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The starting stop placed on a temporary basis or on a permanent basis . Washington still prefers not to give an answer, but immediately makes a reservation that in any case the decision was made solely for defensive reasons. Considerations, supposedly to protect some convoys from some potential aggression, and indeed, we are talking about an element of air defense, which means, according to the United States, russia has absolutely nothing to worry about, but its not that simple will confirm vadim zavodchenkov. A world order based on rules trampled into the mud , a modular mk70 launcher has been deployed on the addad island of bornholm, they say its just a training exercise, but how long it s going to stay there is unclear, this american appearance is temporary, formally it is the opportunity to change the situation, this is the deployment by the us navy, in general this is. This is a practice that has been practiced for many years, in the far east, in the pacific theater, when they deploy missile launchers on individual islands to control the water area around. The mk70 installation is a new product from the arms giant look hiid martin, nominally an air defense system, it can be installed on warships, or maybe, as this time, on mobile platforms. The standard ammunition is the mm6 rocket from right, it is advertised as the only nato weapon supposedly capable of intercepting russian hypersonic complexes, a Hypersonic Missile moves at speed , flies at a speed of more than mach six, sm6, somewhere around mach 3. 5, theoretically, under a certain set of circumstances, it can intercept Hypersonic Missile, but the probability will not exceed 10 , well, for real, the launcher is fully compatible with any ammunition that its predecessor, mk41, used, and these are not only antiaircraft missiles, but cruise missiles, for example, the antisubmarine ram139, capable of hitting submarines and tomahawks, the main launch vehicle of american democracy, these are cruise missiles, carry a nuclear warhead, all air Defense Systems shoot them down, they are noisy, but still this is a very dangerous weapon when used in a complex manner, maybe one or two out of a hundred will fly by and we may have an existential threat to our infrastructure. This is a violation of the Intermediaterange Nuclear forces treaty, we know that the United States withdrew from this treaty, we also withdrew, but we stated that we retain a moratorium on the deployment of shortrange intermediaterange missiles in europe, as long as the americans also maintain such a treaty, such a moratorium, but in this situation there is actually a violation of this moratorium, unilaterally by the United States of america, it is known that the americans have already brought the mk70 to europe , this was last year, but where it was placed then was not disclosed. Now washington is laying its cards on the table the island of bornholm is the very heart of the north atlantic alliance, beating some 350 km from russian kaliningrad, according to us calculations , bornholm is the key to dominance in the baltic, plans for this region on behalf of the allies were announced a couple of months ago by the head of the Latvian Ministry of foreign affairs, according to him, the baltic sea is the sea of ​​nato, which means from it. It is necessary squeeze out russia. The baltic sea is very small, compact and with bornhel it is shot almost right through. Accordingly, in this case, well, its like this is a doctrine that they set themselves. As the goal of paralyzing any actions of russia far from its baltic coast, but russia is not going to go anywhere, we responded to the american exercises with our own, naval ones, while the mk70 was flying around bornholm , the persistent korvets fired at targets with anti aircraft missiles redoubt, this is the newest naval antiaircraft missile system, its land version is called s350 v but we demonstrated that our corvettes are equipped with a modern , stateoftheart air defense system, capable of intercepting both cruise missiles and sm6 missiles, and thus, in general, the goal of these maneuvers was achieved, in general, bornholm is a good allegory of the socalled north atlantic partnership, a quiet, calm europe, by the will of the washington elders, is turning into russia has something to answer to this, and the rest is the problem of those who decided to challenge us in the baltic. In the kherson region, our troops hit a large concentration of uaf personnel, as well as a liquidated sabotage and reconnaissance group, which was based near the village of olgovka. The daily losses of the kiev regime in this area amounted to over 45 militants, all of them repeated their fate their colleagues, whose attempts. To the left bank of the dnieper are steadily suppressed. Report from our special correspondent in the region, olga kurlaeva. Dry plavni are the same islands, an archipelago that stretches for 14 km. It is located just 300 miles from the left bank of the dnieper and has become a tasty morsel for ukrainian saboteurs. Every day they try to land there and gain a foothold, but russian soldiers of the 205th brigade of the dnepr group do not give them such an opportunity. Almost 4 months have passed since the terrorist attack on kokhovskaya ge, the water has receded military personnel of the dnepr group in the kherson direction, have long since returned to their positions, the opornik observation posts on the shore have been reequipped , that is, now the battle is for these islands, because this is a good observation point, yes, they want to move to the islands and from there the channel narrows here and they themselves want to do something in our direction, but at the moment it is not working and will not work. The 100 Reconnaissance Company controls the movement of the enemy in depth, the assault troops eliminate the drg, the right bank above is a little easier for the enemy, if not for the tankers and artillery. We support the infantry, mainly