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How are you done, have you finished your inspection . We finished, everyone went to the investigator, like delyaev, he lives next door, his wife is so nice, but why werent you called . Yes they called i need to sort out the apartment crawls, i have. Reception from three, so id rather bypass the pensioners now, but there are results, no , even though the old people here are vigilant, they havent seen any of the strangers, he flies through the air, or something, yeah, and specifically through the air of your site, somewhere he here, i feel his bastard with this very wound. Ninafedno, how do you hit such pies . Its a secret, its not clear what he injects into these old men, and most importantly, how these old men allow these injections to be given, they lie down on the sofa and offer their hand, sit, sit, ill open it, you cant jump while eating. Whos there, nina fedorovna, its petya and i, yeah, come in, come in, come in, quickly take off your clothes at the table, and youre great, ask whos there, what about it, the masters are very suspicious, and i. Stabbed you in the side, and the blow was struck by someone in a white coat. Ivan ivanovich, can i . Yes. Ivan ivanovich, i cant sleep peacefully. How to figure out this freak . Why do old people open doors for him . Petya, you dont think about that at night, its time for you to pour. If he wears a white coat, so what . All these victims they didnt call the doctor, but if they rang your wifes doorbell and said doctor, what would she answer . I think not, i would have checked the documents first, but then why did he go to apartments to get injections, because nothing was stolen. The victims lived separately and dont know for sure if anything was missing, for example, do you know what your parents have . Ivan ivanovich, but this is a thought, where are you . Sing, listen, i need to pop out for 5 minutes, city chief, sit in the waiting room instead of me so as not to close, but oh well. Oh, hello, hello, im from ruvd, and where is zoya, and im for her. Yes, well then this is for you. Ah, thank you. Is the prosecutor here . No, hes in the city. And what . Yes, i brought the case for initiation. Lets. Have a seat. The article is complex and rare. Sales of state awards. Order of honor, two orders of the patriotic war, order of the red star. And. Where the client is sitting in the department, the orders are clearly stolen, but even for two days you cant restrain the bastard, the sanction under this article is ridiculous, well , yes, a maximum of 3 months of arrest, oh, hello, where is zoya, and im for her then register it, oh what is this, i brought this for the initiation, and the article is rare, 324, so, the order you have no right, i have a lawyer, here is an orthodox, you ve been fooling us for 3 hours, dont do this, im interrogating you as a witness, if if you want, you can enter into an agreement with a lawyer, do you have the money, what kind of money . Im supposed to, as a witness , you have the right to hire a lawyer yourself, if you have money, i should give it to you only after i detain you, you are going to detain me, please dont tell you about the ordine, im an expert, and where, but i already warned you that you dont have to testify against yourself, oh, just let him go, i wont talk in front of him. Hell call me names, please wait in the next room, the Prosecutors Office is in charge of the stupid morons theyre walking around, it seems to me that its wrong to insult people under investigation, yeah, well, im not a person under investigation , im a witness , it doesnt matter, well, im at the doctors first, which doctor, i went to the clinic, i thought there were ampoules there, i should take a shot, i look, and there a man in a white coat put his suitcase on the window and walked away. Well i thought he is a doctor, he has medicine there. What does he have there . And he has a knife, a noose, a head mask, gloves, and these orders. I took them and pulled them. Do you remember him . I wont remember you. My eyesight is bad, when it breaks, it doesnt matter at all. Well, fyodor, we are looking for a doctor , but where can we look for an infection . I ve already looked through all the ambulances, can you imagine, there were no calls to this entrance in our area at all, except for those cases when the corpses were taken away, the doctors from the clinic were also checked, they didnt go to these apartments, but at the same time, the drug addict says, he hung out at the clinic, the main thing is theres no one to identify him , theyre mowing him down, i dont understand why theyre letting him in, do you remember how belyaevs wife said that people were elderly, she carried it, otherwise you cant do without hot food, well, its delicious, delicious, delicious, ive just come from nina fedorovna, we baked a cake together, i understand, but where are you going with your dirty paws, boss . Pick up the phone, otherwise my hands are full, no , well, actually, i brought my husband something to eat, actually, i have to check that my beloved boss didnt get poisoned, the address, yeah, another episode, and the victims last name is belyaeva, nina fedorovna. Well, things are getting better, but i would still recommend hospitalization. Nina, how are you . Vanechka, id rather stay at home. Well, then, if anything happens, call. Thank you. Show me off, doctor. Sit, ill take you. Nina fedorovna. Yes, my dear, when you sprayed him with a spray can, he grabbed here, right, here, everything is right, god, stop eating, thank you, thank you, thank you, they fed you, gave you something to drink , this victim cooks so well, shes about. Pass the pies to you, thank you, but i would still do an xray, with a blow to its not a joke, lets do it, goodbye, all the best, xray, xray. So im done, nina fedorovna, can i interrogate you, maybe later, tomorrow, no, no, interrogate today, tomorrow i might be worse, nina fedorovna, you, as a victim, have the right to invite a lawyer to participate in the interrogation, i trust you, lets i ll sign right away. Fiftyfirst article and the task of false testimony, uhhuh, okay, how did you let him in, nina fedorovna . Petechka, he s the doctor from the clinic who comes to see me, nina, well, nina, i asked who was there, and he was because he told me the door, nina fedorovna, yeah, im from clinic 106. You see, he called me by name and patronymic, and knew that i was being observed there, i worked at the clinic, there is no one there even similar in appearance, i dont understand anything at all, a drug addict, he met our doctor at the clinic, and you checked fired from there, yes, we asked for data, but there are mostly women there, there are two men, but they are not the right age, but he doesnt have doctoral documents, he. Didnt use them. Nena fedorovna, how are you . Did you deal with it . I opened the door on a chain, i saw a young guy standing there in a white coat with a suitcase. Well, i took it off the chain and let him in, though, just in case , i asked him for documents, and he said okay, please, get into your suitcase. He took a crowbar and hit me on the head, but how did you manage to evade . I did Something Like that. i was waiting, i sprayed him with a spray can, i always, when i approach the door, if im left at home alone, i hold a spray can in my hands. Thats it, thats it, comrades, its time to finish, petya, write down his signs in protocol, nenya fedorovna parali. Yes, take your time, honey, take your time. Well, you can take five decent traces, there will be something to identify, well, since it all happened, everything is up to the doctor, now you, well, gentlemen, detective officers, its time to finish the operation, doctor. There is, we watch detective stories, an eternally young and wonderful festival, with it we met the thaw and perestroika, with it we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea. Russia. Do you think he will come to this house again . Yes, we need to set up an ambush, just to know where, but then well start checking the documents with a spyshlyshnik, he ll hide, then where the hell can you catch him . Yes, yes what . Oh, sorry, i got lost in thought. Listen, something is wrong with you. Problems in business , he left for moscow, hasnt called for days, i listen, maybe just dont be offended, but he doesnt have anyone, i would feel, okay, thanks for seeing me off, im not inviting you into the house, because no, what are you saying, zhenya is waiting for me at home, bye, bye. Here we are, hello, why is it so late, its time for the children to go to bed, maybe you can suggest coming in, but isnt your wife waiting for you, waiting for you again . There was no home, so what, kostya has the keys, i couldnt leave the children alone, i want to have a dog, then your husband is not there either, did he leave you, firstly, what did you take, and secondly, this none of your business, none of mine, children. Uhhuh, come on, uhhuh, lets call each other, come on, bye, fedya, tomorrow you can bring me a drug addict whose medals were confiscated, preferably ten . Yeah, thank you, wow, kostya, thats it. Your documents, citizen, please come through. Look for him, say hello to the zonal one. Hello, Nikolai Petrovich, call, please, let the head of the rvd take off his outfit immediately. Dont you want to consult with the zonal people . About what . I assigned them to patrol. Yes, i was in the rvd, i scolded the boss for the lack of prevention, he immediately went there. Are you crazy . What is this instead of thank you . I provided you with practical help. Are you yelling . You could have at least consulted. Its you who need to consult with your senior comrades, you understand, theyre killing you old people without a break, and you dont move your horn, Nikolai Petrovich, lets agree on an action plan, we have something planned, but in strict order, but lets go, i ll treat you to some tea, but you dont do shit, huh . Well, dont prevent it, its difficult, of course, without you, but were doing something, whos there, this is your local police officer, i wont open it, dont open it, im just. I wanted to say that if they come to you from the clinic, call me right away, tell me the phone number, i dont need any phone number, i wont call anyone, the police too, you better catch the hog, thank you, im sorry, you live in this house, no, what are you doing, god forbid. Whos there . Its your District Police officer and what pleases you, dear sir . Fillonov, we are carrying out prevention, but we need to do it carefully in order to still catch the criminal. How to bring him to criminal responsibility, and then send the case to court, come on, mash, soon the Prosecutors Office will be dispersed altogether, from april 1 you will all be expelled from the state, this is where this information comes from, the city is already on their ears, you know, after the elections all investigators will be supervised and dispersed by the investigative committee, some will be eliminated altogether, some will be transferred to the ministry of news, ive been hearing you talk for 10 years now, now its all going to happen. So finish your business, you understand, anyway, you wont send him to court until april, and what will happen then, you