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Hello, Kirill Vyshinsky is with you and this is the typical novorossiya program. Our name says it all, we talk about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorussia. With the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, and find typical features and recognizable signs of the past. And thats what its about. Lets talk today the choice of history and fate, the year after the annexation, referendums on the lands of novorossiya in 202. Causes and consequences conversation with a program expert. Girl on a tractor, soviet elite of novorossiya. A year ago on these days, from september 23 to 27, 2022, in the kherson region, in the zaporozhye region, in two peoples republics, donetsk and lugansk, referendums on joining russia were held. If in the dpr and lpr , voting participants were asked to speak out for or against joining russia, then in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, residents. Their votes for secession from ukraine and joining russia. In all four regions, over 87 of voters said yes accession. The referendum lasted 5 days. Thus , security measures were guaranteed for its participants in the face of the threat of terrorist attacks from the armed forces of ukraine. September 30 last year. In the st. George hall of the grand kremlin palace , a solemn ceremony of signing agreements on the accession of four new entities to russia took place. According to vladimir putin, this became possible thanks to the determination of millions of people who, by their culture, faith, traditions, and language, consider themselves part of russia. After all, here, on the territory of four new subjects, in historical novorossiya with honor. New cities were founded in russia, kherson, nikolaev, sevastopol, odessa, ekaterinoslav and many others. These territories were part of the russian empire, the soviet union. Together with the russians, they were taught by different nationalities and traditions, who considered russian culture a part. The descendants of many of them were not ready to abandon their historical memory under the pressure of radical ukrainian nationalism. More than 6 million inhabitants of the historical lands of novorossiya became citizens of russia. For new regions , a threeyear transition period has been established until january 1, 2026. During this time, there is a lot to be done, to bring life closer. In these territories to russian social standards, change the current legislation, hold elections to local governments, and much more, about what has changed in the life of the new russian regions a year after the referendum, what problems they encountered there and what else will change in the future , in the story of anna efimova. Carousels, slides, running, normal eightyearold vanyas walk in the courtyard of his house on the outskirts of donetsk, here in the proletarian area it is relatively safe, arrivals are extremely rare. Vannis mother zhanna graduated from the Donbass National academy of construction and architecture, worked as a Heating Network supervisor, but now she is still a housewife, for a long time she actually raised her son alone, she says that when the dpr finally became part of russia, a lot changed, not only in the life of the city, where they began to build and restore schools, kindergartens, clinics, but also specifically in her life. My husband returned from russia to mine, because he used to work in russia, the salary was higher there, now people are needed because of the restoration, zhanna was one of the many residents of donbass who voted in the referendum for joining russia. This decision in the dnnr was supported by more than 99 of the population. Approximately the same results were observed in the neighboring lugansk peoples republic, as well as the kherson and zaporozhye regions. Judging by the data from the election commissions, this expression of will is difficult to doubt. People even voted. More active than originally predicted sociologists, and if we talk about the situation at the polling stations, despite the threats of shelling from the Ukrainian Armed forces, it was more like a holiday than a routine vote. Finally we are returning home, we are with russia, we are going home. The fact that today donbass is a full part of russia can be judged not only by the presence of russian passports , the issuance of license plates, the availability of pensions, social payments and various benefits, as well as the digitalization of government services, but also by participation in priority government programs, such as, for example, how allrussian program for the development of perinatal centers, during which modern Maternity Hospitals are being built throughout the country. The capital of the dpr is no exception; the construction of a Maternity Hospital of federal significance is nearing completion here. The sixstory building will house maternity operating rooms, intensive care units, pregnancy pathology departments , and premature infant care departments, equipped in october, we will already reach the final stage of preparing documents for licensing a medical institution, the most important thing is that this center, it is already staffed, another important aspect is the development of logistics , which means the construction of roads, the socalled land corridor to crimea runs through the new regions, the most important from the point of view of the development of transport infrastructure, if many routes in the dpr and lpr were destroyed by the previous eightyear war, then in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, for the most part, due to the mismanagement that has reigned here for the last 30 years under the socalled independent ukraine. Ukraine tse europe. Now the main roads, for example, the routes from berdyansk to melitopol, look different, these are fullfledged transport corridors, convenient not only for ordinary motorists, but what is