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Concerns here, as for noneconomic component, in fact, that by restraining the economy, well, first, as the speaker was speaking, accordingly, the speaker came to us, the important thing is not even that he made a statement, as if accordingly in the lower house of parliament, but what is important is that after that the republicans began a counterattack on as a matter of fact, and military spending, respectively spending on these 105. 5 billion dollars, and the fact is that the republicans have already proposed dividing it, today the republicans proposed for senators, first of all, the same ones who need to be reached in order for them to even pass the upper house, to divide, accordingly, this budget , as it were, into parts of people, and there are now 51, but there is still independent, in fact, there are nine missing, here they are, i i think that they actually have their own way, if they continue to move forward like this, they will not have enough, accordingly, as if sanders, there are such big suspicions, oh well, they need nine republicans, thats why from this point of view , as if separation is likely to occur, they have already proposed dividing it into parts, accordingly they have taken separate positions from there, that is, they want to specialize accordingly in israel , to put the humanitarian part to a lesser extent, not there, in mexico, well, between there and mexico, just like that by the way, i remind you that just an example of a wall is the famous wall, the socalled barrier, which is exactly between israel and gaza, so it is literally a direct analogy, except that without drones, thats why from this point of view, there is still an underground part , thats why from this point of view, its kind of clear, plus or minus, where this whole thing is heading, by the way, the markets reacted with a fall, because they roughly realized that the matter of super expenses, reduction of expenses, accordingly, by november, as expected by november 15 , accordingly, everyone will seem to have a lot of fun from this, of course, and this will seriously complicate the soviet processes associated with the adoption of the budget , why is the middle east really important for biden . Few people actually understand how the electoral components in the United States work, and what will actually happen in these elections. We all remember how biden won, which states he won, he won in pennsylvania, primarily in michigan, the same michigan that came directly to the automaker strike, where they have their headquarters, and why michigan is so important, the fact is that in the usa the system is very specific, it is not the one who wins the most who wins, but the one who gets the most electors wins, some states give up all the electors if a person wins , accordingly, what is the peculiarity here, they won thanks to several swing states, which now include michigan and pennsylvania, in pennsylvania in michigan the difference between biden and trump respectively was 2. 8 . 2. 8 , respectively, there are 50something, respectively, and a little less, according to data from the corresponding institute, and the usa, in michigan there are 5 citizens of arabisraeli origin who only officially position themselves this way, some support everyone who is of arabisraeli origin , arab, arabamerican origin, that is, roughly speaking, well, citizens of arab origin, in pennsylvania, where the difference was 1. 1 ,7, well, that is, biden now needs to speak not for israel , the question is different, he is trying in every possible way to break out of this, if these people, these people do not come to vote for this 5 , only in michigan, if they do not come, they wont come vote for trump, this is understandable, but they may not come to the polling stations, this is net minus 5 of net votes, this already means that the electors, all other things being equal , will be so based on the results of what he said, they will no longer come, so the question is the other thing is, there may be more of them, look, one is michigan, and there is pennsylvania , these are 20 electors, give or take, and there live from 1. 7 to 2 , purely americanarab citizens, this does not count everyone who supports them, this is a large segment, that is, in fact, if, that is, biden persuaded netanyahu not to launch a ground operation aimed at these electors, if biden had been a republican, he would not have talked to anyone about anything, he would have settled everything long ago, as the republicans are now trying to do, of course and as if his interest is in carrying out this operation as quickly as possible, but biden and. Colossal internal risks, if this operation drags on, these voters will not come, and if these voters do not come, then even if accordingly, there will not be a majority, even if the budget is created with margins, you simply will not have electors, which will decide accordingly , it is impossible to be more right than trump, as cynically you argue , the american president used to say that the operation should be postponed solely out of love for those hostages, which ended up in the hands of terrorists, it all turns out to be a matter of some twenty electors, these 20 electors can decide accordingly your president ial component, i remind you that, accordingly, biden said before that i must say that cynically, and all over the world, naturally cynical , respectively, the elections in poland are the same cynically, cynically, respectively, they wanted to get started to unfold, it was not possible, it was not possible, goodbye, the same goes for a number of others countries, politics, domestic politics are more important than international affairs, as of course for the United States, so from this point of view, biden is trying to maneuver, and zelsky, if briefly, everything was buried, and there is a suspicion that he will be singled out accordingly certain financing, but not in the volumes that are presented, if a separate package is now taken out, it can be accepted, for example, but in completely different volumes, accordingly , 61 billion are included there, plus, so the question is, which ones if the question is now posed bluntly , what the republicans are getting now, they are trying to beat the democrats , they