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He was a practitioner, and he set himself the task of making his own design, the fish cost 40 cents per light bulb, this eternal debate is who should be considered a pioneer in science, who was the first to think of it or who introduced a new product into everyday life. This is precisely what distinguished many scientists from our country from the fact that we were not able to bring these studies to the market so quickly. Do patents protect how complex a century ago and today a pioneer in science defends its primacy with an invention. The collection of the Polytechnic Museum contains the only lodygin light bulb in the world that has come down to us, the shape seems to be familiar , there is a carbon rod inside, an incandescent lamp from 1874, a copy that was created by Alexander Nikolaevich lodygin, and apparently for exhibition purposes, lodygin was the first to think of pumping out the air from this light show. This modified lamp, ladygin didrikhsons lamp, illuminated one of the premises of florents store for about two months, and in st. Petersburg on the large sea street. And it was used, this is his underwater lamp, used in the repair of kisons and in the construction of the alexander bridge. He was the first to propose the use of metals for filaments. The lamp, modified with his assistant vasily didrikhson, is another monument of science and technology in the world of such units, lodegin spent his whole life perfecting his invention , four rods, they did not all burn at once, but one by one, that is, one burned out, the next one burned out, burned out, sunbathed, crept in the next one, thereby making it possible to increase the burning time of such a lamp to 700 hours. But at the same time with ladygin another russian scientist, pavel yablochkov, is also experimenting. This candle is named after him. Everything is simple here, yes, it seems simple, two coal rods, kalinin between them, yablochko was the first to use alternating current, made special candlesticks, one candle burned out, the next one was lit automatically. For the first time, such a lantern could burn all night. Yablochkov received a patent for an electric arc lamp in 1976, at the same time he left to work in france. He made the whole world believe that electric lighting is not only for holidays, but can be used every day, it begins, but really the triumphal march of russian light around the world , he called his lamps russian light, this is like the official name in newspapers in Different Countries of the world and they wrote that, long live the russian light, russia, the birthplace of light , his frosted balls illuminated the champs elysees, the paris opera, the streets of madrid, london, berlin, but already in the seventyninth, the world was conquered by edisons lamp, inserted into it inside a thread of bamboo, so lodygin, yablochkov and edison, and all of the same year were born in fortyseventh, three most important names in this story. Edison simply approached this from the commercial side, in addition to the fact that he improved the lamp, he built the First Factory where they began to produce lamps in large quantities. And our government immediately purchases 3,500 lamps from edison in order to arrange the First Electric illumination during. On may 15, 1883, according to the old style, in the evening the First Electric illumination in the kremlin was lit on the ivan the great bell tower , these lamps were installed, purchased from thomas edison. Well how did it happen, the world already knew street light as russian, its inventors, and for some reason the kremlin was illuminated with edison lamps, because lodegin not only invented the device, but patented it. This is what distinguished many scientists from our country from the fact that. These inventions were brought to market so quickly, people understood that this was an innovative invention, but no one was particularly ready to invest financially, perhaps in russia, like sources write that he was unable to find funding, so he moved to europe. Vladegin does not want give in, work in france, the usa, with edisons competitor, westinghouse, receives patents for incandescent filaments made of iron, platinum, tungsten, but he is not able to fight ethidine as a businessman. Edison gave just the opportunity for integration into public space, into a residential building, just light bulbs, here are the connections, meters, fuses, so that the light bulb reaches the end consumer. Edison bought all the patents, including the lodygin patents for tungsten filaments, he needed a monopoly. In such a mass consciousness there really is an opinion that this is so to say, edison was the inventor of the incandescent lamp, but a specialist, or people more or less technically educated, always understood that this was not so, and it is enough to recall the world exhibition in paris in 1900, there were four lodygin lamps, four different models, but. There was also a russian pavilion, there were 12 portraits of the greatest russian inventors, in the long history of the electric lamp there were many names of scientists from russia. For example, alexander ilyevich pokovsky, our inventor, his lamps were already burning during the coronation in 1856 alexander ii in moscow, but all the first samples of lamps, they were shortlived, or the physicist vasily petrov, back in the early 19th century, he was the first to pass current through two rods, and the flame spread in an arc. But this idea was forgotten for a decade. His work became known about 100 years later, only a little more. Accidentally, completely. Humphrey opens an electric arc to the maiden. And everyone thinks that he is a discoverer. And he proposes to call this arc in honor of alexander volta, a voltaic arc. And today we call it a voltaic arc, not a peterian arc. And how many there were such disputes about who was the first to invent radio, our Alexander Popov or the italian marconi, an interesting question for a whole century. He filed an