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Immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. Discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. Hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. Hotel for an unforgettable rixa experience with sharmelsha. Only for adults 18 . Here you will find entertainment throughout the day. Yearround performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. Rixsas sharmelsheikh. This is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. This is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a teacher, a seamstress, and a husband they get up at work, enough is enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is kiwi, the honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, the honor of the twentieth olympic games, my grandfather there were no children, the father had no children, and where are you from, from minsk . Ismailovsky park, premiere on sunday on рrt, so, firstly, i should all stand calmly, and secondly, come on, let me give it up, calmly. They headed for good mood, girl, where are you flying . Narenman and are not going to deviate from it. The artists we invited for may 1st still havent left. These people will kill anyone who does not stand it now, you will be offered a hot dinner. You had two apples. I ate one, i ate one, thats it, im calling, my patience has already run out, please call baba iga, now im asking in the tola, odessa steamer on may 1 on rtr, dimka went out into the countryside for the first time with a dog, its clearly very salty bad, what is it . Semyon petrovich, why are you all in line and in are you planting a ruler . Its better in a line than in a circle, but whats better, you just have some kind of traffic light based on the colors, well, where is the traffic light . Im now advising you not as a cook, but as a woman, yes, yes, so i am, oh, good morning, good health, what are you doing here, but you decided to make a flower bed, good morning, good. Good morning, inda, good morning, thank you, and vitaly just left, youre probably going to see him, yes, i know, but today vitaly gave me the job. You, so dont mind, we have an extensive program, go, change your clothes, yes, but vitaly, im waiting for you in the car, okay, if vitaly, okay, lets go, yes, yes, i already left the flight at 12, which means i ll be with you at 3 oclock, i think the problem is not that bad, wait, where did you find out about the loss of the key . As much as possible, hello arrogant, hello, my dear, hello, where have you gone, i m looking for you all over the city, will you have anything . No, thank you, i really liked this, that this is on. Well, naturally, i understand you, you know, alyonochka, i miraculously manage to reveal the human essence, i dont i doubt it, it seems to me that i didnt receive a fee for the last session, but yes, just a minute, here you go, what is this like, what money, what do you want to say, what kind of portrait is on the cover today, a session in a magazine, a spread. Here so much yes, but how much . Goodbye, alena, wait, well, well, wait, well, where are you going, how much do you want, at least an order of magnitude more, well, alena, lets sit down, its just that this is the case here, a serious order has been received for your image, well, the customer is very influential advertising. Agency, therefore i would like, from this place, in more detail, here we are, hello, inga yuryevna, hello, glad to see you, please, well, inga, welcome. Thank you, please, yeah, come in, ive already ordered an operative, do you mind, no, where are we . We are at the korooki club, by the way, you have a club card here, have a seat, please, its so beautiful, well, lets have a drink, as a warmup before the vocals, to clear our throats. Will you sing . And will you sing . What, am i singing . Yes, you really like it, right . So, lets start . A how . Well, what do you mean how . How was your birthday . Hes coming soon . Lets rehearse october 7th is just around the corner . What october . Wait for your birthday . Inga, is it your birthday . October 7th, and we celebrated it together and sang our favorite. Take it happy birthday, inga, whats wrong with you, did you remember something, im sorry, im not feeling well, inga, inga, inga, wait, wait. Stop and i can get caught up in this, im planning to spend the night here, im dealing with the consequences of the hack, and how fantastic, the database and developments were on the main terminal, and it was possible to get to them only from here, through our network from the office, an attacker got into our place, yeah. With a healthy laptop and spent several weeks here without going out, downloading information, picking up keys, or he already had the keys, then the entire system of our protection should have gotten to him step by step, several of its levels, uh, sorry, its just me now , so, after hacking, the information could be downloaded from any computer on our network, even from yours, anyone could download the information. Person who has access to the office and knowledgeable about computers, i can type in word, but no, your candidacy then disappears, well, the downloaded project has a secret part, if this database falls into the hands of a hacker of this level, then decoding remains a matter of technology, and this threatens us with what, that in the near future we will have a powerful competitor with. All our information and developments will drive you crazy, im sorry, i didnt have to drink, its okay, you just have to remember something, its very important, and it seems to me you can do it, i dont know, you know, i im trying to remember something, but i remember Something Else. But cant you remember at least what happened before the accident . No, nothing at all, nothing, but me, no, sorry, vitaly, i didnt call you, but you, what do i have, do i have a mobile phone . Oh, attempt number two, please, thank you, where are we . Follow me, now youll find out where were going. Carefully step, come on, come on, give me your hand, come on in, you wont know who lived here, you wont recognize it at all, no, well, this is our house, yes, our house, our table, our sofa, look, here you and i are. Met, no, no, no, inga, well, you yourself said that . Your marriage was a mistake, your husband filed for divorce, please remember, on the day of the accident, you were driving to me, only to me, please remember, i beg you, remember, stop, okay, ill prove it to you, look at me, look, look, you see, now you will be convinced that i am right, look at this photo, look carefully, you know, we are together, i, you, we are together, you were driving, let me go. Inga, no, inga, wait, no. Hey, gut, come to us, come here, we have seeds, what are you, salted seeds, the fifteenth house, this or that, well, first of all , you probably