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The count continues in st. Petersburg, the smolensk region in dagestan, but to this in a minute it is already clear that Vladimir Putin has the absolute majority, he gains 87. 29 . In absolute numbers , nearly 76 Million People voted for putin, with Nikolai Kharitonov in second place with 4. 3 , davankov in third place with 3. 84 . Well it closes. Four candidates, slutsky 3. 21 . Looking at these, albeit preliminary, figures, it is obvious that Vladimir Putin is leading by a huge margin, and this is an absolute record for support for a candidate in a president ial election in recent history. The main news of this election campaign, high turnout, which is noticed by international observers, the total for the country is over 74 . The highest activity was in chechnya, where the turnout was more than. 96. 5 . Next come the kemerovo region, tva, kabardina, balkaria and yamal. Along with traditional voting, there is also remote voting, where over 94 of registered voters voted. Remote voting was available in a third of the regions, but based on the results of processing electronic ballots , selfnominated putin is also in the lead with a result of 87. 41 . Unprecedented turnout in countries far neighboring countries. Yesterday, on the main voting day, lines at polling stations abroad stretched for several kilometers. It is known that in total over 370,000 people who were outside russia voted. Another distinctive feature of these elections is the minimum number of violations over all 3 days, while the cyber press was incredibly huge during the entire period of the campaign, over 8 million attacks hit. And from the votes of every citizen of russia , the united will of the peoples of the Russian Federation is formed. Its development and existence, which, who do not spare themselves, risk their health and lives, provide the most important task of protecting our people in the socalled new, in fact, historical russian territories, and indeed the country as a whole. We have many specific, important tasks ahead. The Election Results are the trust of the countrys citizens, their hope that we will do everything as planned. Volunteers played a huge role in achieving this result, and putin thanks them separately. I want to thank everyone for the joint work, it was so largescale, big, very important, why bother agitating you, you understand everything yourself. This is very important work for the country, which allows us to consolidate society. One of the participants in the conversation is planning to go to avdeevka, which is now under russian control. My team and i are going to go on a humanitarian mission, this time to avdeevka. The first thing people asked for was bread, medicine, and the opportunity to vote. All this has been provided, but there is still work to be done a lot, go, be careful, and of course do it. Everything was done to support people; the elections also demonstrated the will, the desire of millions of people to take part in determining the future of the country; this was discussed during Vladimir Putins conversation with journalists. These elections were also marked by an extremely high turnout, what is the reason for this, how do you explain this . This is due to the drama of the events the country is going through, due to the fact that we are forced to defend our interests with arms in hand our citizens, our people. Create a future for the full, sovereign , Safe Development of the Russian Federation, and the results , including, first of all, the turnout, show that ordinary people feel this, understand that much, very much depends on them, the ordinary citizen of the country understands, i understood in my heart that he was in demand, the country needed him, the future of russia depended on him, people felt this in their hearts, they came in order to create conditions for the development of strengthening the homeland. After the inauguration by law, the government and the president ial Administration Must resign, but is putin going to wait these few months, or will the decision come earlier, the press clarifies. In general, the administrative team, in the broad sense of the word, acts very effectively and delivers results. As i recently said, are satisfactory, this applies to the government, the central bank, and the president ial administration, the question is now to determine who in what position will work most effectively and so that the overall result, teamwork, is maximum, we will think about everything together, calmly, in a friendly working manner, we will make these decisions with. Against the background of the successes of the russian army, continuous shelling, including during the elections, from ukraine, the latest events in the Belgorod Region are associated with the Russian Volunteer corps, do you know something about this structure, there are several groups, there is the one you said, there is some kind of volunteer corps, there are also four groups there, the total number is somewhere around 2,500 people, now they are like meat. They throw this at assaults, meat assaults, that s for sure, in this case, one might say, on the state border, the enemys losses were very large, i dont remember how many of them were used there, well, somewhere, in my opinion, up to one and a half thousand, the loss of about 800 people, but this is what i would like to say in this regard, they went up against their country, against their homeland, with weapons in their hands. We do not have the death penalty, but we will always treat these people, now in the