care, finish it, and what will be left in the Prosecutors Office . Well, they say, supervision of the investigation, even the state report will be transferred to the ministry of news, oh, and did i bring you a drug addict . Fedenka, wait a second, Nikolai Petrovich and i will now finish and you take him to the rvd, he wants to talk to the boss. Thats it, lets go, fedor so if you want, hiss at me, you know, ill get you into the bar , otherwise they say your husband left you, otherwise at least youll earn some money, well. Mr. Tona read sergeevna, but did he write books . He was the first to notice that people did not perceive servants and characters wearing uniforms as present. If there was a postman, then when asked who came, no one would answer you. Hows that . Check it out. Understood. What about a drug addict . So call me. Come in. Come on, come on, good morning, how are you, well, lets go, lets go, on thursday from 3 to 5, your last name, and participation. The investigator interrogated you in sufficient detail, but i would like to clarify something, i already said that i dont remember and dont recognize this guy, i dont remember your researcher, i just remember that the good guy didnt yell at me, god bless him uncle, you opened the suitcase to find medicine, well, yes, to heal, which means that all your attention was concentrated on what was in the suitcase. Well, yes, well, lets imagine that there is a suitcase in front of you, so you open it, i open it, i see a noose, but how did you decide that it is a noose . Well, well, she lay like that and there was a loop there, well, there arent enough laces with a loop, why did you decide that it was a noose, really, but why did i think so . Was there something lying nearby that made you think about a noose . There was something lying there, what . I cant, i dont remember. You can, you can, remember. Lets imagine that this is a suitcase. Where was the noose . In which corner . Ok, why here . Suitcase . Was filled, well, well, how so . What else was in the suitcase . Was there a black mask on the head, like what goblins wear with holes . For the eyes, yeah, there was also a club, like a crowbar, i i thought that there was a baton, a mask, a noose for the kit, and there were also orders there, as they lay, they were wrapped in a rag, so a noose, a mask, a baton, there were orders, well, yes, it seemed like there was nothing else lying there, some pieces of paper. Then they were lying, which ones . More pieces of paper, yellow ones, Something Else was written on them, like recipes, thank you very much, at 13 15, ivanova, participant, eighth, please, thank you very much, dont twitch, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, youll have tea , no, but candy, so i actually went to talk about something, remember . Thats what im talking about i thought, after all, people open to him not only because he introduces himself as a doctor, well , because he says their first and last name, but of course he doesnt have access to the patients files, that s whats available at the clinic, guys, are you from the Prosecutors Office, so . Investigator of the Prosecutors Office buevich petro anit, read, read, so you are still an investigator with us. Hello, hello, what about the swing door . What if im a bandit . I saw through the peephole that it was you, i remember, you were amazing come in, kovin district prosecutor, hello, come in, hello, here they informed me that they detained one of our employees here, we have already sorted it out, i apologized, you see, there was a signal, the employees reported that a suspicious person was walking around, looking closely, well, okay, come in already, anishi you see, not all examination results, urine tests, blood tests, cardiograms are stored here, doctors store all this, only what is not in demand, what they ask for in your hand, what you need, that means, only only . There are no elderly people in the apartments, eight were not opened to us, we bypassed the rest. Somewhere for us they promised to call back, in some places they sent a damn message, well, thank god, although they were all warned , now if he pokes his nose in, dont you know our people, they wont reveal it to the police, everyone else with a dear soul, thats for sure, they bombed here in the neighboring area the hut of the widow of an academician, there are more antiques there than in the armory, an apartment at the security console, iron doors, even semiarmored, a longterm firing point, yeah, well. How was it ruined . Well, a boy and a girl came, through the door they told the aunt that she needed humanitarian aid and zhelkontora , half a kilo of free buckwheat for the holiday, auntie bought it for free, and the doors were swung open, and they surrounded her house and hut, hello, hello, oh, what is this, this, all this needs to be worked out, no, this is just a list. This is what needs to be worked out , thats it, this is a list of all the people who had fluorography done at clinic 106, and for what period, since the nativity of christ, for 3 months, and how many people, 2018, how many, volodya, whats wrong with you, the phones on hold, i couldnt get through, what happened, we have a new episode, we need chickens at the scene, its late, theres nothing more for us to do here, i ve already called the team, call the substation, okay, dead body . Come on in, come on in listen, do we know each other . Perhaps you took a woman from an apartment with arson . So how is she . While in the intensive care unit, uh, theres no light . Quit. Well then, good health. Why did you have a fight with our doctor . We didnt have time, but he makes you nervous, and is this how he reacts to the police . And what about the stigmas in the fluff . Yes no, why . We just had one unpleasant story. Yes, yes, yes, i remember our investigator told me, a complaint about your there was a brigade. Yes, we went to see the old lady, and then it turned out that her money was missing. Has a case been opened . No, but we immediately realized that it was our orderly, and to hell with it, we ourselves were missing something. We talked to him and he quit. And how long ago was that . A year ago. Your doctor. Sports is worrying our doctor at the Police Station has two broken ribs, excuse me, these are mine, i have to run, goodbye, goodbye, lets go, ill call you, today we got it done quickly , i have nowhere to put his fingerprints, well, careful bastard, just again he took the money, he only screwed up once, he took the medals, how much did you get . Will it last . Marya sergeevna, whats wrong with you . Why did i advise you to remove the guards, i also attacked filonov. Mash, who knew, it wasnt your fault . He fooled me with this collapse of the Prosecutors Office, what other collapse . Havent you heard anything . No, the city has already fixed things, they say they will take us out of state in april. Where are we going . To the investigative committee. What about things . Same way . So it turns out that my business can go to anyone . Maybe. We need to finish. Guys, lets go to the rvd. Need to process journals on fluorography, what kind of fluorography, our boss found forms in the clinic, answers to fluorography, they are lying there, i dont want to take them, the address, age and middle name are written on them, the drug addict who stole the medals said that the doctor had in the suitcase there were some pieces of paper that looked like a prescription, yes, masterfully, a doctor in a white coat comes to you, calls you by your first name and patronymic and offers the pressure woman to try it on, for free, what a bastard you have to be to come up with such an elegant idea, yeah. Go, uhhuh, bye, bye, oh, wait, its different for me. Aside, i have only children, im without a husband , without a nanny, no, i wont go, okay, bye, bye, mash, let me give you a ride, yes, of course, listen, thank you, otherwise i, why masha she says that shes alone without her husband, but she seems to have left on business, you think forever, well, thank god, otherwise i didnt really like this businessman, listen, what does that have to do with you, she must like him, oleg, where are you from . You know about my husband, but i drive so many people every day, they wash all your bones, well, clearly, petro, maybe go home, anyway, he already shot today, but are you crazy . We need to select all the pensioners overnight from these magazines, magazines, its crazy, we have to select all the pensioners, then find out who took their answers, which means he wont come to them, uh, who will he come to, to those who did not take them themselves, but whose forms are not there, yeah, so how much florography was done, 2. 0 with something, now ill tell you for sure, not exactly necessary, 2. 0 is already impressive, we laughed so much, thats enough for work, maybe we should at least run to the lab, what . Well, no storehouses, were working, sit down, be passionate, oh, sadist. What is this . Telephone . Who is this . I dont know, pick up the phone. I cant, im sleeping. Im listening. Hello, this is the duty officer, im changing now, i decided to wake you up. Okay, at least we took a walk. Something wrong with our Prosecutors Office . What, what happened again . Why are you croaking, you bastard . Viktor ivanovich, can i come to you . Of course, please. Viktor ivanovich, the criminal Investigation Department and i processed the logs from the clinic. Here is a list of pensioners. I crossed out those whose the answers are still in the clinic. Oh, now i need to call this list of yours, how many are there . It turned out to be 300 15 people, so get on the phone and call, if someone took away their answers, you dont have to worry about them, yeah, Ivan Ivanovich connect, hell only be glad, but i can handle it alone, whats there to call, 300 people, well come on, hello, im investigator of the prosecutor s office buevich, hello, please tell me, you. My god, tell me the truth, whats wrong with mishenka, which mishenka, you michal borisovich, yes, its me, you say, the worst thing, say, yes, i wanted to know if you did fluorography, young man, what kind of fluorography, when and what about the target, hello, hello. Hello, someone from the clinic is bothering you, please tell me its wine, quickly call the police, they want to kill us, theres a bandit on the line, so say hello, this is anna stepanovna. Yes, its me, so what . Hello, i wanted to ask, did you pick up your fluorography from the clinic . Who are you . I am an investigator from the Prosecutors Office. Boy, hang up the phone now and stop playing around. Hello. Hello. With you says the investigator of the Prosecutors Office, belyaev. Please call antonina yakovlevna. Its me. And antonina yakovlevna, did you do fluarography at clinic 106, did it, and did you receive an answer . Yes, he is in my arms, but what happened . Nothing, thank you, goodbye, Ivan Ivanovich, why do they willingly answer you, but dont want to talk to me, sometimes they take me for a bandit, sometimes for a hooligan. Petromovich, you wont believe it, once they didnt want to talk to me either, but that was so long ago. Hello, mikhail borisovich, hello, this is from the Prosecutors Office, mishenka, mishenka has been found, tell me, did you take the fluorography from the clinic, did you pick it up, okay, yeah , you received the results, thank you, hello , from the Prosecutors Office, no, no, everything is fine , you did the fluorography at the clinic, did it, picked it up, uh, do you receive your pension on time . Okay, tell me, did you have fluorography done at the clinic . Did they take it . They took it away. Ok thank you very much. There is nothing wrong. Everything is fine. Yeah. And how many addresses did you get . 