need to say hello, its just a city of contrasts, hello, well, lets say, this one is 15, who are you, and what are you poking at me, i ll tell you i poke because im older. Its clear, and i m seeing you in person for the first time in my life, what if youre some kind of thief, thats why im asking who are you going to, to your home, well, well, to your home, what a cruel thing vladimir sergeevich, well, as i could imagine, a simple investigator, with a meager salary, cannot but agree to such a generous offer weaknesses, bribes, mistress, debts, illegitimate children, you have to dig for him, im not a boy, ive studied everything, im the only one. His weak point is poverty and stubbornness, which means another investigator is needed, i sounded this out through my channel, burkov has card blanche from the prosecutor for your detention, he has been delegated colossal powers, the petition will not help, vladimir sergeevich, i would be glad, yes, here a set of fatal obstacles, a dead end, i dont know such a word, there must be a way out, vadim sergeevich, i will do everything so that the judge pronounces a sentence with a minimum for a period of no more than 4 years, and then appeals, petitions, letters, after 2 years you will be released on parole. 2 years later, why did i spend so much money on your lawyer then . I expected to sign up today, youll disappear, china, convoy, were done, 2 years, but its easier for me to buy a judge, and ill work out this issue, you dont understand, disappear, ill be my own lawyer. Angela, what have you gotten yourself into . Tatyana vitalievna, in 2 years he will be free, you are sure, believe me, i know what im saying, and what he said, but hes stressed, how he fired me, but when he accepts what is happening to him, im just sure, he will contact me, i understand. this is very bad, but ill try to convince him with connections, thats it, all the best, tanya, i m putting up for the car today, what are you going to drink, what are you going to drink, im sorry, im not in the mood for you right now. well, that means stronger. So the plan is like this katya, put the buckwheat soup on the stove, heat it up, slavik, you peel the potatoes, i change the mixer, dont turn on the water, of course, its not working, i put it on the stove, turned on the stove, and i have to clean it, by the way, someone finished the quarter without c grades, and i dragged the director to school twice already. A creative personality is characterized by lack of composure, in a harmonious family there should be parity, it begins, by the way, katya is on cleaning duty today, hello, hello, hello, hello, if anything happens, ill help with the windows, and youll help me, this apartment is up to you you can remove the blue ones, theres no point, repairs need to be done, hello, well, ill talk to our owner, maybe hell pay for the pilaf, of course, that means there wont be any repairs, hes already a deputy paid for it, so you yourself. Broke it, i was looking for myself, i realized that plumbing is not mine, oh, again . Knocked it out of the traffic jam, ka, take it, its good that i installed the machine gun, warbler bastard, why did you throw away my rose, its not me, maybe its dad, i dont touch your things, my boat, katya, why did you break everything for your mother . You understood, artyom gave it to me, you know how much i glued it, oh, well, its not your ship, who ate the soup, or rather, ill pose the question this way, where did it go, its not me, yeah, i think i know , where is our soup, pooh, ha, this is already. There is someone there, refuse the public defender, well, its up to you, i remind you, if you decide to tell everything, then just dont read to your heart, what do you want from me . What exactly do you want . Like what . Plant . Lets continue to honor your conscience, tell your wife at night. If a person is not for sale, then he either does not want to sell himself cheap, or he is a fool. You dont look like a fool. Oh, thanks. You refused a serious offer. I appreciate your acumen. And now without swings. How much do you want . Ill attach this conversation to the case, you do. Your hole only deeper, but this is stupid, but you decide whether im a fool or not, understand, sit down, im not afraid, a petition, an appeal, an amnesty, ill throw it all away in a couple of years, but whats the point, for you personally, whats the use of it, refusal, sign. Got out of here immediately, how did you get here, im calling the police, is this our house . Yes, you calm down, who are you, how did you end up here, poor alkont, im calling the police, how to call the police, from a mobile phone 02, 102, calm down, theres no need to call anywhere, why are you slowly getting out of here, listen, this is actually our apartment, we rent a room here, oh, dont drive him away, okay, this is my apartment, i shouldnt have neighbors here, if you dont leave here now, then ill push you out myself, you scared my children , just try it for me, i ll call the night police now, calm down, there must have been a misunderstanding, we need to think about what to think, we need to call the owner of the apartment, no, just tell me. What do you need me, vadim kharamansky, personally for advice, maybe we crossed paths, what kind of graters, look, if there were mistakes, then you can erase them, you can always reach an agreement, you will give evidence, listen, lets do it, i give it to you with gratitude. Whatever you want, and you addressed it to me, dont tell me that you dont know, an agreement, vadim sergeevich, you need a pure heart, not me, to mitigate the punishment, the evidence that i have is enough, nit. Convoy, to the cell, him, i inform you. Tomorrow we are leaving for an investigative experiment, and you havent misled the shores, dear, what kind of experiments, do you want to see how im doing . Im working on a calculator, youll find out everything tomorrow, and mikhailova came to me, shoot the cameras, well , burn them, they gave her the keys, i have nothing to do with it, dont warn us, we didnt even lock our room, its so quiet, quiet, lets see thats not all right away, huh . I didnt give her the keys, it was like this 2 weeks ago i met a guy, so businesslike, so smooth, read my ad for renting a room, asked a month in advance for a woman, so i gave the keys, listen, what does a month mean . , i should have the whole apartment for a long time, but wait, listen, well, well agree on the next payment, right . I rent the entire apartment , my daughter has grown up, she needs a room, but its not fair, so wait, who was talking to you, andrey, what are some complaints about me, i told this dude, he pulled out the saber, everything, greyhounds, really greyhounds, he said that he would hand me over to the tax office, so what could i do, that it was really impossible to somehow come to