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Colleague, he retired a long time ago, what does your dad do, a turtle and a ninja, he also saves the world, he also lives in the sewer, we wear dances like shirts, young talents, evgeniy tsyganov, i understand that a Major Overhaul is needed in the system, in the minds of the whole country a Major Overhaul is needed, where is the money . Alexander robok, i am for private property, and so am i, how can i open my own business, capitalism is the system of the future, oil has fallen again, a film by alexander velinsky, nothing depends on us at all, it depends, seryoga, it must depend, ninetythree, you will tell your grandchildren later, this is history. I, i, i, solemnly swear allegiance to my fatherland, the Russian Federation, i swear, i swear, i swear, to sacredly observe the constitution of the Russian Federation, to strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, the orders of commanders, i swear, i swear, i swear, to honorably fulfill military duty, to courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional system of russia, the people of the fatherland, thanks to those who are true to these words, become a Warrior Service under the contract of the Russian Federation. The parliamentary hour is on the air, we continue. Another important start of this week is the first meeting of the new Youth Parliament of the state duma. Young, but not new. It is fundamentally. Professionalism, such a selection criterion, was proposed by the chairman. The state duma, Vyacheslav Volodin and the leaders of the faction on the eve of the meeting shared their political wisdom with those who were at the beginning of their journey. Reportage dmitry oreshkin. Support for participants in a special military operation, social problems, work in the regions, development of the far east, these are only a small part of the issues that were raised during the dialogue between the chairman of the state duma and members of the Youth Parliament. The frank conversation of greetings from the head of state especially emphasized that the path in politics is, first of all, serving ones country. Our task is to provide opportunities for selfrealization to integrate you into the work of the state duma, relevant committees, factions, in discussing issues, in order, including with your participation , to receive feedback that complements other communications, to improve the quality of decisions made, to increase efficiency, legal norms, and of course, to build a more effective dialogue with citizens. Previously, at the suggestion of Vyacheslav Volodin, the Youth Parliament under the state duma was reformatted, now professionalism is at the forefront. The new composition of the Youth Parliament included people who had already begun their journey in politics, they won elections in regional and municipal legislative assemblies. They have experience working in youth party organizations. One of the key provisions of the new regulations is renewal ; the Youth Parliament will now be formed based on the term of office of the state duma and a russian citizen up to the age of 35 inclusive will be able to join it; at 36 there will be a rotation. In addition, priority will be given to participants of the military military district and those who served in the army. In the current composition, 47 people have a military specialty, eight of them returned from the special Training Area military operation. Our main goal is to develop our beloved homeland, country, russia. But through the prism of, so to speak, youth policy. The Youth Parliament included 89 regional deputies, one from each subject of the federation, the same number of municipal and another 89 representatives of the student community, as well as five representatives of youth organizations and Political Parties represented in the state duma, a total of 292 people. Their work will be supervised by the Duma Committee on youth policy. There are no random ones here people, everyone. He has already proven in practice that he is a patriot of his country and is ready to be as useful as possible to the people who once believed in him, elected him both in the regional structure and now in the Youth Parliament. Mikhailova from the dpr decided to become a politician while in a hospital bed, the girl came under fire in 2015. When i came to my senses, i said that i would become a deputy and try to change the lives of people with disabilities. In 2018, we joined the Peoples Council of the dpr, and since then we have been actively helping those who find it especially difficult. We are trying with all our might to build a rehabilitation center, we are also trying to bring humanitarian aid, and this also concerns the rehabilitation of children with disabilities, who, unfortunately, are also not injured, we are trying to take them to rehabilitation to help, training seminars with the participation of leaders. Factions and the head committees are an opportunity for young parliamentarians to learn from experience and share their ideas, the head of the duma united russia warned his younger comrades against populism, a constructive approach to any issues is important noted vladimir vasiliev. Our youth are arriving at a very difficult time. There is a saying you have to go not where its easy, but where you need to. This is very difficult for politicians. But the time has come, in my opinion, when for every deputy who represents. This responsibility is also imposed, the bar in the work of young parliamentarians should initially be high, it is very important that this new political culture that exists in the country today and was built by the president , namely responsibility to the people, it should be determining their goal, why they came to the Youth Parliament, and what important tasks and useful things they intend to implement, the best practices of past years can be used today, the leader of the communist