especially important for the transportation of goods, but transport accessibility is a primary fact for the development of trade and business, but there is also there is something to work on. Jobs are not as good as we would like, yes , business is tense, scared, so business is looking around, business is looking, weighing the pros and cons, in this regard the decision is very important federal center, the direct creation of a free Economic Zone on the territory of the zaporozhye region with economic preferences, benefits, with opportunities to start a business with much less money than can be done in other territories of greater russia. Recently , marketplaces familiar to the mainland have become available to residents of new regions; their demand was clearly demonstrated on the first of november, when online orders literally poured in one after another, because getting children to school this way is objectively more convenient and safer. Had to go to the Russian Federation, get there, well, there are some at customs. There is a queue until you go, you need time for this, this or you have to take time off from work, even the very fact of what exactly people are buying speaks of a gradual return to peaceful life , electronics, childrens clothing, household chemicals, pet products, which are in particular demand , there are more items, and prices are lower than in nearby supermarkets, at the moment there are several order pickup points in lugansk, several respectively in donetsk, in krasnodon, the network is developing accordingly, we have become the first. At the moment, the only marketplace that operates in new regions, this is a certain new culture of consumption, when you dont need to waste your own time searching in retail, in retail sales some. And while at the International Level the attitude towards the expression of the will of the residents of donbass remains, to put it mildly, skeptical, the main thing should still be taken into account, everything that happens within the borders of the new regions, taking into account everything obvious challenges and difficulties have been an internal matter for russia for a year now. Of course, they dont want to put up with it, theyre not happy with it, nothing will change for us, well do what we did, now they live approximately in lugansk. We have about 430,000 citizens at the time of the fourteenth year, because of personal experience, schools in lugansk had difficulty enrolling one class of children, now three classes are already missing. I see a referendum primarily as an element of achieving the main goal, one of the main goals of the special military operation, protection of the population of these regions. This decision indicated that russia will achieve its goals, and the entire territory of the Russian Federation will live in peace, including these four new regions. The results of last years referendum were only confirmed by the recent voting in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of four new regions, where people cast their vote not so much for a specific deputy or party, but for russia itself. Anna efemova, valery savelelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. What conclusions can be drawn to do, a year after the referendums were held on the lands of novorossiya, we will talk with our permanent expert, historian, political scientist, alexander vasiliev. Sasha, good afternoon, good afternoon, sasha, with quite significant results of the referendums, the turnout is over 85 , approximately at the same level and even more. Support for the idea of ​​joining russia , however, the referendums did not receive international recognition, why so, what did this influence, well , the first one, so to speak, the answer seems to be on the surface, yes, since the west, in principle, takes a pointedly antirussian position in an outwardly political one, we can remember the crimean referendum that preceded these, yes, where in general. There were no actions, but nevertheless, in the same way there was a mass of the western press, huge, all the world media were broadcasting from there, and nevertheless, on the one hand, in ukraine, the myth was established that in the crimea they voted at gunpoint, but there was no recognition, but in fact, there is, lets say, more the fundamental reason for the relationship in general of the modern west to such a procedure as a referendum, i want to remind you of the referendum in holland in the netherlands, which took place. In 2016, if im not mistaken, yes, there were opportunities there, absolutely right, about association , about association, and this referendum, it was received extremely negatively, i repeat, the referendum is absolutely legitimate in a european country, which is generally considered, well , the ideal of everything that only possible, yes, that is , the very idea of ​​such free will, it fundamentally does not correspond to modern western ideas about the correct democracy, as it is not. We will remember, again, that in ukraine, these years it is absolutely legitimate, during the years of independence several referendums were held, and the transcarpathian referendum, and also on a special status back in the ninetyfirst year, no one doubted its legitimacy, but no results, in donetsk and lugansk, then still regions in the ninetyfourth, if i m not mistaken, a year, a referendum was also held with an absolute majority of votes, by the way, you can compare, but in donetsk and lugansk there are these numbers. Yes, those who doubt, then in the same way for the russian state language, for integration with russia , well, that is, within those frameworks, as if it were possible in the political field, everyone voted , they considered everything legitimate, the result was zero, then we we remember another referendum, yes, its already like 99 years of kuchmas times, and there were twolane parliaments, 2000, yes, this was also one of the possible ways to turn