say, look, we already have a speaker, we can now put forward bills, in general , by the way, now we republicans will unite in the senate and unanimously beat you a bill only on israel, most likely this will happen in the near future, and biden , accordingly, given that he stands shoulder to shoulder, will have to pass the bill, because if he does not accept it, against the backdrop of a properly preparing operation, everyone will perceive it as a betrayal his allies, and biden actually is , so from this point of view it is very dangerous, that is, this story would be very effective if there were no speaker, you are rolling out a single bill, no other alternatives no, you either accept him or substitute your partners, that is, zelensky can only put pressure on the fact that he is also a jew and demand support from the United States, in fact, if you look carefully, lately the position has also been changing, the conversation is the same ardogan, where it was announced that a humanitarian component is also necessary, thats all the rest , many are now changing their shoes, why , because everything will be close, quickly, everything is fine, but it wont work out quickly, according to their forecasts, from 3 months to nine, we need for a long time it will be much more complicated, lets go back, what are the tasks, i ll tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where to go and what to do . They just recommended never reading american newspapers, fighting directly from russia, from china , nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, all this begins the day and ends there, the first thing they said, we have a lot of them , the guryats dont flee, on helicopter board number one, we will be the first to know about it, alexander grigorievich, again, hello, let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are probably the first here , shows, pasha, you are filming this, pasha, hello, hello, you learned this, pasha, in the first person, you just tell me what is happening and where, where at 3 30 in the morning, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back again, on sunday on rtr, watch , love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look. Lets look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look , sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, we sign, and look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie. Where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours, together, what will you have left . They went against god, went on a tour of all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boriss mother korchevnikovs life and fate from monday to friday on rtr. There are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. Conquer. The squad is ready, explore. Nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. Have already understood what the vietnameses favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, you can do it, this world is worth seeing, the snake charmer is the most an ancient profession in india, they say a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. A secret to the whole world. On saturday on rtr. Are you sure that i am anatva . I mean, what are you saying . If shes alive . Premiere on rtr. With cameras and social networks in modern society, it is almost impossible to fall apart without help. Youre right, there must be an assistant. Youre stubborn, huh . Why do you need to wear this, well, forgive me, by the way, you promised to be on rtr this morning, let me explain everything later, a mirror of lies. So, the total volume expenses will double over the next 5 years , right now the state duma is discussing the budget, dividing the money, deciding how exactly we will live in the state duma in the near future , we will be transferred to a direct link, economic observer maria kudryavtseva. Mash, hello, well, the budget is military, for obvious reasons, while siluanov said that 30 is for social services, who will get it and will there be enough money for everything, understanding what tasks the country faces right now are not very simple. Olga, good afternoon, at the very beginning of my speeches in the state. At home , finance minister anton syulanov outlined an important thesis both spending on social obligations and spending on strengthening the countrys National Defense are the absolute Budget Priorities for the next 3 years. Lets start with just a few important figures next years revenues are planned at more than 35 trillion rubles, expenses are over 36. 5 trillion, but here is an important point for all 3 years the budget deficit will not exceed 1 . For social income. As you already mentioned, the budget includes approximately 30 of all budget spending, thats more than 11 trillion rubles. And here is another important emphasis, which anton syuluanov spoke about today all social obligations are provided with funding. The total amount of expenditures that are provided for another absolute priority is strengthening the countrys defense capability, almost 11 three rubles or 29 of all Budget Expenditures, but this will not in any way affect the fulfillment of social obligations, just a few points pensions of nonworking pensioners will be indexed from next year 1 january 24th by 7. 5 . Maternity capital will also be indexed, more than half a trillion rubles have already been allocated for this in the budget for 3 years, and another over 130 billion rubles have been allocated for the rapid growth of the minimum wage, well, about 6. 5 hours have been allocated for discussing the budget and right now there is a discussion going on. Olga. Masha, regarding the military component, what is known, what is the percentage , if there is an understanding, is there a discussion on this subject, or is the question, as they say, resolved and closed. Regarding the military component, i note that there are almost 11 trillions of rubles are the expenses that are included in the budget, and this is 29 , if we take all the expenses that are included in the Main Financial document of the country. And let me remind you that for social expenses. If you look again at the budget structure, we have allocated 30. 