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In power, so to speak, for more than a year, it can on. Will to wage two conflicts to supply two forces, they will need ukraine and now they can , so they need to hit now, because their factories have not yet reached full capacity, and their arsenals are already greatly depleted, nusi is conducting another, i cannot give the command to the chinese army , but the chinese think its good, everyone understands what he wants. Its just a blockade around taiwan, thats all, of course , but if the kuomintang wins, and then the kuomintang, then its all for him without a war, they win without a war, why bother, ill explain, because he needs to get confidence, he must be sure that the americans will not start a Color Revolution there in order to overthrow the kuomendan, listen, if if the guomendan wins there, they will now be able, they will be able to play a very serious game, which. In supporting internal forces, in developing local ones, they are destroying them, they all solve their problems without any clash, they organize a revolution , like every time they organize it, it s for us to organize a Color Revolution there in europe, if the chinese come there, there will be no more Color Revolutions. They tried to make it into hong kong, and what happened, well, it was quite difficult, it was quite a long time, dont forget that in taiwan the army is controlled by the americans, yes it is certainly controlled, but the thing is that if the gamindan wins now, who will give the order then, the army then this army will be the center of the coup, thats what were talking about, the army will say that everything has been worked out, and in parallel with this, there will be terrible events in the middle east. Its not all in the middle east; in the middle east, what is called a long streak began, but i say, out of three conflicts that the United States, they are pulling two, here are two conflicts, the second is with china, they will now hush it up, the fourth conflict, which the arab countries can easily play out if they want, is to move it inside europe inside the United States, a religious divide, but you already have now black lives meta has stated that they are for palestine. Now you already have so many politicians Walking Around with a palestinian badge, as siyavich talked about, who dont care, they say, dont touch it, you have in the same us army, how many muslims, you know, then, what will happen in europe, the United States now concerns very little, by god, he doesnt hear me, andrey, its completely understandable, if it happens there , it could break out inside america, such a division could happen, i remember how powerful the Islamic Movement was in america , bl is a tool, it is manageable enough. Which the americans later used, they said, well , okay, lets remember, the tool was the majahideen in afghanistan, the american tool, what did it lead to, what did it lead to, please, the taliban, what did it lead to, please, this is not on the territory, please, this was all a tool, there is no such terrorist organization that the americans would not stand behind, but i say this, this is not on the territory of the United States, the usa, anything can come, uncontrolled migration that goes through the south, there could be so much more in america, the migration that is going on, look, michael mccaul, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee, is now proposing to make a package, so biden says, lets combine, the administration is proposing into one package, we will unite the majority of the republicans. Majeri taylor greene, who say it is not necessary, it is impossible to combine ukraine and israel aid into one package. Makol suggests differently. He says lets unite, create such a single package, which will include israel, and ukraine, and the southern border, assistance to taiwan, all in one huge financial package, do you think this is playing at least the last hok its called, do you think this is play at least some role for the people who cross the southern border, yes , unite what you want, day, what. If, if this idea is accepted, whats the point, if the democrats accept this idea, yes, they will create a border, to catch this shield, this is a trumpian concept, he will never create it, how much money have they already spent there, since the bridges are tsonyuk, to catch everyone these who have already crossed the border, because you already have the side where you need to catch, you have the relatives of those whom you are going to catch, you have the level of pressure of illegal migrants. Well, trump tried and it didnt work, its right if everyone is against him are speaking out, in principle it is possible, by the way, it can unite the population of the southern states, or it can divide them, because there is already a spanishspeaking population there, evgeinovich, oh well, ill try to somehow talk through all this, at least while im in trouble here your topics are not enough. Hangs out in the eastern mediterranean, like a wellknown substance in prog, for a very simple reason, before the elections, biden needs to demonstrate some big life that has approached the shores of israel, and this is help, terribly cool, on the topic of iran bombing, im laughing at you. Obama, netanyahus personal enemy, and biden, too, who personifies him, they both tried to prevent each other from taking the first posts, obama directly tried to overthrow biwi, and bivi, for the first time in history , worked with congress so that obama would not be elected to a second term, so democrats just rushed to save israel, just if they dont. Symbolize with a gesture that they are for israel, well, that means they fly away like plywood over paris, there will be no money, no jewish votes, at the very least, but 5 million out of six American Jews will vote against them, thats all, a symbol, plus the second factor, americans who are killed, americans who are captured by hamas, if the american president does not demonstrate that he will now tear everyone apart for american citizens, then who is he , what else will trump say to him, thats all he said, well, trump said a lot of things, this is the first, second, and we looked here, there were very interesting topics, where did hamas come from, and what about 2 years of a great game of disinformation, on at all levels, dosed information from hamas, shawaku, masada. The Army Authorities are paralleled by severe corruption, breaches in the security fence, a