86. How much . We need to put someone under all these addresses. Killer. Theres not enough work, god forbid we have three we will block the addresses, we need to mobilize the local police officers, 86 addresses, we will have to close the rvd, but what to do, this is the only way, and how long to stand, and are you sure that he will come here and not go to another clinic, yes, the frequency of the crime says that he will not stop, he has already crossed the line, he has shed blood, he still goes from apartment to apartment, still to the same house, but apparently he cannot change his mind, his psyche is negative. And which he stole from the clinic when he is walk until he gets all the forms, we set up, the sooner the better, we wait in apartments by agreement with the residents, and if they dont let you into the apartment, then we wait on the stairs, keep the apartment in sight , no matter how long we hang around on the stairs until we catch the villain, thats it, go get a weapon. Well, yes, i, yes, no, were sitting here, well die, at your place, quietly, let him not come, hes doing nonsense, yeah, i understand you. Sorry, who are you talking to, svetlana afanasyevna petrova, no delay, its a cordial call, im with you. Who are you . Criminal investigation. Please. Well . Silence, yes, at least someone peed on the stairs, all entertainment, guys, for the night were filming, its all over again in the morning, you think he wont go at night, no, he walks around during the day, from house to house, men, from house to house, well, how long are we going to keep people . Well, its just a day, not a day, but how long will it take . Oh, my god, for. Why do i need this, but i installed a patrol, it was bad, i removed it, again its not right. Okay, let them cost as much as necessary. Hello. Where is apartment 10 . What do you need there . Krystrovite called me, what are your documents . The documents are in order, you can rest assured, you are also my batman, if he kills himself, then i will answer for him. I didnt have time, the bastard left, there were also syringes there, i gave them for express analysis, they said it looked like tablets dissolved in water. He wont come again, he lost the database, and they scared him, so what were the guys to do, immediately pour water on him or something . No, the district officers have no complaints, just where will we look for him now, thats it, now we ll never find him again, but we dont need this, let s think about what ive already thought about, ill leave the investigation, the Prosecutors Office is falling apart anyway , i dont want to go to the investigative committee, ill leave you, lets. He clearly has has some relation to medicine, is able to give an injection, has a white coat, knows what to get at the clinic. Volodya, remember what you said about the nervous doctor in the ambulance . Well , he said, but these are things of a long time ago. It doesnt matter, we dont have anything more significant. We will check the dismissed workers from the ambulance. And lets start with this crew. A young boy worked for us as an orderly; at first he seemed like a smart guy, but then we began to notice that money was disappearing from our wallets, we were guilty of absentmindedness, and then the patient the money was missing, well, yes, we were on a cordial call, waiting for intensive therapy, well , we were wandering around the apartment, and then they called us to the police and said that 300 dollars were missing, for some reason they suspected igor, our doctor, well, we talked and decided, that this is taras, the orderly, well, yes. Yeah, we got together as a group and said that we wont hand you over to the police, but leave yourself, so he quit, and after that we havent seen him, where is he anyway . No, i didnt see each other, but i heard that he never found a job, rumors spread quickly here, you know the address, yes, of course, marina stepana, ill ask you to come with us, he may not open as an operative, yes, i understand, yes, ill go, okay, i dont know, i. Whos there . Taras, its me i wanted to talk, my friends need a nurse, maybe you should go . Just a minute. Oh, be careful, dont hurt me. Please come in, here, here, this doctor came to see them, thank you, sit down explaining your procedural rights, what did you administer to the victim . I took out the sleeping pills, then it ran out, i started diluting the tablets in water and injecting them, only it didnt work. it seems like the old man will fall asleep, i ll just start looking for money, and as soon as he gets up, as soon as he walks, i had to hit him on the head with an ax. Whos there . Marya sergeevna from Dmitry Sergeevich lugansky. Dmitry sergeevich asked me to tell you. Thank you. Goodbye. Yes, mashenka, my dear. Did you receive my parcel . Well, how are you, my beloved . I cant imagine how not to say, but kirill , what should i do next . Lord, what is this punishment for . Try to calm down, tell me, why did you decide that your little mouse replaced . In general, we took the little girl from Maternity Hospital, brought the baby home, cried, rejoiced, everything was fine, but what do the doctors say, is everything okay with the girl . Yes, on some scale, nine points, on the sunburn scale, newborn assessment system, nine points for a caesarean section is. Normal, thats what they said, but the fact that she has a birthmark on her face is not important absolutely, a birthmark, but its not even a birthmark, they called it Something Else, but you can see in the photo, its a hemongioma, as you said, a hemangeoma, a benign vascular tumor, yes, for sure, they said that it could be. Due to the operation, a sharp change in external pressure and all that, over time it can be removed without a trace, but it doesnt matter, lizenka is a wonderful child, and the devil pulled me to get into these documents, what documentation . The doctors asked me to bring them alices exchange card, they leave the part about the pregnancy at the Maternity Hospital, and in the second part they enter information about the child, well, everything is correct. And what confused you there . You see, alice has a positive rh factor, yes she did, kirill is also positive, so i wanted to see if parents with positive rhesus can have a child with negative rhesus, yes, of course, but a mother with the fourth blood group cant have a child with the first, it cant, it cant . They changed it, sorokin is absolutely right, Alisa Malysheva could have a child with any blood type except the first, and the rh factor could be like. Great, you can bring them to us, thank you , we are waiting, do you think dna can be isolated from these tags, why not, they were in contact with the body for several days , listen, i didnt say anything when i was magpie, but what if alice gave birth to her husband, this doesnt play any role, alice from her fourth group could not give birth to a child from the first, there is no man, this is excluded. Only if, if anything, if in the Maternity Hospital the girls blood was not mixed up, anything can happen. Oh, yes, yes, sorry, some kind of confusing matter, here. Listen, the girl has the first rh negative blood group, yeah, her father has the second positive, and malyshevas, fourth positive, i dont understand whats going on at all, borisovich, we dont understand anything ourselves yet, there are no dna comparison results yet, of course not, i sent the biomaterial as ordered, ordered an express analysis, they promised by the evening, this is at best, of course, they still have to bring the tag of the newborn, check it for dna, too. All genetics, yes, im listening, and hes in the car, thank you, ill be there soon, mr. Razin is older, yeah, borisovich, and the results for yesterdays substance are already ready, which is in bags, over there at ana mikhailovnas, there according to the washings, according to the clothes, this is wonderful, complete, mikhailov, you are with me, yes, borisovich, ill bring it to berkunborn, borrow it. Okay, why are you sitting, lets go, lets go, boy, give me the suitcase, oh, heres a familiar car, so, give me the suitcase, and you hurry everyone there, ill wait for you here, ill be quick, yeah, and where , where is he your investigator, how long can you wait for him, here is the investigator, on the basis of which he is not letting us in to see danil, this is arbitrariness, i will complain, firstly, hello, viktor sergeevich, hello , and secondly, you can complain, this is your right, thirdly, please introduce yourself, pechenin, ruslan ilyevich, here is my lawyers license, yeah, here is the power of attorney to represent the interests of daniil viktorovich razin. So we sorted it out, and now as for your client, he was detained yesterday in a state of drug intoxication, and during the interrogation he began to have withdrawal symptoms, now he is hospitalized in a drug treatment clinic, that is, how he was hospitalized, this is arbitrariness, well, you pay me, no need, you didnt listen to me. Daniil viktorovich razin was detained with a gas pistol, and during a search of the house a cache was found with three bags of a white powdery substance , this cannot be, it very well may be, in two bags there are 30 and 20 g of heroin, in the third bag there are 15 g of cocaine , you need to explain what this means, you had reasons for omission, of course there were, a signal was received that an armed man was hiding in the house, and of course, we managed to get a court order, i have to. With a client, yes of course, just keep in mind, mr. Pechenin, mr. Pechenin, that due to the current circumstances, you will need a power of attorney for mr. Viktor sergeevich razin, because we have a court order for the inspection of his cars, when you want to carry out the inspection, and why delay . , right now. Well, basically, im done. I dont understand what you are going to find here . If drugs were transported in this car, then we will find them in microparticles, even if you wet cleaned the interior and trunk. You cant prove that my client transported them . Which of them . You have two of them, did they both drive this car . Thats it . Keep in mind that after the arrest, we seized danila razis clothes and washed them off his hands. Yes, traces of drugs were found on clothes and hands. This is the same drug that we found in mr. Razins house. In conclusion, the examination is naturally attached. Tell. Mr. Investigator, has my client been detained . Not yet. We are investigating the case of an accident with this car of a pregnant woman. And we got the drugs as bonuses. Andrey petrovich, i was i dont know about this accident, it will take me some time to understand the details, lets not waste it, but lets go to my office, i will show you a video recording of this very accident. Understood, now