ukraine away from the catastrophe that it was inevitably going through all these years. Which is unfolding, this drama before our eyes, and also no result, that is, we see that if you do not accept the will of the people, then in the end, well, military actions, they simply become no alternative, that is , like big politics, either this or that, yes, and those who thinks that this opinion can be ignored, but this is the fourteenth year, i can say about myself, yes, then the Russian Spring in odessa, the only real demand. after the coup in kiev, well, it was already clear that kiev such things are not, but it was the only way out, it was the only alternative is violence. Thats kind of the point, yes, what, what is a referendum, in fact, so, of course , under its rejection, these results, there is a very deep, very negative foundation, well, that is, it is already clear that, regardless of moreover, whether the referendum would have taken place during the First World War or after the First World War, nevertheless, the reaction of the west would have been the same, and for the people themselves who voted, in these New Territories that became subjects of the Russian Federation, besides. There was some other symbolic meaning even in this ill tell you, not even symbolically, the point is that you need to understand that these were the first months of the northern military district, and i also had the opportunity to visit kherson several times and communicate there with ordinary citizens, with our military there, and so on and so forth, so this feeling of uncertainty, it seriously interfered with, well, normalcy. Life they said such a thing, says that you please, dear authorities, new ones, lets somehow determine what our status is, because we are either in russia and we stay, work, invest money in the future, or if we have such an uncertain balanced status, we just tell us, we pack up our things, everything and just leave somewhere, anywhere, for the people who live there, for them this has become the most reliable reliable evidence that what is happening , this is serious, lets say, yes, a year has passed since the referendums, what has changed in peoples lives during this year, and what still needs to change, of course, it must be said that depending on the intensity of hostilities there in a particular region new russia, of course, has very different situations, very different problems, on the one hand there is mariupol, with its destruction, or cities like lisichansk, on the other hand, such cities. Like the same melitopol, yes, where in general by and large there were no military operations, everything seems to be very different, but everywhere and the republics of donbass , they, in principle, were integrated to a significant extent into the russian legislative, legal field, yes, even if it was of such a limited nature, but at least some kind of implementation here russian norms, many laws wrote off on the one hand what was done this year, and the most important thing is the transition of all spheres to the russian realities of the social sphere, this is a very complex process connected with education, with healthcare, thats for sure, yes, for sure , the personnel issue, its still seriously relevant, yes, and its not for nothing that ukraine understands this, great, we remember the numerous terrorist attacks that were carried out in kherson and other cities, against those people on the ground who came to openly work with russia to help build this very new life. Yes, i think that so to speak, well, for next year the main task, yes, is serious saturation, firstly, the cultivation of local personnel, yes, young people, first of all, and of course the wide attraction, and again i want to place, of course, an emphasis on young personnel from all over russia, this is the fastest and simplest way to integrate these territories, of course, the social sphere, the economy, the work of enterprises, and there are some. Prices for consumer goods, all of this, all of this still needs to be regulated there, still largely in manual mode, and of course, these tasks are very challenging and require very serious managers. Sasha, thank you very much for the interesting, detailed story, one of the main features of novorossiya on this land, in different periods of history, its development and transformation, situations arose when active and purposeful people achieved what was previously difficult to dream of. This was the case in the 16th19th centuries, when poor settler colonists or yesterdays serfs became large landowners, successful merchants who received hereditary nobility for their achievements. This happened in the 20th century, when the october revolution gave the opportunity. To illiterate peasants and workers to become business managers, scientists and engineers, successful production workers, no matter what they say today about the soviet period, but at that time of radical social and economic changes, the state opened absolutely incredible opportunities for its citizens, creating unique social elevators. Could you imagine forests and then the driver of the slavic locomotive depot of the donetsk region, pyotr krivonos, that thanks to his speed record on freight trains, he would become known throughout the soviet union. And then he will lead the largest railway of the ossr, did the crimean greek ivan papanin, a turner in the workshops of the sevastopol military port, see himself as a famous polar explorer, head of the heads of the seev way, admiral and director of the Space Research service, the department of sea expeditions, the ussr academy of sciences, and such stories in there were soviet years. Another example of a bright destiny and incredible change is the story of proskovye nikitishna angelina, in the ussr she was known as Pasha Angelina, a girl who, in the thirties of the last century, was not only able to ride a tractor that had never been seen before in the village, but