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The house is based on the song of russia, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, this is the richest bandit in all the wild poured hot water on himself once, are you ready, but im telling my wife, im leaving, i looked back, she ive already packed my things, meeting the stars, whats more difficult, becoming good a person or to remain, the question is of course an interesting one, both are difficult, and another, i rarely cry, almost never, i dont allow children to cry either, i only allow them to cry when the flag is raised and the anthem is played. The whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother, son and daughterinlaw have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentary films, and now the flag of the Russian Federation is rising over the norwegian sea. This was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. What will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, yes this is reality, Vladimir Putin sits in this chair, he, as you and i remember, enters the hall through these doors, without which it is impossible. Imagine russia only on the rtrplanet channel. Hello, hello, our dear viewers, welcome to our weekly parade of humor, tell me, lena, what do you think is a woman . Different from a man, oh, what an unexpected question, well, a woman is a river, and a man is the banks, and the stronger the river, the stronger the banks should be, that is , a divorced woman is a woman who lost its shores, and now who are you hinting at, karan, im hinting at no one at all, im talking about women, continue, continue, well, secondly, in every woman there is. This is also an interesting question, thats where exactly is this highlight located . Oh, i, well, i dont know, im a karen, well, in my head, for example, instead of my brain, or what . There are different options, it happens that a woman has not just one highlight, but many, but now i understand that a woman is, this is a cupcake, well, in general, a woman is an endless source. For discussion, we can talk about women endlessly, and today well talk about them, wait, wait, lenochka, what about men . Well, about men, if there is time left, and now artists will appear on stage to help us figure this out, stage Elena Vorobey and nikolai alipa, meet, number, number unknown, interesting, hello . Yes, yes, zoya fedorovna, of course, i recognized you, how glad i am to hear from you, no, you are not on any black list. I didnt add you, dont yell at me , dont, i saw it myself, the lift was successful, that a dimple appeared on the forehead, its a navel, i say navel, yes, its normal that you they wanted 17 braces, is it a joke, no, i could nt pull it higher, i ask you, calm down, come to my clinic in 234 days, i ll arrange your package, fashionable for youth, ill do a piercing, with a bead, yes on promotion, yes, a bead as a gift, yes, goodbye, zoya fedorovna, shar pei, blacklisted, yes, sign in, hello, hello, come in do you recognize me . No, i have the same crap, i dont recognize myself, listen , i really dont recognize you, its strange, why, why, why, im swollen, how do i know why youre swollen, maybe after yesterday, im swollen, thats my last name, but the swelling is anastasia u. You know, no , but i recognized you right away, it was you who performed Plastic Surgery on me, what kind of surgery, for what promotion, for what promotion, and im also interested, there were a lot of promotions that day, there was such a thing, pump up your lip with us, get playful eyes, for sure. And the main thing im looking at is how i know this look, im the one who made it, theres so much fire in your look, i just want to follow you, you know, theyre already walking, some people are walking, but for now only children, but theyre walking, a lot walking, yes, shouting, something do it, dont strain, children are angry, its better not to strain, life is leeches. I, too, would cling to you with pleasure, lets do what adults say, well, well, you have a husband, i have a husband, thank you, doctor, i was part of the action here, so lets say what my husband said when i saw you, he was just surprised, at first he winced, he thought that i was with him. And , well, im playing, and then he said, now its clear who you remind me of, who, the light bulb in the entrance, in what sense, also says, you blink disgustingly, you want, he says, unscrew one, and screw the second one, so that something is in place stand up, stand up, stand up, but you know what . Im also glad that i got into the door, because today i have a promotion two playful eyes for complete ecstasy, so, look carefully, there, go, find the Cash Register there, pay the money, then come, go, thank you, im with i can hardly see it with one eye, are you a doctor, i have another question, how does it mean that since my eye was done at your