our employee will come and fill out the necessary documents, dont leave, please, please, lets go, lets go. Yes, hi, im done, did you see it from the window . Yes, okay, okay, i ll come in now, yeah, come on, when varlamov wins the elections, whoever is radionoved, willy nilly, will have to resign, otherwise there will be no noise, sprouting. Mayakh, yes, you know, i dont really understand anything myself, this politics is too much for a simple cop , listen, you know what, i saw ksyusha here in the city with some girl, this is the daughter of that same ivanov, or it seemed to me , i dont think it seemed like they were friends, are you serious . And after all that happened . Well, the daughter is not responsible for her father, is she . Well, thats what they say, you know, but i personally believe more in the saying about the apple tree and the apple. Well, in vain. Natasha is a very good girl, she and ksenia sew and cut something together. By the way, ksenia is everything for me she outplayed herself, and now she and natasha are going to study in moscow to become a clothing designer. And why . Ugh, if you are serious about this, you need to study abroad, its not funny, and im not joking, so you think that danilo razin was driving the jeep, we know this for sure, surveillance cameras recorded him leaving in this vehicle half an hour before the accident car outside the yard. It is clear that my client is ready to assist the investigation. Tell everything, danilo is just a loser, a weakwilled loser, where his friends go, so does he, and if he doesnt shoot up, so does he, i talked to him as expected, he swore , swore that he would never again, there were no traces of injections, although he sometimes behaved somehow inappropriately, sniffed, sniffed, bastard, i returned from abroad, i noticed that the they were repairing it, he said that he hit a pole on the way to the feed mill, and why did he go there, well, he recently became interested in my business, i admit, i was glad about it, you didnt find it strange, but why should it seem strange to me , danilo, my son is the heir, should he ever take it up, then you give him believed . Why then did you run away after bringing us . Dad, wait, wait, wait, stop , cops, what do they want here, turn around, lets get out of here, its for me, what the hell, take me away from here, im not going to prison , what are you doing, again, you promised me, thats it, thats it , ill take a last look, lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go, i immediately realized that he. Had something, i didnt bother to figure it out, i dropped him off a couple of kilometers later, but then you detained me and brought me to you, and you sent my son out of town . yes, everything turned white destroy, come to his senses and go abroad, but danilo didnt listen to you, sniffed again and decided to play superman, but fortunately for everyone it was unsuccessful, but how could it be otherwise, we have to help each other, some have only connections, someone else, listen, if everything works out, of course. To be in seventh heaven , well, thats good, so should i pour you some coffee . No, sorry, i have to go, you know, it turns me on so much that youre always like that, businesslike, serious, but i know what you are like. In fact, viktor sergeevich, forgive me, i really have to go. Ill come in, come in, how is raizin, but i didnt even have the same injections, what about the jeep . Now ill find out from borisovich, right. have fun, its good, because i have a gift for you, here are the drugs, there are traces of heroin and cocaine everywhere in the car, in the glove compartment in the trunk , on the seats on the comrique, even in the leather Steering Wheel , yes, great, its time to call the emergency line, let them poke around in this mixed feed themselves, listen, but krazina is always in some kind of inadequate state while driving, well , its like, youre surprised how he even sex didnt crush the city, surkov, hello, avdeev , dont shout like that, it looks like weve reached the distribution point, no, this is in the course of another investigation, the feed mill is in bobrovki, so lets take up the baton, everything is as it should be. Well, i think a couple of bottles of cognac will be enough, marmots, wait, put the cognac aside, give me one bottle of cognac, one whiskey, one malt and a box of the best chocolates, yeah, come on, well. Well , it seems, with the accident operation we figured it out, the drugs will be promoted without us, where did they get it, to whom . Sold, uhhuh, im more worried about the situation with the child, ill tell you honestly, me too, which means well go back to the family, uhhuh, just lets come to an agreement, while we dont have the results of the examination in our hands, paralysis. For example, the order of the authorities after the volchansky case Maternity Hospital, volchansky Maternity Hospital, exactly what kind of case is this . So it does not matter. I just came up with it myself , uhhuh, good afternoon, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, dev, you go, and ill wait for you here, since when is petrovich like that, what do you say . Natasha, whats going on here . Well, just think about it, who has the first child, they give 10,000 a month, well, you can live on that, well, to eat everything else, yes, you see, but maternity capital is assigned, starting with the second child, you want to have a second one, but where should i, well, thats what im talking about thats what im saying. And also keep in mind that 10,000 for the first one is only up to one and a half years, and then when you go to work, youll hire a nanny with your saleswomans salary, its a total disaster , well, a nanny is not about us, and youre still without a husband, you understand everything yourself, and now newborns are immediately taken into good families, he will have thats it, lets go, ill tell you. Hello, well, look, everything is strict here, bars on the windows, security at the entrance, a combination lock on the door, the door is always locked, strangers absolutely cannot enter, sorry, but the code is 384 or 483 or 438, but it doesnt matter, the buttons are pressed at the same time, yes, i know, but how did you find out, everything is very simple, look, do you see these . Three buttons are very worn, which means they are used more often than others. Yes, now i see, i must say, well, we are always promised a magnetic lock and cards, but as usual, there is not enough funding. And the code ill definitely change it. Yes. Svetlana sergeevna, please tell me, are the refuseniks also lying here . Yes, of course, but to our joy there are much fewer of them than before. Firstly, they increased the allowance, and secondly, maternity capital, again. So what youre saying is kidnapping or mixing up children . Its absolutely impossible, everything is strict here. Immediately after birth, children are given bracelets on both arms with the mothers data and the childs parameters. And exactly the same tags are hung on their cribs. And please tell me when babies diapers are changed, do they take off these same bracelets . No, come on, this is strictly prohibited. And then they dont. They dont bother anyone, so, are you satisfied with the managers arguments . No, of course, too often she repeated this sternly , its impossible, yes, the castle is a pure formality, oh, vasya, hes arrived, he s already refueled, but you know, i heard a conversation in the corridors, there the girl was clearly being persuaded to give up the child, yes ok, uhhuh, maybe its just a sorry, baby trick, petrovich, i myself. Its impossible for a mother, seconds count, i have absolutely no time to figure out whether there is a blood clot or a hemangioma on the childs face, i need to work quickly, understandable, excuse me, but please tell me, after the child is removed, who is taking care of him, the midwife, who else, cuts the umbilical cord, processes it, swaddles it and takes it to the ward, uhhuh, excuse me, please, who was the midwife at the babys operation, do you remember . Marina, it seems, is definitely marina sirotina. Yes, listen to sebastianov, why did it take so long, on vacation, okay, lets pick him up, thank you, no one wants to work, valerochka, not for the service, for friendship, go to this duty officer, there are geneticists, they sent the results, no problem, borisvich, ill do it now, thank you, doctor, no one wants. Its work, yeah, thanks, come on, move away, well, well, who would have thought . Well, yes, i remember this girl, how unlucky the little girl was, her mother died, and also this huge spot, and where was the spot, on her face, i immediately thought, bad luck, the girl will be teased, tell me how do you often have babies with hemongiomas . It happens, but ordinary hemangeomas are small on the forehead or back, here . Anna mikhailovna, the results of the genetic examination have arrived, which means that the child was definitely born from other parents, and the dna collection, well, of course, ill try as quickly as possible, well, how will it work out, yes, good, well. Baran kignu borich, theres our irochka and belkin stand like doves, what are you talking about . Yes, his car is borisich, its absolutely fire, its simple. Oh, hello everyone, hello, hello, i didnt look for the frosty one, so its not there yet, well, great, help yourself, help yourself, pies, wow, i baked homemade ones myself, no, i bought them for tents , oh, there is a special charm in these governmentissued pies, yes, and these are my favorite ones with cabbage, and koryanka, it turns out that sorokin was not mistaken, this is not his granddaughter, the midwife assured that the child is the one this is weird, right . And not only that, wait, please, what do you have there . Yes , just in case, i asked for data on abandoned children, so they just sent this data for the last 10 years, just for 10, well, yes, and what about since 2007, when they started paying maternity capital, the amount abandonment of newborns in the region is constantly decreasing, which means the head of the Law Department is yes, but Something Else is strange, for five other Maternity Hospitals the picture is approximately the same. Almost all abandoned children are transferred to an orphanage, so in our opinion, what in our opinion . More than half of the refuseniks are identified directly. Is there a Court Decision . Yes, everything looks legal, but the numbers, the numbers are alarming. So you want to say that they dont send children to the orphanage at all . They transfer, but not all of them. And their failure rate is percentage ratio is higher than others. Look, others have 5, 8, 6, and. Mamaeva has 15. So, based on the last five years. Really weird. In my opinion, its time to bring in the heavy artillery. What do you think . I think yes. Oh, we are just checking the tag from the Maternity Hospital. The dna of ales malyshevs child could have remained on it. So what is next . We will conduct a comparative genetic examination of children born at the same time as her, well, give or take a couple of weeks. Everyone . And who has already been discharged, all of them, you can imagine how much noise there will be there will be statements to the Prosecutors