shitload and more, even on the west bank, even in gaza, and general trade in everything, including humanitarian aid, under these and weapons stolen from israeli bases, in some alliance of israeli , military and individual special services, and palestinian. Smugglers, thats it, over the last 2 years the number of m16 palestinians has sharply increased, cartridges have become more expensive, i already told you this morning, the km16 cartridge cost three shekels, now costs 20, and abumazan has his own game, everyone else has their own game, business is business, i remember genosar when the former head of shabak transferred money to arafat to his personal accounts in apolin bank during the intifada, it was like that, and then suddenly atraka died, for some reason he didnt have sarcoma , suddenly, when the investigation began, for some reason he died very quickly, guys, lets not underestimate the level of corruption of the Israeli Security and political bloc today, someone can argue with me on this topic whatever, at least kedmi, at least everyone else, but it means that if this continues, in the next 10, maximum 15 years, i believe that israel may not remain, however, i read the same thing about the americans and us, china, turkey, and i will remain i believe in our future, i hope, there is a big difference, and then, the flow of weapons has been tracked, something ukrainian, especially through sudan, iranian through somalia, the traditional route has already become, somali, like pirates, who became merchant smugglers to sinai, from there by land in gas, even last for a couple of years, the egyptians have been quiet on the topic of fighting tunnels, i repeat once again, money is a big thing, and factories producing missiles and ammunition in gas, they did not come out of nowhere. The game of disinformation by the Israeli Intelligence services is professional, many thanks, including to the transition of hamas to telegram, while the israelis are tracking. In the know, framed hamas, its tasks so that hamas does not exist, if the israelis destroy hamas, he will be happy and egypt, and the saudis, and of course the emirates, for which hamas, and strictly speaking, except katara turuk. All the arab leaders, they will tell you that israel is such a dog, yes , they will communicate with the israelis on everything, including behind closed doors, their power is closer to the body, the street, yes, it will be swung against israel, but israel has a chance, to survive or not to survive, a simple, stupid chance, and 15 years ago i gave about an hourlong report in the bundestag about 50 pages, and since then i have also figured out a lot, there will be no palestinian state next to israel, it can only be instead of israel, the one who he doesnt understand, hes a fool, and this is due to the peculiarities of the palestinian mentality, why refugee camps, palestinians, are the only postwar refugee camps that exist now. You can go 5 km to sit in gaza or on the west bank from your village, youre done, go back to haifa, tel aviv, wherever you want, thats where you ll be on your own land, this is clearly tracked by the palestinian clans, tribes and suutnic groups, i repeat once again, we are the first and last in russia, here who has tracked this, besides us there is no one one material. And to the one who makes up the palestinian arabs, they were invented by the un, yes, kurds, circassians, italians, french, germans, remained from the times of the crusades, many of the kurds do not even speak arabic, sarani, zaza, there, this there is a fact that no one takes into account, no one can sign a peace treaty with israel, erafat could not, so he did not sign it. The people who will kill are those who do not receive land, the palestinian state will not be a home for all palestinian refugees, this is impossible. Pakistanis and indians have their own 2025 million postwar, the germans integrated refugees, about 12. 5 million were expelled from eastern europe. We have no postwar refugees, only the palestinians remain. Why . Because i repeat once again, go back and live there, the israelis who started the peace process, my good old friend, and the old fool, shimon peres, did not understand this, and the niqab, nitanyahu, and none of them, all thought that they would buy the palestinians, this is impossible, so they bought hamas, today the question is not about palestinian state. As a solution to the problem, but a solution to the problem of the palestinians, as people, as a people , i have seen too many children in gaza and i know what they look like, in order to say that the state solves their problems, this is all speculation, because look at the share of the organizations budget United Nations department dealing with palestinians, from 10 to 15 , in the nineties there were 2, i spoke about this problem with the level of the un deputy secretary general, they cannot do it, individual refugees are first class, principle, all generations are refugees, everyone else, first generation of refugees, the rest settle down as they want, about 200 million refugees went through the un, through the commissariat for refugees, refugees there replace each other, but there are more of them, yes, of course, postwar, i m telling you, indiapakistan 2025 million , everyone decided that pervez musharraw was muhajir, he was sitting in the camp with the keys to his palace in delhi and the bank account number, he became the president of pakistan, created as a command, became a general. The palestinians cannot, this is a fact, solve the problem with the state, solve it it is necessary for specific people, and not for a theoretical model , which allows the theft mainly by european and american officials, from 5 to 7 of the money for the palestinians is given by muslims throughout the muslim world, the rest is europe and america, and corruption there has been brought to the level of billions of dollars. Arafat was one of the richest people on the planet, i dont know his financial advisor, khaled salami, or something, who still owns all his accounts, you cant even kill him, because then the money will disappear from my friend covered in paper. Okay guys, this is all very nice. But this is such a dead end, this is business, a huge business , no one has built a palestinian state, is not building and will not build, which is why palestinian businessmen invest about 15 percent in the palestinian economy, maximum, about 50 percent in israel, dividing between the jewish sector and