Is already behind us, but in 2014 they began to bomb the apu. Donetsk it was, of course, terrible. Well, first of all, in the fourteenth year. May i gave birth to the fourth daughter, so i planned to go on maternity leave. I planned to live in peace. And, well, how to raise a child, at least for a while. Yes, well, nothing happened, that is, in may. I gave birth to her, after 2 days they started bombing. Well, actually 2 months. We were horrified, we all were. Well , i dont even know how to explain it in words, how to call it. Well, lets go on vacation. Yes, i left. Here on vacation, an industrial region and until 2014 the factory specialized in tailoring work clothes, which at one point here no one needed it then, after a short downtime, labutina redesigned the business, and in small workshops they began to sew military uniforms. Yes, this is the clothes in which he fights, i wont say that it was a military uniform there, but that moment, yes we did. Well, this first thing for us was amazing, there are some nuances, but again, we were told what to do, how to do it . And we talked a lot with the guys who are not. The price in battles, yes, in the fields they told us what needs to be done to make it convenient, as we need act. Well, we began to sew for them, again, like all enterprises in donbass, in 2014 the garment factory lost some of its employees. People, for obvious reasons, left donetsk, but labutina managed to save the backbone of the team. Yes, a few people left. Well, somehow we have such a wellcoordinated team, so we work hard , it was hard in the fourteenth year, when it was completely afterwards and our own began. Well, nevertheless, we try to survive, the girls work, labutina herself says that she didnt even think to leave larisa was born in yekaterinburg then sverdlovsk and when i was 5 years old, the family moved to donetsk. In general , the common story for the union is that everything green in roses is just some kind of miracle, its unbelievable. Well, were moving here. Well, thats all. They took me here. I was 5 years old. I grew up here and learned here. Well, essentially. Yes, this is my home now. And well, where will i go, where will i go, so here its already such a thing, who can, he goes, who feels like a man of the world, please, all roads are open, by the way, now this is such a story, very many went to europe known relatives known relatives. And now a lot of people are returning, many are returning, because , well, how they went with the thoughts that everything would be wonderful there. Thats it, here they come , theyll give them everything, well, its just gorgeous. No, they wont. We talk there, they dont consider us as people at all. That is, simply not, so they are returning back after 2014. Labutina, in fact, completely restructured her business and the changes affected all of the equipment that she used to buy in europe, now she imports from china the suppliers of fabric also changed, 14 everything broke down there to look for new ones. We started well , we understood again that we could get belarus, and through russia we began to contact representatives of belarus in russia, too , and began to take russian fabrics. E russian production. Tchaikovsky textiles, there is the bryansk plant worsted well, the normal quality suits everything, like all the productions of the donbass at this sewing enterprise. Now there are still problems with the personnel of the skating rink. People from the region have added industry specifics. Labutina says that by law, such organizations can only hire certified seamstresses, because it happens that a woman calls. She is 40 years old. She says i have two children. I want to work. I dont have an education. I know how to do something there once, but i dont have a chicken. Well, in fact, we dont have the right to hire her, and we can only teach her how to work at the enterprise, because the specifics of the work, because the machines are not the same as in the educational institution, they are completely different, they dont know a lot about embroidery. You look at the technique, they dont teach it. This is simple only to study at the enterprise in the center of the city, where the enterprise is located, they are regularly shelled by ukrainian artillery. How shelling affects production in almost no way in 9 years. People in donetsk are used to this people. Tired of being afraid. Thats tired of being afraid, so well, its scary. Do you understand how scary this is . Well, it went away somehow, you know, in the background, how background music you dont hear it, the sound increases, you hear it here. We had an arrival just a few days ago on saturday at the airport. Well there was a water fountain above, i dont know storey building. Well, its very scary. Yes, you got scared and stood up. So everything, alive, hands and feet in place. Everything went on to work. Well, because we have no other options, its strange. Yes. This is strange. Those who do not survive will not understand this. But this is already a war. This is already our being against the background on which we