application with marconi in 1996, and in 1996 popov already published an article describing why we boldly defend popovs patent, but the security certificate is from another invention of popov when he filed the application. On june 14, 1999, the worlds first detector receiver in general, and it received a patent, issued through our all the pripons, for 2 years. Popov implemented it earlier the first radio broadcast, but the Patent Application was late, although no one disputes the italians merits and his nobel prize. Patents have long been the main tool for copyright protection, especially now, when russia has more of its own production facilities that have replaced imported ones. Its startups, russia today is among the top ten World Leaders in the number of published patents, but lags behind in applications. In russia, this culture of registering intellectual property is only now beginning to develop. In the field of commodity marks in russia, somewhere around 110120,000 applications are submitted annually, in the same china, from 3 to 4 million applications are submitted. And there is still not enough knowledge on how to protect your rights and how much it costs. Development, where to go to get a patent to implement inventions. The it sector will now have the most applications and the greatest need for intellectual property protection, but since they are now developing the most, they seem to be the most unprotected side, yes, because again the question is education in education, yes people, not everyone knows that their developments need to be protected. They founded their own patent office. After their other Metal Manufacturing Company fell victim to patent trolls. This phenomenon originated in the usa. Trolls, often simple extortionists, buy patents to sue real manufacturers. Literally 7 years ago, uh, a patent troll, he registered a product for himself, and we simply had warehouses worth several million seized until all the circumstances were clarified, and thus we understood how in general. It works in russia intellectual property, how important it is, most of the applications come from russian universities, but the problems, as in the 19th century, now the inventor is not always the same as a businessman, that is, we really have a lot of talented people, but we lack a culture of implementation these ideas, in fact, Industrial Production, as planned such good Industrial Production that would allow the implementation of these ideas. Not all of them are idesons, yes, that is, or fords, these are often not the people who, in addition to inventing, can also competently manage a business that is able to. The edge of a sharply enlarged spleen is palpated. In the frame, cardiac surgeon vasily kolesov, at the same time, at sixtyfour, when this educational film was shot, on february 25, here in the clinic of the faculty surgery of the first leningrad medical institute, he will perform the worlds first mamaroronary bypass surgery on a beating heart. It will go down in history as kolesovs operation. This is where i keep my most important rarity, medical history of the very first patient from that very operation, the very first mamara coronary anastomosis on february 25, 1964. Vasily ivanovichs granddaughter, olga kolisova , maintains the furnishings in her grandfathers office, everything is as it was with him, a table, a cabinet with books on surgery, his chair. And if i have cardiac surgeons, they ask me to show them the table, the chair, where. Sit down in this chair. The most famous operation using the kolisov method was performed by rinat akchurin in the nineties. His patient was boris yeltsin. Vasily ivanovich performed the operation 9 months earlier than the famous mile de bacom. Over time, the americans recognized not only kolisovs priority. They immediately named the operation after him, which we did not have, and over time they recognized the advantages of the effectiveness of the kolisov method compared to their method of aortic coronary artery bypass grafting, because in the eighties it already became clear that vascular patency and patient survival with the kolisov method are much better , vasily kolisov operated on more than 130 patients using his method by the seventysixth, in this picture, one of showed them how he felt after the operation. In 1966, my grandfather published an article in an international magazine, this aroused great interest ; foreigners, including americans, came to the clinic from all over the world, they looked with great interest, they adopted the experience. His operation was compared to flying to the moon. I didnt believe that this was possible, they didnt believe it and didnt recognize it in the ussr for a long time. In 1966, vasily ivanovich wrote the first book on the surgical treatment of ischemic disease, presented the results to the public, but unfortunately, they were not appreciated in our country, in 1967, the plenum of the Cardiological Society in leningrad ruled that surgical treatment of coronary disease was futile and impossible, of course, it was a blow, but vasily ivanovich absolutely did not give in, and he continued to work, continued work, but from 64 to 67, the surgical department, which was headed by kolisov, was the only one in the world where coronary bypass surgery was successfully performed, and the surgeon never hid his achievements, foreign colleagues, a methodology was created, operations were established, a new clinic was built, vasily ivanovich led , as they said then, he was still pushing for the construction of a new new clinic building while preserving the old one, it all collapsed, he was worried, but not because of himself, that is, he seemed to be a very modest person, absolutely dishonest, he was worried precisely because this business, one might say his whole life, had collapsed. The clinic was completed, they planned to carry out even more operations on patients with coronary heart disease, but with with the departure or dismissal of vasily kolisov , the method was practically forgotten