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Correspondent from tokyo. The number of victims as a result of a train collision in the moscow metro has increased to five. These are the drivers and four passengers. The driver, who was trapped in the damaged cabin between two trains, has already been pulled out and taken to hospital. He is in moderate condition. The remaining wounded were also hospitalized with minor injuries. As they said in the capitals emergency department, they called the drivers wrong decision to turn off the automatic speed control system. Traffic along the lyublinskodmitrovskaya salatovo line will be restored in the next few hours, said mayor sergei sobyanin. In the meantime , special buses have been launched from dubrovka to lyublino. Disaster in the gas sector. Israel is constantly bombing the enclave, the death toll of civilians has exceeded 1,000 human. Due to the total blockade set up by tel aviv, hospitals are running out of gas supplies, and the generators only have enough fuel until the morning. With details from our special correspondent in the region, stanislav bernwalt. This night and this morning were very turbulent for all three gases. Israeli aviation continues carpet bombing of residential areas, also social and vital infrastructure , planes are hitting childrens institutions and schools, and actually residential buildings, houses are collapsing from these massive attacks just like a house of cards, dozens of dead remain under the rubble, many people who are alive are under the rubble, the rescue operation is complicated by the fact that the shelling does not stop, there are a lot of dead, a lot of wounded, let me remind you that there is no. Light, no water, israel has blocked the sector, the palestinian enclave, as much as possible, neither food nor medicine is being delivered there , this morning they launched a powerful, simultaneous strike on several points at once, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry Reports that israel is using. During the battles in the palestinian enclave contains phosphorus munitions, which are prohibited by all conventions, the Palestine Ministry has issued an official statement on this matter. Israeli planes and artillery use internationally banned White Phosphorus ammunition to destroy the alkarama neighborhood in the northwestern part of gaza. There are dead and wounded, emergency fire trucks cannot arrive at the scene due to intense shelling and destruction of roads. To say that yesterday there was a rally in support of palestinian autonomy here in jordan, palestinians as a people as a whole, about 2,000 people gathered at the alhusseini mosque for evening prayer, after which they went on a walking demonstration, the demonstrators were holding the flags of palestine and the flags of jordan, the most important demand is an early end to the carpet bombing of the gaza strip, and well the announcement itself, the return of the original palestinian lands, also a rally took place in islamabad, a lot of people also gathered for it, this is our message to israel, you want war, look how an armless young man destroyed your pride, god willing israel will taste what the koran promised them. Lets talk about human rights, then look at how they shed the blood of muslims, we, the jamaat eislami party, the people of pakistan and students of religious schools demand. Palestines live a peaceful life. I would like to say that israels war against palestinian believers is direct. We were not born in palestine, but believe me, my feelings and emotions, even our generations, will be sacrificed for alku. It doesnt matter if the whole world supports israel, but allah is with hamas, hamas will be the winner, believe me to me, over the past 100 years they have not been able to completely occupy alkuz, and they will not succeed in the future. As i said, a little higher, a humanitarian catastrophe is really approaching, but, for example, fuel for generators, one of the hospitals, the last one. Probably the hospital, all three gases, only left until thursday morning, israel is blocking the supply of food and medicines and everything else, cut off the water, cut off the electricity, spoke out on this matter, a violation of human rights, the president of turkey, recepdogan. Listen, theres no gas now water supply, what is this with human rights, there is no electricity, it is not carried out, what is this with human rights . It is not possible in the universal declaration of human rights. They love to remind you of this, but this time they close their eyes and there are absolutely no comments from western countries, i mean, countries that are israels comrades, we continue to monitor the situation in the region, lead jordan. Hamas militants attacked the area, israeli media reported. One of the missiles overcame the air Defense System and hit a residential house. There is no information about casualties. In israel , the death toll as a result of the escalating conflict has already exceeded 1,200 people. More than 300 civilians were injured. The israeli army responds with largescale bombing of gaza. With details, our chief of the middle east bureau of vktkey poshkov. About ground. There is no talk yet of the Israeli Defense forces coming to operate in the gaza strip. The israelis are massing powerful military forces across the border of the palestinian enclave. Now more than 300,000 soldiers and reservists have been called up to arms. Another 60,000 will be recruited for military service. Now large tank and artillery units are concentrated near the border of the gas sector. But the main actions of the Israeli Special forces last night concerned primarily. The final cleansing of israeli settlements bordering the gaza strip, where several thousand militants have infiltrated