work. And we, well, really have no options from others. Our basement is always open. That is, if something happens, we know that you can go down to the basement, we sealed the windows with foil. Uh, well, shes not so lets say not a bullet that is not pierced, but at least it will not give fragmentation. Here is the gap to find now the military uniform of the total volume of orders takes no more than ten percent. The rest is overalls for departments and enterprises and School Uniforms. Look, this is a work suit, what we sew is again provided. You see fasteners everywhere , seals everywhere, so that it does not tear, as it were, does not come off. Here is a pocket for a mobile phone , we really asked our worker to fit in, because there are already more telephones. Well , what else is the uniform of the ministry of internal affairs. This is such a female womens yes further, well dressing gowns ministry of emergency situations shirt after the donbass returned to russia for the regions enterprises logistics was greatly simplified. Now the factory of larisa labutina works only for buyers from the dpr, but in the near future it plans to supply clothes to neighboring regions of the country. Now the School Uniforms are already interested in working clothes. Here we go to rostov, we are very interested there, that is, we are again interested in quality. Yes, ordinary clothes are enough everywhere, but when people start to compare, when you give them a product that lets say its an order of magnitude higher. Here from a good fabric, the quality is very large with all certificates of conformity. Well, that is, these are really good quality clothes. And despite the fact that, yes, it may be more expensive somewhere, but he orders. Here is the enterprise of donetsk makeevka and other cities. Donetsk agglomeration adapted to the work and conditions of hostilities. And to the lack of water, which is given here according to the schedule once every 3 days for several hours. It would seem how Food Production can work in such conditions, but we adapted the business at the meatpacking plant in makeevka to the line. Front. All the same 15 km. You know that we are provided according to the schedule, water, we are supplied in a certain mode not every day for a food enterprise, for example, this is, uh, a very dangerous factor, because our sanitary requirements are high. Well , lets say we went to what we expanded our base of water accumulation. Yes, we purchased additional tanks and increased them during the days of water supply with a supply of electricity , there is again a danger that to be some kind of emergency shutdown substation , this is again highly undesirable for us. We bought, for example, generators supplied with such power that in case we are suddenly turned off, they will completely provide our entire production process. The name of the Meat Processing plant is a production with a 26year history. What is remarkable for all these years , the enterprise did not stop its work for more than a day, even in 2014. Well, yes, this is another reason for our pride. Yes, in fact, our production did not stop for more than one day. We had different stages difficulties. We call them difficulties. These were not such insurmountable problems. We had a reorientation to the completely raw material base of the russian federation. We all worked with Ukrainian Raw Materials from ukrainian components in the fifteenth or sixteenth year. We urgently reworked all recipes and developed all Technological Lines anew. It was a huge corpse. The military operations were active. Yes, they were dangerous, but we did not stop, but you know how the team, being at home, many say that it is even worse when you are at home. Here production process by colleagues. It doesnt feel that way when you feel protected. That you are engaged in a common cause and this distracts the Meat Processing plant, it was lucky for all these 9 years there was no arrival here. Although , of course, it is impossible to say that the production is located in a safe area, because there are no safe areas, neither in makeevka nor in donetsk. Well, we dont have, lets say, completely safe areas here at all. Yes, within a radius of half a kilometer. There were always shells here. Not now. It was a little earlier, but yes, they were worried donbass cant be called an agricultural region, therefore, 90 of the Raw Materials the Meat Processing plant buys in big russia after the autumn referendum with logistics has become much easier, therefore, as you can see, we work with chilled Raw Materials, by the way, not every enterprise can boast of this, because chilled Raw Materials are considered, well, the best component than frozen. Therefore, we have always worked with chilled food throughout our history. In this case. You are watching the work of a deboner, a survivor is the basic profession of our Business People who well manual labor for decades can not be replaced. See how they work with their hands. There are some aggregates there, but they do not directly replace the manual labor of these people in this