an agreement with me, vitya, you will get excited, i will not extend your lease, then go and look. To a room with zoom backbiters, didnt pay on time, whos to blame, im to blame, im not to blame, yes, and youll somehow figure out that socket there, fix it, get on with your life, how do i know that youre soaring netulka, that no one has ever caught the bug . Mikhailov, think for yourself why im throwing you away, you still care about kitsch, shmurov, only four proven ones, what kind of revenge freedom will arrange for this showoff, youll remove him, oh, whistle, you re a white bone. Bep, not histapa, youll add salt, and then theyll choose me as their patient, whether to believe it or not, its up to you, i m giving you a chance, one, choose, drink beer in the park or life on the planer, lay it out. Youll be with us for a long time, ill make a call to one person now, lets see, listen, maybe stop making trouble, but just live for a month somehow, well be patient, i wont stay here even a minute in this stinking bedlam. I wont live in this bedbug infestation with such a marginalized person in his backbiter, dad, why didnt you even answer, lets throw eggs at her from the window, its expensive to put her away, but what to put in . Lets change clothes, someone has to peel the potatoes. Can you handle it . Look boss, so youre in favor the bazaar replied. What delage knows about his own, ill answer. Convoy, can i have some water . 20, 20, yeah, 20, but you accept cards, you smelled glue, or what . Okay, in your nice city there are atms, you know, boxes with money, dont be smart, youll go along the tram line, two blocks from here, theres a store, theres a bank, what are you talking about, thank you, hello, hello, i want to withdraw money from a card, passport, please, are there any decent hotels in your city . The factory dormitory was converted into a hotel, you can go there, so what . There, an iron bed in the corridor, a toilet on the street, why are you looking at me like a border guard at the airport, ill get my money, girl, passport, the name of krovtsovs estate was issued, what are you doing, you surprised me now, the account is registered to kharamanskaya angela . This cannot be, yes, there is probably some kind of failure in the system, because the card number still matches and they issue another form, okay, let me come later, andyushka, im sorry, i cant, the Job Description must check the cause of the failure, i ll withdraw money from an atm, thats it therefore, i have no right, you never know, is it a glitch or are you really a fraudster, youre an otter, wait, kolya, what are you standing there, girl . Stop, girl, wait a second, girl, stop, stop, infection, stop, infection, stop, man, man, its a scammer, yes, what, wait, ass, stop, come on, wait, come on, man, catch it catch her, well, youre a man, damn it, so well be together, together, if you love a person, then you have to fight for him, if this katka was running after my kamdiv, i would have completely cursed her, just you i promised this evening is for me, excuse me, you wont be my daughterinlaw, i will be your sons wife, kamdivs bride, today on rtr. Rixas premium seagate. Family fun starts here. Here every detail is created for your pleasure. Enjoy a water park for children, lush Green Gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. Immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience at rixos premium sea gate. Rixos. May 1 at rtr, girls, the omelette will be ready in a couple of seconds, who were you with yesterday . When i ask where have you been, he scoffs then every day, every night, and who is this, this is your new lover, you will never touch this woman again, thats understandable, this is complete nonsense, marrying a man whom you dont love one bit, the man saved me, but i i want to be pleased, ksenia kutepova, you shouldnt have contacted me, tamara, are you better . That i have sergei makhovikov, marat basharov, svetlana nemalyaeva, its very difficult for him, he begged me to return you, i m dying for you too. New husband, on friday on rtr. About tanya simakova, hello, hello, whats this in our modest criminal Investigation Department . A small matter, uhhuh, by the way, you can help, i need an investigator who is leading the kharamansky case, his ward is our witness in the ntp, and i thought you missed me, tanya, he is young, handsome andrei burkov, yours should , andrey, thank you, vitay, come on. Hello, criminal Investigation Department, investigator tatyana simakova, give me a couple of minutes, yes, of course, but i have a prosecutor, a couple of minutes, then on the go, what kind of conversation . Im handling a fatal accident case. You probably heard about the burnt car in which kharamanskys soninlaw died, yes, after kharamansky was arrested, his daughter angela disappeared, do you happen to know where she is, no, i dont know. i myself wanted to invite her as a witness, but she really disappeared, today we sent out an orientation letter to her, andrey, please arrange for me to meet with khramansky, why do you need it, are you a relative, we are colleagues, i was counting on cooperation, we were counting in vain , there is a law, you have not. Deny me meeting with a witness, the khoromansky owner of the car in which a person died, well , thats what you say, you write an official request, and maybe ill sign, if i think its necessary, ill write, write, write, sorry, i dont have time, its nice to see the person so carefully cherishing the letters of the law. Well, what can i say, andrey, well done, im trying, you are the main witness of this, take care of it, its clear that she is the daughter of the defendant, and he wont do anything to her, but. Organization, budgetary nuances, this is superfluous, the witness has disappeared, the testimony is in our hands , oh, young people, and if she is killed, come to us, any questions, let her out, well, a slap of the cap, not in the toilet. You have to, fascist, shut your mouth, what the hell am i drinking, girl, the working day is over, all the ub employees are already at home, go home, i need it very urgently, you cant hear me, if a crime has been committed, i accept the statement, give it to the Police Officers , i cant do anything more, i need, you know, to contact the obp officer from the region, only the borisov obp can help me. The police are not a meeting house, i will now force you out of here, this is not the police, this is a place to recharge your phone, charge at home, whatever you let out, damn, and im ready to sign his every word, go home, i told you, its not round, i ll catch you yet, i understand, yes, the guy is not going to fell, dont keep us company, dont illuminate him with your presence and phone number, put your hands away, wow, phone, sit down, gave me the phone, you know who youre talking to, one call