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Flights to the country and the new authorities explained this, the upcoming foreign invasion, published requirements for the French Military to leave nigeria within a month. In nyc residents held a mass rally against the supply of weapons to ukraine participants gathered in front of the un headquarters with posters on them calls to stop allocating money from the kiev regime and improve relations with russia and china zaporozhye direction near the frontline awarded russian artillerymen on account of fighters dozens of units of destroyed enemy equipment and manpower. At the same time, our commanders competently display combat crews. From under the retaliatory strikes of the nationalists. What targets have been eliminated lately Alexander Lukyanov will tell about unharvested sunflower fields g as a sign of the frontline zone, in order for Agricultural Equipment to come here again, the military equipment needs to complete its work. These trees at the edge of the fields in zaporozhye were planted to protect the soil from dry winds and preserve their fertility. Now they are exactly protected by our howitzer battery from enemy copters. After all, the tool has to work almost without interruption. Every day they try something in small groups, sometimes in large groups they constantly work tanks, a column, technique. Big guns, a lot of guns that were destroyed by three sevens crabs leopards have recently seen. Maybe everything was destroyed, the battery is one full. To direct and report from this particular gun , several Armored Vehicles were recently destroyed in the repin direction, all, hit accuracy of 99 , hyacinth hits far and very accurately , shots of hitting another target per day immediately arrive at the command post. There may be dozens of them told by an artilleryman, whose task is to bring shells for one and a half acres 405, but still a lot, of course, everyone is there 50 kg. Yes, its almost yes, a heavy thing. Can beat to touch the difficulties, im not afraid of six shells per minute. This is very excellent. As they say, the kalashnikov Assault Rifle cluster munitions fall on the neighboring lane, yes, our soldiers have to carry out their combat mission under artillery and rocket fire of the enemy, but they manage for stamina courage and present state awards and high insignia today at the forefront , artillerymen fortysecond receive their welldeserved awards division. I have repeated evacuations of personnel from under shelling taking away rescue. Well evacuation of successful ammunition. Guns. After the award, the gunners return to their guns. The paracel can be heard as the commanders give them new targets. Vsu, made a new attempt, storming a parttime job and again to no avail, of course. Why . Well, we are right. We will not disgrace the old people, never the board of a special military operation the Russian Military destroyed the mortar crews and the stronghold of the enemy militants was discovered by scouts using drones for the crews of jet systems volley fire grad machine. Immediately we reached a convenient position and gave a hall to the nationalists who were ten kilometers away. Our task is to quickly arrive at the position to shoot back quickly and the shelter leads the shaft perfectly, just for our roads. The task of a different plan never fails, there are defeat of the forces of living defeats of the Armored Vehicles of the area. Today we worked on mortar crews. Yesterday we worked on the district a little adjustment and they worked because it was windy and rainy, but they successfully hit and hit the enemy , several cars are not on duty, that is, there will be no one that was called to the position, but the car was detained. New yorkers opposed the supply of weapons to ukraine held a rally in front of the headquarters. He was holding posters in the hands of people calling for him to stop Financial Support for kiev and also to improve relations with russia and china at the rally. In particular, exfiera of american intelligence spoke. Scott ritter , he noted that us policy towards moscow real madness. The interim military leadership of niger announced the closure of airspace over the country, the authorities believe that an armed invasion is being prepared abroad. In addition, the government released a document according to which the French Military must leave the territory of niger within 30 days. The capital of the country, meanwhile, was a largescale march. In support of the leaders of the military coup , several thousand people took to the streets not only with national flags, but with russian tricolors sources on the spot claim the absolute majority of the inhabitants of niger support the russian course of the new authorities with details emil mercedes of african countries is approaching its denouement. Nigeria has already become the fifth country in the tropical sahel region, separating the deserted north of the continent and the fertile south, which the current authorities decided to change by force and today is the last day when the republic can fulfill the ultimatum of the countries. Eco you all exactly a week ago demanded from neele rebellion. New deposed mohammed zuma in office the president otherwise promised to use military force. And although the West African States themselves called this option the most unlikely, and then it seems that the president of nigeria, who is part of the ecowas, contrary to the official rhetoric of the bloc , asked his parliament for permission to deploy troops to invade the nigga burkinafasoy and raspberries expressed their solidarity against with the new authorities of the African Republic, its neighbors, where, by the way , the military opposed the colonial regimes will regard the intervention on the territory of the niger as an aggression against themselves, the function used its dominant position in order to, e, put the african countries in an even more dependent position, so that the level of population, so that the standard of living of the population in many african countries that were under french influence did not grow this is understandable. This is the