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2010, with their close comrades, here i installed this slab on the banks of the Dnieper River in honor of this date, as part of the socalled decommunization, it was demolished, and now we can remember again, openly and talk about true heroes, that s what this year is with russia, the kiev authorities also tried u. You see, these are the graves of unknown soldiers who were found during the construction of a hydroelectric power station, only one was identified here, a junior sergeant, a town resident, and there were symbols here, a star and a bay leaf, and now we are putting these graves in order, because well, thats why , thats why this year with russia is already so valuable to us, this is a return to our history, and now in the new stove there is an eternal flame burning, it is not visible in sunny weather, but it can be clearly heard, and the air above the burner trembles, it was lit in memory about the soldiers who died during the great patriotic war, their remains were found. Kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station, this year it went out for only 2 days, the same day when the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station went under water. Olga kurlaeva, sergey shcheptev, kherson region. Pentalgin, it contains the highest dosage of a substance against pain and inflammation. Pentalgen eekstral against pain and inflammation. In muscles and joints, the vtb team is with you a free card with 10 cashback on everything. Apply for a debit card for life at vtb. Ru or at a bank office. You cant want so much. Can. Try the maximum for only 399 rubles. Can. Yota. I could become anyone, a musician, a restaurateur, a presenter. Producer, husband, father, and became because i was always free, alfabank, for smart free people, my New Invention for a clean toilet, with bref, there is an easier way, bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. Number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. Here it is. 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The Ukrainian Armed forces artillery opens return fire, at this time the crew was forced to go down into cover, but Sergeant Alexander kuchin, the crew worked technically, they pulled the car out from under fire, the first shell flew into the top of the crowns, hit the car, but the crew was in cover, so i, as the driver, reacted to this and ran to pull the car out of the under fire, drove out of the copanirs, drove literally 10 m, a shell had already landed in this trench, the vehicle was taken out intact and continues to carry out combat missions for this feat, he was nominated for the order of courage, he says that it was a pity to abandon equipment that had been in service for a long time became dear, the loss of a car, it will have a very hard impact on work, the unit, there are enough cars, but this is my car, i took care of it, repaired it, from the very first days ive been on this bumper, it feels like something. Then, something of mine, here. Its in his character, say alexanders parents, vladimir and svetlana kuchin. They live in one of the villages of the krasnodar territory, they remember how their son assembled his own motorcycle in parts, how he was fond of hunting and tourism since his school years, and was a member of a search party that found and reburied Red Army Soldiers who died great. I was still ready to sacrifice my safety for the sake of saving others, we were sunbathing on the shore there , the cottage caught fire, well, ill go and have a look, i went , no, no, no, no, theres already such a flame , i ran there, people surrounded the cottage, theyre filming with gadgets, theres no sashki, theres no there. Here and where he climbs out, he and the guy pull out the man , a fat man says they pulled the guy out, then he ran back there, climbed and climbed, helped put out the fire. Having entered conscription service, alexander decided to stay in the army and signed a contract, his decision i simply explained to my parents that there is a profession, to defend my mothers homeland, and in those words, yes, he said so, yes, he liked it , he says, ill end up in good troops, ill stay on. I ended up in the marine corps, coast guard, signed a contract, his Service Began and on february 24 they were already transferred to the svo zone, from that time alexander and svetlana are counting down the anxious days, every day i pray to god that everything will be fine, that this will end quickly, our boys all returned from there alive and well, are they successful . You can chat there by phone or in some other way, yes, well, when he has the opportunity, he gets in touch, when there is a connection, i understand, he probably saves your nerves, but still. Everything is fine with him, always, everything is fine, everything is fine, we ask, everything is fine, alive, well, during his time alexander came on vacation for two weeks, all his relatives met him, the residents of the village support him, his parents send him and his fellow soldiers gifts, homemade honey, vegetables from the garden, the first question, when i started from mine, i asked him, i said, sasha, what are you you will continue to do so, continue to serve until the end, well, in the sense of serving until the end this means until the end of your army. The gene for courage and heroism is passed on in the family through upbringing, vladimir is proud of his son, he takes out photographs from his home archives from his military service, and remembers each colleague by name. I was on a strategic assignment, Missile Forces , we were directly involved in transportation and cargo, a company escorting military cargo, support for family, loved ones, loving people, all the people in the zone answered to me when asked where they get fortitude to resist the onslaught of the enemy. What gives me the strength, the moral strength, to live here for six months under shelling, my family, my parents, my friends, well , like the whole rear, i dont want them to bear this on themselves, i feel personal responsibility, for my wife, for my mother , there for relatives, for loved ones. Because i dont want there to be any kind of sabotage there, not everyone is experiencing sabotage, well, i want to cut it all off at the root, as it were, and so that nothing gets to us there, force, i dont know, probably, the russian spirit, as it were , was brought up from