case. Here they are in the meat department. Now the plant is operating at 50 of its design capacity, supplying 300 tons of products per month to the store shelves in donbass, as elsewhere in the region at the enterprise, it is understandable for reasons that there is a shortage of personnel , the only factor where we cannot lay a reserve for ourselves, of course, this is labor team people are probably the most valuable thing in any production. We put their experience and their skills and, uh, here they are. Now the weakest link is people are leaving the training train. And we have our own training mentoring school in production, but all the same, this is a process, it takes time, and, uh, these are the people who have to work. Thats the biggest problem with them at the moment. Despite the difficult working conditions at the plant, to put it mildly, they are thinking about the development of immediate plans to start deliveries to neighboring the southern regions of the country, including the liberated territory, believe that our products are different. Well, the quality is good. We are always proud of this , it will find its buyer, including in stores and on shelves. Eh, neighboring areas, of course, we do not forget about ours. Uh, how do you say reversible . Yes, this is ours, the zaporozhye region, well, the area is there, berdyansk melitopol e, there are factories there. We know we are cooperating with them, but their capacity and insufficiency to cover all , well, all the needs of the population, therefore we are also counting there and considering options for development in this direction in the west. The situation is much more complicated at another enterprise of the donetsk agglomeration, the baby food plant, which is located in makeevka, all educational institutions of the front line cities, where the plant supplied products due to shelling by the armed forces, of course, have been transferred to a remote location at the moment, the load of the enterprise is only 1, 5 . Uh, since september. We very much hope that with the support of the ministry of education and the ministry agroindustry. We will have the opportunity to go back to schools outside our region, regardless of whether it means for makiivka and donetsk tasks, if the shelling does not stop here, and therefore, how would we expect the plant to be loaded up to 25 the plant produces the entire line of baby Food Production has grown out of the usual dairy cuisine. Now the companys products are sold only through retail stores, but there are difficulties. Dairy baby food is a product with a very short shelf life, that is, products can be made to order. On the shelf, there can be a maximum of a product that is there, uh, well, 12 days on the shelf and people should see it and be guaranteed to buy it, so its like Standard Networks for us. Well, its impossible. This is the first one or made to order or we have our own. Uh, three or four shops of the point of sale used to be more , but due to the fact that they are located in those areas that are shelled, then there they are closed now and again, many entrepreneurs are exactly the same in places of mass shelling. They dont work either. They re afraid, but even though right now the enterprise, for objective reasons, is unprofitable here, not because there are no layoffs, but on the contrary, the plant is actively looking for new employees. We are currently actively preparing for september. We are looking for personnel and we cling to personnel and fight for personnel, and we understand perfectly well that if we lose these people , we will not find an alternative to train highly qualified specialists. For jobs, this is 34 months. Most of the donbass entrepreneurs with whom we have talked in the framework of this program say that people from other russian regions, when they find out that the products they see were released in the frontline years, they are very surprised. In general , there are entrepreneurs here who start from the fourteenth year, despite the shelling of the fighting. Not for one day did not stop production. There is a war going on. Well, he says, how are you there . How do you have production there, so everyone seems to be surprised, well, yes, they bomb everywhere. Well, as if they are bombing here , here they are bombing, and here they are working, as it were. Shops are open, you can see for yourself, transport is running. Well, yes, there is a hit. Im telling you, you go to work today. You cant go back, lets say this, but the way everything works is its own furniture production in frontline makiivka sergey zhirnirenko created in the late nineties it gradually grew into a small factory lotos, which has been working without interruption for 25 years, ended here went to work as a fitter for furniture, and then we decided to create and sell furniture ourselves. Here, well, as it were, like this, slowly , slowly, they began to grow and expand. The factory specializes in upholstered furniture sofas and armchairs. Here, in several workshops, a full production cycle, starting with design. Well, yes, we look. We