key to the retention of french power. Yes, in this region, rice has been pumping resources out of nowhere for centuries. The country is a major supplier of uranium for the French Nuclear industry in its share accounted for a fifth of the entire market, in addition, the African Republic is rich in gold and oil reserves, but in return from europe in all these years it did not really receive anything in the ranking of countries in the Human Development index, niger is third from the bottom, and in the list of the poorest states, the seventh average monthly income is 50 dollars or about five thousand rubles, in many respects this situation is justified by the strong instability of thousands of citizens of the country are still dying at the hands of the Islamic State and alqaeda banned in russia, which means the United States is together with italy and france, whose military bases have been located on the territory of the republic for many years, the french contingents could not or did not want to ensure the safety of the local population. They basically protected these uranium deposits of other Natural Resources that were used. In france, according to experts, it was precisely the military failure of the west that forced local residents to go to rallies with russian flags and rhetoric about moscows interference in the affairs of niger. Just another example of american propaganda. Such situation. She pushed. Here is the population these countries was kinoformaliburkina, beans now nigga to see in russia such a force that will help them, uh, cope with islamist groups. Experts predict the club of states in the socalled franz africa will thin out even more in the near future in senegal, they burn the flags of the fifth republic all week in solidarity with the detained Opposition Leader ousmane sangko. And those who yesterday ran all the arrogant tons of the elysee palace today to this very palace. You are right. I live in this crown africa in the face of another country once again does choice in favor of sovereignty and says no to the cynical eu policy now new cadres from pakistan the number of victims of the railway accident, there has already grown to 30 people. About 100 were seriously injured. Here are the footage of eyewitnesses, literally the first minutes. After the disaster , the rescue operation continues on your screens, so the final data on the dead is still unknown. Now ill show you more, when people themselves tried to organize a rescue operation literally in the first minutes after the disaster, a passenger train suffered crash in the north of the country. Some wagons overturned, some even caught fire , the minister of transport said that sabotage could be the cause of the accidents. Residents of several villages in primorye at once were cut off from the mainland. Because of the rains, the water in the rivers rose to a dangerous mark in the district disaster, deployed additional rescue forces, that we will find out the latest information from our correspondent in the victoria region, shandybina victoria greetings what is the situation now . Good afternoon, the main blow has come to us. Native now such has made a small break. Further opportunity for employees of road services. Restore driveways, as reported in the government of primorsky krai. Now 6 settlements are cut off from the mainland. The most difficult situation is in the chuguev and krasnoarmeisky districts, the water in the rivers there has risen to the level of a dangerous phenomenon. Even allterrain vehicles were organized by employees of the ministry of emergency situations. There are boat crossings. Rescuers also deliver everything for medicines and essential products, and in the village of wheat she saves those who are heated. This is chang the man is actually walking the streets. There it is simply dangerous for life, people go around the whole village and offer neighbors to evacuate from the position. I suggest watching a video fragment filmed on one of the streets of the village. Dmitrievna will take you in such a cheerful mood. Were going to the bottom, you cant, sit down. Lets go back. Well take your papers, rags, take them to me. Sanya come on. As you can see, people do not give up, they try to maintain some kind of positive mood in the cutoff as well, the village of furmanova in olginsky district, our own peoples correspondent farmer Alexander Makarov unfortunately, according to the sadness and tradition of each flood, it sends us a video again and again of a blurry crossing. And in general, flooded under the sea and vegetable gardens cannot be counted. For many years now, people have been losing crops due to high water and do not know what to do. After all, not everyone can leave their homes and afford to move to land villages to argue the drain, and heavy equipment is now being cleaned and, in general, directly to the contractors highways after all forces to restore the project, and the Road Builders and residents of the floating villages are preparing with horror for a new blow of the elements. Well, it will rain very much in the south of the region, and a strong typhoon is now coming to us in primorye, the most abundant precipitation is predicted, which means thursday, but we hope that the trajectory will change and we will not be hurt so much by this hour. I have everything roman to you word. Interestingly, thanks to the situation in primorye, which was hit by powerful downpours, victoria shandybina told. But in the european part of russia, record heat in several regions , the temperature is expected to overcome the plus 40 mark, these are the krasnodar territory, the astrakhan region, the volgograd region, the Rostov Region and the stavropol territory, not only in the south of the belgorod region, the kursk oryol ryazan and tambov regions the temperature will rise to 37 . A fire regime has been declared in crimea, and in moscow the day before the temperature rose to almost thirty one and a half degrees today, in general they announced the orange penultimate level of weather danger, they promise up to thirtythree degrees. News now economy, the Druzhba Oil Pipeline was damaged in the polish