place, it means that its your lips that you ripped out for me, and my lips turned out awesome, i can feel it, especially in windy weather, you know, the lower lip flies all the way behind your back, be careful, lets listen, lips are my strong point, i made them for you using the latest technology gubicus elasticus, i have problems because of your technology, what are they . I cant drink coffee, why . Leaks, i cant swim in open waters, steep rivers, lakes, excuse me, but why is this . The fish climbs to kiss, in a hickey, i am in the summer. I went into the pond, ran out a minute later, why, if i had stayed a little longer, i would have gone to spawn. Listen, lets leave the fishing and lets go back to my husband, there is no one to return the cart, not a doctor, you pay attention, what, what did my husband say when he saw these gorgeous lips, asked why the bees took revenge on me, and then, when he found out that i suck at all this, artistry, i went to work, paid for it with a credit card, acted like. A real, complete sage, one might say, he packed up his things, stopped talking, and quickly moved out, one might say, he moved out very quickly, though a review on your work, aged, interesting, read it, his lips inspired him, yes. Its all over between us, ill say goodbye at the end, idiot, with those lips, thongs need to be worn on the face , thongs, thongs, doctor, wait, we didnt give you thongs, but what did i get , of course, you got a set for a week on sale, two sets for the price of three, so that s it. Go, yes, find the Cash Register there for the thongs, pay for the thongs, put them on, go already, go, now the doctor, i almost left , doctor, just a second, tell me, what kind of lump appeared here, that this wasnt there before, no, before this wasnt here before there was a plain, i remembered, that day there was another promotion, another one, and come and pump your lip with a bonus, youll get breasts, what am i saying breasts, just a second, doctor right . Then answer my question, why alone, doctor . Why alone . I asked why one doctor, i asked bevy , why one, so heres the second one, where is the second one, here, wow, my lips are scattered, on different floors, you know, implants have a period of migration, hell take a walk, will take a walk and come back, my chest is engorged, its funny, so it turns out i have. An implant, in what sense, mom she said, hell take a walk and come back, listen, ill tell you, as a specialist, you look extraordinary, yes, yes, the neighbors saw it too, awesome, doctor, would you like to do something, you know what, lets negotiate, lets, duitor, for you special offer, yes, yes, in order to start life anew, you need to improve your brain, this is for you, one as a gift, and, yes, okay, the second is only 100, thats only 100 rubles. Yes, 100,000 rubles, there, run, cashier, find the money, pay , then come, come on, thank you very much, be careful, doctor, im a crab, a crab im moving, this is normal, because this is normal, now im running like this, doctor, you know, lenochka, ive been wanting to ask you for a long time, yes, yes. Why are you women so concerned about dieting . Well, what do you mean, why . Well, every woman thinks that she is overweight and dreams of losing weight, you know, karen . Yeah, this extra weight, where does it come from . Maybe you just need to eat less . You see, karen, a woman has a whole menagerie, look, there are cockroaches in her head, butterflies in her stomach, cats in her soul, they all want to eat, so she feeds them a little. Lenochka, they told me a story, one woman loved to eat, but she couldnt lose weight, then the husband came up with a way, he was driving a car and gave his wife bills through the open window, so she ran after the car and thus lost weight, well, as a result, how many kilograms did she lose . And not how much, because as soon as she saved up 3,000, she immediately ran to the restaurant for lunch. So all your diets are a waste of money, no, karenna, you can expect anything from a woman , but we know exactly what to expect from a man who is about to enter the stage, and what can you expect from this man, and you will see it now, karen, because on stage , meet sergei drobotenko, you know. Still, you cant, you cant go into trade with weak nerves, anywhere but there, i have a wedding planned on friday at 12 , i missed it the day before, i dont have a suit, well, friends, they helped me out, they helped me out, they gave me the address of a trusted, specialized store, either they mixed something up, or the store moved, i dont know, i arrive at the indicated address. I glanced briefly at the name shop ritual, but in the confusion it didnt dawn on me that this , to put it mildly, is not exactly the ritual that i have to perform, no, well, someday it will happen, of course, but not on friday at 12, i run up to the counter, say