An exciting event is taking place in the updated Cultural Center the election of the head of the municipal formation of the volnovsky district. Dassia is very difficult for me today, so you all understand. Protocol number two is the best. This is the first time such elections in the history of the dpr, since the declaration of independence in 2014, the heads of city and district administrations were appointed by the head of the republic; there was no local government. The absolute majority of deputies for the next 5 years chose konstantin zinchen as the head of the municipal formation of valnovakhi, i look forward to conscientiously fulfilling the powers of the head of the municipal formation of the bolnovatsky municipal district of the donetsk peoples republic. The office of the head of the administration was partially damaged after the shelling in sow, our unit arrived, now ill show you where, i just dont know, or they missed or what, here is the land, there it is. Here all the tiles were lying here, which were here, flew here, in principle, the windows flew back again, the jamaicans are already getting it, they are restoring the Cultural Center for the second time, the administration is being restored for the second time, well, this is the situation now, if the head of the region had not came in, was there a budget for anything at all at the uprising, oh, what are you talking about, if we are with the head of the flight, who we have electricity, so we sat down and figured it out, what kind of money, we didnt even have the money, of course, and there was no Human Resource that would do it, it would take 5 years, he and i counted together, if we ourselves restored this here on our own, namely the electricity supply, it would take five years it would definitely come, as for the restoration, that is , of pipelines, gas pipelines, the whole republic helped the same, from five or six cities , teams here worked specifically on the restoration of gas pipelines. The highrise buildings in the city were built in the seventies, and since then not a single building has undergone major renovations. Was, so several chief regions immediately took up the renovation of old housing and the construction of new housing. Here is our house, which was built by the chelyabinsk region, as our representative of the governor of the chelyabinsk region, mikhail podobed, is now installed here. Plumbing, that is, all the wiring is complete, electrical and plumbing have been done, in the kitchen, an electric stove , a trivet is designed for 27 apartments, each renovation has already been completed, Household Appliances have been installed, this is a tworoom apartment, here we also have a fine finish, that is, wallpaper is hung here, doors are installed, there is a kitchen. Mikhail arrived at the beginning. What you saw on tv, what war looks like, and you see it live with your own eyes, this is a destroyed city, it was still there at that time, the equipment was not removed, burned out, damaged, some elements, ammunition, tubes from american ones were lying around from british grenades, there was a lot of that, but there was also a lot of unexploded ammunition. In the first year , chelyabinsk residents restored a local school, three kindergartens and a dental clinic, the only one in the entire region. Many residents, passing by, simply rolled their eyes and said, well, these are so old, and people said that they dont remember such repairs here since some eighty years. Volnovakha is a strategically important point on the highway connecting donetsk with mariupol, after fierce battles and maneuvers of military equipment, the roadway , which had not seen repairs for many years, began to restore it, this is the Central Street of volnovakha, lenin street, well, it was in a terrible state, there was a painful moment very much for and for the residents, everyone who comes to it, that is, it was just a toothache to drive along this road, well, as you see now, excellent asphalt, yeah, that is, you came in right away and began to repair it, no, this we started. Repairing the road this year, so we came last year, last year we made entrances to the city, military equipment now passes through the main street, but chelyabinsk residents are not worried about the quality of the surface, at the beginning of lenin street there is a platform in front tank, but on this site its no longer a great patriotic war tank war, which stands on a pedestal quite modern, well , he was doing some kind of horse riding, but there werent even scratches left. Well done, you put it up well, and a sign, the Holy Transfiguration Church of volnovakhi was under fire, it is located in the center of the city, well, this was this crater from the arrival, we have improved it a little , now we are making a decision to make some kind of water pond here , make some kind of pond. As a reminder, yes, yes, there were nine craters in total, one shell hit the building directly, a fire broke out, all that was left of the temple was the iron frame and belfries, and such a sight, of course, was very interesting, impressive , there is no temple, bells are ringing above, it s so interesting, the fire destroyed almost all the icons, those that remained were carefully preserved by father alexander, this the icon of the