childhood with the fact that russia is wars, heroes, somehow. It smells like russia, we cant lose this in any way and i dont know, the roots may be the same, and the guys are all basically the same, we are one people, mother russia feeds us, how can i say, well, plus theres also home, family of course supports, wife, parents, people see the goal, people understand the goals of this specialization, that this is not just farfetched, these are really important things that are not only for us, but also for our children, the result of this specialization they let me go on this business trip easier, they said that i was getting on their nerves a lot, but they are proud of me, and the most important motivation is my little daughter, not yet 3 years old, varyusha, i say hello to you, dad loves you very much soon. Home with victory, the family of the regiment commander Dmitry Zharkikh, a few months ago he moved from the caucasus, closer to his father in the crimea , his daughters continued to study music at the local school, between homework they write letters of support to the soldiers, you write a letter by hand, yes, of course, also its nice, dont read, i realized that this was not enough, and i turned to my class for help and asked them. To write letters, so i said that my dad has a regiment, and he needs your support. The commander of the eighth artillery regiment, which recently received the rank of guards for heroism during a special military operation, Dmitry Zharkikh. He is twice a holder of the order of courage and was also awarded a medal for courage. During the offensive in the kherson region he was wounded, but continued to control artillery fire. Automobile my tiger, on which i was traveling and the composition of my np, was damaged against this tank by a guided missile, thank god there were no deaths, so they were wounded, including me, despite this, we continued until the end of the day to complete the task. From the first day, Dmitry Zharkikh has been in the combat zone at the forefront of artillery operations, now the task of his regiment is to prevent enemy troops from landing on the islands in the dnieper delta, longrange artillery, multiple Rocket Launchers hit military equipment, strongholds and command posts apu, work. A lot, but at the same time he does not forget to call or write home every day; he only managed to go on vacation for 2 days this summer, at the request of his daughters, during which time he had a conversation at school about important things. I noticed a problem like many children, yes, that there are children, but adults do not understand the meaning in a special military operation , when dad came for a couple of days, i did not let this opportunity go, so that dad would come and explain to the guys, they then asked questions and everything went well, the children were surprisingly active, asking questions and defending. In general, there is the honor and independence of our first and foremost state, just as it was in the second naturally great patriotic war, when our grandmothers and greatgrandmothers stood up for defense too, in principle there is no difference in being a military wife, natalya admits, especially during a special operation, a woman needs to have a lot of courage, a lot of patience , first of all, and this is not easy, especially at first, when it came and at first you are in constant anxiety, in constant some kind of stress, of course, even stay, because for the first 2 weeks there was no information at all, accordingly, even though he is a regiment commander, he naturally had personal connections. He didnt even contact him, he understood perfectly well that naturally, we are worried, we are praying for him, prays at the front and the military in the area where the regiment is located Dmitry Zharkikh organized the construction of a temple; for safety it was built in a dugout, the candles are in shell casings, and some icons are written on armor plates. The temple itself, it was built in honor of ian the warrior, this is exactly his image from on sundays, a priest comes here to conduct services; some of the svo participants were baptized here. vera, says the regiment commander, they, and he, too, are helped in the most difficult situations at the front. Suvorov said that a faithless army should teach the rusty to make iron. It is clear that, especially in a combat situation, a person requires a certain internal moral and spiritual spirit. Because there is no other motive for a person to go to death and be ready to give your life, there is simply no other motive, except for faith and deep faith in truthfulness, that is the honor of your destiny and work. They met in st. Petersburg in a circle of orthodox youth, together. The great patriotic war, we got married in the fourth year, then dmitry had service in various regions of the country, business trips to syria, this is when he was a cadet, this is their graduation, this is him already a lieutenant, this is his first place of service, tent their camp, this is also him at the parade, may 9, this is the syrian republic, nothing has been included in this album yet, no, theres nothing like that yet , yes, its a cross, to be a military wife, first of all , you know, for me, now ill say even on camera, i dont know, maybe from upbringing, but internally i always knew that i would marry a military man, i dont know why, i wanted a big family, in general, i have four children, and i am a happy woman. Come on in, girls, take your seats, sixth grade girls, today you and i will perform a very interesting and kind work, we will make amuletschevrons for the guys, svo participants, very kind, we have a cheburashka it means a symbol of good, so we make them from foamiran and send them to the soldiers at the front so that they do not forget what good is. Labor lessons at the school in the crimean village of novoandreevka, classes are taught by teacher valeria martelova, her husband, captain martelov , commands a coast guard battery in the kherson direction, there are always such emotions when i think about my husband, when i think about the guys, i know how hard it is for them there, but they are trying hold on, well, we try to hold on. But we miss it very much when we havent been around for a long time, well, there are periods when they get in touch , when they try, of course, not to say anything bad, but when we learn from the news that the guys there are not very