to the woman, the seller, hello, help me choose a suit, the woman with a mournful voice asks what size are you interested in . I say, well, just think about it, i take it upon myself, in fact, this is the first time our men take it upon themselves, dont take it upon yourself. Tell me, hows your mothers language . Doesnt it wrinkle . Man, still nobody complained. I say that the colors are so gloomy, black, gray. But what about rejoicing, well, i dont know, i would, i would like something to match the color of my eyes, excuse me, who will be there to look after you, no, but what do you think, everyone will immediately get drunk to celebrate, or what . This is also an option, you know, give me something white, men are white, we only have slippers, my feet are wide, they dont pinch. And when you put them on, will you care . Well, in some ways you are right, of course, such an event, its not just slippers, such an event, maybe ill have it once in my life, but you still doubt it . Well, anything can happen, okay, lets hurry up, i feel like i dont have much time left, so what, do you already know the date . So on friday at 12, and how are your family . How do they react . Well, how are they always happy . For now, the four of us are huddled in a oneroom , and so ill move, itll be easier, and soon my sister will get together, listen, your family is cheerful, thats not the right word. Well, they got me out on friday to go for a walk for 3 days, what do i think, if the jacket is too tight, im in monday ill come in and change it, they took it away by ambulance, it doesnt work anymore, i say, well , you cant go into trading with weak nerves, anywhere, just not where whats going on, youre moving out, why, where is the premiere on rtr, i miss you, i love you, wait, wait, a second, mouse, well , finally, ive decided everything, well give birth in germany, seeing, fever, on monday, on rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another one began shelling, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, lets say this is my trophy, we had a famine then, and here comes my grandmother, hungry herself. But she carries this kurbuda and says baby, feed the dog, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us , i came across such people who care, support them in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, they can only ours, honor and praise to you, what you do is. Simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. Look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look , look, lets look, look, well, look at the screen, look, take it out of me, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time , two, three, subscribe, watch, watch, maybe well go to my place, just watch a movie, the program is dedicated to eyes gray and blue, in love and sad, teacolored eyes, there is a hymn dedicated to the eyes, these eyes are the opposite, the song is not only about us inspires, but also heals our wounds, hello andrey, andrey malakhovs evening show, today on rtr. We know each other, we studied in the same class, i was once betrayed by a man whom i loved very much, i dont understand what youre talking about, he went to moscow with vera, they will get married there, olga arndgolts, why cant we bring back the past, alexey fateev, but we have real ones, your husband . Hes cheating on you, im pregnant, you ca nt step into the same water twice, i dont like her, and a child must have a father and a mother, the ninth wave. Jack, ive decided everything, i dont want to go anywhere else without stop you, sunday on rtr. One woman remembered from the movies that the last phrase in a conversation is remembered she told her husband at dinner. You know, honey, i went shopping, wrecked my car, delicious boch, right . True, the husband answered. Unique female logic. Another woman complains, i always tell myself that i will start losing weight after the holidays, but i cant help it. After all, my life is a continuous holiday. Now, dear friends, the artist will appear on stage, her life is also a continuous holiday, she will give this holiday to all of us, stage, charming and unique, elena stepanenko. Oh, they often call me a fool, yes, but i m not offended, im not offended at all, yes, im a fool and im proud of it, yeah. Here are my friends, oh, you know, everyone is smart , thats why everyone works from morning to night, you know, every morning they get up, go to work, on the subway, in traffic jams, on buses, and in the evening home, just like the subway, in traffic jams, on buses, and im a fool, they dont keep me at any job for more than a month, so im in the morning. Im not in a hurry to go to work, im sitting here to my husbands mockery, yes, no, well, he did it once tried to force me to work, and then he paid for my waste for six months, he doesnt send anymore, no, but how, why, i sit at home from