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For quotes. Biden, cannot walk normally and speak clearly, but can bring the us to nuclear war from such diagnoses, the incumbent president , together with his wife and successfully evading justice with his son, hid on another vacation for the second time in a month. This time, Valentin Bogdanov is not in hell, and uncomfortable questions that the owner of the white house is running from. The historic summits held in this residence of american president s for joe biden, who hosts guests from asia , are like a camouflage net in between vacations, it is more convenient to hide behind it from uncomfortable questions, and yet biden was returned to the land for a short time. What is your reaction to the appointment last week of a special counsel for your sons case . I have no comments on the ongoing investigation. This is a matter for the department of justice. And thats all i can say, shut up. You will pass not only for smart, but also for honest 3 years ago, just running for president. Biden was a willing word, which , against the backdrop of the current scandals around hunter , can no longer help but remind. Even those who cnna america my son didnt make money. Its just not true its from two different debates. Trump was right biden. No, i dont know if he was lying, but i knew it was a problem, otherwise, why in emails discussing his sons dark schemes, the father used several pseudonyms at once was biden, and robin and jay arby ware and robert peters. Whoever he was, for example, there is a correspondence between robert peter and the staff of the office of the Vice President of the United States, the only person who is in the copy of these letters is a coincidence hunter biden. This is not joe bidens only pseudonym. He also used the name peter henderson, there were several letters from this account to hunter biden, and they were all signed love, dad, loving dad in business correspondence, the offspring of whom his partner is a borer owner. We considered zlochevsky to be a man who was dumber than a dog for a reason, yes, he was, too. I think one of the reasons why hunter was put in the copy of emails that joe biden sent from a fake account is so that his son could prove to the ukrainian oligarchs, that help is somewhere near one thing ukrainian oligarchs, and the other hawaiian fire victims, when they watch the news, they see that tens of millions of dollars. Driven to ukraine some of them say. Hey, maybe if we just rename maui to ukraine. Maybe then theyll take notice of that sigabbert. Born in hawaii, she represented her state in congress for some time and even ran for the democratic president ial nomination, in which the hawaiians always preferred 1. 9 million on their heads, while this week we announced the allocation of ukraine another 40 billion dollars. I dont know why its so hard to please for amen can you tell us about your trip to hawaii no not now mauis death toll already 114 people hundreds are missing. And you turn out to be their relatives. All this time, the president of the United States has been hiding bidens approval rating. In fact , it is very bad, not only because the president is fighting allegations of corruption of incompetence. He is also an extremely unpleasant person biden lacks one key human value, although he probably does not a few are enough, but in this case , sympathy to the village from palestine, where in the winter , as a result of a train crash with chemicals , a major environmental disaster occurred, biden, by the way, he never arrived. He prefers nicer places, a new week, a new vacation with his family. The head of the white house goes to the reserved lake. Tahoe from there, he will make a oneday sortie. In hawaii, dishonest joe biden is cooler. The most incompetent president in the history of our country with a laugh and a smile. Said he didnt comment on death and tragedy refuse making comments is often good, but smiling when you say it, especially against the backdrop of such a tragedy, is absolutely horrifying and unacceptable. On monday, when biden is in maui, trump also had plans. He was going to organize a Big Press Conference to talk about Election Fraud in the state. Dzhudzha, due to an attempt to investigate, which opened a fourth criminal case against him there, was canceled in order to better prepare for an imminent meeting with prosecutors. After the arraignment , an arrest warrant was issued, the defendants i i give the accused the opportunity to voluntarily surrender no later than noon on friday, august 25, 2023 fanny willis prosecutor liberal to socially and racially close, sensitive with her in atlanta. Crime flourished. Hey soon, alas, the reelection forest to open a case against trump in america now is like hitting the jackpot, even the prosecutor launched his Election Campaign website, and before rolling out 97 pages of accusations. This is a young woman from atlanta, she is a racist , they say that she has an affair with the leader of the gang or with a member of some gang she has trouble with the law, and shes suing me because she wants to get reelected. These words of trump to him yet. Oh, how they will come back to haunt him, his life has already begun to turn into a hell of a formal arrest. As it was with the former us president in new york , miami and washington, the Fulton County sheriff wants to do his fingerprints and a photo against the wall. How they deal with criminals, and thats it. This is in rice street prison with its unsanitary conditions for trump, who is morbidly afraid of germs, a special fulton torture and