6 . Thank you very much, thank you very much, maria kudryavtseva, in direct communication with the state duma, the country is clearly at war, 29 for defense, 30 for social services, that is, despite the fact that the country is at war, we must provide everyone with what we promised, social guarantees also a priority please. There is such a good phrase american politicians think only about their own interests, they dont care about israel. I didnt say this, this is a phrase from benjamin netanyahu, the current Prime Minister. Minister of israel, he said it in the late nineties, by the way, in my opinion, he was already Prime Minister at that time, the first time you can change a country there will always be a suitable phrase Americans Care about their national interests, for ukraine, israel, for everyone others, this is obvious, in principle this is not surprising, that is, it is natural that everyone thinks about himself, the problem is that right now netanyahu has forgotten about his phrase, that is, well, obviously, america is deciding. Israel should start this operation now, dont start, netanyahu is dependent on america, he cant do anything about it, he himself he is essentially a political corpse, and he admitted his guilt for the failure of the first day of the war, this is exactly what happened the other day yesterday, let me remind you that before this the head of shabaka and the head of masada took responsibility, this is essentially the Foreign Service intelligence and fsb, yes, if translate into russian realities, that is, all these people, they leave, while they continue. In many ways to dance to the tune of the United States, the israelis are not happy with this, i read Israeli Social networks today, looked at the analytics, there is just a barrage of criticism regarding everything current israeli political leadership. The israelis want the operation to begin in gaza, this is also important to understand why they want it, this is not bloodthirstiness, the point is that these 1,300,500 people who died, they must be looked at in proportion to the population, this is as if, god forbid, 150,000 of us would die as a result of. Some kind of attack , these are huge numbers for israel, and i dont know there, these are these hostages, again, if you look at the proportions, this is if there are 5,000 7,000 people, some of them children, it is clear that the israelis, they demand retribution, and those who were killed in the gas sector are not enough, there is also a nightmare in the same proportions, this is understandable, but it is also clear that everyone thinks about themselves, and everyone understands their grief when a persons child dies, its his personal grief, yes. Grief its more difficult to understand another person, this is the case from all sides, its difficult here, its difficult to look at it differently, so when we now see that israel has launched these raids into the gas sector, this is essentially the beginning of a special operation israel , thats what it is, its just that israel, apparently, again, again somehow maneuvering, will not carry out a fullfledged ground operation, or if it does, it will really try to move it. It is obvious that there are huge risks, it is obvious that there will be gigantic losses, it is obvious that everything this is very extremely difficult, uh, all these versions that they will try to poison with gas, uh , that they will somehow flood these underground passages, tunnels, but these are all fairy tales, because in practice it will be almost impossible to do this, thats all it is extremely, extremely, extremely difficult, why israel is now limiting fuel supplies, again, there is no need to demonize anyone, the point is not that they want to cause some harm to the hospitals there, the point is that they want. hamas had no reserve to power generators, essentially all these tunnels work on generators, this is air purification, this is water purification, and so on and so forth, these are all these monitors, but hamas has plenty for itself, they have plenty of reserves, it s important not to forget this too , that is, now, now, of course, civilians will suffer, this is terrible, on the other hand , i repeat, israel will not stop, i see this from the attitude of the people, and there in israel it is impossible not to. Take into account this attitude, that is, any politician who will do it all i dont care, theyll just demolish him, netanyahu will be demolished in any case, but now hes trying, trying to somehow survive, regarding these gas raids, what is the task and how i see the development prospects, most likely they will do raids, that is they went in, solved some tactical problem, came out, went in again, its impossible to advance that far, the very center of all these tunnels is located under gaza itself, not in the plan of the city, there in the center of everything this is the city of gaza, its not clear how to raid there, this just unreal situation, that is, its possible, it works on the outskirts, it works with khanyunis, this is also a city sector, now lets take a break and then talk, in a minute you and i, for you csk have become these, which we are celebrating this year, this your whole life, vladislav tretyak, in the ninth year at the age of 17 i began to play for the csk team and i thank, of course, the great tarasov, when i came to him, he told me you are still a semifinished product, yes, well, we will work, if you survive, you will be great, all the world called it the russian wall, until now as long as hockey will be, i will always remember the games of 1972 as the most outstanding matches in hockey, i have chills right now, and i think, lord, where are we going, what will happen to us, will there be glory or shame, and i will be the first the goal is scored in the thirtieth second, we need to sew it up properly, guys, the fate of a man with Boris Korchevnikov on friday on rtr, from the first , you are the head of the company, i can handle it, this is my dream job, and yanochka, you thought about it, where are you going to put it , lets hire her a nanny, hello. Yanochka, my name is maria alexandrovna. Can i call you aunt masha . My good one, call it what you like best. And you are not at all afraid that masha will replace you in yanas life, after all, they cannot live without each other, like mother and daughter, when there is no one closer to the nanny. You named yana daughter. Are you afraid