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And tamara netykssy have been among strangers for more than 10 years, what was it like for them to find out that the country they served no longer exists, the daughter and son of tamara and vitaly were born on a land foreign to their parents, spanish became their native language, and until the flight with their parents to russia, the children had no idea that their dad and mom, russian Intelligence Officers are illegal immigrants, which helped tamara and her husband keep their brilliant legend alive for. The Intelligence Officer was illegal, there was a betrayal, he was imprisoned in south africa, and you took him out to be shot many times, many times, and he didnt say a word, here he was a soldier, unfortunately, he fell, but he fell standing, tamara ivanovna, you, too, probably over these almost quarter of a century there also had to, if not fall, then be at this border when the fall was close. Arts, and my husband was an economist, and somehow people always believed when we we arrived, we immediately, our daughter was born, very soon, we just arrived, literally a month later lenochka was born to us, lenochka immediately had godparents. Lets say, we made expensive gifts, i bought a lot for gifts, this can attract attention, people may think why they are giving us such gifts, at the same time it was necessary to make gifts, but when you give a gift with your own hands, there are neighbors , there are waiters there, at work, it was. Very important, lets imagine that we are sitting somewhere there now and im asking you, where your childhood passed, how you and your mother relaxed during school holidays, what are your stories, well , you know, this is of course my childhood, it was connected with my documentary question, where i was born, where i lived, where i am there, what i did, what i studied ballet, are you real, no, i studied ballet at school, i studied ballet for 10 years, so i really love it. And i know ballet, but i was there when i was on a business trip to cuba, so there was a Party Congress of cuba, my husband and i were asked to work with our documentary studio, two, two documentary studios arrived, my husband worked with one, i worked with the other, according to my script, in general, what we did there, there was a meeting, she couldnt see well, but she knew by heart all the scripts in the world, practically, she was a stage performer, she basically danced from memory, of course, she was supported there by dancers from the ballet, so she said that she was one thing, she had a ballet school. In brazil, but i took it into my legend that i have, then, alicia, i was when in brazil, alicia alonza was my teacher, when she the cuban ballet came to our country, my daughter and i went to watch this ballet, then there was one girl who, she danced in the theater, she told the cubans there that there was a student here, alesya. Finds out when i came in and said my name, because i knew that she had such a student, she supposedly recognized me immediately, she said, this is my favorite student, and the whole district in the city was talking about it, because this girl , who danced, spread it to everyone, and this only bought my legend, and especially since there it was my daughter that we were present at this buffet table, that everything went so brilliantly, you know, should i consolidate it . In europe for 2 months there was, how can i tell you, such a verification campaign, they checked all the documents of people who come from these countries, there, because for drugs, there for weapons, and so on, but the very fact of establishing surveillance over you is hes talking about something, he must have been very intensely frightening, no, the first moment yes, the first moment yes, but then when i saw what kind of observation it was, that it was weak, i immediately realized that it was exactly. Make a wonderful toast, my favorite toast, for victory, for our victory, you know, this film, it seems a little primitive to some, but its so wonderful, just this phrase, victory, just this phrase, its worth a huge amount, someday for. You know, lets say, remember everything, because you couldnt write it down, you already have a completely special memory, well, it was, we had, now ill tell you a case, we had very great friends, these are the people who held the highest position, and not us they helped in some of these difficult situations, thanks to them we survived there, but somehow it comes, they come to visit us, she says that means thats exactly what chernobyl was, thats why theres smoke there, dust from chernobyl went to europe, why not to them, you understand, it was painful, but you had to smile there or what to do, lets say my dad died there and i couldnt come, my husbands mother died, we couldnt come to the funeral, my daughter says i remember how dad cried, why did dad cry, well, youre making something up, why was daddy crying . You know, of course, there are such difficult moments when, lets say, the year ninetyone, it was the most terrible moment in our lives, when we wake up in the morning in the ninetyfirst year, all the radio and television are shouting that the soviet union is no longer there, this it was really scary, i walked there, looked to see if there was any kind of surveillance on us, there was a lot there, you see, for 2 days we didnt know anything just on. This person, our head of department, who sent this this, this message to us, this telegram, i always told him , i told everyone that i will die and i will remember this telegram, it was written on the third day, we receive a telegram, heres the next thing, guys, keep working, we really need you, now we need you even more, everything remains the same, here all these years the legend should have been preserved too, yes, of course, when we came, they understood that there was no need to ask, i only came only once with talik and my daughter, that was the eightythird year , and then we no longer we could