the first thing you notice is the smell. Then you notice sounds . Ive been here for about two weeks man. Its just hellish conditions here, these nasty bugs everywhere, you know, they do not give us anything to clean up the stool in one of these chambers in september last year, bed bugs were bitten to death. Here is the smiley one. Lesha on thompson is here sheriff labat and wants to identify trump and those who are called his accomplices for a couple of hours. Imagine we have 30 people who live in such conditions. Its absolutely inhuman special humiliation is in store for trumps lawyer rudolph julian, like the other 18 defendants in the georgia cases, they are going to be tried under the law on corrupt and racketeerinfluenced organizations, the socalled rico law, despite the fact that julian, being the prosecutor of new york, was considered a pioneer in the application such measures to fight the mafia in the eighties we will continue. Work in this direction and may be in the future. We will really crush the power of the mafia riku law helped send to jail. The heads of five new york mafia families are julian. Dealt with clans, banana, gambina janave, behind columba luceza, he planted and returned to wall street, unprecedented popularity led the prosecutor to the heights of city power. He became the first republican mayor in many years. New york, the current allegations are sure he is political through and through. And it just makes me laugh. I dont know if she understands this because she looks like a rather incompetent prosecutor. Well, it depends on what area the election calendar is in campaign trump, the prosecutor got out knows for sure and has already begun to prepare for his dark days, if the District Attorney gets his way, then donald trump will appear in a Georgia Court before super tuesday super tuesday this is the fifth of march. On this day , thirteen voters vote at the primer. States, after all, there are other processes. Which literally mine the entire preelection calendar in the case of secret documents, and payments to the porn actress in the direction of daniel from the storm and the capitol. A total of 91 charges trump could face over 700 years in prison. In general, without the prosecutor general you cant figure it out, at least without the former, they say. Its a very controversial Dark Territory that were going into, the secret service is supposed to guard him for the rest of his life, what will the secret service do if he ends up in jail there are ways to guardianship without having to put trump in institutions, but i mean, federal agencies can use home confinement and other means democrats are not interested in elections. They need to win at any cost. They want a monopoly for of his party. And they are very close to this against all such an image. Now trying on himself, the former american president recently. He even quarreled with the focusnius. Because of this disfiguring photo of him on the day of the first republican debate, that he spends this channel at the trump instead of arguing with others, whose candidates he bypasses by several heads a conversation with likeminded stalker carlson , a man who also challenged the system and has not yet lost Valentin Bogdanov ivan utkin timofey mukhin and evgeny kononov in weight usa now back to the special military operation. What is the donbass character, how do people manifest themselves in the most difficult situations and where do they find their strength . Alexander rogatkin with a great report about his meetings on the land of donbass by all means he tried until he gnashed his teeth until he lost consciousness. And then how did i promise my mother the kiev cake right from there. Yes, that is , we will crawl in any way, yes, not only until kiev , maxim learned to walk with the help of a dynamic pair of a podium of an orthopedic apparatus, which helps people with paralyzed legs stand. Taught you to walk no, taught you to stand first, a little bit at a time. So, from a neanderthal homo erectus , a special, military operation caught maxims wife in a debalance with his family. She was expecting a second child when it all started, that is, they announced the evacuation. I am wife and eldest son to eldest son. I have 16 years. Motherinlaws test, my parents did not want to leave, and he collected a backpack to his mother for a bow, drove in, as it should be with us. She blessed and went to the recruiting office did not wait, nothing agenda. And why did you need it . Why did the war start . Well, why . Both of my greatgrandfathers fought, one died , and the second went through the entire great patriotic war, was wounded in hungary. Maxim himself had a chance to fight no more than a month under the throat of his unit, came under fire, we were covered with ukrainian artillery. I hear a whistle, i jump in an explosive wave, as it slammed from behind. Well, i still had a fever with a run, and then well, about a kilometer maybe a little more, and then a cramp like a fire from the belt, legs took two vertebrae broken back the brain is hurt, because the spinal cord and for more than a year almost a year and a half in the hospital. Maxim shnekin. Now not just at the hospital, but you rusev Rehabilitation Center, where doctors literally work wonders for four years of our work more than two battalions. We are back in action. There has been a severed and inpatient treatment of nine. E. Guys , it has already become 10, i started walking from wheelchairs, if earlier i needed help, then sit down on the bed and wash. Elementary now i do all this. I have already become independent, but