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Ballet theater. When a discussion arises in society, when heated debates arise around a performance, it means that the theater is doing its job, because then the public is interested in the theater. And the opinion is really ambiguous, but the fact that the production makes you think thats for sure. At first i thought that i was in the wrong place, my daughter liked it, shes a little girl, 11 years old, she said it was a screenplay. As a psychologist , its very interesting to me, because this is a real problem, there are actually women who get to know the prisoners, they are waiting for them, the performances arrived until the very end, all this is so humorous and so, well, very cool. The next shows will take place on october 10 and 12. Alexandra perfileva, Vladimir Shabalin and andrey melnikov, host. 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The Prime Minister ordered to clear border settlements of militants and carry out mobilization. Reservists. This morning a massive attack began from gas sector. The militants fired several thousand missiles and entered the country by land, air and sea. There are deaths among civilians, moscow expressed serious concern about the sharp escalation of the situation and called on the palestinian and israeli sides for an immediate ceasefire, renunciation of violence, and the establishment of a negotiation process with the assistance of the international community. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Federation. And then the news from the Central Asian region in the review by robert frantsev. You greets asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. Today the Program Includes the results of Shavkat Mirziyoyevs visit to russia, relations between moscow and tashkent are experiencing unprecedented times. In tajikistan , rossat completed an environmental project that it had been working on for 10 years; in bishkeki, one of the most authoritative thieves in law, kolya kirghiz, was eliminated. Big visit, president of uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited russia on an official multiyear visit. Meeting with president Vladimir Putin, chairman government, a serious package of signed documents; before that, in tatarstan, a meeting with rais of the republic rustam. Minikhanov. The third forum of interregional cooperation between russia and uzbekistan took place in kazan. This cooperation is experiencing incredible growth. Today, about eighty russian entities are actively cooperating with uzbekistan. A third of them have an agreement on trade, economic , scientific, technical and cultural interaction. Trade turnover only between tatarstan and uzbekistan in the first half of the year twentythird year increased by 30 . Relations between russia and uzbekistan in recent years can be safely called. The most productive in modern history. At the end of the twentysecond year, trade turnover between russia and uzbekistan increased by 23 . To the level of the twentyfirst year and amounted to 9. 28 billion dollars. The 10 billion mark for trade turnover between russia and uzbekistan will be exceeded in the twentythird year. The quality of the structure of russianuzbek trade turnover changes annually; finished products have been replacing raw materials. In the twentysecond year, russia supplied Industrial Products to uzbekistan. Food products, cars, transport equipment in the opposite direction, mainly textiles and fruits and vegetables. Industrial cooperation occupies a special place on the bilateral agenda. Over the past 5 years, the number of enterprises created in uzbekistan with the participation of russian capital has exceeded 2,500. At the same time, uzbek business registered more than 600 companies in russia. Moscow and tashkent are jointly implementing the republic has almost 200 projects worth 20 billion dollars. Cover such areas as oil and gas. Chemistry and energy, mining metals, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, Light Industry and production of building materials. Electric car atom from the kama company can begin to be produced in uzbekistan, the statement was also made in kazan at an interregional forum. Uzbek partners have expressed interest in launching largescale assembly of the atom, and then they want to generally localize the production of this car. Our task was, and i it seems that we have dealt with it, so that it is not just a forum for the sake of forums summing up the results, but that at the forum itself the dialogue between the regions, the dialogue between the businesses of our regions continued, and this really was the case, and an exchange of contacts, a meeting of Business Councils , and the signing on. On the sidelines of the forum of a large number of bilateral and multilateral documents is evidence of this. There were 20 delegations from regions of the Russian Federation at the forum, all khakims of the republic of uzbekistan were represented; in most cases, khakims flew to us in kazan, specifically in order to meet with their partners and colleagues from the Russian Federation during the forum and, lets say, decisions were made, or in any case, decisions were announced that the construction of the Logistics Center was finally completed in the jizzakh region, we are this project , which the russian investor, with russian financial institutions, has been implementing for several years, so i think we will continue to continue developing our forum activities, aiming to as much practical implementation of further steps as possible, further contracts were concluded, prepared, namely, on the sidelines of the forum or finalized at least on the sidelines of the forum; the results of president mirziyoyevs official visit to russia will be discussed with bakhtiyor ergashev, director of the mono center for research initiatives. What results of the visit would you highlight first . First of all, the bilateral interest on the part of the leadership of both the Russian Federation and uzbekistan in developing comprehensive relations was confirmed. Strategic partnership and alliance, and this is a rare example, which confirms the very serious interest of both russia and uzbekistan in the development and deepening of bilateral cooperation in all areas, as for some other areas, more practical, more applied, then this is, of course, a statement by the two president s that cooperation between uzbekistan and russia in the gas sector will develop. A new stage begins when supplies of russian natural gas to uzbekistan begin, in transit through the territory kazakhstan. While the volumes are small, but they satisfy both uzbekistan and russia, it is clear that this cooperation in