good there, there are also some news, we worry about them , we are very worried, i cant talk without tears, i am confident in him that he is working there, trying and exactly the same thing i am doing here, because if the installation, i have no right to get unstuck here, because he is there he is trying, he is holding on, as they say, he began his military career from childhood, he went to the cadet corps at the age of 13, he graduated from it, of course, not an excellent student, but not a c student either, he graduated, entered a military school, in the thirteenth year, in the eighteenth graduated. Andrei martelov was awarded the order of courage for the fact that with his comrades he held back the enemys advance for more than 3 days in a row. Managed to stop him , stood firm, defended, supported the infantry, did not allow the enemy to pass, that day three for days in a row, well, sleepless nights and days, we repelled an enemy attack, and after waiting, we knocked out three tanks, destroyed several groups of infantry up to a company, that day my comrade died, but since we didnt allow a breakthrough, we can tie a bow, we can make a letter in also to put everything together, its very good, its always very nice to receive Little Things not only from home, but also from completely strangers children who dont know them, have never seen them, but nevertheless, we have a soul, a heart, with the guys, we were with we have guests, the guys came, even those who were wounded, who were in the hospital, came and talked with the guys, andrei alekseevich came to us, we also had the opportunity, the guys were happy to talk to him, and we didnt even expect that the guys would ask such questions, we were more interested in how they hold on when, for example, they even lose their comrades, well, where do they get the strength to go every day to protect us. Not to give up, it helps that when we hear letters, we send the same cheburks, they are very pleased and it raises the fighting spirit, we cannot do in another way, these are all our guys, did valeria know when she married then lieutenant martelov what kind of share she was choosing for herself . Of course, they knew, ill even say more when i met him, i didnt even come to the first date because he was put on duty, during his time my husband was on vacation twice says valeria, the first time he went to see his parents in tambov, the second one i spent with my wife in the crimea and got married, for me its just an event that i probably need to grow up to spiritually and morally, because that its just like that, well, thats not it, when the special operation began, these sleepless nights, parcels, just then. They came , that he, that i, he arrived, and even without talking, without much thought, we got married, yes, were getting married, thats it, hes getting married, lets go, valeria was born in crimea, when the peninsula was autonomous as part of ukraine, they remember those times well and are not going to return to them, despite the fact that crimea is often attacked by drones and vzo missiles, on statement by the kiev authorities that they will seize this territory, the answer is that here no one is waiting for them, no one is waiting for them, because we are quite satisfied with what we have at the moment only with russia, only for development, only for prosperity, because we lived, we know how it was before, and this is straight, that something had changed, that it was, Nothing Happened , i looked at my parents, who tried their best, worked for the state, and yet, nothing, now everything has completely changed, a completely different level, we can afford a lot. We have completely different entertainment, we travel, relax, uh, that is another level of life, here is the school, classrooms, everything, not very quickly, but it is being equipped, a gym, a dining room, completely renovated, after work she goes to weave a camouflage net for the fighters, every stitch, a prayer, good words, so that the net will protect them, women the village organized this production themselves, the administration gave the premises, donations buy materials with their own funds , the winnings were found on the internet, then we cut all the ethanol into strips here, this machine was also made by a member of our group, well, thus, everyone is very willing to participate in all this, those who cannot come, weave or knit here, they even come, take the material home, work at home, or it will be these spiders, they cut our spiders, or they simply roll up these ribbons, and we are already coming and creating here, its just that once everything merged together, the desire to help, the ability, many of them at the front have either relatives, or acquaintances, or residents, in any case, relatives who need support, they hold this rear tightly. Were all waiting, here we go we are all waiting, the whole people are waiting, you are our heroes, you are our support , protection, health, patience, happiness, strength, let them take care of themselves, protect ours, from this evil spirit, he is already saying, while i am here, you dont have to be afraid of anything, i i will do everything possible, everything impossible, so that you smile, so that there is a peaceful sky above you, i will do. Everything, the ribbon does not come off and we are not in a hurry to stick it completely, because we still need to secure the ribbon in the color of the russian flag, yes, today in the country celebrate the First Anniversary of the youngest holiday, reunion day russia and new regions, exactly a year ago , Vladimir Putin made a historic decision by signing agreements to include the donetsk and lugansk republics, as well as the kherson and zaporozhye regions, into the country. Today the president congratulated all russians on this memorable date. This is a conscious, longawaited, hardwon and truly popular decision that people made together, during referendums, in full compliance with international standards. They showed courage and unyielding character, they tried to intimidate them, to take away their right determine your future, your destiny, take away what is for each person, culture, traditions, native language, everything that was hated by the nationalists and their western patrons, who staged a coup in kiev in 2014 and then unleashed a fullscale civil war , terror against strangers, organized

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