work, rest, dont cook, no, i dont cook, let the smart ones cook, i remember once we from weddings on a trip with my husband returned, my mother asked, daughter, did you feed your breakfast well there, i said, mother, very well, you know right away, its so lucky that we now have a cook at home, that my husband will soon leave me, yes you what, its the smart ones that are being abandoned, i know from myself, because not a single man will tolerate a wife who is smarter than him, not one, yes, but a fool of a husband. They dont leave, no, because its easier with a fool, well, of course, you can hang any kind of foolishness on your ears, here s my vadik, he somehow galloped up, hiding his eyes, lyuba, i urgently need to go on a business trip for a couple of days, and i i understand that he needs to go to kray rusanova for a couple of days, well, what do you think, a scandal would be smart. Arranged , however, i would have laid out all my suspicions, in short, i would have frayed the nerves of both him and myself, but im a fool, i say, vadik, my beloved, okay, that you are leaving, that means you wont be back until wednesday, yes, very good, on wednesday, when you return, in the morning, or in the evening, and closer to night, oh, vadik, great, ill also manage by the evening and will be waiting for you at home, his face has changed, he completely forgot to think about the business trip, he says, oh, something doesnt feel good, you know, something doesnt feel good , im probably sick, oh, you know, im not going anywhere, no, nowhere, thats it, the issue is resolved, the paradise can rest, one day. Do you hear, in the morning he comes, all so exhausted, in lipstick, he smells like a woman, and i say so affectionately , darling, where have you been, if i were smart, he would definitely say, youre so smart, think for yourself, come up with something, but im a fool, so they start noodles with me hang it on your ears, ah, about a friend im injecting with. Whom he stayed late yesterday, drank a lot and passed out, a smart person would immediately ask, listen, where does kolya get his lipstick, why does this kolya wear womens perfume, thats smart, but im a fool , i say, oh, poor thing, how did you suffer all night . My head hurts, oh, ive worked hard, oh, he he was stunned, he said, ive worked hard for something, i, im this, i drank at a friends all night, i say , but this isnt work, drinking all night, its a pity that you dont get paid for it, otherwise you would enough for treatment, there is horror in his eyes, they ask what treatment, i say, how is it that after such a night the body is weakened, there is no immunity, the infection is very easy to pick up, hes wondering what to catch, i say, yes everything, both coronavirus and influenza virus trichonopolovirus, he says, what, i say , quickly run to get checked, otherwise well miss it moment, he ran straight to the hospital. Oh, if i were smart, well, i would bring him to light, well, lets get a divorce or something, but where to look for something new, now hes a decent guy, hes a rarity, we agree, of course, hes my friend, oh, friend mine, listen, i convinced my husband to cheat, well, she divorced him because she was jealous of every tree of him. He married someone else, now hes cheating on his new wife with her, just think about it, what did they achieve, but because she was smart, but if she were like me, shed be a fool, theyd live with her exhusband, soul to soul, oh, and my other friend, zoya, listen, at the age of 27 she defended her doctoral dissertation, hmm, on the personal front she had antarctica, only penguins, i introduced her, you hear, to one muzykov, and warned her, zoya, i beg you, if you want to get married, just be stupid, but about your dissertation, keep quiet, musicologists are afraid of smart people, listen, i bought them tickets. She sat behind them behind them, so that she could push zoya, if she forgot herself and was too clever, to show off her doctorate degree, listen, zoya. Turned out to be absolute, just a cosmic fool, i even envied her, listen, shes sitting there, and shes so thoughtful, he asks her, zoya, what are you thinking about now . She answers him philosophically, i cant understand, sigismund, how. Theres cream in these eclairs that you bought me at the buffet , he widened his eyes and was silent, then they went out during intermission, the plover stood under the portrait of schnitt, and added, do you know, sigismund, that after the first symphony it came to me. He asks what . So i thought, eggs in the store are cheaper than chicken, then why is caviar more expensive than fish . He was already staring at the threads from the portrait, his eyes widened, as you can see, he was dumbfounded, and half an hour later he proposed to her. Well, they now already have two children, and zoyka still cant decide to tell him about her dissertation. Its