a concentration of equipment, some large personnel, we immediately move out on command and hit the opponents. They do not linger in positions; after completing combat missions, they are sent to copanirs, they are also often changed, hiding from enemy drones as reconnaissance officers. And kamika drones, now the situation in the sky has changed a lot, now russian eagles, drones with wogs and fpv, comicadz dominate there. Now these three loaders will go to the area there on that shore. Operator bapla, the Intelligence Officer in the sky is transmitting data to the artillery observation post. The artillery is on the ground, but the dugout is underground; not everyone can find it. The door demands to be closed behind you. Its light and cozy to eat underground. Come on, ill show you the rest room of the crew, who just finished his shift, here you go, theres everything you need for living, and of course, sometimes we can afford to watch tv, the artillerymen note that reconnaissance over the last 2 weeks has revealed a large number of targets, work for cannon artillery has increased, we do not allow crossing the river and we are acquiring different types of equipment, now a hangar with ammunition has been discovered in berislav, level 29,999 selfpropelled howitzer ge , the crew is loading a timetested gun, the 15th second shell spent 3. 2 kg, meters they say, well, 50100 spreaders, the enemy says, well, if in if there is a direct hit, the enemy will be completely hit; the d20 cannon fires at a nearby position. Fire berislavs hangar flares up, the ammunition in it detonates, scattering over several kilometers. The right bank of the dnieper has been filled with acrid smoke for several days now. Military personnel dnepr groups literally do not allow the enemy to stick his nose out of their fortifications, reacting to his every move. Now the tankers seem to have hit the target, working at the kss warehouse. Polda kurlaeva, sergey shcheptev, left bank of the dnieper, kherson region. And in the lugansk republic , russian sappers continue to perform extremely difficult, but at the same time, extremely important tasks. They clear the fields of the outskirts, many populated areas, from thousands of mines that they left behind. Retreating ukrainian nazis behind them, special attention it is necessary to devote attention to Critical Infrastructure facilities, for example, energy and transport, dmitry gorn saw how the work is progressing. Now the inspectors are preparing to eliminate these antitank mines; they are detonating two at a time, so its safer and at a certain distance they can successfully control the detonation. Fire, the soldiers of the Don Rescue Center of the ministry of emergency situations have been working in the zone almost since the first days of the svo, the volumes are incredible, retreating from the occupied territories, the enemy mined every meter, you can walk a kilometer in an hour, or you can walk on one meter for 2 days spend until you have worked out all the signals, until everything is clear , you see, he doesnt leave this place, the sappers tools include only metal detectors of different classes, a probe and a shovel, and protective equipment, a bulletproof vest and a helmet, a fighter with the call sign moses examines and clears the entrusted territory by the route traveled. Marks with special safety ropes so that in the event of an explosion they can quickly help us along this corridor, this is a safety corridor. Thanks to this corridor, moses himself was saved; last summer, the density of mining antihunting mines in one of the areas was such that when retreating back, it was blown up in what seemed to be a cleared area. At work , the sapper lost part of his leg, but has already recovered and, after receiving prosthetics, returned to duty. A removable module, you tighten this bolt, you put a running shoe here for sports, there is also a second prosthesis for swimming, you can run, jump , i dont know, climb hills, we continue to do our activities, we will be directly side by side with our guys, who they work here, that is, we we are not going to sit back, we will not do this under any circumstances, in the Luhansk Region there is a complete clearing of mines, in fact every meter is checked manually, in open areas, although a robot helps, grinding the earth on its way. Now at the sappers of the Don Rescue Center. The task is as follows along the gas pipeline, 21 km long, to clear everything 10 m on each side, a robot has already worked on this section, then Everything Else is done manually. This is not a front, but it is also an extremely dangerous job, the enemy is installing explosive devices i was cunning and set traps, another member of the squad was blown up on one of these, it turns out there was another sign under the stones, this complicated the train, why, because the searchers were shifting, when i was walking, there were uh firomagnets, as if there were radiations, plus under me there was also a water conduit pipe, due to the fact that it was blocked with stones, that is, on the steps back i was already getting blown up, today evgeniy borupaev is also already in service, although the leadership is not yet letting him into the zone, too much background from the prosthesis can interrupt metal detector, knocking down the sapper, however , he still wants to return to donbass, and most importantly, perhaps, his wife and the guys, with whom he ended up in the ward immediately after the amputation, helped him cope psychologically. It turns out with me, there were four people in the room, and that is, they immediately picked me up with a cheerful charge of energy, that its okay, finding and getting out of the ground an infinite amount of cocked ammunition will take a very long time, civilians have already become victims of mass mining, unfortunately here. Very strongly with this encounters, last month, if im not mistaken, the fishermen also went fishing , didnt get there, jumped out to the antipersonnel field and accordingly went to pick them up, the start of our business trip was a little more than a month, more than 1,800 additional rubles, at the moment 3. 