to leave yana with masha, or what . Afraid. Do you like riding the bus . I havent ridden yet. Yana, yana. Aunt masha on friday on rtr, i think that here , more seriously, you sit and think, there s no need to think about it, heres all this, to play or not to play, yes, yes, thats it, there cant be two opinions, because we have five of them. This is a dangerous fairytale animal, when it comes to fleas, im out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, lets go see something edible , i meant, of course , the bear, when he said, so stinky, small , a hint, in general, the most gambling team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the program of five for one, im oops, and five for one on saturdays on rtr, allenka is jealous of you and me that we have been together for so long and are still in love with each other, on saturday, mom, and this is us and. We will have him to live, divorce will unexpectedly come when you dont expect it at all, my life is over, i just need to change something in this life, and every evening will immediately become surprisingly good, and if dad returns, im sorry for disturbing you, i just have nowhere to live , apartment, oh, premiere, on saturday, on rtr, if you come to my house, the first thing you you will see this is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist, or an athlete . We took the gto standards for 30 34 years old, we can pull up, a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a rescuer, but he is a doctor who. Everyone needs, treatment should not be selfmedication, you need to contact a specialist. Doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. Provocation is treacherous behavior. There is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. Orientalism, this is conditional. Some kind of parallel agenda, what do you need nerift, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation, the first podcasts we watch, this is how the ground operation went to the gas sector. Will begin unexpectedly without announcement in advance, said israeli ambassador to russia ben swee, he noted that tel aviv is in coordination with washington and other allies. Moscow, in turn, advocates immediate ceasefire. Washingtons attempts to monopolize the middle east settlement process have led to the current catastrophic situation, condemning terrorist acts and any other actions that violate International Humanitarian law and harm civilians, russia calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a resumption of negotiations on the creation. Has just stated that one of the main priorities are the fulfillment of social obligations for social expenses , more than 11 three rubles are taken into account in the budget, this is 30 of the budget. In next year, federal Budget Expenditures will amount to 3,600 billion rubles. This is a huge resource. Year, the volume of federal Budget Expenditures, dear deputies, doubles, over 5 years, next years expenditures have doubled, in fact, where does the money come from . We have taken into account the necessary measures to mobilize the revenue base, additional revenues from improving the administration of capital taxes have been included, we have provided for further steps to set up, finetune the taxation of oil and gas. Sector, therefore, they also proposed, in order to mitigate the impact of Exchange Rates fluctuations in price conditions in the domestic market, introduce a progressive scale of export duties, it is already in effect this year next year, this is a task, which means, indeed, to influence the control of prices after prices, on the one hand, on the other hand, this is also a resource for replenishment, excise taxes on tobacco, excise taxes on wine products, and indexation of tax rates is also taken into account. In general, the income received in the twenty fourth year will be more than 35 three rubles. The military component is also within the budget thirty . That is, there is money for turnover. For the implementation of all social guarantees, thank you for watching for 60 minutes, while i need a bouquet , we are looking at the weekend, i hope your bride will like it, i would be pleased to receive such a bouquet from my groom, love is like a flower, so easy to arrange. Taty, get out of here, get out, i said, i was also betrayed by a loved one, its so difficult to raise, where did you glue this girl together yesterday, i just want to find her, dont you dare pester her, i understand, dont you dare, im pregnant, from a man who me abandoned, you decided to keep the child, right . Yes, although not like everyone else, run away from him, cook before its too late, he manipulates people, i want you and me, lesh, im getting married. For the father of your child, you dont love him, it will be right, flower tanga on saturday on rtr, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we answer for every word evening with Vladimir Solovyov today on rtr. The Information Service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching news, my name is maria sittel. Hello. By the second reading of the draft budget, the state duma will make amendments to allocate additional subsidies to the regions. Vecheslav volodin reported this. Today, the lower house began considering the countrys Main Financial document for the next 3 years. The main priorities are social guarantee, Technological Development and safety. What will they be . They invited anton silaanov, what were the results of the conversation, they criticized united russia, no, it was a business conversation, the most important result is that the faction will support the budget, the focus today, of course, is the key parameters of the budget, revenues next year will be 35 three rubles, expenses will be a little more than 36 trillion, yes there will be a deficit, it will persist for three years, but as the ministry of finance emphasizes, it will not exceed 1 , while income relative to gdp will increase significantly, and the Government Reserve Fund will also be used. Next year, for example, it will be 100 billion rubles. In the first , the parameters of the budget, its concept, and ideology are adopted. Based on this, we formulate goals tasks of overcoming challenges and developing the country. And of course, ensuring social obligations. The president has set such tasks, we must solve them by reflecting them in the budget, this is what worries people, everyone. Exactly. This is defense and security, these are social obligations and the Technological Development of the country, these are our main priorities, which are reflected in the draft Financial Plan for the next 3 years and are provided with the necessary funding. Two key tasks on the one hand , the development of the defense industry, defense capabilities countries, as well as social problems. The pension for nonworking pensioners next year will be 23. 