future, as those who are in a combat zone. We will assume that they are with weapons, to all Law Enforcement agencies instructions will be given to identify everyone by name and take appropriate action against people who are fighting against russia with weapons, and we will not give them peace, they should know about this, according to putin, the effectiveness of such attacks against. The military is minimal , even on the battlefield, commanders also report this, they say that irregular units are immediately visible, at the moment they are also trying to climb somewhere, go somewhere, almost one hundred percent destruction was of those who climbed some 100 m there our territory, 25 tanks during this time destroyed, in general, in the border zone the enemy concentrated a group of about 500 people, not directly on the state border line, but somewhere in. In their immediate rear, but the loss overall was about 40 , of which about 35 irrevocable, 25 tanks, there are dozens of Armored Vehicles and so on, if they like it that way, then in principle it suits us, because they attack mindlessly, its such a meat grinder for them, well, its even beneficial for us, so be it. Are trying, which means there will be fewer personnel with whom it will be necessary to other sections of the line of contact , to participate in hostilities, in general the initiative belongs entirely to the Russian Armed forces, in some areas our guys and their enemy are simply shredding advances every day, but in any case , the issue of the security of the Border Regions is extremely acute. Bearing in mind the tragic events taking place today, we will be forced at some point, when we consider it appropriate, to create a certain sanitary zone in todays territories subordinate to the kiev regime, this means creating a security zone to overcome, which will be quite difficult, using the weapons that the enemy uses, primarily, of course, foreignmade. Regarding a possible dialogue with ukraine, the press raises the issue of the legitimacy of the kiev leadership. You just brilliantly extended your mandate, but zelensky did not. With whom will we negotiate peace . This is a question awaiting its painstaking researcher. Well think about it. The more confident the advance of the russian military, the more european elites are more nervous. French president macron said he intends to offer russia a temporary ceasefire. I dont know about this statement by the president of france, we are ready to consider any issues, but in any situation we will always proceed from the interests of the Russian Federation, and from the situation in the combat contact zone, of course , you know, i said all the time, i will repeat again, we are for peace negotiations, but not because the enemy is running out of ammunition, but for, if they are really. Seriously, in in the long term, they want to build peaceful, goodneighborly relations between the two states, and not take a pause for rearmament for one and a half to two years. At the same time , the rhetoric of the elysee palace has recently become especially bellicose and reckless. Macron continues to talk about the possible dispatch of european troops to ukraine. Still, this is a question that worries people. Concerning. Position of the president of france, then there are already some amendments in the sense that these contingent will carry out secondary functions, will have to train military personnel in ukraine, explain how to use western equipment, and some other functions of this kind, well, today it is not much different from what mercenaries do, and then armed military personnel of nato countries are present there, we we know, we hear french too. What, as we see them today, i honestly didnt even expect, but still, what does this mean . First, this means that we are doing everything right, people are grateful to us for those decisions that we made to protect them, and this is the main motivating motive for all our actions, second, they, of course, expect protection from us in every sense of the word, and we will do everything to ensure that these aspirations of the people who live in this territory, all their aspirations were realized. Despite the high turnout and the presence of observers, statements have already been heard in the west that the elections are illegitimate and not free. As for the reaction from some foreign countries, it is expected. What did you want . So that they stand up and applaud, or what . They are fighting us, moreover, armed, and at the same time they will applaud those forces, not even me personally, but those. The forces that stand behind me, who seek to strengthen russia, its sovereignty, increase defense capability, economic independence and sovereignty in the sphere of economics and finance, they also set themselves the goal of restraining our development, the choice of the russian people is important to me, i rely on the russian people and work in the interests of. Of this people and our state, the elections were held at the highest level, and this clearly irritated a number of oppositionists who from abroad called for provocations, if there were calls to come vote, for this, as i say in such cases, i will praise for this, the important thing is that some spoiled the ballots, this is bad, because if you yourself dont want to vote or or want to trust the candidate. Who you think should, or just dont vote if you dont like anyone, thats one thing, but if you decide to spoil those people who came and they considered it necessary for themselves to vote , fulfilled their civic duty, and you dont give a