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Beautifully decorated platforms, halfnaked women in feathers walk along the sambodrome, a russian wouldnt behave like that, brozyu still doesnt know how to show our culture to the world . My acquaintance with brazil is, naturally, the series slaves of nezaura. Slaves of nesaura was my First Television role and i became very famous not only in brazil but in the world. This is favella. I grew up in favella, it is an integral part of my life. I agree with those who say brazil is green russia. Russia, northern brazil, in the ranks of my unit there were a lot of drug addicts, we said that confidence in our actions was emerging, the soldiers who were running next to me were just as chaotically shooting at houses, shooting at windows, and you understood that you were shooting according to the residents of mariupol, i understood, but i was those pills that we saw, these are the most serious tranquilizers, a person forgets what pain, fatigue are, everything that is used in ukraine is manufactured in a factory manner by research institutes, nato, here is the same api spray based on nalfubin, the cia clearly continues to conduct similar activities all over the world, it immediately comes to mind. Hello, kiril vyshnsky is with you and this is a typical novorossiya program. Our name says it all; we are talking about a territory that has returned to its historical roots. About novorossiya. With the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, and find typical features and recognizable signs of the past. And thats what well talk about today. Those who always with children, an army of teachers in novorossiya. What kind of teacher is needed in New Territories . Conversation with a program expert. Herodotus of new russia, he created historical memory. On october 5 , russia celebrates teachers day. In the year of the teacher mentor, this is a special holiday with honoring the best, a sea of ​​flowers and a lot of warm words. However, the teacher has always been loved and especially revered in our country. He not only gives knowledge, he also educates and instills respect for the most important values. As a teacher in todays novorossiya, a figure is no less significant than a military man. Or a medic, their whole army, more than 35,000 teachers came to classes, in many schools in donbass and other new russian territories, due to. The danger of shelling, lessons are being held remotely, in the dnpr only 2 3 of schools have returned to fulltime classes, in lugansk peoples republic, almost 90 . In the zaporozhye region, all schools accept children, but due to the threat of terrorist attacks, they are under armed guard. One can only admire the perseverance and endurance of teachers who teach in such conditions. Many of them, simply staying at their jobs places, have already made a difficult and responsible choice. The ukrainian authorities continue to threaten teachers in the zaporozhye and kherson regions with criminal prosecution for treason. They offer money for refusing to teach according to russian programs. Some people cannot stand the pressure, but for most , the betrayal of their students is worse. Threats of ukrainian nationalists, russian educational standards are being actively implemented in New Territories, because in ukraine , teaching the russian language, literature and real ukrainian and World History is here practically no work has been done, we have to start almost from the beginning, there are still not enough teachers in the humanities, russian, english, history, but there is no way to make up for the ukrainian language, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions it is taught as a second language, a special manual has been developed for classes, more and more books and textbooks are needed here from year to year. This year, 5,500 more students enrolled in the first grades of novorossiya than last year. About those who followed the great czech teacher Janusz Korczak at the very beginning. Situation makes only one choice i with children, in the story of anna efimova. Good morning, children, hello, hello , this is how the working day of natalya rybentseva begins, a teacher, an english teacher with twentyfive years of experience, having experienced independent ukraine and the unrecognized lpr, now works in a fullfledged russian school. Many of her former students graduated from prestigious universities and became successful people, each in their own field. Todays schoolchildren are no less ambitious in their ambitions; they also have their own big plans for the future. With over 10 years of training, i i prefer to say not favorite, but more necessary subjects that i will need in the future, this is russian history of society. Because i want to connect my future life with jurisprudence. Gymnasium number 30 is named after nadezhda fisenko, the heroic secretary of the underground Regional Committee of komsomo, who was shot by the germans on the night of december 2, 1942, and the building is located on the street named after the hero of modern russia, denis ivanov, who defended lugansk since 2014 and died in his zone. We dont invest in our children only knowledge, and we teach them to be people, people with a capital h, so that the life that lies ahead of them will not be so difficult for them. The transition to the russian Education System in donbass took place