in the ussr, although in the west they studied the achievement of the soviet heart surgeon; from the sixtyseventh, the operation was distributed to clinics around the world, only then returned to russia. In the eighties, this operation became the most frequently performed operation in the world in general. And vasilvas technique. It has remained unchanged until now. Vasily ivanovich in his book mentioned robert goets as one of the first who restored coronary blood flow, but this technique was not subsequently used used. Now this operation is the gold standard, the cardiac surgeon has more than ten world priorities, and future cardiac surgeons are still trained using this technique. This is suturing the wound after completion of coronary bypass surgery using the kolisov method. The question of the priority of the method was finally put to rest by the speech of his son and colleague professor evgeniy kolisov at the International Congress in 2008. This is my favorite photo. Because i think it captures the essence of the surgical profession. Vasily kolisov spent the entire blockade in leningrad, works as a senior surgeon in several hospitals, the doctors, surgeons and doctors were exhausted, the grandfather was also exhausted, he could barely move, he had an extreme degree of dystrophy, he even developed hydropericart, this is when, from hunger, it appears in the heart sac liquid, after the blockade. He began to be especially kind to his patients and this was always noted, that is, in all the letters, the patients thanked him for his fatherly care. I was very touched by your sensitive, attentive, good relationship. In recent years, he continued to operate, collected material on the longterm results of the operation and wrote memoirs. Vasily ivanovich was very convinced of the correctness of his method, he fought very actively for it scientifically, he. Very much opposed the american operation of the coronary artery bypass grafting and, as it turned out, he was right, when he had already left the clinic, he worked as a consultant surgeon at the kosciuszka hospital , since he could not live without operations, and continued to work, as often happened, many scientists around the world came up with the idea Brilliant Ideas independently of each other, for lodygin the lamp was a side invention, all his life he dreamed of modifying his electric ice, and the lamp was supposed to be used in the cabin at night. The history of great inventions is not only about the joy of discovery, but more often about the work of being the first and the risk of becoming unrecognized and misunderstood in ones time and even in ones own country. 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Magnet the price is what you need i ordered a package of kefir, looked around, hop, apartment, place your orders on the scooter , take part in the raffle for an apartment, kikotek. Gas prices in europe have reached new highs since midfebruary, and this despite fairly warm weather and gas Storage Facilities being almost 100 full. Konstantin churikov will tell you what is happening on the gas market now. Konstantin, good afternoon, what about the prices . Hello dari, prices are rising along with geopolitical risks, but there is also good news. Affordable russian gas has returned triumphantly. Market, the local publication kathimerini writes about this today, if from january to september the share of our fuel was 45 , that is, almost half, then in in september it immediately soared to 72 , that is, most of the gas in greece comes from us , well, thats what the local press writes, its incomprehensible that the eu countries got rid of russian pipeline gas only to simply switch to the same russian gas, but liquefied. You could grow only by reducing lng consumption and increasing the consumption of pipeline gas, although prices are tied to the satellite market, but it comes with a lag, with price jumps being delayed, and in fact it is obtained at a price there of 30, or even 40 lower than what is traded on stock exchanges sites, meanwhile, the occupancy of european gas Storage Facilities is approaching 100 , there will be nowhere to pump fuel a little more, but demand is still growing, along with prices, which are reaching new heights day after day. For the First Time Since midfebruary, gas in europe costs more than 600 per 1,000 cubic meters, at the moment the price even rose to 610, and there are a number of reasons for this, geopolitical and economic . Storage facilities today are almost completely filled in europe, this is quite a high figure, really close to the record, but prices high, there are reasons right away. Several, well, the first is the situation on the lng market, strikes are increasingly being discussed in australia , just these days, there is another stage when lng plants can, accordingly, stop, while in general lng is delayed, as we see in this year, from the European Market to others, primarily to the asian market, since demand is growing there, the need for gas is growing there, gas prices may rise further, but much will depend on events in the middle east and on the reaction of fuel producing countries . Well lets say, if iran is affected, then iran may try to block the strait of armuz, through which tankers carrying both oil and gas pass, this will be a very largescale shortage of oil and gas on the world market, with prices rising, perhaps by tens of percent or more from current level, but lets see what qatar does in this situation. Qatar, in principle , is very sympathetic to hamas. There is already a scenario for gas returning to the price that was, say, even in the summer of 2022, then there were very high prices, 3,000 per 1000 cubes adding to the risks of an increasingly largescale conflict in the middle east is uncertainty with the weather; previous winters in europe were relatively warm, but this time the forecasts are more alarming and even 100 fullness of gas Storage Facilities will not reassure investors. Daria. 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