firmly spoken. Makeevka came here, almost paralyzed, weighing only 37 kg. At first they stood without it, then they sent me to my police. On the fourth of april, i flew in. They said i would only go for a while. It turns out already, yes, it turns out, compared to what you came to . Im already running around here. Im already running, the movement has gone in our ankle joint. The left one is already starting to turn on slowly around the movements. Here, come on, the alenostop is already working. That is, uh, before. Many were how to pass this private a Rehabilitation Center created by daria fedko; she lives here, the granddaughter of the famous oilman valentin kudinov, the first director and shareholder of the oil company , almost all of her inheritance. Daria invested in this center for wounded soldiers. I have invested. And this building was completely destroyed, the roof was destroyed, there was no glazing inside, there was a pile of garbage, and the crack was on the back. So, horizontally along the hull, we started with a construction expertise. We were told what work needs to be carried out in order to pull the building together. Screed, blocked the roof. The wings of the contour were heated. Once it was the estate of the descendants of the cossack general amvrusi, lukovkin, who was granted local lands by catherine ii for participating in the suppression of the pugachev rebellion during the great patriotic war, a Military Hospital was located here. History again returned to normal , there was a hospital. And now, the soldiers of the great patriotic war, who died in the hospital , are buried here. Here they take care of the mass grave in this 43 year, they envy modern medical equipment and moscow clinic. As they explained, due to the pulsation of the legs, that is, many nerve endings affect our feet. And that is, he deceives both the brain and the back of the brain deceive. That is. Uh, yes, imitation walking. This is how it is due to the pulsation, how it feels, well, the left foot, i feel how it pulsates, and the right one, only the pads near the toes, the heel. I saw this device to fight with a muscle trophy developed by roscosmos, it was presented by ground attack pilots. Th boys thank you brothers. Operate we slowly cool down the apparatus by a millimeter , but slowly confidently move forward in such a work, in which a dozen peacocks have been raised, if you do not hear them yelling, you can say that their noble appearance calms the nerves. We, uh, grew them and bought them, because its already very expensive to buy big ones like that. We bought daily chicks and raised them and now we have. These are some handsome guys, even, for the first time , peacock will see and the head physician of the Rehabilitation Center eduard beletsky and director Elena Andreeva managed to fight in militia and even get wounded, now they themselves put the guys on their feet. They are here because of the father, as they say, and for the mother of each the patient needs his own approach, sunshine you will still be. Also, my mother was embarrassed, not rude, embarrassed. Well, lets hope that russia will do everything for us. If every person realizes that he is a small, but a particle of russia and does everything the way he should do it in conscience and honor, then we will be the very best we will not be equal. Every guy who got up from the stroller and gone from here, even with a cane, this is already a reward. Great reward for our work and only for this we must try. Every day is hard. Its not hard for us to get up and go on fighting. For each of them, another large twostory building, which will triple the number of patients on the first floor, there will be two wards for children who are from the other side of ukraine. But now the trio has stopped. The money is over, its a shame that the low throughput ability, that is, only 19 people, when you can take at a time, despite the fact that if you finish building the second building, you can take 60 at a time, then this is very disappointing. There are a lot of people who need rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Center, while charitable foundations provide support. Last year, the actor sergei startup, his finger gave the uaz a loaf to transport the wounded, he still came to us. Eh, looked at our center. We agreed on a great cooperation and it turned out that on monday. Uh, they gave us a car from sergey to the center, and in friday, unfortunately, he was already buried. The war, like a developer, a litmus test climbs out, who is, who he was a patriot of his country, he was a russian man who could not leave the russian people, at a time when it became difficult. About 100 million rubles are required to complete the construction of the new building. There is no way to take them yet, where could the center itself keep the center afloat, in fact, it is teetering on the verge of closure every time they are recruited, and the money to pay salaries pay taxes pay rent for gas for light hmm for everything rest. That is, you invested everything here so that i invested everything here, that everything, that all my savings that were, well, of course , you dont regret it, but so many people someone went , someone could, at least. Well, maybe not completely restore health, but to acquire a qualitatively different standard of living for someone. We just saved a life. Is it possible to regret . Its about how the money you had saved someones life. Here in the donbass people already think in other categories, they do not need yachts and houses on the azure coast the war completely changed the life of the