so you see behind me and cars of the lebanese and the states of america, it is worth noting that the Lebanese Military acts extremely carefully, they only use gas, in fact, the police, and the army does not exert physical influence on the protesters , it is worth noting that in the capital of lebanon in beirut, there were protests not only by the american embassies. And protesters gathered near the french diplomatic mission, as well as near the headquarters of the league of arab states, in lebanon, in addition, it is worth noting that the protests are only a visible part of the reaction in response to the tragedy that occurred as a result of the attack on the bartiya hospital in the gaza strip, periodic clashes continue on the lebaneseisraeli border between the Israeli Defense forces and fighters from the Lebanese Organization. Hezbollah, as well as palestinian troops that operate in southern lebanon. The idf launches cannon artillery strikes and uses Army Aircraft to fire at settlements located in southern lebanon, hezbollah fighters respond to these attacks with strikes at observation points bordering the israeli army, which are located in close proximity to the alivan settlements, they use antitank missile systems, guided missiles in order to. The israel Defense Forces, in general, the situation is heating up every day, while talking about that it is too early to open a second front, and this already depends on the decision. Not of iran, since the Lebanese Organization hezbollah is a proiranian movement, but in fact, after the attack on the hospital, which resulted in deaths in palestine at one point more than 800 people, the entire arab world has been mobilized, the entire socalled arab street, one might even say more broadly, a Muslim Street , protests have been heard in virtually all arab and muslim countries in the region, unrest in turkey, unrest on the west bank of the jordan river, protests are going on in jordan , protests are taking place in yemen itself, now the population is actively demanding from their own leaders not to limit themselves to condemnation, but to act in order to stop the massacre of civilians in the sector, and now we see that military units are changing their location, perhaps somewhere else in beirut, and now there are protesters, but near the American Embassy, ​​the situation has stabilized, i remind you that here the demonstrators are for the roofs of neighboring buildings, and they brought them to these roofs covered with wait for the cars, and now the brigades. The Fire Department is liquidating the climb very close , in general, the situation is quite tense, and the day of rage, which was announced today, will not end, today the protests will continue, although, evgeniy, thank you, evgeniy poddobny spoke about the days of anger in arab countries. Joe biden has promised to provide aid to the palestinians. For 100 million, in addition, the us president requested an unprecedented aid package for israel from congress. Today joe biden is visiting this country. In a meeting with benjamin netanyahu, he said that he did not believe that israel was responsible for the attack on the palestinian hospital. Our special correspondent in the region, alexey konopko, will tell you all the details about the negotiations. The news of the usual is much longer than the plans, Joseph Bidens visit to israel is still ongoing, you see the motorcade, with which we are working, for israel itself, probably, today one of the main news came from joseph biden, he said that he was not involved in the attack on the hospital in the gas, he was convinced not only by the arguments of the israeli side, but also by the data that the pentagon provided him, without details yet, but nevertheless, the information is important, in fact, the visit itself for israel is also big news, the american president is coming here, essentially during the war is revealed, this is probably the main thing, by bidens statement following the negotiations on the ongoing worldwide support from washington for israel, the israeli people, the Israeli Government. In addition to financial military assistance, of course, the main topic today was that same hospital tragedy; from the very morning, even before the american president landed at bengurion airport, israeli representatives published evidence that it was not sahals fault. In particular, the first ones were published today. Photographs showing the victims buildings, the most damaged side of their surroundings, in the first one you can see the direction of the impact, as they say sahal this is the south, southwest, and to the south of the southwest of the israeli gas sector there is simply no, but secondly, you cant see the craters on the ground, and the craters are always left behind such as, for example, American Made jam bombs, which are in service with the israeli army, and finally, in the middle of the day today , an audio recording was published in which voices are heard, as the sahals say. These are the voices of members of the terrorist Group Islamic jihad there people are discussing a certain missile that hit the wrong place. One way or another, these arguments, these or maybe some others, that were presented behind closed doors today convinced the american president and benjamin netanyahu, they expressed essentially a common opinion about the hospital tragedy. Hamas is responsible for all civilian casualties and must answer for it. We saw the cost of this terrible war crime yesterday, a rocket fired by palestinian terrorists failed to reach its targets and fell on a hospital. The whole world rightly indignant, but this indignation should not be directed at israel, at terrorists. I am deeply saddened and outraged by yesterdays gas hospital bombing, from what i saw it appears to have been done by the other party