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Twice, and right now putin said twice to all countries. Well, thats not enough. Here they will be for how much. I spoke like at least four times, according to the soviet projection , this must be done, because this is why they are drawn to us today. Here in the soviet union, there were a lot of african students. It seems to me that a coefficient should be entered here, because the population of africa has also grown sharply. Of course, we need these coefficients. Correction places suit that we give 15,000 students. Free state employees. 30 years, nobody moved. Here are just now increased twice thanks to. Here is putins decision , nothing at all. Although we learn a lot in a day. Because it is profitable for the military to recruit 50 thousand students, by the way, speaking on the forum , i counted the caps there. Well, probably about fifty. Its just that our army is dismantling, of course, mountain hodgepodge. And you understand, i want to say a few words from the forum about north korea. This is the visit of our minister of defense. Yes, the speculation started right away. So he went, then. Yes , and its good that he, if he went for this, and the correct koreans. You can supply. We north korea cannot have the same relations with them that i just spoke about far africa, when we helped to teach for decades at the right moment. Well, well, of course, of course, and in this regard, i always say on your program ill say a dozen more , just as you are talking about the central bank. Why dont we lift sanctions, some sanctions, some sanctions, humanitarian aid resolution today . I counted only the sixteenth year against the north, we joined in the same way as we joined libya. I remember the mistake. Lets remove the humanitarian component. Yes, we have people here. We do have help. We have tens of thousands koreans worked. And now i would deal with this in ukraine. They are not shy about the fact that ukraine is being disposed of. The west the west is doing it itself. I see one of my e, a former fugitive who was our minister here now in germany is koch, he says in an interview. Here i have three back. And what do you think, we gave so much from germany, perhaps , 20 billion . Uh, we have 1. 5 million euros. Uh, the germans have arrived, oh, germans, ukrainians, this is a Skilled Labor force of an employee more than these 200 in this sense, he is right. Hes hes smart, hes what do you think, i believe that 100 thousand north korean workers are needed to restore lvov, but at the same time they will provide themselves with a front, i say. Well, why be shy . Well, why be shy . We have Economic Growth it is a task to pave the way to lviv and restore it later. Well, all right, here you are everything at once, what is not there. Why . Lets have dinner , we are not the International System of ukrainians reminiscent of the ukrainian political power of one of the first highrise buildings. We didnt know how yet, but they built and im not kidding. Im just without any joke on the one hand. We will help them. Here is this grain, and on the other hand, for the fact that we, first of all , give grain and fertilizers in the cis to such strange northern neighbors. Yes, give african to those who treat us well. Dont give. But we understand the benefit from this is necessarily benefit only in such a way that for this benefit we are treated to bed. And here are the cis countries lets look at each country of the cis. At the same time, the site is quite specific people and , interestingly, they live in their own parallel reality and dont give a damn. It just really doesnt matter. Here we are talking about the central bank who neglects the opportunity to go to this platform and answer the question of respected people of statesmen. Im not talking about myself. Im talking about people who represent the people of the Russian Federation by the federal assembly of the lower house of the upper house. Well, come out and chat. Answer the question. The country should know what is going on and i am very glad that nature reserves usually praise this leadership of the eternals. You can understand your logic as well as the ministry of education who is there who is involved in the University Education ministry of education . We talked a hundred times, in particular , about how to deal with places for participants in a special military operation for their children. How many times we talked about this. No one from the ministry found an opportunity to get in touch with us. No. Well, i understand that they are very busy they do not care , they just do not care about everything that is said in public space. And here are people who care, for example, the rector of the brilliant engineering school. St. Petersburg Mining University Vladimir Litvinenko here he is carefully watching our show. He writes to me today, they cleaned up all the children fighting all. We will give additional knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, we will pull up for three semesters. They will be together. In the single stream, we will help with the payment of the road for the people and there will be other support. Their main desire is to Gain Knowledge without this , in any way, as the analysis shows, which was immediately carried out by the st. Petersburg mining. They conduct tests in mathematics, physics and chemistry in the first days of september for more than 50 of students. The first course is not confirmed high grades for the unified state examination and every year the percentage of deductions for the first year increases this quality of preparation of applicants. But what do you think the level of patriotism will be . On the course where the guys study, both those who have passed their education and the children of those who are now at war, what do you tell me that there will be a completely different atmosphere, a completely different one on the side, and again vladimir stefanovich returned Engineering Education in his classical form. Well done, just well done. So, it still depends not only on those who sat down and thinks that they do