in different ways. Most of the schools in the lpr and dpr did this gradually under fire for eight long years, however, for example, in mariupol, which became part of russia only after the start of a fullscale military operation, this process. Took place in a shorter period of time, we open in the textbook , looking for the formula demand coefficient, Mariupol School Number five, today the classrooms here are filled to capacity, children study in two shifts, according to the project the building is designed for 900 students, in reality there are more than 1,300 schoolchildren sitting at their desks. We now have 47 classes, and every year the need for Teaching Staff is growing, we are overcrowded, we do not have enough teachers in physical education, english, mathematics, social studies, that is, yes, these positions, they are filled, teachers read for one and a half times an hour, but this is due to the fact that the occupancy rate of Teaching Staff is around 80 . Despite the fact that in russia has prepared a large reserve of personnel; now more than 98 of those who teach children in new regions are local teachers; a total of about 30,000 teachers have completed retraining and advanced training courses. Much has changed, including the salaries of teachers in the new regions, they are higher than the russian average, in addition, there are also president ial bonuses, and the classrooms are equipped with new textbooks and manuals on the shelves. In addition, schoolchildren now have the legal right to choose which language to study in, while in ukraine teaching in russian has been prohibited at the state level since 2020, however, the directors of some schools decided to exercise this right individually, for example, in the zaporozhye region, an ambiguous situation has developed, despite the opinion of parents and children from russianspeaking families are forced to study in ukrainian, there are few such cases, but they are from. Each is dealt with separately. And this was done in the jesuit way. If you dont want to choose ukrainian as your native language, then your child still sits on ukrainian as a native language, in case of choosing russian as a native language, he receives it in the seventh or eighth lesson. Well, accordingly , the parents approached this purely utilitarianly, why would the child sit for another whole hour longer, especially since he wouldnt be able to escape from ukrainian anyway. If these cases are systemic, naturally, i, as the head of the education commission, will. Culture of the zaporozhye Public Chamber and i can ask these questions in detail to those unborn officials who participated in this. This year, the authorities of the neighboring kherson region decided to open at least one school in Populated Areas of the frontline zone. Children have not studied here since covid, and many did not leave despite the danger of shelling. However, falling shells are only the visible part of the war. There is another one. Len, they hand over theirs with a photograph and signature. And all materials are forwarded to sbbu. When you walk around the city, your neighbors turn to you and say collaboration light. Deputy yana landratova has been to the donbass in the kherson and zaporozhye regions more than once; she took out history manuals from former Ukrainian School libraries more reminiscent of the chronicle of oun upa. When, with the advent of russia, the textbooks changed and things began to be called by their proper names during the radiangerman war of the great patriotic war, and Stepan Bandera was not a hero, but an accomplice of the nazis, teachers who were ready to teach in a new way were understood. Not all, there were moments when they put up banners in the courtyards, they threatened, and why was there pressure, because, well, wars are won not by generals, but by parish priests, teachers, because teachers are the ones who bring truthful information and ideology to children, when teachers came to russia, we met with them, they were so surprised at first, they told us on the territory of ukraine, they said that you dont have normal schools, its prohibited in russia to study. The english language, that with teachers you you sign a contract for a maximum of a year, renovated school corridors , highspeed internet, which should be provided to all schools in new regions this year, computer classes, all this is just part of the big work to restore the secondary Education System, mainly in which still always remains a teacher, ready to continue his work , even if there are only a few people in the first class, as in the frontline camp, this is just the reality of our life, we have five of them, yes, but but they are fire, they will show themselves. Donetsk and lugansk, melitopol and genichesk, mariupol, new kokhovka, yasenovataya and hundreds of other settlements on the map of new regions of russia, they all live within the same borders, but given the specifics of the war, each in different circumstances, when local teachers are asked a predictable question are they surprised if there is burnout . Burnout does not happen at all, because every new day brings new emotions, we are living people, we get tired, we have our own problems, but the work and rest regime, thats why we eat within the walls of the school, in this sense, each of these teachers has something to offer not only children can learn. Anna