24 rubles, it is also necessary to adjust maternity capital to the level of inflation , the Education Sector will develop, new worldclass campuses will appear throughout the country, money has also been allocated for the development of civil industry , this is 2. 7 rubles, this includes and the aviation industry, the development of new aircraft, engines, the development of machine tool industry, in general , largescale tasks, one way or another, the two opposition factions have comments, emphasizes that the main thing is, of course, to fulfill the president s instructions, to reach. Global rates, and not higher than three, to do everything in order to develop knowledgeintensive industries, high technologies, train highquality personnel, and maximally support those who fight for our homeland, in order to win, it is necessary to mobilize resources as much as possible, budget support, firstly , united russia, also the ldpr and new people, they emphasize that the budget must be adopted, in addition, the budget is balanced, finally the ministry of finance is in close contact with deputies and the Exchange Rate of the ruble, and according to the forecast included in the draft of this budget it will stabilize at the level of 8085 rubles per dollar, and as for the price of oil, that means its forecast is approximately what is included in the budget revenue at the level of 60 dollars per barrel. But if the price of oil is higher and, accordingly, budget revenues are higher than those planned, they will be credited to the welfare fund, in addition, another important item of expenditure, money allocated for the integration of new russian regions, well discussion of details, more substantive, is already a matter of second reading. Alexey petrov, mikhail altyrkov, dmitry shevlev, maxim devittay, lead. Now about the situation in the special operation zone. Over the past 24 hours , russian units destroyed more than 800 ukrainian militants in all sectors of the front. Our forward units repelled five neonazi attacks in the zaporozhye and krasnolimansky directions. The Ukrainian Armed forces lost two german leopard tanks and a czech selfpropelled gun dana. The artillerymen destroyed the control posts of three ukrainian brigades, and they also defeated enemy personnel and Armored Vehicles in the area of ​​ugledar, urozhainy, staromaisky and kola, an Ukrainian Armed forces Ammunition Depot in the dnepropetrovsk region was hit by precise fire, the air defense destroyed 27 ukrainian drones and intercepted six shells in one day. About events in the middle east, air raid alert in tel aviv. The air Defense System intercepted missiles directed from the gas sector. Hamas Militants Attack in response to the morning shelling of the city of khan yunis. 22 were killed. More than a hundred were injured. In total, more than 7,000 people. The issue of protecting the civilian population of palestine. Today this is the main topic of the Emergency Special session of the general assembly. It starts in less than an hour. The latest data from the conflict zone is from alexey konopko and stanislav bernwald. Six people were injured in haha fella district. Four in one of the largest cities in israel, reshon litsionie. Here, last night, a rocket from the gas sector pierced the wall of an apartment on the third floor, there were no residents inside, and the neighbors were saved by the fact that they managed to reach a public bomb shelter on the street. In the house of protection there are no premises, the woman was wounded. Glass shards, shropnel man. Around the same hours, the Israel Defense forces carried out a new special forces raid in gaza. This is not a ground operation yet, but, the Prime Minister says, it is close. Netanyahu addressed the nation, spoke about the six hundred selfdefense units created in 2 weeks, and said that politics does not affect the determination of the military. We are preparing for a ground operation, i will not specify when, or to what extent, this is how it should be, in order to save the lives of our soldiers. More israels only goal, other than the elimination of hamas , is the release of the hostages. According to sources, there is progress in negotiations, but so far there are no lists of names or numbers. It is known that at least 138 foreign citizens are in captivity; qatar is acting as a mediator. Priority will be given to women, children , the elderly, but it is emphasized that contacts on such a deal do not cancel the ground operation, it will be carried out. Israel understands that once. The assault begins, the likelihood of concluding a broad deal will sharply decrease. However, dangerous for hostages the ground operation is most likely postponed. The wall street journal writes that tel aviv agreed not to start it until the United States increases military power in the region. The pentagon is rapidly deploying about a dozen air Defense Systems in the region, including for american troops serving in iraq, jordan, kuwait, saudi arabia, syria and the united arab emirates, to protect their soldiers from missiles. American officials, while they. Encourage the israelis to refrain from sending tanks and infantry to the gaza strip until until these units are deployed in the region. Perhaps this is exactly what defense secretary galland and pentagon chief austin discussed that night in their eighth telephone conversation in two weeks. Benjamin netanyahu had his almost daily conversation with joseph biden. The media do not go into details of the israeli Prime Ministers speech, but the american leader quote from the publication axos was alarmed by reports of attacks by extremist settlers on palestinians in the occupied west bank, it seems that the conflict is escalating, at least in words, washington