not care what they say, and that they will live in their own world. Well, as a rule, these are soviet people. Here i am, he approached me, he is the American People who work for them. Approximately next to us 4050 years. There lawyers there economists. So he approached me once at the cis mp, yes, he says, you are right. Im here, its not enough of these here on the committee, we why are we inviting rectors . Do they speak . Yes, what kind of hostel we do not need a hostel, we will do everything. We will arrange them from the cis people of students. Here are the state employees who says. Yes, im generally surprised, im surprised. Why cant the minister answer you to the soviet, they wrote people removed from work . Yes, come here about me, the guests raised the question. They do not listen to solovyov. Yes , we have already introduced the dead center, you join, the relevant bill for your children and higher education, minister falk, answered. But to implement this is to be implemented in the next month, it really had to be implemented from september 1. Fine . What no one thinks, right . Well, at least its good, at least its good too, but really, but hes the minister well, if you dont go to the people, well, how can you live it . This but this is not decent about the fact that knowledge in the unified state examination is not confirmed , the use system itself is a vicious substitution of knowledge with points, therefore they are not confirmed only because somewhere there is an inappropriate education. We have long been i have long i believe everything. This is absolutely profanity. Always accurate. The children of the last year are learning to pass this system, they acquire knowledge on a very precise formula. Im just briefly talking about education right away. Let me move on to the agenda that was outlined at the beginning. Oh, my colleagues touched on very important topics today. You just talked about in education. This is certainly important, but the components of the whole system, which for several decades has been tuned to prepare a qualified consumer in the country for a qualified consumer , will not bring much benefit, but you can serve the globalist elite and global totalitarianism a very great service, therefore we should simply change the systemic goalsetting first of all. Uh, for all our higher education, to connect it with our School Education and understand what we are all for. Need to. This is so that the country could solve its own problems, it did not like it. There is someone in the west who gives the criteria and methodology for measuring science and other things there, and even the specific tasks that the country faces in order to create a system of its higher secondary vocational secondary. Primary education, so that these problems can be solved. Now touching. Uh, from what you started, you also woke up in the morning with another news about the attack on moscow, this time on moscow city and regret it should be noted that u you know in the future, the further such attempts. Uh, it will only get bigger, and the reason is very clear, and it is connected with that. So you can imagine that we are now making progress at the front. You can imagine that we spend our armament and drones there to take such populist and exclusively informational steps and send them somewhere where there are no military, where there are no military targets. No why, because we understand that our fate and our future is decided on the battlefield by our opponents. Apparently, they have already come to terms with the fact that they are on the battlefield. They are no the task could no longer be solved, so they went to a completely frank form of terrorism. And the further the more radical form of terrorism will be applied to this clique, which is essentially in power in ukraine. They solve two problems. The first task was initially aimed at us, the second task was aimed at the west, the first task is that they hoped that such terrorist acts could affect our citizens in some way and cause political strife inside us to make it so that they would start , it means that some alarmists are shouting that how is it, why and so on . Hmm it was, perhaps in the early stages. So, when the first such attacks occurred, people had an emotional reaction, people were shocked, as something flew there. Well, when a certain time passes, people realize that these are isolated cases that they organize in the same way as terrorists. Uh, it means a very specific goal, but in reality everything is at the front. Although under the control of our armed forces, it ceases to function as a factor in the political struggle absolutely. But the second task they are now trying to solve it, it is aimed at the west, it is aimed. It is, i think, for quite understandable reasons, because during the nato summit in vilnius it was obvious that ukraine had nothing to show in return for a hundred billion or trillion. Thats how much money you give them. Give they show what the task is. They are no one on earth. It will not be an attempt to decide. Counter offensive. Counteroffensive counteroffensive repetition. They can call it whatever they want, not a single problem has been solved the president spoke about this, but the population needs to be explained somehow in the west. But we have cut so much money there, you bathed one and a half times a week, you didnt eat up there. It was cold. And why is that in return for what we allocated all this money and given that hmm means western society, yes, and not only western. Now, in general, we are all in the world of eclip thinking and postmodern postmodern information policy, when one title of the photo on the title is enough, but after a few for hours, you probably wont remember what was discussed, they need to show photos all the time, how something is on fire in moscow after the impact, which means ukrainian drones that flew somewhere there crashed into something that it doesnt solve anything at all. No one is worried on the battlefield, but western society can convince itself that look, there is something going on in moscow to slightly reduce the