efimova, valery sovelev, anastasi popova, typical novorossiya. About how they work and what the problems are. Today we are with the teachers of novorossiya and we will talk with our regular expert, political scientist, historian alexander vasiliev. Sasha, good afternoon, good afternoon. Sasha, we see a lot of messages about how schools are being restored and built in novorossiya, how new textbooks are being delivered there, but who comes into the classrooms, these are the people who teach in novorussiya today and with what mood they come to work. It seems to me that the teacher should be at the center of the process and of course. Comparing what we are seeing now, what has happened this year, this is of course a cardinal, radical step forward, because initially you need to understand that, well, in different there, in the kherson and zaporizhzhya regions, they seem to have their own specifics, but in these regions, up to 50 of teachers were simply immediately lost, so to speak, and for the school, people either left these territories, or refused to go to work, including continuing to actively function in the ukrainian Education System, online remotely, and this, of course, was a very serious factor, in addition, the people who went there returned, so to speak, to their teaching posts, i would say so, they were subject to constant threats. And there are chat rooms with blacklists where their personal data is posted, to the point that these people unfortunately continue to receive direct threats of physical harm, including, and in ukraine these people are considered collaborators, that is, they are simply those who remained on their places of work, those who continue to teach children, this is a very serious problem, yes, it must be said that the regions are working to attract, including specialists from russia, and this is very important, because we know that we have experience, and also quite a difficult experience, from the soviet era, when western ukraine was annexed, and there banderas followers simply unleashed terror against teachers who were sent there precisely in order to adapt the Education System as a whole and develop it, nevertheless people go and do it in including trying, which in general is absolutely true, but to attract financial assistance, well, after all, there are pedagogical universities there that continue to train personnel, and not only Teaching Personnel for schools. Yes, yes, in addition, there is facts that people who left it are coming back to the Education System for various reasons, some for financial reasons, some for ideological reasons, some for some other reason, these personnel also turn out to be in demand, in the donbass with in the fourteenth year, they teach in russian in the republics of donetsk, lugansk, zaporozhye and kherson regions, the russian language was systematically squeezed out of the Education System, but what about the languages ​​now . Are there any conflicts . But there is a concept of the state language, russian, yes, for which there are standards education, there is also, since russia is a federation , and within the federation there is, including the national republic, there is a concept of native languages, some, say, officials, yes there are stereotypes that since this territory was ukrainian, then apparently there the native language is ukrainian, we urgently need to show statistics that we have so many ukrainian classes, and so on and so on, yes, that is, well, this is the logic of the bureaucratic machine, but in fact. Again this is a problem, yes, what about family the language is not the one that is written down somewhere, yes, but the one that a person mastered first, in which he thinks, and of course, for the absolute majority of children in this region, this is the russian language, but nevertheless, as far as i i know, indeed, parents are completely free to choose a second language in which to teach their children, and there are ukrainian classes, i will say, there is also a problem in this area that i, for example, encountered in the fourteenth year in the fifteenth year in donetsk , well, this is not even a problem, but the fact that there are pedagogical personnel, there we should not assume that all teachers of ukrainian language and literature, this automatically means that there are some disloyal people there, banderaites and so on, no, among them there are also those who are not indoctrinated there, yes in this sense, remained in these territories , and their question, for example, is there, since these are philologists, yes, they can reorient themselves towards close, russian philology, yes, there is no problem with that, but this also requires some. Time and we we shouldnt automatically throw these people out and expose everything, you teachers ukrainian language, we dont need you, this shouldnt happen, russian education standards are being introduced in the schools of novorussia, what does this mean, how difficult or easy is this process now in the sphere, it is constantly in the process of reform, especially in ukraine, how many of these there are new standards were introduced every time, but these endless reforms, so to speak, have already accustomed the system to the fact that, yes, people adapt to it and the composition, naturally, yes, that is, so to speak, there are fundamental subjects that are precise science, its easiest with them, of course, but