Office, and for the media too, a tidbit, the child was kidnapped , replaced, here, here is natalya konstantinovna, so we immediately came to you, well done, you came to me, so, i remember, 2 years ago to us a signal was received that the guardianship was demanding a bribe for the adoption of a healthy newborn out of turn. Has this been confirmed . We conducted a secret check, but could not obtain evidence. You understand that those who paid will remain silent for fear that the child will be taken away. Yes. Do you think so . I dont know, judging by the numbers, its like this the possibility is not excluded, but you need to check quietly carefully, you need to start with guardianship, as you think, i agree, yes, this makes sense, so you say that they have already seen you in the Maternity Hospital, yes, they have seen you, this is bad, bad, yeah, eh i have an idea. I have an idea, go ahead, go ahead, what are you doing there, but you spilled your pencils, take a break, please, there is a responsible job, a tooth or something, wow, so you need to see a doctor immediately, uhhuh. This is how they miss the chance to become a hero, what to do now, but there is another candidate, so you want to adopt a child . Yes, my wife and i we thought for a long time, discussed everything and decided that we have no other option, why are you still young, and its all you, i didnt know, forgive me, dear. You see, 5 years ago , when we just started living together, serzhik persuaded me not to give birth, well, first i need to build a house, earn money, and then have children, i was an idiot, well, now we have a lot of money, a luxurious house, three cars, but the doctors said that after the abortion i could no longer have children, which is sad, of course. I understand you very well. You have passports from by yourself . Yes, sure. Here you are. Well, you see, we would like a very tiny baby. Well, well, just a newborn. And of course, healthy. Is this possible . Nothing is impossible, no. Wait, arent you officially married . Officially, no. Is this necessary . Certainly. No question , well get married tomorrow, well, the clerk, if you dont know, they set a deadline, well, for us its not a problem, let others set it, yes, serzhik, yes, the size of the deadline is inversely proportional to the amount in the envelope, theyll sign it in 5 minutes, for us i would like to understand now how and what to do so that the child take it, okay, ill give you a package of documents where everything is written down, which doctors to contact, where to get what certificates, where to take admission courses. Parents, we will quickly check this, so what should we do to ensure that the baby is safe and healthy . It no longer depends on me, only on you, the number is understood, all the best, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. Look, this is 3 months ago, an application to the court for the adoption of a newborn, this is the Court Decision the next day, wow, speed, but you still need 10 days wait until the decision comes into legal force, yes, judging by the documents, the child was in the Maternity Hospital for all these 10 days, behind bars and under a combination lock, so. So, this was in the documents that were given to us in the guardianship department, so, the phone number of a certain Svetlana Sergeevna mamaeva, to say that from rumyantseva, rumyantseva is the inspector who talked to us, i recorded the conversation, but she didnt show herself out loud, yeah, come on, let me see, she wrote the paper with her hands dont touch, ir, i hope youre on paper. Get ready for contact with mamaeva, yeah, just we also need to formalize the marriage and, by the way, the deposit, but i will formalize it without a bribe in half an hour with disappearing ink, give me your passport, as if it were disappearing, yes, for sure, for sure, in a couple of days there will be no trace left, youll have to believe, but teach me, i trust you , the most precious thing i have is freedom. Sterzhik, ah, valer, cavalier, cavalier, and loading the stapler means education . Doesnt allow it, but have you noticed how belkins eyes are burning . Well, of course, after his highly paid drudgery, he finally got down to the real thing. Business, uhhuh, allow me, yes, go around, borisovich , the results on the biomaterial of the collection, it was possible, we managed to isolate two dnas, excellent, there is a comparison with others, but of course, one completely coincides with the one that we have already received, the first cut is negative group blood , this is the dna of the girl who was taken from the Maternity Hospital as liza, the second, third positive group, a match in the genes, this is undoubtedly the child of alisa and kiril malyshev, thats all, i understand correctly that at first this tag was on the hand of the malyshev child and then she somehow migrated to the hand of that girl who was given to sorokin, everything is correct, you understand, well. And now there is more evidence, all that remains is to find out where the girl is, which means you formalized the marriage, yes, you put it off for so many years and now for the sake of the child, wow , my serzhik, but not everything is ready for adoption. No, Svetlana Sergeevna, we will do everything quickly, you dont even have to doubt it, but we must have a one hundred percent guarantee that the child will be healthy, this is the main thing, raising someone elses child, and even a sick or disabled one, i understand everything perfectly, but you also understand me, there is a turn for healthy children, and they refuse Sick Children first of all, either because of genetic abnormalities, or because the mothers are like, yes, yes, we read about this on the internet, when it comes. The turn, well, you will have to be patient, potential parents have been waiting for years, we dont want to wait for years, we have already prepared everything, we decorated the nursery, bought an italian stroller, with inflatable wheels, well, okay. Well, im sure you will make wonderful, loving dads and moms. Svetlana sergeevna, thank you very much and, of course, all the best, theyll call you, lets go, lets go, goodbye, lets go, guys. Yes, yes, phil, theres a mess in the ward, im blocking the doors, dont let anyone in, dont let anyone out, i dont understand, dont let the babies out , dont let the staff out, especially with babies, i understand, and borisovich will come. I understand, right, and you find me and hold the midwife sirotin, bring the orphan to us, not yet, here, yeah, what s going on, whats the matter, whats that noise . Svetlana sergeevna, please go back to the office, ill Call Security now, i say, go into the office, here, youre in the car, wait, wife, sit down, michal, svetlana. Did you write the amount of 3 million rubles and your Bank Card Number . No, of course, this is a provocation, im calling the prosecutor immediately, cant you imagine . Who did you contact . We have a very good idea of ​​who we are dealing with, an organized crime group involved in human trafficking. Svetlana, serge, where is the child, alisa baby . What are you talking about, the girl has been at home for a long time, i personally handed her from hand to hand to her father, grandparents . No, here is the result of the examination. And the parents dont match, and thats not my problem, i dont care i know, and i will only talk in the presence of a lawyer, well, in vain, you have a good chance to commute your sentence, what a sentence, dont tell me, you know whose wives and daughters give birth to me, i know very well, for example, the daughter of Sergei Nikolaevich sorokin, Alisa Malysheva died in your department, and her daughter. Was sold to someone, this is a lie , you wrote this yourself, okay, then we will confiscate your fountain pen, compare the ink, take fingerprints from the paper, conduct an examination of your handwriting, well, well find out whose bank card it is, but for the court this is quite enough enough, well, maybe thats enough . Where is the baby . I dont understand what youre talking about, i need a lawyer. Well, as you wish. Citizen mamaeva, you have been detained on suspicion of fraud and human trafficking. Well, did you sleep . Let me in, whats the matter, where are you taking me . And here is sirotina, ill talk, marina, lets go to the office, sit down, marin, lets not waste time, a genetic examination has established that the girl with hemongioma is not the daughter of the deceased alesa malysh. You lied to us and you will be tried for complicity in a serious crime, but you can help the investigation if you tell me where the child is, i dont know, i really dont know where she is, its mamaeva, she did everything , she turned over millions, she paid us, to whom, to me another agusherka kvasova, she is now on vacation, and olga also, who olga is, i dont know, her last name, we called her under with one duck, she moved in with those who wanted. But first we need to find the child, tell everything you know about the girl, tell me, i say, you know, his mother she already promised one child, the mother refused her, but the girl gave birth with a defect on her face, they wouldnt take her like that for nothing, why did you stop telling me, the next day they brought malysheva, she died. And her girl was born clean, healthy, so i thought, i brought her into the ward and changed the bracelets, i needed money urgently, my mother knew about it, she guessed, she took the second girl, told everyone to be silent, its clear that morich came there, hes working, okay, stay with her for now, and the car will come and take her to us, i dont want to go to jail, but did you think you would be praised for such things, or what . Borisovich , he found it, the fact of the matter is that no, six girls and not a single one from the third group, can you imagine, not a single one, i imagine, his mother doesnt say where the child is, and where to look for him now . Okay, finish, change clothes and come, got it. This is investigator avdeev from the department of internal affairs, please tell me, have abandoned children been handed over to you in recent days . Yes, girl, thank you, thats it, borisovich, collect, check, found, spit, three times, spit, i say, well done we wont give her away to the orphanage, liza is a wonderful girl, shes ours, well, lets go , all the best, good luck, well done, man, yes, well done, and i know what i thought, these razins dad, well quickly forget his son, for example, the mirzavites are instantly erased from my memory, but we will remember this guy. Duty, yes, such moments are worth a lot, i generally think that we are not working so that there are fewer bad people, but so that there are more good ones, crookedly said, yes, well, Something Like that, well, but the meaning is correct, rtr planet , more than just television, this is a piece of russia on every screen of the planet, the loudest premieres, how i got into it, and you have a corporate event, or what, who are you, and you dont know bender well, for there is no need for a motive for murder on khitrovka; i dont know that it happened on the strip. Exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovichs seventh symphony, those who dont take risks will not be lucky, we will succeed , i will do the surgery, im scared, as if im not me , unfortunately, theres no motive for the murder, no there is a connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, lets agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, be dizzy. Im talking to my wife, im leaving, i looked around, shes already packed my things, peekaboo, meetings with the stars, whats more difficult, becoming a good person or staying, the question, of course, we remember with you, comes through these doors, everything you cant live without imagine russia, only on the rtr planet channel. St. Petersburg news, on the air of the russia channel, olga rostova is with you. Hello, topics for this issue. Machine. And grenade launchers in the garage, the investigation into the murder of a driver near a school led to an entire arsenal. The fifth corner for those who have nowhere to go, a Nonprofit Organization from sosnovny bor, saves lives and helps with documents. Governors farewell, Alexander Beglov met with participants of the world Youth Festival before their departure to sochi. And they were greeted like a pop star at. The thousandth tram was built at the plant in st. Petersburg. The most impressive cache of weapons in recent years was found in a garage on glukharskaya street. The criminal reserve, according to the investigation , belongs to gintara suragauska. He is suspected of organizing a contract murder. During the search, several sniper rifles, kalashnikov assault rifles, shotguns, and grenade launchers were seized. At the intersection of lenin street and shchupa lane, two cars did not share the road. The cctv footage shows how the driver of a domestic car leaves the yard, but for some reason does not brake when a foreign car approaches him at high speed. As a result of a powerful blow, one of the cars spun so that the passenger was thrown out of the cabin through the rear window. The woman flew over the roadway and fell onto the sidewalk. Even before the ambulance arrived, passersby provided assistance to her, then the injured. They save lives and restore documents. In the leningrad region, a Charity House the fifth corner has been operating for more than 5 years. The Nonprofit Organization created the shelter every year and helps hundreds of people who find themselves in difficult life situations. About state grants for a good cause vladimir orekhov. Apartment in a typical sosnovskaya highrise building, here on park street. Wellknown shelter throughout the leningrad region, fifth corner. He has become a real salvation for those who have nowhere to go. The eldest, everyone here calls sergei iermalayevich abakumov. In february, he celebrated his 73rd birthday, but according to documents, he died a quarter of a century ago. Eermalayevich died here by decision of the kolpino court on july 22, 1999. But hes quite alive, as you can see. Bad habits have a serious impact on my health. The man lost his legs, when and where did he disappear . Passport, he cant remember why he was buried, he doesnt know how he will prove that he is him, yeah, that is, through the kolpino court we cannot get a Court Decision according to which he was declared dead, sergei ermolaevich never received a pension , he also never had his own home, all his close relatives had already died, the man says, if it werent for the shelter, he would have died long ago. There is a roof, food is fine. The opportunity to go to a boarding school, just last year to a special institution for the disabled and elderly, a Nonprofit Organization fifth the corner was handed over to 12 people, we are such a connecting link between the person on the street , somewhere in a ditch, to state enterprises this is a boarding school and the government helps us with this. The fifth corner received a grant from the governor of the leningrad region last year, and this year it will work with students from the president. If you dont betray me, i only believe in you, then a series of ups and downs, a fierce struggle with bad habits, now shkutov is determined to restart his career, he will start the stage of the local cultural center, there will be an artist, a mentor, i will most likely have a group of children, i will study purely music with them, and also with adults. The car will operate on route number 60 in the southwest of st. Petersburg. He was greeted at the ceremony by guests from two dozen Regional Centers of russia. The company has been producing trams for 10 years, the main feature is that they are lowfloor. Three models are assembled on the Assembly Line bogatyr, vityaz and nevsky. They are ordered by Carrier Companies from all over the european part of the country. Tram park of st. Petersburg for in recent years it has been updated by 2 3. The service life of each car is 30 years. We write them in this technical specification, this is an active safety system, essentially elements of autopilot, in which the system monitors obstacles on the way, the speed limit remembers the entire route, cannot miss stops, and so on and so forth, today it works on city roads, there are already 200 trams, more are even equipped with it. Another quality of st. Petersburg trams is Energy Efficiency when braking. They fill special capacitors with energy then they use it for overclocking. The last instructions before the big deal, governor of st. Petersburg Alexander Beglov and chairman of the citys Legislative Assembly alexander belsky, met today with participants in the world Youth Festival, which starts in sochi on march 1. The Northern Capital will be represented by 360 people. These are students and Young Leaders in the fields of business, media, education, science, culture, charity and sports. Sirius from march 1st to march 7th, 20,000 young people will come to it, master classes await them, discussions and cultural program. Lets find out the weather forecast, word from Leonid Petrov. Hello, with the weather forecast, Leonid Petrov studio. Longtime friends, cloudiness, light precipitation and a stable weak plus will let fog into their company on wednesday in the st. Petersburg region. According to the hydra center. St. St. Petersburg, in the Northern Capital , almost imperceptible rain and barely perceptible wind are expected to be cloudy, on the night of thursday in the city light rain will definitely not be colder than 1, have a good day in any weather. The hunting industry in the leningrad region is preparing to release partridges. Red book. Those raised in captivity trim the bite using scissors. Such pruning is a necessary measure; the beaks of birds and young birds are shortened, experts explain. Too long a horn formation can cost a bird its life. Under natural conditions it wears down, lingual there are pebbles and the like. Here they do not have such an opportunity; accordingly, some individuals outgrow their beak. Over time, this bird will interfere with eating, interfere with living, and if you trim the bite, this problem will be solved. Let me remind you that the Gray Partridge is rare. A protected species, which is listed in the red book of the leningrad region; hunting for it is prohibited. The animal World Committee of the fortyseventh region has been trying to replenish the population in nature for several years in a row. Chicks are raised in hunting farms under strict veterinary control. Services. Oneyearold partridges are traditionally released in april; in the spring, their wild relatives begin to form pairs. This is the best time for successful adaptation of feathered graduates in their natural habitat. This was the news from st. Petersburg, all the best and see you tomorrow. A few days ago katya gres and i discussed a holiday from a philosophical point of view, how often it can happen, how bright it can be, why it is needed, and today i want to talk about a holiday for children, because if we, as adults, can specially limit, knowing that later it will be good, im not sure that they can do this and that this should be done with children. Artyom, hello good afternoon, its a holiday for children, because a childs whole life is a holiday, if you compare my life then and now, it was much more like a holiday than now, well , of course, children dont feel that way, children dont feel that way, we it seems that we have already done so much for you, just be glad you dont have any complaints against us anymore, but the children are growing up and they have their own ambitions and obstacles in life, and somewhere he. Dreams of being who he is, or vice versa, he wants to express himself, but there is nowhere to express himself, that is, there are so many different situations that do not depend on the child, that is, we forget that a child lives in an environment that we define in everything that he has done, what he looks like, what kind, and we define when its a holiday, when its a holiday, when to read poems , and so on, so i always thought for myself that for both children and adults, yes, these are different concepts, its better to. Be with them a holiday every day, as far as possible , of course, one can answer that this does not happen, but it does happen, that is, for example, my grandmother, who in our house was such a legislator of real pedagogy, without theory, without everything, like this practical , she said a wonderful thing is when you give a child something, a gift, or not a gift at all, in general you always give something to the child, a piece of bread, a piece of sugar, an apple, always give it in both hands, firstly, when him in both hands, it seems to him that he is already he received everything that is possible in this world , secondly, if he suddenly needs to share, this is what happens on holidays , they gave something to someone, they didnt give something, something is better for me, worse there, then its easy for him to share , because he already has it in one hand, gave it away from the other hand , if he doesnt want to share, then its difficult for him to fight, he just holds it, that is, all the pedagogy is in one small thing, but the holiday is about what always happens. Yes, everything is human, yes, in general, this is the story about the fact that while you are small, while you i dont owe this world so much, you can still play, play, play, and a holiday game, they almost coincide, and in this sense im afraid of holidays for children, because in our concept, we have to come somewhere, there we someone will meet us, santa claus, snow maiden , there they will put us on a chair, on the chair we will have to read. You will tell me that this has not happened for a long time, everything is there, and my mother wants it so much that after all the child said his rhymes who taught for a long time, and at that moment he suddenly doesnt want to say them, a little. Grew up, everyone is dancing, and you dont know whether you already want to dance or not, and another story arises that there are children who are so immersed in the holiday that they get tired before the holiday even begins, so the holiday, if its everyone day, then it is a big holiday, it ceases to be stress, and its meaning is not begged for, a big holiday will still remain, yes, but if i am always on a holiday, then i have this readiness to rejoice, and this is generally a strong story, if we. If you break everything