degree of questions and the problems that arise. In this regard, i want to turn to an article that was published in the murpost just yesterday, if not i am mistaken, which was just reflecting on the topic of these informational manipulations. And in general , i came to the conclusion that the main support for the current us president for joe biden is just this alive. These are not my words. Here in the newspaper they say that this is a false press, which, uh, cowardly creates the image that there is one generally adequate person, and that he is able to lead the country until the end of his term, and then continue to do all this, because we, in general, according to all the data, it is not necessary to look only at those clippings that we show during the program. I think any person who during the day will simply follow what the president of the United States of america is doing will find from three to 4 episodes that cause him to simply stupor and misunderstanding how such a person can lead such a state and the only answer to this question. In my opinion, this person is not the head of this state, that in his place could be at least kamala hariz, at least anyone, yes, considering that andrey anatolyevich justifies, then, his position by the fact that it will come to the final collapse of the United States of america. So lets hope that andreys dream will come true here the government, yes, and in this regard. I always recommend contacting, by the way, Nikolai Platonovich patrushev, to whom he said that frankly speaking, it is not clear. Why negotiate with people who do not represent anyone and do not solve any problems and do not make any decisions. I want to conclude by touching on the symbolic rather than the theme in fact, because the epic went on for a very long time with the fact that in uh, the motherland culture in ukraine, uh, it means they wanted to replace the coat of arms of the soviet union with this current coat of arms of ukraine, at first it turned out that ukrainian steel did not fit under this, european and which means they bought a european one, and then it was decided that the statue would be renamed from motherland to ukraine mother. I think that this is very symbolic, because for the current leadership of ukraine, ukraine is clearly not the motherland, and therefore these are not identical concepts. Im here, lets say you know, here, we also have a monument to the motherland and for me there are no questions. This is the motherland motherland, this is motherland russia, or or is it some kind of abstract motherland , you understand that we seem to have only russia. Apparently, this leadership of ukraine has several motherland and ukraine definitely does not belong to them, so they need to clearly define this task. And the fact that several states may appear in ukraine at once, these state territories of this country may appear. That is, you once again showed vlad Vladimir Zhirinovsky the right words about the future of this country. Oh, of course, on the one hand, they make buckets from how in the ninetyfirst year it could have been foreseen. But look at what this week the president has spoken twice about polands interest in the western territory of ukraine. For my part, i want to note my subjective point of view, the president spoke about this twice, but he never said that for russia it is some kind of red line, or that there will be a strong reaction from our side to any views regarding the western belarus and belarus in general, but in relation to western ukraine, during the first speech , the president said, well, its up to ukraine if she wants to give up her territories, its up to her to decide. We will not get into this, and for the second time the president directly said that these are threats to russias National Security , we actually talked about this topic here in this studio, right from the first days. Start a special operation war. Why do i think this is important, because the more states will try these western regions to claim something for them includes within its territory, the greater the extent of the declaration itself. Whatever you may be the territorial integrity of todays ukraine will be simply deligionized, if this territorial is not recognized by the European Countries themselves, then what do you want from us. Well, poland. I want to remind you. Once she managed to get the western territories of ukraine, but then the truth is the same, poland, we know that with these territories she returned. Uh, in a completely different block and for a long time. There it was found that they were especially some they did not have vivid illusions about their future, so that they would remember where the varsha was. Lets listen to Vladimir Vladimirovich , we see the National Security of ukraine, but its not our business , we dont see a threat to our National Security, but apparently they do it. So, as far as we know, there are plans not only to create, but to create polish lithuanian ukrainian units in order to put them on the border with belarus, but even there the ideas of certain polish military units are already being thrown, the more broadly, yes security. And at the same time, of course, more people are unlikely to agree that she needs to give up her western lands that were torn away after a, according to the results of the second mayor of the war, germany includes a dance corridor. I think everyone understands that this is unlikely. Well, some polish political elites have such an idea, it is very tenacious. And uh. We never leave them. These plans. They are, in principle, well known, by and large. More, when at the yalta conference, as the stories say, there was a conversation about, uh, how it should be u device in europe and stalin uh, said that lvov should be part of the soviet union uh, western ukraine, the drafts objected to him and said that lvov never was not part of the e part of the russian empire, to which stalin answered for the goods included . Thats how lviv turned out to be part of the soviet union, was not transferred to ukraine well, just like other close territories. Uh, well, aspiration, therefore, if the polish parts of the internal troops, there, whatever the national guard. Learn the russian language, poland has actually been nominated for the role of the main player in eastern europe, this bucharest nine since the mid90s. Therefore , if you will allow me, i will leave the poles their illusion of the polish topic, colleagues, and move on to countries. And how our summit is seen here russia africa summit overseas hmm this is an interesting topic, because at the end of 122019 , one summit was held in africa by 54 countries. All 54 delegations were present. 