the arab , israeli business, settlement movements, the rest goes to jordan, which is why the only money that goes in gas, in gas from hamas, is the new israeli shekel, they refused to go for the egyptian pound, just think, guys, people want a state, but for some reason they refuse to switch to the currency , there are no palestinian pounds of their own, why do the israelis take it, okay, israeli politicians are to blame for what is happening in gas much more than everyone else whoever i know, i spoke 100 times with my acquaintances from gaza, who said, damn you jews, brought this bandit from tunisia to us, why are you doing this and not the last people. So excuse me, im very angry, now either israel will end hamas or it wont exist, but the problem is that netanyahus promise, everything that his ministers blurt out, is not worth a penny, its huge. The role in what happened, i ll finish now, is huge, this is a fight between the ministers of the current government for control over the security agencies, in which its a complete mess, everything we have is what we wear, advertising, its time to bring in the heavy artillery, only a vaccine will save us now, premiere on rtr, promise me to be careful, you tell me more than you tell your husband, and you refused to go with me, but now youre driving a car, what happened, somethings going on, no, you cant do that, fever, tomorrow at rtr, i think. That everything is more serious here, you sit and think, theres no need to think about it, here its all about it, to play or not to play, yes, yes, thats it, there cant be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale animal , when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see. I had i mean, of course, the bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, the hint is simply the most gambling team, if 1000 is not there , zhenya will add his own, which many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a fiveonone program, im oops, five on one on saturdays on rtr, we know each other, zhenya , we studied in the same class, i was once betrayed by a man whom i loved very much, i dont understand, you say he went to moscow with vera, they will get married there. Olga arndgolts, why cant we go back to the past . Alexey fatiev, but we have a real one. Your husband is cheating on you. I am pregnant. Cant you step into the same water twice . I dont love her. The child must have a father and a mother of the ninth wave. Jack, ive decided everything. I dont want to stay anywhere else without you. On sunday on rtr. Znachinovic. You are, of course, an outstanding specialist, i have learned a lot of new things for myself, but the idea, as i understand it, of a palestinian state, it is fundamental in the resolution of the United Nations, and today, when we are talking about this topic, the president of the Russian Federation is very precisely here today talks with a journalist from egypt who hosted the event, and then there was such a conversation afterwards, an interview with the alekhad tv channel after the Plenary Session of the Russian Energy week, lets listen. You called what is happening there now an example of the failure of us policy in the region. Do you think that after what happened and is still happening , and honors the United States, all this will change politics. I dont know this, you need to ask them. The fact that this is a failure is an obvious thing, why . I believe this is exactly the case . Because i already i just spoke to our session, the United States has practically moved away from the Previous International instruments for resolving this problem, in which several countries were included in these instruments, including russia, they practically monopolized the settlement process, well, as you know, on at some stage , the Palestinian Authority had to. Make a number of serious statements to say that on the principles on which it is proposed to resolve something, it is not ready to do this, and, first of all, connected, of course, with israels settlement policy, our position has always been clear, understandable, transparent, it is well known to our friends in palestine and the israeli leadership, i personally, we have always talked about the same thing it is necessary to implement the previously adopted decisions of the Security Council un right up to the creation of an independent sovereign palestinian state, since this was originally envisaged during the creation of israel itself, the issue is complex, it is very sensitive, but at the moment, of course, we need to refrain from making harsh statements, and not it is necessary, no matter what, there is no need to insult. Losses among the civilian population, all actions, if they cannot be avoided, must be selective, and it is necessary to minimize threats and losses among innocent women, children, old people, this is known, i think, not causing a conflict , because if this happens, it will have an impact on the International Situation as a whole, and not just on the region, and you probably know now that the United States has brought the largest Aircraft Carrier closer to israel, and what do you think about this step . You you call him . I dont see any sense from a Military Point of view, ive already said, there s a session now, but why, what are they going to do, strike with the help of carrierbased aircraft, where, against whom . Uh . I just dont see the point from a Military Point of view, first second, second, this could be an element of such militarypolitical support, well, yes, but in my opinion now we need to deal with not not the military side of the matter, but diplomacy, we need to look for a way cessation of hostilities, and the sooner the better, first and second. Return to negotiations a process that, the process itself must be acceptable to all parties , including the palestinians, and now there is an opportunity for diplomacy, russia was a member of the quartet, the international quartet, i talked about it, there is an opportunity to resume the work of this form, why not , we have a very strong business relationship with israel, we have had friendly relations with palestine for decades, this is our. Friends know about this and russia, in my opinion, could also make its own contribution, its contribution to this process with regulation, but this acuteness such that, well, in my opinion, we dont see anything like this anywhere. Calls for inside israel, for the palestinians to move to sinai in egypt, how do you evaluate these calls . Its