clear, this is our advantage, the fool, she never makes mistakes, never. Now an exhibition of contemporary art has been organized at the tretyakov gallery. Yes, im coming, like crazy, i definitely need to go to the third school, listen. I come, everyone is standing so smart, and from the cold, blue blue, i pass them straight forward, i look through the glass door, and there is a rug lying there, you know, its all made of needles, it says, welcome, well, even though im a fool , i understand what welcome means its welcome, im coming in, listen, calm down well , when i enter the trotik gallery, i say well , what kind of crap are you exhibiting here in the trotik gallery . Then three art critics run straight up to me and say woman, woman, you are mistaken, this is not bullshit, this is modern art, and these needles tell us that the whole people should go and get vaccinated, then everyone will have a bright path, dont make a scandal, women, please, look, there are so many people, lets go, we ll explain everything to you they took me through all the halls, explained everything, gave me coffee and cakes, they even wanted to give me a painting , but thank god they changed their minds, and i left, thats it, i visited the stupid trityakov gallery, and the smart ones are Still Standing there in line, all blue, oh, well, what else do i want to say, girls, smart ones study with all their might, and a fool gets a Higher Education without thinking. Yes, here at our institute during a session, they are practically smart they didnt sleep, but i slept like a groundhog, and before the exams i wrote spurs on my legs, from the knee and above. I was putting on the same skirt, above the knees, i was sitting, legs crossed, and copying from my hip, then the professor came up, i told him, alexander petrovich, dear, help me, i cant make it out. Whats written on my thigh here . Professor, he didnt leave my side for 3 years, and my diploma was the brightest in the course, okay . So, what i want to say is, you know, with men everything is simple, you were born smart, smart and live, you were born fool, look for intelligence. But for women its not like that; a woman should be like that at any given moment. How she needs it, when she needs it, smart, when she doesnt need it, even smarter, so i was a fool when i was smart, but now ive grown wiser, ive become a fool, a fool, whatever you take from a fool, its understandable. Such a question why do you, as a woman, immediately create a scandal . Well, because we women live by emotions, and you men provoke us to these emotions all the time, yes, yes, yes, its because of you, we live in constant stress, right . By the way, scientists proved that a woman experiences the greatest stress when her husband lies on the couch and does nothing, and karen i read that scientists have come to the conclusion that a woman is satisfied with a scandal only in two cases. When it is necessary and when it is not necessary, no, when a woman is bored, and so that a man does not get bored, lina, well, so that a man does not get bored, it is necessary not to create a scandal, but to show him something amazing, please meet him, stage khabib, abducted , head flies in the air, stop, you are so sad, cold witch, claps eyes, leftright, ceiling, marinka berry, opopop, turn your head , stop flying, you are so sad, cold kolinka, bat your eyes, whether, took, ceiling, number one, red girl, eat maybe a day, think already two, number one, my fairy tale, where is my genie, i would wish for you, rivers, rivers, rivers, in the rivers you are with me, here we are now with you, tralalatapala, come with me to cinema , but if you dont want to go to the cinema, i dont even care about the moon, raspberry, oopopop, twists your head, top flies, youre so sad, cold slipper, bursts with your eyes, left, right ceiling, raspberry berry, oopopop, turns his head, a bug flies in, youre so sad, cold picture, eyes gobble , left, right at the ceiling, ahah, raspberry berry, ohohohoh, you my sad girl, number one, my fairy tale, where are we gin, i would wish for you, rivers, rivers, rivers, in the rivers you are with me, oh, we are with you now, tralalatapala, come with me to the cinema, but you dont want to go to the cinema, but i dont care about the moon, malinto berry, opopop, turns your head, stops flying, youre so sad, cold as a woman, your eyes widen, left, right at the ceiling, i year raspberry, turns his head, the dock flies in, you are so sad, cold. The basket bursts its eyes left and right into the ceiling oh raspberry ohoh you are my sadness ah im a god raspberry ohoh and you know that my friends at the university think that you are my fiance, tell them the truth, i really love you. Its my fiancees first time abroad, i want it to leave a pleasant impression, this is a gift for you, why , what are you doing, i wont take it, i