and youll be collecting your teeth on the asphalt, everything is serious, yes, seriously, call me, help me, close it, listen, chick, its okay the drinker with chips will say that you want male affection, but you want male affection. I hate you, do you hear me . You are noise, you are a monster, and i dont need such a father for nothing, i squeezed it out. Well, i leaned to the side, put my feet away, and that there was not enough space, the station was closed, my bus was in the morning, i realized, no shame, no conscience, on a bench with my feet, and people, by the way, are having dinner here. We need to have dinner at home, dont be smart here, your garlic cutlets are making me breathless, but dont breathe, hold on, i dont want to drink. Thumbelina, dont behave yourself, i said, i wont, drink, have a snack, have a snack, some bread, take the cutlets, i need to warn you, its delicious, yeah. Natural product i myself cooked orange peels with honey, a cutlet, maybe someone somewhere will feed my son, a goodfornothing. Save your new ones bravo, thanks damn. Eat, eat, lets go to the wall, we pass. Chetlit, you leave me your phone number or address, ill return your money for dinner for the slippers if i find it, of course, what an idiot, ninka, you have to pay when you buy it, and i didnt sell you anything, although i can do something buy it, if you need a ticket, i can take it pendant. What are you, a thief, me, why did you pretend to be nice, i believed you, oh, i cant, im telling you that youre a fool, you wont go anywhere, you hear, until we return the pendant, you wont get on the bus, yes look in my pocket, also for me, forgive me, how could you, well, i took it off at night and hung it on ivan. Cool off, spit out, you have to think, you sell, the memory of your mother is not for sale, but come on, chetlet, you, thank you, you, you, forgive me it demanded that a case be opened against you, as if you had staged an accident, and you were silent, i didnt know how can i tell you, she is my daughter, do you really think that i would harm her, i should have talked to her, talked frankly, and about you and me too, okay, now the main thing is to find angela and tell her to keep her mothers pendant, who wears, uh, no matter what happens he must be on her, there are no clues, burkov said that he knows nothing about her, he put her on the wanted list, its a fictitious search, although maybe hes not lying, youre an investigator yourself, try to dig, ill try to find her, date time is over, just a minute, how are you, i need Something Else besides clothes, maybe. A package, the investigations are putting pressure on my psyche, today theyll take me to some kind of investigative experiment, what should i do, i beg you, take a lawyer, please, the date is over, im afraid, take care of yourself, i love you, i love you too. Real italy. Then you dont even have enough for the laces, youll be insolent to the administrator, i realized where you saw italy in this village, the real italy in milan, disappeared into the horizon. Hello, hello, i want to try on your shoes, of course. Okay, ill still take these cards , take them, of course, lets go to the checkout, an excellent choice, it suits you very well, you ll go with them, well, dont waste your money, sorry, but your card is blocked. This cant be, do it again, otherwise theres something wrong with your terminal, lets do it again, no, they write that its blocked, maybe you have cash, even the terminals dont work in this garbage dump, heres another wallet i left it at home, whats a day . Hey, italian, change your shoes, oh, ah, ah, ah, how beautiful hello, u azamata, the largest selection, look, what kind of us already, oh, look, my favorite color, coral, and in a hurry, ill dress you completely, then youll thank me that the lily of the valley is silver, what . What are you looking at, choose what you want, give an example, shes such a beauty, and youre wearing Something Like that, come on, come on, come on, i dont have money, since theres no money, what are you doing in the market, youre just playing with your eyes, go after people like you, then youre a commodity disappears, maybe i came to sell . I have a bag, i would like to sell it or exchange it, i really need shoes, i have a whole warehouse of such junk, and the price is 3 kopecks at the entrance wholesale, what does it cost you, please. Only today i received the goods, there are no hands free, there is no one to trade, the goods are lying there, disappearing, come in, but what needs to be done, you have an education, higher education, faculty of economics, honors diploma, it will go, hold it, open it, you find the goods, tights, 20 den, 10 pieces. We are looking for black ones, and choo, these are stockings, choo, these are chu, black, suzora, choo, we see the price, this is the entrance, multiply it by one and a half, write the price, done, i dont understand. Look, i understand, im not stupid, of course, theres work for the whole day, but you need shoes, you need them, so come on, hey, hey, what are you doing, come on, open it, why are you shouting, why are you knocking . I wont leave you alone with the goods, were working on that fluff, teana, hello, im glad to see how you, like sasha, took him to the brewery, well, you yourself know perfectly well why im here, well, its better for you to keep a low profile, oops, lets go for a ride, but shut up , come here, i didnt pick up, its ringing. Abandoned, then completely turned off, find her, please, if something happens to her, your son will be the first suspect, love will overcome everything, today on rtr. Rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, like. When you are calm and completely switched off. Rest is rest. We know everything about holidays. Annex. We invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh. The worlds first all inclusive swiss hotel. Treat yourself to a holiday of elegance and nature. Beauty merge into perfect harmony, create memories that will remain forever in the heart, swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city, the wife is the cook, dishwasher, technician, teacher, teacher, seamstress, and my husband gets tired at work, enough is enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is there were no children, where are you from . I am from minsk . Olympic games, grandfather had no children, father had ismailovsky park, premiered on sunday on rtr. During a search of your house , 50,000 american dollars and an unopened package of keloxide were found. You think that this case is politicized, a purely political murder. And the one who. With candles on the way out, dr. Anna, today at rtr, handcuffs, hands. Boss, im not a fool, and im not at the age to run away like a hare, thats the order, but youre a principled person, you just know that sometimes nymphs are