damn about their position , then this is bad, this is at least undemocratic, american journalists ask about the state of democracy in russia, freedoms are disappearing, but isnt that the case in the United States it happened, it happened and more than once, by the way, well, i ll tell you, it will be so unexpected. A few days before mr. Navalnys departure from life , some colleagues told me and not employees of the administration, some people there said, that there is an idea to exchange mr. Navalny for some people who are in prison in western countries, you can believe me, you can not, the person who spoke to me has not yet finished his sentence, i said i agree. There is no preference for any of the candidates for the presidency of the United States of america, we will work with the one who will be trusted by voters, but the use of administrative resources of the judicial system, but this has become simply a ridiculous shame for the whole world for the United States and for your democratic, socalled, in quotation marks , system. I have every reason to believe that there is no democracy, at least during the preelection period. Russia and i hope that the Voting Results will allow us, together with the russian people , to achieve these goals. Vladimir putin also met with the cochairs of the election headquarters. Maryana lysenko caught a cold, but still joined the conversation via video link. The results are being summed up. An extraordinary, huge country, extraordinary people, the best president in the world, they will never, no one will do anything to us, we cant be crossed over our knees. 3 months, and these. Last 3 days were incredibly revealing in how much the citizens of russia worry about the fate of their homeland, they clearly understand that now and today there was a historical choice for the future, i would like to convey to you words of gratitude from my battalion and my guys, the battalion is waiting for commands, ready to carry out orders from their supreme commander, thank you, thank you, a big hello to the guys too, words from honduras, north korea, uzbekistan and tajikistan. China, bolivia, venezuela, cuba, myanmar, american cnn is worried that moscow will not deviate from its general line of friendship with china. Iran and the countries of the global south will make life difficult for the United States and its allies. The New York Times notes that turnout exceeded wildest expectations, indicating incredible internal consolidation for effective action both on the front lines and in the economy. Well, bloomberg quotes the russian president , who, after record results, emphasized suppress our will and no one in history has succeeded in consciousness and will never succeed. Well, then we wait for the very last ones. Here, if you are more serious, you sit and think, theres no need to think about it, here its all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, thats it, two there can be no opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale animal, well, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, here there are questions about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously , just to have a look, lets go. I decided to move to moscow, but why . You and i will become friends, a Good Neighbor found a room, my mother was killed in an accident, i cant, i cant stand it, maybe you ll go instead of me, its someone elses problem, they never visited my mother, they took me here, they showed up, im afraid that you ill have to come anyway, there s a lawyer, shes the investigation, she wants to talk, shes the investigation, its someone elses revenge, the accident was staged, but. You have a suspect , im scared, the neighbor, really, shell definitely reveal herself, i know, on friday on rtr , hello, dear friends, your Favorite Program is on the air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, lets talk about all the issues in a hurry. Deploy Nuclear Weapons, i would already demand that Nuclear Weapons be returned, as is the case at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, eight of the equipment is coming, and we have one wheel there, the second tank flew in vkropsky, the hero of russia will be in kind. You and i, including me, will go to the end. What is his image of victory for you . Destroy the gang in the head of the szeland. Yana is a rag. There are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by them. Watch twice a day. See you. I dont have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child. how beautiful you are, i will miss you, Irina Antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never leave masha, even if it will be very, very difficult for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of you like that about masha, like you, but i have. One condition you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it is not yours. Well, hello, darling, would you like to keep me silent, think about how to persuade me. I promise to remain silent, premieres on saturday on rtr. You watch the news, we continue and immediately return to the main topic. About the features of the elections, andrey grigoriev. The ballot boxes are so densely packed with ballots that sometimes you have to remove the paper stopper with your hands to empty them out. When they begin to sort them into piles, it is clear from the very beginning that one of them is much larger than the others. Putin, putin, the winner of the president ial race has a result that has never happened in the history of russia more

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