gave you a ring, yes, and you swam, you look like arthur gray from the furry sails, and then what about you . On asol . The hotter it is southern nights, sorry, i shouldnt have done that, why . The brighter the hatred flares up. Do you want my favorite premiere, thank you, today on rtr, many of you wake up first thing, check your email, and i, of course, am no exception oskaga, champagne. If you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions, tours to abkhazia, i had a week of rest in a skirt, i could barely fit in, you are at the right place, here they will lift everyones spirits, kesha wants to read , please read, kesha cant read, but a man has to earn money, i looked like such a fool yesterday earned from his wife, on air in the morning mail and i am its presenter Nikolai Baskov. The most positive thing, morning mail with Nikolai Baskov through sunday on rtr. It is for you . Well , did you get enough sleep . Gentlemen, just a moment. We have a small one today. You are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words. Heroes of their time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, just on the platform we look, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, how. Together, what do you have will it stay . They went against god, toured all over liberated territory, what is the impression of production, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikovs program life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. Lyanushka, what do you think, who is smarter than a man or a woman . Karen, what do you think here, of course, women. And women, youll say too, so i think that men, yes , okay, well, let me tell you a riddle to test your intelligence , come on, im ready, listen, what is that small, gray thing that rides and squeaks, but i dont know, but its a mouse on bike, yeah, yeah, what . So small, black, it rides, but it doesnt squeak, and i know that, well, its not my mouse, no, karenda, its the shadow of a mouse on a bicycle, and whats so big white, it lies there and doesnt squeak, thats definitely not me i know, oh, karen, yes, shes a blonde, she saw a mouse on a bicycle and fainted, yeah, well, in my opinion, the question of who is smarter, karen, is closed, but its time to raise the question of who with im 100 sure that men funnier even now, lenochka, you will see for yourself, because the stage satirist writer, leon izmailov, i shout, you know, this is generally naive. About who better, a man or a woman, well, of course, men are worse, yes, well, firstly , a woman is smarter, its not me, he said, its chekhov, anton pavlovich, he said, he said so, well, where will you find a woman who will marry marry a man just because he has beautiful legs, and men get married all the time. On womens legs, then doesnt know where to take his mens legs. Secondly, women always have something to talk about, always, at any time, so ask a woman how you are, thats all. Then you can rest, then again there will be nowhere to insert, woman in general, he can talk on any topic, and for any amount of time, the husband says to his wife who were you talking to on the phone for an hour . The wife says, what woman got the wrong number, and because women have a larger vocabulary, the husband says to his wife, listen, i read in the newspaper that men have a vocabulary of 2,000 words, and women have 4,000 words, the wife says, he says what, what . A woman, of course, is more erudite than a man, a woman practically knows everything, even if she knows nothing, just ask any man, why did the car stop, he will start to explain to you how the gearbox works, he will get a book, he will bother everyone around him, ask the woman why the car stopped . She will answer right away, because she stopped going, thats it, no need to add . Thats right, well, i must say that a woman is more selfless than a man, just tell any woman, let s get married, after that she is ready to take off her last shirt, men are not like that , tell a man, lets get married, his face immediately looks like he ate a spoonful of mustard, one is mine a friend says to her boyfriend, she says, weve been dating for so many years, lets say lets get married, which means that he answered her, he told her, why the hell who needs you here, she still. Still thinks that he had i mean, women and, more accurately than men, a man can simply change things like that, and out of the blue, and then he can even confess if he was driven into a corner, and hell say so, but what could he do after 400 g without a snack, that is, if there was a snack, he would still hold out until his people arrived, but then where to go, no if she says i cheated on you, she will always say, well, what did you achieve . There is an urgent issue among women about losing weight, although in our country it has always been considered good when a woman has a body, no, everyone