49 were present at this type themselves, then over 40 have been represented by the state by their leaders top leaders president s already. In general, there are responses that say that western diplomacy. In particular. Here is the state department. We were very happy. With what they managed to do in such a way that the summit the first summit was more representative than the second site. But it says, only from my point of view it says one thing. Uh, a very important trend. How africa is developing africa has long been a field of struggle, but in fact it was in this field in the cold war period after the end of the cold war and, uh, the destruction of the soviet union. She kind of got completely under the influence. The west, even the americans, were not very interested in this. Mostly. This is francophonie. This is french politics. Well, since the ninety seventh year since the fifteenth, in my opinion, the congress of the communist party of china when the decision was made, rather growing transnational corporations and launching them in the global south. Thats when the americans became concerned in 2000, in response to the chinese initiative, a special law was adopted on the growth and opportunities of african countries but the so called now it is also under discussion. But recently , thanks to, by the way, russia, africa is gradually acquiring subjectivity. Africa is turning from a field of struggle into a sub. And this is a very difficult process. This is a very complex process. Just as at one time, they won, won independence and became normal states, now it is necessary to become subjects of World Politics precisely with this. I explain what is not the success of american diplomacy. But really. They now oriented look at what is happening russia fortunately. Yes appreciated. I dont remember, to be honest, since when our private military campaigns began to work in african reposts, in my opinion, from the age of 14 wagner was engaged in the Central African republic instructors were involved. Well, as much as we can, so we can china is actively developing the economic sphere, russia sent and how it sent its instructors to the soviet union, so the struggle for africa is just beginning and the height of this struggle will be very tough in the future. Even even when we lets finish. We will have a free hand after a special military operation, African Leaders are also waiting for this. Theyre watching to see how it ends, especially since its in the state department. Actually to power. A man comes. There two completely personalized directions are designated blinken. Apparently, china will be engaged in the far east direction is fully underway. Well, you know, yes, but we got it. Yes, we are sure before the station that the senate will approve her in this position and the place in general of an experienced diplomat, and the diplomat of the old school, who after negotiations does not pop out microphones to me , assesses the positions, weighs them. I mean sherman, she was not a nanny, not against russia, nor for russia, she was a diplomat. In which she responded with her opinion, here it corresponded to american interests and they were carried out, we get a completely geologized chief undersecretary of state. Well, what to hand over from vickis laptop . Its clear. Yes, this is the man who is in favor of bringing our president to trial for military crimes this is the man, who directly spoke of the need. Uh, regime change in russia and the like, that is. Uh, bidens boosting administration is raising the stakes off its pretty obvious whats up for some out there. Well, as some say, it is possible to agree on something that needs something for russia. Uh, its connected, perhaps, in the spring, with her superfluous leadership of a not very country, it will be practically impossible to agree on vika, but he is the very kind of person who shows us. Thats soon, while im here nothing will be. The british and french wanted to do Everything Possible to prevent war. My grandfather always considered an alliance with russia as the main condition. More than 20 thousand people a day biblo during the great patriotic war , we are at a very dangerous moment in human history. Soviet war. Well, ukraine has nothing to do with the lessons of the past. Otherwise we his repeat speculators from history decide on the basis. Well take care of this. It will be honest detective. Well, i took care of you, so to speak, and in beijing too. In general, the fact that the blinken is now switching, as you know, is also known to such a famous physiologically famous sinologist, yes, who knows how to speak with the chinese knows. Why would he need to know english, again, he is faced with his now old new counterparty foreign minister bath. They already know each other. In general, in short, uh, we have very interesting work in the near foreseeable future, such as i mean diplomatic struggle, which will inevitably escalate this aggravation. Hmm replaces the work of diplomats for a long time losharik is also good. But poseidon so immediately wow, shes a ball not for that purpose loshariks losharik is intended for everything cut off. Here, and poseidon intended the strait. Lets start with an empty space. Well, here it is, as it were. So here, uh, you would have a choice like that. I think we can still wait. You can still wait until evening. Actually, i dont think so now. Right now its very difficult the situation is not for us now is a much more difficult situation for

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