section, because of this one of the branches does not work, how will the state of emergency affect the hydrocarbon market, ask artyom yamshchikov, artyom good morning. Good morning. You wont get fuel. Well, roman first of all , this is germany, but promises to restore the supply tomorrow about this a little bit. Ill tell you later, while on other topics the Russian Ministry of finance for the first time this year enters the domestic market to buy foreign currency, well, in a month it will allocate 40 and a half billion rubles for these purposes at this level the volume of Additional Oil and gas revenues is forecasted. According to the budgetary rule, they must replenish reserves, but even so , they will buy gold every day for a billion 800 million rubles. However , a parallel mechanism is currently operating on the market, according to which the central bank sells the currency for investing the funds of the National Welfare fund, permitted assets. The amount of such operations is 2 billion 300 million rubles. A day like this now. Instead of two transactions , one actual currency will be carried out, they will sell 500 million rubles every day. Is not will have a Significant Impact on the Exchange Rate of the national currency, since the proportion of such transactions. In the general turnover of trades. On the stock exchange, analysts believe very little. By friendship, deliveries through the damaged string of the oil pipeline will be restored on august 8, the operator of the polish section of the pipeline announced this, it is currently being repaired and promised to be in time by tuesday morning, reports said earlier. The northern branch, which stretches from russia through belarus and to poland and germany, was disconnected due to a leak. Cause of the accident. Currently unknown. Comes with investigation. At the same time, oil is pumped along the Southern Branch of druzhba, which passes through ukraine to hungary, slovakia and the Czech Republic , as usual, experts note that it is loaded at full capacity. Let me remind you that last year 38. 5 million tons of oil were pumped through the druzhba pipeline. I will note that private germany is more interested. They are rare in the early recovery of working capacity, since a long downtime threatens it with very unpleasant consequences. Germany will be forced to increase the cure or stop. Eh, as if freeze or reduce the production of petroleum products. But what will inevitably lead to an increase, of course, in prices in germany and one way or another they will say, or get more through e , ports, ports, although delivery to them to some mtz is possible only through friendship, so, of course, in conditions of such Global Market tension in terms of contraction. The same again , plus any voluminous, falling out of the market. Ah. They somehow influence the overall situation. And by the way, germany may collide, more precisely to return to nuclear energy, already in 2025 the Prime Minister of bavaria made such a statement for this, although the conservative block of the kds should win the elections, e, cds, hss, at the moment, the Ruling Coalition of social democrats and the greens, of course, will not allow restarting as germany began to gradually abandon them back in 2011. Well, under the former chancellor Angela Merkel , the cause was the accident at the fukushima1 Nuclear Power plant. Well , since then, oh, the tragedy is almost forgotten japan is generally going to merge in the coming days, supposedly safe water from the station to the ocean. Well , with the support of the United States and south korea in germany , the last three Nuclear Power plants were supposed to be decommissioned on the first of january this year, but amid the energy crisis, the station continued to operate until midapril. Polymetal today plans to complete the legal move from the unfriendly island of jersey to kazakhstan. Trading in the companys shares on the London Stock Exchange has already been stopped. The delisting should take place on august 29, well, the main platform. Now there will be an Astana International stock exchange. New the registration will allow the polymetal to perform important types of corporate actions, for example , to pay dividends to the shareholder back in may , the us treasury included the company in the sanctions list of russia, and in the list here, and russia, in turn, recognized the british isle. Jersey is not a friendly jurisdiction, all this was the reason for reregistration. Exchange rates dollar costs 94 rubles. And 80 kopecks. Euro 103 rub. And 83 kop. Roman artem thank you right after the advertisement for the results of the russian championship in athletics. 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Do not notice the legendary alpha Bank Credit Card for a year without interest now with cashback for all purchases and free cash withdrawals from any atms. Extreme High Temperature in the south and in the central part of russia in the crimea krasnodar stavropol territory, as well as astrakhan rostov and volgograd regions 40 and above moscow pikznuyu passed on the eve of 100 billion euros lost by European Companies due to withdrawal from the russian market. After the start of the special operation, this is reported by a smaller vessel on the reports of the largest firms. Over the past year and a half , the oil and gas sector has suffered the greatest losses. It closed the airspace over the country, as the Economic Society of west african countries responded to the ultimatum earlier, giving a week to return the ousted president to power. At least 30 people were killed in a Train Derailment in southeast pakistan , more than 80 injured were taken to hospital among the main versions of the tragedy were sabotage, as well as a mechanical malfunction of the track or train. The results of the russian championship in athletics were summed up in chelyabinsk, the athletes performed at the level of the World Leaders of the season. And they also showed the highest motivation, some came to the tournament shortly after serious injuries. Contrary to the prohibitions of doctors, how i got out of rivalry recognized masters and young applicants will be told by andrey shlyapnikov. High jumper ilya athlete before the start of the final day of the russian championship in athletics, there has not been a single start this season so that there was no rain, we will wait for a single one , that all this will connect until the wind in the face and rain connect, but then the heavenly office dared and the main finals. I passed under the rays of the hot chelyabinsk sun, high jumper daniil lysenko , despite the nonadmission of russian athletes before international starts , he constantly reminds himself of himself among the leaders of the world season with a result of 2 m 35 cm for the victory in the russian championship, he was enough for 2 cm. Your main rival qatari has less. And 2. 