go to the exhibition and look at furniture. Eh, we choose something for ourselves. Uh, we are finalizing our furniture, as it were, models that were added there, we remove it, we buy it, only wooden ones here after wooden ones are overlays. Here they do it. The rest is completely done by ourselves in production, 25 people are needed and new personnel are needed, but with this, like with other enterprises, which we talked about in the program, everything is difficult, many are now at the front, and someone left the donbass they dont get thrown anywhere. Its all being processed by us. There are moments. Some somewhere under the roller somewhere in the sidewall somewhere something goes to be thrown out, respectively. So, its like we dont have anything extra, the necessary material is about 5 years, about five years. And so for us, we would not specifically want to, well, who knows, how they want. Where the missiles will fly. So it doesnt depend on us. The factory is not located in the area of ​​makiivka, which is most shelled by the army ; nevertheless, there were arrivals near the workshops of the enterprise fortunately without casualties, but it was at the weekend, that is, there was no one here. We already knew this when we left, because there were funnels from these fields, and so we were lucky at the collection, it was mainly furniture that lotus produces, which is sold on the local market in the stores of the dpr and lpr. Recently , there are quite a lot of buyers from mariupol, but it happens that people come for sofas and neighboring southern russian regions come. Even a couple of people came from russia to us. From the crimea also well, again in the crimea we have already been announced, maybe because of this they knew, but i think that already at this time, when the crimea became russia , they already sent several times they covered the factory and have their own store, but most of the products go to other trade points of the region that take furniture for sale. Mostly. Uh, you have a sales channel. Well, roughly speaking, people about justice come here and choose here, because you yourself. You see, there is no passerby. And how we are. Were in a place thats, well, just social media. She will know retail buyers for 9 years of hostilities in the donbass factory. Its owner sergey zhurnarenko has adapted to all the complex ones. He says that not in 2014 or after the start of his own. He did not even think to stop production and leave his hometown. As they say, where you were born doesnt matter, its been here all your life, it s all been done, its been built, and now its sales to someone. It may seem surprising, but the most immediate plans of the owners of the factory, which are located about 15 km from the line of contact, are to expand production a few years ago, an entrepreneur bought a building in the neighborhood, and now they are finishing what to expand . Lets expand. Here we took 1. 000 m² in the room. Right now we are setting things up, here we are preparing the order for work. Thats what we plan, maybe this year we will move here. It sounds scary, but for 9 years people in donetsk and its suburbs have become so accustomed to the shelling that they began to treat them like bad weather, which you cannot influence, and entrepreneurs who continue to work, pay taxes and create jobs, yet donbass is in every sense an industrial region. Noy to the gazprombank card, the grace period is always 180 days without interest, and every two months it starts again. And also free service and cash withdrawal without commission looks like this, order in the drawing details of russia megamarket perpetual motion machine of benefits, one of my girlfriends is very picky in roles. I wont be in it. Dont worry, the rabbit will drink with money and with a new smartphone mega profitable with a mega subscription smartphone plus communication with payment once a month. Its hard not to notice the legendary alfa Bank Credit Card with new benefits. 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Well , ukraine has nothing to do with the lessons of the past. Otherwise, we will repeat it from history and make a decision on the basis. Crosscountry ability climbable i am going to donbass as a pevitron percussion pilot i have three children. I want 4, but now we all have to turn on. We do conscious choice. We are getting ready. Skills are developed using real ammunition broken tanks. We want our children to live in peace, that is, so that they simply do not see this. We continue to talk about the main thing for today, the crew of the tank alyosha, who was awarded the title of heroes of russia, this was announced by the ministry of defense in zaporozhye. The direction of the military repulsed the attack, the superior forces of the enemy personnel of this battle gained hundreds of thousands of views commanded by the crew, senior lieutenant of russia boxers. He had to take the place of the driver, as he was wounded, and Alexander Levakov took the commanders workplace. Together they defeated

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