created a womens tractor brigade. An amazing story of proskovian life. Those living today will not understand vertov, but at that time many people, especially young people, lived in a single working impulse with the whole country. Soviet village, by the end of the civil war its population was more than 80 , experienced enormous changes. In the twentyeighth year, mass collectivization began, that is, if before that it was semivoluntary, in fact, that is , the socalled poor peasant committees were united into communes, which. Became collective farms , they existed in parallel with the strong Business Executives who lived there on farms, the daughter of laborers and descendants of the crimean greeks of proskovie, angelina herself worked as a laborer from childhood, from the age of 7 she was a coal carrier in a mine, a groom and a shepherd. In 1929 in her native village four fordson putilovets tractors appeared in starabishevo, they were produced under an american license in leningrad, at the future famous kirov plant, and when her older brother ivan proskovya became the first tractor driver in the village, she herself fell ill with the equipment. Interest in technology aroused resistance in the family, so to speak, as a woman, as in a greek family, will drive a tractor, since from ancient times, the purpose of a woman in a greek patriarchal family was raising children, this is a household. There has never been a case in the world where a woman sat down for the tractor, the instructor of the machine and tractor station Ivan Shevchenko objected to her, and i will be the first. Sixteenyearold angelina went to a course in the neighboring village of styla, showing a character that will help her not to break down more than once in her life. In 1929 , proskovya nikitichna completed the courses of the first tractor brigade and headed the first female tractor brigade. It was not just not a womans business, it was very dangerous. A tractor in the village solved many problems with it. With help, orderofmagnitude large areas of black soil were cultivated, working hands were freed up, but this technology was imperfect, without shock absorbers and mufflers with many exposed mechanisms, with an exhaust pipe in front, so that the tractor driver inhaled toxic pores. It was a rather primitive design, that is, simple, but reliable, easily repaired in the conditions of the village of that time , where there were very few people who knew how to communicate with equipment at all, these tractors were very unstable, often overturned, which led to injury and even to the death of tractor drivers. There were also strong prejudices in 1933, when the first women s tractor brigade in the ussr went out into the field, fellow villagers blocked its way and almost killed the girls, but when the fields they cultivated soon turned green, the offenders came to apologize. In komsomolsk , Pasha Angelinas youth brigade fulfilled the plan by 129 . With the norm being 477 g, the girls processed 739 g with each tractor. Moscow, autumn of 1935, our team in the kremlin. From the kremlin rostrum, Pasha Angelina gives her word to create 10 womens tractor teams, since then she has become a heroine known throughout the country and favored by the press, not only soviet, but foreign. In 1937, proskova nikitishna was accepted into the party and elected to the supreme soviet of the ussr of the first convocation, and a year later, 200,000 soviet girls responded to her call for 100,000 friends on a tractor. By the end of the thirties, the spirit of war was already felt, the tension of this. Prewar situation was felt, and it was clear that in the future, if a war started, men would go to the front, and their place would be taken by women. It so happened, the fortyfirst year of summer it was very fruitful, so it was important to collect this harvest without loss. In western kazakhstan, on the collective farm named after budenov, where during the evacuation angelinas brigade exceeded all possible standards, on her initiative they began to sow. Winter wheat for the first time, and in the winter of forty fifth, already in the donbass, she used a method of snow retention that was new to soviet farmers, in the dry summer of 1946 brought results. After the war, when all her subordinates returned to more familiar womens affairs, Pasha Angelina headed male brigade, but she refused the post of collective farm chairman and disappeared in the fields from morning until late evening. Her purpose, she always repeated it, emphasized it, she saw it in. Bread, so always, after these numerous meetings in moscow, sessions, and so on congresses, she returned to her native starobeshevo, despite the fact that that the personal life of the tractor driver, famous throughout the country, did not work out; she raised four children with dignity, three relatives and one adopted one, and never told anyone refused help, and her house was always open to those in need, angelina died young at 46 years old from cirrhosis of the liver, an occupational disease, then many who worked with Agricultural Machinery suffered , the fault of which was Constant Contact with fuels and lubricants. An ordinary girl from an ordinary village who managed to become a real hero of that difficult time. Olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical new russia. Thats all we wanted to talk about today. Kirill vyshinsky was with you. See you soon. However, there were still no results, we are talking about a pseudoinvestigation of terrorist attacks on the nord streams, which were allegedly launched by sweden, denmark and germany, about new data that says the obvious, who prepared, who carried out the terrorist attacks, who exactly was in the know, they insulted not only us, which they do regularly, but they insulted the memory of the victims of the holocaust, antipolish mass terror, and here we are talking about canada

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