since last saturday. Now the Israeli Military puts the figure at 3,000 people who managed in various ways by land, by air, by sea, to penetrate into israel and capture several settlements. The israelis reported at night that a group of terrorists managed to land near the port city of ashkelon and local residents received a message. That it was now necessary to stay at home, while Israeli Special forces were operating there, there was another landing on the israeli coast; all militant groups this time were destroyed. As the Israeli Special forces advance, new pictures and new details of the death of civilians from the saboteurs of the izedim elkasam brigades are revealed, just yesterday in the evening, for some reason, only the englishlanguage press showed the Israeli Military victims discovered in kibuts to faraz, located literally 2 km from the border of the gaza strip, these are civilians of different genders and different ages, they talk about 200 dead, and reports of such victims, and the total number of deaths in israel has increased to 1,200 people, about 3,000 people were injured, moreover, more than 300 people are in serious and extremely critical condition, doctors are still fighting for their lives. In israeli clinics, and there are information that there are about 200 people in captivity in the gaza strip, this is true not only israelis, these are residents of other states, the Israeli Defense forces tsal lost about 150 military personnel these days, this is the number of victims, especially among the civilian population , has changed the rhetoric of politicians and the military leadership of israel, both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the minister of defense i. Holland are talking about an offensive operation in the gaza strip to completely destroy the islamist ruling group hamas is like a done deal. In this regard, optimistic sentiment in israel was caused by the arrival of an american Aircraft Carrier group and a special statement by us president joe biden, from which it followed that the americans were ready to intervene in the conflict if any third party joined it. Obviously it was meant. Hezbollah in northern israel in lebanon, which deployed its fighters to firing positions on the northern border of israel, there were skirmishes there over the past night, about attempts by groups of saboteurs to penetrate into territory of israel. If hezbollah tries to intervene in the event of a fullfledged ground operation in gaza in this conflict, then we can expect that american fighters located on the deck of Aircraft Carriers will launch fire strikes on the positions of hezbollah militants. Israel is now frozen in anticipation of a largescale ground attack. Minister of Economic Development maxim rishetnikov spoke at the state duma today as part of the government hour. Our correspondent nika inkovaina is working on site on direct communication. Nika, greetings, what topics did you touch on . Minister . I welcome the gift, well, the minister of Economic Development began his speech in the state duma. The russian economy has completed the recovery stage and is growing faster than expected in many key indicators. According to the world bank, last year russia entered the top five largest economies in the world, overtaking germany, all this under conditions of sanctions. And the priority now is to ensure longterm sustainable Economic Growth. Maxim reshetnikov provided fresh figures. Based on the results of 8 months, it grew by 2. 5 , fully compensating for last years decline and exceeding the level of the twentyfirst year. Industry is growing confidently, primarily due to manufacturing, construction is growing at high rates, agriculture is developing, investment activity remains high, and consumer demand is growing. Against the background of record low unemployment, wage growth in real terms amounted to 7. 1 . For 7 months of the current year. At the end of this year , the russian economy is forecast to grow by 2. 8 . And by the twentysixth year it will be released steady annual growth above 2 . Well, among the main sources of Economic Growth , Maxim Reshetnikov named the growing domestic market demand, but to ensure growth , supply is needed. And to have this proposal, of course, investments are needed, and they can be attracted at the expense of, among other things. Government support measures, among the main ones maxim reshednikov named the mechanism of the agreement on the protection and encouragement of capital investments, funds from the National Welfare fund, which are spent on large infrastructure projects, including transport and logistics, he also noted a Publicprivate Partnership mechanism; simplification of conditions for businesses that want to return to the jurisdiction of our country; it also became known that last year 83 companies moved to special administrative districts on the russky and oktyabrsky islands. And this is three times more than in the twenty first year, but as for this years figures, another 141 companies have already registered, well, the drivers of the influx of investments are the regions, a number of support measures are also in place for them, including one of the most effective ones are special Economic Zones where businesses are provided with benefits. Of the fifty operating special Economic Zones, 20 have been opened in the last 3 years. Another important issue that Maxim Reshetnikov touched upon is the issue of the technological sovereignty of our country, it is key , including, we are talking about such Critical Industries as radio electronics, machine tool building, communications equipment, and drug production. Another important topic is tourism, which also certainly contributes to development of the economy of our country. Here the indicators will