this direction will continue. A very serious issue is signing. Agreements between the relevant departments on the development of a system for supplying oil to uzbekistan by rail, for several years now work has been going on in test mode to create regular flights, agroexpress, socalled, which are tailored for the supply of Food Products both from uzbekistan to russia and back, and as for me it seems that there is a breakthrough in trade and economic relations in increasing the volume of Foreign Trade between uzbekistan and russia, one of the key directions of this breakthrough will be, of course , the further development of highspeed supplies by rail, food from russia to uzbekistan and back, and of course there is a whole series of other agreements that work to ensure that bilateral cooperation between uzbekistan and russia only deepens and expands, this also applies to the sphere of education, there is a very serious a breakthrough in working with tatarstan, during the first day of the visit of the president of uzbekistan to russia, the cooperation of the republic of tatarstan with uzbekistan can be said to be exemplary, which is why the president s visit took place. Uzbekistan to the republic of tatarstan to support and uh, accelerate this dynamics of bilateral cooperation. What else do you remember about this week in asia . Ships and personnel of the kazakh navy joined the khazri 2023 maneuvers in the azerbaijani waters of the caspian sea. Within a few days, Naval Special forces and marines of both countries worked out scenarios of joint actions. In case of potential. Threats, for example, liberated an island that, according to legend, had been captured by a terrorist group. An interesting video, presumably from afghanistan, where, according to a number of telegram channels, the construction of the koshtip channel has intensified. This reminds me of the project of the taliban, who in this way hope to ensure a stable water supply from the zamudariya. Earlier, the leaders of the Central Asian countries expressed concern that the channel would radically affect the but without fragile water balance in the region. At the ashhad school named after pushkin, where. A joint turkmenrussian education system, an exhibition of the city of craftsmen opened, craftsmen showed children images of folk arts and crafts and conducted exciting educational courses for primary schoolchildren, for example, they offered to sculpt something from clay, try their hand at wood cutting or create jewelry from resin. On october 4 , crime boss kamchi kalbaev, better known as kolya kyrgyz, was eliminated in bishkk. Lastly for decades, kalbaev was a key figure in the criminal world of kyrgyzstan; all the countrys criminal clans were close to him; he had a wide network of connections with the criminal world throughout central asia. The operation was carried out by special forces of the state committee for National Security, they captured the kyrgyz man using heavy special equipment, and during his arrest he offered armed resistance. The state committee for National Security of kyrgyzstan confirmed the liquidation with return fire. Footage of chikalbaevs funeral in chelponot appeared online. Kalbaev was one of the most authoritative representatives of the criminal world of the entire postsoviet space in the united states, they gave 5 Million Dollars for his capture. Kalibaev was called the watcher of kyrgyzstan. It is reported that. Yaponchik and grandfather hassan, kalbaev were repeatedly placed in custody, but each time they were released, he had connections among politicians, in kyrgyzstan there was no way without this, lets discuss the possible consequences of the death of kolya kyrgyz, firstly, what is remarkable about the figure of kamchik albaev kolya kyrgyz . Well, in fact, there was a legendary personality, what is irrefutable and indisputable is that all three called revolutions in kyrgyzstan, 2005, 2010, 2020, everywhere the criminals played, well, one of the leading roles, supplying, well , the fighters of this coup, the fighters of this revolution, if in 2005200, the criminals then in kyrgyzstan were fragmented, then. After bakiyev s power was overthrown in 2010, a certain process of consolidation began, the criminality of kyrgyzstan, organized criminality, and one of the main characters in this new evolutionary stage of development of the kyrgyz criminality was the deceased kolya kyrgyz, how do you think the liquidation of kolya kyrgyz might affect the situation in the country . Now it is obvious that a holy place is never empty, a serious behindthescenes criminal struggle for the post will probably unfold, this vacated post of the informal leader of the entire criminal world of kyrgyzstan, how this will go is difficult to say, most likely. You and i will watch this in over the coming weeks and month. In three cities of kyrgyzstan, beshkek, karakol and batken, an Education Center in russian was opened. In the capital of the republic the center appeared on the basis of the gazprom school. Here they will study the russian language and get acquainted with russian culture and traditions. In general , the russian teacher abroad project has been implemented in kyrgyzstan since 2019. 112 teachers are currently working. Kyrgyzstan initially worked in private schools, but now the project has covered public educational institutions. The other day a new Academic Year of the mind power project began in bishkeki. It is implemented by the Russian Ministry of education. As part of this project , School Classrooms across the country are equipped with new equipment for physics and chemistry classes. All the tasks there are done by our best methodologists ; they make them in such a way that children master physics and mathematics in a fascinating manner. This is some serious basic knowledge. Our project is a project not only for schoolchildren, but also, first of all, for teachers, because foreign teachers take part in it, who absolutely voluntarily take advanced Training Programs with us and teach these classes, we receive many applications, russian schools actively want to join this project, and schools from other countries from far abroad, this is latin america, these are african countries. Putin promised gas to kazakhstan and uzbekistan. At a meeting of the valdai discussion club, Vladimir Putin said that russia will supply kazakhstan and uzbekistan with 3 billion cubic meters of gas per year, with the prospect of increasing this volume. According to the president , the region has certain problems with energy and water, but all these issues can be solved. However, these questions do not disappear anywhere, here is another one kazakhstan refused to transport gas