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Revolution . Now the weather in the european part of russia has started to warm up. Babel it came to the south of siberia, far east. Well talk more about this with meteorologists ekaterina grigorova. Ekaterina, greetings. Where will the warmth last longer . Its unseasonably warm across most of the country right now, but far from it. Not everywhere the weather can be called good, but in the far east, for example, the weather is pleasant, its almost summer there, residents of vladivostok complain about the abundance of ladybugs, insects stick to the laundry hanging on the balconies, they penetrate into houses through open windows and vents, without ventilation, by the way, in the primorye it is impossible to live in houses now, it is very hot, several temperature records were recorded in the region yesterday and today the meteorological statistics will also be updated. In the amur region, near blagoveshchensk, against the backdrop of the warmth of the drought, the last rain here was more. Weeks ago , landscape fires began to flare up again. Near the village of novinka , dry grass caught fire and smoke covered the nearby highway. A few tenths of a degree were missing during the day before the temperature record was updated in khabarovsk and chita. In vladivostok, in blagoveshchensk, daily records were achieved. The capital of the amur region has exceeded the maximum, which lasted for almost 60 years. The interactive map clearly shows the boundary between summer and autumn. South of siberia. The far east is painted in yelloworange tones, here the temperature background is 1520 . To the north, where green color predominates, the air temperature is about plus5. Tomorrow a portion of coolness will penetrate baikal, the daytime temperature will drop to 1015, but it is still much warmer than it should be at this time. At the same time the weather pleases with the abundance of sun and lack of winds. Blagoveshchensk is sunny. Let me remind you that the air warmed up to 22, this is a new record for the day. Tomorrow will most likely also update the weather statistics, the air will warm up again to 22, on sunday it will become colder, during the day it will only be 6, but this is also slightly above normal, the weather will remain sunny, the european territory of russia has also become noticeably warmer, in moscow the sun is peeking out of the clouds , the temperature in the capital by this time is already 11, a weak westerly wind is blowing, yesterday evening in moscow we observed the following picture a young man walked barefoot. Through the streets of moscow, now we can probably watch this video, the footage is impressive; it was not that hot on the street, the temperature was about 1112, but this video caused a lot of views and funny comments. So, today in most of the european territory of russia it is 23 warmer than it should be according to the climate, well, on sunday the gap from the norm will reach its maximum, a significant positive anomaly will be observed throughout the russian plain, in the west of the Central Region it will be 68 warmer than usual at this time, but alas, the warming is accompanied by rains and strong winds, in st. Petersburg the peak of warming will occur tomorrow, today the maximum temperature in the city is 10, cloudy with clearings without precipitation, but a strong westerly wind with gusts up to 15 m per second, in the evening 8, cloudy, in the morning 7, the rain will begin to intensify, the temperature will rise, by the middle of the day in the north it will warm up to 16, although the warming will be accompanied by very heavy rain and a strong southerly wind, on sunday it will no longer be warming, not cold will peak the rain will continue, the southwest wind will accelerate to 18 m per second, and the maximum temperature will be 9. In moscow, the maximum temperature for today is 12, west wind up to 12 m s. In the evening 7, at night 4, by morning the wind will change direction to the southwest, strengthening to 15 m s. It will rain, but the temperature will also begin to rise, in the daytime it will be 14. On sunday in the first half of the day the wind will increase to 17 m s. It will still be great. Warm, by the middle of the day the temperature will begin to drop to 9, but the wind will slow down, is that the forecast . 24 month installments with kholva. Buy any goods from partners or pay off your credit card debts in installments for 24 months. Purchases and credit card refinancing, to search for the purchase of your dream apartment, the largest database of domclick advertisements. The number one Real Estate Service in terms of the number of advertisements for apartments for sale. To know everything about a dairy product, to have detailed and Accurate Information about the composition and expiration date, where the cow is from, what region it is from, you need to do this, check everything in the application, an honest sign, honest. Milk path from the cow to you. Asteroestimation will tell you a fair price for a variety of cars, yours, your neighbors or your bosss, check with the author out of curiosity. 