the main question that worries me most is, yes, this is the humanitarian block, of course, today, especially in the current conditions, yes, which we are talking about, of course, attention to the teacher attention to the teacher who teaches humanities subjects , history and literature, it should not just be increased, right . This is huge, this is incredible, one of the most important government tasks and here it would help us a lot, there is such a thing as a regional component, yes, but here it is in everyone, today from what i can judge, in each of our new regions, yes, it has its own, yes, i know that in lugansk there is Something Like such a textbook, on the history of the lugansk region, which is given to schoolchildren, and this is correct, this is necessary, of course its good, but, unfortunately, we dont have a common narrative like this, adapted for and its very important, thats our task of our program, yes, when we talk about a typical new russia, its precisely to show that this is that angle point of view, from which he explains to us, well, in general , the events taking place today, and puts everything in its place in general, so of course, but i would like, yes, that we, including in this humanitarian block, would have an emphasis on novorossiya, and for new regions, which this, well, transitional one would allow a period with one model, so to speak, with one picture. Of the world, which existed at school, yes, to a new picture of the world, but very seriously, it would be of great help if this were formulated and fully introduced into education , and as in history, yes, so in sphere of russian literature, this needs to be emphasized that it wasnt just some teacher who came there, some teacher came from somewhere and the children there somewhere, i dont know, there near mariupol in a school, but he tells that there is such a russian chekhov writer, no, you need to understand yes, that this is the person who gave birth to this region, was reflected in his work and gave it to russian literature, enriching it as a whole, when such a connection is developed precisely at the level of the school curriculum, this, by the way, is useful for throughout russia as a whole, but thats what. Teachers are they would also focus on such things and then, well, i repeat, it would be much easier to understand the events taking place. Sasha, thank you very much for the interesting and detailed story. We have talked more than once in this studio about how the history of novorusia and the development of this region becomes a field of controversy for all kinds of speculation. Who is there . Settled, who founded the largest cities, who turned the wild steppe into a habitable space. Today it is no longer just a subject of research for historians. The answers to these questions have become central to peoples historical memory and selfidentification. Living in novorossiya. Therefore, archival research, collection and analysis of documents on the history of new russia acquire a special character today. Weight and significance, only with the help of reliable facts can one cope with the flow of historical speculations that begin with phrases, as everyone knows, it is completely obvious, and so on. Myths and fiction, even the most beautiful ones, are powerless against the contents of the archive. The list of names who have devoted themselves to a serious study of the history of novorossiya opens with apolon skolkovsky, a lawyer by training, he entered the service in 1828 staff of the office of the novorossiysk and bessarabian general government. In the bureaucratic routine, skalkovsky saw the most important Historical Mission collecting and organizing archival materials from departments and regions of novorossiya. The originals of many were later lost and remained known only thanks to the works of apollo alexandrovich. Through his efforts , a Historical Archive was established in odessa in the midthirties of the 21st century. For the books, a chronological review of the history of the novorossiysk region, an experience in the statistical description of novorossiya, apollo skalkuvsky received the nickname herodotus of new russia in scientific circles. Father of the history of the region. About this man and his research in the story by olga mokhova. For his contribution to the study of the history of new russia, apolon skolkovsky received not only the bright nickname herodotus, but also a number of awards, among which were the order of st. Anna, first class, and the demidov prize, no less prestigious in russian scientific circles. I consider it my duty to offer you my most humble gratitude for the essay you sent me. Being from the novorossiysk territory and having spent time there youth. Mine, i read with a familiar feeling and remember everything related to southern russia and ukraine. Apollo skalkovsky, of ukrainianpolish ancestry from the Chernihiv Region , was born in zhitomir, in a city that became russian at the end of the 14th century after the second partition of poland. His father, clergyman alexander skolkovsky, at one time found himself in these parts with the blessing of the metropolitan of kiev with the task of counteracting catholic propaganda. We are here. Indeed there was such a very serious struggle between the orthodox elite, so representing the likes of skolkovsky apollo, polish magnates who also wanted to control this