difficult for me to give any assessments. The state, in my opinion, is not something that can lead to peace, please, well, i want to shift our attention a little, so to speak, to how in the east, in fact, what is the attitude in the east to those events. Which is happening in the middle east, well, i ll start first, of course, with the country of sian, where it very clearly confirms this, what our president said regarding the fact that the muslim world, wherever it is , will act on the side of the palestinians, so this conflict, it split the countries of ocean, indonesia, malaysia, malaysia, so in general Anwar Ibrahim is the Prime Minister malaysia wrote that he is with the people of palestine, he sympathizes with them, the indonesians too , the indonesians, they had a hospital there in gaza and one volunteer died there, so they also come out from the position of supporting the palestinians, on the other hand, singapore came out completely on on the israeli side, in general, he supported the position of europe and america, thailand also took a certain position, because they have 30,000 people in israel, 18 thais died during all these events, so the position of thailand, however, is the same as vietnam. It is generally average, that is, they call for peace, for a Un Resolution for the creation of a palestinian state, of course, chinas position here is of particular interest, because it is clear that chinas interests are huge in this region, the americans fought against these interests, and many even believe that the events in libya that were, that was the main organ of the event to drive the chinese out of the rare earths that they had come from building the red sea railroad that they were going to do from libya to sudan. Now its very interesting, firstly, there are now maneuvers of chinese and saudi troops in china, now all this is happening, but the most important thing is different, the most important thing is that its interesting to see what s happening, now heres a visit, an american senator led democrat, chuck schumer, and there was a lot going on there interesting events, on october 9, china accordingly issued a statement, which, as the americans said, did not contain any assessment and no condemnation. Of the actions of the palestinians on israeli territory. So what happens next . The next day, the chinese make another statement in which they say that they are very sad and that under no circumstances should they kill the worlds population, and the Chinese Ambassador to israel remembers this israelichinese woman and says that this is very bad, and that china strongly condemns similar actions in relation to the civilian population. That is, moreover, when this delegation arrived. It was unclear whether sizimpin would accept them or not, because recently a huge number of american emissaries went to china , right up to the patriarch, up to henry kissenger, all blinken were there, and salvan met, and even yellin went there in relation to all financial issues, in general, all this was somehow very unsuccessful, but now, now there are also very interesting events, xing xingping stated that there are thousands of reasons for americanchinese relations have been good and there is. Not a single reason that suggests that these relations were bad, that is, this is a very clear statement, if you add this statement that we and the United States can. So to speak, by and large, to establish at least some order and control this world, in a broad context, of course, then we can generally recall obamas idea, remember, this is the g2, c2, yes, when obama actually proposed to china to share the burden leadership in this world, then the chinese refused, and speaking at this very same Chinaeuropean Union summit in europe , the minister of Foreign Affairs there said that we will not. We will never agree to this, because there are peoples of the world who must decide that we do not want to dominate and so on and so forth, so we can say that you understand, china now has very good reasons for pursuing this paradoxical policy, because the policy of direct logic says absolutely correctly, as you pointed out to vladimir, that now the United States is weakened, that there are big internal problems in the middle east, ukraine, and if only they were under a blockade now. But this is not happening, on the contrary, on the contrary, we are seeing that china is taking steps towards the United States. I think there are a number of reasons, of course, related to this. The first is the complication of the Economic Situation in china. We must not forget that in the twenty second year, chinas surplus from trade with the United States amounted to 422 billion. You see, these are huge funds that china today vitally needs for accelerating the development of its economy. Carrying out various kinds of structural reforms, this is the first second, these are, of course, events in taiwan. China is apparently negotiating with the United States to ensure that the coming victory of the guomedang is accepted and that it does not happen, as many here correctly said that the guomedang comes to power, the army immediately removes it, because for one simple reason, it suspects it is that there will be contacts with Mainland China and politics will be in some way, that is. Apparently there was a conversation about certain guarantees, and third, you see, china is now extremely interested in something other than what the United States is interested in, because i believe that the United States is pursuing a clear policy of controlled chaos, this is visible everywhere, because again, direct logic says, well, here they are they didnt finish the job, they didnt finish it there, they didnt do something there, but plunging the world into chaos is precisely in the general interest. Of the states, because in this situation it is much easier to maintain its leadership and dominance than in so to speak, a developing situation in which china will naturally, so to speak, more and more, so to speak, push the United States into second place under the only condition that your country continues to be a quiet haven where capital flees from those regions where you brought chaos, yes , i agree with this, of course, but thats why china is interested in what china is interested in today, okay, its interested in open markets, its interested in huge trade, because china today actually acts as the main factory of the world, and for open borders for him, and for him Free Movement of capital, that