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Englands maliciously hostile attitude towards russia, regardless of any dependence on the essence and form of the political regime or government in russia. For more than 500 years, britain has been waging a secret, overt war against russia, provoking wars, sponsoring, arming our enemies. It would seem that there could be two great dziarzhavas. Not in friendly, then at least in neutral relations. Russia and england do not have common borders and are geographically distant from each other. But the secret war, inciting neighbors against russia, did not stop for centuries. London has been on unfriendly terms with russia, tsarist, soviet and democratic, for centuries. Considering existing ones. Conflict between russia and the United States, we should not forget that this role was inherited by washington; it was england that over the last century was russias most terrible enemy. She gave us more harm than napoleon and hitler. Empires collapsed, leaders changed, states collapsed, but one thing in western politics remained unchanged for centuries. This. Geopolitical game against russia, why russia . And because russia is a key country, russia extends from europe to the pacific ocean, by controlling russia, you occupy a dominant position on the continent. That is why, from the point of view of anglosaxon geopoliticians, russia always remains their main one. For germany, france, turkey and japan, you can find objective reasons for conflict with russia, historical, territorial, religious, economic or diplomatic. The ongoing conflict with england is different, it is caused by conceptual, deepseated contradictions, it is caused by the desire of england, the usa, to rule the world, embodying the ancient strategy of rome, divide and rule. As a result, london has been trying for centuries to resolve the russian question, to dismember and remove russians and russia from the historical arena. We can rightfully consider london our historical enemy, the peculiarity of which is the ability to act with the wrong hands, and also absolutely. The usual british way of doing things. The countdown can begin from the time of ivan the terrible. England was looking for an alternative route to rich india and china through the polar seas. The british were interested in trade with russia and leaving it along the vols route to persia and further to the south. Bilateral relations between britain and russia, a cambridge graduate, healer and astrologer elesius bamelia was sent to moscow, long awaited by russia elisha bomelia. At the same time, contemporaries of ivan the terrible began to note changes in the tsars behavior, which has already received a medical explanation in our time. In the remains of ivan ii. Grozny, the mercury content exceeded the norm by more than 2000. 600 times, the effects of mercury include deep depression, mania, persecution and other mental disorders, as well as damaged apparatus, genetic heredity, possibly the poisoning of ioan vasilyevich initiated a political crisis that ended in unrest, during the Great Embassy of peter i to europe, london made successful attempts to persuade peter ii to an alliance. Against the swedes, at the same time, the british duke of malbor convinced the swedish king corla xi to oppose moscow. As a result, a twentyyear northern war arose, as a result of which britain regained access to the baltic sea. It must be recalled that it was the british who stood behind turkey in almost all russianturkish wars. The British Ambassador to constantinople tried to prevent russia from breaking through to the black sea. As a result. Russia had to postpone the turkish direction in Foreign Policy for several decades. In 1756 the queen Elizaveta Petrovna declared war on britishfunded prussia. London began to brew intrigues, which ultimately defeated prussia and entered berlin, Russian Troops were deployed, and peter ii ascended the throne. He entered into an alliance with the former enemy and began a war against austria and france. During the time of catherine the great, russia was able to inflict two injections on england. With her policies, she supported the american war of independence and proclaimed a policy of armed neutrality, which led to the creation. Of the antienglish union of countries northern europe. In general, catherine skillfully avoided the traps of england and pursued a national policy. As a result, huge successes the annexation of western russian villages and the reunification of the russian people, wide access to the black sea. After catherine ii. England was able to take revenge. London drew st. Petersburg into a long confrontation with paris. With france, but suvorov was after paul ii, to fight the french in europe. Later , emperor paul realized his mistake and recalled his troops. He was ready to enter into an alliance with paris and move against england, the real enemy russia. He ordered the detention of approximately 300 british ships in russian ports, suspended payments to all english merchants, banned the sale of British Goods in russia and broke off diplomatic relations with london. Before paul i planned a joint campaign with france in british india, emperor paul was killed. Historians claim that one of the main roles in the conspiracy was played by the British Ambassador whitward, who had a love affair with the sister of the zubov brothers, accomplices in the murder of the emperor. The point is that pauls position could significantly weaken the position of england, but it is already clear what i am saying, my so called friends and the pressure of england. Russia was trapped in a bitter conflict with france. Russian soldiers in the antinapoleonic wars, in addition to the patriotic war, shed blood for the interests of london, vienna and berlin. Napoleon bonoparte directly blamed the british for the war between france and russia. For britain, the results of the russian war against napoleon were excellent. Neutralizing the french continental threat, preventing russian influence in turkey, and preserving monopoly on india and trade with china. Throughout the 19th century, the British Empire tried to restrain the strengthening of the russian empire in the balkans, the black sea, and central asia. Britain acted as the organizer of the crimean war, 185356, in which russia was defeated. True, it was not possible to drive the russians out of the baltic and black sea, as planned. The crimean war ended with the defeat of russia and the death of Emperor Nicholas ii. His heir, alexander ii. He was killed by a bomb from narodnaya volya, whose sponsors were the british crown. As