territory, well, as they were used to doing this during the time of the polishlithuanian commonwealth. At first , apollo studied at the university in vilna, but after his studies he continued his studies in moscow. As an expert in the polish language, he helped Alexander Pushkin in translating the poem by adam mickiewicz, to pushkins plan, arranged by conrad walenrod, skolkovsky provided him with all possible literary assistance as a translator, although at the interlinear level. Mickiewicz dedicated a poem to skolkovsky, which skolkovsky treasured as a shrine, it was an album poem, a poem of dedication. In odessa in the office of novorossiysk governorgeneral mikhail varantsov. He has access to study the archives of the novorossiysk region. Skolkovsky served as head of the odessa Statistical Committee for more than 50 years. During this time, he became one of the founders of the society of history and antiquities, the first to create an organized Historical Archive of the city and wrote a book on the history of odessa. Overall a pearl there is a lot of sea that i owe to him. Initially, the russian empire had an idea to create a university in the south in the city of nikolaev. It was skalkovskys note, with his reasoning that odessa is a much more important city in the south, and that it should be organized there. The university, as such a center of education in the novorossiysk region , played its role; under skolkovsky , two population censuses took place in odessa in the thirties and fifties of the century; in a very short time, he was able to obtain extensive information about the social status of the townspeople, their way of life, nationality, degree of literacy; for this purpose, special questionnaires were drawn up and special representatives were elected, the census takers, who worked, it must be said, for free. A few days before the day of the census, and the census was considered to be carried out in one day , the enumerators went through households and distributed questionnaires to the heads of households, and they filled out these questionnaires for several days; on the day of the census, the enumerators again went around the households and collected the completed questionnaires. For his first historical work, over the course of 4 months, skolkovsky traveled to several novorossiysk cities, where he studied local archives. He saw the origins of the development of the region in the emergence of serbian colonies in the north of new russia in the early fifties. Centuries, and its borders were determined in the same way as modern historians by the northern black sea region and crimea. Take a look at the map three large navigable rivers, from the west the buk, from the north the dnieper, from the east the don and northern donets. Since ancient times, trading boats have been lowered into the black sea and the sea of ​​azov, but traders thought with horror about living so close to zaporozhye sich, tatar villages and turks. Fortresses. In the fight against the crimean khanate and the ottoman state , the novorossiysk region was formed, the territory of which developed as the russian borders advanced. And according to skolkovsky, the path of new russia is not just a history of military conquests, but also a history of the development of previously empty lands. Skolkovsky drew attention to the fact that this is a special region, which in a special way was part of russia, accordingly, slowly, gradually, step by step, but strictly. With mid16th century. Not being a professional historian, skolkovsky did not rely on the classics, but independently went through all stages of the research. It was he who discovered the archive of the last zaporozhye sich, and he was the first to describe the history of the gaidomas uprisings of the 16th century, the latter became the cause of disagreement between him and the poet taras shevchenko. Shevchenko was extremely indignant that skolkovsky, using polish sources, gave a negative assessment of people with whom he, shevchenko, personally sympathized. Apollo with kalkovsky lived a long life for almost the entire 19th century, 90 years, he was in the literary circles of russia and he himself wrote in the spirit of walter scott, the manuscript of his autobiographical story is still waiting for its publisher, who knows what other valuable information his genius will give us. Olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical novorossiya. This is all we wanted to talk about today, kirill vyshshinsky was with you, see you soon. Meeting of president s, the head of uzbekistan on a visit to russia, what is it about. Vladimir putin and Shavkat Mirziyoyev will talk about what agenda . Streets went under water, residential buildings were drowned, School Classes were canceled, and a powerful typhoon hit sakhalin. Fulfillment of state defense orders. Sergei shaigu with an inspection in the novosibirsk region, where su34 fighterbombers are produced, repaired and modernized. A protective duty on gray fuel exports, what new measures have the government approved. The buildings of the mariupol school of art are actually being rebuilt. New residential neighborhoods, schools, parks, why mariupol is called the second stalingrad and how he is literally reborn from the ruins. Vladimir putin will hold talks today with the president of uzbekistan, shavkat

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