is, what he proclaimed is one train, one way, this is vital, because the entire chinese economy, this will give a new very serious impetus, so i think, weighing on the scales, what is better to do now, either improve the situation in taiwan, taking advantage of this whole. Situation , or wait, resolve a whole series of issues that are being resolved today by the chinese leadership, i think they chose the second, but at the same time i i want the last one add that we should not be surprised, so to speak, by these steps of china , because it is clear that china , first of all, always pursues its goals and interests, this must be completely clearly understood, where we coincide with it, we with it we are ready to work together, and he is ready to work with us, where he has his own, so to speak, his own view, his own policy. He will do this himself , always constantly, but at the same time we must clearly understand that there is one red line, the deterioration of our relations with china is absolutely unacceptable for china, because chinas main goal, global dominance in the world, without an alliance with russia, without russias support, without using , so to speak, our resources and relations with us, is practically impossible, so on this side, i can say, there is a completely clear red line, we can be absolutely calm that our relations will never go beyond certain limits, despite the improvement, possible improvement of chinas relations with the United States, especially if xijinping goes to San Francisco and meets with biden. Is china not cutting its military budget . Its huge, what are we talking about . And this shows that you can reread the sunzas. And the fact that this kind of improvement is now underway does not mean at all. A cunning plan, it could be a maneuver, it could be anything, anything. Although no one knows whether there was at least one battle that sunzi won, but thats another question, well, sunzi may not have won a single battle, but he did, but the chinese comrades study World Military history, apparently very well, mistakes some powers that had the courage, and perhaps the arrogance, to challenge a state that was stronger at that time, well , i mean germany in both world wars, in particular the naval strategy germany in the Second World War provided for the very possibility of fighting on an equal footing , a relatively equal naval war with Great Britain no earlier than forty fifth year, in which year germany entered the war, started the war, or rather, unleashed the state of the creeksmarine fleet and it is not surprising that churchill called raider battleships, pocket the germans have beautiful, but already cut flowers, uh, china probably has about their military analysts right now. A similar situation is that it is still too early to openly challenge the americans in the naval theater of operations and indeed they will prefer to delay the resolution of the security issue, you just imagine what will happen if the northern part of the Pacific Ocean becomes a nofly zone for maritime trade, this is the collapse of the world economy, the americans only need to block the strait of malata and the entire volume of Chinese Maritime cargo turnover is simply closing, and the northern sea route has not yet. Been fully developed to block it with what . Yes, thats interesting, with their own, or at that time already allies, who they are now actively courting, physically, which also takes time, american, they also need time, and now the americans and the chinese need time, while china has an advantage in hypersonics , while china, by the way , has a number of ships in its fleet, and the number of ships and fleet they are building very intensively, do you count the japanese yet, no, no, the japanese have not yet had time to acquire, and most importantly, hypersound, because with hypersound, these increasingly large vessels become a wonderful obstacle, so which of the two powers, the usa or china, will have an effective hypersonic, which, in fact, russia already has, china there is also, he will dictate too, but lets say so, lets wait for real combat use in order to understand whether there is or not and that there will be a big war, as for the middle east, well, and europe, which is closer to me, the europeans really played with support for both the Palestinian Authority and various quasistates, because the gas strip is with hamas, but this is also kosovo, indeed, this is a quasistate, which, well, lays claim to the same as ikhbala vlivan, in fact a state within a state, so ulunder declared unconditional support of the eec of israel, but in principle this fits into the political logic of europe, for how many years, for example, the same bundeswehr has been providing military support to the Lebanese Armed forces, of which, according to corruption and even official schemes, weapons are flowing to, well, lets say, organizations that are not entirely friendly towards israel, israel regularly accuses, even germany, of in fact, of armed support of individual groups and organizations, respectively, elon musk recently said, in fact, its far from new, quite even a banal, but very poignant thought for modern europe. But now there will be even more fire in the middle east, but what will happen in europe itself . Even about 10 years ago , a german journalist in his line of books, including he wrote an excellent book, the great balkans of europe , where he wrote, well, look, you are now flirting with uncontrolled migration from the countries of mainly the maghreb, the middle east, afghanistan there, you are creating a second balkans for yourself, kreuzbeg districtlina, about him jokes that this is the largest turkish city in europe, accordingly, how do the diaspora from these countries in europe behave in the context of support . Authorities, the number of manifestations of antisemitism in various forms in everyday life is growing year by year, but the germans are embarrassed to admit that up to 80 of incidents are related to antisemitism, these are people from neighboring countries. The east is embarrassed to admit that those refugees, hardworking and nonsmokers, who live in abundance in berlin, in stuttgart, there in dortmund, to put it mildly, are not very inclined to comply with the norms of tolerance and Political Correctness that are established in europe, and this is really big , big problem, that one is global a big fire or a pie with troubles that the americans caused in the middle east, in ukraine, perhaps