down into instructions, you can do this describe in a few steps or tips what to do for parents who have decided, like you , that their child needs to have a holiday every day, this does not mean that every day you can or should break dishes and behave. Eating at the table is a holiday, when we wash our hands its a holiday, when we go to bed its a holiday, the sun is shining, its a holiday, its raining, its a holiday, in this sense its this mood that exists, it becomes such a rule of life, well then there is a certain gratitude, essentially constant, some expectation, miracle. Constantly, so i would say this, when a person begins to discern a miracle in everything, even a small one, he begins to see that a miracle does not have a big small one, he sees that even a small piece of paper that you suddenly liked is quite a huge gift, yes , when everything is easy in relation to the holiday, it becomes easy in relation to everything else, such a subtle story, but the most important thing is that during the holiday so much energy is released that. After that the very moment comes when children tired, breakdowns arise, yes, we also need to understand this, and touch each other a little less, yes, just be a little more joyful, and let, let, let there be a lot of holidays and not according to dates, because when are the holidays from dates are shifted, dates cease to be this special day of waiting for something special, after which an experience often arises, if we summarize all this, it turns out that the holiday should not have boundaries, well, within the framework of a day, a month, a week, it should not to be singled out, set apart, its a holiday, its just that life is always wonderful, it doesnt matter, yes, there are still dates, on these dates its somehow possible, something is different, yes, thats it, but it becomes different when i learned to rejoice any manifestation of another person towards me, this is, it seems to me, the highest point, yes, because any warmth. It gives rise to warmth in me , and not the desire to get what i had in mind and tie it to the holiday, that is, holidays are unexpected warmth, everything that i have in mind can be done not on holidays, and if there should be a bicycle, then its not on purpose v its a holiday to give it, thats the miracle of what happens, yes, i agree, thank you for such an unexpected instruction, i think youll now say that well. After all, there are some kind of childish austerities, no, theres always a holiday, the bike is always, the zoo is always, everything is always, well, in the new year, please, separately, well, yes, so just hear, hear, hear the children, and if the child is not in a festive mood, you can also calmly let out the holiday on the brakes, but what is this, then next time, next time on a different date, not january 1, not thirty first to first, and from second to. Excellent plan, thank you very much, see you later, thank you, i was once told that lucky tram tickets were eaten, happiness, may the Railway Workers forgive me for such a parallel between the tram and the railway, but. Then lets talk about the railway ticket, you know, i m excited in the studio today, because i imagine that a new book has been published, it s called patterns on cardboard, this is a book about the history of edmonss railway ticket, the socalled cardboard, it was published in the educational and methodological Education Center railway transport, its author andrei georgievich orlov, he did not live to see the book go into print for 2 weeks and thats it. Before his death, he asked how the book was, how the book was, but he himself is not here now, and we are rejoicing because the book of the history itself has been published, the book is of course completely unique, this is a book about the history of the edmunds ticket, even if you just leaf through it, yes you can just scroll through, you will see some kind of painting, that is, i would do an exhibition at the tredtyakov gallery, this is this and yes, what does this have to do with ticket on our seliger train. Having presented the forms, that is, a passport , you are traveling by train, you arrive, you hand over the ticket to the conductor, they had to distribute them into cells and then transport them again to that station to sell to passengers, they printed them with some kind of ink or something for a while, they put a stamp, then a postmark, but from the sixtieth. Opened in 1837, from the sixtieth year they switched to a paper ticket, but because it was impossible, this word carriage is indicative, carriages are a first class ticket, even then there were three classes, they called berlin are these carriages, you and i looked at the structure of just these carriages, in my opinion, including the carriages, yes, yes, absolutely right, here is the compartment this is the compartment in the carriage, number such and such, well, it should have been an hour to get here in theory, the time was set, because it was possible to travel with this ticket only at the designated hour. I repeat, presenting my passport, thats how serious it was, or for example, lets see, first class from st. Petersburg to tsarskoye selo, you see, this is already a paper ticket, 70 kopecks, this is a lot, at that time, excuse me, this is in a tavern, you would go on a spree for 70 kopecks. By the way, prices at first, up until about the seventies inclusive, were high on the railways, i looked at them as really very expensive, and it was not for nothing that witte introduced carriages. Ornamentation, amazing, well, for example , thats what the ticket says, the second ticket is already a paper ticket, look what class, local Service Moscow perlovka, second class ticket, you see, again, even in the nineties of the 19th century you could travel on a local train in different classes, he had some kind of security devices, they were counterfeited, i mean, well, some kind of watermark, some kind of special seal, thats why they were from. Phrase without a composter its not valid, now its easier for collectors to find the ticket itself friend from a friend than a composter. It turned out that the composters were all written off, but it turned out that finding it now is much more difficult than for collectors the ticket itself. Yes, a stamp was made with a composter. Here again to the question of the variety of these tickets, what a beauty, listen, you leaf through this book, you dont even read need to. I was in love with the conductor, because of this i went with this train, however, she knew that you were in love, i think she guessed, what else is very memorable for me, because im a girl who doesnt feel it, 5 rubles. Yes, yes, yes, this is in a reserved seat, in a compartment of eight, in the eighties it was 8 rubles, sorry, the price difference is less than now, yes, yes, thats it. Ticket, my dad and i went to riga, look, this is what makes this ticket unique, this is a ticket from the first forms of the express system, which appeared in seventytwo, this ticket is unique in that, i repeat , when the express system was introduced in the seventysecond year, it was first used at the kievsky station in moscow, ticket printing machines appeared, which destroyed that very railway cardboard, and the cardboard is one of the symbols of the railways, i treasure it like the apple of my eye, like a relic, and thank you so much for coming, you probably show it to our viewers to a greater extent, because ive always adored the railroad, for me its definitely not something soulless like the railroad this is a whole layer of art and our life, that people definitely approached its creation with great trepidation and a creative approach, thank you very much, thank you, golden words, very pleasant. Thank you, philip, thank you, see you again, thank you we roughly understand how fashion for things appears, and we roughly understand why we see it with our eyes, uh, perhaps we see it on some Public Opinion leaders, we think its right. Good, but someone just thinks its beautiful, and we start repeating it, or doing the same thing, not to repeat, what about smells, because you cant see or hear them, its difficult to describe them, how does a fashion for smells appear, svetlana, hello, hello, how can there be a fashion for smell, because isnt it like your favorite food, well, there it is Something Like this is with you forever, it would seem that the smells are not, but i absolutely agree with you. And then, uh, what at the moment, firstly, they want to do, as individuals, as artists, on the other hand, a perfumer works with ingredients, ingredients are tools for him, yes, you can be a brilliant musician, but if you dont have a violin in your hands, you wont produce anything, just like perfumers, that is, they use a certain set of instruments, we can frankly say that the emergence of certain. Chemists often offer some ingredients new ones with the help of this. You can do something absolutely innovative in perfumery and thus a new direction is born, somehow it turns out that the world of perfumery is much more restrained and limited than the world of high fashion, because high fashion can go beyond of the human body for some meters with all sorts of protruding objects, uncomfortable inserts, well , probably even just standing in them is uncomfortable, with aromas a person. Will not apply a scent to himself that is unpleasant, quite rightly, or overly active, perhaps always there are categories of consumers who will do this, you just need to understand that the world of perfume consumers is such a layer cake, there are very different categories in it, mainly when we talk about some trend being born there comprehensive, then, as a rule, these are the fragrances that the majority like, the majority always like. Everything in general is very banal, well, this is sociology , nothing can be done about it, but there is always a category of consumers, the socalled perfumers, who are looking for some something, something unusual, sometimes even a collection or for wear, this is a very good question , in fact, many socalled perfumers have fragrances in order to possess them, not in order to wear them, but so that they. Are, this is the feeling, that i have this, this is what they talk about in the perfume community, and i need to have this, not everyone wears this, but very often fragrances become popular, also, by the way, a phenomenon of the early 2000s , already after the nineties, when such a trend arose for gourmet fragrances, that is, fragrances in which some kind of edibility can be read. In a good sense, this edibility should be very abstract, so, but it got to the point that light compositions were born, everyone knows everything about them, which frankly smell like butter a bun spread with butter or Something Else, but it would seem wonderful, the smell of vanilla, yes, fresh buns, wonderful, but smelling like that is very strange, nevertheless, these are the scents that are bought in huge quantities , that is, this is a very. Paradoxical world, and on your table i see, there are beautiful jars, as always, bottles, excuse me, bottles, what is so familiar about them, why are they on the table, they are the ones, they are the ones here, because each of these bottles, to one degree or another, can