is thin, two women are talking, one says you know, i had a fight with my husband, i lost 3 kg, my friend says, well, make up , he says, what are you saying, do i need to lose another 2 kg . Men, by the way, are indignant and ironic at women s logic, this is due to a lack of understanding, womens logic is good because there is no logic in it, and mens is better, or Something Like two men we met, one of them has a black eye, one of them says, whats wrong with you, he says, but you called your wife, thats just what happens, yes, he says, it happens, we were lying in bed with her yesterday, she says that then we havent had sex for a long time, i say, not us, but you. For women, the logic is completely different, heres a conversation from a chat, he asks, how tall are you . She says 145. Oh, youre such a little princess, whats your weight . She says and the weight is even less, 120. I must say that women, of course, are kinder than men. Well, for example, two women break their fast, she says listen, you said you got married. well, yes, you dont regret it, he says, why not a person, or something, of course, i feel sorry for the guy. But there are vengeful women, if you offend them properly, two friends met, they said listen, they say you returned to your husband, well, yes, why so, she says, but i cant see his happy face, women are much more resourceful than men, for example, one woman wanted to fry cutlets, and her kitchen kettle and meat grinder broke down, but a man would definitely refuse this idea, and there is no woman, when getting into a quarrel with your wife, keep in mind, after 15 minutes you will get tired of it, but she wont, another piece of advice, a woman should definitely yell, a woman who doesnt yell is prone to depression, came home, you see your wife dejected, dont be lazy, blow your nose for the innuendo. And lastly, before calling a woman a bunny, think about whether you have enough cabbage and whether the carrots wont let you down, thats it, oh, kharin, you know, i recently heard such a story, a man told me, today we went to divorce my wife, we didnt get there, had a fight, you see, thats right, it turns out that scandals strengthen families. Oh, not always, koren, one of my friends recently had a fight with her husband, she was so upset that she went on a hunger strike. Yes, what time. She doesnt eat anymore, why doesnt she and her husband eat . And an acquaintance of mine offended his wife so much that she doesnt talk to him at all, how did he manage to do this . Well, its very simple, she asked him to give him a tube of lipstick, but he mixed it up and gave her a tube of superglue, his wife hasnt spoken to him for a week, and you know, i listened to this story, there was one family, that means they are there we agreed that on the even days of the week the husband will be to blame for all the troubles, and on the odd days the wife, well, on sunday, you know, for balance they gave it to the cat, you know, they dont swear at all, karen, we need to take it into account, yes, right now, by the way , a married couple will appear on stage, who swear only on stage when they portray other people, on stage valentin korkina and viktor ostroukhov, we meet, nowadays, money no longer has such a paramount importance, but such an attractive force as before, of course, of course, here it even seems to me that if now from the window of some apartment, during the day someone will throw a lot of money. Well, yes, of course, of course, well, so he takes it, so he throws it away, thats it, and why not throw it away, if its an extra one , thats right, well, its an extra one, why not throw it away, of course, of course, he takes it from another pocket like that, just like that so, oops, just like that, i think, no one will rush , where did you go, i say, no one will rush, neither you nor us, to pick up this money, well, if only one in a thousand, yes, to return, yes, but the rest, well, never, although sometimes still in our time they come across among us , with you, among you and me, sometimes they still come across, some, unfortunately, sometimes they only come across, but often they dont come across, i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway, citizen. Its not my fault, stop it, why are you making a joke here, but just like in the theatre, you admit, youll feel better, but thats okay, thank you, no, thank you, you admit, youll feel better, thats okay, thank you, thats not the case ok, during a search they found a million in your place, where did you get it from, someone who, who is it, interestingly, planted it in our time can give. A million, why are you talking like that, now anyone can do such a nasty thing, yes, yours is a million, the dog recognized you, she, they gave her a sniff, she immediately came to you, the dog, recognized, im seeing her for the first time, i have a sense for