increase; according to preliminary data, for the period mayaugust the number of tourist trips increased by 16 compared to the same period. Period a year earlier and obviously the demand will grow further, from august 1, an electronic visa for 55 countries became operational and in 2 months more than 70,000 foreigners have already entered through it, a group visafree Tourist Exchange with china iran has also been launched and a similar mechanism is now being worked out with india, well in addition, they are working on the idea of ​​​​introducing a tourist card, which will help you open an account from abroad in russian banks. Another important topic. This is the integration of the russian economy into the world, further integration, including cooperation with friendly countries and export growth. Last year we achieved record levels of mutual trade with the european union, with china, with india, with turkey, with iran, with the united arab emirates, with brazil. The share of friendly countries in exports has doubled since the beginning of last year. Just 2 years ago, the dollars ​​share in the structure of trade turnover accounted for half, now it is three times less, while the importance of the ruble has doubled, to almost 37 percent. Chairman of the state duma vyacheslav. Volodin touched upon the topic of agricultural development, in particular, he noted the rising prices in this industry, including the rising prices of fertilizers for equipment, he assured that this issue needs to be resolved, because the industry is key and noted that it is necessary to keep the issue under control. This year has a wonderful harvest, but, uh, Agricultural Producers are faced with a number of problems, both external and internal, the cost of fertilizer has increased, and for different groups from 28 to 87 . If we talk about the cost of seeds, there is also an increase, up to 50 . Equipment, kamaz became more expensive by 41 . Tractor by 25. 8 . Combine harvesters increased in price from 52. 6 to 80 . Fuel dispenser at 24, growth. Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov assured that the department will support agriculture and keep all issues related to the industry under control. Daria. Yes niika, thank you, nika enkovaya spoke about the economic agenda in the state duma. Now a short advertisement, then we will continue. Car prices are constantly jumping, when buying or selling a car, check its fair price by assessing it, but my business works without your it tricks, it works soso, mom, you can do better, if youre so smart, you manage my salon, its easy, right . 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Gdr fuel unlocks the potential of the engine and those who strive to be first. Tested under racing conditions. Be first. Whatever you want, fulfill a dream, change the world or know yourself. Psb has a loan for any purpose. Goals without a visit to the office, psb for the present, ordered a package of kefir, looked around, hop, apartment, place orders on a scooter, take part in the drawing for an apartment, many people ask how i manage to be in such a good place. Form, its simple, you need to replace bad habits with healthy ones. The British Military trained ukrainian saboteurs who planned bombings of Russian Nuclear power plants. This was stated by the director of the fsb of russia, alexander bortnikov, at a meeting of the council. Head of security agencies and special services of the cis, which takes place in baku. In addition, the Russian Department has information that western intelligence communities are recruiting members of International Terrorist organizations in the interests of kiev. After training in Training Camps in europe, the militants are transferred to the conflict zone. We have reliable data that isis and the like are fighting against us as part of the ichkir crimean tatar units. They are also part of sabotage and reconnaissance groups sent to russian territory to carry out attacks and terrorist attacks; we record the participation in hostilities of employees of european pmcs and members of nine foreign paramilitary proxy forces. 794 mercenaries from 35 countries have been identified. The director of the Foreign Service also participates in the meeting of the council of heads of security bodies of the cis special services in baku. Russian intelligence sergei naryshkin. He told reporters that contacts between our Intelligence Services from the west in the fight against terrorism have been significantly reduced, but still remain. This is due, according to naryshkin, to the fact that the western bloc, to a greater extent the countries that are members of nato, are essentially waging aggression against russia, it has reached the point that western Intelligence Services are preparing ukrainian combat, sabotage and terrorist groups for attacks on Nuclear Energy facilities of the Russian Federation , this was established, such acts. Of course, they were prevented by our special services, primarily the federal security service, attempted to cause damage to the kursk , smolensk, zaporozhye Nuclear Power plants, and of course, in such conditions it is already difficult to maintain the level of interaction with western Intelligence Services that was previously in russia and venezuela. Advocate the states right to free development, state duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin stated this at a meeting with the executive vicepresident of venezuela, delcy rodriguez. It was about bilateral relations. They, as Vyacheslav Volodin noted, are developing thanks to the president s of our countries, and are built on the principles of mutual respect. Delcy rodriguez, in turn , thanked russia for supporting venezuela in pursuing an independent political course. The prosecutor general of russia today spoke with