attached to the horns. Well, okay, ive shoveled so much, now i have to redo it . No, thats enough, give me the shoes for the work, im off, youll finish it, youll get it, redo it, ill take these, the entry price is ridiculous, i worked it off, woman, you ll talk like that in your house, and the zama took pity on you, and the zama will pity you i gave you a job, but you are downloading your license here, no, if you dont like it, get out, i took the shoe, left, uh, where did i go . I put my hands away, otherwise ill get up and scream that youre selling stolen goods, and the money is stolen, just hit me, i wanted shoes, theyll give you stylish, cheerful shoes, wear them, and if you scream, the security will kick you out of the market, modlopt. Look at the road, who sent you, rat, who ordered you, ill hold you down, freak, slow down, who ordered, stop, go out. She didnt come out, boss, mikhaila, run, what, run, corkscrew, stop, run whats happened . An attempt at disaster, call a corpse truck. The girl is the department for combating Economic Crimes of the city. Okay, in general, im angela khoromanskaya, or rather melnik, well, after marriage melnik, more precisely, no longer melnik, but nina kravtsova, in general, andrey should know everything, please call him, tell him that i have problems, big ones problems, what other ones, with your head, with your head, show your hands, give, give your hands. Are you crazy, do you think im a drug addict . Youre stunned, dear, quickly pack it up, did you want to be a monkey or what . Its me, im actually stunned, yes, why me wanted, who put me on the wanted list . Listen, jokes aside, maybe youre really unwell, its not you in the photo, you re crazy, take a closer look, its me, angela kharomanskaya, my dear, i came, made some noise, please, go with god out of harms way, im you i beg you, oh, what idiots you are, okay, ill tell you, im here, so under the witness protection program, and listen, stop filling in, there were no programs, no one was sent to us, of course, how can you know, who will tell your pawns about this, so youre wasting our time, you got out of here quickly, dont touch me, but im not going anywhere. Call the psychiatric hospital, the psychiatric hospital, well, lay it out, you didnt mix up the statuses, vadim sergeevich, it was you who confused the shores, why did you want me to be locked up , where i crossed your path like that, invented an investigative experiment and slammed it down so as not to get disheveled, everything was strictly according to the law. An attempt to escape, who are you treating, i saw everything, it doesnt matter, whats important is what will be reflected in the report and the drivers testimony. You still have the same nerves reason, absolutely right, in order to want to kill a person, you need good reasons, i have them, what are you pretending to do here, what kind of reason, any topic can be discussed, not just any, there are things that do not forgive, but dont wait you are a cat for your descendants, dima milnik, remember whom you killed and burned in the car, what . Thats why you got lost with sazhalkov, i didnt realize it right away, i didnt kill him, he was my best friend, and i dont care about the law, prison is too minor a punishment, because people like you always do gets away with it, the law is unwritten for you, but not this time, and its not a pity for the one he shot, he killed an entire family in romonov because of a tablet, its not a pity, make a mistake, dont be afraid, not in your case, listen, stop, im telling you, let go. What are you watching . Go, go, drug addict same like that i didnt like her yesterday, i should have called them right away. Oh, well, what are you going to tell your wife now, about disinfecting, alcohol, alcohol, take your hands off listen, i ll tell you everything, hell put you all in prison, do you hear, yes, stop, you know who he is to me, but stop it, yes, well, im ready to buy my life, were not talking about the Little Things that the lawyer offered you, im really talking about the big ones. you know what, you know where she is, in short , im responsible for my words, youre going to die, lets go, let me go immediately, im not crazy and please, put me on the ground, i wont break free, honestly, well, put me down, well, hello, i want to go to the toilet, i really want to go to the toilet, please, i just, i just cant stand it, im not going anywhere to be honest, i wont forgive me for screaming, i was just, i was just scared, honestly, i. And where should i go, where should i go, please, its in my interests to talk to a doctor, honestly , will you go there with me . Yes, captain burkov, these are your colleagues from the borisov ub, senior lieutenant devdenko. A lady paid us a visit. Pretended to be angela, angela kharamanskaya, angela kharamanskaya, i wonder what she wanted, but a shady girl, according to her passport she is nina kravtsova, but thats not the point, she demanded from us, so that we could contact you, like shes here in the witness protection program, she made a fuss here, well, we sent her to the central psychiatric hospital, and then we thought, maybe we dont know and decided to contact you, well, think for yourself, elder, well, if a person is hiding under the program, then why should they shine on themselves like that, most likely your smart girl, she. Heard on the news that i shut down vadim khormansky, and that his daughter, an heiress, disappeared, so she decided to just fool around with the stupid thing , i think so, well, we think so too, yes, psychiatric hospitals will hardly add to her mind, well, yes, well , yes, thank you for your service, borisov, shes sick, of course, shes sick, listen, and i, the mistress of officer andrei brukov and for a long time, he just promised to get a divorce, then suddenly he stopped answering calls , and he stopped calling and writing, then he went on a business trip here, and i came to pick him up at the local office, well , what could i do, i couldnt give my name. I dont know his mobile phone number, since he i changed it, but he definitely wont be able to get away with it, perhaps its not worth it, its not ours business, no, you call him, call andrey, listen, andrey, a married man, and you are a young, beautiful woman, you have your whole life ahead of you, may you accept these circumstances and free yourself from andrey, forget about him, yes, i am today understood. My, im going home today, well , youre a good girl, take care of him, yes, lets go, well , weve already arrived, and verochka, dear, nina krautsovas personal belongings, please, just a minute, everything will be fine, yeah, ninochka, the main thing to remember is that your whole life is still ahead, yeah. Yes, yes, handbag, cosmetics, hold your passport, nina krovtsova, thats right, no one was deceived, of course, with