travel with children, because the language was very difficult, and we went, my husband came one more time, and i came two more times, we came very rarely, well, the parents were happy when we came. And in general, the children, of course, learned more languages ​​so that it would be easier for them later, but of course there is no russian. Tamar ivanovna, at some point the truth was revealed to the children, this was the moment of another, probably such a serious turn in your life, when your mission was over and completed, a rare case indeed when the mission was completed, not because you were betrayed, not because you were exposed by the counterintelligence there, but why . Well , some circumstances just happened that it was necessary to go home, but my husband continued to work, he traveled all the time, was on business trips, and in general he did very, very important work, he was practically never at home, i was also on business trips i went, but not so often , thats why, well, what to do, well, the children, they went there, my son graduated from school, my daughter had two universities there, well, not just everything. At the dacha at home from work, because we havent yet there were apartments, and the children, well, of course, everything had to be explained to them, they couldnt understand , you know, i have a daughter, i had one who was very, very patriotic, in her heart she really hoped that my father and i were agents kgd, that we are helping, but she was a patriot of the country in which she was actually born, right . We lived there in another country, thats all, but she hoped that we were helping these progressive forces, and she really wanted this when she found out the truth, that in general we were not agents at all, but that we russians, that we work in foreign intelligence, we are Intelligence Officers there, even she was a little, how can i tell you, disappointed, because she says, well, naturally, you are russian, you simply had to help your country, so. If only we werent there, the russians were helping, thats much more dangerous, right . Well, of course, well, she also understood that in general we were different, she often asked us very much, tell me the truth, you are not aliens, this is very serious, tamarovna, wait, they have arrived, they have come to a foreign country, stayed there with houses, atmosphere, smells, family, friends, school. A digger there with awards, there zhenya tries on my jackets, then zhenya, when he went to school, one guy there says to him, you know, i have a kgb colonel living on my floor, well, you dont know what it is, but zhenya he says, mom, i dont know, but he thinks to himself, i have one and a half of them at home , because dad is a colonel, mom is a lieutenant colonel, that means one and a half kgb officers, well , of course, it was terribly difficult for them, and then my daughter. Said thank you for never deceiving us, but they understood that for us, our life was there, we had a legend, but it was a legend according to which we lived, but we never lived theirs. It is important to hear you, to see your destiny, to see this example of Incredible Service in your country, and of course, this here, tamara ivanna, this soldier, a man who, even if he falls, falls while standing, thank you, dear, this life and fate of tamara, not tyksa. aperetto does not die, he said, only those who do not know how to handle it die, lovers of stamps and pigeons, my goal is to ennoble the aperetto, the viewer must worry, and not watch and listen to outright nonsense. On this day, april 30, 1870, franz ligar, hungarian composer and conductor, creator of the operetta the merry widow, giudita, count of luxembourg, was born. As librettist paol knepler noted, there are three types of musical drama opera, operetta, or gar. Today marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of nikolai andronov, a classic of soviet painting, monumentalist, teacher, one of the founders of the austere style, and a full member. Literature is my eternal companion, says he, as far as i can remember, i was always with a book, from the age of three, my grandmother and my mother constantly read books to me, and there was not a single day of absence, lets say. Without exaggeration, there was not a day in my life when i i didnt even read a few pages. Today , poet, essayist, publicist, art critic Yuri Kublanovsky accepts congratulations on his 77th birthday. I think that my reader, he says, just as i am concerned about the fate of my homeland, seeks and loves the beauty of the world and understands that, as the classic said, beauty will save the world. I tried to make my poetry harmonious. Slaughtered, strengthened and pleased the soul. I dont know how successful i was, but i always strived for this, to be fresh and at the same time work in the literary canon that was bequeathed to us by the great russian poets. On this day, april 30 , 1971 , andrei smirnys film belorussky station was released on the screens of the soviet union. Brilliant cast evgeny leonov, anatoly popanov, alexey glazyrin, everyone. Sofonov, nina urgand, as well as famous songs based on the poems of bulat agudzhava and the music of alfred shnidka, forever entered the hearts of millions of viewers. I believe that the film is not only about the war, but about our whole life the director admitted, and the hypocrisy of the regime, in which the preached ideals and reality are so far from each other, and the ingratitude to the memory of the generation, most of whom did not return from the fronts of the great domestic. And also about what reward the surviving frontline soldiers received. Today, april 30, is International Jazz day. The holiday was established in 2012 , when unesco named it an art promoting peace, unity, dialogue and increased contacts between people. When Louis Armstrong was asked what jazz was, he replied if youre asking, youre not asking. i dont understand, today is april 30, 2024

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