the head of the ministry of justice of cuba. The meeting took place in moscow. We discussed a dialogue on how to effectively combat new challenges and threats, as well as the importance of exchanging experience in the field of Law Enforcement practice. Igor krasnov spoke about the russian system of Training Specialists from the prosecutors office, opportunities for students from abroad. Another topic is the development of cooperation in the series of criminal prosecution and extradition of criminals. These areas are within the framework of bilateral cooperation. I confirm our openness to further professional dialogue and our firm focus on further deepening our interaction on all issues of mutual interest. I am convinced that together we will make a significant and effective contribution to the process of building a secure, just society, and we will also take action, nato members gather today to further discuss the recent news about the damaged baltic connector gas pipeline in the baltic sea. As alliance secretary general en soltenberg stated, nato admits that the highway was damaged intentionally. We will look at an incident in the baltic sea where there was damage to a critical submarine. I spoke with the finnish and estonian leadership yesterday, we are in close contact to find out what exactly happened there and how it could happen if it is proven that this was a deliberate attack on critical nato infrastructure, the consequences will be serious, and there will also be a unified and decisive response from nato. Save at any cost, parents of children who have been diagnosed with Rare Diseases buy drugs abroad that are prohibited in our country. Epilepsy is such an insidious disease, not a single doctor can tell you with a 100 guarantee that this medicine will suit your child. And he faces criminal prosecution. In my opinion, these centuries of evidence that exist are not a criminal offense at all. Who stamped . Post office it comes, how to save your child and when wont go to jail . I cant put a childs life on the line because this drug cannot be imported. It is possible when it is used as a narcotic drug, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. Russia complained that western countries violated the convention on International Civil aviation. Moscows statement to the council of icao, the International Civil aviation organization, said its actions had jeopardized the safety of air travel. This is about unlawful unilateral restrictions against russia and its aviation activities, including a ban on the use of russian aircraft. Airspace on a ban on the supply of aircraft from spare parts. The statement names 37 states as defendants, including canada, the usa, the uk and all eu countries. The kremlin today commented on the attitude towards relocants, those who left russia and now want to return back. The speaker of the duma spoke about those who occupied the bright one. Kiev regime, but we really dont get along with these people paths, but we are talking about the overwhelming majority of people who freely choose where they want to live at the moment, and of course, these people, they always, no matter what, have their homeland, this is the homeland of russia, it is always waiting for them. 280 russians have expressed their desire to leave the gas sector, said aliya zaripova, press secretary of the Russian Diplomatic Mission in ramalah. According to her , at the moment there is no information about the injured dead russian citizens. Communication with russian citizens in the gas sector has been maintained continuously since the beginning of the escalation conflict. There are about 1,200 people registered in the enclave at the consulate. At the same time, i want to emphasize that consular registration is a voluntary and optional procedure. Exactly. Therefore, we cannot say exactly how many russian citizens live in the gas sector. So far we have not received information about casualties, but our fellow citizens in the gaza strip reported today that some of their houses were destroyed during the bombing. Requests for evacuation have been coming in for three days now. At the moment the desire to leave the enclave was claimed by about 400 people, among them not only russian citizens about 280 of them , but also belarus, ukraine, and kazakhstan. And palestine itself. The issue of a possible evacuation of the gas sector is being studied, but it is too early to talk about specific dates and routes. Sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order at the enterprise in ulyanovsk and held a working meeting with the management of the united aircraft corporation. They discussed the current state and prospects for the development of military transport aviation. Igor pikhanov has all the details. Work on the state defense order is in full swing in the Central Office of the aircraft manufacturing plant in ulyanovsk; il7690 military transport aircraft are being produced here. Soon the troops will buy modernized vehicles. Defense minister Sergei Shaigu inspected the implementation of the state task and listened to the pilots opinions about the aircraft. Very reliable. I am absolutely satisfied with the technology in general, and compared to the old modification, this is something special. The maximum takeoff weight of the modernized aircraft is 210 tons instead 190 of the previous model, the flight range has been increased thanks to a more economical engine, and the list of military equipment transported on board has been expanded. The general director of the united aircraft corporation, yuri slyuser, reported to sergei shaig that the aircraft would Enter Service with the troops on time. The minister of defense also inspected the workshops where repairs are carried out

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