burning bush, but we are. Now we are making an icon case, it will hang here in this church , we will pray in front of it, in general it is very interesting, because in front of this icon they pray that the lord will preserve, at home, preserve our property from fire, natural disasters, the decision to restore the temple was made personally by governor Alexei Teksler during a visit to the sponsored territory in 22. The church of st. Vladimir in the city of dakuchaevsk came under fire in sou in march twenty two. We walked around, trying to understand what was wrong with the house , we went up to the second floor, when we had already reached the outer window, we saw that there was no roof in the neighboring house, we saw someone else at school, and the dust had already begun to settle slowly. At the church there is a Parish Library and a childrens room. Sunday school, there were no students present during the shelling, many were already sitting with their parents in basements, there are no tanks here, there are no military people here, well, ordinary people, but apparently we are not people for them, its a pity that it so happened that father nikita has lived in dukuchaevsk for 33 years, has been leading the temple since its construction for 27 years, this is what our temple originally looked like, there was a copper dome, and a local artist painted the following picture orthodox lessons are often held as music lessons, father nikita teaches the children to play various instruments, he never studied music anywhere, he just picked up a hurdygurdy one day and from the heart began to sing. Vladimirskaya region is the first contractor who decided to overhaul literally the entire temple building. The delegation entered the sunday School Premises and began to talk about how we live, apparently, this story somehow touched them, and they decided to help the parish house, representatives of the vladimir region took dakuchaevsk under their patronage in july twentysecond, the day of signing since then, governor Alexander Avdeev has been coming here and personally supervising the construction of facilities, there will be an entrance on that side, here, according to the project, we done. Friendship between the city of dakuchaevsk and suzdal this fall turns 6 years old, in november of the seventeenth year an agreement was signed between the two cities on brotherhood, mutual assistance, cooperation, in general , since then, alexann kachanov and i have become friends and exchanged not only delegations, but and personal visits , many thanks directly, to the governor of the vladimir region, he treats us very warmly, so he considers us his remote region in the seventeenth year, Sergei Vladimirovich sakharov signed this with me agreement, we have been friends with him since then, alexander kachanov, like the head of volnovakha, takes up the post of head of the dakuchaevsk administration for the first time as a result of a vote of municipal deputies of the first convocation. Comply with the constitution of the Russian Federation. Donetsk peoples republic, for the next 5 years he will continue to restore his dokuchaevsky district, well, somehow its so bright , just after the beginning of the war, when they started to shell us, probably out of anger, rather, yes, they just started shelling the city. This is the balcony was completely damaged, they installed a new balcony, a plastic one, alexander lagutov recalls how a barrage of ukrainian hailstorms hit the city in march twentytwo. It blew the roof off our house, it blew it off, completely from that entrance to this entrance , it blew off the roof on this side, damaged the windows, on that house, on this one, on our house, this. The blast wave went, raised the balcony, broke the glass , the alarming suitcase with documents was ready, it still stands in its place behind the sofa, everything is a folder, documents, here are the passports, these are dpr theyre lying there now, and you took it, and yes , we go to the basement and sit there, we had benches there, well, chairs. This is a basement, these are basements, this is where the blockage is stored, there, this is where they sat, all the time, this is where they sat , this is where the benches were, this is where the benches were, chairs were here, there s still a blanket left, they sat in the basement for several days, risking their lives they ran home one by one for food and water, they mostly talked about life, the women remembered all sorts of troubles. About yours, men about theirs, you didnt have time there, just like that, climb up steps, here the bass comes and is afraid, everything , the doors are shaking, there is shaking, well, nothing like that, then we got used to it, somehow we stopped paying attention, even to these gaps, to everything. The head of the region, vladimir region, restored the roof of the house and repaired all the damaged apartments. On february 25, 2022, the Fourth School was shelled with hail, one of the shells hit the russian language literature classroom, before that, 3 days before, all schoolchildren were transferred to distance learning, you see where the state symbols are, there there was a hole from which there was nothing left, everything was completely done, great, that is, that there was an arrival here, yes. Arrival, direct