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Discrimination based on nationality latvian authorities are again trying to make life difficult for russians, threatening to evict from the country those who did not pass the state language exam. Well , an International Campaign to protect russianspeaking residents has already begun from this arbitrariness. A year ago, seven of latvia took amendments to the law on migration, which obligated russian citizens to holders of a permanent residence permit with a large questionnaire. It is necessary to fill in a quote about attitudes towards moscows policy in general, discriminatory and humiliating measures drew attention to this in the Russian Council for human rights, and there he called on the council of europe and the osce to respond to the threat of eviction of russians from latvia, according to the executive director of the russia today media group, Kirill Vyshinsky up to 6,000, citizens of russia who were forced to surrender latvian language exam. He was not given. Now they face deportation if they choose one state language. Latvian russian has the status of a Foreign Language in september last year. Seven latvia adopted a draft law on the transition of all education to the latvian language within 3 years, the russian language can be studied only as a socalled minority language. Well, to add to this, a purposeful state policy of the almost complete eradication of the russian language. And in general everything that is connected with russia from what new space . Well, right today , kirill valerievich i greet you. Good afternoon. Tell me more about what is legal. Why so suddenly demanded from lawabiding citizens living in the territory of latvia to take some kind of exam. And that you really need to submit a questionnaire with some political overtones, well , the latvian authorities, namely the deputies of the latvian seimas, do not hide that this is a decision. Uh, they took under uh, the impact of the events in ukraine, they are in retirement and after. Well, lets say late retirement age. That is, those who are already over 70, who have lived most of their lives in latvia at different times, invested their work. The energy of the time of health in the development of the economic wellbeing of this country. And so they created some kind of their own language environment, they lived together with their neighbors and successfully communicated with them. So now they have to submit this exam for people who, i repeat, lived there, talked normally, talked. If they felt any discomfort, they would have left long ago, but they dont live well peacefully with their neighbors. That makes them now take this exam. I saw footage in one of the latvian cities. Uh, the woman was brought in to take the exam in a wheelchair. She does not move on her own. Just imagine in what kind of atmosphere you simply did not want to go through this humiliating procedure. More than 6,000 people are already automatically considered by poltinsky legislation to have not passed this exam, and from the first of september of this year from the latvian authorities. So there is a possibility , moreover, they believe that these people are not those who pass the exam are required to leave while they offer to fix three months. Voluntarily. And then they reserve the right to the sheets with the text of our appeal to the high commissioner for human rights of the turki to myasorub for human rights of the European Council mijatovich and kirkhonov to the commissioner for National Minorities of the osce abdrakhmanov we uh, we receive uh, signed uh appeals from Different Countries from different continents. This is Europe Asia Latin America africa and nowhere in any of the appeals pierre president of the foundation for Peace International prosperity, the grandson of general degula and e, he ends his text of his address with words, addressing these high officials. He writes that it is your duty, your mission and your commitment to democracy to protect the rights of the people in the European Union. So you have to Pay Attention to the current situation. Further, he, uh, or rather, above, he cited several articles of the basic laws of the European Union, which means that this is simply unacceptable, the European Union cannot go, like people who, it seems, are committed to some kind of global uh, all the more, so to speak, declared by them in the charter of the european European Union e, some rules and rights of people. Tell us more about this request. Who exactly did you send it to and what kind of response are you waiting for, except for some obligatory appeals. I have already mentioned the name of these respectful singles. We currently have more than eighty signatures e, serbia latin e, chile brazil is. Belgium france they helped us very seriously. Employees of rossotrudnichestvo are in the collection of those signatures. Thank you very much for this thanks to yevgeny primakov, the head of the cooperation, because fairly broad Public Relations were included. Well , these are my words of People Living in the European Union who enjoy authority there, which is included in Major Political parties. Eh, they write in serious publications. Uh, and these people think that whats going on in latvia is definitely not the european approach to human rights anymore, though. Many people continue to argue that there is no discriminatory policy towards russians, even when schools were closed a year ago. Tell me how you it seems that this is dictated precisely from so, uh, it just seems to me that this is a very serious problem in todays europe russophobia. She was gradually hidden. Uh, the more russia stopped on its own . In the Foreign Policy arena, the more it grew. This is an undisguised russophobia in relation to the russians, who have long been living in europe, felt quite comfortable and brought Public Benefit there. Well, in general, what to say banal Common Knowledge on our tv channel. We talked about discrimination russians in the baltics and how to counter it thank you lugansk peoples republic today celebrates the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of the region from fascist invaders in the battle for luganchens , more