from russia to father of bishkek. The head of the kyrgyz cabinet of ministers, kylbek japarov, told garku kinesha about this at a meeting. According to him, kazakhstan cannot transport the required volume of gas due to the condition of the gas pipeline, which has been in operation for more than 30 years, and magat will give recommendations on choosing a site for the location of Nuclear Power plants in kazakhstan. The agencys mission took place from october 2 to october 6, and now the results will be provided to kazakh specialists for the final determination of the construction site of the Nuclear Power plant. Kazakh officials also announced the cost of construction of the Nuclear Power plant, so far based on very rough estimates. It will probably cost somewhere up to 15 billion dollars, because, well, this is such a rough, rough estimate, because this is the overnight cost, as they say, right . This is an estimate of capital costs for the construction of a Railway Station without calculating the construction timeframe, which means our prices ranged from 6 to 12 billion dollars, well, we were figuring out different financial and academic models when we built it, how it will all be implemented depends very much on under what conditions we will take money, landfills in the tajik sokda, an important statement was made at the ceremony of completion of work at the tabasharr mine. The tabasharr uranium deposits in tajikistan were of great importance for the ussr atomic project. It was developed back in 1943; after exhaustion, the mine and processing plants were closed. Tabashar rossat has been rehabilitating the site for 10 years. Read more about this project victoria dadayan. Basharshar deposit in the city area. Klol was considered one of the largest, where uranium was mined during the soviet years. Over time, the enterprise was closed. The territory turned into a huge radioactive dump and began to pose a serious threat. Old reinforced concrete structures, a huge dump of a lowgrade uranium ore factory 65 m high and four Storage Facilities with radioactive waste. In total, about 19 million tons of waste. This is what the Industrial Site looked like before. The entrance to it was free; sand was taken from the dump for construction purposes. And this is what the facility looks like now the height of the uranium embankment was reduced by 30 m and the dump and reclaimed tailings were filled up threelayer protective screen made of pure natural materials. The completion of the work is celebrated solemnly. The frame was developed to solve problems associated with radioecological consequences and save work in the territories of kazakhstan and the kyrgyz republic. Russian federation and rospubtan. All names of the state contributed to its implementation, but to a large extent the Russian Federation initially attracted a large number of nuclear specialists, both from the russian side and from the republic, to develop the program tajikistan. This was a truly largescale joint project, from russia the central design and Technological Institute participated in it. The famous tspti, the main Design Institute of the fuel company rossatom tvl. This is one of the projects in the cis within the framework of the company for the elimination of uranium legacy. Its main executor was the state corporation rusatom. Last year , a contract was signed to determine the contractor. Central design and technology institute. And in august 2023 all work was completed. They cost 780 million rubles. This is 40 units. Complex specialized equipment, such as moving power lines, dismantling remaining structures, leveling soils, creating a drainage system, that is, this is really very complex work. Today the site is safe, all structures have been demolished and reliably isolated, and the tailings ponds have been reclaimed. The radioactive background is reduced by almost four times and is normal. And protective fences have been built throughout the area. Prosatom centrally develops Rehabilitation Technologies territories, on decommissioning, Safe Management of radioactive waste, and we are ready to implement largescale projects in the cis countries, provide them with support, and for this we have all the competencies. The project is primarily important for local residents whose houses are located near the industrial zone. In addition to the reclamation work, the school was renovated and a road was built to make it comfortable for people without changing their usual route. In the future , joint projects are planned at other sites in tajikistan. Victoria dadayan, dmitry sorokin, dmitry snezhkovoy, tajikistan, in the center of asia. And to other news. Vladimir putin congratulated emmali rahmon on his birthday, which the president of tajikistan celebrated on october 5. In his telegram, the russian leader emphasized that under the leadership of his colleague, the central. The asian republic is confidently moving along the path of economic and social development, playing an Important Role in regional and international affairs. And in a telephone conversation , the parties confirmed their commitment to further strengthening. Competition for young engineers took place in ashgabat, where very impressive childrens developments were presented, for example, a manipulator that is controlled by an ordinary smartphone, or a mechanism capable of overcoming quite complex obstacles, there was also an Entertainment Program in the form of a robot race. In almaat , the reconstruction of the akimat building has finally been completed , which, let me remind you, suffered during the riots last winter, then essentially only a charred frame remained of the sixstory building. Now everything has been restored in the best possible way according to the original drawings fifty years ago, that is, kazakhstani specialists not only carried out repairs, but also took care of preserving the historical appearance of the building. The fifteenth anniversary Tashkent International Film Festival has ended in uzbekistan. The closing ceremony took place at. Eternal city park in samarkand. The main guest of honor was hollywood actor kevin spacey. Also among the guests are serbian director Emir Kusturica and his eminent russian colleagues, alexey uchitel, vladimir khotinenko, the Film Festival celebrated its sixtyfifth anniversary. Within screenings, viewers were able to see 60 feature films and documentaries. Cinema stars held creative meetings and master classes with fans, as well as students of geek branches in tashkent. Well, the festival opened this year. Russian cinema, thats all for us, see you as usual next week in the center of asia, take care of yourself

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