the pendant of the chain, yeah, the wallet is empty, well, now theyre all gone. Thank you very much, but no, not everything, my bank card also fell into the lining of my bag, from my student days, girl, wait, 309 80 damn, i remembered, listen, malai, are you filming or are you in the museum, but the men will be waiting now blather hand in hand on tv and they will wait in the morgue so in short everything, lets get out of the way because now there will be no snacks or joy, nothing will be left now there will be nothing left of you 1980 olympics why are they so dull, everything is in vain, questions, proposals, and now what about the asphalt, an indefinite vacation . Paid and not poorly, mind you, whoever is interested, dont get lost too far, the owner will sort out the nuances and come back, contacts, see you soon, go. I need the head, valery fedorovich, this is you, from the regional ob. Hold on, starkov is listening. Hello, a certain citizen krovtsova came to see you today. I have a request to you, write down my number and inform me about her condition, this is important for people, first introduce yourself, and then distribute your valuable instructions. You girls are making noodles, and if you please, go into the bushes, nina told me everything, well, come on, this nina is actually angela kharamansky, goodbye, it cant be, attention everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone. Premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th regiment, major roman, why, come on, bothering romanov, which mr. Imprisoned, then you from me personally, special thanks, lets go dance, bladel nikolaevich, i dont dance, doesnt dance, doesnt drink, here she is, what kind of officers shoulder straps do you have, you behave like the last one. Welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty soldiers go into battle, the task is not easy, you will have to act in the enemys operational area, fighters, the battle for the crimea, are you out of your mind, let them go beyond that, i told you to take the fight , may 6 on rtr. Welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. Riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh, an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for happiness and comfort of children of their parents. Escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. Enjoy themed rooms, the largest childrens playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. Rixas rodomi. Sharmelshe. Discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. Titanic lakshery collection bodrum. Exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. Immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. Welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. The secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic. Young man, dont pass by. How much is this one, its 700, and this one, and this one is a thousand, and i forgot whats so expensive, well listen, get it cheaper, please, the same functionality, just you dont overpay for the brand, i dont like this one, i had the same one, this one my phone, it was stolen from me yesterday, you see the chip, i dropped it, what are we going to do , call the police, listen, what kind of police are you yelling at, what are you yelling about . You have documents, you have a receipt, you have a number, if you travel, ill give it to you, well, no, of course, sim card where, i had all the contacts there, listen, they gave it to me without a sim card, no, well, if you take it, this is a starter pack with unlimited internet as a gift, for charging, this is impudence, impudence, impudence, woman, dont pass by , look, a gift, a gift, listen, you gave me 800, and hello, david, captain burko is worried, remember this one, im talking about your kharamanskaya krovtsova, in general, we went through our channels, that girl is also a virtuoso swindler, a pro , yes, by the way, you know that she escaped from the psychiatric hospital. Well, old man, and i know, that means, we have her address in borisov, i write down metallurgical 15, apartment 9, go there under any pretext, close it for 15 days, and dont listen to her songs, do everything fine, ill be the first to tell you in rapport , who has distinguished himself, thats it, come on, connections. Hello, hello, is there a deluxe room . Well, of course, here you go, free wifi, air conditioning, shower, hairdryer, its cheaper in the center of london, okay, what do you have for this amount . Well, for this i can offer you a junior suite, and only if you check out before 7 am, and there is a shower and hot water, ill take it only if you dont have any more money, i ask you not to use the minibar, dont make longdistance calls, but i can, of course, sleep in the room. Listen, i know my rights, im at home, i dont have to let anyone in, and im showing my documents. Already, what a savvy guy, uhhuh, krovtsovas house, call her, who is this woman, lives here, theres no woman, shes lying, what s wrong with you . No, no, we have this address, that an abnormal woman lives here, an abnormal woman, she was like that, she got sick, she did Something Weird and disappeared, where, where, i dont know, i dont even know i want it, so guys, search, you will find, tell her that she still owes for the socket in the bathroom, which she broke, she lost it, lost it, buckwheat again, you got it wrong. Go, you need to add condensed milk, it will be delicious, we ate it like that in the army, dad heard it a thousand times, you cant eat sweets, i have acne, in short, if you dont eat the porridge, you wont go to school, that is, uh, go for a walk after school, what then i didnt get enough sleep, who rang the doorbell at night, but i didnt hear it. Because someone was sending semes to artyom until 2 00 a. M. , im in trouble, who came, yes, some fools, they were looking for this crazy woman, they were so impudent, they also tried to break into the apartment, they had to charge the day, so, beating living people is not our method, dad, how did you live to be your age with such a position in life, thats why you lived and achieved a lot, yeah, buckwheat with condensed milk for a rented apartment. Also an achievement, in literature they teach that you must always fight, dont confuse this gods gift with scrambled eggs, but better yet, eat buckwheat and condensed milk, perhaps ill introduce myself, nina. Victor, the rent has been paid once a month, i will live here, this burkov has completely lost his fear, he got the goahead from prosecutor, took mikhailov and didnt even say a word to me, the main thing is you cant undermine, grachev said that he would call as soon as this figure appears, whatsapp, everything is according to the procedure, he killed a man, so what the flint, he can do that, especially with. Man, are you making excuses for him . Why should i justify