in the Pacific Ocean, all this will still happen and indeed, these three are. Tension zones and europe with possible major interethnic, interreligious conflicts, and nothing is worse, there are no religious wars , we all know this very well, all this will work for. The flow of minds, the flow of technology, the flow of finances into a safe haven, which in this context will represent precisely the United States, already now German Companies are moving into interrupted technologies, the most talented employees, after the fortyfifth year the germans themselves admitted that the greatest losses were not even the losses of those killed in the war, there were from bombings, not destroyed cities, not loss of territories, brain drain, tens of thousands of german scientists and patents ended up in the United States and continue this milking of the big european cow, well, i think that the americans will help them, they will do everything to turn their country into such a hell, because so far what they are doing, of course, is some kind of fantastic level of madness, i think now all americanists look at it like that and say, are you serious, that is, all the impossible scenarios all happen, that is, it just says this, you are doing this on purpose , ship of fools, remember the years, the years, the people who have now come to power, the sixties, as if they didnt let a cannon shot, well, well, its just a mockery, you can imagine, but listen, he was a genius compared to those who rules now, compare with biden, compare with biden, did you have such a thing that you had three leaders hanging out at the same time, well, no, well, three leaders hanging out, you didnt, you, well, of course, you actually had such, such a gerantophilic campaign, youre actually looking at that, to their senate, congress, that you are all serious, people who cannot vote, for whom the presented nurse says she, no, what is this anyway . No, well, its really a mockery, yes, there is, there is, there was one crisis, here is another crisis, but the fact is that before it seemed that not smart people can come to power there, but the system works in such a way that the level of their idiocy will not allow it. Not yet volodya, the system is still working, another thing is that it is of course the internal system that causes more failures, the number of drug addicts has become crazy, terrible, well, really, if you look at the judicial system, well, in particular the judicial system in general, that is, trust in the judicial system has collapsed, oh, how in the early sixties they looked at the hippies, yes, the hippies were not the judicial system, no, they were not the judicial system , the system that these hippies all equal, wait, well, you have them, firstly, they were soft drugs, and most importantly, look, hipe were still a society in the end, so, you know, they grew up like that, they were taken over and they were broken, here you have whats happening, your system has begun to fall apart, your staff has begun to fall apart, your army is turning into something unclear, you have Police Officers who dont want to serve, dont understand whats happening, you have a decline in elements, most importantly, your quality of life is sagging, your standard of living is sagging. Your level of education now the grandfathers lived there better than the fathers live, than their grandchildren live, the crisis may be different and its characteristics may be, im not saying that the United States will cope, but for now, at least, they can do something, it is systemic that the patriates the act killed america, because what pulled them all out was freedom, this idea of ​​what is after the patriot act was done, they suddenly turned into enough. Dystopia, a totalitarian state that manifests itself in the absolutely worst way, and look, you, well, classic polina, you have formed this Political Class that does not see, does not hear and cannot govern, the hippies did not rule america, the hippies were not part of the Political Class, aleksandrovich, well, ill have to correct you, vladimirovich, because that those who were hippies are in power in germany today, these are the greens, germany, germany. The hard way, in principle , they conquered germany, in fact, one can say so, i just recently, by chance , caught my eye an excerpt of some television program, kohl and an old man were sitting there old willie brand, they are talking , you listen to their conversation, its not interesting what they are talking about, you get intellectual, moral pleasure, you see sitting, sitting, two politicians who know. And they are arguing, heatedly, talking, i imagined that now scholz and berbock would sit down and they would start talking, well, i dont even know what they could be talking about, what they could talk about, although on friday scholz gathers everyone for big conversation, and on friday a big crisis headquarters is meeting, the socalled migrant issue, this has directly related to what we are talking about today, in germany the question has long been raised about what we will do with migrants, but in particular everyone translates this mainly into socalled illegal migration, but in fact everyone understands that of course, what will happen on friday to illegal migration is very far, far away relations, the question is about future migration and the question is about what to do with the migration that already exists in the country, and whether this migration can be curbed , against the backdrop of the war in israel . Today i, too, including on my channel , published a piece of video of a fight between a teacher of a palestinian teenager, who fought because you were talking about the flag, it was the same thing, and the palestinian boy, well, the boy is already decent there. A teenager, a physical one, pulled out a flag, started waving the flags, they were in the school yard, they got into a fight, and we are not talking about the flag, we are talking about the fact that the boy was waving this flag and shouting hamas slogans, that is, we are talking specifically about activists, hamas activists, who used this goes a certain way instrumentalization, but what we just heard, saw in one school, this is now in germany, at least in berlin, this is already a complete line, that is, now it already writes there is a special committee that deals with issues of violence in school, they write in german schools, mainly in schools where arabs, arabicspeaking people go, there are a lot of such