in overwhelming in most cases, this political assassination strategically played into britains hands. It is important to note that his heir alexander ii also almost died after several assassination attempts. He received serious injuries and died at the dawn of his strength. Most likely he was poisoned. With the help of england, japan defeated both china and russia. The russians were pushed out of the far east, taken away. At the same time, British Intelligence services. Actively fanned the fire of the first revolution in the russian empire. In 1904, the english historian Halford Mackinder warned that it was important to avoid cooperation between russia and germany. If countries combine intellectual potential and resources, then the usa and Great Britain will fade into the background. This is a very important idea. I can express my own, but i believe that. Despite the fact that we fought with germany over england quite a lot bloodily , nevertheless, our natural partner in europe is germany, then england and the United States will have a really hard time, but britain managed to drag russia into the war with germany, which were destroyed. Ours and germanic england, with the help of its ambassador lord beuke, supported the february revolution in russia, which led to the collapse of the troubles. The anchanis did not save nicholas ii and his family, although there were opportunities. The British Royal family openly opposed all attempts to remove the family of Emperor Nicholas ii, refusing not only to send a british cruiser, but even to the theoretical presentation of an orphanage to the west. Behind each of these steps there is the same geopolitical reason, stemming from russias unique status as the only transcontinental eurasian. Powers. London took an active part in starting the civil war. On february 19 , 44,000 british troops were on the territory of russia. England allocated 60 Million Pounds sterling to the volunteer, that is, white army, and equipped kolchaks army of two hundred thousand with everything necessary. The reasons for such generosity in 1919, explained by winston churchill, would be wrong. To think that during this year we fought for the Russian White guards, on the contrary, the russians the white guards fought for our causes, londons plans to destroy russia failed, the russians escaped a terrible blow and created a new great power, the ussr. Then london relied on fascism and nazism in europe. Prime minister. Minister of Great Britain chamber signed the agreement with hitler on the transfer of the sudetenland to czechoslovakia to germany. English diplomacy so pacified the third reich that it gave it most of europe, including france. Almost all of europe was gathered under the banner of hitler and thrown against the ussr. Then we waited until we could will finish off the russians and germans, drained of blood by mutual slaughter. Not higher. Germany and Great Britain, however, due to the real danger of hitlers invasion of england, the british had to play the role of an ally of the ussr, but in the end churchill wrote firstly, soviet russia has become a mortal threat to the free world, and secondly, it is necessary to immediately create a new front of counterrapid advance. Thirdly, this front in europe should go as far east as possible. It is no secret that british Prime Minister churchill, after the fall of berlin, wanted almost immediately, precisely in the summer of 1945, to start a war against the ussr. However, defeat Russian Troops in europe. Which took warsaw, budapest, kenyasberg, vienna and berlin was impossible. But already in 1946, in fultan, this is the usa, cherzhil made a famous speech that marked the beginning of the cold war between the west and the ussr. During this war, england almost continuously started hot local wars, intervention in vietnam, burma, indonesia and greece, and aggression in the 60s. Did not allow england to establish the usa during this period, its own world order. The result, alas, was the collapse of the British Empire itself. England became the junior partner of the United States. However, this does not mean that england has ceased to be russia. Plans to destroy russia live and are appropriated to this day. The british demanded an independent moskhad eskeria because it would allow British Petroleum to create a new transport corridor for caspian oil. British hysteria was loud during the georgian aggression in South Ossetia in 2008 regarding the crimean spring 2014. Britains initiative in kindling has been especially noticed recently. Conflict in ukraine. Transfer of longrange missiles storm shadow, tank lander, practical participation of the british army in the leadership of the war in ukraine. In general, this is such a private practice, to fight with russia with the hands of some partners. Behind each of these steps is the same geopolitical reason, stemming from the unique status of russia. At the same time, the isolation of russia has always been important not only to weaken russia itself, but also to prevent the emergence of new alliances on the eurasian continent. Recently, london has again intensified its policy in connection with the socalled russian. Without hiding that he is interested in creating unrest in russia. Perhaps this is why the british removed the threat of seizure of property from the accounts of the russian elite, acquired with unconfirmed income in order to create a network of british influence in russia. At the same time, a hundred and even two hundred years ago, both the United States and Great Britain understood International Law as the law of the stronger. Therefore in russia there is one way. To win a special military operation, showing the increased strength of russia, it would be good to really demonstrate the capabilities and means we have to convincingly show that we can harm such

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