doesnt want it yet. Alexey konovko, konstantin piunov and polina fedorova, lead israel. It is still extremely, extremely hot in the gas sector, and the shelling does not stop almost for a minute. And the worst thing is that, indeed, the humanitarian situation is worsening day by day, several more hospitals were closed, due to the fact that, well, its elementary. For fuel in order to power the generators, meanwhile, hundreds, if not thousands of palestinians need help, here are the terrible statistics, a third the dead palestinians are children, and this situation is aggravated in the sense that doctors are simply physically unable to provide assistance; there is an opportunity to listen to what these children, who are under fire every day, have to say. You see all this, what i can do, fix everything, im only 10 years old, its simply unbearable, i just want to be a doctor or someone else to help my people, but i cant, doctors continue to perform their duties outside of human conditions , i will say once again that the humanitarian situation is extremely difficult and big problems with medicines, big problems with painkillers, well, just elementary with dressing materials , doctors. Just like ordinary palestinians lose their loved ones, the doctor, who was at work, fulfilling his duties, learned that his family had died in the air after another israeli air raid, macron flew to jordan, but , as it turned out, they werent really expecting him there, people gathered at the French Embassy for a rally, and unpleasant chants were addressed to the french president. France. France, which occupied and colonized the world, thinks it will solve everything for us . But no, the decision will not come from them, the decision will come from the arab countries. In oman, the capital of jordan, thousands, if not several thousand, of people gathered at the French Embassy, ​​who expressed their dissatisfaction with the arrival of the french president in the capital of jordan. Stanislav. Antap to lead beirut, lebanon russias main task in relations with the west is not to allow itself to suffer a strategic defeat, because this is precisely the goal proclaimed by the United States and the European Union. This foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said in minsk after a meeting with president of belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the sidelines of the forum on eurasian security. According to lavrov, the states have done everything to weaken the eu. Russia , in turn, did not destroy bridges with the countries of the European Union, but from now on it is ready to cooperate only on an equal basis. Now, under pressure from washington, europe is facing direct losses. I spoke at a conference today. Our hungarian colleague directly said that Energy Resources in europe are five times more expensive than in the usa, we do not close the door in these processes to anyone, but if europe now prefers to be proud, then as you said, grigorich himself, we will have to move from the division of labor to the independent, sovereign creation of everything that we need for development, for security, russia and belarus are doing a lot today to keep not only europe, but also the world from sliding towards the most dangerous line, you should know that we will continue to adhere to this line, we are reliable allies of the russian federation, you are in you can also be sure of this, there can be no game here, since we understand that a lot is at stake, in principle, the viability and survival of our states. The representative of the European Union at the forum in minsk, Hungarian Foreign minister Peter Szijart noted that the success of the western economy cannot be imagined without cooperation with the eastern one, therefore it is necessary to continue the civilizational dialogue at all costs. What is needed to avoid further deterioration of the situation in europe . The first is to justify the war in ukraine restore peace. The second is the restoration of a civilized dialogue between the west and we need to return to a reasonable dialogue with each other. Bratislava will not send weapons to kiev, this statement was made by the new Prime Minister of slovakia robert fitso at a meeting with deputies. He noted that further assistance to ukraine can only be humanitarian, and the eu must turn from a supplier of weapons into a peacemaker. The head of the slovak government called zelskis regime the most corrupt and emphasized that such a country does not yet have a place in the European Union. I i am in favor of ending hostilities, and i dont care what kind of peace plan will be implemented, i dont know what it will be, but zelenskys plan is unrealistic, he thinks that the russians will leave donetsk, lugansk or crimea, this is unrealistic. The purpose of this plan is to prolong hostilities. Negotiations are the business of russian americans. Ukrainians. Do not play any role, whatever the russians and americans agree on will be valid. Mikhail mishustin continues his working visit to kyrgyzstan. Today a meeting of the heads of government of the shanghai region was held in bishke cooperation organizations. The russian Prime Minister noted a common Priority Task to ensure the stability of the participating states in the face of global challenges and external competition. An independent payment mechanism in the region can play an Important Role in this. Beneficial Economic Cooperation, it is necessary to further eliminate legal and administrative barriers and at the same time build a modern payment infrastructure. We are increasingly using our own currencies in payments, it would be worth thinking about the formation of an independent regional payment and settlement mechanism, and also about ensuring the conversion of our currencies on national exchanges. It is important to deepen cooperation in the fuel and energy field, especially in the Current Conditions of unstable prices. Energy resources, imbalance of supply and demand. Following the meeting of the council of heads of government of the sco, a number of documents were signed. The state, in particular , agreed to continue multilateral trade and Economic Cooperation and interaction in the field of Railway Transport and digital trade. Ibid in bishkek hosted meetings of the council of heads