full arrival into the classroom, here we had new furniture, new cabinets, of which nothing was left, everything was chopped up, the facade of the school had already been repaired, internal partitions had been built, finishing was being completed, the construction did not interfere with the educational process, teachers and children understand the importance of repairs. We are now in the assembly hall, which also came under fire. On this wall of memory there are photographs of the heroes of the dpr igor mikhailovich, bodnya nikolai aleksandrovich, ostapov, andrei egoryevich, yes, they all died, its terrible, we cried, at the pet councils we honored the memory of each of the guys. List, because we have information that some more students from our school died, so this is bitter. Over the years of shelling, dokuchaevsk. Experienced 17 direct hits on residential apartment buildings, 10 on social institutions. As for simple hail attacks, the number exceeded 60 units, the city was deenergized and cut off from the water supply. Very important work of the vladimirov region together with the ministry of construction carried out last year, we drilled an additional six wells water supply and 7. 5 km of Water Networks along the street in the city of dakuchaevsk. Also. A huge amount of work was carried out on Heating Networks of 820 m, the heating pipeline was replaced last year and this year work began on restoring the asphalt surface; this year we are working on twenty objects. Ambrosievka. The cities of blagoveshchensk are separated by 8,000 km, but this distance did not prevent the amur region from becoming the chief region of one of the oldest cities in donbass. Do you have selftapping screws . In short, selftapping screws will be needed, the head of the selemzhinsky district of the amur region, mukhamed bekov, attaches a flagpole to the facade of the tripod. We have the dpr flag, the russian flag is on ours, respectively, the amur flag. We completed this project this year, the work was carried out. The multifunctional center, my documents are new for residents, there has never been a Onestop Service here. About 150170 people a day who work here receive services. The building collapsed not only from time, there was no repair for 30 years, but also from the shock wave. A year ago amrosievka experienced massive shelling in the ssu. On november 30 , 2022, there were four flights of hamers, three freight cars and Railway Tracks were damaged. Power line, one shell hit a gas boiler room, 200 houses were left without water, the blast wave was so strong that the roofs of nearby houses were blown off, internal partitions were damaged somewhere, please note, all the windows were broken, this one is now closed, that s all it was in fragments, such cold, draft, such a slight apocalypse, in 2022 there were 16 cases of shelling in omrosevka infrastructure, without looking at soli. At residential buildings, kindergartens and schools, at first they began to fire at us from points y, they fired at nearby targets along communications , apparently where military units were located, fuel depots, but since the work was inaccurate, the ukrainian riflemen themselves and the good work of the air defense, the missiles were damaged while still approaching, and naturally fell on our populated areas, our houses, our private houses, more than. The floor and the same number of kindergartens. The biggest one is mansion for 120 children. The amur region is now reconstructing it. Here we have a break. External facades, mafas, if you see, everything is old, somewhere where our children go out into the street and spend their time on the street, we will also improve it. Throughout its thirtyyear history, the garden has never been restored. When amur workers opened the walls, it turned out that the wooden floors were rotten, the water supply was rusty, and the electrical insulation was crumbling. Wouldnt it be easier to demolish the building and build a new one . No, it would be, of course, construction in times more expensive, i think such a facility would cost about 400 million, we are working out about 48 million, these are the two contracts i was talking about, external Communications Inside are all complete, sponsors for the region promise that after the renovation the building will look like new, a decade i also didnt do any work. We did not have our own funds, but with the help of the regions chief and federal programs, we will now be engaged in the improvement of our city, the improvement of the city will begin from the central square, residents voted for its speedy reconstruction, the square is surrounded by a large flower bed of scarlet dew, some are more than 10 years old, they were asked to preserve, Everything Else will be. Rebuilt, we will also preserve, that is, we will ennoble this monument, we will preserve it in our in our vision of the square. The area will be resurfaced with paving slabs, divided into recreation areas, and a childrens playground and large swings will appear. The fountain, which has not been working for many years, will be updated and launched. But at the moment, yes, it was closed with a sheet, because it is very problematic to launch it, we they launched it, and then problems begin, water breaks through and passes underground, which