5 breed and still in plans, the same number of thousands of hectares of donbass territory have already been cleared, there are still dozens of years of work ahead, first of all, in addition, attention to energy and transport infrastructure facilities. Dmitry gon, vladislav mirzayants. Vesti, lugansk narodnaya republic. Beatings and torture, threats to kill, domestic violence, fraud, production of drugs and pornography are just a small part of the crimes for which people will no longer be put behind bars in ukraine. The Ukrainian Ministry of justice , with the approval of the leader of the kiev office, is carrying out a reform, the purpose of which is to unload the prison system. Instead of a real sentence for violating a number of articles of the criminal code, they will now assign special supervision, where to say, the offender will still receive his punishment, but without isolation from society. Formally, the ukrainian authorities are supposedly guided by world practice , but the list of almost thirty minor violations includes the exploitation of children, forced sexual intercourse and robbery. And here, of course, on the one hand one can read the desire to free as many prisoners as possible, so that they can be. Used in meat assaults, on the other hand there is a clear imitation of the west, where theft also went through the process of decriminalization long ago, but the truth is American Business daily faces open day doors, only it was not managers who ushered him in, but africanamericans who rushed in a crowd, raking up smartphones, shouts of iphones and other joyful exclamations , hundreds of thousands of dollars in smartphones, here is an ordinary scene in the city center, this is a shopping area, this is broadway street, completely blocked by the police, od the equipment and ran out, it didnt work, it was turned off, and people simply threw away what they stole. The thieves were disappointed, the iphones were turned on, but they could not use them, the principle continued to work if i dont eat it, then ill bite it smartphones, poured soda on them, hit the asphalt, also no less joyful, take it off, dont take it off, oh my god, yes, we re breaking them, this is crazy, thats what you looked like. The shops looked like after the raids, wires torn out from the roots, empty shelves and perplexed managers, although they were not allowed to prevent the theft, they still called the police, they arrived late, the looters took advantage of the situation, while most of the philadelphia patrols were in one part of the city at a rally, in another of the stores they were taking things out, by the way, it was in this evening, black people protested against the decision of the judge, who dropped charges against a Police Officer for the murder of a latino, nonsense for america, but the reason was organized. The protests that took place were organized by a bunch of criminal opportunists who took advantage of the situation, tried to destroy our city, this is unacceptable, this no one will tolerate it, we have started arrests and will continue to arrest until we identify all the people involved in this, but they still release them, even despite the arrest, which is not characteristic of democratic americans, in the usa looting is allowed, it applies to black people, you go to the store, you can take whatever you want, this used to be how poor blacks were saved from hunger, now everyone is stealing everything. The authorities imposed restrictions, allowed African Americans to rob stores worth up to a thousand dollars, but this did not contribute to the fight against crime, now they steal not in single individuals, but in crowds, in one hand it is already possible with a smartphone, but when are 20 people . Maybe this is really a certain thoughtful political position that suppresses the majority of African Americans vote primarily for the democratic party, maybe this. The law is a kind of bait for the darkskinned electorate for the further victory of biden, which is not at all obvious. Hence the progressive prosecutors, who refuse to open criminal cases against the luters, no longer even prosecute for car theft, in case the thief pulls out a gun and will have to shoot at him, then the policeman will go to jail. Normal laws are obedient, conservative people dont want to live in this, because people afraid. In philadelphia, if you look at the last few years after the events of george floyd, the number of robberies with the goal of simply taking a car , with a pistol and under threat of using a firearm, to take the car, and unfortunately, what happens, people resist, they they shoot, some are killed, and a car is driven with small children, and why do shops close . Because of constant raids, conservative people are leaving big cities. If this is democracy, then what is chaos . Well be back later short advertisement, thats what well tell you about, a transgender fascist spoke out to poroshenko. Prank of vavan and lexus, how many gays are in the ssu, and how chirilla is going to take revenge on maria zakharova. Sber presents a loan with cashback. Allow yourself more. Every month return 2. 5 of the bet with sber bonuses thank you. Hurry up to get a loan with increased cashback. Get a better deal with prime. If you are, be the first. The first, whoever you are. From songs the best songs, from books real books, and dont listen to the cowardly ones, you will blow them away like foam if you there, be the best if you are, be the first, fuel drive unlocks the potential of the engine and those who strive to be the first, tested in racing conditions, ddrive, be the first is easy to apply for, just get up to 5 million, in the branch and online. 