than 120,000 fighters died by this day, on behalf of the president of the Russian Military historical society, the memorial complex sharp grave was restored, in addition, a concert was organized patriotic and now polina ogureeva alexei vertkov on the way to the stage again and again pronounce their lines the place where the concert will take place is saturated the strongest energy and filled with special meaning to feel. I would like the audience to feel the falseness. After all, you dont want a memorial complex sharp grave located on top of the kurgan of the same name on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the Luhansk Region from the german fascist invaders , a stage is located on which very soon they will come out in truth. All the peoples favorite artists are 80 years old, all the more so it is very important for us to remember our ancestors and their services to the motherland. Therefore, historical memory is, as it were, a link between the past and real. Memory is the foundation of human existence. This past for employees of it companies from january 1 will be raised from 27 to 30 years. This is a president ial decree. The Election Campaign has reached the finish line. The first polling stations will open this friday, according to the Central Election Commission of russia , 74,000 candidates were registered to participate in the september elections. Yes, we certainly have various kinds of political parties, systemic political parties, primarily those that are represented in parliament, which nominated their candidates almost every all regions, but the degree of sharpness of this rhetoric, uh, based on ideological and party confrontation. It has dropped markedly from the previous new wave with only two of the candidates appointed before 2017. This is moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin and governor of the Moscow Region andrey vorobyov. A special institution for the elections in khakassia on september 2 , it became known that three candidates would compete for the post of head of the region, the current head of the region, cprf candidate Valentin Konovalov , Mikhail Molchanov from the ldpr and vladimir sternum. Well, the communists of russia, the united russia candidate sergei sokol, depended a lot on various others. There are, as it were, trigger factors, but no one has canceled the request for stability. The oleg tabakov theater expects to open the next season in a Historic Building on chaplygin street in moscow, where repairs are currently underway, this was announced by the artistic director of the snuffbox, Vladimir Mashkov , today there was a collection of pipes and before the start, but the main thing is ours. Development trend and the principle of our School Learning will be. It seems to me, fully realized and on our lives schoolgirls and on the stage of the theater and i hope soon heavy rain, worsening visibility up to 4 km, squally wind with gusts up to 17 m s, bending trees, even such extreme weather conditions did not force some guests, sochi to leave the sea, according to the hydrometeorological center, by noon on the resort capital of russia in 12 hours poured up to 50 mm of precipitation at such an intensity, small seas appeared and in the lowlands in one of the sections , a water trap hit the bus, water in the cabin rose, a tornado sat. Here he is, here he is doing straight to us. The beach must be run. The weather was bad today and in some regions of the northern half of the russian plains in the water, as the streets of sochi were the streets of vologda and cherepovets schoolchildren. On the first day of school, they got to educational institutions ankledeep in water , the culprits are clearly visible on the satellite image. Rainy, bright white. Spots, over the course of tomorrow , the rainfields of the atlantic vortex. First of all, it will lower the temperature in the murmansk region and karelia tomorrow. There is no higher than plus 15, but for these regions such the temperature is close to the average longterm indicators, but plus 1520 in a coma and up to plus 25 in the middle lane. It is 35 warm and usually corresponds to the climate and the temperature in the south is from 25 to 30. Well, accompanied by small short rains, the temperature will fit up to 17 peak. Cooling in the capital is expected on friday overcast. Rainy windy and not higher than plus 1415, and on saturday the weather will take a course for improvement. These are the predictions for this minute. Novosibirsk today fell asleep with hail and the size of a quail egg in a matter of minutes, in some areas of it so much fell that snowdrifts formed, smashed dozens of cars. The elements also destroyed the harvest of summer residents, a thunderstorm was also accompanied by a powerful downpour, after which floods began in the city , according to weather forecasts, new downpours and strong winds are expected in novosibirsk in the coming days, agros, which won the competition to promote our vaccine abroad. Organized his russian pound of direct investment, it was he who financed the development and production of a vaccine for all of argentina, satellite viy became a salvation so Maria Milagros told me that my colleague borisin also met with her. Ive only seen it in pictures online before. And now im here, its amazing maria, a doctor from the small town of bai blanca on the coast of the atlantic , came to moscow as the winner of the rfpi competition, according to polarization, the russian vaccine satellite against coronavirus, when a wave of infection covered argentina. Maria was at the epicenter of this storm in hospitals there were no empty seats from a terrible disease, patients were suffocating, and doctors were knocked out of blue in argentina, i immediately went for vaccination, when i signed up, as i remember now , i got my first vaccination at that moment in january, i felt protected and then i realized that we would defeat the coronavirus. During the pandemic, maria received 5 to 10 of the drug and was revaccinated several times. She fell ill only once, and then she suffered it very easily with a companion. Changes have been made in the eurogentine

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