russian millionaire. She moved to donetsk, which was under constant shelling to restore destroyed churches. And schools to carry humanitarian aid to prefront villages were a problem for rich people, they are no longer happy with ordinary things from satiety. Well, its like it s all not angry, but by and large you dont need it. And now you are happy that you gave some water to donetsk well. Yesterday, for example, i came home from krasnaya polyana. I have a day of water at once, run faster, wash faster , eggplants, collect everything, swim faster, while there is water, yes, it is a great joy when there is water, and maxim has the greatest joy fishing in a local pond regularly releases carrots for growth. This is where the real psychological relief lies. Its all done for you. Yes, these are wheelchairfriendly peppers. You see here. Koter stands cautiously well, the guards help to go down, then we called, and they bring it. The cat immediately joins, misha knows he wont leave hungry, in my opinion, someone is a crucian, a crucian, small, just like a cat. Yes, like this here, yes, come on, you are his teeth. Bear bear is here with fishing rods. Yes, in the morning, maxim slowly began to write poetry, how russians and buryats fought in temples throughout russia, back to back. I am empty patrons brother out crying death to the enemy went to heaven to lead harmony in the world called for an International Buddhist forum, which ended the day before. The president sent his greetings, he is sure the forum will become a new International Platform for communication and 3 days have shown that the participants have already not only spoken out on world problems, but also signed an agreement to create a consortium of universities from ulanude, victorias report for the first time in history, they were joined by clergy from 14 countries. After the prayer service, the guests will have an Important Mission of acquaintance and a touch. To the miracle, which has been here in buryatia for many decades, the bandit hambulamad, the shader went to nirvana almost 100 years ago. And in september 2002, a group of lamps removed his body and it was then that the whole world learned about the phenomenon. Of the great monk, the temperature and weight of the body changes, and the joints remain mobile, sinhalese, chinese nepalese, russian buryat and hindi buddhists speaking different languages ​​rushed to the main dugan of the Ivolginsky Datsan to see the man who defeated the angel of death. Everything sees everything hears is observed for us. From its okanye today, from the number of people in the buddhist world is 3 billion people in russia, this religion is widespread in the territory of buryatia , kalmykia, tuva and altai, it will offer a number of methods due to which a person will give harmony with a pile, but most importantly, uh, buddhism allows us to communicate with each other in a way that does not contradict each other. While the adults are discussing the laws of the universe, the young wushu players of buryatia are getting the skills of the legendary art. Shaolin a few tricks from a real servant of the shaolin monastery. I looked at the level of athletes. Hes very good in western countries rarely encountered with this level of skill of yours. Children well done participants of the odds on the huge stage they could see all the diversity of cultures. And the holding of the forum by the buddhists of the world made several landmark decisions, both secular and religious universities have united in an educational consortium, which includes several universities in buryatia and kalmykia and tuva. Teachers and students will be able to conduct joint research, exchange scientific information and undergo buddhism internships. After all, it is very interesting and has a completely different aspect. This is not only about religion, but also about attitudes towards life. History of russian buddhism. The unique amburetsky llamas were able to preserve the foundations. Great teaching. They survived the repressions, supported the soldiers of the great patriotic war and themselves went to battlefield. Today. They pray for the participants of the special military operation, go to the front line dozens of red carnations, as a symbol of respect for the heroes , buddhists from all over the world left here on the main memorial of the victory of buryatia almost in memory. The dead participants of the special military operation, they showed their solidarity and buddhist desire for harmony between peoples discussion platforms talked about folk methods of treatment, which are not one thousand years old , about how to distract young people from gadgets and fill them. How important it is to engage in selfdevelopment and what clergymen can do today so that people who speak different languages ​​can find Common Ground for us as a whole, but i mean only for the republic , but also for russia, these are opportunities to communicate opportunities to bring positions closer together opportunities to build the future together the First International forum allowed to strengthen the dialogue and, according to hundreds of participants, gave a start to a new stage of development of the buddhist World Community victoria gmyzi. News, buryatia is a difficult direction. Here they suffered a very big loss in that battle, not counting how many of them we were for 300,000, we then sat on the behu, but the chase was for us there was ice, a tower, turned right, and i was thrown out. I dont know what i would have done in that situation honestly showed me

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