to illustrate exactly how fashion exists in the field of perfumery, because lets say, in this bottle there is a fragrance that belongs to the floralaldehyde subfamily. This particular fragrance was created in the eighties, aldehydes are used not so much for their own sake and not so much for their own smell, but in order to reveal other smells that exist in the composition, and aldehydes give fragrances transparency, ringing, crystalline quality, like this one aroma, illustration is amazing to appear, because this is the first. In history, an oriental gourmand fragrance, the socalled gourmand direction, yes, i think you know it very well and have heard it many times, but now lets remember, lets remember the great creation of olivier crespo, fragrance created in 1992, there were moments when it even surpassed number five in sales, and even gave way to a new direction. There is even such an expression that what do irises smell like, and paper just for xerex, in fact, there is this paper shade in irises always, but now the irises have become again, and do you also know why . The question is about the technical side, because there are companies that are engaged in inventing ingredients, developing ingredients, obtaining, well, as efficiently as possible, obtaining some expensive ingredients, there are expensive ingredients, how to optimize their price, and so on, so the firmish company came up with such technology, when it is possible to speed up the process of ripening of iris root quite quickly, without loss of quality. Found such technology they reduce the time by almost three times , that is, they made it cheaper. We can, unfortunately, finish this issue, but i will look forward to the next one, maybe someday i will also start using some fragrances, or i will be more careful in buying, at least, yes, thank you, thank you very much, see you later. General zelensky is hiding the true numbers; the real data on kievs losses was presented at the ministry of defense board meeting. The houthis are accused, but they do not admit, it will take 2 months to repair the internet cables between europe and asia. Traffic is blocked and orders are cancelled. In greece, taxi drivers went on strike for 2 days. They are starting to broadcast a new day on the russia channel. The main news in the vera tarasova studio. Hello. And the main news from the special military Operation Zone comes from the avdeevsky site after the release of the swallow to ours. The unit took control of the village of severnaya, not far from avdeevka. In this direction over the past 24 hours, the enemy lost almost 500 people, two tanks and three infantry fighting vehicles, an american abram with a british bradley, as well as six armored vehicles. Over the past 24 hours , more than 1,100 ukrainian militants have been eliminated in all sectors of the front, and a dozen artillery pieces and combat vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed forces have been destroyed. In the area of ​​​​the village of mikhailovka and the nikolaev region, a ukrainian su25 was shot down, 69 drones were destroyed. The Ukrainian Army lost 444 thousand military personnel during the special operation, the figures of which are more than 10 times higher than those mentioned by kiev, Sergei Shaigu presented at a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. The head of the military department spoke about the liberation of new territories, equipping Russian Troops with new types of weapons and equipment, as well as strengthening our eastern borders and security on the southern borders of the csto. Alexey golovko with details. At the board of the ministry. Defense Sergei Shaigu sums up the results of the battles in all directions of the special military operation, with special attention to the enemys losses in manpower and equipment. On average, since the beginning of the year , the enemy has been losing more than 800 personnel and 120 units of various weapons, including foreign made, every day. In total during the special during the military operation, the Ukrainian Armed forces lost over 44. Kievs figures completely refute, because zelensky a day ago spoke about only 31 thousand of his soldiers who died, even then with this statement he caused bewilderment throughout the world, that the number of dead dry soldiers was in the hundreds of thousands, western politicians said last summer , and the advance of the Russian Army Shows that zelenskys generals are short of weapons and personnel. The beginning of the year , about 327 km of territory in new regions was liberated from the nazis in all directions russian federation. Over the past week , the mtr was driven out of the settlements of pobeda, lastochkina, and the northern donetsk peoples republic. The russian army has set tasks in other areas of protecting the state, with the main emphasis on maintaining stability in the Central Asian region. Together with colleagues in the csto, russia will hold there. Largest exercises interaction 2024. Alexey glovko, news. On tuesday evening, the Ukrainian Armed forces shelled the village of suzemka, three residents were injured in the bryansk region, as a result of the attacks in the belgorod region, three people were killed and six were injured. Ukrainian militants opened fire on border areas more than seventy times, fired mortars from artillery, and launched kamikaze drones. Cars and apartment buildings were damaged. One of the drones attacked a car carrying seven people. The state duma adopted in the second reading a bill banning the placement of advertising on the resources of foreign agents, this applies to any platforms, websites, blogs and social networks. It is also prohibited to advertise in the internet media the resources of the foreign agents themselves, such as the head of the lower house, vyacheslav volodin, emphasized that there should be financial flows going towards antirussian activities. The road to the norilsk airport is again open for transport, the weather is gradually improving, snowstorms and squally winds with gusts of up to 30 m s have been raging in the northern regions of the region for the second day. It is almost impossible to move around the streets on foot. Dozens of flights have been postponed at the airport, with hundreds of passengers waiting to take off. Drivers of st. Petersburg have to cross the roads. The thaw turned city streets into lakes and channels. In some areas there is a car. They just float, holes and irregularities are hidden under water, the last few days in the Northern Capital the weather has been above zero, and these are the northern kuril islands, the ebeka volcano threw out a huge column of ash and covered the island of paramushir with it, there is no threat to the life of the population, the ministry of emergency situations reported. In other news Yemens Houthis have denied accusations of attacking the global internet. This was stated in a statement by the Houthi Ministry of communications. Tuesday morning. Information appeared that they allegedly damaged four submarines in the red sea communication cables that connect europe and asia. The israeli publication globus wrote about this. The accident led to serious Network Disruptions in the gulf countries and india. Repair of subsea cables may take at least 8 weeks. The Israel Defense forces carried out several operations in the gaza strip, liquidated several hamas militants and destroyed a number of strategic facilities. Casualties among palestinians exceeded 29,000, another 70,000 people were injured, according to american media, work on an agreement may be completed in the near future on hostages temporary termination. Fire. Negotiations in doha involving palestine, israel, the United States and egypt are ongoing, but there are no official results yet. And while israel continues to block land checkpoints for the delivery of aid in gaza. Countries supporting palestine are finding other ways. So jordan and egypt are dropping aid from the air by parachute. At the same time, for a soft landing, in order not to damage the cargo, they try to choose beaches or so that the help falls into the water near the shore, from where the palestinians could easily pick it up. To this at the moment, egypt alone has already delivered more than 50 tons of humanitarian aid to the northern and Central Regions of the gas sector by air. A twoday strike by taxi drivers is taking place in greece. The drivers participating in the strike do not take orders, drive in columns along the streets and block traffic. They are making a range of demands, including lower taxes, access to bus lanes and strict restrictions on ridesharing apps. This is the second day of the strike. Therefore, Serious Problems are expected in the country today interruptions in the operation of Ground Transport and flights to the islands. This news did not coincide with the national strike, switch. A short route through the anador estuary has been put into operation. The winter road will connect the district capital, the village of coal copy, with a route of five lengths. The ice crossing of regional importance across the anador estuary is open, now motorists can quickly save time to get from the regional capital to the neighboring village and back. The Interdepartmental Commission drove along the new winter road and was able to personally evaluate the quality of the route. Wind loads during the formation of the ice cover formed heavily hummocky ice along the road. Regional length. It is 2. 5 km shorter than the federal highway. The thickness of the ice is from a meter or more, these indicators made it possible to increase the load on the sheet. Vehicles weighing up to 12 tons are allowed here. The regional ice crossing across the zanador estuary has become wider. Now traffic is carried out along one lane about 50 m wide. Closer to anador it is divided into two. One wide lane makes it easier for heavy equipment to maintain the track, and gives motorists room to maneuver. When driving on a winter road during bad weather, Poor Visibility conditions are created, a nonstorm blizzard or snowfall obscures the drivers view , the road workers have provided for this ; they have installed new markers that will help navigate during the trip; in red, because according to many requests of people who, when leaving, for example, from the corner. Sanadar, already entering highway, got caught in a snowstorm, just drove from landmark to landmark, not understanding which direction they were going. Rescuers who are part of the Interdepartmental Commission remind you that when going out on the ice, you must follow simple safety rules. Safety rules for ice crossings, this means that the distance between cars must be at least 70 cm, the speed limit is 30 km h. According to the contract, zimnik will operate until april 30 inclusive. Vladimir nikichenko, arseny gusev, news. Kotka. All news always available on the media platform. We look in the application or on the website. Stay with us. Lets start. Come on, come on with a smile. More more more. Great. Okay, so, its the morning of russia, dont oversleep, the main thing is, good morning everyone, good morning, well, the time of winter is ending, and we are happy to

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