and not you, but there are a lot of people who arent sure about that, so we have a lot of work to do. As for military and financial assistance, what could have remained behind closed doors, the bloomberg agency. Released two notes at once, the first claiming that joseph biden will ask congress for another 100 billion in aid to israel, ukraine and taiwan, secondly, that the Israeli Government is negotiating with space. About the use of the Starling Group on the borders of the gas sector. In addition, in the middle of the day information appeared , citing sources, that the israeli army, in response to an urgent request, had already received 100,000 ceramic plates for body armor from the pentagon. They can be given to reservists. I have seen your support every day, the scale of cooperation we have seen since the beginning this war, reached a truly unprecedented level in the entire history of the Great Alliance between our countries. We see your strong commitment. To ensure we have everything we need to defend ourselves, we see that support in the clear message you sent to our enemies, asking them not to test our patience, and then sending two u. S. Carrier groups to the region to back those words up with action. Once again today, the israel Defense Forces addressed gas refugees, they are asked to gather in a small strip land, literally the very coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the southern part of the sector, where, as they say in the idf, humanitarian aid can be delivered. Well , the Israeli Government is now preparing to evacuate its citizens from the northern regions of the country from the border with lebanon not from two, but from a fivekilometer zone. Alexey konopko, konstantin piunov, valeria borovikova and nadezhda nefedova, lead tel aviv israel. 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Against this background, moscow attaches special importance to the strategic cooperation with belarus. Open support for kiev. Our countries are united by fraternal relations and common cultural and moral values. This is especially important today, when the situation is along the perimeter of the borders of the union state. Sharply aggravated due to the openly hostile activities of nato. Since february last year, the number of troops, strengthening the bloc in Eastern Europe and the baltic countries has increased 2 and a half times and exceeded 30,000 people. More than half of them are United States military personnel. On the eastern flank of the alliance major exercises based on scenarios of military conflict with russia and belarus are regularly held. Its being worked on. The use of Nuclear Weapons involving the Strategic Aviation of the United States of america and the Tactical Nuclear forces of nato. Finlands entry into the North Atlantic Alliance and the holding of joint events in sweden created an additional source of tension. In the near future , the deployment of Coalition Military bases of strike weapons on the territory of these countries cannot be ruled out. Head of the Belarusian Ministry of defense victorin. Noted that the main task today is to maintain the level of cooperation between russia and belarus in the face of western pressure. According to him , this can only be achieved by building new effective models of relationships. In order to develop military cooperation, on march 28 of this year , an agreement was signed between the republic of belarus and the Russian Federation on the creation of operational combat Training Centers for joint training of military personnel of the armed forces of the republic of belarus and russia. Russian federation. On practice joint combat training activities were worked out, both within the framework of the functioning of combat Training Centers and on the issues of training a regional grouping of troops and a unified regional air defense system. In accordance with the decisions made by the heads of our states on the deployment of russian nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons on the territory of the republic of belarus, work was carried out to equip their storage sites. As well as training personnel in the basics of its use. On may 25 of this year , documents were signed defining the procedure for its content. Today, deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Gulikova spoke at the government hour in the state duma. She spoke about the support for participants in the special military operation. In particular, more than 8,000 people have already taken advantage of the right to enter statefunded places at universities under a separate quota. Acquires roman capital. Of course, we pay special attention at all levels to supporting the families of participants in the special military operation. Together with you, dear colleagues, we have legislated the right of children of svo participants to be enrolled in kindergartens and schools as a priority, their right to priority receipt of vouchers to Childrens Health centers. Sbo participants and their children received the right to enroll in budgetfunded places at universities within a separate quota ; 8,6000 people have already taken advantage of this right this year. In addition, from september 1 of this year, they have the right to switch to Free Education in universities and colleges. Melancholy does not combine with soviet. The mosaic is so optimistic, literally behind the wall there was a terrible torture chamber, here they played football with us, from melitopol to mariupol and above, all the radar posts here are tied to the division, well, look, its a fashionable city , of course, there wasnt anything like it here in ukrainian times, and there wouldnt have been, yours have stopped counting time, but the men are just working, working. Hindi rusie brai

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