of government of the cis and the eurasian intergovernmental council. Mikhail mishustin invited the Prime Ministers of the commonwealth countries in december. To moscow, at the meeting the prospects for cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian spheres will be discussed. Mishustin said that the results of cooperation with partners in the cis will be presented at the International Exhibition forum russia. And here are the topics further in our issue the best cossack cadet corps of our country was awarded in the kremlin. And the american state police men is looking for the perpetrator who carried out a mass shooting in the city of lewetton. Well be back on air in a couple of minutes, are you sure i m dead . I mean, what are you saying, if shes alive, the premiere is on rtr , with cameras, social networks in modern society , its almost impossible to fall apart without help, youre right, there should be an assistant, you re stubborn, and why let you down, well, i m sorry, by the way, you promised to be there this morning, let me explain everything later, a mirror of lies, today on rtr, in the south of kamchatka in a giant camera. On the bowl is the deepest body of water in russia after lake baikal, kuril lake, with the dormant ilyinsky volcano rising above its shores. Many thousands of years ago, there was a volcanic desert here, but now life is in full swing. Five species of salmon come here to merist from june to february. Brown bears, the inhabitants of the south kamchatka reserve, are lucky; their fishing season lasts almost 8 months. On a fish diet, taigas owners gain weight so quickly that they have time for games and water treatments. Hardly anywhere else on our planet you can see so many playing bears. Allenka is jealous of you and me that we have been together for so long and are still in love with each other, on saturday, mom, and this is my igor , he will live with us, divorce will unexpectedly come when you are not expecting it at all, my life is over, just in this life something needs to be changed, every evening will immediately become surprisingly good, and if dad returns , im sorry, i disturbed you, i just have nowhere to live, apartment, oh, the premiere, on saturday on rtr, if you come to my house, the first thing you see is a scratched dogs door, he could. Become a zoologist or an athlete . We took the gto norm for 30 34 years old, we can pull up, a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard. But he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be selfmedication, you need to contact a specialist, doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. Open up, i love you and i want you to always be by my side, oleg, i go to the movies on weekends, remember what kind of wedding you wanted as a child, i love romance, i propose a noble wedding, i didnt know what flowers choose thought that everyone loves roses, you can forget the past, but why, of all the organizers in the city, my sons wedding. His exfiancee will conduct it, this is absurd, i myself am not happy with what you need, but you cant forget true love, 6 years ago there was just a mistake, who is my mother, you and i are drawn to each other, i love you, i love you all i love you life, im sorry, i want to cancel the wedding, this will never happen, wedding march, on sunday at ptp. You watch the news, we continue the release. Suspect in armed attack on lewiston town residents in maine, still at large. Hundreds of Police Investigators have been searching for him for more than 12 hours. It is known that the criminal is a weapons instructor with mental problems. He had previously threatened to shoot at a military base. Last evening, there were three attacks at once in a bowling club, a store, and the criminal had accomplices; fire was fired at visitors from an Assault Rifle with a telescopic sight; more than twenty were killed, dozens were wounded; schools and government offices were closed in lewiston and neighboring towns. New speaker of the house representatives of the us congress became a republican, mike johnson. He took the third most important position in the state hierarchy of the states. Kevin was removed from this post 3 weeks ago. Johnson is seen as a supporter of former president donald trump, and this is not the best option for kiev. The new speaker voted against most bills to support ukraine and more than once criticized the zelensky regime. Now johnson calls the adoption of a resolution to support israel his main task. Ways out of the crisis in the middle east. There was one like this one of the main topics of Vladimir Putins meeting with representatives of religious associations. The president noted the primary task is to stop the bloodshed and prevent the conflict from spreading beyond the region. The meeting took place the day before in the kremlin , it was emphasized that interethnic and interreligious harmony is. Russian statehood. Dmitry kaistra, more details. The president invited leaders of religious denominations to a meeting in the kremlin in order to discuss the most important issues on the modern agenda, both international and domestic policy. The head of state suggested starting the conversation with events in the middle east. We are all following the tragic situation in the holy land with anxiety and pain in our hearts. A new round of the palestinianisraeli conflict has already claimed thousands of lives. Thousands, russia has experienced and knows what International Terrorism is, we know what it is, we will always feel the bitterness of the irreparable losses suffered by the country during the years of the fight against International Terrorism. I sincerely want to express my condolences to the families of israelis, citizens of other countries whose loved ones. Died and were injured during the attack on october 7 this year. But it is also obvious to us that innocent people should not be held accountable for crimes committed by others. Putin especially emphasized that russias position on the palestinianisraeli conflict is not opportunistic in nature and is based on un decisions on two sovereign states, israel and palestine, a principle that the president called the key to peace in the middle east, which. They are trying to destroy, they are inciting muslims against the jews, calling for war