party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov is sure. It is fundamentally important for us that the unique experience of both the pioneers of the komsomol and construction teams, the unique experience of national enterprises, the Development Budget and talented leaders is in demand. Politics is not Social Security Vyacheslav Volodin previously emphasized. There must be competition the practice of deputies assistants joining the Youth Parliament is becoming a thing of the past. The road is for those who have already shown effectiveness and consistency. I am sure that this composition of the Youth Parliament has something to hear from the party leaders, from the leaders of the state duma factions, i am counting on a very good conversation, dialogue with our youth, who, as you can easily guess, are of course the future. There are 40 Million People under the age of 35 living in russia , the task of the Youth Parliament is to convey their position on key issues, we expect from Youth Parliament initiatives are ready to work, help, share experiences here, and of course, the best initiatives, i hope this season will be embodied in bills, the system of Youth Parliamentarism is an opportunity for the transition to adult political life says state duma vice speaker boris chernyshov. Here in the Youth Parliament they will be able to build a future for themselves, to find that Political Force or movement. Party or supporters, in order to subsequently, after a couple of years, form their own political platform. The first meeting of the Youth Parliament in okhotsk ryad took place on monday, during which the charter was adopted, chairmen and deputies were elected, and the composition of the commissions was determined, there are eight in total. Covering all spheres of life, our composition includes professional experts from various fields, from the field of sports, from the field of economics, from the field of healthcare, education. The new team was headed by artyom nikolaev, a participant in the special military operation. Previously, he volunteered to go to the front. Has experience working with youth at the municipal level, member the Youth Parliament at the state duma must feel the responsibility that is entrusted to us, we must not just identify the tasks that voters set for us, we must work through them, give specific proposals, government hours are regularly held in the state duma with the participation of ministers, vicepresident s prime ministers and heads of departments, deputies ask them questions on key topics, and then adopt a draft resolution, from the committee for the control of. There was a proposal to join this work and members of the Youth Parliament, because the main task set by the chairman of the state duma as a young parliamentarian is to defend the interests of people and participate as much as possible in the countrys agenda, dmitry oreshkin. Tarasov, anna melekyan, sergey gordeev, nikita kharaskin, parliamentary hour. The state duma continues to develop the Digital Currency market in russia. This week, in the first reading, deputies supported the initiative, which introduces a new concept a digital ruble account. Alexander laktionov will talk about other important bills of the week. List of childrens products, which are subject to a preferential vat rate will be expanded. Deputies adopted the bill on the project in the first reading. This will reduce the tax burden on manufacturers of a number of socially significant goods, noted state duma chairman Vyacheslav Volodin. Currently , only manufacturers of childrens clothing, shoes, toys and writing instruments benefit from a reduced vat rate of 10 . The measure will support domestic manufacturers and reduce the representation of imported brands in the childrens goods market. Saved from business will be able to use funds from paying vat to increase Production Output and create new jobs. Deputies unanimously supported the bill, noting that by the second reading, the list of goods proposed by the government could be made even wider. In the first reading, deputies adopted a bill on the comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people. Vyacheslav volodin noted that the initiative will allow the introduction of uniform standards in russia in this area, from sociopsychological and medical care to Career Guidance and retraining of people with disabilities. The bill aims to improve the lives of almost 12 million citizens, of which. More than 730,000 are children with disabilities. Currently , rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities differ in different regions. The bill will eliminate inequality. Moscow plans to change the system of payment for heating in Apartment Buildings. The corresponding bill was adopted in the first reading. The authors of the document emphasize that in recent years, winters in the capital are not similar to each other, from abnormally long to warm with positive temperatures. Temperature. In this case, heating payments are calculated based on the average monthly volume. For the previous year, that is, if the current winter is mostly warm, and before that it was frosty, then muscovites will have inflated amounts in their bills. The initiative will make it possible to distribute charges evenly throughout the year and predict the amount of payment for heat. Housing developers in crimea and sevastopol will be able to take advantage of the preferences of the free economic zone. Deputies adopted the law unanimously. The Initiative Aims to improving the Investment Climate in the regions. Construction companies will be provided with a number of benefits , provided that their projects are aimed at developing the territories of populated areas; they can invest in the creation or reconstruction of housing facilities. Among the measures to support the provision of land plots for rent without bidding with the possibility of purchase, as well as subsidizing attracted