schools, thats right, in kreusberg, in neukolln, in other areas, in these schools, they dont know what will happen next, because the level of aggression increases among schoolchildren, those who support hamas and speaks out and supports hamas, and those who are against, on this. A wave of antisemitism begins to grow among young people, and then what to do, what is the question, because the police, well, at a demonstration, the German Police can handle it, but what will they do in school . Water cannons, rubber sticks of some kind, or they will shoot from injuries, or they will wring their hands, the German Police will not do this, they will not do this a priori, because it is prohibited, firstly by law, and secondly, they cannot direct german policy against teenagers, say 13 or twelveyearolds, the maximum they can do is they will be able to stand and watch, and this means that the question of the possible transfer of the civil war to schools has begun, and we know that here are youth revolutions that can begin in schools, then spread to Higher Education , secondary educational institutions, they can engulf the country in such flames in a very short time that no one will help this if. Students take to the streets and these battles that i m talking about now begin, god forbid, if they will begin then this is a civil war, which then, you know, its like a match, from which all these sparks will then come out , a flame will ignite from the spark, and there will be a flame, ohohoh, what a flame, here, of course, some information comes out, which focus magazine published, i talked to evgeniemovich before the program , he certainly gave a brilliant performance there, thank you, i listened with pleasure, listened to all this, well , this is it. What im going to say now relates a little to this, it turns out , well , actually, i knew this was germany provided humanitarian assistance to the socalled Palestinian Authority, they allocated about 350 Million Euros every year, this comes from special funds, various humanitarian funds, and through various nonprofit organizations, this money was sent to palestinian organizations, it became known that most of this money already in palestine, ended up in. But the germans called them the hamaz martyrs funds, that is, from these funds they paid for pensions, including the accommodation of those, well, as they call them martyrs, who committed yes, who are members, not necessarily those who died, for example, those who are in israeli prisons, for committing, they receive for every day from sitka, they receive money, and decent money up to several thousand. Euros, so this money is actually per month, not per day, not per day, per month, per month, of course, but i said per day, yes, no, no, i just didnt specify the period, per month, of course, they get, well, according to those, according to that level, this very big money, so the question is asked, what happens is that the German Government financed hamas, after all, they should have known about this, because, as far as i know, as far as various sources write, that this is happening, israel has repeatedly formed the German Government, including through these funds, and said that the guys, look what you are doing, you are financing terrorist organizations, here of course , there is this duality, this duplicity, such a twofaced janus of german politics, and when on the one hand they say, no, no, lets go for a palestinian state, on the other hand they finance activists hamas, after all, berbok, when this massacre began in israel, her first speech was, no, we wont stop, as much as we gave, we will give as much, then 2 days passed, well, or someone knocked on her head there, or she had already read it, understood something there, she said no, of course , we have to turn off the question with this help , its not necessary at all, there is no brain there, it s difficult, i agree, with this, with this its difficult, its a pity i dont have time to translate some of her speeches, except those that are already known in russia, well, this is what they are talking about, the level of degradation is such, well, vladi vladimirovich, on this topic he politely said that in europe it is very, so now, now a question that, i think, will arise, including on friday this at this crisis meeting, this is not only a question of financing, but one will have to answer how they went where. This money and how to now pay off, in quotes, of course, pay off with israel, because this issue will inevitably arise, germany, which constantly declares, we have a special responsibility to israel, its clear why, but somehow this special responsibility is not visible, in all these issues , but germanys special responsibility to russia, but we see clearly, now israel will know what germanys special responsibility is, thats all, see you tomorrow. How good, i havent been to the theater for a long time, six months, it seems, yes, but whose fault is it . Well, dont help me, but for whom . Look, i took a ticket and you remember to the ballet, so you had two corpses, and on new years eve, remember, i took a ticket to the drama theater, and so your fight with werewolves in uniform began, you see, because of the werewolves, theres no way, well, yes, of course, well, where are these couple of theatergoers, or do they also prefer anatomical theater to dramatic theater . Oh, here they are, hello, chita vinokurovs, hello, by the way, i didnt change my last name, oh, well, lets go to a meeting with. Oh, hello, im listening to the vinokurovs, forgive me for interrupting you so late, and what s more on a day off, but im on duty in the city, heres the thing, it would be better if you drove up yourself, comrade mayor, youd better come here, whats their number, theres an emergency, send a car, i understand, zhenya, whats in the legal is it bad luck in circles to take your husbands last name . Why . The belyaevas have lived for 100 years, in perfect harmony under one surname. Now, maybe this is the whole point. Dima, are you tired of living with prosecutors . No, come on, this has its own charm. Good evening. Hello, what are your documents . Oh yes, please, just a second. Whats the matter . Yes, what are your grounds for checking the documents. Literate , maybe you should go to the aquarium for a couple of hours for general development, youll be even more literate, not you, but you, wait, dont get excited, the girl probably hasnt heard about the antiterror operation, oh, thats the thing, you would have