money, you know what kind of instinct, like this, let me smell it, i wont tell you right away what it is, but heres a dog, and what does she understand about money, but thats enough, stop it, by the way, there are fingerprints on every bill. Your fingers, and this is irrefutable evidence, honestly, not my million, but what i think is everything in the same thing, lets talk about something else, oh, okay , call a witness, swear, tell the truth, only the truth , what can you say about this case, i can say everything, and more specifically, i can say, more specifically, everything , lets, yes, theyre stealing, here, theyre stealing, a thief, and even more specifically , even more specifically, well. She stood up to the counter , put on her lipstick, turned away, theres no counter, okay, lets leave the counter alone, there you go you know this woman, what about valya korkina, heres val, whatever you want, ill tell you everything, nikolai told me a long time ago, dont mess with her, but to me you yourself want to live honestly, well, its right that im seeing it for the first time, like its the first time, no, im not like its the first time, no, you just didnt . Met . No, no, you just met, we met, youll hit me more than once a month, just like that, no, just, but when he says you dont have any money, i got you a job like that, you have three times more than your salary, how is that possible . , she says, i say, val, well, where is three times, and she tells me, put a million, yes, i work for that kind of money for 2 weeks, she says, i say, a good judge for that kind of money money, shes been working for 2 weeks, she says, youre not a judge, put in a million, or else youre out of luck . She says extortion, i say ohoh, oh, extortionist, here, give it up with your money, what if you havent got it yet, right . Why, well, why so and so, well, why . This is what you do, you encouraged her, after all, this is where all the evil comes from, i say, they encourage, and they encourage, but now it doesnt matter the evil one is coming, keep going, well, korkina, what do you say to this, shes lying thats it, theyre shielding themselves, how can he lie, why is everyone lying, everyone around is lying, youre the only innocent one, yes, then theyve swept you under the carpet, theyve swept you under the rug, call a representative of the organization, citizen bukhalkina, uh , the investigation has irrefutably proven that your employee korkina was involved in theft, bribery, fraud, profiteering, disgrace, abused her official position, yes dont interrupt me, its a shame in the apartment, the head is like a bad judge, i m talking in the apartment, cromat, im talking in the apartment, youre directly refusing to assure me, i m saying . They didnt find a large sum of money, a million rubles, that val, absolutely yes, thats it and its interesting to know what characterization the korkin collective gives, did you really think that everything is possible, yes, that everything is allowed, but youre wrong, you got caught the first time, what kind of characterization they gave you, you were given such a characterization, its not a shame to receive an order, somehow the second time once i got caught, what kind of characteristic did you give you, this is your characteristic. In five you can get a job, how is this the third time i got caught, what did you say, what did you promise, we believed you , we met you halfway, you are silent, its a shame, thats it, our patience is over, we blame ourselves, we well give such a characterization as, discuss everything from all sides, the team thinks, but theres no place for karkina, thats right, let her not be surprised by this, thats it, there s nothing, thats it, that theres no place for her, thats right, but in the dock, thats right, thats it, go, no , i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway, due to the fact that only one dog remains among the witnesses, the investigation is deciding the case against the accused, stop, i told you, im innocent. Fever in the previous episodes, the doctors here will simply be torn to pieces, mr. President , the russians know how to survive. They will come up with something, russian miologists continue to fight enbova, which is rampant in africa, i need discipline, if we dont have it, we will lose this battle, i and my russian colleagues are doing Everything Possible and even more, their colleagues in moscow are not sparing themselves, they are creating a new vaccine, i will worry and call, please raise the corpse, yes, creating a vaccine is a step, well, there are limits, i will answer for everything, but the real difficulties are still ahead, we are very much in the way of someone , nikolai ivanovich, which means the stakes are high, it looks like war has been declared on us, but we will win it, fever

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