36 yes, here. Uh, do you think you can jump over this year . Yes . I think i can. Honestly, im determined to jump over it and i hope i can do it. I will try to strive for this, as if everything is there for this daniil lysenko, his star coach, olympic champion sergei klyugin, came up with a crazy plan. How to force International Officials to allow the russians to compete, for this daniil needs to jump higher than the legendary javier satamar, whose world record of 2 m, 45 cm, has been holding for more than 30 years. We still dont stop. We will continue to strive, we will show high results, of course we want , the higher, the better, and why not a world record oh, im a handsome World Champion in hurdling sergey shubenkov, at the end of june i broke my motorcycle collarbone, and in early august im already competing doctors forbade the russian championship, but my love for sports turned out to be stronger for me they said that for a month you definitely cant do any physical activity for sure. And to run only a little bit as a coward and maybe, the maximum is something to shake your legs in competitions, there was no question at all, however, there was not enough time to get in shape fur coats for the first time in russia lost to a younger and more daring barista anatoly kiselev, who in the fight so that proteins set a personal record tinkering with you. I say all the interviews that there is no shipenkov. Its boring without him, otherwise the participants of the russian championship are sure that such high results it might not have happened if it werent for the full stands and the incredible atmosphere at the stadium in chelyabinsk chelyabinsk is a very amazing city in general, and its just that there is such an audience here. She comes straight to, you know, hold the guys hold the athletics first. And its very cool. This is a very good stadium. He is jumpy, he is running, well, he has shown quite good results here. The 2023 russian athletics championship is over, but the athletics season is over. Continues soon ekaterinburg will host the final russian grand prix sports queen andrey shlyapnikov Sergey Velichko ivan boevskiy vesti, chelyabinsk sports news Alexandra Abramova already good morning zenit e after three rounds from toyota , spartak and krasnodar are already five points. We are waiting for the details roman good morning. Zenit lost to dynamo with a score of 2 3 and in three rounds the champions had one victory, one draw and one defeat. So the National Champion petersburg zenith suffered its first defeat in the championship already in the third round, the team of sergey semak lost in a home match to moscow dynamo muscovites opened the scoring already in the second minute effectively punished zenith for a blunder when leaving the defense as a result of the transfer to the gamal. Konstantin tyukavin scored. Zenit bounced back very quickly already in the ninth minute after filing the ball from the left flank of his goal, cut off the defender of dynamo fabian boule. Buina at the thirtythird minute. Konstantin tyukalin. Made a duplicate. All the same struggle and us with his half of the field threw the ball at the attacker, these cavins beautifully figured out the episode. Zenith seemed to have gone away defeats already in injury time, the score was equalized by ivan sergeev, who came on as a substitute, after that zenit remained in the minority, a direct red card received a gel, robarios, and in the majority the guests managed to score the winning goal in the sixth stoppage minute , vyacheslav gulev scored, 3 2, dynamo won at zenit the first defeat of the season at dynamo the first victory after three rounds, both teams scored four points and are already five points behind the leaders krasnodar and spartak. In other matches of the tour, krasnodar beat Nizhny Novgorod 1 0 in krasnodar as times three wins in three matches wings of the soviets won a crushing victory over rostov 5 1 ural defeated spartak in orenburg 4 1 in kazan cska beat lokomotiv near baltika with the same score 4 1 first victory in the premier league 21 against the torch and ahmad also 21 away wins in sochi in the middle of this week, the rpl club will play the second round matches in the group stage of the russian cup this is the most a major victory in the history of russian beach football, Fedor Zemskov scored the World Championship the most yesterday. Designed poker, the previous record. Held on for 15 years in 2008 as part of the selection for the world cup, the russian beach player defeated andora, 13 1. Arsenal beat Manchester City to win the fa super cup last season Manchester City also won the english cup. So for the super cup man city played against the second team of the arsenal championship the main events of the match took place in the last 15 minutes on the 77th minute. Ko fell, probably brought out. Man city ahead. Arsenal bounced back in the eleventh stoppage minute 1 1, and according to the rules of the super cup, the fate of the trophy was decided immediately in a penalty shootout. Arsenal converted all attempts and won 41. Manchester city have lost the fa super cup for the third time in a row. Thats all about sports for now, see you next hour. Dear friends, viewers of the russia 24 channel , i am pleased to invite you to watch reruns of our programs while we are on vacation. I look forward to seeing you

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