immediately said that the fight against terrorism, here you go , the documents, you see, the documents are in order, rest, thank you very much, what are you doing, well, i gave them money, what is it . The fight against terrorism, in general, is a disgrace, i will complain, we need to initiate a case, that they wanted money or something . Stop, wait, did you give them money or something . Well, why . Why didnt you call us . Well, what should i do if my wife is not around . Why are you often detained . Yes every day, im a famous terrorist, here you are dima, you encourage corruption, and then we wonder where so many bribetakers come from, well, thank god, they finally found the culprit that the police are taking bribes, thank you very much. Well, as i understand it, these two are going to work, well, you and i, like normal people, are going to watch the play, wait, what happened there, murder, worse, zhenya, dont worry, lets go watch the play, well, lets go, whats wrong with him, he was upset that once again we didnt get to the theater, and before he had a car over there. You see, this is robbery, pure robbery, they approached me, demanded my documents, searched me, and took my wallet. How much money was, how much, how much, i dont remember how much, somewhere around 2,000 dollars, rubles too, a credit card, a cell phone, damn, they showed you their id, no, yeah, before they hit me in the face, they didnt introduce themselves, and youre the boss here, so where are you looking, where are you looking, they dismissed their workers, not only do they. They rob on the street, they also dont catch mice, the Prosecutors Office has already written about this, theyve written , to no avail no, but nothing, lets say, lets say, lets say, tomorrow he meets with the vicegovernor, at least in this form, about what, i will talk to him in this form, and although you dont care, okay, okay, lets see how you then youll sing, sorry. Maxim vitalievich, i barely got through to you, oh, i need a doctor, i dont need a doctor, this is my lawyer, well, well excite, naturally, interrogate Ivan Ivanovich, and ill go with the duty unit and sort it out, uh, all the guards here. Urgently, today they took a big shot from your tv to the copstop, but god forbid, dont bring me back tomorrow, theyll punch some deputy in the face, why are you standing there like pillars, i said, all the guards are here, well sort it out, good evening, the crows have flocked, well, marya sergeevna, lets arrest everyone, everyone in the kutusku, what the hell . Come here, ill talk to them in my own language, well, maryaevna, well, we screwed up, i have to repeat it 10 times already, the guards here, all the guards currently serving, urgently come to the district office. Order from the head of the rvd, zhenya, you are in vain looking for your husband with his eyes, he is work, like my wife, yes, yes, maybe well go see them at the rvd, i have another proposal, lets go to a decent restaurant, have dinner and there well discuss not the corpses, but the theatrical production, okay. Lets go, please, from there well call vinokurov, well, we agreed, and masha, okay, volodya, give one of the guys, ill fly to the place, who will i give you, the search is empty, and one of our own , there is probably someone, only fyodor is sitting on his trousers, look, he will sit you down while you are Walking Around the theaters, then you and i i walked around the theaters, listen, arent you tired of all this, should i enter yet . Well, you know, how they were pulled out of the theatre, it seemed like they were tired of everything, but when i arrived at the scene of the crime , nothing was good, happy, okay, ill go get fedor out of the house, thank you, you think hes a terrible murder, he reveals it, he locked himself up there with the girl, with olga, but i dont know, and i dont want to know, you take the victim to his place, no, ill look around myself, in principle, i understood where it was, but let Ivan Ivanovich interrogate him, well, come down, now ill tell you. Hello marya sergeevna, hello olya. I wonder what such a deaf person got into . I dont know. Did you take a flashlight . Mary sergeevna, youre offending me, but what, it wont seem like a big hit to the head like that, you dont need to hand it over to the weapons department, and by the way, its not scary to lose. Marya sergeevna, is it somewhere here . Seems like. Oh, look, look, marya sergeevna, look, the latest model in a titanium case, wait, dont grab it, maybe there are fingerprints there, so i wanted to ask you for a long time, how old are you now, but no, you just still believe in fairy tales. About the fact that fingerprints remain on phones, thats all if its still not enough, call witnesses and a criminologist. The head of the department lay down to rest. Thank god, my ears are already ringing from this boss. Central stepanov, why are you yelling in your ear . Stepanov, are you crazy . I already dont have enough guards, im about to expose my land if the head of the department of internal affairs has something in store. Let him collect it after the shift, i told you, the bosss order, marya sergeevna, were done, well, hell identify , well, actually he didnt name the signs, yeah, but he said, if he sees someone beaten again, or something, hell recognize the scoundrels ok, lets show it to him the guards who are on duty today, uhhuh, please give us a room for identification, more, how many guards will there be, about 20 people. Wow, but you dont need to look for substitutes, assign him all of them at once and let him identify, he will solve all the problems, oh, my heart feels, all the problems are just beginning, hello, dad, lidenko, ovalov, yes, he was detained at our Police Station on suspicion of murder, i need to get my father out of prison, she was looking for justice, and he . Nanny, ive already given an announcement, everything will be fine well, one day their paths crossed, im katya, hello, i called you, pavel trubener, i know who you are, a sorceress, alexandra ursulyak, and i didnt think you were a romantic, what are you even doing here, i think you and especially the owner of this apartment, it will be very interesting to know who katya is . Outsider, on friday on rtr. You look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with preparation, the name of which character from pushkins works everyone knows, how much it will be 7. 8, 7. 8, who is at work a lot and

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