loans. Military graves in municipalities will be classified as monuments of the great patriotic war and special rules will be applied. The procedure for their protection and reconstruction. The list of works at such sites will be approved by the ministry of culture. Deputies bill. In the second reading, now even to carry out basic painting of the monument requires lengthy coordination of the work. The document will simplify the procedure and support municipalities on the issue of maintaining burial sites. Fines will be imposed for importing unlabeled Electronic Cigarettes into russia in excess of the norm. The bill was supported by deputies in the second reading under the current legislation, Illegal Movement Tobacco Products without russian labeling face a fine of 15 to 25,000 rubles. Deputies propose introducing the same punishment for the illegal transportation of Electronic Cigarettes and vape liquids. One person will be able to insert a maximum of 200 devices and 50 ml of liquid for personal use. According to experts, the illegal market for such products in russia is growing annually by an average of 20 . The bill will help in the fight against illegal trafficking in nicotinecontaining products. And to continue the topic, the state duma is now considering a bill that will close the loopholes for smugglers. We are talking about the illegal transportation of tobacco and alcohol to russia from the countries of the eurasian economic union, that is , armenia, belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. According to the accounts chamber, the share of illegal cigarettes in our country in recent years. Has increased 10 times. Every tenth cigarette we have is contraband. And the main source of filling the black market is illegal supplies from the member countries of the union. Why did this happen . The violators found a loophole in the wording. The fact is that according to the law, criminal liability occurs when illegal transportation of alcohol and tobacco only across the Customs Border of the Customs Union. That is, everything that is within the union is not covered by the criminal code. And these are precisely sections of the russian state border with the eac member countries. To fill the gap, the government added tobacco and alcohol to the list of strategically important goods and resources that are regulated by another article of the criminal code, which resulted in a kind of competition of norms to put things in order in the legislation, to finally close all the loopholes, and a new initiative should be taken. Logical make one unified norm that will establish criminal liability for the smuggling of tobacco and alcohol, now in a new norm, regardless of the border crossing, the border of the Customs Union or the state border of the Russian Federation, with a proposed sanction of up to 5 years in prison. Why is it important . First of all, this is protecting the health of russians, we are talking about goods of dubious origin and quality, we recall deaths while smoking the same vapes, which i will also remind you fiddling around like Tobacco Products. On the other hand, smuggling is a colossal budget loss. Lets do the math. According to the latest data, the share of illegal. Tobacco accounts for almost 13 , which is about one and a half billion packs of cigarettes, that is, russia loses more than 95 billion rubles in lost excise taxes and almost 26. 5 billion in vat. In total, the minimum total loss of the federal budget is over 121 billion rubles per year, and more than half of this amount is due to smuggling from the eac countries. We are talking about hundreds of billions of rubles, which the budget needs them today for social payments and for childrens payments. To help those in need, in order to support our families , which means in a difficult life situation, to build kindergartens and schools, this is what we are talking about, that means, and not so that individual groups engaged in this black illegal business make money. A gas explosion in balashikha near moscow claimed the lives of seven people; according to investigators, one of the reasons could have been a malfunction of Gas Equipment. Prevent such tragedies. Where the law is called first, which came into force in september. The state duma has brought order to the housing maintenance market with blue fuel. Dmitry oreshkin will tell you what has changed. The tap is being replaced due to the fact that it does not close properly. To change the gas supply valve in the kitchen, an experienced technician needs no more than 10 minutes, remove the old equipment, install new equipment and , of course, check everything. Thats it, there is no gas leak. It wont last long, but it will save you from unwanted consequences in the future. It is important that the work is carried out by a licensed the organization that maintains the house on the basis of a contract was reckless to let everyone into the apartment. Often, thirdparty companies simply imposed their services , knocked on doors under the pretext of checking or replacing equipment, asked to be let in, and then issued an invoice, while they did not always work in good faith, and the residents were at risk. There are a lot of scammers , lowquality equipment can stand, these are taps, hoses that are rubber, which do not last for a long time, accordingly , a leak can occur and god forbid, an explosion. What and happened in february of this year in novosibirsk, after a domestic gas explosion , two entrances of a fivestory building collapsed. We were sleeping, we just heard a loud bang, we immediately jumped out and heard screams. Thats it and ran out without anything. 