with the infidels, shiites they are pitting sunnis against sunnis, orthodox against catholics, in europe they turn a blind eye to the blasphemy of vandalism of muslim shrines, in a number of countries they are already openly, at the official level, glorifying nazi criminals and antisems, on whose hands the blood of holocaust victims. In ukraine, they are moving towards banning the Canonical Orthodox Church and deepening the church schism. The goal , in my opinion, of all these actions is obviously to increase instability in the world, to divide cultures, peoples, and World Religions and to provoke a conflict of civilization. Home the task, putin said, is to stop the bloodshed and violence, which can spill far beyond the borders of the middle east. In the west they see how they are recruiting. Due to the process of formation of a multipolar world order, and in order to restrain the development of independent, sovereign countries, to split the world majority, the same means are being used, including islamophobia, antisemitism, and russophobia. In many ways, orchestrating the conflict in the middle east, fueling and provoking nationalism, religious intolerance towards the whole world, these same forces, of course, they are pursuing their hostile goals in relation to our country, these goals are declared. By the ruling circles of some countries openly, to inflict on us, as they put it, a strategic defeat. Patriarch kiril expressed gratitude to the president for his peacekeeping position, on which stability and tranquility in the holy land depend. We are the leaders of traditional religions in russia, we are well aware of the tragedy of what is happening today in the middle east, and therefore we do not have the right to allow in our country a call for hostility and manifestations of hatred on religious grounds, fame. God, with the exception of some completely marginal groups, nothing like this takes place in russia. Your assessments are extremely important for believers, in general for the moral understanding of ongoing processes and the importance of unity for our multinational country. According to the chairman of the Central Spiritual Administration of muslims of russia, mufti talgat tadzhudin, who proposed at the meeting to create a fund for humanitarian assistance to victims in the middle east, the conflict in the region is based lies the injustice towards the palestinian people, laid down more than 70 years ago, during which the un twostate resolution has not been implemented. Unfortunately, some countries not only do not contribute to a fair resolution of this conflict, on the contrary, they once again demonstrate to the whole world their right of force and double standards. We call on our compatriots to remain calm, united and united, not to succumb to provocations and avoid agitation. You once again emphasized the need interreligious, interethnic harmony is an extremely important thing, in general always , at the moment, especially the centuriesold experience of our country, the experience of maintaining peace between all religions and peoples, in the opinion of the chief rabbi of russia berlaz, should become an example for the whole world. National unity is the uniqueness of russia; we always feel peace and Mutual Respect between people from different nations, different cultures, different faiths. We, thank god, have had this tradition for many years, and in recent years they have become even more important. And relevant. Thank you for being we also paid attention to our fundamental values. The values ​​of the country and its security today are primarily ensured by fighters and commanders, participants in a special military operation. I would like to thank you all for your support of the Russian Armed forces and the support of our fighters, their family members, and all those who are fighting for russia as part of a special military operation. We are one people. We have one homeland, we all bear a common responsibility for its wellbeing and safety. Concluding the meeting, putin thanked representatives of religious confessions for such a principled position towards russia and noted the great attention they pay to educational work and the development of interreligious dialogue. Dmitry kaistra, philip dubrovsky, nikolai zakharov, diana fitisova. Awarded the best cossack kazetsky corps of our country. This year it was an Educational Institution named after ataman ivan beryukov from the astrakhan region. The students and teachers were given the banner of the president of russia. The standard of the head of state will be kept at the school until next year. The competition for the title of the best cossack cadet corps is being held this year for the thirteenth time. You are regular participants in the competition review. Over the years you have been participants, laureates and prizewinners of this significant competition, today you are the winners, more than 10 years of holding the competition show have shown that graduates of the cossack cadet corps have become a real pillar of our country. I am confident that they will grow up to be faithful sons of the fatherland and will also faithfully serve their homeland, and the challenge banner of the president of russia will become real for them. Further development of our cadet corps and worthy education of the new generation of astrakhan cossacks. Tonight on our channel there is a continuation of the detective melodrama mirror of lies. An unexpected turn in the investigation, the main character has a suspicion and even proof that one of her friends did not die, but disappeared on purpose and is now living under a different name. Watch two new episodes of mirror of lies immediately after the big news. Today, all news can always be found on the media platform look in the application or on website, but the news will continue to follow the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay tuned. International usia. Resolving the middle east crisis peacefully has so far been unsuccessful; the Un Security Council has not yet reached an agreement; the russian draft resolution, which calls for an immediate ceasefire , has been rejected. The us and uk opposed it. At the same time, washington itself is only fueling the conflict. Our

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