him . Tell me, am i a judge or something . Frankly speaking, i dont feel sorry for this at all. Thank you, and i know why you weigh yourself . Because the corkscrew was with your khoromansky, but i know everything about you. Yes, tatyana vitalievna. You have a visitor here strange, take it according to form, i have my fill of things to do, yes, of course, but he wants to see you, okay, let him come in, come in. Hey, youve been there for a long time, we need to go to the bathroom, we re late for school, i have a yearly test, i live here and will be in the bathroom as long as necessary. Nina, in 20 minutes you can do anything, youre already there 40. She was painting her nails there, youre dmitry melnik, i understand it all looks very strange, but its true. Its not every day you see dead people . Lets take it in order, what happened to you . Listen, that day i had a very serious conversation with my fatherinlaw. Khoromansky, yes, we will save sergeevich. I left the car dealership, waited for a taxi, i had to go to kanzheli, to the airport, we agreed, i went for a walk to the intersection, and got hit on the head, i dont remember anything else. Where have you been all this time . In coma . Yesterday i woke up and it turned out i had been robbed. They took my passport, my ring, the doctor wanted me to stay, but i ran away, if you need a certificate, i can bring it, its not worth it, we see that you are you, listen, i, i. i dont understand anything, where my wife, where is my fatherinlaw, the car dealership is sealed, the house is sealed, i call my wife, she doesnt answer the phone, im afraid i have bad news for you, your wife is wanted, wanted for missing persons, angela was sure that her father killed you and set up the accident to take revenge, i turned him in, your fatherinlaw has been arrested, an investigation is underway, he betrayed his father, and its all because of me, i need to find my wife, i need to restore my documents, no documents, i have no access to accounts, i have no money, i have nothing to pay for rent apartment, listen, i need money, i need to find mine wife, dont worry, you can live in khoromanskys house for now, as a soninlaw, and we will restore the documents. Yes, he appeared, im running, comrade captain, accept the application for the restoration of the duks and explain what to do next, there is, well, lets go in order, again from the beginning, whats that smell . Katya, what . What if shes sick . Is this not hygienic . Well, theres definitely something wrong with my head. So slavik. Sorry, i can do without your tea. Yes. So, guys, lets run, well be late for school. Yes, please try to platoon yourself. Its cruel, i have to meet with kharamansky again, no, stop being rude, im not a fiveyearold girl, a criminal investigator, what makes you think that im rude to fiveyearold girls, ill get permission from the prosecutor the same way you took my mikhailov, yes you wont take anything, i have a prosecutors ban on. Investigations, in order to avoid corruption schemes, the accused with other persons for the period you are out of your mind, you are not an investigator, you are a mistress, the accused, you will incriminate, the prosecutor will receive a report. Disrupted surveillance of kharamansky, who conducted the day before the arrest, you will fly out of the authorities like a traffic jam. Haramansky said that his daughter was not missing, you hid her under the witness protection program, these are your words. Angela shouldnt be afraid of her father, i can explain everything to her, help me meet her. This is all an invention of oromansky, dont lie, i cant, i dont have the right. Share the progress of the investigation with outsiders, your rights, it suits me, if she lives here, maybe well put her in a booth to warn her. That the door is slamming, listen, i didnt say, come in, what the obchagovsky manners, am i on business with us . Maybe there is nothing to do with you, i agree with this, give me your phone number, this is just some kind of rudeness, i gave birth to kinders, its all the same, a beautiful girl rolls up the balls, who even told you that you are beautiful, arrogant and nervous a person who has no concept of human relationships, listen, if you listen to me, i only need your phone so that you dont sit outside the door for half a day, but can call, dad, i caught a female cockroach, where is the can, right here stood there, i didnt take it, dad, the house is gone, like. What a house, and dad has half a child at work, we catch cockroaches in a jar, and then dad feeds him, oh, and i think i know who took the jar , not a person, but a disaster, i wonder what else she will do, i need to get rid of her, i have a plan. Hey, turn on the light, now she will walk around in the bathroom with a flashlight, she wont be able to withstand the fall, you bought the locks, you bought them. Songs from the bottom of my heart, evening show by andrei malakov, today on rtr. Hotel for an unforgettable experience rixas sharmelsheikh only for adults 18 . Here you will be entertained throughout the day. Yearround performances by the best djs from around the world. Comfortable rooms. Rixas sharma. This is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. We go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we dont go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what to Pay Attention to, every risk factor. I must have my own pill, where can i look for help . You only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body; two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. The most Important Information from the most competent sources. Take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy. About the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. For the new executive director. In saturday. Yeah, well, youre having an affair with a married man. You are amazing, amazing. Shes happy, i can see that. I have some kind of anxiety all the time. You will have to come with us to the investigative committee. For what . You have been detained on suspicion of setting fire to a company warehouse. Its obvious that someone was interested in you. Each mistake has its own price, there will be no culprit, there will be no insurance, that is, you, you want you to take the blame, and the lawyer promises that he will get you a suspended sentence, i trust you only you, and roman, him you trust you think hes not involved in this story, its a mistake, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, thats not enough, you dont have a promotion for the stew, the promotion has ended, and we didnt have time to change the price, are you going to take it, or should i cancel it , consider it enough, i warn you. Its necessary, you want to give me a ride to the monastery, this is a crime of office, but listen , dont pretend to be vasilyochka