means it washes away the soil, thats why im saying, it will be such a rather complex object, but worthy. The new square will be a gift from the amur region for the 155th city, the anniversary will be celebrated in the twentyfourth year. Orlov, these projects were developed with the support of the Territory Development center of the amur region, this is an organization that is considered one of the best russian practices. The governor oversees all sponsored facilities. It was at his instigation that a school appeared in the city. Space growth point. There are already more than 170 of them in the amur region, the first in the donetsk peoples republic. This is the Entrance Group of municipal Institutional School number six, which was restored by the chief region of the amur region. When a growth point opened at the school, the acting director admits that not only the children, but also the parents and teachers were delighted. It is certainly breathtaking, the feeling of this equipment, these possibilities, the burning eyes of the children who go to study in these classrooms with great pleasure. Exactly growth included physics, chemistry, Computer Science classrooms, interactive whiteboards pleasantly surprised programming teachers, and children really liked mechatronics kits. We bring it to the screen and he opens it, plays a melody, a melody from the same childrens fairy tale, the children easily recognize it, and they certainly laugh. The large sports hall will be renovated next year, but while they are reviving the fence, which was not used due to severe wear and tear, the head of the region is finishing the rough finishing, we will take on the sambo project in schools and the children will take one lesson physical education a week, here in the hall, on august 18, twentytwo, as a result of shelling of the city, all the windows near the school were blown out from a strong blast wave. The school year then began in a dilapidated building, it was creepy, incredibly creepy, really creepy. I couldnt even think of this, that is, the windows were covered with stands of some kind, in the corridors it was, it was dusk, it was so gloomy , the project for the restoration of new regions of russia in its essence is a similarity to the Development Programs of the arctic zone and the far east, in the new the program will have its own budget and the order of its execution. The main thing that i saw here is not that people here expected some kind of investment from us, when we first appeared here and it was not at all clear how we would work, what budget we would have there, what we would do, but the people on the ground were very grateful that we russians appeared here and the very fact of our appearance here really stimulated people and we saw a rise in mood, they welcomed us very cordially, they waited for us here for how long we will be here, a good question is how long we will be here, we do not know, how long will we be here, because our business trip is for an indefinite period . But apparently this is not the limit. You can be proud of the people who live in the city of dakuchaevsky in general in the dpr, you need to be proud, you need to take an example from them, water is already happiness, an extra light bulb that appears on the street is happiness, there is uninterrupted heat in the highways, this is happiness, this is simple. Human happiness, which we have forgotten a little about in our middle zone. At the moment, almost all subjects of the Russian Federation have joined into the shevstvo system for the regions of donbass. They are restoring everything, repairing roads, building housing, relaying communications, but help will come not only from local budgets. In the federal project for 202426, the state Program Restoration and Socioeconomic Development of donbass appeared. It is planned to allocate 37 rubles for its implementation in the twentyfourth year, which means that many destroyed cities will literally be reborn from the ashes. Investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we we often talk about money, the sums are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal. At what point will you say i did everything in this project, everything i could, i will never say whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources. Give me the recipe, in general, heres how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off, is russia ready to change, in any structure, evolution occurs, and we continue to talk about the main thing, today israeli airstrikes have killed 324 palestinians and injured more than a thousand in the past 24 hours. This was reported by the ministry of health of the gas strip. Over 400,000 people fled their homes. This data is provided by the un. My colleague stanislav will tell you more about the situation. The shelling of the gaza strip continues day and night, all last night israeli aircraft continued to carry out strikes, not selective strikes on the strip, on the palestinian enclave; hospitals, again residential areas, schools, and there are a lot of dead people who remain under the rubble of destroyed buildings, palestinians are trying to dismantle these rubbles with their hands, but there is no rescue equipment, no electricity

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