30 apartments were destroyed, 15 people were killed. Investigators then detained two residents of the omsk region; it turned out that a few days before the emergency, they went from house to house and offered to replace old hoses, posing as gas company employees. There shouldnt be any dubious strangers in this area. In the duma during the spring session approved a new procedure for gas supply inspections. We are returning the principle of continuity of network maintenance, introducing control and supervisory activities of the state utility inspectorate for compliance with the requirements for the maintenance of Gas Equipment. And also, what is especially important to note is the contents of ventilation. And house channels. Previously , residents themselves chose who would service their gas stoves and heaters. One Apartment Building could sometimes be handled by 1012 companies, each with its own technical staff. Standards, tariffs, quality provision of services. Now, according to the new law, maintenance in one Apartment Building will be carried out by one Specialized Organization that supplies gas to the house. Here, both the rights of citizens and the safety of citizens are protected, at the same time , citizens have an area of ​​responsibility for the correct maintenance of Gas Equipment, we are not talking about the fact that this will be one company for the whole country. There can be many companies, just in one property complex there must be one specialized, what is called an agent, who is responsible for maintenance, gas service, for operation, for repairs, for standard condition, citizens, in turn, must ensure that gas workers are allowed into their apartment. In addition to the main goal of Gas Equipment safety, the law will also allow us to control prices for the service, deputies note. The Gas Supply Service will include only those necessary costs that are directly related to the maintenance of Networks Inside the house and Networks Inside the apartment. This will not fall on some. Servicing these companies is regulated by the federal antitrust service, so the government will clearly regulate all of this; the contracts that citizens have already concluded with other Specialized Organizations will be valid until january 1 of the next year. Dmitry oreshkin, maria burkova, nikita kharaskin, anna melikyan, parliamentary hour. The state duma is actively developing international relations. The head of the Duma Committee on education spoke in china about the matter of legislative work to strengthen education in schools, the creation of an allrussian movement of children and youth of the first movement, colleagues from two dozen countries. Olga kazakova took part in an International Conference organized by the chinese Peoples Society for friendship with foreign countries. According to the deputy, the atmosphere is businesslike and friendly, this once again debunks the myth of the isolation of our country. Of course, we talked about problems , i emphasized that it is unacceptable , in order for society to develop, to implement such concepts as the abolition of culture, such as the abolition of our composers, deleting them from posters, tchaikovsky, shastakova, rachmaninova, how it is unacceptable to burn religious relics, state duma deputy from the republic of tatarstan, tatyana larionova, this week represented russia at the fortieth session of the unesco World Heritage committee, which was held in saudi arabia, at the meeting a decision was made. Kazan university. And all this against the backdrop of ongoing attempts to prevent dialogue. The United States, without explanation, again did not issue a visa to the chairman of the state Duma Committee on international affairs, leonid slutsky, to work as part of the russian delegation during the week of high level of the general assembly. And thus the host countries of the organizations headquarters violated their international obligations. From the united nations. I will continue to speak out on the destructive role of the United States in World Affairs today. We have a russialatin america Conference Ahead of us, which the United States, despite all its efforts, failed to bring down; we have strong representation from national delegations. The first russialatin america parliamentary conference starts in exactly a week. To moscow at the invitation of the state duma more than 200 participants from other continents and countries will come to the caribbean basin, and as a sign of respect for the guests and the openness of the russian parliament, the official website of the state duma can now be read in three languages, spanish has been added to russian and english. At these moments, the state duma delegation led by Vyacheslav Volodin is on an official visit to mongolia. The deputies arrived the night before, a ceremonial reception awaited them at the airport, and there, the chairman of the state duma held the first working meetings. On sunday morning, Vyacheslav Volodin met with chairman of the great state. Novokhula of mongolia and with the leadership of the country. On september 25 , the first meeting of the commission on cooperation between the parliaments of the two states will be held in ulonbar. Deputies will discuss issues of legislative support for interaction between our countries in various sectors. We will tell you all the details of the visit next sunday. And thats all for me, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in a week. Dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new car release which will be be called miles sorry under the blanket. I think it will be interesting, im looking forward to ours. In the southdonetsk direction of a special military operation, an Ammunition Depot and an armed forces stronghold were destroyed. The artillery of the vostok group destroyed three enemy reconnaissance groups in the area of ​​urozhayny and chervonov. The soldiers of the center group, which operates in the krasnoliman direction, hit a concentration of enemy personnel with fire from hail rocket systems. Drones recorded an accurate hit of a target at a distance of more than 14 km. Aviation southern troop groups hit targets with

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