for me here, you want me to organize an official inspection, how do you sell tea and cigarettes here, okay, give me your little thing, just once , as much as i tell you, you will wear as much, understood . The walk is over at the exit. Just be patient, hell be sick now, okay. thirds, holy moccasins, i wont choose this, by the way, someone locked everything in the closets, i didnt even have anything to pour water, lets go, fabulous person, lets throw this dead rat in, so you can calm down, if you will continue in the same spirit, she will live here out of protest, yeah, of course, dad knows about women, so what kind of locks do you have on the doors, signs in the refrigerator . And we lost the keys, you have a minute to make sure everything is in order, okay, haramansky to the exit in the wall. Come in, have a seat, thank you, why is the dobro not in the pretrial detention center, im too lazy to run, yes, its just a special day today. Yeah, heres some news for you, vadim sergeevich, please read it out loud, i havent found angela yet, but there are clues, i cant get to you anymore, your soninlaw turned out to be alive, beware of andrey, hes shady, what kind of soninlaw . Invite a guest, come in, hello, dad, i told you that the conversation is not over, i came myself, soninlaw, what . maybe you ll be a good judge, okay, live with me, im not a daughters neurologist, my conditions, today you will sign a marriage contract to the money and business of my family, you will not have a relationship, i will not sign anything, but hit the guts of the tank, come on, because he doesnt want to forgive you, come on, get out of here, lye, as in such cases they say you ll regret this, the conversation isnt over, dad, hes got it all figured out, the bastard, yes. In the sanjeloy restaurant you saw us for a reason, but do you think it was that mysterious partner with whom you had a business meeting, i used the blood in the tube, performance, with this a preprepared corpse from the morgue, song. Its a good scheme, but i would take a closer look at you, and then i would lead you into business, i would get money without such a mess for. Who did you do all this for . Here, for the sake of this moment, to see your confused face, its very good. That i was lying, otherwise i wouldnt have gotten this pleasure, you cant imagine how glad i am that youre at the bottom, and your daughter is deprived of everything, andryukha, i put him in such a pigsty, mm, i bent over the banker, then make an effective card, thats it, its been a month its a nice thing, its like living two lives, right . And after that nothing burns out inside and there is no emptiness at all, what kind of kabuki theater is this, the klivan light has come upon me, or what . What did i do to you, cretin, i stepped on your foot in the sandbox, it will be even sweeter if you suffer until your death, but you will never know. Wanted and after 5 months she will be listed as missing, i will remain the only heir, i will inherit everything, a hundred, car dealerships, all movable, immovable property, bills, and your daughter will rot, no money, no name, no future, dont worry about your fish, ill feed them, i took the soap from you, i hope your budget hasnt suffered too much. Yes, we prepared dinner there, if you want, join us, with sausages, and you quickly enrolled me in lumpins, in which case, dear lady, if you please finish off your delicious stew, but katrins went to the trash can while your halfhearted servant was washing the stove. Stupid, he told me, yeah, the answer, no, he at least said something, he said not to write to him anymore. Tackles. Hello, do you have a job . The girl has absolutely no work experience, but a decent education. i would recommend her to the investment department, yes, we dont hire without experience, but it would be a sin not to offer a graduate of such a Prestigious University a probationary period, well, then lets move on to the financial issue, the rate is the first 3 months, then. growth 20 , insurance, premium mobile communications, and in what currency, well, its spelled out, of course, i usually just leave this amount as a tip, we offer you experience, nina dmitrievna, youll work for 56 years, youll get trained, but then, when prove yourself, then you can apply for the position of financial director. Actually, i interned for a year in boston under the nba program and am ready to immediately take on greater responsibility for decent compensation, but thank you, i will definitely think about your proposal, thank you for your time, what do you say, maybe i should call back and offer more . I dont believe in miracles, if the girl is telling the truth, then what is she doing here, and not in global corporations, if you dont mind, i want to check something, ok, call the next one, moratik, i need angelas postal address, and where should i look for it, in the safe, it should be in the identification testimony, she wrote it in her own hand, ok, now. Well find it, youre always creating problems for simakova, no grumble, i found it, well, im looking, im looking, yeah, thats it, angela, through g, dog, just talkver dot net, this is the address. Those, its strange, i couldnt find her profile anywhere, ill have to break the mailbox, yes, come on, thank you, bye, the bill, please, as many as you can, 20, andrey, hello, nothing special yet. Keep it up, milok, as always. Thank you, poke. Okay, keep watching. Yes, captain burkov. Well, borisov eagles . How are the searches, is there any news . No, ours is empty, we checked the main points, raspberries, hotels, but nothing. Listen, well, if she has such a feeling. Maybe she left the city . She didnt leave, there are no options, shes in the city at anchor, you know . Oh, come on, stand up and work out all the slightest incidents if a woman of her age floats away. Shes a noisy shot, dont miss it, well work, its good, but we could get a star, fuck you. Forward, very nice, very nice. Hey, i was joking any conditions will suit me, you cant go there, i didnt let you in, its okay, you would nt have stopped her anyway, i agree, only i have a condition, a separate office with air conditioning, an advance payment, please read it out loud, this was sent to us through connections. At your request, we inform you that citizen nina dmitrievna krovtsova did not study at our university and did not receive a diploma. I. i can explain everything to you, dont, dont bother, youre an impostor, no, i just changed my last name and diploma, spare us your presence, we have already taken another one, girl, you are accepted, thank you. Hello, on the rossiya tv channel, in the studio Irina Rossius and the main topic for this hour minus a few more oporniks of the armed forces of ukraine, one destroyed the mi35 crew, others

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