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Skill for a state councilor, im glad i welcome you, im glad i am glad to welcome all guests with celebration, i am glad to welcome all guests with celebration, this recording was made when shevchenko read a speech on the anniversary of the Football Federation of ukraine, what speeches he will have to make in his new position have not yet been announced, however, the quality of the work is already clear. The regime is of little interest; personnel policy is guided solely by pr considerations, which often leads to embarrassment, but like the scandal with the now former speaker of the armed forces of ukraine, transgender from the United States ashton cirillo, who even after his dismissal continues to serve in the name of ukrainian propaganda, this time the americans brought russian pranksters to a fresh portion of revelation, the best moments will be brought by evgeniy petrukhina. This is a gender misunderstanding. Chirilla was convinced that he was talking to Petro Poroshenko and opened up. It even got to the point that the former speaker of the armed forces of ukraine wrote an sms supposedly to poroshenko and initiated a second conversation. Pranksters vavan and lexus brought to the recognition of this pervert in female guise, sarah ashton cirilla. Here he, she or it is today cirillo no longer holds the post of speaker of the Ukrainian Armed forces, but still serves in the ranks of the ukrainian army. In this video, chirilla openly calls russians enemies of humanity. They cannot be called people; in fact, they are enemies of humanity. Fascist statements became the reason for cherils dismissal, a dismissal that the Ukrainian Ministry of defense did not support. They tried in every possible way to leave the transgender person in the post of speaker of the armed forces of ukraine, but when big brother asks for something, nicomel fo refuses, so they exchanged sarah for the supply of weapons. The ukrainians fired her, but of course with the help of the americans, she said that just, thats it, that the ukrainian leadership, it was the Ukrainian Ministry of defense that even conducted an investigation and statements, and well, they said that everything was in order, even this report was sent to the americans. Zelsky yarmak, who apparently realized that they dont need problems with congressmen, especially since money is under threat from new funding, and as sarah said, in order to exchange me for new help, sarah also told the pranksters that there are now about 5,000 lgbt people in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine soldier, she even named the names of specific rainbow commanders. Commander islamov, and the only reason i went elsewhere was because my heart was calling me back to kharkov to fight with the kharkov defense forces, can i ask you, can i ask . And islyamov, the gayfriendly commander . Yes, yes, with this you can not step into europe, into the word that rhymes with europe best, yes, in my opinion they have already stepped, i would make a film in their place, just a film about this battalion, or better yet about the division. And besides, there is no need to look for actors, sakhochka is in the main the role is all right, this is one of the faces of modern ukraine and the United States of america. Chirilla says that there are many foreign fighters in ukraine, but they are not fighting for ukraine, they, according to cherilla, have only one motivation money, he says that he is not surprised by the case when a british mercenary was killed by his own partner, with an english soldier, who was killed by his partner, what do you think about this. Mr. President , i was not surprised that someone was killed, and more importantly, we have problems with the moral and psychological state of the military personnel, because foreign soldiers came here for money, most of them are such people. They stuff money into their pockets. The halfchanger calls russian journalists war criminals and, moreover, goes on to justify terrorism, saying that journalists should not have the opportunity to hide. We can attack the russian fascists with all our forces and weapons. And our weapons include drg. Our weapons include sabotage. She strongly approves terrorist acts committed by the ukrainian. Intelligence on the territory of russia, we all know the murder of daria dugina and vladilen tatarsky, she believes that this is acceptable and that these people deserved, in fact, their death, what she said to our guys, vavan and lexas, yes, thats it it was precisely these ideologies that guided the people in the third reich about our udargina. Cirillo speaks in the spirit of nazism, nothing less, look, it was not a randomly killed woman, it was evil, it was an evil creature. End of quote, like this one biomass in general turns the tongue, she was touched, you see, by daria duginas book, which was released quite recently, so the former speaker of the armed forces of ukraine is giving nightmares, nightmares so much that he says that dashas father allegedly monetized the death of his daughter, mentions cheryl and maria zakharova, and says so, as if accumulating resentment, he is jealous, maybe hes a tough guy . She was the first to attack me, she called me a creature who hangs out only with bandits, i mean our soldiers, in my opinion, i should not be untouchable. Only later, after his dismissal from the post of speaker of the armed forces of ukraine, cirillo himself went to our pranksters, thinking that he was talking to poroshenko, cried that they were unfairly fired, the pranksters were joking. The verkhovna rada, if poroshenko is elected again. And then the transgender fascist, as if he had taken a hormonal drug, rejoiced, todays ukraine seems to be lacking only such a servant of the people. About the main events up to this minute in our news release. Vladimir putin instructed the government to strengthen work with companies so that they understand their responsibility for the situation with prices on the fuel market. The president set this task at a meeting with members of the cabinet of ministers. Measures have been taken and prices are rising. Means,

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